Ice to puck you.

Before we start, Pyre627 is correct

Yes I have seems the old me is back and is now pumping out multiple chapters. Here's another one.

It was the hottest day it could possibly be outside, it felt like the island was melting, you were trying to find every way possible to keep cool.

Trent: Too hot...

Owen was drinking water out of the ocean just to keep cool.

Geoff: Dude that's not good for you.


Shawn: My Brian feels like it's melting.

Lightning: Someone turn of the sha-damn sun.

Mike: Why is it so hot outside?.


The girls had somehow built a damn air conditioning system in the tiki cabin you all shared, which makes them smarter than the boys, but we all knew that already I mean look at Duncan.

Duncan: Who the hell said that!?.

Gwen: I'll tell you it's so great being in this cabin then being outside with the rest of the boys.

Zoey: Yeah, I just hope Mike is doing okay.

Sierra: Holy moly!.

Amy: What is it?.

Sierra: Y/n, he's been voted as the best looking male in Total Drama history-

Some of the guys heard that being Scott, AL and Duncan all quietly listened into the conversation.

Jasmine: Over someone like Alejandro?.

Sierra: Why do you think he's dating six girls right now-

Girls: WHAT!.

Scott: So, kids a good manipulator.

Duncan: Like you Al.

Alejandro: Don't call me that amigo.

Duncan: If he think he's going to win over the girls hearts he can think again.

Scott: Shh, listen.

Ella: Why hasn't he told us about this?.

Y/n: Told you about what?.

Amy: How could you be dating six girls and one of them not be me!.

Y/n: I guess they all just like me for some reason.

Duncan: There he goes again...blah blah blah.

Alejandro: Will you pipe down, I'm trying to listen.

Heather: Hey girls...and handsome.

Everyone: HER!.

You nod and Heather gives you a kiss on the cheek.

Heather: It's so great to have a strong and handsome boyfriend, he can do literally everything...

Y/n: Well not everything...

Samey: Hey honey, thanks for the massage.

Amy: SAMEY!.

Samey: Yeah, isn't he dreamy.

Y/n: Am I being used to stir up some drama here?.

There was a brief silence.

Chris: Attention campers please report to the middle of the island for a nice COOL and REFRESHING challenge.

Everyone and I mean everyone including Owen was sprinting to the middle of the island Owen somehow ran like Usain Bolt and he only does that for when it's an eating challenge.

Chris: Campers, I give to you the greatest sport Canada has to offer.

Owen: Speed eating?.

Chris: No Owen.

Chris pulls back a curtain revealing an ice rink.

Chris: Ice hockey.

The boys cheer and the girls look terrified.

Duncan: Let's go nice and easy for the girls, but for the sissy man, you are going to need an ambulance.

Y/n: Well let me tell you something brother, I love ice hockey, I would do nothing but Ice hockey, and you are in my turf-

Chris: Alright Harem Hogan, put on your gear and get our there, it's going to be awesome!.

Your team considered of You, Gwen, Izzy, Jasmine, Heather, Courtney and Harley.

Duncan: Ready for your first L sissy boy?.

Y/n: You haven't seen anything yet.

The whistle blows and you get the hockey puck first swerving between Duncan and Scott who collided into each other and you do a few tricks with the puck like bouncing it up and down before shooting it into the net.

Lindsay: Woo!. That's my hunk!.

You get the next puck and pass it to Jasmine who shoots it from half court into the net easily as there was no goalie for the guys team.

Jacques: Where's our goalie?...

Owen was at the food court, eating all the cotton candy in sight.

Duncan: OWEN!.

Owen: Sorry!. I was hungry!.

Duncan gets the next puck and passes it to Jacques, who as a silver medal ice skater, made it look easy to do ice skating, he swerved Heather to the right and Gwen to the left, he avoided Harley and You and shot the puck sending it through Jasmines tall legs scoring a goal.

Chris: And now it's 2-1, isn't this exciting Mr. Hachet?.

Chef: No.

Duncan smirks as he trips you and you fall.

Jasmine: OI MATE!.

Duncan: Haha, what are you gonna do Sheila.

Jasmine charges Duncan and gives him such a shoulder check that he goes through a glass barrier.

Chris: Penalty box Jasmine.

Jasmine looks at you and you give her a wink causing her to blush as she gets into the penalty box.

Izzy gets the puck and fires it with so much power that it goes through the net and hits the camera man in the eye.

Izzy: Whoops!.

Chris: Izzy, penalty box.

Izzy sits in the penalty box with Jasmine and you go over to them.

Y/n: Great shot, my opinion that should've counted.

Izzy smiles and blows you a kiss and you skate back into the game.

Lighting: One side losers, lighting had got this in the sha-bag.

Lightning starts flexing as he skates around your team and scores not one, not two but three goals.

Lightning went for a forth one but you block his shot and he takes off his helmet and so do you.

Lighting: Alright tough guy, come here!.

Y/n: If you insist.

You and Lightning start fighting before a whistle blows.

Chris: Y/n, penalty box.

Y/n: Hey what about him!.

Chris: You started the fight, penalty box.

You roll your eyes and sit next to Izzy and Jasmine who were both blushing.

Y/n: Hey girls.


Jasmine: Mmm. You mind if I just?.

Jasmine wraps her arms around you and you shrug.

Y/n: I don't mind.

Izzy: Hey not fair!.

Izzy also wraps her arms around you and kisses you on the cheek.

Y/n: That's nice Iz.

Both girls still blush and meanwhile Gwen looks on.

Gwen(confessional.) I mean if there is anytime to admit it to him, might as well be now.

Gwen "accidentally." messes up her shot which sends the puck flying into Lightning's eye.

Lightning: Ah!. MY EYE!. LIGHTING CANT SEE!.

Chris blows the whistle again.

Chris: Gwen, penalty-

Gwen swiftly gets into the penalty box and starts kissing you as well.


Chris(confessional): How is one of my interns getting all the action!?. But I'm proud of him, he's causing a lot of drama, and making me more money...oh they grow up so fast.

Chris wipes his tear and blows snot with a hundred dollar bill.

Max: The new one would make an excellent evil sidekick, controlling the girls by the finger tips, he'll be perfect...Yes he will!. Bwahahahahaha!.

The buzzer sounds and the game is over.

Chris: And the winner is...the girls!. Although I will say some of them weren't focused on the challenge at all...

Chris was talking about the four of you making out in the penalty box but I don't think any of you cared.


Harley: I'm a junior world hockey champion in high school.

Y/n: Rock it baby!.

Harley: Hey wait I want in on this!.

Harley joins the rest of you in the penalty box and both Heather and Courtney look at eachother before tossing down the hockey sticks and also getting into the now very cramped penalty box.

Bridgette:...You girls thinking the same?.

Samey and Lindsay both nod and the three of them now enter into the penalty box that now can't fit anyone else.

Dakota: Rude, I want in too!.


Mike: Zoey are you okay?.

Zoey slowly nods but doesn't take her eyes of the penalty box and everything going on inside of it.

Chris: They aren't coming out of there anytime soon aren't they?.

Chef: Nope.

Chris: You wanna lock them in there overnight?.

Chef: You read my mind.

Chris and Chef lock up the penalty box leaving all of you trapped inside of it, but I still don't think anyone cared.


Chris: And the person going home tonight is...Lightning!.


Lighting was loaded and then fired out of the slingshot screaming into the night sky.

Boys: Owen, Geoff, Brick, Scott, Alejandro, DJ, Shawn, Mike, Duncan, Jacques, Trent, Max.

Girls: Gwen, Courtney, Heather, Bridgette, Lindsay, Izzy, Zoey, Ella, Jasmine, Samey, Amy, Dakota, Emma, Kitty, Sierra, Y/n, Harley.

Girls in harem: Lindsay, Bridgette, Samey, Heather, Harley (r), Courtney, Izzy, Jasmine, Gwen.

Now...who's next?.

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