Teammates To Treasure
Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars, we welcomed in our biggest cast EVER! Forty contestants from across all seasons of this show have gathered here for the hopes of winning a whopping THREE MILLION DOLLARS! That's right the prize has been upped! And so has the difficulty as campers face the most brutal challenges yet and will be eliminated at a much faster rate, so second chances will be few! We left off last time with the promise of teams being formed today, so that's what we are going to do. It all starts now! This is Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!
(Theme song; Everyone gathers at the amphitheater)
Raichu: (using a megaphone) Alright campers, thank you for all being so punctual this morning. As you know we need to get this started by forming teams. I'm happy to announce we will be back to three teams this season!
Bulbasaur: Right on! Sounds good to me!
Mudkip: Yeah, but even still, these will be quite the crowded teams.
Raichu: Yup! Good luck getting to know that many people. (Laughs) I mean hey, at least everyone should be somewhat familiar right? You've all competed with each other or had the chance to witness everyone here compete. Assuming you watched the show of course. I mean, you'd be dumb not to, duh!
Koffing: Hey Raichu, why don't we go over the rules for the season again. I don't think we quite told the cast yet. Only the audience knows.
Bellossom: (raises an eyebrow) Um, should we be concerned here? Only the audience knows what?
Raichu: Well you see, this season, at the end of the day we will still have one winning team that gets invincibly, we will have a losing team that faces elimination, and as for the middle team... they will also be losers and face elimination! That's right! Each day will have TWO OF YOU BEING ELIMINATED!!!
Everyone: (loudly gasps) WAIT WHAT!?!?
(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Woah! That's insane! Now we are much more likely to face elimination at the end of the day, meaning winning the whole challenge is even MORE important than it used to be.
(In confessional)
Mudkip: A 66.6% chance of facing elimination each day? Yeah those are pretty terrible odds...
(In confessional)
Weavile: Good. Send home the weaklings at a faster pace. That's beyond fine by me.
(In confessional)
Snivy: (groans) Ugh. I might be in serious trouble here...
Raichu: Fun right? Well fun for me that is.
Alcremie: (raises hand) Wait so how is three teams going to work? We have forty of us as you said and that isn't divisible by three.
Raichu: Right you are! Today everyone is in for a treat, because ONLY ONE of you will be sent home today. (People cheer) My way of helping you ease into this season. Anywho, that's because we will be having a challenge to dictate the teams you will be on this season! And at the end of this challenge one of you will fail to make it on a team and be eliminated! (Some people gasp)
Treecko: So what's the first challenge gonna be? (Sarcastic) Are you gonna have us dig in the sand for the billionth time, that'd be so original. (Raichu just stares back at him) Oh... wait seriously? Wow you don't have any original ideas left do you?
Raichu: Oh contrere Treecko. We've got plenty of unique twists planned. Just so happens I'm a sucker for nostalgia.
Grookey: Seems about right genwunner (laughs a little).
Raichu: So yes, because we have so many contestants to keep track of and we want to start off simple, yes, the first challenge will be a classic sand digging challenge. However, you will not be searching for gym badges this time, but rather will be digging for a key!
Shinx: Ooh! I wonder what it opens.
Meowstic: Shinx he's obviously going to get to that.
Raichu: Once you get a key you come back here and choose which of these (unveils something behind him) treasure chests it will be used to open! Each chest will contain a colored flag that will indicate which team you will be on this season.
Fennekin: So um, can we trade teams with someone if we want?
Raichu: Of course not! What a silly question. Also, once you open your chest you are done for the day. Aka no helping anybody still out there digging.
Chespin: No big deal, we just don't go to open the chest right away then.
Raichu: Sure, I guess you could do that, if you don't mind risking getting the key stolen from you. Or finishing in last.
Lycanroc: So what's the catch? What kind of deadly traps do you have waiting for us?
Raichu: (laughing) Like I'm gonna tell ya! You'll just have to wait and see first hand. I mean, who doesn't love surprises?
Togedemaru: All of us. Literally all of us don't enjoy surprises when they are from you.
Raichu: So now, who's ready to get this season started!? (The camera zooms in on various contestants getting ready to start) Time to head to the beach and start digging! (Blows an airhorn) GOOOO!!! (Everyone runs off except for Weavile and Machoke) Um, I know this show is different than the Rhydonculous Race, but you two are aware of what go means right?
Machoke: Yeah, go means go. Duh.
Weavile: (smirks) Don't worry about us, we know what we are doing. (Waves him off)
Raichu: Um... alright, if you insist.
(At the beach; campers all arrive)
Scorbunny: Alrighty let's get this party started!
Fidough: Ooh how about we go over this way where it's less crowded.
Pachirisu: Hustle, hustle, hustle!
Froakie: (runs over to Oshawott) Hey Oshawott! My good buddy, my pal, what say we dig together? (Oshawott doesn't respond quick enough)
Squirtle: Hey I was just about to ask Oshawott if he wanted to work together.
Buizel: (butting in) Excuse me! He's my cousin! He's working with me! (The three argue a bit as Oshawott lets out a sigh)
(In confessional)
Oshawott: (sarcastically) Surprise, surprise. Everybody remembers what a gifted digger I am with my scalchop and wants me to help them. (Sighs) I mean they ARE all my friends and I would want to... but I just am scared I'm gonna be walked all over and help everyone but myself.
Oshawott: (digging rapidly) S-sorry guys but I might end up being the one going home if I just pass out keys to everyone and not keep one for myself.
Buizel: Well yeah, that's why you need to just find like four and then you'll be done. You, your cousin, your cousin's girlfriend and Flaaffy.
Flaaffy: (from in the distance) Nice, thanks!
Froakie: So you WONT help us out? Seriously?
Oshawott: Sorry Froakie... I mean maybe I could-
Squritle: No, no. Oshawott is right. If he helps one of us, then everyone else will want help too. I respect the choice.
Oshawott: Th-thanks for understanding (finds a key) Alright yes! Got one! (Pauses) Um, so actually maybe I should... (reaches out to Froakie) Here you take it, I'll feel bad if you end up losing because of me not helping.
Froakie: (takes a deep breath) You keep it Oshawott. I hate to say it but Squirtle is right. (Makes an angry noise) Ugh that was hard to admit. Besides, there's plenty keys I'm sure I'll find one. Plus I think Raichu was bluffing about the danger-
Mudkip: (in the distance) AGHH! Oh my god! BOMB! Everybody watch- (it explodes on him and those nearby and sends them into the ocean) AGHH!
Froakie: Or not... (shakes his hands) No matter, get going Oshawott.
Flaaffy: (rushes up) Wow I got pretty lucky and found one too. Let's go! (Runs off with Oshawott)
(Somewhere else on the beach)
Fidough: (digging) Oof. How far down do you think the keys could be buried?
Alcremie: Not too far I'd hope.
Fidough: Okay then I better stop digging this huge hole and shift down a bit heh.
Spheal: (rolls over) Hey guys! Yeah that's a solid strategy. I remember from watching season one that- (Alcremie digs and a garbage bomb is blown up on them)
Alcremie: AGHH!! Eww gross!
Fidough: This stinks! Literally! (Pauses) And now so do we...
Igglybuff: (laughing) Guess it accurately captures your scents then.
Spheal: (ignoring Igglybuff) Come on, to the water! We can wash off real quick. (They rush off as Riolu approaches Igglybuff)
Riolu: I think you should take a dive in the garbage too then.
Igglybuff: (rolls eyes) What's wrong Riolu? Struggling with the dig?
Riolu: (laughs a little) Oh no, of course not. (Holds up a key and twirls it) Aura remember? I found this in seconds. (he and Igglybuff stare at each other for a moment and she lunges at him but he nimbly dodges) Nice try! Buh-bye! (Runs off as Igglybuff growls)
(Elsewhere on the beach)
Fennekin: Litten we should move closer to the center of the beach, we are barely on the edge.
Litten: I'm staying as far away from the water as possible thank you very much.
Fennekin: (narrows eyes) Come on you won't get wet that's ridiculous.
Litten: (sighs) Fine. You're right babe. (They move closer to the center of the beach and start digging when a geyser erupts on Litten) AGHH! WHAT THE HELL!!!
Raichu: (spectating) Hahaha! Nice! Was hoping that trap would get you!
Litten: (narrows his eyes) Nice. Real nice...
Fennekin: Raichu! (To Litten) Sorry sweetie I didn't know.
Litten: Aw it's cool, no worries, I'll live. (Someone approaches them) What do you want?
Torchic: Heyyyy! So I was thinking we could be friends this season! Great idea right?
Fennekin: Um... that is so not how you make friends. You don't just request it out of the blue.
Torchic: Well excuse me, at least I'm trying, what do you know? You probably grew up buying your friends. (Fennekin growls but Litten holds her back)
Litten: No worries, we'd love to start over. We'll help you out here.
Torchic: Great! So I don't want to get hurt so I'll wait over there and you let me know once you find me a key. Can you do that for me? (Litten nods in agreement) Yay thanks! (Heads off)
Fennekin: UM, What the heck was THAT!?
Litten: (smirks) Don't worry. We aren't helping her, that brat. But now she thinks we are helping her and she's stupidly waiting to be delivered a key we will never bring her.
Fennekin: Oh phew good. And wow! That's actually really smart. Nice one. (They continue digging)
(At the amphitheater with the treasure chests)
Flaaffy: Alright Oshawott we made it! Now let's pick a chest. (Suddenly gets smacked with an Ice Punch)
Oshawott: AGH! Flaaffy! What the- (sees the Athletes) Ugh, not you two!
Weavile: Yes it's us two! (Takes Flaaffy's key) Thank you very much!
Flaaffy: Oww... (gets up) What the hell! You can't do that! Give it back! (Tries to attack back but misses)
Machoke: (to Oshawott) Hand me yours little guy or I'll beat you up hehe.
Oshawott: (gulps and then hands over the key) H-here...
Machoke: (takes the key) Thank you. But eh, still kinda wanted to pummel some twerp today so... (uses Cross Chop on Oshawott sending him flying back into a tree)
Raichu: (walks up) Um, what exactly is going on here?
Flaaffy: Penalize them! Machoke and Weavile jumped me and Oshawott and took our keys, that's gotta be against the rules! HIT THEM WITH A PENALTY!!
Raichu: Oh Flaaffy, Flaaffy... Rhydon may have cared about fairness, but this is MY SHOW! I specifically said people could take your keys.
Flaaffy: Yeah but they didn't even try to dig they just-
Raichu: Don't care! Better go find another because it looks like your key has just been used! (Flaaffy trudges off along with Oshawott)
Weavile: (opens her chest) What's this, a blue flag?
Machoke: (Opens his chest) Huh. Mine's red.
Raichu: Congrats! You can go sit on the bleachers that match your color if you'd like to, as those are your teams this season!
Machoke: Guess we aren't together. Bummer.
Raichu: Oh here come some more bearing keys!
(Riolu runs up followed by Sawk and they open chests)
Riolu: Blue!
Sawk: Blue!
Machoke: Oh come on. Hey Sawk, bro, at least you're with Weavile, she's a good strong teammate to have.
Sawk: (nods) Thanks Machoke. I look forward to going up against you in competition.
(In confessional)
Weavile: Yeah, I'm getting rid of Sawk as quick as possible.
(On the beach)
Chikorita: No key here... wait- EEK! Crabs! (They start pinching her)
Chespin: Ack! Chikroita hang on! (Runs after her)
Snivy: (laughing) I do so enjoy the misery of others. (Continues to laugh)
Roserade: (bumps into Snivy) Pardon me. Oh? What's so funny?
Snivy: Well you see- (stops himself) never mind.
Roserade: Well my name's Roserade! I'm an expert gardener and I am happy to be competing to win money for garden wellness!
(In confessional)
Roserade: Being one of the random add on to this season, I don't really have any connections with anyone here. I saw Snivy by himself all alone so I figured maybe he could use a friend too!
(In confessional)
Snivy: Wow, someone coming up and talking to me? She must mean business behind that fake plant-loving environmentalist facade she's got going on. (Smirks) Consider me intrigued.
(Elsewhere on the beach)
Pachirisu: Come on Togedemaru! Dig! Dig! DIG!
Togedemaru: Sheesh. I am. How much faster do you think I can go?
Pachirisu: See that area over there? (Motions to a section with a lot of pits) Sawk cleared all that by himself! And look at the minimal progress we've made.
Togedemaru: (frowns) Okay don't worry, we'll be fine. And no need to compare me like that. (Shinx and Meowstic run up nearby)
Meowstic: Alright let's get started!
Togedemaru: Did you just get here? What happened? Let me guess, one of your mobile games had a rare critter nearby you needed to catch?
Shinx: No! Not everything we do is video game related you know. (Angrily pauses but then happily smiles) We were using our Minecraft knowledge to craft shovels.
Meowstic: Digging will be an absolute cinch now. And we did manage to make four shovels but I guess we could-
Togedemaru: (takes two shovels) Thanks guys!
Shinx: Hey we never said you could-
Pachirisu: (Togedemaru hands her a shovel) Shovels? Perfect! Aww thanks so much Shinx! (Shinx blushes and smiles)
(Elsewhere on the beach)
Buneary: Phew, that was a close one Buizel.
Buziel: Pfft no biggie. My Aqua Jet got us away just in time.
Buneary: (blushes) Hehe well thanks. Anyways, we got to find those keys!
Buizel: Yeah, well at least our buds are safe-
Flaaffy: AHEM!
Buizel: (turns to see bruised Flaaffy and Oshawott standing there) Huh? What are you guys doing here?
Buneary: Oh no! Are you two okay?
Oshawott: Ugh... Weavile and Machoke ambushed us, beat us up, and stole our keys. (Falls on his face)
Buizel: (angry) UGH! FOR REAL!?
Flaaffy: Yeah and I woulda beaten them back if I wasn't in jeopardy of being eliminated here. We gotta find more keys and fast!
Buneary: (nods) Right, we'll double time it. And Oshawott... take it easy okay? We won't let you get eliminated.
Raichu: (to the camera) The challenge has been going on for twenty minutes now and it looks like campers are finally getting in the groove! Well, some of them that is.
(The camera shows shots of different groups facing troubles. Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Scorbunny and Spheal are shown being blown up. A shark attacks Grookey, Sprigatito and Quaxly who were by the water. Vulpix and Sandshrew get stuck in sinking sand and Chespin and Chikorita try to pull them out).
Koffing: How do you even have time to plan all this mayhem?
Raichu: Some things are better left to the imagination. Anywho, while some struggle, others actually are managing to find keys! Good for them! (The camera shows Treecko, Bellossom, Lycanroc, Snivy, and Roserade finding keys. Meowstic, Shinx, Pachirisu and Togedemaru also all find keys with their shovels)
(At the amphitheater)
Snivy: (glaring) Treecko...
Treecko: (glaring) Snivy... (suddenly someone pops up in between them)
Fuecoco: (super happy) Fuecoco!
Snivy: (opens his chest) Blue.
Treecko: Yellow. Yes! Not with Snivy, can't get better than that. (Bellossom shows him her flag is yellow) Stand corrected, guess it can!
Bellossom: Alright! So glad we get to be together!
Roserade: Ooh mine is blue. It matches the flowers in my left hand, how pretty!
Snivy: (to Roserade) Guess we are on the same team. Nice.
Lycanroc: (opens his chest) Red! Okay cool I guess.
Shinx: (to Meowstic, Pachirisu and Togedemaru) Fingers crossed everyone. Three, two, one... OPEN! (They open the chests. Togedemaru and Shinx have red flags, and Pachirisu and Meowstic have blue). NOOOOOO!!!
(In confessional)
Shinx: I don't want to be on a team without my best bud Meowstic! Who is gonna be there for me when I get stuck on a difficult video game level!? Not grumpy pants Togedemaru that's for sure.
Pachirisu: Oh wow, guess we will be competing against each other this time. Try not to get yourself eliminated?
Togedemaru: (smirks) Wow thanks, such wonderful advice.
Sawk: (waving) Hey! Over here!
Pachirisu: Oh Sawk? Awesome! (Runs over)
(In confessional)
Togedemaru: (sarcastically). Greeeeaaattt. Just greeeeeaaaaaattttt.
(On the beach)
Igglybuff: Stupid challenge, stupid everything- (steps on a landmine) FUUUUU- (gets blown up and crashes into Cubchoo) Ugh, ow...
Cubchoo: Agh. Ow from me too... you kinda landed on me.
Igglybuff: It wasn't my choice so I'm not apologizing.
Sobble: Oh, h-hi Igglybuff.
Igglybuff: Oh my gosh Sobble!? You're here? How'd I not know, how are you?
Sobble: EEP- um good, you can um, dig with us if you want.
Cubchoo: She can?
Igglybuff: (smiles) I can and I will. Thanks Sobble.
(In confessional)
Sobble: I know what you're thinking. (In a pretend deep voice) Sobble didn't you see the rest of your season, Igglybuff was a big fat meanie and a fake. (In her regular voice) EEK! Well, um, yeah I know but like... that doesn't mean she wasn't genuinely my friend. I know she could have been just putting up an act but she comforted me on a deep level. I think her fake niceness wasn't as disingenuous as everyone else thinks, and both sides of her are the real her. ERM, does that make sense? (Takes a deep breath) Also I just... she's lived her life feeling so unseen, just like me, so we are similar in that regard, just grew in opposite directions.
(In confessional)
Igglybuff: I'm actually kinda shocked Sobble is being friendly to me. It actually makes me feel... happy. She reminded me of my old self. I'll be honest my friendship with her wasn't just a ruse last season, but I never thought she would actually see it as genuine now. (Smiles) Wow, guess I'm not as isolated as I thought this season.
(Elsewhere on the beach)
Mudkip: We've been having such bad luck today haven't we?
Cyndaquil: Yeah no kidding, I really wish ours would turn around- (digs up a key) Oh wow! Looks like it just did, awesome!
Mudkip: Whelp meet ya there. Well, assuming I find a key that is. (Sighs)
Cyndaquil: Here you take mine, I don't mind searching longer.
Mudkip: Huh? Y-you sure? (Cyndaquil nods) Well thanks. I mean you are better at physical challenges after all. (Heads off)
(In confessional)
Mudkip: Yeah, Cyndaquil is an awesome friend, though I do sometimes feel like I'd be helpless without him. I mean sure I'm smart, but let's face it, physically I'm not the strongest or the fastest. (Points to the camera) Just you wait though, I'm gonna prove myself this season! Just... maybe not today heh.
Charmander: Dude what was that? Giving up your key?
Cyndaquil: Well yeah, Mudkip was getting wiped out.
Charmander: I mean if you're fine with taking care of Mudkip and carrying him through this game be my guest, but you gotta be careful he doesn't bring you down.
Cyndaquil: (looks uneasy) Look I know you mean well, but Mudkip has a lot of strengths too and he's not dead weight.
Charmander: I never said he was. Those were your words, not mine. Just looking out for ya. (Digs up a key) Boom! Awesome! See ya around. (Runs off)
Fennekin: Yes! Got one!
Litten: Nice one babe! Now we both have keys, let's get out of here!
Fennekin: (whispering) And quietly so we don't alert Torchic heh. (Cyndaquil watches them)
(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: I guess Mudkip could've stayed and helped till we both had a key... hmm... (stops himself) No, no, I told him to go, it's fine.
(Elsewhere on the beach)
Sandshrew: Why is it we always have such rotten luck?
Vulpix: I know right. Like who else has birds poop on them three times in the span of twenty minutes-
Sandshrew: (mouth wide open) VULPIX!!!
Vulpix: Oh oops, you probably didn't want me sharing that with the world...
Sandshrew: Okay true, but that's not what I was referring to. (Points to a swarm of bees he unearthed) RUNNNN!!!! AGHH!! (They run past Torchic who is relaxing in a hammock)
Torchic: RUDE! Watch where you are going! You could have knocked me over!
(In confessional)
Torchic: You know, this show is actually going a lot better than I thought it would. I don't remember it being this easy. OH WELL! (Sips a drink)
(Elsewhere on the beach)
Grookey: ALRIGHT! Yes, score one for Grookey! (Holds up a key) Good luck guys! (Runs off)
Quaxly: (yelling) Thanks for leaving us to fend for ourselves! (To Sprigatito) I mean I do get it though, but come on we do this together.
Sprigatito: I mean that's what we've been trying to do this whole time but yeah.
Quaxly: So... now that it's just the two of us how about- (Sprigatito just turns and stares at him) -how about the two of us talk about how we think Fuecoco is doing?
Sprigatito: Oh? Um well I'm sure he and Psyduck are like two peas in a pod and he'll enjoy being an intern more than I ever would that's for sure.
Quaxly: Oh yeah, agreed.
Sprigatito: Yes! (Finds a key) Got a key! And wait there's another next to it score! (Hands it to Quaxly) We can go now. (They run off)
Scorbunny: Man this is exhausting. At least I haven't been too badly injur- (gets caught in a snare that sends him into the air and falls to the ground and lands on Bulbasaur) Owww...
Bulbasaur: Ditto. Owwww...
Scorbunny: Sorry dude. (Gets up and runs off)
Squritle: Woo hoo! Got a key- HEY! Bulbasaur are you taking a nap?
Bulbasaur: What!? No I was literally hit by a flying rabbit.
Squirtle: (scratches his head) Um... come again?
(At the amphitheater)
Grookey: Alright! Let's see what I've got! (Opens his chest) Red! Nice!
Charmander: Red!
Mudkip: Also red!
Spheal: Blue! (Laughs) Sorry to break the red streak guys.
Froakie: Blue!
Fennekin: Yellow. What about you?
Litten: Red... ugh. Dangit.
Charmander: Hey dude you got me at least.
Sprigatito: (runs up with Quaxly) Okay let's pick good ones...
Quaxly: Alright, this one. (They both open chests) Red!
Sprigatito: Red!
Quaxly: No way! We are the same team that's awesome! (Goes to give a hug when Grookey appears in the middle of a hug)
(In confessional)
Quaxly: UGHHHH! And of course Grookey would be on our team, what else did I expect?
(Oshawott, Buizel, Buneary and Flaaffy run up)
Buneary: Phew. Finally made it it. Thanks for stepping up Oshawott.
Oshawott: (collapses) I'm so tired.
Raichu: Tch-Tch, your not safe till you open a chest. Need I remind you?
Flaaffy: Alright let's move! (She and Buneary open chests with yellow flags. So does Buziel's) Nice! (Oshawott's has a blue flag) Oh, dang bummer Oshawott.
Buizel: It's okay cous don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fi-
Froakie: Of course he'll be fine, he's with me. (Takes Oshawott's hand) Welcome to team blue Oshawott, I got your back.
Oshawott: Oh! That's good thanks Froakie. (Froakie leads Oshawott over as Buizel looks a little uneasy)
(In confessional)
Buizel: Who does Froakie think he is? Trying to be a big brother to Oshawott? Well that's MY role! Well, big cousin, not brother, but still... point stands.
Raichu: Well, looks like we are over halfway there! Those still searching better kick it up a notch!
(On the beach)
Scorbunny: YEAH! Finally got one!
Igglybuff: Oh no you don't! Give me tha- (Cubchoo stops her) Ugh! Cubchoo!
Cubchoo: There's no need for that, why don't you try being nicer this season-onnnn-ACHOOO! (Sneezes with a lot of force it blow so much sand away, uncovering four keys)
Sobble: Oh yay! Good job Cubchoo.
Cubchoo: (rubbing his nose) Oh? Did I do that? Y-yeah, I did that intentionally! You're welcome! (They grab keys and run off when Chikorita and Chespin approach)
Chikorita: Hey there's a key just sitting there!
Chespin: Awesome! Meet you back at the amphitheater Chikorita. Get going.
Chikorita: Okay, if you're sure. Please hurry back though. (Leaves)
(Elsewhere on the beach)
Vulpix: Be gentle be gentle... (Sandshrew picks a stinger out of her tail) OWWW! (Pauses) Thanks.
Sandshrew: No problem. Those bees got you pretty bad...
Vulpix: Yeah. As you dug underground and left me to be chased by all of them myself! What gives?
Sandshrew: Hey, you'd do the same if you could. Besides, I got us keys! (Holds them up)
Vulpix: NICE! Let's go go go!
(The screen cuts to them at the amphitheater)
Vulpix: I got blue!
Sandshrew: Yellow... dang.
Chikorita: I got yellow as well! Guess we are on the same team at least Sandshrew.
Scorbunny: Booyah! Red baby!
Igglybuff: Don't put me with Riolu... (opens her chest) Yellow! Okay I'll take it! (Looks to see Sobble and Cubchoo also have yellow) Oh wow, nice!
(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Of course I mean nice for me! Hello free peons!
Raichu: Looks like things are winding down!
Koffing: Who's left anyways?
Raichu: I'm glad you asked Koffing. The campers still yet to complete the challenge are- (their pictures show up on the screen as their name is said) Chespin, Cyndaquil, Alcremie, Fidough, Torchic, Squirtle and Bulbasaur!
Koffing: Wow, all three of our past winners still haven't finished. Makes you question how they won before huh?
Mudkip: Wait Cyndaquil isn't back yet? Oh no!
Charmander: Better hope you didn't cost him here Mudkip. (Mudkip gulps)
(Back on the beach)
Bulbasaur: Come on, we need another key- (gets blown up) AGHHH! NOT ANOTHER BOMB!
Squritle: Buddy noooo! I'll catch you! (Runs to try and catch him but trips over a rock on the shore) Oof. (Bulbasaur splashes in the water) Ow my foot- Hey what's this? A key under the rock! Sweet!
Cyndaquil: And there go two more... (looks up) Agh! Is it really just the four of us left now?
Chespin: You, me, Alcremie and Fidough... yikes... that's not good.
Alcremie: Well we have one and are looking for a second- (Fidough covers her mouth)
Fidough: SSSSHHH! Don't tell them that!
Alcremie: What? It's Cyndaquil and Chespin I don't think they'd steal it from us.
Chespin: (thinks) Okay time for a Vine Whip strategy! (Uses his Vines to search through the sand and he eventually finds something) YES!!!
Fidough: Woo hoo! Found one!
Cyndaquil: (holds up a key of his own) Finally! (They all stare at each other) RUNNN!!!
(At the amphitheater)
Squirtle: Big money, big money... (Squirtle gets a blue flag and Bulbasaur's is yellow) Womp-womp...
Bulbasaur: Hey at least we are safe. (looks at the teams) Eesh. Good luck buddy, you've got Snivy AND Froakie on your team (Squirtle frowns)
Raichu: We've got very few chests left remaining folks! It looks like this is the final stretch! Who's gonna end up as the first boot? (Alcremie, Fidough, Cyndaquil and Chespin all race along and near the chests)
Cyndaquil: (grabs a chest) Yes! Phew.
Fidough: AGHH! THIS ONES MINE! (Lunges at a chest and grabs it)
Alcremie: Okay now I just need to- (sees Chespin grab a chest) Oop- oh no...
Chespin: Sorry Alcremie but- (looks confused) Huh? Oh hey look what about the chest over there?
Aclremie: (walks over to it and looks at Raichu) Has this... been opened?
Raichu: No, no it hasn't! You are safe!
Alcremie: Um... okay... good? Sorry I'm just really confused... (opens the chest) Blue.
Fidough: Aw mine's yellow.
Cyndaquil: Red!
Mudkip: (runs up to him) PHEW! You made it, I'm so glad! And guess what? WE ARE ON THE SAME TEAM THIS SEASON!
Cyndaquil: (happy) Seriously? Awesome! It's about time!
Chespin: And I'm... blue... OH COME ON! WHY AM I ALWAYS WITH SNIVY!?!?
Raichu: Maybe you two are just destined to be together aww how sweet.
Snivy: Ugh. Don't make me puke Raichu.
Bellossom: Hey so can we backtrack for a second? Raichu did you made up a threat of someone being eliminated today?
Raichu: Nope, somebody is most definitely going home today.
Sawk: And that individual didn't open a chest? (Raichu nods)
Chikorita: (looking around) So wait, is somebody missing or something?
(On the beach)
Torchic: (relaxing in a hammock still) Ugh. What is taking Fennekin and Litten so long? Ugh just how lazy can those two be- (looks around) Hang on, wait a second, WHERE IS EVERYONE?
Koffing: (grabs her) Looks like you are done for. Come with me.
Torchic: (yelling) WHAT THE HEY!? Let go of me! How are you even grabbing me anyways that makes no sens-
(At the amphitheater)
Litten: (laughing) Oh my gosh Torchic! What an absolute capital L loser!
Fennekin: Okay maybe I feel a little bad but-
Raichu: She was entitled and lazy. Nothing to lose sleep over, I sure as hell won't miss her. I sent Koffing to go fetch her so until he gets back, I think it's time we in full go over the teams!
(The camera cuts to the first team)
Raichu: Those of you on the red team... okay we have Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Charmander, Litten, Togedemaru, Lycanroc, Vulpix, Machoke, Shinx, Scorbunny, Grookey, Sprigatito and Quaxly! From here on out you will be known as the Enraged Enteis!
Charmander: Wicked!
Lycanroc: Enraged? It's like he's trying to force us to be the villain team.
Mudkip: I'm pretty sure the team with Snivy has that niche covered.
Raichu: Speaking of, the blue team, which is Snivy, Chespin, Squirtle, Froakie, Oshawott, Pachirisu, Sawk, Weavile, Meowstic, Roserade, Alcremie, Riolu and Spheal! You guys are the Surreal Suicunes!
Raichu: And the last team-
Treecko: Yes, yes, we are obvious the something Raikous. Ridiculous Raikous maybe-
Raichu: HEY! You're the Reckless Raikous thank you very much. Now then, the team member recap. Your team consists of Treecko, Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Fennekin, Bellossom, Buizel, Buneary, Flaaffy, Sandshrew, Igglybuff, Fidough, Cubchoo and Sobble!
Flaaffy: Raikou is our mascot huh? And yet I'm the only electric type on the team. Funny how that worked out like that.
Raichu: Anywho, if you'd all follow me so we can wrap up the day. It's time for an elimination!
Togedemaru: We've all seen the catapult enough times to remember, you don't need to show us again.
Bellossom: True, though we're some of the few that haven't had to take it yet. (Pauses) Guess that's about to change.
Raichu: Oh no, the catapult is GONE! Instead we took the liberty of bringing in the All Stars worthy elimination device.
(The screen cuts to Torchic in a giant toilet at the dock's end)
Torchic: EWWW! Get me outta here! This is so disgusting!
Raichu: Hold your breath Torchic and it'll be over soon! (Presses a button)
Torchic: What do you mean hold my- (gets flushed) WAHHHH!!!
Vulpix: Eww! Talk about gross!
Squirtle: Okay, I'm sorry but I can't be the only one thinking it looks kinda fun?
Froakie: Well then you can go ahead and take it next!
Bulbasaur: I think he's gonna pass on that offer.
Raichu: (to the camera) Another awesome day is over! Phew! The question remains, will things get smoother? With so many campers and such little time, I'm truthfully not all that sure, BUT REGARDLESS, you aren't gonna wanna miss a single episode of... TOTAL DRAMA POKEMON ALL STARS!!!
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