The Prehistoric Times
The Boys are sitting in the trailer
Duncan; isn't great that courtney is back guys
Stone Cold: i don't give a damn who comes back *Sip's beer*
Duncan: Well then at least my team over here is happy
Spongebob: Nope
Patrick: no
John Cena: Not me
Duncan: wait where's the rock
The Rock walks in angry as hell
Stone Cold: I don't give a damn
The Rock: where's the plumber?
Spongebob: he got unfairly kicked
The Rock: How So
John Cena; Courtney, she made sure that no one could vote her off last week so me and the bois well not duncan but still voted for courtney and so the votes didn't count leaving mario to go home, which is why courtney smells like shit.
Stone Cold: Smells like shit?
Spongebob: We put sewage insted of water in the pipes when she was taking a shower and she got drenched in sewage
Patrick: yeah, can i have a doughnut?
Duncan: where do you see a doughnut?
Patrick: i just want one
*a gaint horn sounds shaking the trailers*
Gwen: What the hell was that
Chris was shown with a big horn laughing
Everyone goes to the sound and sees chris standing there wearing a loincloth
Heather: Talk about your fashin phobia
Spongebob: Is he wearing a loincloth
Chris: Like it
Duncan: ohhhhhh haha it hurts a lot
Chris: you think that hurts wait til you today's challenges
Courtney; ahem
Chris: As soon as we go over some rules chef let's get this over with chef hands chris a book
Duncan: you said there are no rules
Courtney: there are when you have a good lawyer
John Cena: bitch
John Cena: your heard me Bitch, B.I.T.C.H that's what you are, a bitch
Chris: Contestants are not allowed outside contact courtney will be able to use her PDA
John Cena: bitch
Chris: Contestants will be getting meals given to them be chef hachet courtney will be treated to a fine dining with producers and myself as i hope you like lobster
Everyone yelling at courtney
John Cena: Bitch
Courtney: STOP IT
Spongebob and Patrick are trying not laugh
Courtney: what i'm still sleeping in the girls trailor
Chris: Where she will have a pure goosed down pillow, extra lofty comfature and seven hundred thread count sheets, OH and her own private bathroom
Everyone is mad at courtney, John grabs a megaphone and everyone looks at him
Sponegbob and Patrick are laughing
Courtney: well someone already knew about the bathroom because someone put sewage in the pipes
spongebob and patrick are laughing louder
John Cena: Then i'm dead as well because i did it as well
Courtney: Your the villan
John Cena: I'm the villan?, your just a wannable lawyer it's wierd that i haven't broken that (bleep) yet, and also Mario was a homie, we were friends since season 1 but you ruined that with your damn laywers and besides i'm more of a gwuncan person
Courtney: Duncan get him
Duncan looks at John Who gives him a death glare
Samus(Confessional) i like angry john
Chris: well now it's time for our first challenge, you gotta make fire with only rocks, you must grab the fire and use the flint stones to win begin
Everyone runs off to find some wood
*5 Minutes later*
Both teams have wood and start making fire, Courtney and Gwen are making
Stone Cold: Come on girl
The Rock: The Rock believes in you
Heather: eh whatever
Duncan: Come on guys cheer here on
John Cena, Patrick and Spongebob are all silent
Duncan*Grabs Patrick by the throat* I said che-ack
John Cena has got duncan by the throat now
John: How about this, lay of my friends, go be with gwen, and leave us alone
John let's go of Duncan
Gwen gets fire first
Chris: And the gaffers win
The Gaffers Cheer as Courtney gets mad, she throws the rocks at Cena one hitting him in his head, John Falls to the ground no breathing or speaking
Samus: JOHN!
She runs over to him and feels his palse
Courtney: HAHAHAHA
Samus looks at courtney fire in her eyes, Courtney stops laughing
Courtney: u-umm i'm pretty sure he's fine, now calm down, what is wrong with her
Stone Cold: john and samus are dating she is protective and also very horny, if someone attacks john then she'll attack she could kill anyone of us
Courtney looks back at samus who in front of her face
Samus: your gonna die
Courtney:*gulp* duncan?, honey?,
She sees duncan kissing gwen
Courtney: DUNCAN
Chris: Welp we be back after these messages
*After the break*
Chris: were back and so john was taken to a hospital he has a slight concusion, thanks to courtney and samus is pissed so the next challenge is gonna be fun because it will grips vs. gaffers, so it's gonna be spongebob vs gwen
Gwen and Spongebob are over two different colums and a pit of fake tar is below them
Spongebob: how when he know when to start
Chris Blows the gaint horn and it shakes the colums
Spongebob: woah-woah ahhhhhhhh *Splash*
Spongebob fell into the tar
Chris: hahaha good stuff next is patrick and heather
Heather; why don't you just jump off now and save us the time
heather swings but patrick ducks and heather falls but catches herself, patrick sees this and knocks her off with the bone into the tar
Everyone cheers
Courtney: why are you guys cheering
Samus: She's a bitch
Chris: it's now 1-1 this time it's Stone Cold and Duncan
Duncan: this is gonna be easy
Both men swing and they both hit each other but regain their blance, then without heistation duncan hits austin in the groin
Austin strikes duncan as he falls duncan losses his balance also falling both men fall into the tar pit
Chris; wow, duncan not cool but karma's a bitch, so yeah 1-1 still, now it's The Rock Vs. Courtney
Courtney gets mad and swing at the Rock and The Rock blocks the swing he swings his own but courtney blocks it and goes low as fell and the rock goes down into the tar
Chris: CMON PEOPLE STOP THAT well the last match is Samus Vs. John Cena but John isn't here s-
an ambulance shows up
John Opens the doors and walks out looking pissed he walks right up to courtney
John Cena:*Slaps Courtney* (Bleep) You
Chris: John here's your bone it's you vs. Samus but it's on the same colum
John Looks at samus then at the tar pit
Both Cena and Samus are on the same colum, John Still looking mad
Samus: hey babe
She kisses his cheek but John is still mad, he sees a hole right though samus
Samus: John?
Cena gets really mad and hits samus but she doesn't fall
John was about to hit his girlfriend off when realised what he did, he put his hat on her head threw his bone into the tar pit, and samus looked up to see him fall back into the tar pit giving the gaffers the win
Chris: And the gaffers win
Duncan: Really Dude your suposed to lead the team your done
Chris: Well no, it's a reward challenge the gaffers win a barbacue
The Gaffers cheer, and they get their food, samus walks past the grips but then goes back to john and sits in his lap
Chris: well this whole episode was Random but hey that's what this show is about Randomness, Will Courtney be able to dig herself out of a hole, will John and Samus still be a couple, Will I GET MY LOBSTER FROM CHEF!. Find out next time, on TOTAL DRAMA RANDOMESS ACTION
Okay real quick, how in the hell do i have 50 views on this shit story, also in Season 4 their will be new players the list of those players will be posted soon. and there will be a new host starting in season five (My Character) thank you for reading this story your all amazing and have a great Day/Night
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