1: Swimming with Sharks.

Chris McLean was standing on the docks of a deserted looking island.

"Welcome to Paradise Island, we are here off the coast of Hawaii, I want to say, for the first ever season of the greatest show on streaming platforms around the world!." Chris grins at the camera showing his perfect white teeth.

"Yes, we've gathered a bunch of data around the world, seeing who would be best fit for a Total Drama style show, but these people are from different universes!."
The camera crew stops rolling the footage and Chris heads down to the mess hall.

"Everything ready Chef?." The host peers into the kitchen as a knife is thrown and hits the wall next to him.

"Do I look like I wanna be here?." Chef Hatchet growls mixing a pot with a wooden spoon.

"Just please don't kill the contestants, and keep that smile up so the people can see your lovely face." Chris points towards the camera as he leaves the mess hall wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"I'll tell you Stu, this will work out, now I'm hoping you and your crew are all set to follow ALL of the action?." McLean asks to the main camera man who gives a nod before taking a sip of some coffee.

"That's why I pay you Stu." Chris pats the camera man on the back making him spill the coffee onto his shirt. Chris heads back to the docks to see the first arrival.

"Champagne?." A butler stands next to the host with a glass of champagne in one hand and a whole tray of other glasses in the other. He had neatly parted brown hair with a blank stare at the host, wearing a nice black suit with black dress pants, a white dress shirt and a clean black tie, along with white gloves.

"Don't mind if a do, Wadsworth." Chris smiles at the host as he raises his glass to the butler before taking a sip.

A boat pulls up along the docks of the island by the sign, the water glistening from the ripples in the water and the first contestant to arrive gets off the boat, he was short and looked like he came straight out of a 1920's cartoon, he had big eyes and head was a literal cup.

"Cuphead, welcome to the show!." The host grins holding out a hand as Cuphead instead makes finger guns shooting something at Chris who avoids it and ducks.

"Whoops, sorry mister!." Cuphead offers a hand but Chris stands back up on his own and fixes his hair. "...not a problem, please stand on the docks." He points on the left side as Cuphead walks up to wadsworth who offers him champagne.

"Oh, soda!." Cuphead grins as he starts drinking the champagne. Wadsworth gave a blank stare as Cuphead tosses the glass behind him into the water and walks to the left side of the docks "Thanks Mister."

The next boat shows up and a thin girl appears on the docks, she was wearing a nice red tuxedo along with red dress pants, her face was completely pale and she had red circles on her cheeks.

"Hello, you must be Chris McLean, happy to be here!." The girl extended a hand to host who shook it.

"Ah, the demon princess is here, this is Charlie." Chris said to Cuphead who gave a nod as Charlie walked over to him and thanked Wadsworth for the champagne. "So, who else do you think is going to join us?." Charlie asked the cup who shrugged "I don't know toots, but I'm excited to be a part of this."

The Third contestant arrives jumping out of a green warp pipe, landing in front of the host making him spill his champagne on his shirt.
"Wahoo!." Mario smiles tipping his red cap. "I hope I'm-a-not to late!." the iconic plumber was wearing his signature red cap with the letter M on it, his red undershirt with his blue overalls and yellow buttons along with his shiny brown boots.

Wadsworth hands the host a rag to clean his shirt and looks at the plumber. "Right on time Mario, please join the others on the docks." Mario walks over to Cuphead and Charlie, giving them a wave as Wadsworth offers him a glass.

Next to step up was girl with short brown hair, orange goggles and some sort of technology at the center of her chest, along with a yellow jumpsuit.

"And from the world of Overwatch, Tracer." Chris gave a two finger salute to the agent who gave her signature pose.

"Ello Chris, big fan of the show, can't wait to compete!." Tracer smiled before in the blink of an eye was now between the other three characters. Wadsworth tapped her shoulder and handed the aussie her glass "Cheers love!."

Everyone looked as a guy wearing a black tank top and green boxing shorts came off the next boat, he had on green boxing gloves and black boots that were tied in a double knot.

"And from the world of punch out, the brawl boxer, Little Mac!." Little Mac looked at the other contenders with a smile before his eyes landed on a familiar face.

"Mario, what's up." Mac gave the plumber a fist bump as he put his bag down.

"Hey Mac, how's the training coming along?." Mario asked the boxer who flexed.

"You tell me, Doc has been training me hard, but it'll pay off in the end."

the next female to arrive was completely pale, her hair was black and tied into a ponytail, she did a full front flip from the boat onto the docks, she was wearing a cyan blue tank top and black yoga pants but no shoes.

"Hey." She smiled at the host who clapped.
"Wicked flip Wii Fit, some of your old friends are here to say hi."
Wii Fit picked up her duffel bag and grinned at the others before accidentally dropping her bag on Little Mac's foot.

"OW!." Mac grabbed his foot in pain before looking at his fellow smasher "Did you bring your dumbbells?." Wii Fit smiled at the boxer "Of course, you of all people know that I always have to stay in shape!." Mac looked at the trainer and saw that she was built like a brick house, she had strong arms and wicked calf's, seems she's been training for the competition.

"Right, I knew that." Mac grinned as Mario noticed something with him.

The next boat went by and a little kid wearing a turquoise blue hat with a yellow puff came walking down, he was wearing a red hoodie along with brown pants and shoes.

"And this is the foul-mouthed, child from the adult comedy South Park, laides and Gentlemen, Eric Cartman-" Chris began as Cartman walked past him.

"Shut up dude, you sound like a fag." Everyone looked at the kid who walked over to the others. "Ready to suck my balls, bitches!." Cartman yelled at the others before giving them the bird.

Everyone looked at the next man who stepped onto the docks, he was wearing a bright red t-shirt that had a blue chest plate armor and a yellow upside down polygon with a white dove in the middle of the polygon, he was also wearing blue gloves that stopped at his forearms and white pants along with blue boots, he had a blue gun belt attached to his waist with clips for firearms in each slot, he also had a desert eagle with a long barrel attached to it and on his head was wearing a shiny silver helmet with spots for his eyes to see, with the same dove symbol carved into the center of it.

"And this is the DC anti-hero, Christopher Smith AKA, The Peacemaker." Chris looked at the anti-hero trying not to chuckle at his helmet.

"Can't believe I'm doing this damn show." Peacemaker looked around at the others.

"Hello Mr. Smith," Charlie said extending a hand to him. "Nice outfit, I'm Charlie." Charlie gave a smile as Peacemaker walked past him. "Cool, whatever." Peacemaker stood at the end of the docks as the next person arrived.

He was smoking a cigarette that had just been lit, he was wearing a a black cowboy hat with a rope around it, a blue undershirt with a brown jacket over it, along with dusty black pants and some fine looking cowboy boots and shiny silver spurs.

"And form the wild western world of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan!." Arthur slowly walked up to the host and tipped his hat.
"Thanks for the introduction McLean, I'm looking forward to this competition." Arthur took a puff of his cigarette before stomping it out with his boot before walking over to the others, he stood next to Peacemaker on the end of the docks, not wanting to speak with anyone.

The next person came up to the host walking slowly and in a sexy manner, her long hair covered one eye and she was literally an hour glass figure.

"And this woman here is real witch who can control time, Bayonetta." Chris smiles as she walks up past him and over to the others. "Nice to meet you all, this will be fun." Bayonetta smirked as she stood in the middle of the docks as the next female arrived.

She wasn't as big as her but she was big alright, her hair was blonde and also wrapped in a pony tail like wii fit, but this girl had more hair so hers was a bit longer, she was wearing a light blue full body suit that could nearly rip apart from her body, she had a holster at her side with a blaster in said holster.

"And please welcome the Female Bounty Hunter, Samus Aran!." Samus also walked past the host and sighed, luckily she saw some old friends.
"Sammy!." Wii Fit smiled as she hugged her friend. "I'm so glad the other girls convinced you to join, this will be fun!."

Samus hugged her friend back before looking at both Mac and Mario "I hope so." She said as she got between the two as Chris was about to speak another voice cut him off.


A man did a front flip and landed in front of everyone striking a pose, he was covered in red and black with two Kitanas strapped on his black and a bunch of guns at his sides.

"ME!." Deadpool announced as some people's eyes widened.

"Oh hell no." Peacemaker pointed at the Marvel superhero before looking at Chris "What the fuck is HE doing here!." Deadpool chuckled again before looking at the host.

"OMG Chris McLean, can I have your autograph!." Deadpool quickly pulled a pen and photo of Chris out of nowhere.

Deadpool handed him the photo before flipping over to the others.

"Hello, Peacemaker, Arthur, Mario and Everyone else, nice to finally meet you all-"

"Wait who do you know our name's already?." Arthur asked with a confused look on his face.

"Oh that's easy." The forth wall breaker chuckled. "I know about all of you, and I know about our Host here as well."
Deadpool turns to the host with a wink and the host slowly backs away from him.

"Why did we pick him again?." Chris whispered to the camera man.

"Because I'm a ratings booster." Deadpool smiled through the mask before looking at Wadsworth. "Ooh, Don't mind if I do!."
as Deadpool takes his glass of champagne, it slips out of his gloved hand and it breaks.

"NOOO!." Deadpool cries as he starts trying to like the champagne off the wood.

"I thinks this guy has a couple of screws missin'" Cuphead makes a wacky face before rolling his eyes around.

A robot gets dropped out of a blue spaceship landing on his shiny metal ass, a couple of screws came out of him.

"So does-a-he, literally." Mario comments looking at the newest arrival on the show.

"Damn you Professor, I'm not doing this!." The robot yelled to someone in the ship before a case of beer hit him on the head. "Alcohol?...Alright I'll stay...I guess." The Robot picked up the case with one arm and walked over to the host.

"And from the Futurama universe is Bender, a robot who can bend a whole lot of things and has a smoking problem along with an alcoholic addiction-" Chris began before Bender shoved him into the water.

"Hehehe." Bender laughed as Chris spat out water before climbing up the ladder onto the dock. "What the heck dude, My hair is ruined!." Chris tried fixing his hair but it was now all over the place.

Bender starts laughing as he chugs a whole bottle of beer.

"Hey, you got some whiskey or something?." Arthur tapped Bender's shoulder, the robot turned around and pulled a bottle out of the case. "That'll be five dollars cowboy." Bender smirked as Arthur sighed and handed him five dollars as Bender gave him the bottle "Nice doing business with you." Bender started counting the money.

The next contestant to arrive looked like a school girl, she had on glasses, a brown shirt with a red tie, a purple skirt and high socks, along with purple braided hair.

"Everyone this is Toko Fukawa, she's a high school student at-" Toko walked past Chris.

"Everyone stay out of my way, Im winning this for my master and if you do get in my way, I'll rip out your hearts!." Toko yells as everyone looks at her like she's crazy.

"Would she really do that?." Cuphead whispered around and nobody bothered to answer as another female showed up on the docks and she was not like anything the others have seen, she was completely white like Wii Fit but she was wearing clown makeup as well, her hair was blonde and in pigtails with the ends being Pink and Blue, she wore a black color around her neck, a tank top that was a little revealing to some of the guys and really short-shorts she also had red and black fingerless gloves on, she wore black lipstick and carried a red and black baseball bat in her hand.

"And let's welcome the DC supervillain, Harley Quinn!." Harley pointed her bat at host who shut is mouth. "I'll introduce myself, thanks." Harley pointed her bat at the rest of the contestants with a fierce glare "Alright bitches, get ready to lose, and if you don't want to get hit where it hurts...stay out of my way." Deadpool quickly smiled "Ooh this is gonna be fun Harls!."
Harley quickly hit the wall breaker in the side with the bat making him go down.

"Nobody ever calls me Harls, DoofPool." Deadpool quickly gets up and brandishes his katanas "Ooh feisty aren't we."

Suddenly lighting struck and it began to rain as a tall and lanky man stepped onto the dock, along with a chubby police officer.

Both of them had yellow skin but the tall one was wearing a prison jumpsuit. His red hair resembled a palm tree and he gave a smirking grin as he walked towards the host.

His feet were extremely long and he had a gut on him as well.

"Chief Wiggum, Springfield police department. This the one you wanted right McLean?." Wiggum looked at the host. "He's the most wanted man in Springfield and he's convicted ten times for attempted murder of a ten year old-"

"How do you fail to kill someone ten different times?." Arthur looked at the tall prisoner who growled.

"Because that boy has had someone to protect him, he's become a pain that will never go away, unless the deed is done!." The prisoner then looked at Chris.

"Do you know if there will be a opera of any kind on this island, it is paradise island after all."
Chris folded his arms.

"Sorry Bob, but maybe there'll be a musical challenge later on." Wiggum pulled a key and unlocked the cuffs from Bob as they fell to the ground with a metal clang the convict looked at his hands, they were now free.

"Finally, free from those shackles that bounded my smooth hands together." Bob was handed a suit case by another officer.

"Chance of clothes, the moment your eliminated from the show, you are right back in jail Bob."
Bob smirked at the other contestants "Of course, I understand." Bob quickly changed out of his uniform into a button-up collard shirt and pair of grey khakis, along with some dress shoes.

"Before we leave, you'll need this too." Wiggum motioned and two officers tackled the sideshow to the docks. "RELEASE ME!." Bob shouted before a click was heard followed by beeping noises, everyone looked down to see an ankle bracelet on his leg.

"Okay, now that that's done with, welcome to the show Bob-" Chris began before Bob cut him off "Please, call me Sideshow Bob." Bob walked over to the other contestants and stood by Cartman.

Next up was a guy who looked like he hadn't washed himself in a week, he had a serious face with a tattoo on his throat reading the words "cut here" his white t-shirt had many stains on it and his jeans were torn up and so were his shoes.
"Here's the crazy meth dealer from the Grand Theft Auto V universe, Trevor Phillips." Chris smiled before Trevor gave him the bird and power walked over to the others "What the fuck are you people!?." He shouted looking at everyone.

"Your competition." Harley put her bat over her head. "Got a problem with that?." Trevor looked at the former jester before smiling "Not at all missy."

Everyone stops when pop music is heard and a tall and beautiful woman walks off a boat wearing a pink top and skirt with a pair of black leggings and high heels.

"And this is the famous popstar, Verosika Mayday." Chris looks on as the popstar was waving to her fans. "We love you Verosika!." A few fans shout out as the boat sails away.

"Seems you have the fans on your side Miss Mayday," Chris put his hands on his waist as the popstar walked down the docks. "Welcome to the show."

Verosika smiles and takes off her shades "The pleasure is all mine." She flashes a wink towards some of the guys and stands next to Charlie, who looks at her confused.

"I swear I know you from somewhere." Charlie looks at her.

"Pfft, as if, I don't even know what you even are, you look like a mime." Verosika scoffs before secretly grinning knowing full well who Charlie is.

another woman arrived on the docks and she was looking pissed, she had red hair that was once again tied in a pony tail, a white jacket, black fingerless gloves, black pants and a cybernetic arm, her eyes were like a fire, always burning and angry.

"And here's the angry aussie from the Meta Runner universe, Belle Fontiere."

Belle stormed up to the others and stood next to Meggy.

"Can't believe I'm being forced to do this shit!." She folded her arms as Bender went over next to her. "I know, I'm gonna kill the professor for making me do this!."

The next contestant to arrive was wearing a grey ballcap on his head with a headset over the hat, he was wearing a red shirt with a chain around his neck that went down to his chest, his hands were taped up and he had a pair of brown shorts with knee high white socks and sneakers.

"And from the world of Team Fortress 2, The Scout." Scout swings his bat in his hand before chugging a can of something. "Sup."

"What is that?." Little Mac points to the drink in Scout's hand.

"Oh this, It's just my BONK!. It's an energy drink and I'm gonna need a lot of energy for this competition."

Scout finishes the can before tossing it up in the air hitting it with his grey baseball bat sending it flying the sandbag in Smash Bros. "Right outta the park!." Scout says looking at the can fly through the air into the water.

"Nice shot!." A girl says arriving on the island, she was short but had a smile on her face. She was wearing a white T-shirt, black shorts, shoes, a red beanie and a pair of headphones.

"And this is Meggy Spletzer from the SMG4 universe." Chris gave Meggy a high five as Scout did a pose. "Thanks, I can make that shot look even cooler." Meggy chuckled "I can't wait to see it-OH MY GOSH!." Meggy stopped in her tracks as she spotted a red plumber with mustache.

"RED!. WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE A PART OF THE SHOW!." Meggy hugged Mario who was confused "Imma sorry, you must have-a-me confused for someone else." Mario tried to get the former squid off of him but she was still hugging him.

"Oh right the multiverse thing." Deadpool said "There's actually another Mario out there, one that's nothing like you are Mario." Meggy let go of the plumber. "Sorry, I just thought that you were the Mario I know. Maybe you two will meet one day." Meggy smiled.
"Maybe we will." Mario also smiled but he put a hand on his chin, was there really another version of him out there?.

A green portal opens up and a scientist with blue spiky hair wearing a lab coat comes out holding a ray gun "This better be the right place." Chris smiles "It is, everyone this is Rick Sanchez, a scientist who knows all about the universe." Chris watches as Rick pulls out a flask "Damn right I do." Rick begins drinking from the flask as he joins the group. "Hey my names Rick, don't tell me your names because I don't give a-urp-fuck." Rick takes another drinking from the flask.

"And people call me a drunk." Arthur looks as Rick continues to drink "I know." Bender agrees before the two of them start drinking as well.

meanwhile a thick purple haze waves over the island and a voice is heard by everyone. "All of you mighty heroes and villans will bow before the superior being that is I. KOAS!!." A voice says and everyone looks around confused before a man with a bald head rises out from the purple haze. "Mwahahahaha, that's right, now bow before the evil lord before I crush you all with my supreme awesomeness!." Koas laughs as he trips up on his black robe. "Curse these planks of wood!."
As Koas got himself unstuck someone else showed up, doing the same thing he did using purple smoke.

"I am the terror that flaps in the night..."

Everyone starts looking around again.

"Oh my gosh, I know who it is!." Deadpool said cheerfully as the voice continued.

"I am the hair in the lens of your projector..."

A figure appears behind everyone making Cartman shriek.

"I am DARKWING DUCK!." The figure reveals himself showing a duck with a purple mask on along with a purple fedora styled hat, purple vest with yellow buttons and a purple cape.

"Evil doers beware, because Darkwing Duck is here!." Chris said as the egotistical superhero smirked "Thank you, finally someone realizes what I great hero I am!."

Darkwing stood next to Cuphead and struck a pose.

"Yeah...oh and here's our next contest, everyone give it up for Johnny Cage!." Chris smirked as the film star arrived on the docks, his hands were tapped up and he was wearing a pair of shades, he had a bare chest that showed off his muscles but wore black pants and boots.

"Chris McLean, loved your newest movie." Cage said as the host smiled. "Thank you Johnny, finally someone recognized my acting skills." The host beamed as someone was heard whispering the words "Kiss ass." Johnny walked over to the others and held up a pen.

"Nice to meet you all, does anyone want a picture or an autograph from the money maker?."

Deadpool's hand shot into the air "I do!." Johnny signed Deadpool's gun and it made him squeal like one of Johnny's fans normally would.

"Laides, anyone want an autograph or picture?." Cage said getting between Samus and Wii Fit, While the trainer smiled, Samus rolled her eyes as she moved over towards Mario and Mac.

"Nice to see some people I actually know here for a change." Samus smiled. "This whole show is weird, and I don't like it one bit."

Mario took another sip of his champagne "It's interesting to say the least, but it looks like it could be-a-fun."

The next contestant to show up was wearing a red and white sweater vest with a pair of cream khakis, his hair was brown and he was sorta buff, he walked with a swagger onto the docks.

"And from Clone High, JFK, the clone of John F Kennedy!." Kennedy looked around and held out a letter. "Please arrive at-er-Paradise island, well, here-er I am." JFK said before looking at the champagne "Oh champagne hour, my-er-favorite!." JFK takes a glass and heads over to where the laides were. "Don't worry girls, there will be plenty of-er time to feast-er-your eyes." JFK gave a wink which made all the girls turn away from him. "Playing-er-hard to get I see."

The next contestant is wearing a black tank top and pants, her hair is brown and tied into a ponytail and she has a knife in her hand. "And here is Catalina." Chris says as she walks over to the others. "Listen up you putas I have seen the show before, okay, so I better have some good teammates otherwise I might kill you all and win this by myself." Catalina shows her knife to the others.

Nobody even responds as they were all giving blank stares. "Hello?. What is everyone staring at?." The crazy woman asked before someone steps onto the docks, he was wearing a long black coat with black pants, shoes and gloves, he was wielding a long sword in one hand and had one dark giant wing, his long white hair flowed in the wind.

"That would be me." The man said as he appearance made Catalina drop her knife. "Who's this man..."

"And our last competitor has arrived, Sephiroth, from final fantasy!." Chris announced as the final contestant examines the competition.

"What a interesting group of people...ah I see some of my friends are here." The one winged Angel smirked seeing four of his fellow smashers are also on this weird show. "I'll go easy on you guys but for the rest of you, no guarantees." He joined the others as Chris counted everyone with his fingers. "And that's everyone here," the host smiles as he threw the paper away before standing in front of everyone.

"I'd like to welcome you all to Total Drama...er...I don't know the name of this season." Chris paused before looking at the interns. "Can someone help me out here?." All the interns started thinking of ideas until one shouted out an answer.

"Randomness?." A skinny intern replied.

"Perfect, thank you, what was your name again?." Chris asked the intern who sighed "It's Nick."

Chris smiled "Thanks Dick." Chris patted the intern on the back who sighed. "Welcome to Total Drama Randomness." Chris looked at everyone on the docks.

"I'm sure some of you know what the show is about." A few people raised their hands as some didn't have a clue. "Alright so don't be on the losing team as you will have to vote someone off the island and send them back to where the came from." Deadpool raised a hand "So who's on what team?." Chris pulled out two sheets of paper and started reading the left sheet.

"I was just getting to that, first we have to pick team captains, and our first captain is..." Chris said reaching into a bag before pulling out a name.

"Sephiroth." The white haired man smirked and stepped up to the host "As I should be, I only expect the best teammates." He gave a look to everyone else but mostly his fellow smashers. "And our next team captain will be..." Chris said reaching into the bag for another name, he struggled to grab another name but eventually pulled it out.

"Samus." Chris called out as the bounty hunter walked up to him.
"Alright, I guess I'll lead." Samus looked at the rest of the cast before looking at Sephiroth who gave her a smile.

"Excellent, our battle will be legendary!-" A voice cut him off "Haha I know that reference!."
Deadpool chuckled before Harley hit him with her bat again "Shut It!." Harley turned back to the host who smiles.

"Thank you Harley, now onto the teams. When I call your name go join Samus on the right side..." Chris began pulling names out of the bag one by one. "Wii Fit, Little Mac, Harley, Bender, Arthur, Mario, Peacemaker, Tracer, Darkwing Duck, Belle, JFK, Cuphead, and Meggy!." Everyone that was called heads over by Samus who smiles seeing her friends are with her team.

"And the rest of you on the left with Sephiroth...Bayonetta, Deadpool, Cartman, Sideshow Bob, Verosika, Charlie, Johnny Cage, Scout, Kaos, Toko, Catalina, Trevor and Rick!." Everyone joins the one winged angel who smirked. "They'll do for now." He looks at the other team and smiles again, it can't be this easy can it?.

Samus looks at her team and nods. "This is fine, I can trust SOME of them." She looks back at her team and sees both Bender and Arthur drinking again.

"Alright now time for the fun part..." Chris smiles to the captains "Team names!." Chris first heads to Samus' team and looks at each of them.

"Samus...your team is Golden Goats." Chris says just as a picture of a golden goat head flashes up on the scream before Chris runs over to Sepiroth's side and looks them over now.

"Sephiroth, your team is the Dangerous Dingos." Chris says as a brownish dingo head with sharp teeth flashes on the screen.

"Alright everyone, get to know your teammates, you'll be spending a long time with them." Chris said as he and Wadsworth left the docks as both teams looked at each other.

"You guys are going down!." Harley pointed her bat at the dingos with a smirk on her face "Bring it!." Deadpool brandishes both Kitanas while staring at Quinn.

"Are you sure about that?." Peacemaker quickly pulls out his desert eagle and aims it at the marvel superhero who chuckles "I get it, nice meme John." Peacemaker lowers his gun. "Who the hell is John?." Soon everyone begins pulling out their weapons or powers and has a stare down with the other team before everyone hears Chris speak.

"Alright I got the photo, now, Wadsworth, let's give the new cast the McLean welcoming." Chris smiles as the butler presses a button that makes the docks explode causing Chris to laugh so hard he has to hold his sides.

"Awesome!!!." The host laughs as everyone was now in the water. "Everyone settle in before heading to the mess hall for dinner, then we'll have our first challenge!." Everyone swam back.

The guys were all trying to figure out who sleeps where and where they're stuff was going to be.
"I'm taking the top bunk" Bender puts his case of beer on the top bunk before Arthur sighs. "Guess I'll sleep under the tin can." Arthur places his hat down on the end of the bed before laying down on it "Not bad, better than sleeping in a tent."
Mario and Cuphead were both eying the top bunk "Rock paper scissors for it?." Cuphead puts his hand out which the plumber shakes "Okay, rock, paper, scissors-" Mario says before he and Cuphead both hold out their hands. Cuphead had scissors while Mario had paper.

"Scissors cuts paper." The cup joked before putting his stuff on the top bunk as the plumber places his stuff on the bunk under his.
Little Mac and Peacemaker but there stuff on bunks before the anti-hero sits down in a chair and polishes his helmet.

"Say what is that toilet bowl you where on your head?." Mac asked looking at the shiny metal helmet, "it's not a toilet seat, it's a becon of freedom." Peacemaker continues shining up his helmet as everyone looks confused. "A what?." Arthur asked sitting up and also looking at the helmet.

"It's a symbol, it strikes hope for the innocent and fear in the enemy." The anti-hero replies still polishing his helmet with his glove.

"Well I say there I can only be one crime fighting superhero here!." Darkwing climbs down from his bunk in front of peacemaker. "Have you save countless of innocent people?. And do you have a list of supervillains?-" Peacemaker puts down his helmet and grabs the duck by the beak.

"What's the point of having a bunch of people locked up if they are just gonna break out and kill more people, that's why I'm around, to protect world peace at all costs." Everyone went quiet before someone finally spoke up. "Who gives a crap about peace."

The American patriot let go of the duck and looked to whoever had the balls to say that, it was JFK who was looking out of a window. "What I care about are those broods over there, I mean look at that one!." JFK points to Samus who was entering the cabin. "She looks like fun-" the clone keeps his eyes on her before being interrupted.

"Samus isn't the romantic type." Mario hoped off his bed. "She's had tons of people hit on her and all of them hav-" before Mario could finish, the "lady charmer." was walking over to the girls cabin.

The girls had all of their stuff placed neatly onto beds and unlike the boys, weren't arguing over who the better superhero is, they all just talking and wanting to get to know their new friends for this competition.

"So, what does everyone do in their world?." Charlie asked the rest of the girls, trying to make a conversation.

"I'm a bounty hunter." Samus replied fixing her hair from the water putting it back into a pony tail. "I can handle myself in fights and I know what this show is all about so whatever that host will throw at us, I'll be prepared." Some of the girls looked towards her direction.

"How do you know about the show?." Harley asked the captain who smiled at a close friend. "Wii Fit here told me about the show, so I watched it with her, even if I didn't like it. When everyone heard about a season with people from different universes, she jumped at the chance to be a part of it, and even after I said no, the others made me do it, so now I'm here."

"I'm here just to run my own criminal business." Harley said twirling her basketball ball around. "I want to hire the most insane bastards that not even the legion of doom can take them on!." The former jester looked at her cabin mates as she swung her bat around nearly hitting Meggy who ducked out of the way just in time.

"Hello laides-" JFK opened the door only to get hit in the head with a red and black baseball bat that made him fall off the porch.

"Yikes, looks like he's out cold." Deadpool said looking down at the clone.

"What are you doing over here?." Harley looked at the marvel superhero.

"Oh, well Sepiroth wanted me to spy on you guys and look for any weaknesses." Deadpool shrugged before writing something down on a piece of paper.

"Deadpool!." Sepiroth shouted before pulling the masked superhero aside "what the hell did I tell you!." He snatched the paper from his hands and looked at it. "'The clone has an ego and wants the laides, the toilet bowl superhero is stubborn and cares about peace"' what kind of weaknesses are these!."

Deadpool shrugged again. "I wrote down what I saw, just like you said." The one winged angel pulled out his sword ready to strike before the PA system went off.

"Attention fresh meat, please report to the mess hall for dinner, and I'll go over the first challenge." Chris announced before Sepiroth put his sword away. "You got lucky."

Everyone was now in the mess hall eating dinner, which was Chef Hatchet's famous brown slop, nobody wanted to eat it but they all sat down at two different tables.

"I can't believe they would serve us this." Belle gagged just looking at her food on her plate, not wanting to eat it.

"I'd rather eat the food in prison." Bob pushed his plate away "At least there we could identify what was being put into our bodies."

"Hey, this looks like someone has taken a shit on my plate!." Cartman poked his slop with his fork making a noise that didn't sound right.

Chris walked in with a pleasant smile on his face as he looked around the mess hall. "Hello again everyone, how's the dinner?." Chris beamed as everyone started complaining. "Well don't worry, they will be more where that came from, but now onto the best part of the show...the challenges!."

Deadpool beamed with excitement. "Ooh, ooh, which challenge is it going to be?. The boney island one?. The paintball one?. So many good options to pick from!."

"Indeed Deadpool, the first challenge of the season will be a throwback to the original series of Total Drama, it's a cliff dive into shark infested waters!." Chris looked around the room for reactions.

"Did he just say "shark infested waters!." Charlie quivered a bit as Chris smiles. "Yes I did Charlie, don't worry, if you die, this episode will be dedicated to you."
"Great..." Rick took another swig from his flask as Chris left the mess hall. "Meet me at the top of Cliff McLean in ten minutes!."

Everyone looked nervous and scared at the same time, apart from Deadpool who was clapping his hands. "This is going to be so much fun!."

The camera quickly cuts to everyone now changed into swimsuits now looking over the edge of the cliff, it was twice the size of the cliff back at camp wawanakwa.

"Okay everyone, before we begin this challenge, does anyone have a problem swimming?." Chris looked around as Meggy and Bender raised their hands. "I'm still kinda new to it, when I was in my inkling form, I couldn't even touch water, if I did then I would've died." Meggy looks at the host who pulls out a hat.

"Don't worry, if you can't do it, we'll give you this chicken hat." Chris presses a button on the hat that makes is cluck.

"I really hope someone puts on this hat, anyway," Chris put the hat down before pulling out a coin. "the team that's going first will be..." the coin flips in the air as everyone watches it land on the host's palm.

"The Dingos." The dingos all look at each other waiting for someone to volunteer.

"So, which one of you boys is jumping first?." Bayonetta asks before Deadpool raises his hand. "I'll do it, but I better get a good score!." The wall breaker leaps off the cliff doing several flips and tricks before diving into the water, scoring a point for his team, holding up a ten sign.

"Nothing?. Guys come on, at least give me a clap." Deadpool was looking at his team to notice a fin swimming closer towards him.

"Get out of the water!." Bayonetta yells but the masked superhero doesn't listen.

"I spent all that time preparing to do those flips and nobody even clapped, what a tough crowd." Deadpool says to the camera as now everyone starts shouting at him to get out of the water. Just as the shark was about to strike, Deadpool used his belt to suddenly teleport onto the shore.

"Of course I knew about the sharks, I know all about this show." Deadpool laughs before putting a hand on his chin. "Hey maybe Chomper will make an appearance!."
(static sounds)

"So...who's next?." Trevor asked looking down into the waters below.

"You are up, you do it!." Catalina said folding her arms before Trevor turned around.

"I think you should do it, you'll be able to float with those titties of yours!." Trevor smiled before getting punch in the mouth by the crazy lady.

"You wanna die you little Mierda, come on!." Catalina went to hit the meth man again before Trevor ducked and grabbed her arm, as both of them began to fight, Catalina lost her balance but pulled Trevor down with her into the water as both of them could be heard screaming.

"Easy two points right there." Sepiroth smirked to Bayonetta who smiled.

As both of them got to shore the next one to jump was Rick who really didn't give a shit as he landed in the water and quickly got back to shore using his portal ray, Bob was next and he didn't have good form but he still landed in the water and swam back to shore with the rest of his team.

"Let's do this!." Johnny winked at the ladies on both teams, nobody reacted as he flipped of the cliff and make many flips like Deadpool, unfortunately he didn't get the landing he wanted, landing right on his balls making all the guys wince and some of the girls smile.

"Ha!." Rick laughed as the fighter slowly got back to shore before laying on the sand.

"Can't...move..." Johnny whined as he held his balls and was now in the sand.

"I can't do this!." Cartman backed away from the cliffs slowly "I don't wanna die!."
"Well there's an alternative..." Chris smiled as he held up a chicken hat.

"Do it!." Verosika shouted at the boy who flipped her off. "You can't make me do it bitch, you do it!."

"Guys come on, there's no need to fight." Charlie tried to calm Eric down by the kid wouldn't listen.

"Screw you guys!." Eric flipped everyone off and grabbed the chicken hat from Chris.

"...This will be remembered boy." Sephiroth gave him a menacing look which scared him.

"Yes it will..." Bayonetta also gave him a look that made him run down the cliff as fast as his feet could carry him.

"You," Sephiroth pointed towards Kaos with his right hand. "You go next."

"Pfft, the supreme ruler KOAS doesn't listen to anyone, old man!." The sorcerer folded his arms before the white haired man smirked and tossed him all of the cliff, letting out a high pitched scream until a splash was heard.

"You will regret ever messing with KOAS!." The Villian shook his fist at the jenova hybrid before screaming as the sharks surrounded him.

"I'm doing this for you master!." Toko screamed as she jumped into the waters and swam back to shore, breathing heavily.

Scout jumped and let out a scream that sounded like a girls before landing in the water.

"Yeah baby, I'm the man!." He shouted flexing before a shark circled around him "Ah crap."
Scout leaped from the water like something out of Scooby Doo and made it back to shore. "You don't scare me, finface!." Scout put his fist up before the shark leaped at him making him jump.

Charlie jumped next and even if her scream was by far the loudest, the sharks were to busy focused on Kaos to notice her land in the water, she grabbed his arm and swam back to shore with him. Kaos was scratched up and he was wheezing.

"Are you okay?." The demon princess asked as the bald sorcerer got up.

"Of course I'm fine, fool!. I could've gotten out of that myself!." Koas gets up and dusts himself off.
"Sorry I just thought you needed help-" Charlie spoke before Kaos interrupted. "The great and mighty KAOS, doesn't need help from anyone!."
"I'm not jumping," Verosika says looking at both Bayonetta and Sephiroth.

"My hair will get wet!."
"You are going weather you like it or not!." Sephiroth command before Bayonetta shoved her off the cliff making the popstar scream as she hit the water.

"I like you." Sephiroth said to Bayonetta who jumped next followed by the jenvoa and all three of them swam to shore.

"Alright, so that's thirteen jumpers and only one chicken, goats it's your turn!." Chris looked at the golden goats who all looked down at the sharks.
"So...who's going first?." Samus asked as she looked at her teammates.

"Oh what the hell, I'll do it!." Peacemaker said walking to the edge of the cliff, wearing American swim trunks.

"Nice trunks..." Harley laughed before the anti-hero flipped her off, he turned around and jumped off the cliff looking at the sharks below.

"He's jumping right into the shark's mouth, what a dumbass!." Rick said before taking another swig of his flask.

Peacemaker smiled as he pulled out a grenade and threw it into the shark's mouth.

"Eat peace motherfuckers!." He shouted as the sharks exploded, he landed in the water and swam back to the shore.

"Dude...that was AWESOME!!!." Deadpool smiled as he ran over to him.

"...Is that allowed?." Charlie asked before Chris turned on a megaphone and looked at everyone on the beach. "Thanks all lot Smith, now we are gonna have to censor that, and now we need more sharks!." The host yelled as Peacemaker smirked.

"We can't have anyone quit or we'll lose," Samus said doing the math. "So everyone will have to jump." The goats all looked at eachother again before Wii Fit smiled and grabbed Little Mac.
"Let's do this Mac!." She yelled before shoving him off the cliff and quickly diving after him.
Wii Fit(confessional)
"Okay I'm a bit competitive." Wii Fit said "And I've trained Mac for a while, back in Smash...he should be fine."

(Static sounds)
Little Max(confessional)
"Wii Fit is insane!." Mac yelled at the camera covered in bruises. "I was going to jump anyway!."

(Static sounds)

Samus jumped next and landed in the water perfectly, swimming back to shore with ease, Cuphead didn't do so well as he couldn't swim.
"I forgot I can't swim!." Cuphead shouted as he tried to stay afloat.

"Chris, is someone going to help him!." Meggy looked concerned before Chris started laughing.
"Oh Meggy, you are funny." Chris continued laughing before Cuphead began to sink, Arthur quickly dove into the water and grabbed the cup by the handle swimming back to shore.

"Oh thank you mister!." Cuphead wrapped his arms around Arthur who shoved him away "Get off of me!."

Belle jumped and landed in the water before quickly swimming back to shore along with Tracer who used her cronoaccelerator to get to shore in the blink of an eye.

"This is so much easier without the sharks." Belle said as she got to the shore.

"I know, It's now a cakewalk for us!." Tracer looked to the top of the cliff seeing someone who was shaking. "Almost..."
the person who was shaking was Darkwing, he was frozen with fear.

"Come on, are you chicken!." Harley looked at the duck who backed away. "No, it's just cold that's all!." Darkwing replied still shaking.

"Then why don't you -er gonext." JFK stepped aside as the superhero was completely frozen.

"O-of course, I'll show you all how a real superhero can do it, and I don't need fancy grenades." The duck looked at Peacemaker who was talking with the others.

"So then go...in fact-er-I'll help you!." JFK shoved Darkwing off the cliff making him scream as he fell.

"What the heck!." Meggy shouted at the clone. "There wasn't any need for that."

"You want to-er-go next, shorty?." JFK smiled as Meggy clenched her fist.

"Short!." Meggy lunged at the clone before Mario got in her way.

"Easy Meggy, we have to-a-focus on the challenge!." Mario said holding her back before JFK started laughing again.

"Hey doll, why don't-er-you and me take them on, it should be easy-" JFK winked at Harley who held up her bat. "Touch me, and your a dead man!." Harley glared as JFK just smiled "Kinky one aren't you..." Harley grabbed JFK and threw him into Bender.

"Watch were your standing-er- you rust bucket." JFK shoved Bender who got up. "Alright jackass, time for a swimming lesson!." Bender threw the clone off the cliff who landed in the water.

"Cannonball!!!." Bender shouted before jumping into the water forming a huge wave that wasted himself and JFK onto shore.

"I don't like you robot man, nor that-er-pale brood."
Bender shrugged and took at a cigar "Bite my shiny metal ass."

As bender took a puff of his cigar, Harley was heard jumping into the water before resurfacing. "Fuck yeah!." She screamed "Can't wait for Ivy to see this!."

There's only two people left for the goats and one of them wasn't wanting to jump.
"I can't do it..." Meggy looked away from the cliff and turned towards Chris.

"Wait, we need all of us to jump, or they'll be a tie!." Mario looked at the now human Meggy who looked down. "I'm sorry Red, I can't."
Mario sighed but then an idea popped into his head, before Meggy took the chicken hat, he grabbed Meggy's hand and jumped off the cliff with her, Meggy let out a scream as they both landed in the water and she quickly started to freak out "MARIO!. WHAT THE HELL!-" Mario quickly grabbed onto her hand again and swam towards the shore.

"And the first win of the season goes to the GOLDEN GOATS!." Chris yelled through the megaphone as the goats started cheering.

"I can't believe we lost!." Bayonetta stomped her foot before everyone turned to Cartman.

"What?." Cartman looked at his team seeing everyone pissed.

"Dingos...I'll be seeing you guys at the bonfire pit tonight." Chris smirked as the goats continued to cheer.

Meggy quickly hugs Mario very tightly "Thank you." She smiles before Mario smiles as well. "No problem."

The camera cuts to the bonfire that burns right in front of the dingos, who were all sitting on logs as Chris was standing in front of them.
"Welcome Dingos to the first bonfire ceremony of the season, you all should know the drill, when I call your name, come and claim your marshmallow, if you don't get a marshmallow, you will be eliminated from the competition and you can't come back...ever!." Chris looks at each of the dingos and only one was shaking.

"The first marshmallow goes to...Charlie." Chris says as Charlie grabs a marshmallow.

"Deadpool!-" Chris said before Deadpool did a flip. "ALRIGHT!!!." Deadpool grabbed a marshmallow and went next to Charlie.

"Trevor, Catalina, Rick, Bob, Sephiroth, Bayonetta, Johnny, Scout, Kaos, Toko..." Chris tosses the rest of the marshmallows, some of them didn't catch theirs but Johnny's hit him in the balls.

"And we are down to one...Verosika, you are here because of your complaint over your hair getting wet and Eric...you are hear because you didn't even jump."

"Fuck you!." Eric gave Chris the finger. "Give me the marshmallow!."

"Sorry prick...it's mine!." Verosika stood up and took the marshmallow from Chris who glared at her. "Way to spoil the elimination." Chris said to the popstar who licked her fingers before waving to cartman.

"Man screw you guys, I'm going home!." Cartman stomps as Chris smirked "Yes Eric, you are. If you'll just follow me to the end of the docks." Chris walked down to the docks followed by the rest of the dingos as Chef carried Cartman.

"Get your hands off of me you fucking n-" before Cartman could finish what he was going to say, a vortex opened up in the water and Chef threw the child into it.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!!!." He screamed as he swirled in the vortex before it sucked him down and closed up.

"He's gonna be alright, right?." Charlie asked the host who shrugs. "Don't know, tested it on two interns this morning, and they haven't came back, but more importantly..." Chris turned to the camera.

"That's one elimination down and many more to come!. Who's gonna be the next one to take a ride in the vortex?. Find out next week on TOTAL...DRAMA...RANDOMNESS!!!." Chris smiles at the camera before it fades to black.

Goats: Samus, Wii Fit, Little Mac, Harley, Bender, Arthur, Mario, Peacemaker, Tracer, Darkwing Duck, Belle, JFK, Cuphead, and Meggy!.

Dingos: Sephiroth, Bayonetta, Deadpool, Sideshow Bob, Verosika, Charlie, Johnny Cage, Scout, Kaos, Toko, Catalina, Trevor and Rick!.
Eliminated; Cartman.

Pleased feel free leave a review as it helps me know that this story is being noticed and wants updated 3 Thanks for reading!.

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