A Jamaican Adventure
Chris: Previously on Total Drama World Tour. Newfoundland showed us a whale of a time, literally. Thanks to Steven and Mallory’s constant bickering, they somehow managed to pull out a win, along with Team Victory, and in the end, the Amazons were spared because it was a reward challenge of the lobster kind. Eleven players remain in the running for a chance at a million big ones, who's gonna rise to glory this week, find out on TOTAL, DRAMA, WORRRRRLLLDDD TOURRRRRRR!!!!
(Cue the theme song)
First Class
Giselle: Winning is everything right now!
Isiah: Says the chick who french'd a cod.
Steven: But, as we recall, it was a tie for both teams, at least the Amazons lost.
Amaya: Hey Steven, check out these chairs!
*Amaya then leans back in her chair, and kicks Steven in the kiwis*
Steven: AAHH, My kiwis!
Economy Class
Cindy/Avery: Economy can kiss my aching butt!
Brianna: Surprisingly, I agree with both of you guys.
Phoebe: By the time we win our way into first class, the place is gonna smell like... Crazy.
Cameron: I will take crazy over leaks any day.
Jay: I agree with Cameron right now.
Brianna: Do you guys hear that noise?
Cindy: How can you not hear it?
Chris: Hey kids! We kind of didn’t budget for the season so we are having an unexpected landing! Right now!
First Class
Steven: Amaya, what are you doing?
Amaya: Jumping out of the plane! You want to come?
Steven: No, not really…
*plans tilts to the right and both fall out*
Steven: I’M GONNA DIEEE!!!!
*both hit the ground*
Steven: Wait. I’m still alive!
Amaya: Not even a scratch-
*plane falls on both*
Mallory: Are they okay?!!
Giselle: They could be dead!
Isiah: Really McClean? Trying to get people killed for ratings? That’s low.
Chris: It’s not my fault the plane tilted…
Jay: You're the pilot! You made the plane tilt!
Chris: Good point. Anyway both Amaya and Steven will be sitting out. Because of the surprise landing we’ll have to improvise.
Avery: Brilliant. More dangerous stuff.
Cameron: That’s the whole show in a nutshell.
Chris: For your new challenge, teams will take turns sending one person diving off the cliff and underwater to find Chef’s gold chains.
Phoebe: Is there anything that can possibly kill us underwater?
Chris: Just eels.
Mallory: Yay! Nothing life threatening!
Chris: Oh, and the sharks.
Mallory: Of course.
Chris: Anyway first person to bring the gold chains and give them to me wins the challenge! Choose your divers and begin!
Confessional *Team Chris*
Mallory: This is brilliant. Steven is out and now I’m stuck doing the whole challenge by myself.
Isiah: Okay I’m diving first.
Giselle: Sure whatever you say.
Cameron: I’m going to dive ok?
Brianna: Go ahead.
Phoebe: Better than me.
Mallory: Of course I have to do every dive myself.
Chris: And begin!!
*Cameron, Mallory, Isiah dive off cliff*
Cameron: Thisp waterr iss so poluted I can’t see anything!
Mallory: Gold gold gold, there’s no gold!
Isiah: Thats a clock, couch, car, sword, knife… Who put this stuff here?
Giselle: You got this Isiah!!
*Confessional* Team Victory
Giselle: Pleaseee tell me he heard that. I’m trying to be nice to him for reaso- Wait people are going to see this! Crap!
Back Underwater
Cameron: Well that was the most useless dive ever! Better get to the top of the cliff to tag someone.
Mallory: Is there even a point in walking back up the cliff if I’m the only one left?
Isiah: Are those the chains or golden dentures? No point in checking. Guess I’m going to tag Giselle then.
At The Top
Isiah: Giselle your up!
Cameron: Go Phoebe!
*both jump off cliff*
Phoebe: Cameron wasn’t kidding about the incredibly polluted water!
Giselle: If I were Chris where would I hide gold chains….
Mallory: It feels like I’ve been down here for five centuriessss….. When will this challenge be over?
Giselle: I see the chains! Wait. There’s a shark. And it’s guarding the chain! Please don’t notice me…
Phoebe: Why’d Giselle stop? Ah, I have no time to worry about that. Where are those chains…
Giselle: It’s either risk being eaten by a shark or swim up and go tag Isiah. I think he’d have a better chance against a shark rather than me. Yeah I’m leaving.
Mallory: Greattttt, Giselle is leaving, and Phoebe looks ready to leave too. And I still haven’t found a thing. Crap I need air.
Giselle: Isiah! The chains are being guarded by a shark. You’ll be able to get them right?
Isiah: You’re telling me to fight a shark to win the challenge? No way. I have a better idea.
Giselle: Which is?
Isiah: Just be patient.
Phoebe: Cindy, It’s your turn!
Cindy: Brilliant.
*both dive*
Cindy: Hey! I see the chains! They're right in plain sight! How did no one notice?
Isiah: Perfect. Once Cindy goes near the chains the eel should shock her. Then I’ll “play hero” and carry her out of the water. While doing so, I should be able to get the chains from her, and we’ll win the challenge.
Mallory: Of course out of all the teams, I’m the one that ends up being alone. Even if Steven isn’t the best company, it would be nice to have someone help with the challenge.
Cindy: So close to the chains. Just a few… Inches… Further…. AHHH!!!
*gets shocked by an eel*
Isiah: Perfect. *coughs* Cindy! Are you alright?
Cindy: Nonoooooooo…..
Isiah: I’ll help you! *lifts Cindy up and arrives on surface*
Giselle: Why is Isiah carrying Cindy like that? No fair!
Brianna: Did you say something Giselle?
Giselle: Huh? Oh nothing…
Chris: Looks like Team Amaz- Wait a minute… It looks like Isiah is stealing the chains from Cindy!
Jay: What!!
Cameron: No way!
Mallory: *now on surface* No fair!
Avery: That’s cheating!
Chris: Turnabout is fair play! Looks like Team Victory wins! It also seems that Cindy needs paramedics!
Giselle: We win!
Isiah: First class!
Chris: What are you talking about? We still have a whole other challenge to do!
Phoebe: Oh come on!
Chris: Yup! Stay tuned for more! Someone get Cindy a stretcher!
In Medical Tent
Steven: Ughhh where am I?
Cindy: You’re in the medical tent. Along with Amaya. Remember falling out of the plane?
Steven: Why’d you have to remind me?
Cindy: Someone had to.
Steven: Hey, where’s Amaya?
Cindy: Over there. *points to the corner*
Steven: Why are the walls around her filled with math?
*Amaya wakes up*
Amaya: Hello life form commonly known as Steven. And hello to other life form commonly known as Cindy.
Cindy: Uhhh….
Steven: What?
Anaya: I recently had this idea for a time travel device. *starts writing math equations on wall*
Cindy: What’s she talking about?
Steven: Beats me.
*song bell goes off*
Cindy: Oh come on!!
Steven: We’re in the medical tent!
Chris: Too bad! What’s more interesting than singing while injured? Now get to it!
Steven: Fine.
Oh My Amaya
Steven: I miss the way, Amaya said hello!
By hoofing me, in the kiwis!
I miss the daytime, when Amaya moved so slow.
Cindy: Ooh, ooh.
Steven: Cause other times, she'd get freaky!
Oh, Amaya! Oh, Amaya! I...I miss you so!
Oh, my Amaya, my little Amaya. Why'd I ever let you go?
Cindy: Actually, you were never even with her.
Steven: I miss her smile, and the way she liked to bite on my arm, when there was trouble- Which was all the time. Oh, I miss the way, she'd always say goodnight.
Cindy: Ooh, Ooh.
Steven: And boot me in the kiwis, double! Ouch.
Oh, Amaya! Oh, Amaya! I...I miss you so.
Oh, my Amaya, my little Amaya!
Why'd I ever let you go?
Why'd I ever let you go?
Cindy: Well that was unexpected.
Steven: That’s Chris' fault.
*military enters*
Steven: Um, what?
Cindy: Was the SWAT team called on account of Steven’s bad singing?
Army 1: Actually, no. We’re here to airlift Amaya out of the competition for brain surgery.
Steven: What?! Amaya’s leaving?
Cindy: Well after she comes back there’s no way she’ll turn you down after that performance.
Amaya: Actually Steven, I did the math, and we are therefore incompatible. Au, revoir!
Steven: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Cindy: So tell me, how’s it feel to have your dreams crushed?
Steven: Don’t talk to me.
Cindy: Well, I tried.
Back With Others
Chris: We did have another challenge, but someone *cough* Steven *cough* spent too much time singing. Now we’re out of time.
Jay: So then who gets eliminated?
Chris: To make things interesting someone from Team Amazon will be eliminated tonight! Team Victory you two are in first class!
Giselle: Yes!
Chris: Team Amazon, let’s go vote.
Phoebe: I vote Cindy.
Cameron: Avery.
Brianna: Avery.
Avery: Cindy.
Cindy: Avery.
Jay: Avery.
Chris: The votes are in! When I call your name it means you’re safe.
It’s between Cindy and Avery. And the final barf bag goes to……..Cindy.
Avery you’re out.
Avery: What?! How? You guys needed me!
Cindy: Clearly we don’t.
Avery: Mark my words… All of you are in danger! Just you all wait!
*gets pushed out*
Chris: We’re down to nine, and it’s almost finale time on Total! Drama! Worllddddd Tourrrrrr!
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