Scavenger Hunt

Cameras are on


"Now I know I said we were all off teams, but for this challenge, you all will need to go in groups of four," Chris announced. "However, since we have 23 campers, another thanks to group will only have three. And yes, you will still share a cabin with the first teams you had."

"So are we on teams or not?!" LeShawna looked baffled.

"Yes," he answered. "These will be your new teams."

"Ok, so we went from three teams of eight to no teams, and now it's five teams of four with three on one?" Alejandro groaned.

"Yep!" The host continued to smile.

"And we're still splitting the points?" Asked Scott.

"Yep. That way there will be more money for each of you."

"I knew it in eight was a bad idea to begin with," Chef commented.

"Shut it!" Chris snapped. "Anyways, todays challenge will be a...scavenger hunt!"

"Let me guess? We're finding your sanity?" Noah humored. "Because I don't think any of us could win in that case."

His face fell flat. "Ha ha won't be laughing when you get lost in the forest. And I may or may not send someone out to find you then."

"Is there an invincibility statue in there?" The farm boy asked again.

"What's the point of invincibility if we're not doing eliminations, Scott?" He knocked on his head. "It's less hollow than I thought. Everyone laughed as said guy glared. A grin appeared back on the host's face. "Now for the teams!"

"Team 1 will be: Alejandro, Sierra, and Duncan! You guys will be our group of three!"

"Are you serious?!" Both men said, growling at each other as they had to walk to one side of the campfire.

"Team 2: Bridgette, LeShawna, Courtney, and Gwen!"

"Whoo!" LeShawna cheered. "An all girls team!"

"Sweet!" Bridgette smiled, high-fiving her.

Courtney and Gwen awkwardly stood together, not saying a word.

"Team three," Chris continued. "José, Trent, Zoey, and Heather!"

"Great," Heather rolled her eyes, walking to one side with her team. "I'm with an asshole, an OCD freak, and a too-nice-to-be-in-Total-Drama loser!"

"Team four: Harold, DJ, Geoff, and Tyler."

"Yeah!" The dumb jock jumped up excitedly. "An all boys team! Take that, team three!"

"Actually, it was team two," Harold corrected.

"Then...take that team two!"

"Team five: Mike, Scott, Cameron, and Cody."

"At least I'm away from Sierra," Cody told himself, flinching as the stalker girl cried.

"Man, she really needs to get over you," Scott snickered, patting him on the shoulder. He pulled away, raising an eyebrow at him.

"And last but not six: Owen, Noah, Izzy, and Lindsay!"

"Yay!" I get to be on a team with Tyler!" The blonde squealed.

"Uh...I'm not even gonna try at this point," Noah deadpanned.

"You all are probably wondering what you're looking for," Chris began. "Well let me tell ya...this challenge could take from as little as an hour to the whole day. How you and your team work together will determine whether you get dinner tonight." He laughed. "So if one person messes up the whole thing for your team, you can thank them for your hunger. Anyways, I have hidden three items for each of your teams to find around this island: a book, a red pen, and a white notecard. Whoever's Team is the first to find all three wins 10 points."

"Yes!" Owen said. "That's more points than before!"

"It's only 2 more..."


"Oh, and one more thing before you go. I have also hidden one more item that only one team will be able to get: a black mask. Whoever gets that will receive two bonus points. But you have to have all three of the other items."

Gwen gasped silently. Could it! We've already established who did it! ...Did we?

"Where'd you find that?!" Duncan asked.

The host simply shrugged. "I don't know. It was just sitting there in the forest and I thought it was cool."

That means... the punk turned to Alejandro. Somebody dropped it! It has to be the one Courtney saw!

"Ok, now everyone move it!" Chris yelled. The teams split up in different directions.


Team 1

"Care to take us to the mask, Al?" Duncan retorted as he, Alejandro, and Sierra walked into the forest. The Spaniard held back the urge to punch him in the face. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out.

"I would, but I have no idea where it is because I didn't do it!!!"

"Yes, you did."

No, I didn't!"






"Would you two shut up?!" Sierra snapped. "You can deal with your problems later. Right now we need to find our items!"

"Sierra," Alejandro started. "Who do you believe did it?"

"Well, considering it was Gweny who saw it and not sure if I could believe anything that goth says, everyone is innocent until proven guilty!"

"Yeah, unless it's Gwen," Duncan muttered. "You should probably ask a more, I don't know...non-biased source!"

"Hey! I don't trust anyone here except for my Codykins!"

"Once again, non-biased!"

Sierra scoffed, focusing back on the challenge.

Team 2


"LeShawna thinks we should go that way," Bridgette pointed to the right. She turned to Courtney and Gwen. "What do you two think?"

"Sure," Gwen replied.

"Well I think we should go left," Courtney answered at the same time.

They both looked at each other, slightly aggravated at first, then the brunette sighed. "I...guess majority rules. If everyone wants to go right, we can go right."

The next few moments were silent as the four girls continued to trek through the forest. Bridgette and LeShawna led the way while Courtney and Gwen followed behind.

Things were getting way too awkward, and Gwen couldn't take it anymore. She glanced at the C.I.T. and opened her mouth to say something, when Courtney best her to it.

"Thanks. For saving me the other day. I...really didn't deserve it."

The goth raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? You could have died down there!"

"Exactly." She sighed. "After the way I treated you and was totally karma. And Duncan still comes back to me."

"It's because he loves you," she smiled. "And yeah, I thought that I loved him, but now my feelings for him are totally gone. Trust me, he's all yours."

They both laughed. "Tell me if you see Alejandro," LeShawna told Bridgette, interrupting their conversation. "Cause I wanna give him a piece of my mind!"

Gwen looked at Courtney worriedly. "If that jerk gets anywhere near you again, we'll make him pay for it!"

Courtney frowned, biting her lip nervously. "That's the thing...I'm not sure if it was Alejandro." She rose her voice so that the other two could hear. "You guys really shouldn't jump to conclusions without any proof. That's one of the first things I learned in Law School."

"But don't we have evidence already?" LeShawna argued. "I mean, think about how he's played in the past."

"I don't think he's ever tried to kill anyone."

"Well, he killed my vibe and Bridgette's tongue. And not to mention, he played you too, girl! Don't you want the revenge you never got?"

"I agree with her, Court," The surfer girl said. "I know it's been a while, but he needs to learn a lesson."

"I think he already leaned when Heather pushed him off a volcano!"

"Which is what I wish I could have done!" LeShawna snapped. "Why does Heather get to do everything when she's the one who deserves it the least?!"

"Holding grudges isn't going to help anybody!" Courtney yelled back. LeShawna turned around to face her.

"Oh, says the girl who held the longest grudge on Duncan and Gwen!"

"Guys!" Bridgette intervened. "Can we just agree to disagree? For once? I know this is Total Drama, but please try to be civilized with each other. We are trying to find what we need to win the challenge. Just think about that."

Team 3


"Move it or lose it, people!" Heather yelled at her team. "I've been walking faster than all of you!"

José glared at the back of her head. Why does she get to be leader? Patience, José, patience.

He looked over at the man walking next to him, then smirked, already having a new idea. "So Trent," he began. "You're with Gwen now, huh?"

"Yeah," the musician blushed, scratching the back of his neck. "She's amazing."

The Spaniard raised an eyebrow. "Even though she José Duncan over you? I'm not trying to dig up old wounds, but you have to take that into consideration since, you know...they're both in the same place again."

"Duncan's with Courtney again," he answered, slightly offended.

"Has that stopped him before?"

"...No, but we're adults now. And it's all in the past."

"Well..." José pretend to look uncomfortable. He lowered his voice. "I heard that...I don't know..."

"What is it?"

"I-I don't know if it's true or not, and I don't wanna get anyone in trouble, but...I heard that she and Duncan...kinda hooked up last night."

"Huh?!" His eyes widened. "No...that can't be true. She told me she was over Duncan!"

"Yes, but remember, my friend. The lips can be very deceiving. I'm just trying to warn you of what I heard, so please keep that in mind."

"...Who did you hear it from?" Asked Trent, squinting suspiciously.

"Ah...I've spoken too much. I should've give any more names away." He walked ahead, leaving him to his own thoughts. Gwen wouldn't do that...would she? I mean, she did help Duncan cheat on Courtney, so! She wouldn't cheat! Who spread this?!

"It's way too hot out here!" Heather's voice got his attention.

"We should probably take a rest stop," Zoey suggested.

José clenched his jaw, aggravated, but he controlled his tone of voice. "We've only been walking for ten minutes."

"Yes, but it's hot and we're pregnant."

"Ah, yes. I'm...sorry about that. I suppose we could take a five minute break?" She nodded. José found a boulder to sit down on. Trent sat on a boulder next to him while the girls found a fallen tree truck to rest on.

Zoey glanced over at José. Something about him And when it came to off, she was an expert at it. Whenever Mike was Mal, she knew something was wrong with him the whole time. By she didn't think José had a personality disorder. Then again, she hardly ever spoke to him before.

"God, I'm so hungry," grumbled Heather. The redhead pursed her lips in thought. Her face lit up once she realized she had a chocolate meal bar in her purse.

"Here," she offered.

The queen bee raised an eyebrow, then scoffed, crossing her arms. "I don't take food from losers."

"Keep in mind that I won All-Stars and actually got the money," she giggled.

"Didn't you split it with...who was it? Dike?"

"Mike," She scowled a little.

"I knew that, I was just trying to see how mad I could get you."


"Because it's fun to see people mad, duh."

Zoey rolled her eyes. "Well no wonder people thought you and Alejandro tried to murder Courtney."

"Wow, what a surprise. Even the nicest girl on the show thinks so."

"I never said I thought you guys did it."

"Well you implied it."

"No, I didn't. I was just saying you're so mean. Of course people would think you were apart of it."

"Mean doesn't equal murderer, genius."

Zoey's face fell flat. "You're impossible to reason with."

"Thank you," she flicked her hair over her shoulder. "I try to be."

Rolling her eyes, Zoey decided to change the subject. "So, you've decided to keep the baby?"

Heather's eyes went wide. "Um, where did that come from?"

"I'm just trying to make conversation."

"Well, the answer to your question is none of your business! I'm so ready to start walking again. Zoey frowned, standing up with everyone else.

Team 4


"Man," Tyler started. "An all guys team? How awesome is that?!"

"No offense, dude, but you've said that at least ten times in the last five minutes," said Geoff.

"Yeah," Harold joined. "Studies show that repeating things over and over again just makes you-"

"Guys!" DJ whisper-yelled. "Look what I found!" His team stopped and saw a red pen laying amongst a few leafs on the ground.

"Good work, man!" The party guy smiled.

"Not so fast!" Scott jumped out from behind a tree, a malicious smile across his face.

"Oh no..." Tyler backed away.

"Fair warning: I have mad karate skills!" Harold stepped forward with a threatening pose.

"Oh really?" Mike came out of one of the bushes, a playful smirk on his face. "Cause I still have the same abilities as all of my formal personalities, including Svetlana!"

"...Who's Svetlana?" Geoff asked.

"Didn't you see Revenge Of the Island and All-Stars?!" DJ screeched. "We've gotta get out of here!"

Team 5


"That's right! You better run!" Scott snickered. He laughed evilly as he watched the other team run away. "Now for our pen...what the heck?" He raised an eyebrow as he noticed it was gone. "What happened?! And Cameron and Cody! You two were so much help!"

"S-sorry..." Cameron came out from hiding, his body shaking.

"And you guys still haven't answered my question! Where did that darn pen go?!"

"Uh..." Cody slowly pointed upwards.

"Huh?" The farm boy looked up to see none other than Izzy standing in a tree, a red pen in her hand. He growled, looking back at Cody. "How could you let this happen?!"

"Scott, it's ok," Mike reassured. "We can just find another one-"

"But we were so close!!" He clenched his fists.

Cameron leaned towards Cody. "This why I nearly peed my pants when we were all paired up together."

Cody's eyes widened. "Yeah, cause I really needed to know that.

Team 6


"Hey guys!" Izzy smiled, running towards her team with a red pen.

"Sweet!" Lindsay cheered, jumping up and down. "We're so gonna win this!"

"That was just one item," Said Noah. "We still need the book, notecard, and the black mask if we get lucky."

"Ooo...I really hope we find that one!" Owen chuckled. "Maybe Chris will let me keep it and then I'll finally be able to be Batman!"

"...Why?" Noah groaned. "Just...why?"

"Because he's cool, and-"

"We are grown men, Owen!"

"...So?" The big guy frowned. "Don't crush my dreams."


Team 1


"Come on, Al!" Duncan yelled. "We've been searching for an hour and we still haven't found the mask! Just take us to it already!" At this point, the Spaniard just rolled his eyes.

"Duncan," Sierra said. "Maybe he really doesn't know where it is. We just need to keep looking."

"And what if he does, huh?!" The punk growled.

"Then if I do, I guess we don't win!" Alejandro glared. "We should just go back! This is ridiculo-" he cut himself off when he kicked something on the ground. He gasped when he saw exactly what they were looking for: a black mask.

"I knew it! I knew it was you!"

"What?! Just because it's here now doesn't mean I did it!"

"Oh sure," he laughed. "You obviously made it look like an accident that we ran into it!"

"No!" Alejandro argued, balling his fists. "We obviously came upon it by accident!!"

"Guys!!" Sierra screeched. "Stop fighting and pick up the darn mask or I'll push you both aside and say that my team didn't participate!!"

The two men blinked, looking at the purple-haired girl, then back to each other. Duncan sighed. "She's right. We'll sort this out later."

If there was anything to sort out, that is, Alejandro thought to himself, scowling, and picking up the item. The mask covered everything but the eyes and had tiny holes for the nose. It looked really...creepy. Like out-of-the-ordinary creepy. Like whoever wore this mask wore it for Halloween...Halloween?! That's it!!

Alejandro's eyes widened as he held the now all too familiar mask in his shaking hands. He remembered when Carlos would wear that mask every Halloween to chase him and José around the house before he moved out. José...I-I should've seen it coming! He wanted nothing more than to crush the mask with his bare hands, but he took a deep breath, calming himself.

"Alejandro!!!!" Sierra's high pitched voice interrupted his thoughts. He shook his head, blinking a few times.


"Hello?!! We need to get out of here so we can win!"

"Oh! Yeah!" He nodded quickly.

"Hmmph," Duncan grumbled as they headed back. "I wonder if that was the mask you wore when you were trying to kill my girlfriend!!"

Alejandro ignored him, his mind rapidly filling with new worries. Will he try doing that again? And if so, to who? Then the worst thought came to mind. What if he hurts Heather? I could never forgive him or myself for that!! Should I tell her that he did it? Has she already figured it out? No! I won't tell her! If I do and she doesn't know, I'll just be putting her in even more danger. I won't. It's just between José and I.


"Damn it!!" Duncan cursed when they arrived by the campfire and saw that team 2 was already there."

"Ha ha! We beat your sorry butts!" Courtney stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Oh, but Duncan, you seemed to have forgotten what we found..." Alejandro smirked, holding up the mask.

The girls eyes winded. "What?!!"

"But we looked everywhere for that!" Bridgette groaned.

Gwen glared at Alejandro and angrily crossed her arms. "Well of course they found it! It was Alejandro's mask!"

"It wasn't my mask!!"

"Ugh!!!!" Was all Courtney said as she pushed her way through everyone, heading to her cabin and slamming the door shut.

"I'll go follow her," Duncan, Bridgette, and Gwen all said at the same time. "Wait, what?"

"Duncan," The surfer girl started. "I suggest you don't go, considering that Gwen and I actually know why she's angry."

"Well why is she angry?"

"Because she doesn't believe...well, she'll tell you on her own." The two girls walked in Courtney's direction.

Just then, teams 4 and 6 showed up at the same time. "I bet you guys didn't find the black mask!" Said Tyler.

Noah raised an eyebrow. "And you have?"

"Uh..." the jock chuckled nervously as his group shook their heads at him.

"That's what I thought, basketball head."


Following them was team 5, Scott looking like he was going to kill someone, and Cameron, Cody, and Mike all looking scared for their lives. "You guys are all losers for letting insane Izzy steal our red pen! Heck, we don't even have two items!!"

"Has anyone even found all of their items plus the black mask?" Asked Cameron.

"Yep," Alejandro held the item up for everyone to see.

"No fair!" Lindsay pouted.

"Campers!" Chris showed up, a bright smile across his face. "Who do we have left? Or has everyone finished?"

"We're still waiting for Sierra's team," answered Cody. "And the only reason I know that is because it's really quiet now."

"Alright! I guess they'll be the losers tonight. Team 1, since you found all three items and the mask, you get 12 points."

"Whoo!" Duncan cheered, pumping his fist in the air. "Take that, Harold!"

"Whatever," The geek rolled his eyes. "At least I still have my mad skills."

"Oh, yeah, totally," the delinquent laughed sarcastically.


"Come on, Court," Bridgette placed a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"No, I'm not coming out until you stop talking about what happened to me that night!" She remained on the bed, facing the wall. "All I want is to forget about it. Is that too much to ask?!"

"Maybe," Gwen replied. "We need to all gang up on Al and show him what it feels like to almost die!"

"I said no! I don't care if Alejandro did it or not, ok?! I just want to go to bed for once without being terrified that I'll wake up kidnapped again!!"

" don't care who did it?"


Both Bridgette and Gwen shared glance, frowning.

"Fine," the goth said. "Well let it go if that's what will make you feel better. But don't think that I'll forget."

"How could you ever forget?" The C.I.T. let out an emotionless laugh. "How could I forget? It was my life that was in danger! Not yours, mine!! I've been having nightmares ever since and it never gets better!"

"And that's exactly why we want revenge!" Bridgette argued. "Once we find this guy, we can get rid of him and you can move on with your life!"

"And that's what I'm trying to do now!! Just leave, please." She crossed her arms. "I wanna be alone right now."

"But Court-"

"I said leave!" The brunette snapped.

Her fiends sighed, slowly getting up from the bed and shutting the cabin door.

Team 3


"Come on, Team!" José exclaimed. "We can't give up!"

"Who died and made you leader?" Heather grumbled.

"No one. I figured since you kept on wanting to rest, I could be leader. I can only imagine how stressful it is to be expecting and dragging along three people in the heat."

The Asian gritted her teeth. "The sun is setting. It's not that hot anymore. The other teams probably made it back by now."

"Maybe, maybe not..."

"Are...are we lost?" Zoey raised an eyebrow worriedly.

"No!" José reassured. "We're just trying to find that mask." Heather squinted suspiciously at the Spaniard, knowing exactly what he was doing. Ugh! He's leading us away on purpose!!!!

"You what?" She started. "I think we are lost. Who cares about that stupid mask anyway? What if another team already found it? Huh?!"

"Heather," Her fiancé's brother tried soothing. "Stressing is the last thing you need to do in your condition-"

"You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do!" She glared at him. "Now I'm going to sit right here until you find us a way out!" Heather huffed, crossing her arms and sitting down on a log.

"Alright," he shrugged, as if it were no big deal for him. "Trent and I will go looking." The musician nodded and followed close behind him.

Zoey sighed, sitting next to Heather. "Did I say you could sit by me?!" The redhead rolled her eyes, unzipping her backpack and grabbing her meal bar from earlier.

The queen bee glanced over, the snack tempting her. She felt her stomach growl like crazy. Crap! I should've eaten a bigger breakfast this morning! She bit her tongue to keep from looking at it. She heard Zoey unwrapping it.

"Last chance," she said. "You can have it if you want."

Heather continued to stare straight ahead, trying not to think about how good that would much it would fill her up. How much better she would feel if she just- "Fine. I'll take it." She snatched it from the girl.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist," she laughed.

"Whatever," Heather rolled her eyes, taking the rest of it of the wrapper. She looked down at it, then looked at Zoey out of her corner of her eye, then back to the food. She split the bar in half. "Here. God knows you need it too."


"Yes! Now take it before I change my mind!"

"Thanks, Heather," she smiled.

"You're welcome...I guess..." she muttered; taking a bite out of her half. "And just so you know..." she swallowed. "I wouldn't have shared that if you weren't pregnant."

"...You wanna know how I found out I was pregnant?"

"Not really, but since I have nothing else to do, sure."

"Alright," the redhead began excitedly. "So I was sitting at home watching tv when I threw up!"

"And how is that anything to smile about?" Heather made a disgusted face.

"Because Mike and I had been trying for a baby for almost a year by then! Although...I was also kinda worried that it was just the stomach flu. But when I went to the doctor, she said I was pregnant! I even surprised Mike by making him a cake the week after. It was the happiest day-or week of my life!"

"Omg that's so wonderful!" She mimicked a high-pitched, fake happy voice. "Now your life is over!"

Zoey glared at her. "I don't see it that way. More like my life is getting turned upside a good way though!"

"Are you kidding me?" Heather laughed sarcastically. "You won't be saying that once you have to deal with it all the time."

"You mean deal with him or her?"


"This makes me think you're not keeping your baby."

"I am, loser!" She yelled. "Is that what you wanted to hear? And did you also wanna hear my fun little pregnancy story too? Well news flash: it wasn't fun! In fact, it was the exact opposite of what you said! Yes, I did throw up, but I knew exactly what it was because I remember when I accidentally skipped taking my damn birth control pills one time! Ugh!!!!" She pulled at her hair and huffed frustratedly. "But I've decided to give this thing a chance because..." she took a deep breath, choosing her eyes, then let it out. "Because it's not fair. It's not fair to whoever this baby is going to be."

Zoey blinked, completely overwhelmed. Is this even Heather? "Hey," Her voice came softly. "Don't look at being a mother as an 'I have too' situation. And yeah, you do have your 'have to' duties as a mother. But when it comes to bonding with your child...I've heard that it is the most unique feeling in the world. The love I feel for him or her already is so strong." She placed a hand on her stomach, smiling warmly.

Heather looked at her teammate in confusion. She didn't understand how she could love someone that wasn't even born yet. "I..." she let out a shaky breath. "I don't know how to feel happier...about this. Everyday...I think about how I'll lose all my freedom once this baby is born. And I constantly worry about how it will turn out. Every. Single. Day. It's driving my insane!"

"Well, maybe I can help you," Zoey offered.

"What? No way!" She scoffed. "It's not like you have much experience! Besides, I don't take help from anyone!"

"Who else are you gonna ask, Heather? No one else on this island is pregnant...that I know of, at least. And the rest are men."

The Asian swallowed. She does have a point...but...ugh! "Fine. But this better work!"

"It will if you stay positive!"

"How am I supposed to be positive when there's this..this thing in my stomach?!"

"Ok, first of all, you've gotta stop calling the baby an 'it' or a 'thing.' Start using pronouns."

"Alright. But don't get mad if it takes me a while!"

"You have nine months to get it down, so I think you'll be fine."

...Why am I doing this?


"Well it's about time!" Was the first thing Chris said to team three when they finally made it back. "And what a shame...we already ate dinner!"

"I don't care, I'm eating something!" Heather pushed right past him, Zoey following her.

"I guess you won't ever know who won. Oh well," the host shrugged. "Obviously, Team 1 wins 12 points and a night in the hot tub!"

"Sweet!" Duncan said.

"Eeeeep!" Sierra cheered. "If only Cody were on my team..."

Alejandro took one look at the tiny hot tub Chris had Chef pull out and cringed. No way am I gonna get in there with those two! "Uh...I think I'll pass, guys."

"Hey, that's fine with me! Now I won't have to listen to your lies about not trying to murder my girlfriend!" The punk shouted, heading towards his cabin to get changed.


"And I can already feel my two pound weight gain!" Heather gasped. "Why am I eating more?!"

"Because the baby needs it," Zoey laughed. "I feel the same way about my weight, too. I'm always feeling bloated. And trust me, that's not even half the weight we'll be gaining."

"Well I don't think it-he or she," the Asian corrected, "needs that much. They're going to be fat. We can not have fat kids because people will make fun of them and they'll never have any friends."

"Hey, Owen has friends," the redhead stated.

"Good point."

"Hey Zo-and...Heather? Mike raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we're hanging out now," Heather snapped. "Got a problem with that?!"

"No!" He laughed nervously, putting his hands up in defense. "I don't have a problem with it at all! It's offense, but...when were you ever nice to anyone besides Alejandro?"

"I am not nice to Zoey! I called her loser at least three times today!"

"Well then in that case, come on, Zoey," said Mike, lending her his hand. "Heather's not the best person to be talking to, especially when you're pregnant."

"I'm pregnant too, doofus! And I'm right here!!" Heather yelled.

"It's not like you hold back when you have something mean to say."

"Yeah, but point is, Zoey and I were just having a little girl time until you came in to ruin it!"

"It's ok, Mike," Zoey spoke up.

"But..." he lowered his voice. "What if she's trying to trick you into an alliance and then does something to you later? Remember who she's marrying?"

"I can hear you, you know! And no, Alejandro did not try to kill Courtney!!"

"I don't think he did either," the redhead said. "I think that we're just jumping to conclusions."

" actually trust these people?" Her husband asked, furrowing his eyebrows in worry.

"Yes! Heather may be mean and nasty, but she's not a psycho murderer."

"Exactly!" Heather said, a smile on her lips. "See? There's someone who actually knows what they're talking about, unlike the rest of you losers!"

"Alright," Mike replied. "I won't believe that your fiancé tried to drown Courtney until there's evidence."

"You better."

"Are you coming to bed, Zoey?"

"Yeah..." she yawned. "Goodnight, Heath."

"Goodnight!" She smiled waved as they both left the cafeteria. That was when Alejandro came in.

"I thought they'd never leave," he groaned.

"What?" Heather smirked playfully, standing up and walking towards him. "You don't trust them?"

"Why should I?" He wrapped his arms around her waist and planted a light kiss on her forehead. "They don't trust us."

"Why should they?" She mimicked his tone of voice. "We never gave them a reason for them to, and they've never given us a reason not to. Why are you suddenly being so annoyingly overprotective?"

Alejandro sighed. "I don't know." He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear so that he could kiss it. "I guess I just love you and our baby too much."

Heather closed her eyes as he pulled her up against himself, and hummed in contentment. Something about the warmth that radiated off of his body and onto her's made her feel so secure and happy, and, she dare say it...she could almost feel the baby's happiness, although he or she wasn't old enough to kick yet. She'd stay like this forever if she could.

"You know what I think, mi amor?" He gently whispered in her ear, beginning to sway.

"Hmmm?" She replied lazily, her eyes still shut.

"I think we should wait until everyone's asleep and get into that hot tub."

Heather's eyes were open now. "Wait..what hot tub?"

"Oh yeah," he chuckled. "I forgot that you left before Chris could announce the winner. I would've gotten into the hot tub with my teammates if they weren't setting out to kill me or completely insane."

"You guys won?! How many points was it again?"


"Oh, it is so on!" She said playfully, pushing herself away from him.

"Ah...says the team who came in last place," he winked.

"You're not gonna be able to walk tomorrow by the time I'm done with you, Alejandro!"

"Oh?" He smirked suggestively. "Then in that case, I don't want you to ever be done with me."

"Do you now how annoying you dirty mind is?"

"About as annoying as yours."

"Please!" She scoffed. "I do not have a dirty mind!"

"Tell that to the way you acted the other night. Remember when you told me to-"

"Alejandro!" She whisper-yelled, her face becoming red. "We are on camera!" Her fiancé only laughed.

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