Truth Or Laser Sharpedo

Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon, it started off with a classic rescue challenge. Litten won part one for his team which earned them an advantage in part two. Unfortunately, that advantage ended up doing next to nothing for them because Charmander and Chimchar's constant fighting caused their team to fall behind and lose while Popplio's crafty ideas brought his team the win. In the end Charmander cracked a smile as Chimchar was hurled outta the game! That was yesterday and this is today, so what will happen? Find out this episode of Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song; In the mess hall)

Fennekin: (walks in) Good morning Litten.

Litten: (graffitiing the table) Sup. So have you made a decision on what I asked you before? You know, about maybe teaming up?

Fennekin: Yes, I'd love to be in an alliance with you!

Litten: Awesome. I was also thinking of asking Torchic to join too. That way it's guaranteed that Cyndaquil and Charmander will go home the next two times we lose. Sounds good huh. (Fennekin nods)

Fennekin: No!!! This can't be right. Now he wants to make an alliance with Torchic? Could I have been misreading things?

Torchic: (walks in with the rest of the team) Ugh, I could smell Team Water's food from outside.

Cyndaquil: It smelled so good. When are we gonna win our first challenge?

Charmander: Hopefully today now that stupid Chimchar's gone.

Torchic: Well we better. I can't take living in the crappy cabins anymore.

(At Grass table)

Treecko: Yuck! This food tastes ten times worse after having delicious food yesterday.

Snivy: Hey Treecko, come over here. I need to talk to you. (Treecko leaves the table)

Chespin: (to Chikorita) Don't know about you but there's something about Snivy I don't like.

Chikorita: Huh? What do you mean?

Chespin: He just seems a little sneaky and untrustworthy.

Chikorita: Maybe you were just seeing things. He seems nice to me. (Turtwig then approaches Chespin)

Turtwig: I know what you mean Chespin, he seems a bit arrogant, selfish, and worst of all, flat out terrifying at times.

Chespin: That's exactly how I feel.

(Over by Treecko and Snivy)

Snivy: I wanted to tell you that Turtwig isn't too fond of how we reacted during that cave-in.

Treecko: So?

Snivy: We need to eliminate him before he gets rid of us. (Treecko nods in agreement)

(In the spa hotel)

Furfrou: Here you are Popplio. (Hands him a book) I finished writing down all of your jokes.

Popplio: Wow, thanks!

Furfrou: Is there anything else I can do for you.

Popplio: Nope I'm good. (Begins to read his book and occasionally laughs)

Piplup: (twitching) Popplio's laugh is driving me crazy.

Mudkip: Oh come on, it's better than if he was being a jerk constantly.

Squirtle: Well I just can't get over how some of us are so strict (glares at Froakie)

Froakie: Oh come on! It's not my fault you keep backstabbing our team by talking with the enemy.

Squirtle: Hey! It's my business who I talk to!

Froakie: (yelling) It's all of ours! If Litten hadn't have beaten you during the first part of yesterday's challenge you would have given Team Grass the win by opening Bulbasaur's cage first.

Squirtle: (yelling) Oh that is so untrue! Besides we won without having the advantage anyway so who cares?

Oshawott: Guys settle down. It's not that big of a deal.

Froakie: (pauses) You're right Oshawott. I'm very sorry Squirtle. (Squirtle's jaw drops)

Oshawott: See now was that so hard to do?

Froakie: I'm not really sorry. Squirtle is still my enemy. I just need to ensure Oshawott as my alliance mate.

Raichu: (over the loud speaker) ATTENTION! Everyone meet me by the dock for today's challenge!

(At the dock)

Raichu: Welcome everybody. Head over to your team stands. (They sit in the stands like in the TDRI Truth or Lazer Shark Challenge.) So here is how the game works. I will reveal an embarrassing statement about one member of your team. If whoever it is hits their buzzer and admits that it is them they're team gets a point. (Is about to continue when the Pichu's run in)

Pichuette: Uncle Raichu! Uncle Raichu! You promised we could help today!

Raichu: (sighs) You guys can press the button only when I tell you to. Got it?

Pichu: Yep (presses three random buttons and Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, and Popplio get launched into the air)


Pichu: Oops, sorry. (The three guys land in a tank with a Sharpeedo in it)

Sharpeedo: Mmn-mm. Fresh meat! (Bites at Bulbasaur but he swims outta the way. The three guys make it out)

Bulbasaur: (shaking) That. Was. Scary.

Popplio: Not to mention uncalled for.

Cyndaquil: Yeah, what the heck was that for?

Pichuette: My brother made a mistake (gives Pichu a nasty look)

Raichu: So yeah, if nobody owns up a random team member will be flung into the Sharpeedo tank. Then, one of the other teams will get a chance to guess but if they guess wrong, they get thrown into the tank and onto the next round we go.

Litten: Hold up! This is totally unfair! It's more of a penalty to us fire types than to the water types.

Fennekin: Yeah, they can easily swim and get out quick.

Raichu: Don't worry, Sharpeedo's got a surprise for them!

Treecko: (loudly groans) Now can we just get this train wreck over with!?

Raichu: (rolls eyes) Sheesh. Fine. Okay our first question is for Team Grass.

Bulbasaur: (slightly upset) Of course it is.

Raichu: Stop interrupting! (Clears throat) Who's greatest fear are Togepi?
(The other teams erupt in laughter while the Team Grass members look at each other)

Snivy: Alright who ever it is just own up.

Chikorita: But seriously how is anyone afraid of Togepi? Is nobody an option?

Chespin: Yeah, that has to be it.

Raichu: Times up suckers! Pichu if you'd please.

Pichu: Yay! Enjoy your swim. (Bulbasaur is launched into the Sharpeedo tank and gets knocked out by a Crunch attack)

Turtwig: Oh no! Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur: (recovers) Ouch. Seriously, why was it me again?

Raichu: (laughing) This just gets funnier every time. Okay, does anyone on the other team have a guess?

Charmander: (buzzes in) It's probably Treecko. He was acting unusually quiet. (Charmander gets launched into the tank but he dodges the attacks)

Raichu: No point for that round! Just two soggy losers. (Laughs to himself) Anywho, onto the next question, it is for Team Water. Who still sleeps with their stuffed animal, Mr.Teddy?

Piplup: (laughs) Okay, who's the stupid baby on the team.

Froakie: Hmm. (Looks at Oshawott who's sitting quietly, then to Squirtle who is sweating) Come on Squirtle, man up and take one for the team.

Squirtle: (sighs) Okay, it's me. (Buzzes in) It's just hard sleeping all alone.

Bulbasaur: Yeah, because you're an only child.

Froakie: Wow Bulbasaur, what are you a stalker?

Squirtle: (shouting) He's my best friend!!! How do you not understand this by now?

Raichu: Alright Team Fire, who here secretly enjoys Pokemon poetry?

Cyndaquil: Thats not really an embarrassing question.

Charmander: Yes it is. (Buzzes in) It's me. I just enjoy it. (Litten chuckles) You got something to say punk?

Torchic: Hey, leave Litten alone!

Litten: Yeah just go write a slam poetry poem about me if your mad. (Laughs some more)

Raichu: Settle down everybody. Each team has one point except for Team Grass as of now. (To Team Grass) Which one of you guys threw up on the first and last day of school. (Everybody laughs)

Turtwig: (buzzes in) How on earth did you get this?

Raichu: None of your business sir vomit comet. Team Water, who here has a secret collection of Pokemon dung?

Piplup: Wait a second... Dung? Isn't that...

Squirtle: Another name for poop.

Piplup: Eew gross!

Pichuette: Last chance to own up. (Nobody does anything) Okay then. (Presses a button and Oshawott is sent into the Sharpeedo tank. Sharpeedo uses thunderbolt and badly hurts Oshawott)

Oshawott: (shaking) T-that h-hurt real b-bad!

Mudkip: That's the surprise, a zapping for us water types.

Chespin: (buzzes in) I'd like to steal. The collector is, sorry about this, Mudkip.

Raichu: That is correct! A point for team Grass and a mauling for Mudkip.

Mudkip: Wait, no! Anything but that! (Gets launched)

Mudkip: I can't believe my secret is now out there. I'm a huge collector, I have every type of pokeball, envelope, medicine, stone and even some droppings but is that so abnormal? (Sighs) Okay it is.

Raichu: On to Team Fire, Who's best friends with a derpy Smeargle?

Fennekin: (looks at Litten) You can do it.

Litten: No.

Torchic: (overhearing) Hey Litten, I think it's cool that you're an artist.

Litten: (sighs before buzzing in) It's me, but for the record I am a vandal not an artist.

Raichu: Time for a brief intermission while I make the Pichu's lunch. Back in ten minutes.

Oshawott: Wow, that Sharpeedo bruised me up pretty good.

Mudkip: Hang on Oshawott, I got a potion in my bag. (Leaves to get him one)

Froakie: Come on guys, we are currently losing so we got to up our game.

Popplio: Yeah, the fact that we are losing is Onix-pected! (Laughs) Get it?

Piplup: Popplio please shut your pie hole.

Mudkip: (rushes back and sprays the potion) There you go Oshawott. All healed.

Oshawott: Thanks Mudkip.

(At Team Grass)

Chespin: I feel bad about exposing Mudkip.

Chikorita: It's okay Chespin. (Comforts him) You did it for the good of the team.

Snivy: Yeah amazing job Chespin. (Glares when Chikorita looks away)

(In confessional)
Snivy: Chikorita and Chespin are close and that could mean alliance. However, my alliance will be the only one. So if I can play Chikorita and create a wedge between them I'm a shoe in for the merge.

Turtwig: This challenge is horrifying. I'm scared to know what other facts Raichu has about me. I've already been utterly humiliated.

Bulbasaur: Hey, at least you guys didnt have to deal with that nasty Sharpeedo.

Sharpeedo: I CAN HEAR YOU!

Bulbasaur: (looks scared) Um, I meant that lovely and sweet Sharpeedo.

(At Team Fire)

Charmander: (to Cyndaquil) Not sure if you noticed but Torchic, Fennekin and Litten seem all friendly toward one another. They are probably gonna vote one of us off.

Cyndaquil: I see your point but maybe they are just being friends? I mean isn't it normal for everyone to just be friends.

Charmander: Seriously?

Cyndaquil: Okay your right, we need to stop them.

Torchic: (to Litten) So there I was on the contest stage and I received a perfect score, winning my ribbon.

Litten: Nice, I'll look for a rerun on T.V.

Torchic: Wait, No! Don't do that because... they don't show reruns. (Awkwardly smiles)

Fennekin: (to herself) Hmm, what is Torchic hiding?

Raichu: Okay everyone I am back, no need to worry.

Bulbasaur: I think you mean I am back so start worrying.

Raichu: Anywho, Team Grass the question is for you guys. Who here had to go to the Pokemon Center after catching on fire from making cupcakes?

Snivy: (buzzes in) Okay it was me, and FYI it was for my sisters birthday party and my tail leaf caught fire.

Treecko: Who cares, we all make mistakes.

Chespin: Treecko and Snivy may be working together. I really hope he isn't trying to get rid of me but with someone as untrustworthy as Snivy around, I don't think anybody is safe.

Raichu: Next one, Team Water, who has asked out many other Pokemon, but been rejected every single time. (There is silence) Nobody? Okay... (Pichuette hits a button and Mudkip gets sent into the tank) Anybody like to steal?

Torchic: (buzzes in) It's probably Popplio. He seems like a dork.

Turtwig: Wow, that was uncalled for.

Popplio: Sorry, but I've never asked one out before cuz I'm afraid of being rejected.

Piplup: Ha. I can definitely see that.

Torchic: (rolls eyes) Wait a minute, does that mean... (gets launched)

Raichu: Okay Sharpeedo easy up. (Mudkip and Torchic escape after a mauling)

Mudkip: I think I can taste my spine.

Raichu: Team Fire, who couldn't walk until they were six years old? (Everybody laughs hysterically)

Charmander: Oh my god, who's the idiot? Just confess. (Nobody buzzes in and Charmander gets launched into the tank)

Charmander: (covered in bruises) Man is that Sharpeedo tough. Anyways, why do I feel like I'm the only one doing good for the team? The others seem useless. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to boot Chimchar after all. (Thinks) Nah, he deserved it.

Squirtle: (buzzes in) I bet it was Fennekin. After all she came from a rich type of family. (Remembers when she arrived and complained it wasn't a resort)

Raichu: That answer is correct! (Launches Fennekin who gets mauled and then escapes)

Fennekin: Owww... They were really overprotective. What else can I say?

Torchic: Just let us know if you need help walking over. (Fennekin looks mad as Torchic and Charmander laugh)

Torchic: What? I was just joking. Fennekin know's that.

Cyndaquil: Hey Raichu, what's the score?

Raichu: I was getting to that. Team Grass has 3 points and Team Water and Fire have 2 points each. On to the final round! Team Grass, who once drank toilet water? (Everyone laughs)

Chikorita: (buzzes in looking sad) It was me. In 1st grade the class bully switched my cup of water with toilet water.

Bulbasaur: Good, we are done. As long as nobody makes a mistake we won't have to get launched again.

Raichu: Never say never Bulbasaur. (Launches Bulbasaur into the tank and starts laughing) Okay, okay, that was purely for fun and for being such a good sport you guys get an extra point.

Chikorita: Alright!

Raichu: Team Water, who has a crush on somebody else here on the island?

Oshawott: Who is it guys?

Froakie: Yeah, we need this point or we'll lose.

Raichu: Times up! (Froakie gets launched) Anybody wanna steal? (Nobody responds) Okay then, Team Fire, who has told many lies here on the island to make themselves look better and more important?

Cyndaquil: Uh oh, if we don't get this point we could lose. Who ever it is please own up!

Litten: Yeah, we can't lose again.

Raichu: Okay, no answer (Litten gets launched) Anybody wanna steal?

Piplup: (buzzes in) Um it's... it's...

Mudkip: (whispers to her) Torchic! I remember her going on about winning contests that nobody ever heard about.

Piplup: It's Torchic! (Torchic gets launched as the Pichu's high five each other)

Raichu: That answer is correct! A point for Team Water which means Team Fire meet me at the bonfire.

Pichu: Oooh! Can we come to?

Raichu: Nope. It's off to bed for you guys.

Pichuette: Aww man.

(By the bonfire)

Litten: (to Fennekin) You were pretty brave today. I know you didn't own up to it but you still stayed strong after it.

Fennekin: Thanks. You weren't so bad yourself.

Torchic: (walks up) So we were thinking of booting Cyndaquil.

Fennekin: Sure, I'm in. (Torchic and Litten leave and Cyndaquil and Charmander approach)

Cyndaquil: (to Charmander) Well looks like it's game over for one of us. (Sighs)

Fennekin: Not quite...

Charmander: We're listening.

Fennekin: I know I'm friendly with Litten but nothing is worse than a liar so help me vote off Torchic? (Cyndaquil and Charmander agree)

(At the bonfire)

Raichu: I only have four pokepuffs here. If I call your name come and get one.

Litten: (whispering to Fennekin) You voted Cyndaquil right? (Fennekin nods)

Raichu: The first Pokepuff goes to Charmander. Also safe are Litten and Fennekin. And the final Pokepuff goes to...

(Cyndaquil grits his teeth and Torchic crosses her feathers)

Raichu: Cyndaquil!

Torchic: WHAT!?

Litten: Sorry Torchic, you got what you deserved. (Fennekin looks confused) After we left to vote Torchic said we should vote you instead. Between that and how she treated you earlier, I knew she had to go.

Fennekin: Awe Litten. That was so nice of you.

Torchic: Well this show was stupid anyway! I'm just gonna go home to my mansion. (Gets in the catapult)

Charmander: Yeah, except we know your a liar. No way you think anyone's gonna believe you have a mansion.

Raichu: I've got one more fact to share. Torchic actually did compete in a contest, (she gasps) And got the world's lowest score! (Everyone laughs)

Torchic: Just fire it already. (Gets launched) AHHH!

Raichu: The fire types lose again but will they lose three times in a row?

Cyndaquil: Hopefully not...

Raichu: Well there is only one way to find out. Come back next time for more drama and more action than ever before here on Total Drama Pokemon!!!

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