The Prison Break
John Cena, Mario, Spongebob and Patrick were in deep shit if they keep losing then all of them will be gone, Everyone was in their trailers, John Woke up first and went to open the door but it was locked
John Cena: what the hell
Mario: What
John Cena: Were locked in
Spongebob: (go to 12 seconds and stop when you want)
Stone Cold: Can someone shut him up
The Rock hits spongebob in the head with a bat
John Cena, Mario, Stone Cold:.................
The Rock: WHAT? you said shut him up
Owen: Stand back i got this
The four looked at owen with fear
Mario(Coffesional) we all ate beans last night and from what owen did on the island, he'll blow up the whole trailer!
Owen Was pushing the door trying to get it to open, meanwhile Mario, John Cena, Austin, and The Rock were in the far back
Heather: Chris you better start explaing chris
Chris: alright alright, but first let me get the guys o-
(Go to 1:34 and stop at 1;36)
Samus: What the hell
Gwen:Was that owen
Owen walks out of the trailer
Owen: Oh fresh air sweet sweet air
Mario,John Cena, Stone Cold and The Rock walk out, with Cena carrying spongebob and patrick, Luigi was already out of the trailer so he survived
The girls are trying to hold back their laughter
Chef: Jesus what happend in there
Stone Cold: we had beans, and that Fat ass over there ate about 30 cans, next thing you know-
Mario: I'm seeing a light, it's bright, take me away
The girls start to laugh
Chris: Well with that out of the way we better move on to the challenge Prison Day
Everyone gets put in a jail cell with their team
Chris: you have to work together to escape the prison, once you do head to the train cars and ride the train to me and chef, ready set go
Chris and Chef leave in a helicopter and fly to the checkpoint
Cena: Alright i know were only 4 people, but they don't seem to get along besides less people equals more room, so spread out and find something
They all go to a different area and look for a way out
The Rock: This is stupid why are we doing this if all we can do is use fatty over there a-
Owen: HEY
The Rock; Don't interupt The Rock, now we use fatty and just bust down the door
They all look at owen
Owen: Cmon guys be fair
They won't listen and start using owen as a battering ram, slamming his head against the door
Spongebob: why are the doing that to him
Patrick: i got this
Patrick walks up to the door
John Cena and Mario:*facepalms*
Spongebob: Did it work?
Mario: Nope
John: Let's keep searching
*With Chris and Chef*
Chef: Dude it's been an hour
Chris: Relax i'm pretty sure their on their way
Owens face is all bruised up, no one has found a way out and everyone is starving.
Spongebob: Patrick try it again, and again, and again and ag-
John Cena: Goddamnit We've been here for an hour. i'm so mad i could just AHHHH
He punches a hole through the cell wall and everyone is in shock
John Cena; Let's go boys
The Grips run out of the prison and towards the train
Stone Cold: Welp we lost
The rock: Hell No
He picks up owen and slams him into the door and it breaks open
The Rock: Finally!. Now we need to book it
The Conductor is in the train when sees the grips running towards him
He starts up the train at sonic speed and the grips get on the train but the gaffers do as well
The Grips start running atop the train jumping over the train cars until they reach the conductor
John Cena: Hello good sir
Conductor: AHH Rapists
The Grips look at the conductor in confusion and then see a bag of weed
Mario: he smokes weed?
The conductor drives the train of course and it's falling to where chris is
Chef: What about them?
Chris: oh yeah right
They go over to the train or what's left of it and see Mario, Spongebob, Patrick and John Cena laying on the ground
Chris: And the grips are the winners
the four still cheer, they can barely move but they still cheer
Chris: and welcome your new teamate DUNCAN
Duncan: That was a huge explosion, i want to do that now
Chris: Duncan go join the grips
Duncan Joins Cena, Mario, Spongebob and patrick
(Elimantion Ceramony)
Chris: and as we discoverd two things today, 1.Never Lock John Cena in a room by himself and 2.Don't smoke weed while on a train. and the golden chris's go out to these convicts, Samus, Luigi, Stone Cold, The Rock, Gwen, and Heather sorry owen but it's time to leave
Owen: Wha-me
The Rock smiles devilishly
The Rock(Confessional) With fatass out of the picture no more toxic bombs, but i need to form an allaince to win this game, but who will The Rock choose?
Owen is put in handcuffs, and walked to the limo
Chef: Fat Boy walking
Owen gets in the limo and it drives off
Chris: and that ends this episode of TDRA, Will The Rock be able to form and alliance?, Will the Grips get another win? find out Next time of TOTAL DRAMA RANDOMNESS ACTION
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