Gotta Catch 'Em All

Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars, yours truly got his much deserved day off! Oh, and so did the victims staying here at camp I guess. Despite not having a challenge or elimination to worry about, tensions still rose. Togedemaru's burning jealousy led to him and Pachirisu getting into an argument! Weird, I'm pretty sure he can't use that move! (Psyduck hits a drum in the background to make a rim-shot sound).

Psyduck: Ba-dum-tis!

Raichu: Hey Psyduck, you have the drums, you don't need to say ba-dum-tis.

Psyduck: (frowns) Aww, but it's fun...

Raichu: ANYWHO, what else? On the Raikous, Sobble did her best to avoid Cubchoo, no longer trusting the allergy ridden bear, and Fidough got shunned by some of her team. Luckily the day off gave her some time to talk with her bestie Alcremie to cheer up. And lastly, speaking of besties... NOT! Chespin contemplated making a deal with the devil in snake form, aka Snivy. Wonder if he'll go through with it? (Pauses) Oh and I'll add one more thing, last time we also had our first ever Aftermath show, hosted by Piplup and Turtwig! Heard it was... an aftermath of all time I guess? But I understand, nobody can be as great a host as ME! (Gives a big smile) Now then it's time for some Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!

(Theme song; In the spa hotel)

Chespin: Ah, another nice night in the hotel! Now time for some breakfast! (Heads into the dining area) Hello? Furfrou? Dude where's the food?

Spheal: (rolls in) Chespin, I thought I heard you.

Chespin: Oh morning Spheal. Hey do you know where the food is?

Spheal: Oh did you not hear yesterday? We only get the nice breakfast once, so if we want food today we gotta stomach Koffing's nasty stuff. Bleh!

Chespin: Ugh, oh come on! That sucks! As I always say, you need good food to be in a good mood.

Spheal: Um, since when did you say that? (Shakes his head) Never mind. But I wouldn't be too upset. Alcremie said she and Fidough were gonna try and bake stuff this morning! I wonder how that's going for them?

(In the mess hall kitchen)

Fidough: Okay just another two minutes and the pastries should be done! Yay!

Alcremie: Awesome! You know, it was really nice of Koffing to let us use his kitchen.

Fidough: I mean he is taking his day off today so why not?

Alcremie: Wait... we did get permission right? (The room goes silent) Heh, oh well I guess. We won't make a mess anyways.

Fidough: Oh please, you know a perfectionist like me would NEVER allow a single crumb to be left out of place. Both the dessert and the working space must be PERFECT! (The two laugh together)

Alcremie: True, true.

Fidough: You know I really appreciate you baking with me. It's nice to know someone is on my side.

Alcremie: Of course! Always!

(At the tables in the mess hall; Meowstic and Shinx sit together as others come in)

Riolu: That's weird, why do I smell something... good?

Chikorita: I know right! Surely this can't be Koffing!

Quaxly: Or Fuecoco...

Meowstic: Oh, it's actually Alcremie and Fidough. They are making breakfast pastries for everyone!

Chikorita: Really? That's awesome!

(In confessional)
Chikorita: I love to cook and bake myself, so it's really awesome to have Fidough the professional baker on my team. It would be awesome if we could be friends. I know she's in a rough spot with other team members currently though...

Fennekin: Come on Chikorita, let's sit over here. (They walk off, as do others. Pachirisu then sits down with Meowstic and Shinx)

Shinx: Hi Pachirisu! Looking really good today! Not that you usually look bad or-

Pachirisu: (laughs) Oh Shinx. You're such a sweetheart huh?

Shinx: (embarrassed) Heh... yeah I guess so...

Meowstic: (laughs a little) Sorry about that Pachirisu. My buddy here needs to think before he speaks sometimes I guess hehe.

Shinx: HEY!

Meowstic: Oh on the topic of speaking, did you ever speak to Togedemaru? He was looking for you yesterday.

Pachirisu: (sighs) Yeah I did, unfortunately. He's kinda... mad at me I guess? He thinks I don't care about him enough or something, and I tried to find him again yesterday but I think he's avoiding me now...

Shinx: Really? Wow what a meanie! Don't worry I'll talk to him for ya!

Pachirisu: Thanks Shinx.

Meowstic: Eesh, relationship drama. It's never a good thing on these types of shows. I'm telling ya, everyone should take a lesson from me and avoid catching feels.

Alcremie: (comes out from the kitchen) Pastries are served! Hope you all enjoy! (Places some on a counter and brings a plate to Meowstic's table) Here's some for you guys.

Meowstic: (Face gets red) Oh? For us? Th-thanks, very cool of you!

Alcremie: Oh, yeah no problem. (She walks back toward the kitchen)

Pachirisu: (raises an eyebrow) Never caught feelings for anyone before, huh?

Shinx: Hey, what are you implying!? Trust me I'm his best friend, if he had a crush I'd know.

Meowstic: (eating a pastry) WOW these are the best pastries I've ever had. So good. (Swoons a little) AGH- I mean, yeah they are pretty good.

(In confessional)
Meowstic: Look, I one hundred percent DONT have a crush on Alcremie! If I did, I would have said something exceptionally stupid by now like your typical dorky guy.

Meowstic: Okay these are officially perfect! (stands up) HEY ALCREMIE! (Hesitates a little) You... You should get back in the kitchen where you belong! (awkwardly laughs but then facepalms as Alcremie walks back into the kitchen)

Shinx: Oh that's not...

Pachirisu: Yikes...

(In confessional)
Meowstic: I wanted to say she's a really good baker and it just... came out so incredibly wrong. Ugh. I'm so stupid... (pauses) And I just might be experiencing my first real crush...

(In the Entei's cabins)

Cyndaquil: (gets up) Dang, I slept pretty late today. Good morning Grookey, huh? No prank today?

Grookey: No... and seriously is that all I am to everyone? Just some wacko who pulls pranks?

Cyndaquil: Oh I didn't mean it like that.

Grookey: (sadly) It's fine, don't worry. I'll see you guys at the challenge. (Heads out)

Mudkip: Eesh, how many of our teammates are in a funk now? Litten, Togedemaru, now Grookey...

Charmander: Whatever, as long as we win. (Pauses) Wait, huh? What's wrong with Litten?

Cyndaquil: Didn't you hear? He and Fennekin broke up.

Mudkip: Yeah. The precise details are still unclear, but it seems rough.

(In confessional)
Charmander: WHAT!? How did I not know this sooner!? This is GREAT! Erm, well maybe not for Litten, but great for me! (Pumps his fist in the air) My fire type alliance can be in full swing now. In season one, Litten totally lost all his game once he and Fennekin fell in love. I know it's selfish, but it actually benefits me if they break up and Litten can have a fire lit under him.

Charmander: Dang well I feel stupid for not knowing. I'll have to show him I'm on his side when I see him. (Cyndaquil gives a thumbs up as Charmander heads off)

Mudkip: Wow. Guess Charmander actually does care about others after all heh.

(In the Raikous cabin; Sandshrew is staring out the window as Chikorita enters)

Chikorita: Hey Sandshrew. I noticed you didn't come by to eat breakfast so I brought some back to you here. (Sandshrew doesn't respond) Um, Sandshrew?

Sandshrew: (not paying attention) Huh? What? Oh sorry, I haven't seen Chespin today.

Chikorita: Okay yeah, that's not what I asked... (There is a moment of silence) Oh no! I just spilled crumbs all over your fedora!

Sandshrew: (not paying attention) That's nice...

Chikorita: (getting angry) Alright what the heck? What gives? I'm trying to be nice here and your just blanking me. What on earth has you so distracted? (Stands next to him to look out the window and sees Sawk training outside)

Sandshrew: Wha- Oh no I'm sorry, it's nothing.

Chikorita: Are you sure? Because it kinda looked like you were-

Sandshrew: Watching Sawk do his morning training? Of course not! (Pauses) Okay maybe I was... PLEASE DONT TELL VULPIX!

(In confessional)
Sandshrew: I don't know what's going on with me... I think after things didn't work out with me and Kirlia I found my heart going in the opposite direction... fighting types (awkwardly laughs). Vulpix told me about how much of a jerk this Sawk guy was, and turns out he couldn't be more opposite of what I pictured. He's noble, strong yet slender... AND MY BEST FRIEND HATES HIM! (Smacks himself) Get it together Sandshrew. Get it together.

Chikorita: Sandshrew of course I'd never say anything! (Laughs) I never would have pictured you liking Sawk though.

Sandshrew: (covers his face) Oh please stop. I'm already beyond embarrassed right now...

Chikorita: Hey, don't be. It's all good. (Fennekin enters) Oh hey!

Fennekin: Hey! The speakers seem to be down right now. Raichu wants us to gather at the forest entrance for today's challenge. Ready?

(At the forest entrance)

Raichu: Good morning everyone! Glad to see all thirty of you ready to go after your nice day off yesterday!

Togedemaru: Well it wasn't nice for all of us.

Raichu: Aww, sounds like a you problem! Anyways, let's get into the details of today's challenge! It will involve something so core to our existence that sadly we've all forgotten about!

Vulpix: Huh? What?

Raichu: Behold! One of the greatest inventions in all of Pokémon kind! (Holds up the item) THE POKEBALL!!!

(In confessional)
Oshawott: Pokeballs are a weird thing of the past for Pokémon like us. The idea of being trapped inside of one of those things for potentially forever is definitely a scary thought! (Pauses) Now I see why Raichu is so excited...

Raichu: Hope you all remember how these things work because you guys will be trying to CATCH EACH OTHER!! (There are a lot of gasps) Hope you all enjoy this one!

Cubchoo: Are you crazy? Who would enjoy being trapped like that!?

Sobble: Ooh! So is this the pokeball right here? (Runs up and taps it and it sucks her inside. The ball shakes before clicking, indicating a successful catch)

Sprigatito: Agh! Sobble!

Raichu: (laughing) Wow. Well that was convenient (picks up the pokeball and releases Sobble) Thanks for the demonstration Sobble. Really appreciate it.

Sobble: Darn it, I was just getting cozy... (walks near Cubchoo but then realizes and disappears)

Sawk: So...

Raichu: So what?

Treecko: So can you get to explaining the rules already?

Raichu: Fair enough. For this challenge, each team will start on different sides of the island. There you will have a miniature home base of sorts where you will find materials such as iron and apricorns. That's right, you've gotta make your own Pokeballs! Though we did give you some to start off, but they are just regular Pokeballs.

Mudkip: Oh that's right. Some kinds of Pokeballs are more effective than others. Like Ultra Balls are better than Pokeballs.

Raichu: Correctimundo! They are also harder to craft. So it's up to you to decide which kinds of balls you want.

Shinx: (holding back laughter) Hehe, Raichu said balls.

Raichu: When you hear our airhorn, that means the challenge has begun! At that time we suggest you take your balls and search for campers of the other teams. Remember, while you are hunting them, they are also hunting YOU!

Litten: Huh, so kinda like a paintball battle but with Pokeballs? Nice.

Raichu: Exactly! For each opponent you successfully capture, you will earn one point for your team. After two hours are up, the challenge will conclude and the team with the most points wins immunity!

Riolu: Awesome! (Confidently) Sounds like a fun one.

Raichu: Alright everyone head off to your start- Oh wait! One more friendly tip! Remember that you will be able to capture opponents more easily the weaker they are. You might want to battle each other first before throwing your pokeballs. Just saying.

Snivy: (to Roserade) That's a key point. Just sneak attacking throwing basic Pokeballs at opponents won't work because they aren't weakened.

Roserade: Yeah, but perhaps it could work with a different type of ball. Just a thought.

Raichu: Alright you Pokémon Pokémon trainers! Head off to your starting points and let's have some fun- OH ONE MORE THING! Once someone is captured they are out of the challenge, I think that goes without saying though. Now you can go. (Everyone heads off)

(Walking to the Enteis starting area)

Litten: Sup Vulpix.

Vulpix: (annoyed) Let me guess, you wanna complain about Fennekin again? (Litten stops and looks called out)

Litten: Wh-what? No? But wait, what'd be so wrong if I did?

Vulpix: (sternly) Because YOU are clearly the jerk here! Yeah that's right, I talked to Sandshrew yesterday. He told me all about the REAL STORY!

Litten: Ugh, what? What's to say her's is the truth and mine is the lie? You're my friend, you should have my back.

Vulpix: I'm also Fennekin's friend. Plus, a REAL FRIEND wouldn't condone the thing you did! Seriously, how much of her family's money did you spend? On dumb art? Are you insane?

Litten: GRRR. All this coming from the girl who'd spend thousands on a stupid tacky dress? (Vulpix turns her head and walks up ahead; Litten sighs to himself)

(In confessional)
Litten: I know, I know... I realize I'm a terrible boyfriend. (Frowns) I hate how much of a point Vulpix made there. I just... I didn't think it would be a problem when your family has the money lying around. Ugh. Now I don't even know how to feel and I got a stupid challenge to do? Thanks Raichu.

(At the Suicunes starting area)

Oshawott: Look everyone! There's the crafting station and supplies Raichu left us!

Riolu: Excellent. Though it looks like he didn't leave us much. What's this, like only two Pokeballs per camper?

Snivy: Well we have to make them, remember?

Spheal: YES! This is perfect! I'm great at building things, just leave it to me guys!

Roserade: Oh and let me help. I know of a special kind of pokeball that could really help us out, but I'm no good at building things...

Spheal: No worries, work beside me and I can make them! (Spheal and Roserade go off to make balls as Snivy approaches Chespin)

Snivy: So, where are your friends that you're working alongside? (Chespin rolls his eyes)

Chespin: Oh shut up!

Snivy: Well did you think about my proposition I made? About us forming a secret alliance?

Chespin: I did and... (thinks for a moment before reaching for Snivy's hand) I'm in. But don't you dare try and pull a fast one on me! Or you'll regret it!

Snivy: I promise. Not that that means much to you anyways.

(In confessional)
Snivy: This idea of Roserade's to team up with Chespin is definitely gonna feel insufferable. But it might just win me three million dollars! As much as I hate Chespin, I'm not in any position to be shooing allies away. Even if they are my mortal enemy!

Chespin: Oh and one more thing. You're close with Roserade, and I don't wanna get ganged up on by you two, so I get to bring someone in.

Snivy: Sounds reasonable to me. Who do you have in mind?

Chespin: Spheal. All good then? (Snivy nods and the two shake hands again).

Spheal: (to the whole team) TADA! All finished! (Holds up a light blue pokeball)

Sawk: Oh, wait what is that ball? I don't think I've ever seen it before.

Meowstic: Yeah it kinda looks like a rejected dive ball heh.

Roserade: Nope, not a dive ball. This is a Feather Ball! (Everyone looks confused) I know it's very unheard of, so let me explain. This is a type of ball from ancient times of Hisui. It's exceptionally light and you can throw it very far!

Snivy: Making it the perfect ball for this challenge! Brilliant!

(In confessional)
Roserade: My family passes down traditions from ancient Hisui through the generations. Thanks for that mom and dad! I never thought it could come so handy!

Spheal: They were tricky to make but I'm gonna try to make more. I'm also making other cool kinds too!

(A montage ensues of all three teams crafting Pokeballs, and some other types as well. Eventually an airhorn is sounded)


(At the Raikous starting area)

Buizel: Alright team let's do this! Woo!

Chikorita: Hey wait a second. I was thinking we should go in pairs.

Buneary: Won't we just be bigger targets that way?

Fidough: Yeah but we'd be able to have each others backs in a battle which sounds pretty smart to me. Nice idea Chikorita!

Treecko: Tch- Yeah don't fall for that compliment Chikorita. Fidough is probably trying to trick you.

Fidough: Seriously? Ugh. (Buizel and Buneary run off, as do Bellossom and Treecko)

Chikorita: Hey it's alright, I don't pay much attention to what Treecko says anyways. How about we go together?

Fidough: Really? Great! Let's go!

Fennekin: Sandshrew I guess we can partner up.

Cubchoo: Hey Sobble-

Sobble: EEK- (runs behind Fennekin) N-no thanks.

Fennekin: Huh? (Sees Sobble afraid) Um you know what, I think I'll go with Sobble. Sandshrew you can go with Cubchoo.

Sandshrew: Alright. Just don't sneeze on me. (Cubchoo rolls his eyes and they leave)

Sobble: Oh, um... thanks. I'm sorry I'm just still really upset that Cubchoo lied to me.

Fennekin: Ugh, boys are just the worst sometimes! Don't have to tell me twice. I know you like to go things alone Sobble, but at least let's start out together. Sound okay? (She nods and they leave)

(In confessional)
Fennekin: I'm glad to be able to help Sobble out here. I feel bad for her. Nobody deserves to keep a toxic liar in their life... (sighs) no matter how good things used to be I suppose... (shakes her head) I mean, like I said. Cut them out.

(At the Suicunes starting area)

Riolu: Come on team, let's get a move on!

Spheal: You guys go ahead. I'll stay here.

Alcremie: Huh? Why?

Spheal: I'm gonna continue to make Pokeballs. You guys can come back if you ever run out!

Roserade: That's a very smart idea! I can stay with you if you want.

Snivy: Is it really a smart idea? We need to capture others to win, not simply avoid capture. If Spheal stays we have one less person playing essentially.

Roserade: (thinking) I guess that is a good point... what if just Spheal stays then?

Spheal: Yeah, I'll be honest I'm probably not the best at this kind of challenge. So please let me do this and play to my strengths.

Oshawott: Go for it Spheal! But will being in the open here be a problem?

Spheal: Nah, I've got a plan. If you ever need more balls... (points to a tree stump) Come find me over there! Trust me! (Everyone else looks a bit confused but then nods before heading off)


Raichu: (to the camera) Our challenge is finally underway! Who will be the first to be captured? Place your bets at home and we'll soon find out!

Fuecoco: No, no! Network say no promoting gambling!

(In the forrest)

Mudkip: Alright, we totally got this Cyndaquil! You know, I'm glad my skills were able to come in handy at crafting Pokeballs.

Cyndaquil: Oh yeah... good job...

Mudkip: Cyndaquil? Everything okay? You seem like you're not paying attention.

Cyndaquil: H-Huh? Oh sorry I'm just... (sighs) Sorry I'm getting freaked out due to my claustrophobia... AGAIN!

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: I absolutely CANNOT get stuck inside a pokeball! Just imagining how cramped in there... the possibility of never being let out... AGH! I'm feeling lightheaded just picturing it!

Mudkip: Hey don't worry, I won't let that happen.

Cyndaquil: Thanks Mudkip, you're the best! But you don't have to take the hit for me if you don't want to.

Mudkip: (laughs a little) Oh phew, that's a relief. (Cyndaquil sheepishly laughs, looking confused)

(Elsewhere in the woods)

Buizel: Come on Buneary, keep up with me!

Buneary: Okay I'm trying. (Falls down) OOF. Darn klutz... You know what, just go on by yourself.

Buizel: You sure? Maybe I could carry you?

Buneary: That'd just slow you down. Trust me, just go, I'll be fine. (Buizel nods and runs off)

(In confessional)
Buneary: Yup, carrying an item like a pokeball makes me trip. I hate my ability SO MUCH!

Buneary: (to herself) I guess I can just wait under this tree and see if anybody comes by- (a feather ball comes out of nowhere and hits her, and she is captured)


Roserade: (walks up) Great throw Snivy!

Snivy: It was nothing. These feather balls really are amazing.

(In confessional)
Snivy: Once again, well played Roserade. Continuing to play our own team with her kind persona as she helps give us an underhanded advantage. (Holds up a feather ball and looks at it) Huh, I wonder where she found the recipe for these illegal unofficial balls.

(Elsewhere in the woods)

Cubchoo: Look Sandshrew! Over there! It's Charmander. And he's by himself, we can take him!

Sandshrew: You think? Maybe we should just throw a ball at him and flee. He's kinda scary.

Cubchoo: There's two of us and one of him. We can do it! (Throws a Pokeball and Sandshrew tries to say no again)

Charmander: Huh? (Gets sucked into the pokeball but breaks free) GRRR! NICE TRY! That's it, you two are getting a beat down!

Sandshrew: ACK- Now you've done it. I'm outta here! (Digs underground and leaves)

Cubchoo: Sandshrew wait! You can't just leave me here!

Charmander: FLAMETHROWER! (Uses Flamethrower to hit Cubchoo and he lies on the ground hurt. Charmander tosses a pokeball at him and captures him) Oh yeah! Score one for Charmander!

(Elsewhere in the woods)

Sprigatito: (to Vulpix and Quaxly) Guys stop! Riolu is right up there!

Vulpix: What the- Is he just meditating or something? Whatever let's go get him! Easy!

Quaxly: Woah, woah! Hang on a second, Riolu is wicked strong. With his aura powers he's gonna sense our moves before we make them!

Vulpix: It's still three against two, he can't be that good... can he?

Sprigatito: Well I say it's worth a shot. We should all attack at once and then throw our Pokeballs. Sound good?

Vulpix: Yeah!

Quaxly: If you both are going for it then I might as well too. Let's do it. (The three charge at Riolu using attacks and throwing Pokeballs but he dodges everything perfectly)

Riolu: Seriously? Is that the best you can do?

Vulpix: I'm sorry Mr. Gary Stu but some of us are- (gets hit with a Bone Rush) OW! HEY!

Riolu: And I didn't forget about you! (Uses Aura Sphere to hit Quaxly and Sprigatito)

Quaxly: Ack! We should get outta here! (Helps Sprigatito run off)

Riolu: (captures Vulpix) Huh? So this is what it's like to catch a Pokémon? (Shakes his head) This feels so weird and unnatural. Ugh.

(In confessional)
Riolu: I don't expect anyone to be able to catch me. Even on the off chance I get hit I'm not settling in without a fight. I assure you of that!

(Elsewhere in the woods)

Meowstic: Pachirisu? Pachirisu where'd you go?

Pachirisu: (jumps down from a tree) Meowstic! Are you trying to get us caught? Why are you following me anyways!

Meowstic: Oh sorry... (awkwardly) I just, you know, with what happened this morning and all, and... (Pachirisu just looks confused and Meowstic sighs) How did you know you were in love with Togedemaru?

Pachirisu: WHAT? Okay, caught a little off guard with that one not gonna lie... (thinks for a moment) I don't know, it's hard to describe, but your heart will tell you. When you feel some butterflies in your stomach but at the same time you feel excitement and you want to just be with them. That's what love is. (Frowns) To me at least...

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: (sad) Ugh, I've really got to listen to my own advice. I love spending time with Togedemaru so much, he always makes me laugh. I know he enjoys my company too, so of course he's mad I've barely been with him all season. I've got to talk to him again. And soon.

Meowstic: Oh wow, that was really beautiful. Truly. And thanks for the advice. (Pauses) You look a little troubled now, are you all good?

Pachirisu: Oh, yeah I'm fine. I need to talk to Togedemaru is all, challenge be damned. Catch you later Meowstic. (Runs off)

Meowstic: But wait! I didn't get to... oh never mind. It's your own fault Alcremie is avoiding you dummy. (Suddenly Pokeballs are thrown in his direction but he dodges) AGH! I'm outta here! (Runs off)

Grookey: Dangit, missed em by that much! (Runs off)

(Elsewhere in the woods)

Fennekin: ...and THEN he thinks I'M OVERREACTING!! The nerve of him!

Sobble: W-wow... You... you sure are intense...

Fennekin: Huh? Oh sorry, (sighs) I just am still going through this recent breakup and stuff and it's stressful.

Sobble: Hey, it's okay to cry if you want to. Take it from me, I cry all the time!

Fennekin: Trust me I've done it, but I think I've reached the point where there's no tears left to cry. (Pauses) So that's enough about me, what about you? What's going on with that Cubchoo?

Sobble: Oh um, well I thought I could trust him but now I don't know. I know it's probably not the biggest issue to get upset over but-

Fennekin: Are you kidding? You are absolutely justified! We don't have ANY room for liars in our lives. What you need to do is avoid him Sobble. Even if he tries to apologize.

Sobble: Y-you think so?

Fennekin: (sighs) I've got personal experience that ignoring the red flags only delays the inevitable... friendship or relationship. (Hears something) Agh! Get down! (Ducks as a cream missle is shot at her) Aha!

Alcremie: Oopsies...

Fennekin: It's Alcremie! Let's get her Sobble! (Turns to see Sobble is gone) Sobble? Where are you? (Turns to Alcremie and uses Flamethrower but misses)

Alcremie: Woah, close one. Take this! (Uses Dazzling Gleam and then throws a Pokeball) Yes! I got- (Fennekin breaks free) Nothing...

Fennekin: TAKE THIS! AND THIS! (Throws several balls but misses) Oh no! I'm out of pokeballs!

Alcremie: Sorry Fennekin, but its time for you to be caug- (gets hit in the back with an Ultra Ball and is captured)

Fennekin: Huh? But how- (Sobble appears) Oh Sobble!

Sobble: You okay? Sorry I got spooked and went invisible. I figured I should use an Ultra Ball too because you know, not at low health.

Fennekin: Well that's a great strategy. Honestly you should just stay invisible from here on out, I'll go off myself to not give you away.

Sobble: You sure? Okay... but um... just, thank you for talking to me. Are we like, sorta friends now? (Fennekin happily nods) Okay, um, yay. (Hands Fennekin some balls before heading off)

(In confessional)
Sobble: I know I don't trust easy at all, but I can tell Fennekin is genuine and has gone through so much sadness as of late. I'm glad to have her on the team and as a friend now.


(Elsewhere in the woods; Treecko and Bellossom are battling against Cyndaquil and Mudkip)

Bellossom: Giga Drain! (Uses Giga Drain on Mudkip)

Mudkip: Oww. Ugh, I'm not sure I can take many more super effective blows.

Cyndaquil: Mudkip, agh, hang in there! (Uses Flame Wheel to hit Bellossom) Take that!

Treecko: You'll regret that move! Pokeball go!  (Throws a pokeball at Cyndaquil but he breaks free) Dammit!

Cyndaquil: AGH! NOT LETTING THAT HAPPEN! (Throws balls at Treecko but misses)

Bellossom: Treecko here. Try this one. (Hands him an Ultra Ball as she collides attacks with Cyndaquil)

Treecko: Sorry Cyndaquil, but with Mudkip struggling to stand up this is basically a two v one battle. Time for you to get caught. (Holds up the Ultra Ball and Cyndaquil looks scared)

(In confessional)
Mudkip: I feel terrible! I wish I could've done something to help Cyndaquil, but I was just hurt too badly...

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: I don't know what came through me! An Ultra Ball is super hard to break free of and the thought of being stuck inside... (sighs) I feel terrible...

Treecko: TRY AND DODGE THIS! (Cyndaquil runs to hide behind Mudkip as the Ultra Ball is thrown)

Mudkip: Huh? What the- (gets sucked into hall and is captured)

Bellossom: Good job Treecko! Now let's get Cynda- (Cyndaquil uses Agility and sprints off) Anddd he's gone. Well at least we got a point for our team!

Treecko: Ssshhh (pulls Bellossom into a bush) I hear voices.

Chikorita: Wow I can't believe we haven't come across anyone yet.

Fidough: I know right.

Treecko: (comes out of the bush) Darn it, it's just Chikorita and the manipulative mutt.

Fidough: Manipulative mutt? Are you kidding me!?

Bellossom: (angry) Treecko. Nows not the time for this type of nonsense. (To the others) Sorry we'll head off, good luck! (They leave)

Fidough: See what I mean? They just, they outright HATE ME! Just for a tiny little lie to get rid of our evil team member.

Chikorita: Jeez, yeah, sorry you gotta deal with this. Treecko isn't one to let small grudges pass either.

Fidough: Yeah! Hey maybe we can vote him off if we lose?

Chikorita: Oh, I mean... hmm, yeah I'd definitely consider it. We just have to see how things go today, you know?

(In confessional)
Chikorita: I'm more of a believer of voting for someone who costs the team a challenge. You know, sorta the fair way to vote. While Treecko isn't my favorite guy, if he's doing good for the team, he deserves to stay.

Fidough: (after walking a bit) Look, there's Grookey. Let's get him! (Lunges forward with an attack) FIRE FANG!!!

Grookey: What the- ACK OH CRAP! (Gets hit)

Chikroita: Razor Leaf! (Hits him and then tosses a pokeball and successfully catches him) Woo hoo, alright!

(In confessional)
Grookey: (sighs) What a bummer... but I guess it's nice to have some alone time. You know, an hour and a half of having no distractions to keep my mind off of you know what! (Fake smiles before frowning) Haha, I love my life... wee...

Raichu: (announcing) THE RAIKOUS EARN TWO POINTS MAKING CATCHES AGAINST THE ENTEIS! Wow, the Raikous take the lead and have only two team members of theirs caught! They are looking pretty good, but with an hour left, it's still anyone's game!

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Buizel: Aqua Jet! (Hits Chespin who uses Spiky Shield to block) Oww, dang that hurt.

Chespin: Nice try! But Spiky Shield damages any who touch it! (Uses Seed Bomb and thinks he hit Buizel) Oh yeah! Boom!

Buizel: Speaking of boom... (Uses Sonic Boom)

Chespin: Huh, wait how did you- (gets hit against a tree) Aww... oww...

Buizel: Sorry dude, you fought well. (Throws a pokeball and catches him) Yes! And the amazing Buizel scores a point for his team! Nobody can beat me! (Gets hit with a pokeball but manages to break free) AGH! WHO WAS THAT!? (Turns to see a familiar face)

Oshawott: (sheepishly laughs) H-hi Buziel heh... (runs off)

Buizel: Oh it is so on cous!

(In confessional)
Buizel: I applaud Oshawott for having the guts to step up to yours truly. Sadly I'm gonna have to shatter his confidence and humble him though...

Oshawott: Razor Shell! (Attacks Buizel and hits him) Yes! I actually hit you!

Buizel: (stands up) Yes you did, but I'm not one to go down easily. (Uses Aqua Tail but Oshawott dodges. The two go back and forth with attacks) Wow, I'm really impressed with you cous!

Oshawott: Thanks! You are really good at battling too of course- WOAH! (Gets hit and falls) Dang, guess you win Buizel.

Buizel: Hey, you put up a good fight. Be proud of yourself- (Oshawott throws a Net Ball at him)

Oshawott: Come on, come on... (Buizel is successfully captured) Aha I did it! S-sorry Buizel, but it is a challenge heh. (Pauses) Oh wow, that was my last ball! I better go back to base to get some more.

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Shinx: Please Togedemaru, just try to at least listen to Pachirisu once more!

Togedemaru: I'm telling you, not until this crappy show is done with. That's clearly what she wants.

Shinx: (angry) Ugh, why are you so difficult? If you were a character in a fighting game, you'd be nobody's main! (Togedemaru rolls his eyes). But um, what was I saying? Oh yeah, you gotta understand that you don't spend as much time together because you are on different teams!

Togedemaru: So? That means she's allowed to start flirting with stupid karate guy?

Shinx: (gasps) WHAT!? She's flirting with Sawk!? Pachirisu would never!

Togedemaru: Well she doesn't mind spending all her time with him and complimenting him, that's for sure...

Shinx: Wait, so is it actually flirting... or are YOU just jealous?

Togedemaru: (angered) Oh just screw off Shinx, I'm not about to get lectured by you of all people.
(Suddenly they both get hit by Feather Balls, but manage to break free) Agh, close one!

Shinx: WHO THREW THESE!?!? (Meowstic comes by) M-Meowstic!?

Meowstic: Oh hey, Shinx how's it going buddy!

Shinx: Why'd you try and get us captured!?

Meowstic: Huh? I didn't, I swear! I just heard you scream and came over. (Gets hit by Togedemaru's Nuzzle) Oww, what the heck!

Togedemaru: You really expect us to believe that lie? Wow...

Meowstic: (paralyzed a bit) Pachirisu wants to talk to you... she's- she's actually over that way-

Togedemaru: Good, we'll capture her next. Come on Shinx.

Shinx: Wait what do you mean next- (Togedemaru throws a pokeball and captures Meowstic) TOGEDEMARU!!! How could you!

Togedemaru: That's the game Shinx, now move it or lose it. (Runs off with Shinx angrily behind him as Snivy drops down from a tree)

Snivy: Hmm, I suppose I should've tried to hit those losers again but, eh, no matter. Pachirisu will take them out.

Roserade: (walks up) Snivy! We are out of feather balls!

Snivy: Crap and they were so good. Let's try and head back to Spheal.

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Charmander: Yo! Litten! Dude, there you are!

Litten: Oh, hey Charmander... you were looking for me?

Charmander: Well sorta? I just found out earlier about what happened between you and Fennekin and I wanted to say I'm here for you bro.

Litten: Aw man, why'd you have to go and say the F word like that.

Charmander: Um, I don't think I said Fu-

Litten: Not that F word... (sighs) Fennekin... I just... I was upset she was angry with me and turned that into anger of my own even though deep down I knew I was wrong for what I did.

Charmander: Uh huh?

Litten: Maybe after this challenge I can try to apologize to her.

Charmander: Oh really? Huh, that'd be...

(In confessional)
Charmander: AWFUL! For me at least! Litten will be loyal to ME FIRST if he's not with Fennekin, and I really need loyal allies in this game or I'm toast. I absolutely CANNOT let him try to get back with Fennekin.

Charmander: -that'd be great. But it might be tricky, I don't think she'd be willing to accept an apology. You got to make HER want YOU back! That's how I'd play it.

Litten: Seriously? No offense but what experience do you have with women. I'm doing things my way first when I see Fennekin.

Charmander: Hey, speak of the devil. (Points forward to Fennekin who is coming by) Good luck, I'm outta here.

Litten: Fennekin... Fennekin hey! (She throws a pokeball at him but he dodges) HEY!

Fennekin: You've got a lot of nerve expecting me to talk to you! (They both collide with Ember attacks over and over again)

Litten: Fennekin wait. Can I have a chance to explain myself? I just wanted to say that-

Fennekin: (angry) I don't care what you have to say! You used me and my family for our money! You NEVER cared about us and took advantage of us because we were willing to help out a street cat like you!

Litten: (angry) OH THATS SUCH BULLSHIT AND YOU KNOW IT!!! You really think I was only in it to try and use you for money? Trust me, dealing with your parent's wouldn't be worth all the cash in the world with the way they treated me. You know they never liked me!

Fennekin: (angry) OH PLEASE! They had some doubts at first but eventually came around like any good protective parents would. Quit trying to spin the blame! (Pauses) And let's be real, you can't fault them for being wary of someone from your background.

Litten: (angry) You know what Fennekin! (Throws an Ultra Ball at her and she does the same. They both end up capturing each other)

Raichu: (announcing) OOOH! And Fennekin and Litten take each other out! And not for a date (laughs to himself). The score is now 3 points for the Enteis, 3 points for the Suicunes, and 5 points for the Raikous!

(Elsewhere in the woods)

Sawk: (running from wild Beedrill) Oh come on! You've got to be kidding me!

(In confessional)
Sawk: So there I was, under a tree, when I heard some rustling from above. Assuming it was another competitor, I attacked. Sadly for me... it was a wild Beedrill. While I knocked him out, his MANY friends sure weren't happy and started chasing me.

Sawk: Come on, I've got to lose them- OH NO! (Sees a dead end against a rocky wall up ahead) Crap what am I gonna do? (Suddenly gets grabbed from underground) WOAH! (He is pulled underground down a tight tunnel and the Beedrill fly by overhead) What the? What just happened?

Sandshrew: (digs beside him) Oh hi. That was me, sorry.

Sawk: Please don't be sorry, you saved me from those Beedrill. Um... why?

Sandshrew: Because Beedrill are NASTY!!! UGH! Nobody deserves to be stung by them. Plus this is my way of saying, sorry for, you know, Vulpix...

Sawk: (smiles) Well I genuinely appreciate it Sandshrew. Thanks for giving me a chance. Now then, you can go ahead and catch me then...

Sandshrew: No way, I'd feel terrible. Let's just pretend I was never here okay? (Winks and digs off)

Sawk: Heh, fair enough. (Struggles to move) Only problem is I seem to be stuck in this hole... shit... SANDSHREW!? COME BACK! HELLO? ANYONE!?

(At the Suicunes base)

Roserade: So I believe Spheal said... that tree stump over there? Right?

Snivy: What the heck? He's not even here! Idiot must've gotten caught.

Roserade: Hmm... if that were the case wouldn't we see a ball lying around here?

Snivy: True... unless they chased him somewhere. (Oshawott walks up)

Oshawott: Oh, um, hi! Did you guys find Spheal?

Roserade: We're working on it- Hey wait a second. This stump doesn't look right now that I look at it. (Slides the top off the trunk off and it reveals a ladder going down) WOW!

Oshawott: Woah...

Snivy: Shall we head down? (to Roserade) Ladies first. (The three climb doesn't he ladder and end up in a dark room)

Oshawott: How did he find the time to make this place?

Snivy: I know right? (Suddenly light turns on and a big chair facing away from the group slowly turns around)

Spheal: (on the chair) Ahh, my teammates, I've been expecting you. I've heard you are looking for some weapons...

Roserade: W-weapons? No, no, just pokeballs...

Spheal: Mwahahaha! Well you've come to the right place for-

Snivy: Spheal can you cut the crap and just give us more balls!

Spheal: (whiny) HEYYYY! Stop ruining the moment Snivy! Let me have some fun! Ive been practicing for forty-five minutes waiting for someone to show up!

Snivy: Well now that's just sad...

Spheal: (sighs) Whatever. Here. (Hands them balls) More feather balls. Now get back out there and make your country proud soldier!

Oshawott: Eep- did he change movie genres?

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Riolu: (spots Chikorita and Fidough) Aha! Finally some more opponents to catch. (Throws a feather ball at Fidough)

Chikorita: Agh! Fidough watch out! (Pushes her out of the way)

Fidough: Woah! Thanks for the save, that was fast! Who did that- AHA! Riolu!

Chikorita: We've got a specialty ball too! QUICK BALL GO! (Throws it and hits Riolu)

Fidough: No way! YOU GOT HIM! Yes! Honestly it feels so good to finally knock overconfident Riolu off his pedestal. (Riolu breaks free from the ball) Dang it... (He hits her with an Extreme Speed stack and then throws a Great Ball and captures her)

Riolu: Nice try! (Looks around to see Chikorita escaped) Dang she got away.

Raichu: (announcing) THE SUICUNES GET ANOTHER POINT! AND SO DO THE ENTEIS! (The screen shows Sprigatito and Quaxly battling and capturing Oshawott) RAIKOUS STILL LEAD BY ONE MEASLY POINT AND WEVE GOT TEN MINUTES LEFT!!

(Elsewhere in the forest; Pachirisu runs around looking troubled)

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: I can't believe I'm actually doing this! Running around looking for Togedemaru, not even caring about the challenge. (Sighs) It's a good thing my team has no idea heh.

Pachirisu: Oh! Shinx!

Shinx: Pachirisu! Hey! (Runs up to her) Togedemaru is right behind me, but you should probably go. He's throwing a massive diaper baby tantrum.

Pachirisu: Seriously? Ugh, just let me talk to him. (Dodges a pokeball) Woah! (Togedemaru steps out; sarcastically) Wow nice aim.

Togedemaru: (rolls eyes) Please I wanted to miss. (Looks around) Where's Sawk? Guess he wasn't so tough after all and got captured?

Pachirisu: Look Togedemaru I wanted to say I care about you and miss spending time- Wait what? Sawk?

Togedemaru: I mean naturally, you two always go around together. You constantly complement his strength and-

Pachirisu: IS THAT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT!? You have the wrong idea, we are just friends! I can't believe you'd think so low of me!

Shinx: Settle down, please don't fight!

Pachirisu: I'm not trying to fight, but that's what might happen if he won't talk!

Togedemaru: Well it's not my fault for feeling this way! You said you love me but seem to love Sawk's challenge prowess more! I always push myself to my limit and it's never good enough for you, so maybe you'd be better off with someone more athletic.

Pachirisu: Wha-what? (Sadly) Do you truly think that? Togedemaru... (he hits her with a pokeball and captures her)

Togedemaru: Yeah I'm done with this for today.

Shinx: (erupts in anger) GRRRR! HOW DARE YOU! PACHIRISU IS NOTHING BUT NICE AND YOU TREAT HER LIKE THAT!? AGHHH! (Lunges at him and they start fighting)

Togedemaru: Shinx what the hell? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?

Shinx: IM KNOCKING THE SENSE BACK INTO YOU! (Uses Take Down and hits Togedemaru. The two continue to collide with attacks and wear each other out when suddenly Sobble throws two Pokeballs at them and they are captured)

Sobble: Sorry. But that's the challenge! (Scurries off)


(Elsewhere in the woods)

Roserade: How are we gonna win? It's impossible now...

Snivy: Just hang on. We might be able to pull this off if we're smart about it. (Sees something and ducks) Get down. Look! (Over in the clearing, Quaxly and Sprigatito are battling Bellossom and Treecko)

Quaxly: ACK! GET ME OUT OF THIS LEECH SEED! (Struggles to free himself)

Bellossom: Moonblast! (Attacks but misses)

Sprigatito: Hang on Quaxly I got you! (Uses her claws to free him) Gotcha!

Quaxly: Thanks- WOAH! (Dodges a Poke Ball) Oh yeah, well why don't you take one!

Treecko: Um, what? That doesn't even make any sense..,

(In confessional)
Treecko: I swear, the amount brain cells these new contestants have just get fewer and fewer...

Quaxly: Uh oh... I'm out of Pokeballs. Sprigatito, get 'em!

Sprigatito: Um... I'm out too.

Quaxly: What!? Check again! (Snivy and Roserade throw feather balls at Treecko and Bellossom who were standing paralyzed) Alright, see I knew you had some! Nice throws!

Sprigatito: Agh! Quaxly that wasn't me!

Quaxly: ACK RUN! (Snivy jumps down and uses Glare to paralyze the two)

Snivy: Paralysis makes catching even easier. Just best to ensure success this way!

Roserade: Hurry Snivy! We gotta throw our balls before time is up! (The two throw at Sprigatito and Quaxly. The balls shake but then successfully catch them and a few seconds later an airhorn sounds)

Snivy: Yes! Just in the nick of time!

Roserade: Alright! We did it! (Hugs Snivy and he looks a bit caught off guard but still smiles. Suddenly the caught Pokémon are all released)

Bellossom: Aww, what happened? (Sees Snivy) Oh come on!

Treecko: Screw you Snivy! (Snivy snickers)

Raichu: (announcing) IN A LAST SECOND COMEBACK WIN THE SUICUNES CAME OUT ON TOP AGAIN! Snivy and Roserade scored four more points at the end, giving their team the win! Enteis and Raikous, see your sorry butts at elimination yet again!

(At camp a little later)

Charmander: So you... used him as shield?

Cyndaquil: I hid behind him, I just panicked. I'm such a bad friend...

Mudkip: (walks up) Hey Cyndaquil. Before you apologize, I just wanted to say it's all good. I know you panicked. Glad I could help you avoid getting caught (laughs).

Cyndaquil: Aww thanks Mudkip. Phew, you're the best. (Walks off)

Charmander: Yeah good job Mudkip. Good to see you in high spirits after your friend saw your only worth to the challenge as being a decoy. (Walks off)

Mudkip: What!? Cyndaquil didn't do that! He wouldn't... that's just... Ugh! Damn you Charmander!

(In confessional)
Mudkip: Why is Cyndaquil even friends with him? He's such a pot stirrer!

(Elsewhere around camp)

Buneary: Ugh, this isn't good...

(In confessional)
Buneary: I did so poorly today. Now Bellossom and Treecko will for sure vote me off. (Sighs) Well hopefully they are still more angry at Fidough like Buizel is...

(Elsewhere around camp)

Alcremie: Hey Meowstic. You... you doing okay today?

Meowstic: Oh, h-hi,.. erm, sorry about this morning.

Alcremie: Huh? What?

Meowstic: You know when I said that sexist comment on how you should go back in the kitchen... I just meant that I thought you were a great baker. Truth is I'm just an idiot, and it would be kinda cool if you could forgive me and stop avoiding me-

Alcremie: (shocked) Wha- I wasn't avoiding you? I was just doing the challenge. And um, I actually didn't hear you say that so... (There is a bit of silence)

Meowstic: Well this is awkward...

Alcremie: (laughs) No offense taken though I actually appreciate the compliment. (Heads off and Meowstic has a sigh of relief)

Shinx: (runs up) AGH! Meowstic and Alcremie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S- (Meowstic shoves him)

Meowstic: Stoppp!

Shinx: Tehe Pachirisu was so right! I can't believe it!

(Elsewhere around camp)

Bellossom: So what are we doing for todays vote? Buneary didn't do too well in the challenge... but we were thinking of booting Fidough from before...

Treecko: Honestly either has a good shot at going home. Up to you Bellossom. (Gives her a kiss on the cheek)

(In confessional)
Bellossom: I guess it all comes down to where things started. Do I want to try and make things good with Buneary? She's certainly not being very nice or making it easy...

(At the elimination ceremony)

Raichu: Greetings one and all! Now before we get started, Suicunes congrats on your win for the second time in a row! Have you decided who the MVP's are?

Riolu: Definitely Roserade. Those balls were great to use. And you helped give us a last minute win.

Roserade: No! I refuse. I don't need a butler to be happy, I'm fine as is. I want Spheal and Snivy to have them, they did amazing too!

Spheal: For real? Alright! Woo!

Oshawott: Congrats guys, you deserve it! Well... I guess Spheal does at least.

Raichu: Yay! Happiness! Now let's move on to a better emotion, disappointment! Enraged Enteis, Reckless Raikous, you've all made your votes. Time to send two of you packing. We start with the Enraged Enteis who came in last by a hefty margin.

Vulpix: It's okay team, we'll get them next time. I hope...

Charmander: Just hurry this up Raichu, it's getting late.

Raichu: Sheesh alright. Charmander, you are in jeopardy tonight!

Charmander: (shocked) WHAT THE HELL!? Literally what did I do other than get points for my team which I know over half of them couldn't do!

Raichu: Thanks for showing us your fiery mean attitude. Maybe that coupled with your bossiness if I had to take a guess? The other two in jeopardy are Togedemaru and Shinx!

Shinx: (gasps) What!? Why?

Togedemaru: Because you started a fight with me and got us caught!

Shinx: Because you were being a jerk to Pachirisu! And wait, why did you tell everyone-

Raichu: The Entei headed home tonight is...

(There camera zooms in on the bottom three)

Raichu: ...Shinx! Game over little buddy. (Throws the rest of the team pokepuffs).

Shinx: Aww come on! You sure I don't have an extra life?

Raichu: Afraid not.

Meowstic: (Sad) No... not Shinx...

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: He gets jealous over something that doesn't exist, gets mad at me and captures me, AND THEN he votes off our friend Shinx? Ugh!

Pachirisu: (angry) Are you happy Togedemaru? Does getting rid of Shinx make you feel better?

Togedemaru: Maybe.

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: Okay no, it doesn't... (sighs) I'm such an asshole. I just didn't want that conscience of a gamer reminding me of my own faults... But it's too late now.

Raichu: Wow! What a shocker! Eh? Get it? Because he's an electric type? (No one laughs) Okay then, Reckless Raikous, let's see who's at risk of going home for you lot. First up is Fidough, who left a bad impression on teammates from last time. (Fidough frowns) Next is Buneary! First one caught and a total klutz... maybe not very useful to the team...

Buizel: Hey! Not cool!

Raichu: And also in the bottom is you Buizel! You got cocky and got caught rather early because of that overconfidence. (Buizel frowns) And the loser is...

(The camera zooms in dramatically on the bottom three)

Raichu: ...Fidough! (Buizel and Buneary hug)

Buneary: Phew. Thank goodness.

Fidough: (stands up) Well I fully expected that. Sorry for what I did team, I never really meant to betray anyone's trust.

Chikorita: Yeah, she's actually a really cool girl once you get to know her.

Bellossom: I'm sorry Fidough. Of course we all forgive you.

Treecko: We do? (Bellossom elbows him) Ow!

(In confessional)
Bellossom: I know she said hurtful things to me, but I did to her as well which wasn't fair, so I'm giving it ONE LAST CHANCE to make things right with Buneary. You hear that? ONE! ...Maybe two...

(Shinx and Fidough sit in the elimination toilet as Alcremie and Meowstic sadly stand on the dock)

Alcremie: (tearing up) Fidough! I'm... I'm so sorry. This is so unfair.

Fidough: Hey, turn that frown upside down missy! You too Meowtsic!

Shinx: Yeah you two got this! We're rooting for you! (Smirks) In both ways, eh. (Alcremie looks confused. Shinx is about to make a kissy face, Meowstic grabs the remote and presses the button to flush) AGHHH!!!

Raichu: What the heck Meowstic! (Snatches the remote back) That's my favorite part! My very existence for getting up each morning! The joy of flushing losers down a toilet. Get outta here. (Meowstic and Alcremie walk off looking sad) With each of their besties gone from the competition, will Meowstic and Alcremie be able to find comfort in each other? Will Togedemaru regret letting his jealously get the best of him? And lastly, will the Surreal Suicunes manage to win a third time in a row? Find out these answers next time, on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!

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