The Alien Egg Hunt

the 14 campers from season 1 step off a bus onto a film lot, the bus leaves them there.

Samus: Uh where's chris

Mario: Maybe we got off at the wrong stop

Stone Cold: That Peice of shit bus only had one stop

Chris: hey guys, welcome back if you could please follow me to the trailers

They all follow chris to the trailers

Chris: Alright so this season you will compete in movie themed challenges the teams are as followed

Killer Grips: John Cena, Mario, Spongebob, Patrick, Geoff and Bridgette, Lindsay

Screaming Gaffers: Samus, Luigi, Stone Cold, The Rock, Heather, Gwen, Owen

Chris: Alright your first challenge is to find alian eggs in the boiler room but be careful because chef is hunting you,

Everyone goes into the boiler room,

Gwen: What do we do

Heather: I don't know

John Cena: let's split up

Samus: Which way

Lindsay: North is bad, east is least, west is fast

Spongebob: Let's go

Spongebob Patrick and Lindsay go down to find the boiler room

Samus, Luigi, Owen, and The Rock run up to find the boiler room

Gwen: Well theres only one way we can go

Gwen, Heather, and Stone Cold Run straight ahead Followed by Mario and John Cena Geoff and bridgette

Cena: Hold up

Geoff: What

John Cena: Someone should stay here in case someone else finds it

Bridgette: Alright

They continue to make out and John Runs off to catch up

John Cena (Confessional) Sorry Geoff and Bridgette but i can't have them come with us, they'll probaly get in the way or make out.

chef appereas behind geoff and bridgette

Chef: I once had love like that

He shoots both of them with slime

lindsay, Patrick and Spongebob go into a room with a dead end

Lindsay: Dead end?

The Door behind them shuts and chef fills the water pipes with slime and turns it on which sprays the three in slime

Samus, Luigi, The Rock and Owen are walking down a hallway, when chef drops down from above and hit luigi

Samus: Luigi


They start running but owen has to fart

Owen: It's Time! Take me out i beg you it's an emergency

Chef hits owen, who quickly runs to the nearest restroom

The Rock: Keep Running

They run into a dead end

Chef; your done

he hits both of them and goes to find the other 5

Gwen, Heather, Stone Cold, Mario, and John Cena make it to the boiler room they open the door and find alian eggs

Mario; WOOHOO we won

John Cena: not so fast pal we still gotta get these things back to chris

They all get an egg but chef opens the door and shoots at them and hits heather

Heather: Ahhhh

The egg falls out of her hands and it breaks, but her wig flies off her head and between a grate it's starting to slip

heather: MY WIG!

She dives for it but it falls through the grate


Mario, Gwen, John Cena, and Stone Cold run out of the boiler room with chef following them they burst throught an exit door to the outside

Chris (From a helicopter) attention civillans the millitary is hear to protect you but you can't leave with any eggs

Austin: But were supposed to take them that's what you said

Chris: Right i did hahaha

He presses a button the drops a slime nuke

John Cena: INCOMING!

Cena, Mario, Gwen, Austin and Chef all dive out of the way but the nuke still goes off and a ton of slime goes everywhere, Gwen, Mario, and Cena are fine but austin got slime on him

Stone Cold: SHIT

Gwen starts running to the trailers, John and Mario quickly behind but chef fires the gun and hits Cena

John Cena: Ahh

Mario: CENA

John Cena: Go on without me solder

Mario runs and catches up with gwen, but Gwen barely beat mario

Chris: And The Gaffers win

The Gaffers cheer as Cena and Austin walk back with slime on them Austin coverd head to toe

Chris: HAHAHAHA It's Alian Austin

Stone Cold Flips chris off and gives him stunner well screaming in his face

Chris: OW anyway grips today you get to vote off two members of your team

The Grips look at Geoff and Bridgette who are making out

(Elimation Ceramoany)

Chris: And the golden chris's go to Mario, Cena, Spongebob, Patrick and Lindsay. Goeff Bridgette it's time to go.

John Cena (Confessional) Those did nothing to help, but they still have eachother

*Remebers his two divorses*

Mario(Confessional) At least they have each other

Chris: Any last words

They Make out

Lindsay: Cutest stuff ever

They Get into the limo making out

Chris: Gross anyway, that wraps this episode up for today what challenges will our players face next time? Find out next time on Total Drama Randomness Action

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