The BreakDown of a plumber

Everybody was eating sandwiches from lunch,

Samus: i can't believe you guys stole these from lunch

Duncan: It was pretty easy

The Rock and John Cena get back from the spa

Mario: Hey guys

The Rock: that was a great spa The Rock rates it 5 stars

John Cena; it was alright

Everyone hears snoring and looks at luigi who is asleep

*Luigi's dream*
Luigi was in the tent making sandwiches for everyone when chef appears from the shadows


Luigi: YIPE

Luigi throws a spoon at chef and it hits him in the face

Luigi: Maybe it's time to stop cheating being in this alliance with you makes me feel all kinds of wrong inside

Chef: It's not about being right or wrong son, it's about you and me winning that cool mill.

*Real World*

Spongebob: This is so great huh patrick

Patrick: yeah maybe we won't have a challenge today

Heather: So of us are trying to win a million dollars and the faster i elimanate you two the closer i get.

Chris (Intercome): Everyone please report to the film lot

Everyone walks to film lot but chris isn't their

Heather: we walk all the way over here and lutenit slick can't even bother to show up

John Cena: Maybe he's trying to find new ways to torture us


Chris falls onto a pole impaling him


John Cena: huh, i guess producers don't like paying overtime

Chris: I worth every dime

Duncan: Aw i was just gonna call dibs on your boat

Chris: It's the magic of cinema boys and girls, today's challenge you'll be doing a scream off so pick your best killer and scare the pants off your teamates


Heather: We have to pick austin look at him

Stone Cold: i'm right here bitch

Gwen: you look pretty scary

The Rock: nah i say i should

Austin stuns the rock

Austin: Give me the mask

Heather goes to give austin the mask but chef grabs it

Chef: Luigi is doing it

Gwen: but it's the first time our team has agreed on something


Stone Cold: listen chef you stick to the food, and i'll stick to acting

Chef grabs austin by the neck

Chef: Do you like having your arms attached to your torso?

Austin nods

Chef hands luigi the mask

The Rock; The Rock smells something fishy?

Luigi is panicing again


Mario: umm so you do you think is scary

Duncan: I'll do it

Sponebob: i'm terrifeid of duncan on a daily basis

John Cena: Then it's setteld

John hands duncan the mask and knife

Chris: Alright, let's do this

Spongebob and Gwen are in the forrest

Chris: We'll be judging the screams on our scream oh meter

duncan is waiting for gwen in a bush, luigi is behind a tree

Luigi: i don't think i can do this


Luigi: AH

Luigi runs into spongebob

Spongebob: Oh hey luigi whats up

Luigi looks at chef who's nodding at him, Luigi puts on the mask

Luigi: BOO


Chris: really?, well it's a 9.5 where's duncan and gwen

Duncan and Gwen are in a bush making out

Chris: uh guys

Gwen: Oh AHHH

Chris: 3


Second round

Patrick and The Rock are waiting in the bathroom

The Rock: This is ridiculous the rock is never scared of anything

Luigi waiting at the door


Duncan: okay 3,2,1.

Duncan busts down the door with a chainsaw


Chris: Nice

Luigi goes up to the door

The Rock: If chris thinks the rock is scared of a skinny green plumber then chris can suck the rock's candy ass

Luigi busts down the door

Luigi: BOO

The Rock: really?, is that it,

Luigi: dude scream!

The Rock: alright, ahhhh

Chris: That's just weak like bad.



Chef; If luigi won't step up the other half of the alliance must

Chris: Alright this challenge one person from each team must make out with someone on the different team

John Cena and Samus

Mario and Heather

John and Samus

Samus:*Reads scripts* oh

John Cena: *Reads script* o-oh

Samus: so uhhh hi

John Cena: umm hi

Chris: in order to win this challenge you guy-

thier making out

Chris: Akward

Heather and Mario

Heather:*Reads script and Gasps* No no no no no i'd rather die

Mario: That makes two of us lady

Chris: Don't forget kiddies it's a million bucks

Mario and Heather start to kiss and they do

Heather and Mario: BLECH

Heather: You taste like pasta

Luigi: BOO Heather: AHH my lips may never recover

As Samus and Cena are making out, duncan appears with a knife

Duncan: What's up lovebirds

They didn't listen

Duncan: Uh guys

Samus and John Cena: huh-wa oh AHH

They Continue to make out 

Duncan:*Slaps Face*

Heather, mario and luigi are silent then chef busts down the door weilding a chainsaw




Chris: Well it seems that the gaffers have won, see as how they buried the needle, join as after the break to see if luigi is still alive, Luigi come in luigi

Spongebob: Is he breathing?

The Rock: i think he's saying something


*Luigi's Dream*

Luigi wakes up in a world of clouds and sees Daisy on the other side

Luigi: DAISY

Luigi runs to his girlfriend

Luigi: i've been feeling really wierd latly an-

Daisy: My boyfriend would never play dirty EVER

In luigi's dream daisy slaps him, but heather does in real life


Heather:*Slaps Luigi*

Everyone: Heather

Heather: What?, He's still talking crazy

Chris: Chef is in a meeting with the producers, he's in trouble not allowed to interfere with the challenges, anyway pack your bags, loser grips, you'll be spending the night in the tent

Chris takes the grips to the tent

Spongebob; staying here isn't so bad

Patrick: i found food

Chris: Guys mind joing us here

Chris is sitting on a log, with mario, duncan and cena all sitting by him

Chris: i'm about to tell you why this film lot was abandond and closed

John Cena: Because it's a death trap

Chris: Hush Mr. Cena, this film lot is perfectly safe here, but in the other demosion, one decicated security guard who worked here for 25 loyal years, until her timly death ON THIS VERY SPOT, Now her spirt haunts anyone brave enough to spend a whole night in this tent, that's your challenge if everyone stays in this tent no one goes home.

*With the gaffers*

Chris: The killer grips are sitting in the tent like ducks, your task is to scare them out of the tent by dawn

Heather: How are we supposed to scare them

Chris: up to you, oh and i told them a story of a cop who died on set

The Gaffers are at the tent

The Rock: How are we gonna get their asses out of the tent

Gwen: Well sponegbob and patrick are easy, mario maybe, the only problem is cena and duncan

Stone Cold: hmm i got it

Austin was making fake blood

Samus: Wow that looks like blood

Stone Cold: I know, right but it needs more corn syrip

Luigi: I'll get you some

Luigi gets the corn syrip and hands it to austin

Stone Cold: Thanks

Gwen: wow luigi you sure do know your way around the kitchen

Luigi shrugs

The Grips were playing war

Duncan: Alright place down your cards

Duncan-6, Spongebob-2, Patrick- 5, Mario-10, John Cena-Ace

John Cena: WOOOO i win bois

Everyone looks at the walls and theres fake blood pouring down it

Duncan: The walls

Spongebob and Patrick: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

They Run out of the tent

Mario: Wait guys come back

Duncan: welp, i guess it's us three

John Cena: what's that smell?

Mario: Ketchup?

Duncan goes up to the wall and licks it

Duncan: It is ketchup

Mario: this has to be chris

Heather is coverd in ketchup and corn surup

Heather: Anyone else with an idea anyone that's not stone cold

Samus thinks about herself and cena from the last challenge

Samus: I think i have a way to get John out

Samus goes up to window and crouches down so the three can't see her see peaks over and sees John up against the wall, she picks up a rock and throws it at him, it hits his foot

Cena: OW

He looks over and sees samus, who's waving at him

John Cena; i'll be back

he walks over to the window

John Cena; hey sammy what's up

Samus: John there's something i need to tell you, but you have to come outside it's a secret

John Cena: okay sure

He starts to walk out but stops and realised what this is

John Cena: Ohhohohoho you almost got me

Samus: What do you mean?

John Cena: Your trying to make me step out of the tent to get out, and lose this well sorry samus but thats not happening

Samus then hugs Cena really tightly

John Cena: Samus ACK i can't b-breathe

Samus: Shhhhhh not talking

She lifts up cena and carries him outside to the trailers

John Cena: PUT ME DOWN

Samus: As you wish 

She drops him on the ground

Chris: welp sorry john your out

John Cena: What? but i didn't get scared, she dragged me out

Chris: your out of the tent

Samus: So does this mean i can make out with him again

Chris: i don't care


She dives onto of Cena and tackles him on the ground


*Mario and Duncan*

Mario: wait where's john

Duncan: Over there

They look outside to see John and Samus

Mario: awww that's a cute just like me and peach


Duncan: hmm this is a kids show right chris

Chris: Yes

Everyone: OH GOD

John Cena (Confessional)

A racoon throws up in a bush after seeing that

Meanwhile back at the tent

Gwen: well anyone got any ideas

The Rock: luigi has been quiet for a long time

Luigi: i don't like scaring people, escaplly mario and my girlfriend says it's not geltmanly

Heather: well she ain't here

Stone Cold: And Stone Cold Steve Austin wants to win and go to bed so

Luigi looks sad but tells them his plan

Mario: So it's a just you and a me

Duncan: yep it's almost dawn

The Lights go out

Mario and Duncan: What the

Stone Cold *Talking into walkie talkie* night has fallen

Luigi*Walkie talkie* great work beer boy, goth girl you ready

Gwen*Walkie talkie* ready

Duncan: Remeber dude this is chris trying to scare us and w-

Gwen makes spooky noises into a megaphone

mario: ahhh

Duncan: Stay strong

They look up and see a cop flying, which is really heather attached to a rope, the rock is above them holding the rope


He runs out of the tent

Duncan: wait stop



He runs out of the tent

Chris: Congrats gaffers you won the challenge

(Elimation Ceramony)

Chris: Well it's safe to say that no one is safe tonight, Mario scared of heather, typical, Duncan scared of luigi, hahahaha, John making love on a PG show not cool man. Spongebob and Patrick ran out before anyone else also not good

Chris: now let's get this done, Mario, Duncan, John Cena, and spon-

Luigi: STOP, i'm gonna do what i should've done, make daisy proud i'm voting myself off

Chef: LUIGI, *Whispers to luigi* why don't you and i have a little chat before you do anything stupid

Luigi: NO CHEF I'M LISTENING TO YOU ANYMORE, Chef and Me, we had an illegal alliance

Everyone *GASPS*

Luigi: he's been coaching me through the challenges, making the food bad for the grips and giving me an unfair advantage, i'll miss you all

Mario: Wait bro, you cooked the food, the pizza, the cheesecake the sandwhiches

Duncan: Dude you can't leave

John Cena: Can't we just vote chef off instead

Luigi: i'm sorry but i have to make it right, for daisy

Everyone execpt chef: AW

luigi walks to the limo but, he give mario and bro hug, and puts a spice in his hand before leaving

Chris: Well that wraps up this episode, what will happen next time?, is chef going to get his ass kicked?, are Samus and John gonna bang again

Samus: YES *hugs cena*


Chris: Find out next time on Total Drama Randomness Action.

(Sorry this will probaly be the longest one ever.)

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