Lights, Camera, Marriage?. (Part Two).
Hey everyone turns out I made a mistake there were supposed to be three girls instead of two but we actually have four. The two most popular at the time of this coming out are Jasmine and Izzy with a tie between Emma and Ella for third place. So I guess that means you are "married" to ten girls...Have fun surviving that mess.
Lindsay: Alright everyone, places!.
All the girls were in position and you weren't happy.
Y/n: I don't want to act anymore.
Courtney: Why not babe?.
Y/n: It's a long story. I'm not comfortable talking about it.
Bridgette: Well try just your best sweetie, we're all here for you.
Bridgette kisses you on the nose making you blush a bit and you smile.
Y/n: Thank you Bridge.
Bridgette blushes a bit and everyone starts speaking their lines, you put an eye patch around your black eye from Duncan and get into a different set, getting into a large bed waiting for your part.
Zoey: Okay, so the first scene is in the morning in the kicthen, just a normal morning until something goes completly wrong.
Amy: I should've been one of his brides, I'm hotter than all of those girls.
Samey: Just shut up!.
Sierra: And...ACTION!.
Chris: Okay teens now that you've all filmed your little shows, let's see how you did, we'll start with the girls show. "How I married 10 girls"
Chris plays the clips and the show starts.
Courtney was "cooking" some food in a pot for the rest of the girls
Emma: What's cooking good looking?.
Courtney: Well, it's your favorite breakfest, you know the one I made after our honeymoon.
Dakota: Ah I remember that day...The worst day of my life.
Courtney hits her with a wooden spoon and the girls chuckle.
Dakota: I'm just messing around.
Bridgette: So where's our darling?.
Heather: He's still asleep, you know how he is?.
Jasmine: He's always so busy, he barely has anytime for us.
Lindsay: Well maybe for you...
Ella: Maybe someone should go wake him.
Izzy: I'm on it!.
Izzy goes but gets stopped by everyone else.
Emma: You are...not the right person to wake him up, remember last time?.
Izzy: It was just some fireworks.
Courtney: Don't worry, I'll get him up.
Courtney blows the smell of some food into a vent and the steam travels up to your room where you are sleeping in a large bed, your nose smells the food and you do an undertaker sit up and stare dead at the camera being held by Sierra.
Y/n: Bacon.
You rush out of the room and trip down the stairs, yelling a different cuss word as you fall down the stairs before landing on the cold hard floor.
Y/n: My back!.
Lindsay: Oh my gosh, are you okay!?.
Heather: I told you we shouldn't have gotten those new stairs!.
Dakota: I thought it was a good option, they match with the floor-
Emma: Doesn't matter when the man we love is dead!.
You mutter something well on the ground and the girls help you into a chair.
Courtney: Here darling, have some breakfest.
Y/n: As long as it doesn't hurt me then please.
Courtney puts some bacon on a plate and you finish it in about five seconds.
Y/n: I don't know how you make this stuff so good.
Bridgette: Here darling, would you like a message?.
Y/n: Please.
Bridgette starts messaging your shoulders and you make all kinds of relaxing sounds.
Y/n: That's really good-
Izzy: I can do better than that.
Izzy shoves Bridgette away and trys to do what she only you start screaming in pain as she's trying to pop your arm out of your socket.
Samey: Stop, you are gonna hurt him!.
Y/n: More than she already has!.
Jasmine being the strong one lifts Izzy ups and takes her away from you.
Izzy: But I was doing I good job.
Y/n: Well, It's time to go to work.
Girls: What!.
Y/n: Yeah, I've got to go in early, got to make that money somehow.
Bridgette: Babe, you are running yourself into the ground.
Y/n: I'll be fine.
Lindsay: But you look really tired.
Heather: Why don't you...take a break and hangout with us.
Y/n: But I've got to go-
Samey: Honey...please...we barely get to spent any time with you...
Y/n: I have to g-
Dakota: Please...
Y/ won't stop until I agree right?.
The girls start kissing you.
Bridgette: You are so smart honey.
Y/n: Fine, I'll call in sick.
You quickly make a phone call and hang up the phone.
Y/n: Well you got your wish.
Courtney: Perfect, now let's go down to the beach.
Y/n: Alright, I'll change.
At the beach.
You set up your seat to the change and then stop when you see all the girls wearing bikini's trying to get to you.
Heather: What's wrong babycakes?. You don't wanna lay down on the sand with us?.
Izzy: Come and join us dear.
Courtney: Yeah, have some fun with us.
You smile and lay down on a towel and you start sunbathing along with some of the girls.
Bridgette: Man, it's been a while since we've done this honey.
Y/n: Yeah, I should call in sick more.
The girls giggle and start pecking you more.
Lindsay: Hey hon, can you rub some sunblock on me?.
You start rubbing sunblock on Lindsay's back and she makes noise that cause you to look at her weird.
Samey: This is really nice, thanks for doing this Y/n.
Y/n: No problem, I've been so focused with work that I forgot about the first thing I truly love...or first ten I guess.
Nick gives it a ten, Chef gives it a seven and Chris gives it a three.
Heather: Three?.
Chris: Boring, not exitcing, where's the action?.
Chris puts the boys one it and it's awful it focuses them on in a hockey game with them pulling fart jokes, and only memes boys would understand.
Owen was doing the fart jokes and Sam was the worst actor of all time, messing up his lines and them still showing up in the film.
Chris:..That was awful.
there were three zero's across the board and your team celebrates and Duncan kicks a tv screen so hard it nearly hits you in the head, I say nearly because it his a spolight starting a fire on the stage.
Chris: MY STAGE!.
your team was celebrating with cold drinks like soda's, remember this is a kids show.
Courtney: That was awesome.
Izzy: Yeah, I can't believe I nailed my roll.
Y/n: My arms really hurt from that.
Bridgette: But didn't the message help?.
Y/n: It did a lot.
Dakota: So how about a real wedding?.
You spit out your drink and all ten girls smile at you.
Y/n:...Now I'm not that desperate for a girlfriend.
They start getting closer to you and you back away before booking it into the forrest.
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