Phobia Factor
We see the island as Chris was seen at the dock of shame.
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Toon Island... The campers had their survival skills put to the test when they spent the entire night camping in the woods. Katie and Sadie's friendship was strained when Katie's sense of direction got them totally lost. Duncan's mad ghost-story telling skills freaked out the Killer Bass, (Chuckles) and uh, Izzy tried to play a prank on the Gophers by dressing up as a bear. Unfortunately, a real bear showed up but Dimitri chased it away. Cody peed in his pants and then it rained. So the gophers were the only ones who got any sleep. Ultimately, the Killer Bass were the ones on the chopping block, leaving Katie without a marshmallow. Yup, the challenge was rough, all right. And if I have anything to say about it, today's will be even more brutal. Luckily, I do. What fresh horror have we planned for our campers? Find out next on Total. Drama. Toon Island!
We then see the dock of shame as it was night time and Sadie was seen crying as she still missed Katie as Bridgette came to her.
Bridgette: Katie would want you to keep going.
Sadie continued to cry.
Bridgette: Come on. Let's go back and join the others.
She then tried to get Sadie to get up as she held on to a board of the dock.
Sadie: No! (crying) Katie! I miss you!
We then hear a snap as we see Bridgette and Sadie come to the killer bass as Sadie was hugging a board from the dock.
Bridgette: It was a long goodbye.
Courtney then looked and saw the screaming gophers as Beth had green gelatin with a gummy worm in it.
Courtney: What do you guys want? Come by to rub it in?
Dimitri: We got you some extra dessert after our tuck shop party. Thought you might want some.
Courtney: So what? You're just being... Nice?
Gwen: Okay. Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air out.
Owen then farted.
Dimitri: Dude.
We then see Beth coming to Courtney with the gelatin.
Courtney: No! I mean, no thanks. I'm good.
Duncan: What, are you on a diet or something?
Courtney: No! I just don't like green jelly, okay?
We then see Beth come to DJ and Duncan with the gelatin as DJ sees it.
DJ then smacked the gelatin as it hit the ground.
Cody: Chill dude. (pulls out the gummy worm) It's just a gummy worm.
DJ: Sorry for trippin'. Snakes just freak me out.
Ashton: It's Killer Klowns from Outer Space you gotta watch out for.
Gwen: You're afraid of Killer Klowns from Outer Space? The Horror movie?
Ashton: Yeah. I see those smiling man eaters every time I close my eyes!
We then see the scene changed to the outhouse as Dimitri was in it.
Dimitri: So it kinda turned into a whole share fest at the fire.Beth went on and on about how her mortal fear is being covered by bugs, Harold's afraid of ninjas, Asuka's afraid of frogs, even Heather admitted she's afraid of sumo wrestlers.
We then see the scene changed as everyone was seen at the campfire.
Gwen: What's my worst fear? I guess being buried alive.
Lindsay: Walking through a minefield. In heels.
Owen: Flying, man. That's some crazy stuff.
Izzy: Hah. I would never go up in a plane. Never!
Geoff: I'm scared of hail. It's small but deadly, dude.
Bridgette: Being left alone in the woods.
Sadie: (Sniffling) Bad haircuts.
Lindsay: Oh, okay. I changed mine! That's so much scarier than a minefield!
Cody: Having to diffuse a time bomb under pressure.
Rex: Clowns creep me out.
Ben: Ditto.
Velma: I second that.
Courtney: I'm not really afraid of anything.
Duncan: (coughs) Bologna.
Courtney: Oh, really. Well, what exactly is your phobia, Mr. Know-it-all?
Duncan then looked to see everyone was looking at him.
Duncan: (Sighs) C-Celine Dion music store standees.
Cody: Haha, ex-squeeze me? I didn't quite get that.
Dimitri: Dude, did you say Celine Dion music store standees?
Lindsay: Ooh, I love Celine Dion! What's a standee?
Dimitri: You know... That cardboard cutout thing that stands in the music store.
Duncan: Don't... Say it, dude!
Dimitri: Kinda like a life-sized, but flat Celine.
Courtney: So if we had a cardboard standee right now...
Duncan: Shut up! What about you guys?
Daphne: Losing my looks.
Cana: Dehydration.
Erza: I feel insecure without my armor.
Rias: Camels.
We then see the scene changed to show Rias in the outhouse.
Rias: When I was young I snuck out to go to a farm and I got hurt by wild camels, and that has haunted me ever since.
We then see the scene changed to see everyone at the campfire.
Ashton: So Dimitri, what is your worst fear?
Dimitri: Being put in a bullfight with the biggest and baddest bull in existence. But what about you Courtney, aren't you afraid of something?
Courtney: Nope. Nothing.
Duncan: (snortles) That's not what she said last night.
Courtney: Duncan, did you ever consider that maybe I was just humoring you and your stupid story?
Duncan: Sure, sure, princess. Whatever floats your boat.
Courtney: Shut up!
We then go to the morning as we see everyone in the cafeteria as we see Chris was there.
Chris: (Whistles) Campers, your next challenge is a little game I like to call... Phobia Factor! Prepare to face... Your worst fears!
Leshawna: Worse than this? (holds up a old sausage)
Gwen: We're... In trouble.
Chris: Now for our first victims, Heather! Meet us all in the theater! It's... Sumo time!
We then see Heather spit out her drink as Dimitri ducked.
Chris: Gwen. You, me, the beach. A few tons of sand.
Lindsay: Wait, how did they know those were your worst fears?
Gwen: Ugh. Because we told them.
Dimitri: At the campfire last night.
Lindsay: Wait. They were listening to us?
Gwen: It's a reality show, Einstein. They're always listening to us.
Lindsay: That's like... Eavesdropping!
Ashton: This is not gonna be good.
We then go outside as we see a pool filled with bugs as the others look at it in disgust as we then see Beth as then then went in the pool and popped out from the bugs earning a point.
Chris: And Beth sets the bar way up there!
We then go into the cafeteria as we see both Lindsay and Sadie as we see Chris come to them holding wigs looking like bad haircuts as Owen took one of them and put it on doing ballet and then leaped hitting the fireplace as Chris took the wig back and put them on Sadie and Lindsay as we see Erza was forced into a normal attire as we then go to see Owen and Izzy both in a plane piloted by chef as we see it fly off as we see the tape holding the wings coming off as Owen and Izzy started to scream as we cut to Harold inside the bathroom as we then see three ninjas come in as we see Harold opening the door to the bathroom stall and sees the ninjas as he then pulled out nunchucks and started to twirl them around and accidentally hits his face as we see the gophers as we see Leshawna as she ran away screaming as we see Chef dressed up as a spider as he followed her as we then cut to the stage as we see Heather going against a sumo wrestler.
Chris: Heather stepped up to the plate, scoring the Gophers their second point on the board.
The sumo wrestler then charged at Heather as she then bent down and the sumo tripped and started to flop through the forest. We then see a glimpse of Owen and Izzy in the plane screaming as it was upside down as we then see Bridgette who was all alone in the forest.
Chris: Bridgette began her six hours of solitude in the woods feeling pretty confident.
Bridgette: I'm not scared. Six hours out here is nothing!
We then see a chipmunk come to her and squeaks as she then screams and kicks it sending it flying as we then go to the beach as we see Gwen was in a glass box as we see Chris was starting to bury her.
Dimitri: Gwen, there should be enough air for an hour, you just need to go for five minutes.
Chris: As long as we decide to dig you up.
Gwen: Not funny, Chris.
Chris: Sheesh, take a pill.
Dimitri: (hands Gwen a walkie talkie) I'll be listening the whole time, just yell if you panic and I'll dig you right out.
Gwen: Goodbye, cruel world!
We then see DJ at the stage as we see a tank with a small snake as we see DJ looking at it as it blinked at him.
DJ: Ahh! It blinked!
Sadie: It means she likes you!
Courtney: It's the smallest snake ever, DJ! Come on!
DJ: Yeah, but it's slimy and scaly! Slithery!
Courtney: We need this point, DJ! Suck it up! (Sees the rest of the killer bass shaking their heads no at her.) What? We're heading back to Loserville, people.
We then see DJ as he looked terrified at the snake and then reached his arm to it as the snake slithered to his finger as he looked at it as the killer bass cheered for him as they earned a point as the score was 2-1 as we later go to the beach as the timer was at three minutes as we see Dimitri there as Ben, Rex and Velma were with him.
Dimitri: You still there Gwen, Rex, Ben, and Velma are here to keep ya company. You got three minutes left.
Gwen: (Through the walkie talkie) And then you'll dig me up, right?
Dimitri: Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I promise.
Gwen: (through walkie-talkie) I need some kind of distraction! Tell me a story! Um, why do Ben, Rex and Velma hate clowns so much.
Velma: Well for me, when I was a kid on my birthday I received a set of encyclopedias as presents but then a crazed clown put them into a paper shredder and turned them into confetti.
Then a horn honking was heard as they then turned to see a clown was there as he honked a horn as Ben, Rex and Velma turned ghostly white and they all screamed in fear and ran away as we see the clown was following them as we see the others and Chris watching them.
Chris: (Through megaphone) Just talk to him guys and ask him to go away! Okay then, we've got two minutes before Gwen's done. Cody, you're up.
We later go to the woods as we see a bomb made from trashcans.
Chris: All right, Cody. This garbage bomb's going off in exactly ten minutes. Everything you need to know to diffuse it is on these schematic blueprints. (hands the blueprints to Cody.)
Cody: What?! No way! I can't do this!
Chris: Then uh, (laughs) I suggest you find a safe place to hide, brah. Later, dude.
Cody: Wait. You're not gonna watch?
Chris: No way! That's a live bomb, dude!
We then go to Ashton as he was seen walking inside the cabin when he hears a voice
???: Ashton hurry, open up!
Ashton: Hold your horses I'm coming!
Ashton then went to the door and opened it and he sees a group of clowns with fangs pointing ray guns at him as he screams and slams the door in the klowns' face as we see Chris was watching at a distance.
Chris: We rented some actors to dress up as the aliens from the movie to scare the pants off of Ashton. Rias, you're up.
We later see Rias as we see a pen as a camel was seen in it.
Rias: Nope. Nope. Nope!
Chris: It's simple, all you have to do is be in the pen with this camel for three minutes, you can handle that.
We then see Rias as she was seen hugging herself as she was in the pen with the Camel.
Dimitri: Come on, it's just three minutes, you can handle that much time with a camel.
Rias then looked at the screaming gophers as she then turned to the other side to see the Camel's face was close to hers as the camel let out a loud groan as Rias was seen running out of the pen screaming as the scene changed to show Rias in the outhouse.
Rias: I can't believe I did that! I'll end up becoming a laughing stock to my family!
We then see the scene showing Ben, Rex and Velma still running from the clown as they were seen running to the docks and jumping into the water.
Rex: Ha! Try to follow us now.
We then saw the clown was getting ready to jump in.
Ben: Wait! Uh, your makeup will run.
The clown then nodded understanding the point and walked off as it gave the screaming gophers three points.
Rex: Take that you makeup wearing freak.
We then see Asuka as we see her looking at a frog as it croaks.
Asuka: Ah! It croaked!
Velma: That means it likes you, just try it.
Asuka then nodded as she then held her hand out as we see the frog hopped to it as she then held it as it gave the gophers a point. We then see the killer bass as there was a standee of celine dion.
Courtney: She's pretty. She's nice.
Chris: Just one hug and you're done. (snaps)
Duncan: T-That looks really... Real, man.
Cana: Dude, she's made of cardboard! Get in the game!
Courtney: Hey. It's okay if you can't do it.
Duncan: (sighs) All right, I'll try.
Courtney: You can do this!
Duncan: Okay! Okay!
We then see Duncan run to the standee and hug it as it gives the killer bass a point as we then go to Ashton as he was seen in the cabin as he was seen hugging himself.
Ashton: Find your happy place. Find your happy place.
We then see in Ashton's head as he was in a white void as he sat down and then a man came to him.
Man: Hey Ashton.
Ashton: Who are you?
Man: I'm your inner frat boy.
Ashton: I didn't know I had that.
Man: Sure everyone has that, since I'm it means you need my help.
Ashton: Well I'm having trouble with the scary killer klowns that keep scaring me.
Man: Those kinds of clowns aren't scary Ashton, they're just different, just because someone looks different than you or thinks differently than you doesn't mean you should be afraid of them.
Ashton: It doesn't.
Man: It means that you should be angry at them! How dare they be different! What my way of life ain't good enough for them?!
Ashton: So you're saying I should beat them up?
Man: Ashton, fighting outside a hockey rink is wrong, but I'm imaginary, so do what you gotta do.
Ashton: Thanks inner frat boy.
Man: Anytime Ash.
We then go to Ashton in the real world as he then stopped having a frightened look in his face as it was replaced with an angry face as he burst the door to the cabin open.
Ashton: You klowns think you're all better than me? I'll show you all!
Ashton then let out a battle cry as he then charged at the klowns and started to pummel them all as we see the others watching Ashton beat them up as the klowns were all seen in a pile all beat up as Ashton was standing on top of them.
Ashton: You ain't' better than me! You ain't better than me!
Chris: Ouch, that makes a point for the killer bass.
Dimitri was seen as he watched the timer go down as it reached to zero as he was seen digging as he got Gwen out as it gave the gophers a point. We then go to Daphne as she was seen wearing a suit making her look bloated.
Daphne: How long do I have to wear this?
Chris: Oh about the end of the day.
Daphne then groaned and walked off as we then went to Geoff as he was seen in a chair as we then saw a cloud come floating as he saw it as it then started to hail on him as he started to scream and run away with the cloud following him as we see the others watching.
Lindsay: Look! That cloud is following him! Aww, it's like his own baby cloud! I want one too! Here, cloudy cloud!
As we see Geoff running away from the cloud we see that the cloud was being controlled remotely by Chris as we see Dimitri come to Chris.
Dimitri: Can you make the cloud go lower and pelt him harder?
Chris: You are one sick dude, but yeah.
We then look to see the cloud was lower on Geoff as he was seen running and screaming.
Dimitri: That's cool.
We then hear an explosion from a distance.
Dimitri: What was that?
Chris: If I had to guess, I'd say Cody just blew himself up.
We then went to the woods as we saw Cody as he was covered in garbage.
Cody: Oops. Is anyone here? Huh. Girls? (nervous chuckle) Ladies? Anyone?!
We then see the plane land as we see Owen and Izzy coming out of the plane and kissing the ground earning the gophers two points. We then see Lindsay and Sadie as they were seen looking at the mirror.
Lindsay: We did it! We made it through the whole day! Are you ready? One... Two... Three!
They then remove the wigs as they both earn a point for their teams as we then see a suit being tossed out.
Daphne: Finally!
Erza: About time!
We then see Daphne as she was wearing her usual clothes as Erza was back in her armor as they had earned their teams a point. As we see the others come together as some have completed their fears and the rest failed.
Ashton: So how much are the points so far?
Dimitri: Well judging by the math I say it is 9-5.
Chris: (looks at Courtney) We've got one more challenge set up.
Courtney: Who? It can't be me. But I didn't...
Chris: You didn't have to. We're always watching you and your reactions!
Lindsay: I knew it! Didn't I tell you guys they were eavesdropping?
Courtney: Oh, who cares? It's not going to make a difference.
Chris: Let's make this interesting, then. I'll give you quadruple points if you can complete it.
We then see a high dive board as a pool of green jelly was seen.
Duncan: (Snortles) You're afraid of jelly?
Courtney: Shut up! Only the green kind! It's like sugary, jiggly snot!
Chris: You can face your fear and dive straight into this pool of jelly, or let your team lose another challenge.
Courtney: This is insane! I could seriously die doing this!
We then see Courtney as she was seen climbing up the
Gwen: Oh! That is just cruel! It's probably warm by now. Warm, green jelly! Snotty, bouncy, ugh!
Courtney: You're not going to make me quit!
Duncan: That's it, keep climbing!
Bridgette: She's just trying to psych you out!
We then see Courtney as she was at the top of the diving board.
Duncan: Like you said, Courtney! It's okay if you can't do it!
Bridgette: It is? But we'll lose!
Courtney: Ooh... (inhales) I can't do it. I'm coming down!
We then see Courtney as she is coming down.
Chris: Too bad, now it is down to the one and last challenge.
Chris then looked at Dimitri as the others looked at him as well as we later saw Dimitri in a large pen as he was seen holding a red cape as we saw gates to an enclosure as something was inside it and was banging the gates trying to break out.
Chris: Dimitri, you have to face the biggest... the baddest... the most terrifying bull ever known to man. Say hello to El Demonio! Chef, release the bull!
We then see Chef unlocking the gates as we see the gates as we see a large bull come out of the enclosure as it was seen with scars on its body.
Chris: I should warn you dude, many have tried to fight him and ended up hospitalized.
We then see the scene changed to show Ashton in the outhouse.
Ashton: Where did he get a bull like that from? That thing is huge!
We then see the scene changed to see El Demonio as he sees the cape Dimitri has and then let out a roar and then started to charge at Dimitri as he then saw him and screamed and started to run as we see El Demonio was after him as the others were watching as we see Dimitri trying to climb out of the fence as Ashton grabbed Dimitri.
Ashton: You almost fell out. (Throws Dimitri back in the pen) There you go.
Leshawna: Use the cape boy!
Dimitri then held the cape up like a matador as we see El Demonio readied himself as he began to charge at Dimitri as he pulled the cape away and dodged the bull.
Izzy: Óle!
We then see Dimitri as he was seen using the cape and was dodging El Demonio every time as we see him dodged El Demonio as we see the bull crash into the wall of the pen.
Chris: Now it is time to finish the beast.
We see Dimitri as he looks at the bull as he then goes to a crate and sees a sword and a guitar as he sees his reflection on the blade as he then reaches into the crate as we then see him pull out the guitar as everyone saw it.
Ashton: What's he doing?
Dimitri then saw El Demonio turning to him as Dimitri saw in El Demonio's eyes and saw that the bull had gone through much pain and suffering as Dimitri began to play the guitar.
Dimitri: Toro I am humble, for tonight I understand, Your royal blood was never meant to decorate this sand You've suffered great injustice So have thousands before you I offer an apology, and one long overdue.
We then see everyone looking in awe seeing Dimitri singing in sympathy for El Demonio.
Dimitri: I am sorry, toro, I am sorry, Hear my song, I know I sing the truth Although we were bred to fight I reach for kindness in your heart tonight, and if you can forgive And if you can forgive, love can truly live And if you can forgive, and if you can forgive, love can truly live.
We then see El Demonio readying himself to charge as Dimitri looked at him.
Dimitri: Toro, I am frightened, but I'll use my final breath, to tell you that I'm sorry, let us end this dance of death Two centuries of agony, that tore your heart with sand Here and now with my amends, this senseless giving ends I am sorry, toro, I am sorry Hear my song, I know I sing the truth
We then see El Demonio charging at Dimitri with all his might as Dimitri stood in place playing the guitar.
Dimitri: Although we were bred to fight I reach for kindness in your heart tonight
We then see El Demonio starting to slow down as he was getting closer to Dimitri.
Dimitri: and if you can forgive And if you can forgive, love can truly live
And if you can forgive, and if you can forgive, love can truly live
We then see El Demonio stopped as he had reached Dimitri as we see everyone looking in awe at the sight of it as Dimitri came to El Demonio.
Dimitri: And if you can forgive, and if you can forgive (pets El Demonio) Love, love will truly live
We then see El Demonio as he had shed a tear and nuzzled his head at Dimitri as everyone saw it.
Ashton: I don't believe it, Dimitri found a way to soothe the monster
Aska: So that means that errands us a point.
Chris: Point? (Chuckles) That was just a warm up.
Everyone: Warm up?
Courtney: What do you mean warm up? Dimitri faced his worst fear.
Chris: Correction, he faced one of his worst fears.
Ashton: What are you talking about?
Chris: Last night Dimitri went to the confessional to tell this.
He then showed a tv as it turned on to show a video of Dimitri in the outhouse confessional.
Dimitri: (In the video) Ok, look, I only said that the bullfight thing to my friends cause I didn't want them to know my biggest fear, even bigger than bullfighting is my own mother.
The tv then turned off as everyone turned to Dimitri seeing he was in shock seeing his secret was revealed.
Duncan: You're afraid of your own mom?
Ashton: Dude, that's kinda sad. No offense.
Dimitri: None taken, and have you even met my mom?! She's even crazier than Izzy!
Izzy: Hey! I resent that!
Ashton: Izzy. You are crazy. It's stamped on the back of your neck.
Duncan: What's so scary about your mom? You can take her on, you're a martial artist.
Dimitri: That's just the thing, being a martial artist is what she wanted me to be, not what I wanted.
Ashton: What do you mean?
Dimitri: My mom had made me and my siblings try to be like her but never let us be ourselves.
Owen: Really?
Dimitri: When I tried to be myself by doing what I want, she called those wasting my time, and one day me and my mom got into an argument and I told her that I rather follow my own dreams than be like her and she got really angry and took my guitar and threw it into a fire.
Ashton: Ouch.
Dimitri: It's true and I felt that sooner or later I would have to face her and I guess this is that time.
We then see everyone going to a ring as we see Dimitri was in it as he was seen trying to run away as we see a woman in martial arts clothes was after him as he was seen trying to dodge her every hit as we see the others watching at the bleachers.
Duncan: The dude's not even putting up a fight.
Ashton: Well yeah Lorelei's a monster!
Gwen: Dimitri, you have to fight back.
Dimitri: I can't!
Heather: Just suck it up and fight her! (To the rest of screaming gophers) Come on! (To Dimitri) Fight! Fight!
All: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
We then see Dimitri as he looked at the others then then saw his mother coming as we then see her sent a kick but was then caught by Dimitri's hand.
Dimitri: I may not be able to defeat you, but I won't lose this challenge.
Dimitri then pushed her back as we see her look to see him elbowing her in the gut as we see the others cheering for Dimitri as they saw Dimitri fighting back as he kicked Lorelei in the side and then tripped her as she saw she was on the ground and looked up to see Dimitri standing over her with his fist ready to deliver the final blow as Dimitri looked at the others and back to his mother as he then slammed his fist down as we see it was a foot away from Lorelei's face as Dimitri then turned and started to calmly walk away as Lorelei watched Dimitri walking away from the ring.
Lorelei: Come back and fight, this isn't over!
Dimitri: (turns to Lorelei) It is to me, this fight isn't worth it, it never was.
Dimitri then started to continue walking as we see Lorelei having a furious look as she got up and the others saw her coming at Dimitri.
Gwen: Dimitri, look out! Behind you!
Dimitri then turned and saw Lorelei coming as she tried to punch Dimitri as he dodged her and held his ground.
Dimitri: Mom, stop. I don't want to fight you.
Lorelei: I won't let you walk away from this.
We see Dimitri as he was seen avoiding every hit his mother was trying to throw at him.
Lorelei: Why won't you fight back?!
Dimitri: Because I'm tired of fighting! That's all I've ever done, that's what everyone in this family has ever done, fight. No matter what I do, no matter what any of my siblings do, you would never let them be what they wanted. Elliotte left this family because you only saw the worst in him.
Lorelei: Elliotte didn't care about this family!
Dimitri: He loves this family, I love this family, you're the one that doesn't care. You're the one breaking our family apart.
Lorelei: Don't you ever.
Dimitri: Our family is broken because of you!
Lorelei: You ungrateful little-
She goes to throw a punch but it's caught by Ashton.
Ashton: That's enough. Back off or else I hurt you.
Dimitri: Ash, I need to be alone.
They then see Dimitri as he starts to walk off as Gwen turns to Lorelei.
Gwen: This is all your fault! All Dimitri ever wanted was to be what he wanted but you never let him!
Ashton: I idolized you, I had a crush on you and you do that to your own son. There's a special place in hell for people like you.
Courtney: They're right, you wouldn't let him be what he wanted, all you ever cared about was your stupid obsession on perfection.
Owen: Why do you hate your son so much?
Lorelei: Hate? I never hated my son.
Ashton: You have a funny way of showing it. Now get the hell off this island. You've caused enough damage. Come on guys, let's go find Dimitri.
We then see the others leave as Chris comes to Lorelei.
Chris: You sure showed him, and by "him" I mean the entire viewing audience. You had a lot of aggression.
Lorelei: I did?
Chris: Yeah, and unlike me, the cameras don't lie.
He then showed Lorelei a video of her trying to hurt Dimitri as Lorelei saw the furious look in her face as her eyes widened in shock seeing herself like that as we see the others going around the campsite looking for Dimitri.
Duncan: Dimitri!
Courtney: Dimitri!
Owen: Dimitri the gopher where are you?!
Somewhere in the woods we see Dimitri as he was seen punching a tree with his bare hands with all his might as we see his knuckles were bleeding as he only ignored the pain as he continued punching the tree as he then reeled his arm back to deliver one more hit but his wrist was grabbed by a hand stopping his arm.
Lorelei: Son, that's enough.
Dimitri then looked to see it was his own mother Lorelei who had caught his punch as he pulled his hand away from her.
Dimitri: Why are you still here? I thought Ashton told you to leave.
Dimitri then sat on the ground near a pond as he looked at the water as he then felt his arm move and saw his mother sitting beside him and wrapping bandages on his knuckles.
Lorelei: You shouldn't be putting this much strain on your body son.
We then see the scene changed to show Dimitri in the outhouse.
Dimitri: Ok, this is different, my mom is caring about me. Ok either I'm going crazy or I stepped into the twilight zone.
We then see it changed to show Dimitri looking at Lorelei.
Dimitri: Why were you acting like that to me and the rest of our family? Why did you have to destroy the thing I cared about, letting it get burned.
Lorelei: Son, there were some things you didn't notice when you left that room that day.
We then see a flashback as we see Lorelei as she had thrown Dimitri's guitar into the fire as Dimitri looked shocked and then looked at her and then turned around and rushed out of the room.
Lorelei: Dimitri!
We then hear a string from the guitar break as Lorelei turned to it and gasped as she then used a fire poker to quickly pull the guitar out as she looked at the guitar seeing it was burnt.
Lorelei: Oh no... What have I done?
She then looked at the guitar with regret as the flashback ended.
Dimitri: But why did you act like that if you regretted it?
We then see Owen as he comes out of the bushes and sees DImitri and Lorelei at the lake.
Owen: Guys! I found him!
We then see the others come out as they saw Dimitri and Lorelei.
Ashton: I thought I told her to leave.
We then see Ashton was about to walk up to them but Courtney placed her hand on Ashton.
Courtney: Wait Ash, I want to see where this is going.
Ashton then looked at Dimitri and Lorelei and sighed.
Ashton: Fine, I'll give her five minutes.
We then see Dimitri and Lorelei as they look at the lake.
Lorelei: Son, there are some things I should tell you.
Dimitri: What is it?
Lorelei: I never told you about my mother and father.
Dimitri: You mean grandma and grandpa? You never told me about them.
Lorelei: When I was young I used to be like you, I had dreams of wanting to be what I wanted to be and my parents accepted my choices. But one day when we were going out on a hike a rockslide happened and came at us. I was able to make it out alive, but my parents weren't so lucky. It left me fearing that if I had my own family, I would lose them just like my parents. I trained you and your brothers and sisters to be strong so it would never happen again, but I lost sight of what I was training you all for. And... I am very sorry. You were never a disappointment to me Dimitri, we are broken... Because of me...
Dimitri then looked at his mother in surprise upon hearing the truth about her as Dimitri then made Lorelei stand up.
Dimitri: Mom, I can finally see, you lost your family, lost everything. You suffered so much, all alone, so it would never happen again. We have become strong because of you. We have become a family, because of you. And we have been given a purpose, because of you. And nothing could ever be broken that we can't fix... together. (holds his mother's hands)
Lorelei then looked at Dimitri smiling while tears flowed from her eyes.
Lorelei: I asked my mother for help. Dimitri, she sent me you.
She then hugged Dimitri as he then hugged her back as we saw the others as they were seen watching the moment.
Ashton: Alright Courtney, I'll admit that was pretty nice
We then see the others come to Dimitri and Lorelei.
Ashton: Lorelei, after hearing you tell Dimitri your past, I can see now that you weren't just making Dimitri do those things because you wanted him to be perfect, you were just trying to keep your son safe.
Lorelei: Yes, but after hearing what you all told me what I was doing was wrong, I now realize that following your own dreams is an important part in life. Because of you all I have learned that following your own passion can provide others the necessities to enjoy life and to achieve great deeds. And that person who has achieved this far (Looks at Dimitri) I'd be proud to call my son.
Dimitri: Mom are you saying.
Lorelei: Yes, from now on, you make your own choices and I will accept them, not try to arrange them. And right now, I want you to win this competition.
Dimitri: I will.
Chris: Well seeing this moment that counts as Dimitri conquering his fear and the Screaming Gophers win. And Bass, one of you will be going home... If this hadn't been a reward challenge. Killer Bass, you're safe, for now.
Ashton: I'm hurting him.
We then see the scene changed to show Ashton in the outhouse confessional.
Ashton: Sometimes, I just really, really hate my uncle.
We then went to the docks as we saw a boat was there.
Dimitri: So what will you do now mom?
Ashton: Since that fight you and Dimitri did was on live tv your popularity is in the tank.
Lorelei: I have made many wrongs, I should start fixing them, but I am doing it as a changed woman. Oh! Before I went, I pulled some strings and brought back a friend of yours.
We then see Eva emerge from the boat as Ashton sees her.
Ashton: Eva? YES!
Chris: See, Lorelei and I made an agreement to give Eva a second chance.
Ashton: Thanks.
Lorelie: Son, I have something for you.
We see Lorelie pull out a guitar case as she opens it to reveal the guitar Dimitri once had but was in perfect condition.
Dimitri: My guitar, it looks just like new.
Lorelei: I had it sent to be repaired for some reason I didn't understand, but I now know what that reason is for.
Dimitir: Thanks mom.
Lorelei: And son, I will ensure that your siblings and I will be here for the finale.
Dimitri: I look forward to that.
We then see Lorelei walking to the boat as Dimitri watches her.
Dimitri: Wait mom, there's one more thing.
Lorelei then turned to the others and was found being pulled into a hug by Dimitri.
Dimitri: I love you mom.
Lorelei then smiled and hugged him back.
Lorelei: I love you too, son.
We then see Lorelei on the boat as it left as Dimitri looked at the case and smiled as he walked with the others to the cabins.
End. Well hope you liked it and stay tuned for more Total. Drama. Toon Island!
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