Duncan and Courtney (Duncney)

Old Opinion:  "Interestingly enough, this couple was what got me into the Total Drama series. Well, the episode where they kissed, "Basic Straining", was what got me into the series, but I was probably on my way to becoming a fan of the series anyway. Back in Total Drama Island, Duncan and Courtney were my favorite couple of the entire show. I loved the way they worked off of each other, despite having completely opposite personalities. Duncan showed his more sensitive characteristics around Courtney. The greatest example of this heart of gold was in the previous episode, where Duncan got DJ another rabbit after the last one had been eaten by a snake, which was then carried away by a hawk and the hawk finally got eaten by a shark. (Yeah, the show can be quite strange sometimes, but in a good way.) Courtney around Duncan wasn't afraid to break a rule or two, and embraced the fact she could still have fun as a teenager. They were an almost perfect couple in that first season, and I couldn't wait to see more of them in the second season. At least I did at the time.

In Total Drama Action, I started to not like the two of them together as much. Due to negative character development from the previous season, Courtney became a jerk who treated Duncan like dirt any time she could. Duncan was still a loyal boyfriend at the time, but it didn't make up for Courtney's rude actions. After all that in second season, I could see why Duncan fell in love with Gwen in Total Drama World Tour. Sure, he was still wrong for cheating on Courtney, but the reason he did so was because he didn't know at the time if Courtney was still the same girl he remembered from the first season.

Overall, this couple was good and bad. Duncan and Courtney had great chemistry with each other in the first season, which alone helps to boost their rating above a five. However, in the next two seasons, their relationship had started to go sour, all because of miscommunication. I admit I like Duncan better with Courtney than with Gwen, but maybe it is better the two of them stay separated for now."

  New Opinion: My updated opinion for this couple is probably going to sound kind of strange, considering I ship Duncan with Gwen more now. The reason it is weird is due to the possibility that I can actually now see a probable future where they could get back together. Even though Courtney has developed negatively in the newer seasons due to her ambition and feelings of vengeance for what happened in Total Drama World Tour, there might be a way for her to go back to a similar version of her old self. The way I see her achieving this is simple; Bridgette, the only friend she has left, decides to show her the error of her ways. It has been evidenced in the past that Courtney and Bridgette still have a close relationship, and it is very possible Bridgette is probably going to want to take action, especially after Courtney made an enemy of everyone on Total Drama: All Stars. She could have a nice long chat with her, explaining how vengeance and jealousy almost ruined things between her and Geoff, additionally making Bridgette's reputation a little sour in the media. Also, Bridgette could make Courtney see the other side of the story between her and Duncan in World Tour by discussing her own instance of cheating on Geoff with Alejandro near the exact same time. Courtney has the possible mindset to take this information in, and at the very least will try to at least move on after the chat is over. As for Duncan, there is Zoey. As evidenced in All Stars, Duncan and Zoey are really good friends, mostly because Zoey has the ability to see the best in seemingly the most corrupted people. What if after the season they remained friends and after Duncan gets out of prison, Zoey tries to make him see the errors of his ways? She could try to make him see how the tensions of the game got to his head, and got so torn between Courtney and Gwen that he ended up losing both of them. Call this fan fiction fodder if you want, but I can see this possibly occurring in the right conditions.

Speaking of fan fictions, the ones focused on Duncan and Courtney all show the reasons why they could make up and date again. Courtney secretly desires having joyous and reckless fun, which she got in the past from Duncan. Duncan secretly likes a stable moral figure in his life to help him improve in the decision making areas of his personality. If they made up, it could work out to the point of becoming a stable relationship. There is a pretty good chance it could be re-kindled, and be a stronger relationship than ever. Just look at Squirrelflight and Bramblestar from the Warriors series, who broke up for years only to find each other again once they saw why they loved each other in the first place. Duncan and Courtney could be the same.

However, there is still a great chance Duncan is going to stick with Gwen, and the history he had with Courtney will just be too much for a relationship to re-start between them. Besides that, Gwen was there for Duncan when Courtney wasn't during Total Drama Action and their bond just grew to be too strong in the end when Courtney came back in the picture a season later. Also, Courtney is the kind of person who has a hard time forgetting the bad things that happened to her in the past. Unless a miracle occurs, she is going to continue hating Duncan to the end of her days. Right now, it is a flip of a coin whether these two stand a chance.

Rating: 7/10

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