Spicy Llama Drama

Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon, the teams competed in their first challenge. Loads of explosions were set off in the search for gym badges. Team Water had some communication issues and it looked like all was lost until Oshawott collected all eight badges, bringing his team the win. However, poor Tepig let his nose get the best of him, and on top of causing Chimchar to fall asleep, he was voted first to ride the catapult home. Get ready because now it's time for an all new episode of Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song. Then, in the spa hotel dinning room)

Oshawott: Wow, this place really hits the spot!

Furfrou: Indeed it is master Oshawott, could I get you more bacon?

Oshawott: Yeah, that'd be great! And you can just call me Oshawott.

Furfrou: As you wish, Oshawott (leaves to get more bacon. Squirtle, Mudkip and Totodile walk in)

Squirtle: Ooh do I smell bacon? (Starts eating some food) Wow this food is incredible!

Totodile: Yeah much better than Koffing's gross paste.

Mudkip: Speaking of which, I wonder how the other teams are doing?

(In the mess hall)

Koffing: Today's special is deep fried sludge. Enjoy.

Turtwig: Why must everything he make be sludge?

Snivy: All I know is we can't lose the next challenge, we NEED to get into that spa hotel!

Treecko: Agreed.

Cyndaquil: (to his team) I feel bad about voting off Tepig guys. He was a nice guy.

Charmander: Don't. He got what he deserved. (All of a sudden a llama bursts into the mess hall) What the heck?

Chimchar: Hey guys I found some hot sauce to make the sludge taste better. (Squirts it but then it goes all over the llama) Oops... (pauses) Why is there a llama in here?

Raichu: (bursts in) Did that llama come in here?

Chikorita: Yes, but why is there a llama in the Pokemon world.

Raichu: Real animals exist, they're just rather uncommon. (Looks at the llama) Who put hot sauce on the llama?

Chimchar: My bad. (All of a sudden the llama breaths fire, nearly hitting Raichu and runs off)

Bulbasaur: Woah, woah, woah. The llama breathes fire?

Raichu: (sighs) I ordered him for my niece and nephews party today but he slipped away from me. (Goes to the intercom) TEAM WATER GET OVER HERE!!! (After about a minute or two they arrive)

Froakie: This better be important, I was in the middle of my pancake breakfast!

Torchic: You guys got pancakes? Lucky!

Raichu: Okay no one cares. Today's challenge is to find and catch the fire breathing llama. First one to successfully do so wins! The losing two teams will then head to a tiebreaker challenge. Ready? Go!

(Team Fire and Grass leave while Team Water stays there)

Squirtle: Okay, before we take off we gotta think of a plan.

Popplio: If anyone has a plan just say it out LOUD-dred. (Starts laughing)

Mudkip: I think I have something that'll help. Follow me back into the spa hotel. (Mudkip, Popplio, Squirtle, And Totodile and rush to the hotel)

Oshawott: Should we wait here for them?

Piplup: No we should go after the llama. We can't just wait around! Everyone else is getting a head start!

Froakie: You're right, come on Oshawott let's go. (Piplup and Froakie lead, Oshawott follows)

(At Team Grass)

Bulbasaur: Guys maybe we should split up, we'll cover more ground!

Rowlet: Okay my Bulby-Wulby (meaning Bulbsaur) let's go together. (Squeezes him and Bulbasaur looks uncomfortable ) and Chikorita and Chespin can come too, like a double date.

Chespin: Double date?

Rowlet: Yeah, because you and Chikorita are- (Chikorita uses vine whip on Rowlet) Ow!

Chikorita: (to Rowlet) Please don't make me uncomfortable like that! (To everyone) Okay sure we'll be a group.

Turtwig: Okay. Snivy, Treecko and I will go this way. (The group splits up)

Bulbasaur: (whispering to Chespin) Help me! Rowlet won't leave me alone.

Chespin: Guess she has a crush on you. (Laughs as Bulbasaur frowns)

Bulbasaur: I don't wanna be mean but Rowlet is driving me crazy! She just won't leave me alone. I'm just gonna have to tell her.

(At Team Fire)

Cyndaquil: Look guys, llama tracks, and they look fresh.

Fennekin: Awesome work Cyndaquil! Let's hurry guys. (They hurry down the path and see the llama on top of a cliff)

Chimchar: (whispering) There he is.

Torchic: (emerges from behind the bushes) Here llama llama llama. Come over to me, let's go for a little walk. (Nothing happens) It's not working.

Litten: I got this! (Charges at the llama but then it moves outta the way and Litten falls off the cliff into the water) AHHHH! Help! I can't swim!

Charmander: I'm not fond of water, so somebody else go and save him.

Fennekin: We're all fire types but I'll do it! (Dives off the cliff and rescues Litten) Litten, are you okay?

Litten: (regains consciousness) Yeah. Thanks.

Litten: Yeah I HATE water! Obviously because I'm a fire type plus I'm also part cat. So yeah, water is just a terrible thing! Anyways, it was really nice of Fennekin to save me. She isn't all that bad.

Cyndaquil: Guys, the llama's gone!

Charmander: (moans) Now we gotta track it down again. (Sarcastically) Thanks Litten!

(By a cave)

Turtwig: Hey guys maybe we should check in this cave?

Snivy: Wby would a llama go inside a cave?

Turtwig: I dunno, but it wouldn't hurt to check. (They enter the cave)

Treecko: I don't see anything in here.

Turtwig: Let's check somewhere else. (Turns and bumps into a wall, causing an cave-in) Uh oh. AHHH!!!

Snivy: Great Turtwig, now we're stuck!

Turtwig: I'm really sorry guys.

Snivy: Well we better start clearing a path out. Good thing grass is super effective against rock. (Snivy uses leaf tornado, Turtwig energy ball, and Treecko bullet seed to start clearing away the rocks)

(At the other members of Team Grass)

Rowlet: See anything Bulbsaur? (Bulbasaur ignores)

Chespin: (ducks as a flamethrower is shot his way) There it is! Let's get it! (Uses vine whip to hold down the llama) Gotcha. Woah. Chikorita, Bulbasaur, use vine whip too!

Chikorita: We're on it! (Chikorita and Bulbasaur use vine whip to restrain the llama) Alright we did it!

Rowlet: Nice job Bulbasaur! (Hugs Bulbasaur real tight)

Bulbsaur: Please get off me! (Loosens his grip on the llama and it breaths fire on him and Rowlet) AHHH!

Chespin: Don't worry we're coming to help. (The llama runs away)

(At the spa hotel)

Totodile: Come on Mudkip we've been in here for half an hour.

Popplio: I guess time is figuratively flying!

Mudkip: I'm really sorry guys (pulls out a Tm from his bag) Finally found it.

Squirtle: Okay, so how is this gonna work Mudkip?

Mudkip: Well first we need to find Piplup. Let's go! (They all rush out)

(In the forest)

Froakie: (up in a tree) Target spotted guys! The fire types are in hot pursuit! Time to show em not to mess with us.

Piplup: We're ready down here.

Froakie: Good cuz here they come! (The llama runs by as Piplup and Froakie use bubble beam on the fire types)

Torchic: Gah! Not cool!

Litten: Agh! Not more water again!

Oshawott: Okay, good lets go. (The water types follow the llama)

Chimchar: We gotta stop those jerks! Nobody messes with our team.

Fennekin: Litten looks a bit beat, I'll wait here with him. (Torchic decides to wait too)

Charmander: Okay. Cyndaquil and Chimchar, lets hurry.

(In the cave)

Snivy: This is hopeless! Thanks a lot Turtwig. If we make it out alive, you are so getting voted off. (Turtwig gulps)

Treecko: Hey guys, I think I can see some sunlight (pushes the final boulder out of the way) Glad that's over with.

Turtwig: Um... what now? Think the challenge is still going?

Snivy: It better be! Come on, let's go find the others. And quick!

(At the other grass types)

Chikorita: Well we can kiss the spa hotel goodbye again. (Sighs)

Rowlet: Hey Chikorita, do you think Bulbasaur like likes me?

Chikorita: Well-

Rowlet: Yay! I knew it!

Chikorita: Rowlet's nice and all but I feel like she's only hanging out with me to talk about boys. Boys that she is delusional about on top of that!

Chespin: (freezes as a llama chased by water types, chased by angry fire types accelerate by) Hey you guys get back here! (Uses pin missle which hits Cyndaquil)

Bulbasaur: Let's hurry! (Chespin nods as they rush off)

Cyndaquil: Ouch, my back. (Looks at the ground) What's this? (Picks up a gold pokeball) Wow this is pretty cool! Guess I'll just keep it.

(Mudkip, Popplio, Totodile and Squirtle walk as the llama runs by with everyone chasing him. Mudkip and Popplio pull Piplup aside)

Piplup: What the heck was that for guys?

Popplio: It's okay, Mudkip had a genius plan. And you need to Exeggcute it! Get it? (Starts laughing as Piplup rolls her eyes)

Mudkip: Here, this is the Tm Attract. It will let you learn the move attract for 1 day.

Piplup: So?

Mudkip: Use it on the llama and it will fall in love with you!

Popplio: Come on Piplup your cute as you are and when you use attract there is no way the llama won't be able to resist you.

Piplup: (rolls eyes) Fine, I'll do it.

Popplio: Shoot did I just call Piplup cute? I didn't mean to I was just trying to motivate her. Hopefully she didn't hear that part.

Piplup: Popplio called me cute? (Gags) He should know I find him annoying and leave me alone.

(At the camp)

Koffing: Um Raichu, I came to collect my paycheck.

Raichu: Not right now Koffing, I'm busy panicking.


Raichu: Fine here. (Gives Koffing his paycheck and he leaves as a boat arrives) OH NO! They're here...

(Two Pichu's run and jump on top of Raichu)

Pichu's: Uncle Raichu!

Raichu: Hey Pichu and Pichuette, my favorite niece and nephew.

Pichuette: We're your only niece and nephew.

Pichu: Hey where is the llama you promised for our birthday party?

Raichu: (looks nervous) Yeah, well I'm working on that and I'm trying to host a show so go wait in the cabin.

Pichu: Only if you give us candy! CANDY! CANDY!

Raichu: (slaps himself in the face) Fine. Just go! (The Pichu's leave smiling) Little kids are such a nightmare.

(In the Forrest)

Totodile: (tackles the llama) Hey guys I did it! Yeah! Woo whoo! (Charmander tackles Totodile off the llama)

Charmander: Sorry but this games mine!

Chespin: Nuh uh, we got him first so it's only fair that we win. (Everyone starts yelling and then it turns into a giant battle)

Mudkip: (whispering) Okay Piplup, now's your chance.

Piplup: Here I go. (uses attract on the llama and it falls in love with her) Hey there... (very awkwardly) handsome fella, um... come with me?(The llama chases Piplip as she runs) AGH! Alright guys come on! (reaches Raichu) Yes, I win! I win!

Raichu: And Team Water wins again! Everyone report back to camp.

(After everyone returns to camp)

Squirtle: (to Piplup who is holding her head high) Nice job Piplup. You too Mudkip. Can't wait for another awesome night in the spa hotel!

Froakie: Oh yeah, who's gonna get the butler this time?

Oshawott: I think Mudkip deserves it. It was his awesome plan that won it for us.

Piplup: Excuse me? I did the hard part! I deserve it!

Mudkip: Yeah Piplup you can have the butler. It's okay with me. (Piplup smiles and heads to her room)

Mudkip: I'm okay letting Piplup have the butler, but she could of at least said thanks.

Raichu: Okay, twins get out here!

Pichuette: Yay! The llama! (Pichu and Pichuette ride around on the llama)

Raichu: Moving on, it's time to decide what team loses. The challenge is a scavenger hunt for a golden pokeball.

Cyndaquil: Wait a second, do you mean this golden pokeball? (Holds up the pokeball he found during the challenge)

Raichu: Actually yeah, that's it. Well that was easy! Team Grass loses!

Bulbasaur: What!? That's not fair!

Rowlet: It's okay Bulbasaur, we still have each other.

Treecko: Well just to say, maybe it's best that we lost.

Snivy: Good bye Turtwig.

Turtwig: But guys I told you it was an accident, I'm sorry. (Snivy and Treecko walk off)

Treecko: (to Snivy) About the alliance, the answer is yes.

Snivy: Good answer.

(At the elimination ceremony)

Raichu: Alright you guys. If you don't receive a Pokepuff you are out of the competition. (Takes a deep breath) The first two pokepuffs go to Chikorita and Chespin!

Chespin: Alright! (High fives Chikorita)

Raichu: Also save are Snivy... Bulbasaur... and Treecko. That leaves Turtwig and Rowlet. Rowlet your obsession with Bulbasaur is kinda creepy and once your team caught the llama you caused them to lose it. Turtwig, you created a cave in trapping half of your team and gave you less of a chance at winning. So, who's it gonna be? The final Pokepuff goes to...

(Turtwig and Rowlet both look nervous)

Raichu: Turtwig.

Turtwig: Phew. Thanks so much!

Raichu: Rowlet looks like you're done.

Rowlet: Oh no! (Starts crying) Bulbasaur I'll miss you. I know this is gonna be hard for you but you gotta go on without me.

Bulbasaur: (sighs) Look Rowlet, you're really nice but I don't think I wanna be in a relationship. You understand?

Rowlet: (starts crying) NO! (Slaps Bulbasaur) That's it, I'm ready to go.

Chikorita: See ya Rowlet, I'll miss you. (Under her breath) Sort of I guess... (Raichu fires Rowlet out of the catapult and she screams)

Bulbasaur: I feel bad. I'd still wanna be friends with Rowlet. But after that slap... yeah not so much anymore. I hope she understands.

(At Fire Types Cabin)

Charmander: Well at least we didn't lose again. G'night everybody.

Fennekin: (approaches Litten who is drawing) You okay after the challenge? (Looks at his drawing) Wow! You're like a Picaso!

Litten: (slams his book shut) No I'm not! I'm a graffiti artist, not a drawer.

Fennekin: I don't think Litten's as "bad" as he tries to be. I don't get why he's hiding it. He really is a curious one.

Raichu: Things are starting to heat up. Will Bulbasaur's guilt sink in? Will Team Water win for the third time in row? Will my annoying niece and nephew leave me alone?

Pichu: Come on uncle Raichu, we just wanna play!

Raichu: Find out next time on Total Drama Pokemon!

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