Spies in Training

All week John has felt really bad about what he said about samus, and mad at himself for not telling the others He was sitting in a chair by himself drinking one of austin's beers

John Cena: Well you've done it to yourself, you've lost your friends, your alliance, and your girlfriend

Then he gets hugged by someone he looks up and sees Samus who is still sleepy

John Cena: uhh samus, what are you doing

Samus: Well when i saw the tape agian i saw the beer in your hand and the beers all around the limo so i assumed that you were drunk

John: So does this mean th-

Samus: yes, now shut up and let me lay on you

John Cena: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Samus: But if you saw anything bad about me again *Loads Blaster* I will kill you

John: yes mam


Everyone is outside

The Rock: Where the hell is chris

Spongebob: I don't know

Patrick: I'm going back inside

Patrick goes to open the door but a camera pops out

Camera: Intruder alert entry denied

The Stairs below patrick turn into a slide and patrick falls into a hole below them

Patrick: AHHHHHHHHhhhhh

Sponegebob: PATRICK

Spongebob out of nowhere gets hit with a shoe and falls into the as well

Duncan: What the

Duncan gets a tranqulizer dart shot in his neck, he falls into the hole

Courtney: Duncey

Gwen: Duncan

They both run up to the hole and a fedora is throw Mr.Fuji style and it hits both of them into the hole as well


Cena, Samus, and Austin run into the other trailer leaving The Rock outside


Austin Flips him off as John is trying to calm samus down

John Cena: babe calm down it's okay, it's okay

Samus: No,it's,not,okay *panting* i,need,you,to*bleep*me,before i die


Austin: Jesus christ get a room you two

Someone threw a tear gas can in the window and tear gas sprays out, 

Stone Cold: *Coughs* Oh no *Passes out*

Samus: BABE hold me

John Holds samus, as she kisses his cheek before passing out

John Cena: NOOOOOOOOOOO YOU MOTHER F****** I KILL ALL OF Y- *passes out*

Everyone wakes up in the cave on the cliff, when spongebob accidently hits The Rock in the eye


Spongebob: I'm So Sorry are you okay


The Rock runs around looking for ice when everyone else is starting to wake up Samus was onto of John and when john wakes up he hears someone moaning quietly in his ear

Samus; OH

John Cena: *Shoots Up* AHH WHAT THE *BLEEP* Oh it's just you sam, jesus please don't do that again

Samus: maybe i will do it again, maybe i won't *Wink*

John rolls his eyes as he and samus get up along with the others when a hologram of chris shows up on the wall 

Chris: *Fake accent* welcome to the world of spy movies Man and Woman

Duncan: Dude what's with the bad Jamaican accent

The Rock: Jamaican? more like Japanese

Courtney: No swedish

Spongebob: French

Patrick; (Go to 5 seconds)


Chris: Uh hello it's russian and i should know because i'm an actor

The Rock and John Cena: BULL*Bleep*

Chris: Any good spy, in any good spy movie must have 3 things 1. The ability to deactivate a bomb 2. The ability to escape an exploding building and 3. the ability to fake an accent, *Fake Jamacian accent* Like my fab russian accent mon. you'll need two of the three skills in today's challenges can you guess which two Hint: Not the 3rd one

Courtney:*Gasps* does anyone know a thing about bombs

No One Answers

Stone Cold: How Do we get out of here?

The Rock sits on a rock that leans back into a lever and the wall opens and an elevator

The Rock: Over Here

Everyone gets into the elevator, The Rock hits a button and it starts going to a building with a glass box

The Rock: wow this place is cool

the Chris hologram is back

Chris: don't i look awesome in blue now for the first part of the spy movie challenge, see that case in the middle of the room you gotta get whatevers inside

Duncan: No problem easy Smash and Grab

A bunch of lasers go off around the case

Chris: you need to get through without setting off the alarm and those lazers will cut you clear in half

Spongebob and Patrick: wanna go together

They both go together but get stuck

Spongebob: This is all your fault

Patrick: NO it's your fault

Courtney and Samus are both making it through the laser both showing off thier asses a bit, John and Duncan stare at them

Duncan: 5 bucks courtney beats her

John: oh it's on

Gwen: um can someone help me?

Stone Cold: me as well

The Rock: Cena a little help

John Helps the Rock and Austin get out of the lasers

The Rock: Austin, what if i told you that i can get you into the final 3

Stone Cold: I'm listning

The Rock: Think about it The Rock, John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Three Man Power Trip

Stone Cold: Maybe *sips beer*

John Cena: How drunk are you gonna get by the end of this season steve

Stone Cold: Don't know *sips beer*

Samus and Courtney are both at the case

Courtney: Ok so now what

Duncan: Grab what ever you can and smash it

Samus and Courtney both smash it open and the lasers stop

They reach into the back

Samus: it looks like a wire gun

Courtney: and wire cutters


Chris: The Room blows in 10. 9


Spongebob: i'll miss your smile

Patrick: i'll miss yours

Courtney and Gwen both hug duncan, Samus hugs John and The Rock and Austin bro hug

Chris: 3.2.1 *Fart noise* SUCKERS HAHAHAHA

Chris: Anyway Courtney and Samus you both could share the tools, oh and that was just a test run the real countdown begins NOW 30. 29. 28. 27


Courtney: UGH What makes you think chris is serious this time

There are a bunch of bombs at the bottom of a building

Stone Cold: we need other structure for the zipline to hang on to

Gwen opens a door in the tower and sees a building 

Gwen: Like that one

Patrick: Let's go

Courtney: uh not so fast what do i hear for a ride to freedom

Everyone: WHAT

Courtney: Yep me and Samus both want good offers

Samus: *Bleep* You

She Fires the wire gun and it attaches to the other building

Samus: Grab on guys

Everyone grabs on and the cast gets to the other building when the wire snaps

Everyone: AHHHHHH

Stone Cold and The Rock land on their feet

Duncan gets crushed by gwen and courtney, Samus lands on top of Cena, and John catches Spongebob and Patrick

The Rock: Get ready for the fireworks


The Rock: OH COME ON

Chris: As if we actually had the budget to blow up a building i was just playing again

Everyone glares at chris

Chris: Anyway heres your next challenge 

he pulls back a tarp and 9 stink bombs are reveald

Chris: These bombs contain the most nasty smells in the world, like major stink bombs

Stone Cold: you mean worse then Owen's farts

Chris: Yes, now you must cut the right wire, yo chef

Chef comes out in tennis gear

Chef: why can't you do this i'm busy

Chef flips the switches on and he and chris leave

Chris: Good luck and this time your really gonna need it

Everyone gets in front of a bomb

Samus: Umm which wire is right

Spongebob: let me try the blue wire

Samus hands spongebob the wire cutters he cuts it and it stops his bomb

Patrick: HE DID IT

The Rock: Cut the blue wire everyone 

Everyone cuts the blue wire

Gwen: We did it

John Cena: wait why do i still hear ticking


Patrick: What the

Samus: OH NO



Chris: what? were obivisly not gonna wire each bomb the same way it be way to easy for our interns and no fun for me *Laughs*

Everyone was soaking in tomato juice Samus and Cena were making out in it

Chris: everyone happy

Everyone: NO

Chris; well it's time to kick somebody so were gonna let courtney and samus kick somebody for winning today

Courtney: GWEN

Gwen: What

Courtney: Duncan is and will be mine so back off, Samus vote her

Samus: sorry gwen, i really am

Gwen gets taken to the limo after being kicked off

Gwen: This is stupid

Chris: look, The Author messed up we have 9 players left we need to elimante people fast

Gwen: Why

Author: Sorry about that i miss counted The episodes

Chris: Anyway who's going home next? will Austin join Cena and The Rock?, Will the author not screw up for once

Author: i'll mess up again, i can tell


I'm Back with TDRA I'll be posting more of Action and World Tour as time goes on but mainly action Thanks For Reading and Have a great Day/Night :)

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