Volcarona Virus

Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars, our challenge was OFF THE HOOK! It was a Splatoon inspired challenge that was so ink-packed that it requires months of cleanup. Glad it's not my responsibility! Have fun Koffing!

Koffing: (walks by with a mop) I don't say this enough... (Censored) -YOU RAICHU! (Heads off)

Raichu: (nervously) Okayyy... thanks for that... (normally) So where was I? Oh yeah! Yesterday! The Suicunes took a round one lead thanks to gamer Meowstic and skillful sniper Riolu, but sadly they couldn't get themselves a second win. It ended up being the Entei's who won big time thanks to Litten's skill with a paintbrush expanding to even Splatoon standards, and Charamnder's leadership skills. While they may have won, that doesn't mean it was smooth sailing. You see, Mudkip overheard Cyndaquil and Charmander talking and heard Cyndaquil say Mudkip is dead weight and useless on the team... except he was only saying it to parrot what he thought Charmander was saying when telling him off! Confusing huh? Almost as confusing as the stand-off Fennekin and Vulpix had with each other during the challenge. I wonder what Vulpix meant by all that? Anyways, in the end, after screaming like a madman all day, Sandshrew went home for the Reckless Raikous, and thanks to a clever scheme from Snivy, Riolu was sent home for the Suicunes! Dude was one of the most powerful players this show's ever seen, so can't say I blame them for seizing the opportunity. So, who will go home today? Will it be weak players, strong players, or maybe it won't be any players? (Laughs) KIDDING! I enjoy flushing these losers too much for that last one to happen. Get ready for a new episode of Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!

(Theme song; In the spa hotel)

Charmander: (getting a massage next to Litten) Oh now this is good. Finally we win one!

Litten: You said it dude. Although technically we won before... but I guess that didn't really feel like a win did it?

Charmander: Yeah, it really didn't...

Litten: Meh. Oh hey, I wanted to talk to you about Fennekin stuff.

Charmander: What? Why? Dude just move on and forget her. You're happy with Vulpix aren't ya?

Litten: Erm... I don't know... I mean... Not really. This whole thing was to try and make Fennekin jealous but I don't really think it's working...

Charmander: (nervously) Pfft, nah. It's totally working. I can tell. Just... just hang in there dude. And maybe you'll realize Vulpix is more your style anyways.

Litten: (mutters) Is she really my style if it started because I used Attract on her? (To Charmander) Yeah, maybe. Fair enough man. (Cyndaquil walks in) Hey Cyndaquil, what's good?

Cyndaquil: (frowns) Not much. I can't seem to find Mudkip anywhere. I hope he's okay.

Litten: Huh, you think something happened? I can help look for him.

Cyndaquil: No that's alright. Enjoy your reward. (Walks off)

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: I wonder if Charmander's passive comments have finally gotten to Mudkip... (sighs) Ugh, I should have defended him better. I just want to talk to him and let him know I'm on his side, you know?

(Elsewhere in the spa hotel)

Mudkip: (sorting stuff in his room) Hmm, so it's not Hyper Beam... and it's not Giga Impact either-

Grookey: (knocks on the door as he walks in) Knockity, knock knock. Anybody home?

Mudkip: Huh? Oh hi Grookey-

Grookey: What? Just a plain old hi? Come on, at least give me a hand shake. (Reaches out and Mudkip shakes his hand and gets zapped a little) HEHEHE! GOTCHA! Hand buzzer hehe- (Mudkip looks unamused) Oops, sorry my bad. I didn't mean to upset ya I was just playing-

Mudkip: It's not that, don't worry. It's something else. Anyways, guess I'll see you at the challenge. (Goes back to his bag)

Grookey: Oh hey, that reminds me. Did you ever find out what was stolen from ya?

Mudkip: (looks puzzled) No! And it's driving me crazy! I know something was taken, and it was a TM, but I can't remember which one I'm missing.

Grookey: Hmm, I don't know if I can be of much help, but if you ever think I can, just give me a holler.

(In confessional)
Mudkip: Normally I'd be more bothered about this TM thing but I'm honestly just using it as a distraction from... (sighs and looks sad) Cyndaquil.

(Elsewhere in the spa hotel)

Sprigatito: Good morning Vulpix. Happy to finally be back in the hotel?

Vulpix: Yes! Of course! It's about time!

Sprigatito: Totally! (Pauses) You doing okay after Sandshrew-

Vulpix: I'm... I'm fine. I'd rather not deal with that until I have to. This relationship with Litten has really put my friendship through the ringer hasn't it?

Sprigatito: Yeah I guess so. I'm sorry. Look I won't ever understand all that you've all been through, but I've come to learn you gotta follow what your heart tells you.

Vulpix: Exactly! And my heart is telling me that I sooo deserve a wonderful boyfriend who cares about me.

Sprigatito: And that's Litten?

Vulpix: Yes! Of course... (pauses) I mean... I think? I know I like him but things are still fuzzy on how things started if I'm honest. But eh, it's fine.

(In the mess hall)

Cubchoo: Wow, no sludge today? Is this just nearly expired fruit?

Bellossom: Guess Koffing must be out. Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad one (laughs a little and sits down to eat when someone taps her on the shoulder) Hmm?

Buizel: Hey, Bellossom you know Buneary and I always sit here, what gives!?

Bellossom: Huh? Oh, I actually didn't. Honest. (Goes back to eating)

Buizel: Wellll... now that you do... could you go elsewhere and let us have our seats?

(In confessional)
Bellossom: What do you think? Should I give him his seat?

Bellossom: Sorry but I'm eating here. You can have the seat once I'm done or you know, you could just sit anywhere else that's open.

Buizel: Wh-what? Really? Come on don't be petty-

Buneary: BUIZEL! (grabs Buizel's tail and drags him off) Just sit elsewhere, don't be an entitled jerk!

Buizel: What? But I wasn't! Swear!

(In confessional)
Buizel: Bellossom is usually a total pushover and would just give us what we wanted. Guess she's done trying to apologize. Dang.

(Near the forest entrance)

Snivy: Alright, secret alliance meeting time. Excellent work yesterday everyone and- (looks to see only Roserade) Ugh! Where is everyone else?

Roserade: (looks up from the flowers she is watering) Huh? Oh I'm pretty sure Chespin went on his morning walk with Chikorita.

Snivy: Barf.

Roserade: And Spheal went to visit the Pichu Twins I think.

Snivy: (mutters) Kiss ass. (To Roserade) Well I guess since it's just us two, we can discuss other things.

Roserade: Oh, okay. Like what?

Snivy: Like when would be the best time to double cross Chespin.

Roserade: Double cross him? Why? I know you two don't always see eye to eye but aren't we past that?

Snivy: I mean for now we are. (Pauses to look at her gardening) What are you doing there?

Roserade: Oh well I planted these flowers towards the begining of the season, and they are starting to grow. They aren't ready to bloom yet so I have to be patient and water them everyday.

(In confessional)
Snivy: How is she always so sneakily clever with her metaphors? It's impressive really! Obviously she's talking about my alliance with Chespin. I have to let it persist and grow until it blooms at the right time, at which I can get rid of him without him seeing it coming!

(In confessional)
Roserade: Snivy is a very nice listener, especially when it comes to me talking about my passion for flowers and gardening. Thought I'd just say that. (Smiles)

(Elsewhere around camp)

Sobble: Hi Fennekin.

Fennekin: Sobble? Didn't think you'd ever initiate a conversation heh.

Sobble: What? OH. Oh you're right my apologies, ITLL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN I PROMISE- (Is about to run off when Fennekin stops her)

Fennekin: Woah, woah! I didn't mean that was a bad thing.

Sobble: Oh oops. Sorry I'm bad with conversations...

Fennekin: It's alright. By the way, glad everything turned out okay yesterday. I feel bad to have lost Sandshrew, but better him than you.

Sobble: Really? Wow, th-thanks. I really appreciate you looking out for me Fennekin. I know I prefer to go it alone a lot, but sometimes I need a guiding light. I do miss having Igglybuff to help me.

Fennekin: (Frowns) Aw, and once she was gone you had no one. (Smiles) But hey, now you have me!

Sobble: Actually I didn't have no one. I had Cubchoo, but he isn't as strong of a personality as you guys. He wouldn't push me as-

Fennekin: Wait Cubchoo? The guy who betrayed you and voted off Igglybuff? Sobble what have I said about the danger of boys!?

Sobble: EEP- R-right. That they should never be given second chances after lying or doing something bad because th-they'll just do it again.

Fennekin: (nods) Right. Now stay strong Sobble! I know you can!

(Elsewhere around camp)

Alcremie: (sees Spheal roll by) Spheal! Hey, got a sec?

Spheal: (comes over) Oh sure, hiya!

Alcremie: I can't believe Riolu went home last night. I wonder how that happened. You said you were voting Sawk because he said something rude during the challenge right? Sorry he's still here.

Spheal: Huh? OH, right. (Nervously) It was actually a big misunderstanding so everything's all good now.

Alcremie: Oh alright...

Spheal: Whelp it's probably almost challenge time so... see you there!

(In confessional)
Spheal: Phew. I felt so nervous I was gonna slip up there. (Hangs his head low) Aww, I really hate having to be all sneaky, especially to my friends.


(At the amphitheater)

Chikorita: (to Chespin) Well that was a nice walk. My favorite one yet.

Chespin: Really? It was hardly different-

Chikorita: Oh shush (playfully pushes Chespin)

(In confessional)
Chikorita: It's nice to have a great boyfriend to talk to each day. We've been taking nice morning walks for days now, it's great. Really helps keep me sane on this island full of drama.

(Everyone gathers in the stands and there in silence)

Cubchoo: So... what's going on?

Meowstic: No clue!

Fennekin: Where the heck is Raichu?

Chikorita: I know right. Did he suddenly get too lazy to host his own show? (A TV monitor lowers and Raichu appears on it)

Raichu: (from on the monitor) I heard that Chikorita!

Chikorita: Agh! Whoops sorry. All in jest. (Sheepishly laughs)

Raichu: (from on the monitor) Mhmm...

Pachirisu: So can we cut to the chase? Why are you only on video?

Raichu: (from on the monitor) Obviously I'm getting to that. You see- (suddenly Fuecoco and Psyduck run up)

Fuecoco: What going on?


Fuecoco: Um, that's just a tv-

Psyduck: HANG ON RAICHU I'LL SAVE YOU- (whips out a sledge hammer and goes to hit the monitor)

Raichu: (from on the monitor) WOAH WOAH PSYDUCK STOP!!! (Psyduck stops) I'm fine. VERY fine. I'm on a tv ya dingus. A very expensive one. Anyways, you guys might want to stay back from these two morons.

Buneary: (confused) Um, any particular reason why? (The two start coughing)

Fuecoco: Fuecoco not feel so well... (collapses on the floor and still coughs)

Sprigatito: Oh no! Fuecoco! (Psyduck and Fuecoco start to look sicker and sicker)

Raichu: (from on the monitor) Yeah so... turns out we got a bit of a problem. Fuecoco and Psyduck have come down with the virus we thought they might get...

Sprigatito: WHAT!? How? And why!?

Raichu: (from on the monitor) You see I sent them on an errand yesterday... and I was then informed afterwards the area experienced a mass outbreak... 

Grookey: Mass outbreak? So which Pokémon was it?

Cyndaquil: Not that kind of outbreak Grookey. A virus kind of one.

Raichu: (from on the monitor) Yeah turns out it is a pretty bad one. It's called Volcarona virus!


Alcremie: (alarmed) Yeah, that was the one that turned the whole Unova region upside down in 2020 right? Everyone was getting it!

Cubchoo: The severe sickness symptoms were bad enough but the worst part was...

Sawk: ...It took them forever to find a cure... (Everyone starts screaming and panicking)

Raichu: (from on the monitor) RELAX! Settle down! It's not as extreme of a case as it used to be in terms of severity, however it does spread like wildfire. Anyways, I think it's clear what your challenge is. In this VERY LITERAL game of infection, avoid getting infected with Volcarona virus! Or find a way to beat it if you can.

Chikorita: (angry) Raichu what is wrong with you!? A serious contagious illness is at play here and you make it a CHALLENGE!?

Mudkip: Yeah, why didn't you just take Psyduck and Fuecoco away to get treatments?

Raichu: (from on the monitor) Well... I thought about that... but then I thought this might be more fun so... GOOD LUCK! (The monitor shuts off)

(In confessional)
Vulpix: Okay now THIS is crazy! Even by Raichu standards. Wow.

(Psyduck and Fuecoco start coughing again and everyone disperses)

Grookey: I guess Koffing didn't take the day off after all huh? (His team is silent) I said I guess Koffing-

Charmander: Yeah we heard you.

Grookey: Oh. Well maybe you didn't get it. Like those two were coughing and-

Cyndaquil: Guys what do we do? We should stay six feet apart right?

Sprigatito: I mean, as long as we all just stay far away from Psyduck and Fuecoco it should be really simple right?

Grookey: Right!

Mudkip: I don't know, it's probably best to avoid areas that they've been in too just to be safe. I'm gonna head into the forest.

Cyndaquil: Oh okay, I'll come with you. Six feet apart of course. (Goes to follow when Mudkip turns)

Mudkip: Actually I'd rather go by myself. You know... just in case you're infected. (Runs off and starts to look upset)

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Mudkip must be feeling really terrified of all this. I can't blame him. I think I'll follow him, in secret of course, just to make sure he's safe!

(By the Reckless Raikous)

Fennekin: Okay so... what are we supposed to do here?

Buizel: Um, just not get sick duh.

Sobble: Oh speaking of sick... where's Cubchoo?

Bellossom: Poor guy's probably already come down with this disease. Doesn't he constantly get sick? That seems most likely here.

Sobble: (to herself) S-so even more reason to avoid him? Got it...

Buneary: Well we shouldn't just waste our day because of this. Let's just treat this like a day off. How hard can it be to avoid getting sick? Come on Buizel. (They leave)

Chikorita: Are you sure- Andddd, they are gone.

(By the Surreal Suicunes)

Roserade: Everybody far enough apart? Good.

Alcremie: Yeah. Can't be too safe here, right?

Spheal: I think we're spaced out enough.

Meowstic: So what are the signs of this virus again? Just want to make sure.

Chespin: Well you'd feel like a dead zombie and be coughing a lot I think.

Meowstic: Wait so is that just a guess then or...

Sawk: Don't worry guys, we should all be fine. This isn't a big deal.

Pachirisu: Wow Sawk you sure seem awfully fearless. Why's that?

Sawk: I've never been sick a day in my life thank you very much.

(In confessional)
Sawk: My body is a temple that must be kept at perfect condition. I exercise, take extra vitamins, and eat a well balanced diet to ensure I stay healthy. And yes, I never get sick.

Sawk: (coughs a little) Hmm, that's weird. (Coughs again) Sorry I think I've got something in my throat...

Alcremie: (backs away) S-Sawk? You sure you're feeling alright?

Chespin: Uh oh. This can't be good.

Roserade: Oh dear. Everyone stay away from him.

Sawk: N-no trust me I'm fi- (starts coughing and looks very sick) Ughhh...

(In confessional)
Sawk: (sickly) I've never been sick in my life... WITH ONE EXCEPTION. (Coughs)

Spheal: AGHH! I'm outta here! (Rolls off)

Pachirisu: Ugh, I'm not feeling too well either now... (starts coughing as the rest of the team starts to run away)

Snivy: (yelling) Remember! This is a game of infection! Go cough on the other teams!!!

Pachirisu: Seriously? Ugh, my brain feels like it's gonna explode... but I guess this is a challenge and I wanna win so...

(From another location)

Raichu: (watching various monitors) Uh oh, looks like the Volcarona virus is spreading.

Pichu: UNCLE RAICHU! How could we just leave everyone else there?

Pichuette: Yeah! I know you have next to no morals, but you'd seriously let them die!?

Raichu: Woah, woah, woah. Nobody will die. They'll feel like they're dying, but trust me, they won't. Volcarona virus cases aren't what they used to be.

Pichuette: Why do they call it Volcarona virus anyways?

Raichu: Because it originated from an infected Volcarona. Duh!

Pichu: You sure? I heard some crazy poke-cannibal ate a Zubat and that's how it happened.

Raichu: Pichu for the love of god, I told you stop using my computer to look up crazy stories on the internet! (Turns to the monitors) Uh oh, looks like another one is coughing now... (the monitors show Grookey getting sick) And mass panic is gonna start to spread faster than this virus! Well, spread faster for almost everyone.

(Inside the mess hall)

Buizel: This is such a stupid challenge. I'm gonna fix us up some sandwiches.

Buneary: Oh? Since when could you cook Buizel?

Buizel: (smirks) Since right now!

Buneary: (playfully laughs) Oh that's reassuring! (Pauses) Hey I know this is gonna sound kinda odd but... could you maybe tone down your aggressiveness towards Bellossom?

Buizel: Huh? What? Where's this coming from?

Buneary: I just... (sighs) Look we've been so harsh to her. I blamed her and Treecko for Flaaffy's elimination when I shouldn't have, and then we booted Treecko as payback after she tried to make amends.

Buizel: (thinks) I mean... isn't that just the game?

Buneary: I know, but doesn't it make you feel bad about yourself? Don't you think we've been acting like villains with our actions, in retrospect?

Buizel: What? Buneary! (Grabs her) Look you are a good person. And me? I mean I am too, but not as nice as you. Bellossom and Treecko gave us good reason not to trust them and I'm not about to feel guilty over it. Don't ever say you think we might be acting villainous. We are obviously in the right! We're treating them no different than you would a sports rival. 

Buneary: But-

Buizel: But nothing! Come on- (hears a creak) D-Did you hear something? (Hears another creak)

Buneary: Agh! (Hugs Buizel) What was that!? (Suddenly a cabinet opens up and Psyduck bursts through coughing)

Psyduck: (sickly) Ughhhh! Help meee. I want nachos to feel better... (Buizel and Buneary scream as they become sick)

(Inside the spa hotel)

Cubchoo: EEEK- (slams a door shut as Furfrou coughs from outside). It wasn't in the cabins so I must've left it in here.

Furfrou: (sickly) M-master Cubchoo... You aren't supposed to be in here... (coughs)

Cubchoo: S-sorry Furfrou. It's an emergency. Speaking of, you should probably lie down! Rest up! (To himself) Okay I just need to grab my stuff.

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: Am I ALWAYS am getting sick? I think answering yes to that would an understatement... (pauses) Also I'm from Unova, so you could probably guess that I've gotten the Volcarona virus at least five times. And it is HORRIBLE! The coughing, the sore throat, the feeling like you are gonna die! (Cowers in fear) Not good. But I've come prepared. I will NOT let myself get this damn virus a sixth time!

Cubchoo: Let's see, this and this. And I can't forget the potions and sanitizing spray. (Packs a bag) There. Oh and of course- (puts on a face mask) Face masks! What used to be for a surgeon, turned into an everyday item. (Hears the door knock again)

Furfrou: (through the door) I'm gonna have to come in and escort you out. (coughs)

Cubchoo: Agh! Don't worry! I'm outta here! (Climbs out the window)

(Inside the cabins)

Chikorita: Okay girls, what are we gonna do?

Bellossom: I wish there was a way we could help everybody. What they need is rest, and not to have a stupid challenge forced upon them!

Chikorita: Yeah agreed! Hey, maybe everyone will just refuse this challenge and we can just have a different one tomorrow.

Sobble: Yeah, that'd be good.

Fennekin: (looking out the window) Um guys? I don't think that's gonna happen (motions to an infected Sawk and Pachirisu approaching the cabins)

Sobble: (screaming) AGHHH! QUICK! BOARD UP THE DOORS! (Grabs boards from the bed and boards up the door super fast)

Chikorita: Woah, impressive-

Fennekin: (screaming) AGHH I DONT WANNA DIE!!!

Sobble: ME NEITHER!!!

Chikorita: Guys it's not like they're zombies. Just relax! (Banging keeps coming from the door)

Bellossom: EEK! They're coming! What do we do!?

(In confessional)
Chikorita: (narrows her eyes) Whelp, looks like I'm the only member of my team who knows how to keep her cool. With the way they are acting you'd think we're in a horror movie!

Fennekin: Okay, maybe Chikorita is right. We don't need to freak out so much. (Sawk karate chops through the door and grabs Fennekin) AGHHHH!!!

Sobble: NOOOO!!! FENNEKIN!!! (Pulls her away from Sawk)

Chikorita: Agh! Okay guess I was wrong, this IS very zombie-like.

Bellossom: Quickly, everyone out the back window! Fennekin, are you okay?

Fennekin: I'm fine, I'm fine. Let's just go! (The four exit and flee just as Pachirisu and Sawk get in)

Pachirisu: (sickly) Darn... Barely- (coughs) missed them.

(Somewhere in the forrest)

Roserade: (tired) Phew. Do you think we're far enough away? S-sorry, can't catch my breath...

Snivy: I think we've ran far enough.

Chespin: (extremely out of breath) Yeah. Agreed... Phew I need to sit down.

Snivy: Seriously Chespin? There's no time for that!

Chespin: Oh shut up!

Roserade: Well he's right! We've got to figure something out and quick. Our poor friends have a terrible disease and nobody is helping them!

Snivy: Helping them? Roserade remember it's a challenge!

Roserade: Is a challenge more important than everyone's lives?

(In confessional)
Snivy: I mean DUH, as long as it's not my life, of course the challenge is more important. (Thinks) I wonder what she's getting at here though. Hmm...

Snivy: Fine, you're right.

Roserade: Phew, I was scared you didn't care for a moment there. Okay now let's go look around carefully.

Chespin: (tired) You guys go on ahead. I need to catch my breath still...

Roserade: Okay. Stay safe Chespin! (Leaves with Snivy)

(In confessional)
Roserade: It's weird. Sometime's I feel like Snivy is afraid to reach out and help others. (Shrugs) Though I guess I feel he's likely just a bit shy when it comes to befriending others, seeing as he doesn't have any other close friends here. (Pauses) Hey, it's more reason for me to make sure I'm his friend then, right?

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Mudkip: (walking along) Ugh, this is such a stupid day... (stops at the swamp) And it gets worse...

Muk: (comes from out of the swamp) UGH MORE OF YOU LOSERS AGAIN!? I SAID GET OUTTA MY SWAMP- (shoots Sludge Bombs)

Mudkip: Agh! Yes sir! (Turns around and runs the other way and bumps into someone) Huh? Cyndaquil?

Cyndaquil: Oof. (Sheepishly waves) Oh h-hey Mudkip! Fancy running into you here...

(In confessional)
Mudkip: Did he... FOLLOW ME!?

Mudkip: (angry) Cyndaquil were you following me!? After I said I wanted to go alone!?

Cyndaquil: Well yeah. (Puts his hand on Mudkip's shoulder) You seemed a little down and I wanted to make sure you were okay- (Mudkip smacks Cyndaquil's hand away) Agh-

Mudkip: Yeah right! Look Cyndaquil, I know you followed me because you don't trust me to survive on my own!

Cyndaquil: Huh? Where'd you get that idea?

Mudkip: I... I HEARD YOU SAY IT YESTERDAY! About how you think of me as deadweight in this type of game. Well guess what? You don't have to carry me anymore, I'm no longer your burden.

Cyndaquil: (panicked) Wh-what!? Mudkip don't say that stuff! And I would NEVER say that kind of stuff about you.

Mudkip: (angry) Really? Because I heard you with my own ears. Ugh. Goodbye Cyndaquil. (Runs off angry as his face turns to sadness)

(In confessional)
Mudkip: (angry) Ugh, it all makes sense now! The constant wanting to train each day. He's been trying to coach me because he thinks I'm weak this whole time! (Sadly) Guess there's no chance for this to just be a huge misunderstanding then. I feel like such a fool.

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: What happened? I know maybe I was wrong to try and trick him into doing warm ups, but I never thought he'd get this angry with me. I feel awful.

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Litten: So what are we supposed to do? Just wait it out?

Charmander: Yeah, I'm sure this is just a challenge anyways you know.

Litten: Fair enough. (Hears something in the bushes) Huh? What was that?

Charmander: Think it's someone coming to infect us? (The rustling intensifies) STAY BACK ASSHOLE! (Uses Ember at the bush) That'll shut them up.

Litten: D-dude... I think you screwed up...

Charmander: How so? (Turns to see a real bear growling at him) Oh... our Pokémon attacks can't hurt these guys somehow... right... (they start to run but quickly stop) AGH!

Litten: OH COME ON! Why did we stop right by a cliff?

Charmander: Shit, he's coming!

Litten: Whelp only one option then. AGHH! (Throws himself from the cliff, hitting several things on the way down) OW! OOF! OUCH! OWW! (Charmander winces as Litten finally lands bruised up)

Charmander: Hang on Litten, I'm coming! (Throws himself frown the cliff and gets injured in the same way) Owww. Damn that hurt.

Litten: (hurt) Did you have to land on me?

Charmander: Whoops. Well at least we're safe from the stupid Volcarona Virus- (Fuecoco walks up and coughs on them) Oh real nice...

(Elsewhere in the forest; the Raikou's group comes to a stop)

Bellossom: Agh. Is everyone... okay?

Sobble: Y-yeah. Fennekin are you feeling fine?

Fennekin: Oh yeah totes. I've never been better.

Chikorita: (suspicious) Erm... you sure? You don't look so well... (backs away)

Fennekin: N-no I'm fine. (Gives a feint cough) WAIT! No I just had something in my throat I think! (Coughs a little more) Oh gosh darn it... why me? Ughh...

Sobble: AGHH! SHE'S SICK! RUN!!! (The girls run off with Sobble going in a different direction)

(In confessional)
Sobble: Going alone is the only way I can make it through this safe. Works out for me. This virus is spreading faster than you could ever imagine, and for all I know I already have it because I was near Fennekin! AGHH NOOO I DONT WANNA BE SICK!!! (Calmly) Though I do occasionally enjoy sick days where I can stay in my room all day heh.

(Elsewhere in the forrest)

Meowstic: In here! Follow me!

Alcremie: Okay. (Follows Meowstic into a cave) You really think we need to hide in a cave?

Meowstic: Yeah I think it's smart. This isn't Minecraft or anything where more monsters spawn in caves so we should be fine.

Alcremie: Heh, trust me I'm well aware this isn't a silly video game.

Meowstic: Oh... Right... Silly-

Alcremie: Huh? I didn't mean the game was silly or dumb so don't- (Meowstic starts laughing)

Meowstic: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Did you actually think I'd be upset at a whimsical video game being called silly? (Laughs a little more)

Alcremie: Oh you jerk. You made me think I said something wrong! (Playfully pushes him away but then tenses up awkwardly) Um, I uh, sorry.

Meowstic: For what? Being such a pretty and sweet Pokemon? (There is a long period of silence).

(In confessional)
Meowstic: UGHHH! Why did that just come out of my mouth!?

(In confessional)
Alcremie: (blushing) I'm not the best with compliments... and besides, h-he probably just meant that in a friends type of way. That's what he said before, right?

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Vulpix: Ugh, where is Litten? I hope he's okay!

Sprigatito: It'll be alright. I'm sure he's fine. And even if he isn't, he'll get better eventually you know?

Vulpix: Oh please, you're just trying to cope with your boyfriend turning into a sick zombie.

Sprigatito: Okay firstly, he's not my boyfriend, and second of all, what the hey!? I'm just trying to be supportive.

Vulpix: I'm sorry, I know. Thank you. (Hears something) Oh no! Someone's coming!

Cyndaquil: (comes by) Oh hey girls! You two okay?

Vulpix: Oh Cyndaquil phew it's just you. Have you seen Charamnder or Litten?

Cyndaquil: Yeah actually, they got the virus it seems... poor guys...

Vulpix: Oh no! Ugh that sucks! I bet he got it trying to find me...

Sprigatito: Yeah... maybe... (Suddenly a Water Gun blast hits Cyndaquil) Agh!

Cyndaquil: OW! Hey, who was that? (Buizel and Buneary emerge from the bushes)

Buizel: (sickly) G-get him.

Cyndaquil: Agh! Climb the tree you two! I'll hold them off.

Buneary: (sickly) S-sorry Cyndaquil... (gets close to him and gets him sick)

Vulpix: AGH NOOO!!! I can't even climb!

Sprigatito: We've got to at least try! Come on! (The two try to climb the tree).

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Cubchoo: Okay finally, found some Leppa berries. Just what I needed.

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: So far my search has gone very good. I'm working on making an antidote for the virus, but it's kinda tricky and complicated. I hope I can get it done but it's hard doing this by myself.

Roserade: (approaches) Hey look! It's Cubchoo!

Cubchoo: (turns) Agh! Get back! (Hides behind his bag)

Roserade: Oh don't be alarmed! Snivy and I aren't sick.

Snivy: (to himself) Well not the kind you're worried about anyways...

Cubchoo: Oh. Phew.

Roserade: What are you doing over here?

Cubchoo: I'm trying to make an antidote for this virus. Thankfully I haven't gotten it myself yet, but I know how horrible everyone must be feeling.

Roserade: Oh, that's amazing of you Cubchoo! Can we help you out? We want to end this sickness as soon as possible too!

Snivy: (pulls Roserade aside) Um, what? Why would we help Cubchoo? We're better off winning the challenge by not getting infected.

Roserade: So wait what are you saying?

Snivy: I'm saying we find Pachirisu and Sawk, and direct them to Cubchoo to get him sick.

Roserade: (gasps) Snivy! I can't believe you would suggest something like that. Don't you agree that helping Cubchoo would be better? I mean, we can be directly responsible for making something that can save everyone! You understand that?

Snivy: (thinking) Um, kinda...

(In confessional)
Snivy: Aha, I see her point now. We (makes air quotes) help Cubchoo make the antidote, incorrectly, and he goes off to save everyone and fails miserably. Honestly it sounds a little extra, but way more fun than my way. (Evilly laughs).

Cubchoo: Wow really? Th-thanks you guys! You sure? (They nod) Okay great. Do you think you could find a Yache berry and a Pomeg berry?

Roserade: Of course. Come on Snivy.

Cubchoo: Thanks! Make sure they are ripe too!(Snivy and Roserade walk off) Man, I hope I can trust them...

Snivy: (to Roserade) Sooo... should we bring him a Tamato berry instead then?

Roserade: Huh? No, we should get the Yache and Pomeg.

Snivy: Oh. (confused a bit) Um, alright.


Raichu: (announcing) WOW things are getting pretty crazy out there! Cubchoo, Roserade and Snivy teaming up to find a cure! How kind! Well, how kind of two of the three of them. Will they be able to save everyone? Or will the Volcarona Virus get to them first?

(Somewhere in the forest)

Chikorita: I can't believe we lost Sobble!

Bellossom: I'm sure she's okay. She's better on her own anyways, right?

Chikorita: I suppose so. (Comes to a stop) Wait! Is that Chespin under that tree over there? Chespin!

Chespin: (coughing) H-Huh? Chikorita? Agh, stay away from me! I've got the virus. Ugh...

Chikorita: Oh no! (Looks conflicted) Bellossom I'm sorry but, I need to sit with him. I don't care if I also get sick. I hope you understand.

Bellossom: Don't worry, of course I understand. I'd do the same if it were Treecko.

Chespin: (sickly) I'm serious, don't come near... Keep going.

Bellossom: Bye Chespin and Chikorita! Feel better! (Runs off as Chikorita sits with Chespin who then smiles at her)

(In confessional)
Chikorita: No I'm not stupid. I've just competed on this show long enough to know that I'd choose love over a million dollars every time.

(Elsewhere in the forest; Mudkip sits sadly under a tree as Spheal approaches)

Spheal: Mudkip? Um, cough if you're sick hehe.

Mudkip: (looks up) Spheal? No I'm not sick. Promise.

Spheal: Oh okay phew. Just wanted to check. I know we are on different teams but still- Hey wait a second are you okay?

Mudkip: N-not really... but I'm trying to be. You don't have to- (Spheal sits next to him) Really? We aren't on the same team, why are you helping me?

Spheal: You're kidding right? I know you're smart enough to know that's what good friends do hehe.

(In confessional)
Spheal: In my first season, Mudkip was an intern, and he had no obligation to help me out but he did! He and Cyndaquil both gave me great advice and were so nice! Now it's my turn to help HIM out. (Sheepishly) Well... hopefully. Assuming I know good advice to give for whatever is troubling him.

Spheal: Come on Mudkip, you can trust me. Don't bottle up your problem or else it just might explode like a soda pop.

Mudkip: Okay, okay. (Sighs) I'm... I'm upset with Cyndaquil. I just told him off earlier.

Spheal: (loudly) WHAT!?!?

Mudkip: Ssshhh, keep it down! (Spheal looks embarrassed) Yeah well I overheard him yesterday telling Charmander that I slow him down in challenges and am nothing but dead weight to the team.

Spheal: What? Oh no. He's your best friend! Surely there's no way he said that! That's not the Cyndaquil we know!

Mudkip: Oh but he did say it. I'm certain. (Starts to tear up) And the worst part is how justified he is with all of it. (Starts to cry)

Spheal: Aww, Mudkip. I'm... I'm sorry.

Mudkip: (sadly) I know I'm not the most athletically inclined, but I try my best. I've always felt insecure about my abilities and to hear my own best friend say that... now I know I must be useless after all.

Spheal: Mudkip, please stop! You are far from useless! (Pauses to help calm him down) You are one of the smartest players on this show! Ever! And you are super kind and caring.

Mudkip: I dunno. Even still what does that matter?

Spheal: Hey, it's like what you helped teach me last season. Everyone is unique and has their own strengths! And that's what makes you awesome! You bring so much unique value to your team just by being you.

Mudkip: That's... wow. Thanks Spheal. (Gives him a hug as coughing noises are heard) Oh shoot.

Spheal: Whelp, time to skedaddle. AGHH! (The two run away)

(In confessional)
Mudkip: Spheal has got to be one of the nicest Pokémon in the universe. I'm still upset, but what he said really helped me feel better about myself. I'm so thankful for him.

(Inside a cave; Meowstic and Alcremie still stand in awkward silence)

Alcremie: Um...

Meowstic: Uhh... Sorry about that-

Alcremie: Huh? D-don't be sorry about that. I, um, didn't hear what you said? (Someone enters the cave) Oh no, what now?

Grookey: (sickly) Ughhh. H-hey. Sorry in advance.

Alcremie: Wait! Grookey please don't cough on us!

Meowstic: Yeah show some consideration!

Grookey: Sorry but it's a ch-challenge. (Walks like a zombie as the two scream and he gets them sick) Now you are one of us!

Spheal: (rolls in) Hey I heard voices in here. Everything okay- Oh poop. (Grookey jumps on Spheal and infects him).

(In confessional)
Spheal: Yeah... shouldn't have waltzed in there like that. My bad.

Grookey: (zombie-like) Find... more... Ughhh...

Spheal: (starts coughing) Ugh, this is the worst... but I guess we gotta go on. (Trudges off with Alcremie and Meowstic as Sobble peers out of a nearby bush)

Sobble: Eek! That was close! (Meowstic turns around and fires a Psybeam) AGH! (Dodges)

Meowstic: (sickly) Over... there...

Sobble: NOOO YOU'RE NOT GETTING ME!!! (Runs away)

(At the bottom of a tree; Buizel and Buneary swipe at it and try to climb)

Buneary: (sickly) Ugh... come on. We can... make it.

Sprigatito: (helping Vulpix up) I gotcha. Put your left front paw here and... (pulls her up) There.

Vulpix: Agh. Thank you so much Sprigatito. So where were we?

Sprigatito: Um, freaking out over this zombie apocalypse?

Vulpix: Oh right. (Scared) AGHHH! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!?

Sprigatito: Well we just wait it out up here. They don't seem like they are able to climb- (sees Buneary climbing) Oh crud.

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: Are you kidding me!? I can hardly climb a tree as is! How can they do it while feeling so deathly ill? Jeez.

Vulpix: EMBER! (Shoots Buneary and she falls) Ha! Not getting us on my watch! (To Sprigatito) The only way they can get us is if they bring us down, but that's impossible for them to do- (Buizel uses Sonic Boom to cut Vulpix's branch and she fall and hits her head, becoming dazed)

Buizel: (sickly) G-get her...

Sprigatito: VULPIX! (Jumps down) You'll have to get through me first! (Tackles Buizel and Buneary to stall them) VULPIX! VULPIX GET UP! RUN! (Vulpix eventually regains consciousness and stands up)

Vulpix: H-Huh? Where am I? What happened?

Sprigatito: (coughing) H-hurry. Run away and avoid infection.

Vulpix: Oh right we are in a challenge. And I was trying to find Litten- wait why was I trying to do that- (dramatically gasps)

(In confessional)
Vulpix: (angry) I REMEMBER NOW! OH THAT DAMN SCOUNDREL! HE MADE ME FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM!!! And I... I fell for it. (Frowns) My own desperation is to blame for it lasting so long. Fennekin must hate me... Oh that is IT! LITTEN IM COMING TO TEAR YOU A NEW ONE RIGHT NOW!!!

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Cubchoo: (working on crafting something) Okay, now these berries are mashed up. Perfect.

Roserade: (walks up) Here Cubchoo! We brought you the berries you needed!

Cubchoo: Wow thanks. Can you mash them together?

Snivy: Oh of course. (To Roserade) Okay now what do we do? Slip something else in?

Roserade: Huh? Oh do you know a way to make the recipe better?

Snivy: What? No! Something to make it worse!

Roserade: Why would we want to do that? (Snivy rolls his eyes as Roserade finishes and Cubchoo grabs the mix and finishes)

Cubchoo: Okay now I add a little powder snow... and then shake it up like this... (shakes the mix) Yes! All done!

Snivy: Excellent. (Uses Leaf Blade on Cubchoo) Thanks for the help moron!

Cubchoo: Oww. Huh? Ugh, I should've known not to trust you!

Snivy: (evilly laughs) Come on Roserade, let's go win.

Roserade: (angry) Snivy! Give me that! (Swipes the medicine from Snivy) You know I thought you were so much better than this!

Snivy: What? Oh fine I guess. You wanna do it since it was your plan.

Roserade: My plan? Huh?

Snivy: Yeah, it's like you always do. Act like you are kind and wouldn't hurt a soul, but then actually do what you say would be so horrible. I would've done things differently today, but your evil plan is still good enough-

Roserade: Evil plan? Doing horrible things to others? What are you even talking about? (Helps Cubchoo up and hands him the medicine) Here you go Cubchoo.

Cubchoo: Really? Wow thanks.

Snivy: (jaw drops) WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Are you seriously helping him!? If he wins, we lose!

Roserade: Well he's the one who did the hard work! He deserves to win!

Cubchoo: (hears coughing in the distance) Ohh shoot. I know we aren't close friends, but people are coming and I need to finish prepping still so I gotta run. Come with me! (Runs off but Snivy and Roserade don't follow as Roserade stops Snivy from chasing Cubchoo)

Snivy: UGH! ARE YOU SERIOUS!? You can't be... unless... Oh. My. God...

(In confessional)
Snivy: I'm... an IDIOT! THIS WHOLE TIME, HAS SHE TRULY BEEN NOTHING BUT A KIND NATURE LOVING FREAK!?!? B-but all the advice she gave, the secret plans she'd suggest to me... (facepalms) Was she actually not talking in code, but rather being genuine? AGHHH!!!

Snivy: I can't believe it! You're not a villain are you?

Roserade: (gasps) A villain? Of course not! I can't believe you would think that of me. Why?

Snivy: (angry) Well let's see, you approached me day one. ME! The most well known villain of this show! Then you gave me the idea to alliance with Chespin as a sneaky strategy...

Roserade: What!? I just saw you were alone and thought you needed a friend. I actually never saw the previous seasons of this show before... (pauses) And I just wanted you and Chespin to get along and be friends!


Roserade: Snivy I'm sorry to have mislead you... I was trying to help-

Snivy: Trying to help? ALL YOU DID WAS MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL! I SINCERELY HOPE YOU WILT AND WITHER AWAY YOU- (suddenly, sickened Fennekin and Bellossom charge up and grab the two) AGH.

(In confessional)
Roserade: Oh dear... I had no idea Snivy was actually this dark deep down. He trusted me, but mistook me for someone else, and when he found out the truth... (sighs) Oh my...


Raichu: (announcing) Things are winding down folks! Guess Bellossom got infected offscreen, and that means the only non-infected campers that remain are Vulpix, Mudkip, Cubchoo, and Sobble!

(In the forest)

Litten: (coughing) Ugh, this has to be the worst virus ever... and I once had a stomach bug that made me throw up like forty times!

Charmander: (sick) Ugh, ew. Way to overshare dude... wait aren't you a cat? Don't you throw up hairballs all the time anyways?

Cyndaquil: (sickly) We gotta keep- (coughs) Moving... Hey wait. Do you hear something? (Vulpix comes charging towards them)

Vulpix: (angry) LITTENNNN!!!

Litten: (coughing) Huh? Vulpix, wait! I'm sick! Stay away from- (Vulpix Tackles Litten and starts swiping him with Fury Swipes) OW-OW-AGH STOP IT!


Charmander: Woah, what is going on? (Smirks) You know what, I like this side of her.

Vulpix: I CANT BELIEVE I WAS DATING YOU! IM GONNA- (starts to fall to the ground) I'm gonna... gonna... ugh... (gets sick and collapses)

(In confessional)
Litten: Whelp, looks like the attract wore off. Honestly... I'm a little relieved. I know Charmander said it would work because either I'd get Fennekin to beg for me back or I get a new girlfriend but... I just don't feel for Vulpix that way. (Sighs) Ugh but I'm so screwed now. All I'm doing is burning down all my friendships... I guess I really am trash...

(Elsewhere in the forest; Sobble is being chased by Meowstic, Alcremie, Spheal, Sawk and Pachirisu)


Spheal: (sickly coughs) Sorry Sobble... but the sooner we get you...

Sawk: (coughs) The sooner this all ends and we get better...

Sobble: Stay back! (fires Water Guns at them to push them back but they keep coming closer) Ah! No! (Turns to see she's cornered) IM CORNERED!!! NOOOOO!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME! (Suddenly, some blasts of aerosol spray hits the infected and push those Pokémon back and Sobble is able to slip away) AAGH! Ohmygosh. Was that... C-Cubchoo?

Cubchoo: (peers from behind a tree holding sanitizing spray) Sobble! I'm glad you are okay. (Sprays the rest of the infected back again) STAY BACK! (To Sobble) Sorry I know you told me to stay away- (Sobble runs up and hugs Cubchoo) Ah?


Cubchoo: S-Sobble don't cry, it's okay-


Cubchoo: SOBBLE! Get it together! (She stops crying) It's gonna be okay! Now here take these. (Hands her a water gun and a face mask) Protect your face like I did.

Sobble: Oh, um, okay. Thanks!

Cubchoo: I had a close encounter with Grookey earlier, but the mask saved me. And in the water gun is a special antidote I whipped up.

Sobble: Wow. Cubchoo it's so amazing you were able to do all this. You get sick worse than anybody else, and yet here you still are.

Cubchoo: (embarrassed) Oh thanks, but don't thank me yet. We need to see if this works first. I could have made it wrong...

Sobble: I'm sure it will. Now let's go save everyone! (The two cock their guns as the infected Suicunes come by)

Cubchoo: Alright we need to aim into their mouths.

Sobble: Got it! I won't miss!

Cubchoo: Ready? Aim. FIRE!!! (The two shoot into the mouths of Alcremie and Spheal and their sickly appearance fades away)

Alcremie: H-Huh? Why am I feeling better?

Spheal: Well this disease is spreading instantly, guess the cure is instant too. Cool!

Cubchoo: Are they... back to normal?

Sobble: It worked! Cubchoo you did it!

Cubchoo: WE did it. Together! Come on we still got a lot more friends to save!

(In confessional)
Sobble: IM SO GLAD TO TALK TO CUBCHOO AGAIN!!! Woah. Did I just say that? I guess... maybe it turns out I don't like being alone all the time. And there are some people who I truly enjoy being around.

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: Today was WILD! Not only did this always-getting-sick Cubchoo survive a mass outbreak of Volcarona Virus but I also found a cure too? Insane! (Smiles) But none of that compares to finally having Sobble back. I really missed her.

(The screen shows Cubchoo and Sobble approaching various infected Pokémon, shooting them, and curing them)

Raichu: (announcing) INCREDIBLE!!! LOOKS LIKE WE FOUND A CURE IN WHAT HAS BE RECORD SPEED!!! I think it's obvious which team wins tonight. I'm gonna give you all some time to recover and recuperate after that heinous virus. Then we'll get down to business.

(Back at camp; after everyone has been cured)

Cubchoo: Phew. I need a nap.

Bellossom: Cubchoo you saved us all! Thank you so much! And you too Sobble.

Sobble: Thanks!

Chikorita: Hey you two can take your masks off you know, the virus is all gone from the island.

Cubchoo: No thanks. Not taking ANY chances here. (Laughs)

Fennekin: (walks up to Sobble) Sobble! What's going on? Are you talking to Cubchoo again?

Sobble: (nervously) Y-yeah. (Confidently) Yeah! I am!

Fennekin: Why? Didn't he vote off your friend and lie to you before?

Sobble: Well yes, but... everyone makes mistakes you know? He's my friend and to never forgive him would be silly.

Fennekin: R-really?

Sobble: Yeah! Besides, Igglybuff was never the nicest to him... so I understand why he did what he did. I can't blame him honestly. Sometimes you just need to see the situation through their eyes to understand, you know? (Fennekin thinks to herself)

(In confessional)
Fennekin: Sometimes someone has a reason for doing something and you need to see it though their eyes to understand it... hmm... do you think maybe Litten- (stops herself) NO! He has nothing to justify using my family's money! And even moreso with dating stupid Vulpix!

Vulpix: (runs up to Fennekin) Fennekin! Before you storm away I've got to tell you something. I broke up with Litten.

Fennekin: HUH? WHAT!?

Vulpix: You probably won't believe what I'm about to say, but I promise this I what happened. And if I'm lying may Arceus rip my favorite sweater! (Vulpix begins to tell Fennekin)

(Elsewhere around camp)

Cubchoo: Hey, thanks again for your help Roserade. I'm sorry about what happened with Snivy though.

Roserade: Happy to help, and don't worry. It'll all be fine. (Cubchoo leaves as Chepsin, Spheal and Snivy approach)

Chespin: So... who are we voting for today?

Snivy: Roserade. We are voting off Roserade.

Spheal: WHAT!? (Half whispering) Snivy... she's right there... AND she's in our alliance.

Snivy: I don't care. She lied to me this entire season. (To Roserade) You have some nerve for that! It MUST have been on purpose. (The rest of the team gathers) How dare you make me look like a fool! You HAVE to go you pathetic waste of an all star slot! (Roserade frowns)

Pachirisu: Yikes, what the heck was that for Snivy?

Alcremie: Well I think he just made tonight an easy vote.

Chespin: Oh hell yeah, I'm down. Bye Snivy! (Snivy looks angry but then just frowns)

(In confessional)
Chespin: The whole team is voting him, and I can't resist the urge to too! Thanks for the alliance while it lasted I guess heh.

(Elsewhere around camp)

Mudkip: This sucks we lost. I didn't even get sick, so I was close...

Charmander: Too bad that doesn't count for anything... ugh.

Litten: Well our team deserved to lose today. Vulpix flipping charged at me when I was infected and got herself sick!

Mudkip: Seriously? Yikes... now that's pretty bad.

(Elsewhere around camp)

Vulpix: So are you with me?

Grookey: You wanna vote off Litten? Woah. Didn't see that coming.

Sprigatito: I'm with ya Vulpix! We're here for you.

Grookey: We just need one more vote. The fire starters are too tight, so we can go talk to Mudkip and try to convince him.

(At the elimination ceremony later that night)

Raichu: Campers! So nice to see your smiling faces for the first time today! Hope your day was totally sick!

Chikorita: Ugh, you've got some nerve make puns about something so serious!

Buziel: Yeah, not cool!

Raichu: Oh calm down. Your team won, why are you complaining? Special shoutouts to Cubchoo and Sobble for saving you all! Now we don't have to wait like two weeks to continue! Now then, I'm sure you all want a good nights sleep so let's get this ceremony started! We start with the Enraged Enteis tonight.

(In confessional)
Vulpix: It's gonna all come down to Mudkip's vote I'm sure. Ugh, I really hope he sides with me. I know I'm not the strongest team member, but hey, neither is he right? That's the case I plead to him anyways.

Raichu: Pokepuffs go to... Sprigatito, Grookey, Mudkip, Charmander and... Cyndaquil! That leaves us with Vulpix and Litten. You two had a scandalous relationship for a couple episodes, which I greatly appreciate for the ratings! But looks like that came to an end today.

Vulpix: Yeah because he used stupid Attract on me! Thank god it wore off!

Grookey: How the heck did he learn that move anyways?

Mudkip: Wait a second... Attract... AH! THATS THE TM IM MISSING! YOU TOOK IT!

Litten: Woah, woah hey! Don't blame me! Charmander was the one that took it! (Charmander facepalms than glares at Litten)

Raichu: Whelp seems to me like both of you cause more harm than good to your team. Now then. The final pokepuff goes to...

(The camera zooms in on the bottom two)

Raichu: ...Litten! (Throws him the pokepuff)

Litten: Yes!

Vulpix: UGH, OH COME ON!

Sprigatito: Oh no! Vulpix, we'll miss you.

(In confessional)
Mudkip: I voted for Vulpix because she had the nerve to call me weak when asking for me to help out. But now turns out I probably should've voted Litten because HES A STUPID THIEF! DANGIT!

Litten: Vulpix I... I'm really sorry for all that I've done. I didn't mean to hurt you.

Vulpix: (turns her head) I don't wanna hear it! Crooks like you don't deserve that! (Walks off)

(In confessional)
Litten: I feel awful. But I HAD to stay in this game. I can't let things end for me this way. Charmander's stupid advice dug me a bigger hole, but I'm gonna work my way out of it. I've just got to! What other choice do I have?

Raichu: Looks like Vulpix is outta here. Now it's time for the Suicunes. Pokepuffs go to... Chespin, Pachirisu, Alcremie, Meowstic, Spheal and Sawk! (Throws them pokepuffs) That leaves us with Snivy and Roserade. Not even gonna bother with a recap because the loser obviously is...

(The camera zooms in on the bottom two)

Roserade: (stands up) WAIT!!

Raichu: Ugh, what now?

Roserade: Raichu, I'd like to quit the competition in Snivy's place.

Everyone: WHAT!?!?

Raichu: Um... hang on HUH? You really want to do that? Snivy really insulted you today, did you for some reason forget that? We can roll the footage so you can hear it again if you want-

Roserade: Agh no, please don't. But yes, I'm serious.

Snivy: (to Roserade; baffled) W-What? Why? I don't understand why you'd possibly want to do this? I was awful to you!

Roserade: Snivy, I know you feel like I deceived you this whole time, and I'm sorry for that. But the thing is... I think you maybe didn't deceive me.

Snivy: Huh? What are you saying?

Roserade: I'm saying yes you may be evil on some levels, and a bit selfish, but deep down I think you do care about some others and are capable of good. When you got so mad at me and exploded, I thought about how heartless you must be.

Chikorita: Accurate description.

Roserade: But then I realized, you don't get so overly mad unless you care. (Turns to Snivy) You liked having a friend in me, didn't you? You said those foul things because you thought I was tricking you, because what we had was a sham. But Snivy I've seen a side of you no one else has. I think DEEP down even you are capable of being good.

Snivy: Wow... I... I...

Roserade: That's why I want you to have my spot. Turn things around, and keep going. This show means more to you anyways. (The crowd is still silent)

(In confessional)
Bellossom: UM WHAT!? What the heck just happened there?

(In confessional)
Snivy: I can't believe... (sheepishly laughs) Roserade, you sure are something. You never fail to surprise me, even now. I guess turns out there was some truth in what you said to me. (Pauses) Who'd have though I'd be friends with someone so kind?

Snivy: (to Roserade) I'm... sorry for the things I said. I appreciate you. I just overreacted because I felt like an idiot who'd been played.

Roserade: It's okay, I understand. (To Chespin) Now you and Snivy please try to still get along. For my sake! I think you too can power through any bad blood you've had before.

Chepsin: I mean- (sighs) Oh okay. Sure Roserade. I'll try for you, alright?

Raichu: Okay Roserade, enough yapping! I'll allow you to take Snivy's place here at elimination. Now then, time to get flushed!

(At the elimination toilet)

Raichu: Whelp, didn't expect this outcome for today. Did you girls?


Roserade: Oh my, calm down. It's okay. You know, manure is actually a spectacular fertilizer in organic farming. It's not nearly as gross as-

Raichu: SMELL YA LATER! (Flushes the two and they scream) Woah, what a day, what a day. I can guarantee you all everyone well remain healthy next episode! Well, I can guarantee all except Cubchoo. How will Snivy fare now that he's been given a second chance at life on the island? Will Cyndaquil be able to clear up the misunderstanding with Mudkip? And last but not least, how the heck will Litten try to redeem himself from his lowest of lows? Find out next time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!!!

*Hey everyone! Thanks as always for readying! I appreciate the support more than anything!

Curious what everyone's thoughts are on how the series is going so far, and what you think of the characters, so please if you could comment ur thoughts that'd be awesome!

One last thing, the next episode will be an aftermath episode, but it will be posted next week instead of in 2 weeks! So stay tuned for that!

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