Flags and Forts
"Last time on Total Drama Randomness..." Chris began the recap of the last episode as the camera cuts to shots from the cliff. "We met our lovely contestants from all across the multiverse who are ready to fight for the million dollar prize, they're were some who could last to the finals." The camera quickly shows people like Deadpool, Samus, And Sephiroth. "And some who won't even last today." The camera shows Cuphead, Kaos and Darkwing. "But it's all random, anything can happen!." Chris smirked as the cameras now came back to him. "But in the end, only one person didn't jump off the cliff. Eric Cartman, the child who may or may not have a criminal record and a bad vocabulary was the only member of the dingos to not take the high leap of faith thus making them lose the first challenge of the season, no shocker as he was the first one to take a ride on the vortex of shame!." The cameras focused on McLean again who was now outside both cabins. "The first loser is gone and the fun has just begun, right here on Total...Drama...Randomness!."
It was now morning on paradise island, the birds were singing their harmonious music in the trees and the deers had began to feed on the grass that was growing from the sun, more importantly, everyone was asleep in the cabins dreaming peaceful dreams. Besides for one camper who wasn't even in the cabins.
Just beyond the forest was a roaring fire that crackled and roared as the sun was coming up and a man got out of a tent made from wood, leafs and rocks, he put on his boots and his hat before heading into the forest to hunt.
Arthur (confessional)
The cowboy was lighting up a cigarette before looking at the camera. "I know what you are probably thinking. "Why are you sleeping in the woods?." Arthur quickly took a puff before continuing "After running from lawmen, pinkertons and bounty hunters for over twenty years, I'm used to sleeping in forests, caves, and places most wouldn't even step foot in."
Arthur was looking around very carefully at the trees, observing every animal, trying to pick out an easy target, he saw some deers that were drinking from the water but he ignored them, his eyes locked on to a squirrel who was gathering nuts to put in a tree.
"Gotcha!." Arthur smiled slowly pulling out a hunting knife to attack the squirrel but as he got closer the squirrel pointed behind him.
"Pfft, like I'm falling for that." Arthur laughed before feeling a warm breath behind him, he turned around and saw a big grey wolf was right behind him.
"Son of a bitch..."
The wolf jumps at Arthur who starts screaming as his arm is bitten.
"Get off of me you hairy bastard!." He yells before taking his knife and slashing the wolf across the eye, giving it a nasty looking scar, it let go of his arm and the cowboy quickly started shooting at the wolf as it quickly retreated back into the forest, he soon heard a howl and then several more howls and Arthur knew too well that a pack of wolves would kill him in an instant so he wrapped a bandage around his arm and ran back to the cabins.
"What I said about sleeping in the forest, yeah well lawmen and wolves are two different things, I'll sleep in the cabins."
As he was running he heard barking and knew the wolfs were chasing him so he didn't even turn around and just ran like the devil himself was after him.
Everyone else was still asleep in the cabins until barking was heard which woke everyone up, Cuphead quickly went outside before he tripped on the steps and fell on the grass.
"What's happening!." Cuphead tried to get off the ground only to get trampled by Arthur who was rushing inside, he slammed the door shut and looked out of the window, all the wolves went back but the one with the scar gave a loud growl before retreating with the rest of the pack.
"Dude...what happened to you?." Little Mac asked rubbing his eyes seeing Arthur covered in scratches and his arm in a bandage.
Before he could answer and explosion went off and he quickly rushed back outside.
"Where the hell did that explosion come from!." The cowboy drew his revolver from its holster loaded with six bullets.
"You guys heard it too?." Charlie asked rubbing her eyes stepping outside her cabin before being shoved out of the way by Verosika who was pissed "who's the cocksucker that woke me from my beauty sleep!." JFK walked over to the demon popstar and slicked his hair back.
"You don't need sleep when you-er-look that hot." the clone put an arm around her neck and in one second he got thrown back to the rest of the guys.
"I like her." he grinned before an explosion was heard making everyone shake.
"Okay seriously, where the hell is the destruction at?." Peacemaker put his toilet sea-I mean his beacon of freedom on his head as someone came flying in on a jet pack.
"Hello friends!." Chris yelled as he lowered slowly down to the ground, making sand go everywhere which made everyone start coughing.
"What the hell was that explosion!?." Harley growled at the host.
Chris slowly landed beside the teams before removing his helmet and combing his hair so it would look neat. "That was a sign that one of the traps was ready for today's challenge!."
"Are we going to war or something?." Tracer asked "That was a huge explosion."
"Nobody's going to war...yet." Chris looked over at her with a smile "But thanks for the idea, today's challenge is good old fashioned game of capture the flag!." The host beamed but his smile quickly changed to a frown after everyone was giving him confused looks.
"What is capture the flag?." Cuphead asked, raising a hand "I don't think Mugman and I ever played that before"
"I've also never played that before." Charlie added "Can we go over the rules?."
Chris let out a sigh before he snaps his fingers and an intern hands him two flags "These two flags here will be guarded by your teammates inside of a fortress that has already been built by our lovely unpaid interns, once your you have select a few victims-I mean brave campers, who will try to get to the other fort and take the flag back to home base." Chris smirked "But as I mentioned there will be plenty of wonderful surprises in store for this challenge, like this one!." Chris ducked behind the intern as Chef came out of nowhere and blasted everyone in the face with meatballs.
"There's your breakfast." Chef laughed as everyone wiped the tomato sauce off.
"Not bad." Mario said biting into the meatball.
"Weak!." Bender said before shoving the entire meatball down his throat.
Chris motions to Chef who hits the robot with another meatball. "That the best you got!."
Bender began to taunt at the cook who fired several meatballs at the robot which finally took him down.
"You have a full hour to prepare your formations, choose who's defending the base and who's going to try and capture the flag." the host walked off with Chef before getting hit with a meatball.
"That's for making me set up the dynamite." Chef said to the host who freaked out over the sauce getting in his hair.
The camera cuts to the goats inside their fort, all of them were sitting in chairs in a tiny room. The fort was build with stones and resembled a castle, with its own little drawbridge for an entrance.
"Alright listen up," Samus began standing in front of her team looking at each of them "here's the way we do this, we'll have the strongest members of the team go after the flag, they'll be able to take a hit and they have the best chance of getting the flag, so that means Tracer, Smith (Peacemaker's last name), Mario and Arthur, you all are with me." Samus said before someone raised a hand.
"Shouldn't we have more than five people go, like Chris said, there's many surprises he's got in store for us." Meggy said and the bounty hunter nodded.
"Good point...alright, Meggy you, Harley and the robot will also be on the battlefield." Samus moved three icons to the left.
"Hell yeah, let's kick some ass!." Harley cracked her knuckles, she was very excited for the challenge it seemed, Bender wasn't feeling the same energy.
"Whatever, just nobody stay in my way." Bender said as he left the tent, downing a bottle of booze.
"How come HE gets to go and I'm stuck on the sidelines?." Darkwing shoots up out is his seat. "In fact, how come I'm not the one in charge of this team?. I'm the terror that flaps in the night!-"
"And I'm the guy who ain't that bright." Arthur shouted from the back making some of the others chuckle a bit.
"You think that's funny cowboy?." Darkwing shoved Arthur who quickly got up. "Guess I'm having roasted duck tonight." Wii Fit quickly got between them separating the duck from Arthur.
"Guys come on, let's not fight, let's all just stick the plan that Samus has and then we can all stay for another day." She pleads as Arthur sighs.
"Fine..." Arthur also leaves the fort, taking out a cigarette and lights it with his boot, after he lights it, he takes a long puff but little does he know, someone is watching him.
"Hmm..." Sephiroth looked into the camera of the confessional. "The cowboy is wildcard to me, same with the robot. Maybe they could be of use to what I have in store for this little game..." he chuckled before looking back at the camera "Interesting battle formation Samus,
The Dingos had set up a similar fort to what the goats had made only everyone was sitting in a circle discussing the formation.
"So, what's the plan?." Charlie asked sitting between Bob and Kaos.
"Well they're probably going to put the stronger ones up from, meaning the weaker ones are guarding the flag, we could do the same thing and make it even or try to confuse them with a different approach." Bob started rubbing his hands together.
"Great, you can be one of the runners." Sephiroth looked at the failed murderer glancing around at the rest of his team. "Who else wants to go?."
"I volunteer as tribute!." Deadpool stood up raising up three fingers.
"Perfect, you can be the cannon fodder- I mean flag capturer." Sephiroth smirked. "And Rick, you can help him."
"Fucking fantastic..." Rick sarcastically cheered before taking a swig from his flask.
"I don't even want to take part in this stupid fucking-urrp-challenge, I'll just stay in the back-"
"No, we need you out there," Bayonetta lied trying to think of a reason "Your smart and can probably avoid all the traps that Chris has set up!."
Bayonetta (confessional)
"Do you really think I could trust him to help us defend the flag?. He can't even go ten seconds without taking a drink, however he does have that portal gun of his, maybe he is smart...and if that's the case it could make him a threat."
Rick (confessional)
Rick was taking a piss in the confessional before turning around and seeing the camera.
"Who's the fucker that put a camera in the outhouse!."
It was now time for the challenge and everyone was now on the beach, there were two towers, both of them made of stone and the same height, with several flights of stairs on the insides of the forts. On the very top of the towers were two flags, one golden and the other brown.
Each tower had cannons on the front so the defenders could try and take out the enemies from reaching the fort, but there were also rifles, bombs, slingshots and arrows available in case people didn't want to use the cannons.
"Alright, everyone know what they are doing?." Samus asked as she was stretching.
"Locked and loaded." Meggy grinned getting into a running position, Mario gave a thumbs up before also getting into a running stance. "Let's-a-go."
"And it looks like we've got an intense game of capture the flag here folks!." Chris said sounding like a sport's announcer.
"It sure does..." Chef Hatchet was bored as he was skimming through a magazine while sitting next to the host.
"Can you at least try to sound like you are interested?." Chris muted his mic while talking to the cook who rolled his eyes.
"Pay me more and you'll get your wish."
"Fine." Chris sighed before calling over the butler "Wadsworth, can you please ring the gong so the challenge can start?." The butler nodded and walked over to the gong before hitting it letting off a loud sound.
"Let the games begin!." Chris announced as he unmuted his microphone.
All the advancers ran into the middle, Tracer was the fastest for her team moving quickly over clumps of sand with beeping noises.
"Ha, I see those landmines!." Tracer looked at the host with a grin before running face first into a pole that came out of the ground making both Chris and Chef laughed.
"Ha!." Scout laughed at the overwatch agent before he fell into a pit of crabs, his screams of pain could be heard by everyone as he crawled out of the pit with two crabs still holding onto his legs.
"Get them off me!." He screamed as the crabs pinched his legs making him scream more.
"I knew the crabs were a good idea." Chris laughed as Scout was dragged back into the pit screaming his head off.
Mario was running as fast as his legs could carry him, sure he wasn't the fastest one there but he was one of the most agile, for a man his height and weight. The plumber jumped over the crabs and dodged all the mines in his way however he didn't notice the tripwire and fell face first in the sand, his cap falling off his head.
"Oof!." Mario grunted before picking his head up, his mustache was now a sandy color with a couple shells in it.
"Ha!." Bob laughed as he ran past the plumber, he was struggling a bit with running with his big feet
"Fortune please be upon me now!." Bob prayed as he carefully moved around the minds, thankfully Bob's lanky body helped him move around the mines but his big feet nearly tripped him up.
"Phew." Bob wiped the sweat from his forehead before moving foreword, stepping on a guardian rake which hit him in the face.
"Seems Bob has been reunited with his old friend." Chris chuckled as Bob grumbled.
Sideshow Bob(confessional)
"There's only one thing I despise more than Bart Simpson, my archenemy, the dreaded rake."
The Simpsons villain tossed the rake aside and continued moving.
"You used my rakes as traps!." Chef yelled at the host who scooted away.
"And a few other things that I'm sure someone will discover..." Chris nervously chuckled before looking back at the action. "And it looks like Peacemaker is going to make it to the fort!."
The host was right, the anti-hero was making good ground dodging nearby traps like landmines, swinging axes, and even cannonballs being fired by the dingos.
"SOMEONE HIT HIM!." Catalina yelled as she fired another cannon ball.
"I'm trying!." Toko grabbed a bomb and loaded it into a slingshot before Catalina took it from her hands.
Catalina scoffed "You'd miss, I'm an excellent shot, watch and learn."
The Latin fired the bomb that missed Peacemaker completely but landed in front of Samus who got launched all the way back to the fort.
"Wow, glad I'm not you." Bender opened a beer as Samus got up.
"What are you doing, get going!." She yelled at the robot who let out a bleach and threw the bottle into the ocean.
"Alright, keep your damn ponytail on." Bender began running in the sand, he shoved Tracer who was just getting back up.
"Hey!." She yelled as Bender laughed.
"Finally, damn crabs!." Scout stood up on the stand before opening up a bonk. "What the-" Scout looked as a robot ran up to him and shoved him back in the crab pit, grabbing the bonk from his hand and chugged it.
"Damn, this is easy!." Bender smiled before stepping onto a button that suddenly locked him in place. "What is this!?."
suddenly a human sized cannon rose up out of the sand and Bender was shoved into it by a robotic hand.
"Looks like Bender's gonna go for a ride in Wadsworth's cannon." Chris smiled as Chef went wide eyed.
"Your bulter has a cannon!?." Chef turned to the host and Chris muted his microphone again.
"No, but I'm just saying that so whoever gets fired from it gets mad at him."
Bender was fired out of the cannon and the robot turned into a missile, zooming past his teammates who all had the same reaction of shock.
The robot avoided every trap as he was too high above the ground to trigger any of them.
"I'm unstoppable!." Bender shouted before he looked up and saw that the wall of the fort was what was going to stop him, he went through the wall alright but he was badly injured.
"My ass, my shiny metal ass!." He cried as Chris was laughing watching the footage over and over on a rewinding television screen.
"The next time I see that butler, he's gonna regret building that cannon."
Deadpool was dancing his way across the sand, making it look like dodging the traps was a breeze.
"Staying alive, staying alive, ha, ha, ha, ha!." He sang as he avoided the axes to the beat of the song. "HEY DUMBPOOL!." Sephiroth shouted getting his attention.
"Don't worry boss, I'll get the flag!." Deadpool gave a thumbs up but the Angel stopped him.
"I'll get the flag, you stop the man in red." Sephiroth pointed to peacemaker before he continued running.
Deadpool saw Smith dodging bombs, arrows, and he even punt kicked a innocent squirrel right at Deadpool, the squirrel started chewing on his leg but he didn't care, pulling out a Kitana.
"Finally...a worthy opponent!." Deadpool rubbed his hands together before sprinting full speed after the anti-hero, setting off a bunch of traps which stuck to him like a magnet, he had three arrows in his chest, an axe in his back, and the same squirrel was chewing on his leg.
"Not so fast!." Deadpool leaped in front of Peacemaker, drawing a Kitana. "You want that flag, you'll have to go through me!."
Peacemaker put a hand on his hostelerd gun before he realized next to it was his own sword, it was only the end of the sword that was visible to everyone but the sword was inside of it.
"Okay, let's dance bitch!." Peacemaker locked eyes with Deadpool as he took out the end and swung it at him, the blade of the sword slid out of the end and before Deadpool could say anything, his torso was removed from his legs.
"Oh the pain, it's unbearable!." Deadpool shrieked as he bled out in the sand, turning some of it red, he started couching. "Tell my children I love them!."
"Is he dying?." Chef asked, now interested in what was playing out, as the mercenary began coughing he started laughing before he got up and put his severed torso back onto his body completely fine.
"Pretty cool right?." Deadpool said before pulling out a gun.
"Round one, FIGHT!." Deadpool fired a shot at Peacemaker who avoided it but was given an unexpected kick to the face as Deadpool started making fighting game sounds.
"Slice, slice, shing, BAM!."
Deadpool's Kitana was trying to cut the peace loving psychopath but he was evenly matched with every swing.
"How are you blocking everything?." Deadpool asked.
"Trained by my father, expert at hand to hand combat, and now, in my hands, anything is a deadly weapon." Peacemaker removed his helmet which suddenly turned into a red shield with the dove of peace on the front.
"Cool!." Deadpool chuckled before putting away his gun and taking out his second katana "En garde!."
As the two anti-heroes were sword fighting, Meggy and Mario, who was now recovered, were running full speed at the dingo's fort, Meggy was more agile than the plumber but Mario was more skilled, leaping over traps like a pit of snakes and man eating piranhas.
"Come on red, almost there!." Meggy looked back, as the two of them got closer to the base a bomb exploded at her feet sending Meggy flying backwards, Mario stopped running and looked up seeing Kaos holding more bombs.
"Hahahaha!." Kaos laughed as he threw another bomb "You fools should give up now, this fortress of DOOM is impossible to get into!."
Kaos began throwing bombs at Mario, luckily the plumber could dodge each of them by jumping around.
"Quick on your feet are you?. Let's see you dodge THIS!." Kaos pulled on a rope which made a cannon fire a ball of fire which set Mario's overalls a blaze.
"Oh-hot-hot-hot-hot-hot-hot-hot!." Mario screamed as he ran around in circles trying to put out the fire. All while Kaos laughed.
"That's not nice." Charlie said looking at the sorcerer who stopped laughing.
"He's the enemy, we aren't supposed to feel sorry for them we are supposed to DESTORY THEM!." Kaos said as Charlie sighed before continuing to guard the flag alongside Trevor and Toko all three of them were doing absolutely nothing.
"God this is so fucking boring." Trevor groaned as he kept his eye on the flag. "Why couldn't I have gone out there, I would've been amazing!."
"Because I don't trust you idiot!." Catalina looked at the methhead who smiled.
"You are hotter when you get mad."
Toko was trying to hold her barf after hearing that sentence.
Meanwhile Arthur was running across the sand before hearing a growling sound, he looked where the sound came from and a grey wolf with a scar on its face leaped out from behind a rock at the cowboy "Not you again!." He shouted but before the wolf could attack him, Harley out of nowhere got in front of him and smiled at the wolf.
"Aww, look at this cutie!." Harley smiled as she bent down next to the wolf.
"Are you crazy!." Arthur shouted to the jester before being hit in the face with a pie.
"Sorry!." Charlie yelled out as the cowboy took off a part of the pie that was on his face and took a bite.
"Not bad."
"Keep moving!." Harley shouted as she petted the wolf before she continued running, Arthur wiped the pie off his face and follow her, the two were very close to the draw bridge and all they had to do was hit a target on the door.
"Got anything to throw?." Harley held her bat out as Arthur looked in his satchel.
"I've got a stick of dynamite, a compass, my wives ring, and a bottle of whiskey."
"Let me see it!." Harley opened her hand.
"The whiskey?."
"No the ring!." Harley snatched the ring from his hand and Arthur's eyes went wide and the bat made contact with the ring, it shattered but had just enough force to hit the target and lower the drawbridge.
"Bullseye!." Harley ran into the dingos fort, Arthur following her.
"And the goats have now made entry into the dingos fort!." Chris announced into the microphone again. "Meanwhile it seems Mario just can't take the heat."
"Hot-hot-hot-hot-hot!." Mario still ran around in circles, he was basically a human fireball.
"It's kind of funny." Chef laughed seeing the red plumber dive into the water cooling himself off, as Chef chuckled something hit him in the face, he put his hand to his cheek and what came off was orange paint.
Meggy had a bruise on her cheek but gave Chef a warning shot before rushing down to the water. "Come on red, we have a flag to capture!." she grabbed him by the hand and the two of them followed Arthur and Harley into the fort.
"Don't just stand there you fools!." Catalina yelled to Trevor and Toko "STOP THEM!."
Trevor and Toko quickly ran down the top flight of stairs and into the fortress, trying to stop the other team from reaching the top.
Inside the dingos fort were several flights of stairs which Harley, Arthur, Meggy and Mario had to climb, Harley and Arthur were on the second flight as Mario and Meggy had just gotten to the first flight.
Sephiroth was running very quick, dodging every trap with ease.
"Too easy." He smirked before looking back to see Deadpool and Peacemaker still sword fighting.
The half angel was surprised.
"How are they still fighting?." He asked the camera "Deadpool should've killed him already!."
He ignored them and continued to run towards the entrance, as he looked around he failed to notice the button he just stepped on and a platform launched him into the air.
"Look Chef, he's a full angel now!." Chris laughed at his own joke while the cook rolled his eyes, Sephiroth flew over the fort and landed on the sand around the back of it.
"Nice landing dumbass!." A voice said and human-angel hybrid got up.
"Who dares!." He shouted looking around, he saw Rick was drinking, he had used his portal ray to get to the other side without anyone even noticing.
"What the hell are you doing!?." He yelled at the scientist who didn't even care. "GO GET THE FLAG!."
"Waiting for the fucking human tumor, he's supposed to get the flag, remember?." Rick replied taking another drink.
"There's a new plan now, so get a move on." Sephiroth commanded.
Both of them heard screaming as Bob had also gotten launched by the same platform to the back of the fortress, landing on his back.
"Gentlemen, what's the plan from here?."
Sephiroth ignored the palm-tree haired cartoon before he started to scale the goats fortress, leaving Rick and Bob behind.
"So you are a scientist?." Bob asked Rick. "I'm a doctor myself."
This made Rick stop drinking as he looked Bob In the face "Real doctor or PHD?."
"PHD." Bob folded his arms making a grunting sound.
At the top of the goats fort, Belle, Wii Fit and Mac were keeping an eye on the battlefield while JFK, Darkwing and Cuphead were watching the flag.
"This isn't fun!." Darkwing throws down his rifle. "Everyone knows I'm better at leading a team that blonde bombshell!."
"Well she is a bombshell..." JFK grinned, he was staring at something from a pair of binoculars before Belle turned around.
"Can you guys please focus on watching the flag!."
The gamer girl looked back at the beach and nobody was there. Besides for Peacemaker and Deadpool who were still fighting in the distance.
"Now it's time for some wicked back and forth banter!." Deadpool said swinging a sword which clanked against the shield. "You go first."
Peacemaker responded to that by just screaming as he kept trying to hit him.
"Okay not sure what to make of that." Deadpool took another swing which nearly hit Peacemaker.
"Okay, where is everyone?." Little Mac looked on ready to fire his cannon.
"There's Bayonetta." Wii Fit pointed, she was just walking her way to the fort, with a smile on her face.
"Come on, almost there!." Tracer shouted as Samus and her had been running the rest of the way to the dingos fort, Samus however stopped right before the entrance and saw Bayonetta.
"Come on, let's get the flag." Tracer smiled before the bounty hunter sprinted at the witch.
"I swear that scientist better be in there." The witch muttered as she was walking before hearing a click.
"Stop right there!." Samus had her blaster out aimed at Bayonetta who just smiled.
"Why aren't you with your team, dear, did you abandon them?."
"She would never do that." Tracer blimbed quickly over leaning on her captain's shoulder.
"They can handle themselves, and nobody is even at our fort so really it's game over."
"What are they saying?." Belle asked looking at anyone for an answer.
"I can't hear them from this far away." Cuphead was also looking on.
"I also can't hear them, but I-er-like the view." JFK looked on with a pair of binoculars, smiling, he was staring at something he shouldn't be and Wii Fit connected the dots, she handed Mac her rifle before taking the binoculars away from JFK and throwing them off the fort.
"Listen here you creep." Wii Fit grabbed the clone by the collar of his shirt. "If I catch you doing something like that again, you will sent home in a body bag, you understand!."
JFK put his hands up. "Of course doll, I-er-understand."
"Forgot this!." Darkwing threw down his rifle again. "Since those slow pokes are taking forever to get the flag, I'm gonna get it and show everyone who should be running the team!."
"We can't leave our posts!." Mac shouted but it was too late.
Darkwing leaped off the fort and landed in the sand before he started running, everyone heard a noise behind them and slowly turned around, Sephiroth smiled seeing each of them, walking past the flag.
"So...who's first?." He asked with a smile on his face unsheathing his sword.
Darkwing sprinted across the sand which got the attention of Samus.
"What the hell are you doing!." the bounty hunter yelled to the duck who looked back.
"Showing everyone you aren't fit to lead this team!." He shouted back, he tripped over his cape which made him step on every single landmine, each one going off and sending him into the next, the last one sent him falling into the piranha infested waters and coming out with a piranha stuck on his beak.
Darkwing threw the piranha back in the water before fixing his cape. "I meant to do that, shows how tough I am."
Bayonetta let out a laugh.
"Well, I certainly hope he stays after tonight when you lose."
"What do you mean when we lose?." Tracer asked before Samus gasped and quickly turned around seeing Bob throwing a rock against his ankle bracelet trying to break it and Rick drinking from his flask.
"How did I not notice that they got around the back!?." The blonde kicked the walls of the confessional before taking a deep breath. "It's fine, they haven't won yet, and the others will have the flag before he gets there...right?."
Inside the fort, Harley and Arthur heard a noise and both of them saw a robot laying on the ground.
"The hell you doing?." Arthur asked Bender who was couching.
"Need booze..." Bender slowly said. "Running low."
Harley opened the compartment in Bender's head which showed an empty tank of booze.
"How does a robot run on beer?." Harley asked the robot who shut down before turning back to Arthur
"Where are we gonna get booze from?." Harley asked the cowboy who was drinking a bottle of whiskey.
"Don't know, maybe try Chef's fridge."
"You had whiskey this whole time?." Harley glared but before Arthur could answer both Mario and Meggy stopped in front of them.
"Hey guys...what's up with him?." Meggy pointed to the robot.
"He needs fuel." Archer shrugged before taking another swig. "Damn that's some good stuff."
"Arthur!." Harley yelled.
"Oh sorry," Arthur quickly looked at the crime boss "you want a sip?."
Harley took the bottle from his hands and emptied it into Bender's fuel tank which slowly turned from red to green.
"Woo alright!." Bender quickly got up fully recharged. "Come on shitbags, we got get that flag!."
The five goats continued to climb the stairs for Bender it was a cakewalk but the other four were feeling tired after the third flight.
"How many stairs did those interns have to make?." Meggy asked winded from all the running.
"Those poor bastards." Arthur shook his head as he continued behind Bender.
Suddenly a loud boom was heard and everyone saw a cannonball barreling towards them and ducked besides Bender who was sent through the wall, leaving an outline of himself being hit by a cannonball "My ass, my shiny metal ass again!." Bender shouted from the ground below.
The rest of the dingos were loaded with cannons, rifles and bombs at the ready.
"Sorry about this guys-" Charlie said before Verosika threw a bomb "Get them!."
Harley hit the bomb with her bat sending it back into the demon popstar who fell off the fortress at least before Johnny grabbed her "You alright?." He asked pulling her back up.
"Get the flag!." Harley commanded as she held her bat with both hands "come get some pussies!."
Trevor fired another cannonball which she managed to dodge but doing a flip and several more showing her acrobatic abilities.
"What fucking type of clone are you?." Trevor looked before Harley hit him in the shin with her bat.
"The kind ya don't want to mess with."
Arthur seeing the opportunity went for the flag but got stopped by Cage.
"Don't think so buddy." Cage put on his shades and showed his perfect smile.
Arthur went for a punch but the actor dodged it before doing the splits and hitting him where it hurts.
"Right in the belfry." Cage smirked as Arthur fell down. "I know, I'm awesome right?." Johnny flexed to Verosika who rolled her eyes in disgust.
Verosika (confessional)
"No...just no." She gagged.
Kaos started throwing more bombs at Mario who dodged two before getting hit with the third sending him into Meggy.
"Ha!. As if you stood a chance against me!." Kaos gloated as he stood over the two fallen goats.
Harley was outnumbered against the dingos but still tried to grab the flag before being tripped by Catalina, she grabbed her bat and tossed it into the sand before pinning Harley down.
"We've won!." Trevor smiled before something was thrown from the bottom of the fort up to the top, out of a small can emerged purple smoke that made everyone couch.
"I am the terror that flaps in the night..."
Everyone started looking around as a figure moved quickly through the smoke.
"I am the parking meter that expires while you shop.."
The figure quickly moved again this time to the flag before revealing himself.
Before the egotistical duck could finish his introduction everyone began unloading on him, cannonballs, bombs and someone threw a pair of scissors at him.
"Hey I wasn't finished!." Darkwing growled as he cleared his throat.
"The hell are you doing, get the flag!." Arthur shouted.
"I'm saving the team, you're welcome, and I'm not grabbing the flag without finishing my introduction..."
"Don't think you'll get to..." Verosika pointed to the battlefield where Sephiroth was behind Samus, carrying the golden flag.
"Where's our team?." Harley looked on before seeing everyone wiped out and the white haired angel with a sinister grin.
"So, if you've been to prison, did you have a shank?." Rick asked Bob as they were both walking back alongside Sephiroth.
"I did." Bob showed a makeshift toothbrush with a pointy end.
"I've seen worse." The scientist looked at the toothbrush before seeing Deadpool and Peacemaker still sword fighting. "Great, the two crazy fucks are fighting."
Sephiroth grabbed the toothbrush shiv Bob and threw it away, glaring at the scientist. "At least the masked freak did something."
"I got to the other side." Rick glared back, putting away his portal gun.
Deadpool had gotten the upper hand knocking the peace loving killer to the ground kicking his shield away, it slid up against a tree which Peacemaker started crawling towards as Deadpool bent down picking up Smith's sword.
"looks like we won't be getting a season two of peacemaker folks, unless Mr. Gunn finds a replacement." Deadpool says to the camera before turning him putting the sword against his neck.
Peacemaker dug his hand around in the sand before grabbing onto something sharp and shoved it into Deadpool's calf, making him give a high pitched scream.
A blue toothbrush was sticking out his leg. "That was my favorite leg!." Deadpool shouted before pulling the toothbrush out, that gave Peacemaker enough time kick him in the leg which made him trip and the American badass got on his feet and picked his sword up before jamming it into the chest of Deadpool.
He took the sword out and collapsed by a fallen tree trunk.
Sephiroth gave the other captain a grin. "Next time, put your strong ones in the back, and you might stand a chance." He looked back at Peacemaker who was holding onto his neck, he pointed at him before running his index finger along his throat before he along with Rick and Bob, walked back across the line and back to the dingos fortress.
"What are you doing!." Peacemaker shouted at the bounty hunter before running across the sand trying to get the flag.
"Smith, it's over, we've lost!." She yelled back, knowing there was no point in fighting.
Before Peacemaker could reach Sephiroth, Bayonetta summoned a large fist to punch him back over to the goats side as Sephiroth planted the goats flag at the top of the dingos fort.
"It's over!." Chris announced raising his arms "The Dingos are victorious."
Some of the dingos cheered, and by some, I mean only Charlie was cheering.
"Great job team!." Charlie gave two thumbs up to her teammates who all looked at her.
"I don't like how nice she is." Toko said folding her arms.
"Tell me about it." Kaos groaned "Her nice attitude is just-ugh!." He gagged.
"I agree," Catalina nodded as the demon princess went down a ladder to celebrate with the rest of her team on the beach. "And as my mama always said, nice chicas never win." The Latin girl had a small creep on her face.
"It seems nobody here likes the goody-two shoes, I can use that to my advantage..." she smirked before flipping her hair.
Almost everyone from the goats is in the medical tent just beyond the mess hall, several beds were taken as people were being taken care of by a doctor.
Samus, Mario, and Meggy were sitting in chairs by the tent, Arthur, Peacemaker, and Harley were sitting down at a table playing a game of cards.
"I still can't believe we lost." Meggy looked down as Mario put a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't-a-worry, we'll win next time!." The plumber smiled as the doctor came out of the tent holding a clipboard and a pen.
"What's the status doctor?." Samus asked the doctor who was writing something down on a clipboard.
"They'll be fine in a day, just need a lot of rest."
The three heroes walked into the tent while the three anti-heroes continued their card game.
Harley looked at her deck before tossing her cards down.
"I'm gonna see what kinda shape the others are in."
The other two also toss down their cards and follow her into the tent, everyone was badly hurt, with cuts and scratches all over. Peacemaker calmly sat down in a chair and began bandaging his wounds from Deadpool.
"So, wait, one guy did this to y'all?." Arthur looked around the room seeing most of the goats with bruises and cuts.
"There's something about him, and I don't like it." Tracer groaned as she tried to move.
"He moved so fast, nobody could've stopped him." Cuphead said.
"At least SOME people tried to stop him." Mac looked over towards JFK.
"What?." The clone looked back at the boxer "I could've-er-easily taken that guy on, I'm the strongest male here."
Peacemaker who was sitting in a chair had heard enough, he stood up and walked over to the clone before ripping him out of the hospital bed he was in before shoving him against the wall.
"I want you to listen to me very closely..." He held him up by the collar of his shirt as everyone looked on. "I don't give flying fuck if you are some hot shit wherever the hell you are from, but here...you are nothing but a fool, I heard from the pale yoga girl you were caught peeping, I bet you five bucks that anyone in this room could kick your ass in ten seconds, I might just drag your ass outside and just see how tough you are." He let go of the collar and the clone slumped to the floor before walking past the others and walking away.
"Bring it on old man!." The clone got up putting both fists in the air.
"I have more macho in my pinky than you have in your whole body!."
"Okay now your just talking nonsense." Arthur threw down his cigarette.
"You wanna fight me cowboy, I'll smack you into next week!." JFK put his fists up.
"Is that so, because it seems to me that your just some kid who ain't ever learned manners, now I'm one to talk here, hell I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stare the devil in his eyes when I die, but if you were just some random guy on the streets of Saint Denis, I'd shoot you without even giving a second thought."
"You don't-er-scare me, hell I don't even think you've ever gotten laid-" JFK shoved Arthur only for the cowboy to give him a right hook knocking him out in one punch. He quickly left the tent and walked off.
"That Kennedy is reminding me of someone I absolutely hate, but I don't know who to vote for...him...or the duck."
The clone had a black eye and a swollen lip.
"Who do these-er-guys think they are, it's obvious they are jealous of-er-manliness." JFK smirked to the camera "I'm gonna show both of them how mainly I can be, they'll see it when I win-er-that money!."
All of the goats were sitting by the fire, Chris had a grin on his face from ear to ear.
"Well might I say, this team is very funny to watch on camera, I had tears in my eyes when Kennedy went down in one punch." Chris smiled and everyone looked at the clone.
"Why is everyone staring at me, I mean I can understand the laides bu-"
"SHUT UP!!!." Everyone yelled at the clone who folded his arms.
"Alright, you know the drill, when I call your name, catch your marshmallow..." Chris held a marshmallow in his hand looking around at everyone "the first marshmallow goes to...Mario."
The host threw the marshmallow up high and the plumber still caught it.
"Nice one," Chris picked up more marshmallows and began reading more names. "Harley, Meggy, Wii Fit and Samus!." Chris tossed the marshmallows and three out of the four caught them, Meggy was too short and hers went over her head.
"Here" Wii Fit said handing hers to Meggy "I don't eat those."
the beanie girl smiled before putting the marshmallow in her mouth.
"Bender, Tracer and Little Mac." Tracer caught hers while Mac dropped his on the ground and Bender was too busy drinking to even notice.
"Belle, Cuphead, Chris and Arthur, all of you are safe."
"It's Peacemaker!." Peacemaker caught his marshmallow with one hand, Cuphead's landed in his head and Belle caught hers, Arthur looked at JFK as he caught his without even looking before immediately tossing it into the fire.
"Well...we know who he voted for then," Chris smiled watching the tension unfold before looking at Darkwing.
"Darkwing, you are on the chopping block because you abandoned your post and have been annoying everyone by your attempts to lead the team." Chris looked at the superhero who kicked his webbed feet up.
"I should be, they just don't understand me." Darkwing tipped his hat to the host.
"And JFK, you are here because of your...how do I put this?." Chris smiled before Arthur stood up.
"Because of your lack of intelligence, understanding and many other faults, can you please just give the duck his marshmallow so we can move on with our damn lives." Peacemaker stood up as well and everyone looked at Chris who wasn't smiling anymore.
"Way to spoil the tension," Chris tossed the Last marshmallow to the duck who caught it with his hat.
"You are all a bunch of stupid-er-idiots, it's obvious you all are jealous of me, especially you Arturo!." JFK looked at the cowboy who gave a tiny smirk.
"It's Arthur, send me a postcard to where the vortex takes you."
Chef picked the clone up and carried him to the end of the docks where the vortex was.
"JFK, any final words?." Chris said before looking at his watch. His eyes widen realizing the time.
"Yes, I-er-hope-"
"Oh would you look at the time." Chris shoved him into the vortex and he began to scream as he fell.
"What was that for?." Chef asked the host who was walking up the docks.
"My favorite show is on in five and I'm not missing that episode, you can do the outro."
The cameras turned to the cook who cleared his throat before someone cut him off by getting in front of the camera.
"And thats episode two done folks!." Deadpool said smiling, fully healed "Will the goats be able to bounce back against the dingos?. Will the next episode be out like the author promised?. And will Deadpool get the most screen time next chapter?. Find out next week on Dragon Ball Z!." Deadpool smiled as Chef glared at the mercenary in the background.
Sorry this wasn't out on time, the holidays messed up my schedule a bit but to make up for this, the next episode will be out sooner than you think, and it's another classic challenge from season one, but I added a fun game to it.
Golden Goats: Samus, Wii Fit, Little Mac, Mario, Bender, Cuphead, Belle, Arthur, Peacemaker, Tracer, Harley, Meggy, and Darkwing.
Dangerous Dingos: Sephiroth, Bayonetta, Deadpool, Charlie, Verosika, Johnny Cage, Rick, Sideshow Bob, Trevor, Catalina, Scout and Toko.
Eliminated: Cartman, JFK.
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