Oceans 10. or 11?

everyone was in the tent 

John Cena; what a head rush man last night

Mario: Hey Cena, someone is happy to see you

John Cena: Oh No

Samus is standing behind him, breathing down his neck

John Cena: h-h-hey babe

Samus: hehehehehe

Samus(Confessional) Ever since me and john got together i've never felt so happy with him all my problems wash away

John Cena (Confessional) *Slamming his head on the table* 

Duncan: Man is miss luigi's cooking at least he made good food

everyone nods 

Mario: Well i'll be right back i gotta piss

mario walks out of the tent and to the restroom

Mario: Out of order? HEY

Mario gets a sack put on his head and dragged away by two interns

*2 minutes later*

Gwen: where is mario?

Spongebob: it doesn't take that long to pee

The Rock: I'll go look

The Rock (Confessonal) Maybe i can get mario on board with me and cena then once the merge we'll become unstopable

The Rock walks out of the tent and to the restroom

The Rock: Mario? you in there?

The Rock also gets a sack put on his head and dragged away

*Another 2 minutes later* 

A small hole is opened into the roof and chris drops down

Spongebob: Oooo

Chris: Nice huh, anyway it's time for our next challenge

Samus: Uh chris our team is missing a player

John Cena: So is ours

Chris: The Rock and Mario our gone people because resucing them is the first part of this bank heist challenge

Everyone gasps

Chris: They've been captured and locked inside a safe, you'll have to get the code to get them out now go save them

Everyone gets to the vaults 

Spongebob: Mario you in there

Mario: GUYS is that you

Patrick: Yeah, i think?

Mario: HURRY get me out of here, I NEED TO PEE

John: don't worry lil buddy we'll get you out



Gwen: Maybe we should try this one 


It didn't open

Heather: Damnit

Duncan: i'm great at doing this watch and learn

Duncan tries opening the safe, 7-17-23, BINGO

Mario Is out and hugs duncan


Duncan: Off me now

Mario stops and runs to the restroom faster than usian bolt

John Cena: let's go

He grabs the tools and the grips run to the bank

Stone Cold: tell me why were going to try to get this son of bitch out i could just rob it now

Heather: Then what are we waiting for 

Gwen: what about you samus

Samus was already out trying to catch up to John

Gwen, heather and austin all run out the door and too the bank

The Grips are in the bank, and the teller is at the counter with blonde hair, and green pants with a grey shirt

Duncan: afternoon mam, that's a fine set of legs you got there but now can you start filling this pillow case with cash

Courtney: anything else i can do for you today duncan

Duncan:*Passes Out*

John Cena: Oh No

Chris: Oh yes, courtney is back and we'll be right back on TDRA

Everyone is in the bank except the rock

Chris: Teams it is my "honor" to tell you that courtney is back for the durration of the game

Courtney waves at duncan

Chris: And were all happy about it

He puts on a fake smile

Heather: She got booted out fair and square

Courtney: Sorry heather but myself and my lawylers beg to differ

John Cena *Whispers to mario* spoiled bitch

Mario *Whispers to john* if a we lose is she the first to go

John Cena: *Whispers to mario* oh hell yeah 

Chris: now courtney pick the team that you wanna go on

Courtney: Duncan's team

Sponegbob: uh John's the leader actually

Courtney: Who says

Patrick: we all voted

Mario: So you'll listen to him, or get kicked

Courtney: i'll be calling my lawylers then 

she's dailing the number



He's throws her PDA at the wall

Courtney: *Gasps*

She runs over and picks it up




Chris: hahah anyway time for the next challenge, you getta way cars are at the top of the mountain, better get a move on before the cops arive



everyone runs out the door

John Cena:Cmon Let's book It

Mario:Right a Behind you

Courtney sees spongebob and patrick behind


Patrick: *Trips on a rock*

Courtney: UGH

Courtney(Confessional) I'm stuck on a team with a Wrestler, a plumber, a sponge and a starfish, oh and MY boyfriend so gwen better not try anything

patrick recovers and runs with the girps to the top of the hill

The Rock: okay were the hell are they the rock wants to know

Everyone is running up to the top of the hill and finds dismembered cars

Gwen: what is this?

Chris: These are your cars waiting to be assembled, wait where's the rock?

Stone Cold: Left his ass back in the vault

Chris: He'll be mad, but nice hahaha

Gwen: eh well we did what we had to do

John looks concerned but then sees samus giving him a loving look

John Cena (Confessional) hmmm save dwayne or bang my sexy girlfriend hmmm oh wonder what to do

John smiles at samus, she makes a moting with her finger going into a hole

John Cena: *whispering to samus* later cutie

She blushes as john helps the girps put together the car


Mario: well we did it, guys

Spongbob: I'm gonna drive



Duncan: I think i should drive

Spongebob: okay

They get in and drive off

Austin: Done

Samus: Let's go

They get in and chase after the grips, but since there is less people on the grips team the gaffers go faster and past them

Courtney: UGH COME ON

Chris Sees the cars

Chris: And it looks like the gaffers are going to win the challenge

The Gaffers car stops

Samus: What the?

Chris: I may have spoken to soon laides and gents the car is out of gas

Gwen is starting the car over and over agian but it won't move, the grips past them 

Courtney: YES 

The grips car falls apart and squishes the grips


The Gaffers move thier car across the finish line

Chris: Wanna bet?

Chris: Congrats gaffers you won the challenge

The Gaffers cheer in victory

Chris: Grips i'll see you at the ceramony

As the elimation ceramony theme plays the rock hears it


Chris: now this is important, this week none of you can vote for courtney

John Cena, Mario, Spongebob and Patrick: WHAT

Chris: THIS SHOW CAN'T AFFORD ANY MORE LAWSUITS My message budget has been sliced in half

Chris: Duncan, Cena, Spongebob, Patrick, *reads votes* Why do i have 4 votes to boot out courtney when i said you couldn't it

John Cena: I guess we couldn't help it

Spongebob: No matter what my finger would only press the courtney button

Chris: Well i guess that leaves us with 2 votes that count

Courtney: Mario, you've been elimanted


Spongebob: YOU CAN'T DO THAT

Patrick: WHAT

Mario walks up to them and shakes their hands but flips off courtney

Spongebob: Aw group hug

The Four original gaffers all group hug (No homo) and mario leaves with giving a salute to his 3 friends

Courtney Sits proud of herself 

Courtney: well i'm gonna hit my private bathroom seya guys

John Cena, Spongeobob and Patrick all get the same idea in their heads

*Later That night*

Courtney: ahh a nice relaxing shower

Little Did she know three people were by the water tank

John Cena: Alright give me that pipe

Spongebob hands him a pipe which is full of sewage and replaces the water with the sewage

Patrick: oh let me do it

Patrick tapes the sewage pipe up so nobody can remove it

The Three walk away and go back to the trailers

Courtney: What the- EW Is this sewage EW NO STOP IT, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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