Doctor time
Everyone was walking back to the trailers, everyone was tired from the prison break
Luigi: i can't believe owen is gone
The Rock: Well the fatass got what was coming to him
Sponegbob: welp i'm gonna crash
Spongebob walks up to the door and tries to open it but it's locked
Spongebob: huh? it's locked?
Everyone: What
Duncan tries the other door
Duncan: HEY! who locked the door
Patrick goes up the door
Patrick: Open Se-
Mario: It won't open
Patrick sits down, then an ambulance zoomes by them and drops a strecher with a tarp over it
Heather: what is that? EW A DEAD BODY!
John Cena: or an undead body
The tarp gets lifted and chris does and undertaker like sit up while on a pile of textbooks
Chris: BOO!
Sponegbob: AH
Chris *Laughs* Relax nobody is dead, yet, i'm here to prep you guys for our most awesome challenge yet, these textbooks contain the sum total of 8 years of med school, and each one of you gets on because tommarow were gonna play doctor
Duncan rolls his eyes
Duncan:(Confessional) I hate doctors, they just get off on telling people stuff they don't wanna hear, like don't pick at that scab or if you eat nothing but pickled eggs you'll die, don't tell me what i can't do, now playing doctor, playing doctor i can handle
Chris: to win this challenge, your gonna to memorise the entire content of those textbooks by morning
Heather: But it's already so late
Chris: you got that right
Chef drives a golf cart with pizza boxes in it
Chris: what med school all nighter would be complete without pizza
Chef gives the boxes to mario
Mario: *Smells the pizza* Mm that smells good
The Rock: That's gotta be a trick
Chris: More like method acting medschool studients consume more pizza than the averge human, so dig in because theres plenty more where that came from
Duncan *Takes a slice* Looks okay, smells okay taste *takes a bite* Incredable
Gwen: How is that possible
Luigi is in the tent making the pizzas with chef
Chef: Keep spinning, i'll add the final cheese touch
Luigi: My team's gonna wonder were i am
Chef: Not as long as their eating their not now shut up and spin, spin like the wind
Everyone was eating the pizza execpt John Cena
Duncan: man, this pie is rad, who knew chef could rock this off
Mario: Aren't you gonna have any Cena
John Cena (Conffesional) Look i love pizza, but after the whole soup thing i can't trust chef anymore, i'm suprised that the others can still eat from him, he probally put something in it like, finger nails.
John Cena: No thanks, i'm not hungry
Samus: well no pizza for John means more for the rest of us
Spongebob: Wait luigi hasn't had any
Stone Cold: Where is luigi
Luigi quietly craws out of the kitchen
Luigi: i've been hear the whole time, obvislly now hand me some pie
Luigi gets a slice and eats it
Luigi: Mmh (to himself) Man i'm good
John Cena: well i'm going back to the trailers, tommarows a reward challenge, no one getting kicked
The Rock: He's got a point i'm out
Everyone continues to eat the pizza and the rock looks back at them and then at cena
The Rock: Hey Cena
John Cena: Yeah
The Rock: what if i told you that i could get you into the final 3
John Cena: what do you mean
The Rock: I'm saying that we should form an alliance
John Cena: why with you
The Rock: So we can win, i lose some challenges you lose some, then once we get to the merge we'll be a power team
John Cena; i'll think about it
The Rock walks away smirking as John is left to think
*Timeskip to the morning*
Everyone is in a room, with two gaint pools filled with green stuff
Chris: For this challenge all you have to do is tell me the diagnosis of the problem be the first team to bring a frankin chris to life wins
Chris: first question your paitent has a white tounge red eyes, and ewwy goowy cries
Spongebob: Pinkus eyeicus treated with two rounds of flobberty giggits
Chris: Absoultly correct (Whipsers to audience) I messed around with some of the terms in the textbook
Spongebob jumps and gets shocked by electric eels
Spongebob: AHHH
Mario: What the
Chris: Oh yeah watch out for the electric eels three saps and your out
Luigi Sees chef putting more eels in the grips pool
Samus: You okay luigi
Luigi: yes
Then it's just a montage of people getting the questons right and either getting the peices or zapped by the eels
Chris: both teams have their cadavers who's gonna hit the roof first
Both teams are pulling when Gwen sees something on Patrick
Gwen: uh patrick you have a sore on you
Patrick: oh, man i'm burning up
He burps and he smells it
patrick: lemon?
Mario: Hold on red sore, burning, lemon burps, aren't those one of the deasise in the book
Spongebob: page 733 mortisical crumbles deseaise *Gasps* AND IT'S FATAL
Heather: mortisical crumbles deseaise it's just fatal it's highly contages
Chris; okay it's quarantine time seya wouldn't wanna be he
Chris Runs out the door and seals it up
Chris *Talking to audience* Theres more to this than either team knows
Duncan: This is wierd patrick somehow gets a fatel deseaise
Patrick: maybe it's a 24 hour type
Spongebob: don't worry buddy we'll find a cure
Samus: quarantine patrick
Mario: Get inside before you kill us all
John Cena, Luigi and The Rock all lift up patrick and put him in a bubble
Patrick: HEY
Luigi: It's gotta be a mistake
Patrick: hey wheres the exit
Spongebob: There isn't one
Now luigi is in a bubble
Patrick rolls around in the bubble now becoming a pinball
Stone Cold: Great now patrick is a pinball of death
Mario: we need to make sure no one else is infected simtums of mortisical crumbles deseaise include sudden hot flashes
Spongebob starts to sweat like crazy
Mario: Sea sickness
Mario: Iche lips
Stone Cold: My lips they burn AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Stone Cold keeps scraching his lips making them go red
Mario: eplosive diarehha
Gwen Bolts it to the restroom
Mario: speaking in tounges
Samus's eyes roll and she's acting like she's having a seizure
Mario: and temporaly blindness anyone, anyone?
John Cena: nope
The Rock: not me
Mario: well that's good
Mario bumps into samus and his vision is all blury
Mario: I'm blind
John Cena (Confessional) there is no way that this is real, they wouldn't let someone die, right?
Chris was in a room with monitors
Chris: yeah John your right, but just imagine the ratings
John Cena: don't worry guys we'll find a cure
The Rock; have you noticed that were the only ones that didn't study all night, and the only ones who haven't been infected
John Cena: yeah, but there has to be something that these guys missed we need to get a textbook
The Rock: Good idea except chris sealed off the only exit
John Cena: Not the only exit
They look up to the roof where the cadaver was going to be
The Rock: I'm not a fan of heights
John Cena: and i'm not a fan of dying
The Rock: you got a point
The two start pulling the chain and get up to the roof, where they climb down a ladder
The Rock: I'll get the textbook, you look in the kitchen
John Cena: Right
The two run off
*With The Rock*
The Rock is looking at a textbook and rips the cover off it
The Rock: old cerial boxes?
*With John Cena*
John walks into the kitchen and sees the cheese, but chef is sleeping
John: okay just be very quiet
he sneaks past chef and grab the cheese
John Cena: hm this seems legit
He sees the labal is starting to come off
John Cena: hmm
he tears off the cheese labal and sees the cheese was really iching pouder and laxitives
John Cena: *Gasp*
John Cena (Confessional) I FUCKING CALLED IT
Everyone is basically dying at this point
Stone Cold: My lips
Heather was writing a will
Heather: To my mother i owe you my many awards and trophies *Vomits* To my brothers and sisters i owe you NOTHING EARN IT YOURSELFS YOU LAZY SLACKERS
John and Rock bust down the door
Mario: mother is that you
The Rock: Relax everyone we found the cure, this is all bullshit, the book covers are just old ceral boxes
The Rock starts to get diarehha
The Rock: Oh no
He runs to the restoom
The Rock: mother of mercy
Duncan: it can't be a sham, no one's faking being sick
John Cena: Yeah, but it's still bullshit, i found this cheese in the kitchen
Luigi Starts to panic
Luigi: Uh gee what's in that canister i've never seen before?, Parmashion?
John: No iching pouder and laxitives
Luigi: Chef how could he
The Rock comes out of the restroom
The Rock: That explains the diarehha and iche lips
John Cena: and i'm the only one who didn't get sick because i didn't eat the pizza
Spongebob: But what about the sores on Luigi and Patrick?
John pops the bubble and tears off a pepparoni
John Cena: it's just a slice of pepparoni dude you need to shower
Luigi makes a mad dash to the restroom knocking over the rock
patrick eats the pepparoni
patrick punches and kicks but no effect until spongebob pops it
Patrick: thanks
Stone cold: What about the rest of us
Samus: to much studying and to little sleep could make you think you have every deseaise in the book
Mario: I can see, I CAN SEE
Chris comes down from the celing
Chris: Congrats on winning the challenge guys now the origanal plan was to have one member from the winning team go to a local spa but since we have two winners John Cena and The Rock will both be going to the spa, the limo is outside
John and Rock walk out to the limo and get in it
The Rock: So Cena are you in
John sits in silence for a moment
John Cena: I'm in
They shake hands
Chris: Woah an alliance formed? that's great, what will the alliance of The Rock and John Cena do?, who's going home next? all this and many more questions answerd on the next TOTAL DRAMA RANDOMNESS ACTION
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