Bewear Of The Dare
Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, the trusts amongst the campers were tested! We ended up learning that Piplup can't trust Mudkip, Litten can't trust Cyndaquil, and pretty much nobody can trust Snivy. In the end, Team Grass won the majority of challenges so they got the special reward of getting to chose who went bye-bye. However, our sneaky snake blackmailed Chespin and lied to Chikorita and got them to give Fennekin the boot. It wasn't a bad day for her though because she finally got the cat of her dreams to kiss her, Litten. (Takes a deep breath) Phew! That was probably the longest intro yet. But now it's time to get ready for a new episode of Total Drama Pokémon!
(Theme song; Then in spa hotel)
Chespin: So who ended up getting the butler?
Bulbasaur: Nobody did, Raichu said today was Furfrou's day off so...
Chespin: Oh well. We just need to focus on getting rid of Snivy!
Bulbasaur: Yeah he is such a snake! Literally.
Chikorita: (walks in) Good morning guys.
Chespin: Yo what's hap'nin. Wait that sounded stupid. I mean what's popping? That was worse.
Chikorita: How about how's it going?
Chespin: Yeah that'd work. (Smiles)
Chikorita: Good for the most part I guess. Though I'm still feeling bad about eliminating Fennekin yesterday.
Chespin: Yeah same here, but hey it's a game. Everyone has to go sometime.
(In the mess hall)
Koffing: Enjoy the leftover fish scraps campers!
Litten: (frowning) I can't believe Fennekin's gone. I feel like quitting. This game is different without her. It downright bites.
Charmander: Oh come on dude your bros are here for you.
Cyndaquil: Yeah. I'm sad she's gone too but we got to keep going, that's what she would've wanted.
Charmander: And what better way to make you feel better than to get revenge on the grass types.
Litten: Yeah its their fault Fennekin lost. I'm gonna make sure every one of them goes home crying.
(In confessional)
Litten: If you're watching this Fennekin, I want you to know I miss you and I'm gonna win this whole thing for you too!
Mudkip: Piplup for the millionth time I'm sorry about yesterday.
Piplup: Just stop talking okay. My grudge will pass eventually.
Squirtle: (whispers to Mudkip) So what'd Piplup say about booting Froakie next time we lose?
Mudkip: (whispers back) Nothing. She just ignores me.
Squirtle: Guess we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed.
Froakie: (walks up) So, everything okay guys? (Squirtle glares and Mudkip just ignores)
Piplup: Why wouldn't things be okay?
Froakie: Well-
Raichu: (over the intercom) ALRIGHT CAMPERS! Meet me at the campfire pronto!
Froakie: What? The campfire? It's not even night!
Squirtle: Maybe he decided to boot you because your so annoying Froakie. (Froakie's face becomes really angry)
(In confessional)
Froakie: Well I've got no allies on the team any more and I am not going to be eliminated by that stupid turtle. He's gotta fall first.
(In confessional)
Squirtle: I kinda feel bad about being mean to Froakie but in the other hand... HE TOTALY DESERVES IT! (Takes a deep breath) Its just I'm usually more cheerful, but now... it's just... I guess Froakie brings out the worst in me.
(At the campfire)
Raichu: Okay everyone I have some huge news!
Litten: You decided to bring Fennekin back!?
Bulbasaur: No elimination this week!?
Mudkip: Pizza? (Everyone stares at him) What? I haven't eaten a good meal in days!
Raichu: Nope. Today the teams are officially... BEING MERGED! (Everyone gasps) Yep it's every man, Piplup and Chikorita for themselves!
Snivy: Yes! So long team!
Cyndaquil: Well it was a pleasure working with you guys. I hope our friendship can continue.
Charmander: I'm normally all about going solo but yeah, I guess it can.
(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: To be honest I'm actually a little nervous about the teams splitting because now I don't have a team to rely on for support. It's nice having friends around to be there for each other.
Squirtle: (dashes over to Bulbasaur) Alright buddy the day has finally come!
Bulbasaur: I think I'm gonna start to cry!
Squirtle: We can work together and continue our friendship now!
Bulbasaur: Yeah! Alright, finale here we come! (They two celebrate and cheer together)
Froakie: (walks by) Dream on losers.
Piplup: Well I for one am glad about the teams merging! Now nobody can stand in my way of winning that money.
Raichu: Alright if everyone's done chatting it's time for today's challenge... EXTREME DARES!
Mudkip: (gasps) What are extreme dares?
Raichu: Excellent question Mudkip. You see everyone will just be competing in a series of dares but if you fail or chicken out of a dare you are out of the running to win immunity.
Charmander: Awesome! Prepare to go down guys! I never say no to a date!
Raichu: Okay follow me to the challenge guys. (They walk over to a bleacher like area and everyone takes a seat) Also, if you complete the dare you will get to decide who goes next and we've randomly selected who will go first and that Pokémon is... Snivy.
Chikorita: Ha! Serves you right!
Snivy: (acting) Please stop picking on me Chikroita! I know you and Chespin wanted Fennekin gone and I'm sorry for trying to talk you out of it!
Chikorita: (confused) What?
Litten: (to Chespin and Chikorita) So it was you guys! That's it you are so going down for getting rid of her. (Snivy smirks)
Chespin: Can't you tell, Snivy's lying!
Litten: Yeah right, stop trying to just point the finger at someone else!
Raichu: Hello? We have a show to get back too! Snivy your dare is to stick your head in a box of mouse traps.
Snivy: (takes a deep breath) No problem. (Sticks his head in with no reaction from the pain) There. Done.
Cyndaquil: Yikes that had to hurt!
Raichu: Alright Snivy, who's up next?
Snivy: Chespin.
Chespin: Of course. (Sticks his hand in the jar of challenges) Eat some of Koffings sludge. Easy! I do that whenever my team would lose anyway.
Koffing: Here you go boy! (Throws him a plate of sludge and Chespin gobbles it up)
Chespin: Yes! (Burps) Excuse me. Can I make Snivy go again?
Raichu: Yep. (Snivy gets up and gets another dare)
Snivy: Say hello? How is that a dare?
Raichu: Whoever did this is fired, interns! And Snivy when you said the question you read the word hello so you're clear.
Snivy: Chespin why don't you go again.
Chespin: (moans) Um, last 30 seconds in a shed with a Stufful? (Raichu wheels in a shed and a Stufful comes out)
Stufful: Wanna play with me?
Chespin: Sure, why not. (Mumbles) This should be easy. (Walks in and is beat up by Stufful accidentally due to his uncontrollable strength and Chespin flies outta the shed) Owww. That thing was a monster...
Raichu: Chespin looks like you're out! Go on over and sit on the loser bench. Snivy you get to pick again.
(In confessional)
Snivy: If I pick Chikorita she'll pick me right back for sure so I have to be smart about this.
Snivy: I choose Cyndaquil.
Cyndaquil: Um, okay then. (Picks a dare) Balance three berries on your nose. (Tilts his long snout up and balances the berries on it) Ta-da!
Bulbasaur: Woah! I didn't know that was even possible!
Cyndaquil: I've always been a pretty good balancer I guess.
Raichu: You pass! Cyndaquil, hurry up and choose our next victim!
Charmander: Just pick me. I'm itching to do a dare!
Cyndaquil: Okay. Charmander.
Charmander: Yes! (Picks a dare) Drink toilet water. (Piplup pukes) Ugh.
Raichu: You doing it or not?
Charmander: I so totally am. (Goes into the bathroom and leans down. Attempts to do it but keeps hesitating) Okay I give up, this is too gross.
(In confessional)
Charmander: (angry) Ugh! It's so unfair! I literally will do any physical date and they had to hit me with gross toilet water? Like c'mon!
Raichu: Looks like your out.
Cyndaquil: Sorry Charmander, and I guess I'll just pick... Squirtle.
Squirtle: Well I was gonna have to go eventually. (Picks a dare) Jump in a pool of angry Carvhanas.
Froakie: Just chicken out already.
Bulbasaur: Don't listen to him, you can do it!
Squirtle: Just watch me Froakie! (Jumps in the tank and comes out covered in bites) Woo who! Looks like I did it! That means it's your turn Froakie!
Froakie: Fine. (Picks a dare) Slap yourself ten times. (Completes the dare) My face hurts but that was still easy enough.
Mudkip: But I bet watching it on T.V. won't be! (Everyone laughs)
Froakie: I chose Bulbasaur.
Bulbasaur: (picks a dare) Eat a plate of raw sewage without barffing.
Koffing: Round two is served! (Gives Bulbasuar his meal and he begins to eat)
Bulbasaur: Okay this isn't so bad. (Stomach rumbles and he pukes) OUTTA THE WAY! I gotta use the bathroom!
Raichu: Nasty. Guess he's out! (Squirtle glares at Froakie) Who's next?
Froakie: I think I'm gonna try to be fair and go with Mudkip since he hasn't gone yet.
Mudkip: (nervously picks a dare) Steal honey from a Combee hive.
Raichu: Alright this ones in the forest so just wait here guys, Mudkip and I will be back in ten. (Raichu and Mudkip leave)
Squirtle: How come you didn't pick me Froakie? (Froakie shrugs) Okay then?
Piplup: This challenge is a cake walk. I'm totally gonna win!
Chikorita: But you didn't even go yet.
Piplup: Well neither did you!
Litten: Are you picking on Piplup now?
Chikorita: What? No we were just talking!
Piplup: Just back off! You're in our personal space Litten. (Uses water gun to get him to back off)
Snivy: So Froakie, I know I mentioned this before but the teams merged and you seem in need of an alliance.
Froakie: That's right but unlike others I heard what kind of player you area.
Snivy: I'll help you get rid of Squirtle.
Froakie: (Thinks) Fine. (They shake hands)
Raichu: We're back! (Raichu and Mudkip return. Mudkip is a covered in bee stings) Yeah Mudkip here failed big time. Guess Froakie gets to pick yet again!
Mudkip: I can't believe I put myself through that for nothing (sighs)
Froakie: Since he was mad at me for not picking him last time: Squirtle.
Squirtle: (rolls eyes) Inhale Stunky spray for twenty seconds. (Raichu puts a nebulizer around Squirtle's face)
Raichu: Just raise your right hand if you wanna quit. (Raichu starts the timer and Squirtle almost raises his right hand but uses his left to slam it back down) And that's time! (Squirtle faints)
Mudkip: I'll help him back to his seat.
Raichu: Okay since Squirtle's currently unconscious I will just pick then. Let's see, who didn't go... Litten!
Litten: (picks a dare) Dance wearing a tutu for a minute.
Charmander: Wow that's a whole nother level of embarassing. I'm kinda glad I got out.
Chespin: Me too.
(In confessional)
Charmander: Sure, getting out might make me look like a weak player but at least I don't have to suffer. And there's the bonus of not being viewed as a threat too.
Litten: I'll man up and do it. For the money. (Dances while others laugh) Uh. How much longer?
Raichu: (cracking up but catches his breath) You were done three minutes ago but it was too funny to have you stop!
Litten: (growls) You suck Raichu! Ugh! (Pauses) I choose Piplup.
Piplup: Fine, but whatever it is I'll do it! (Picks a dare and screams) Okay no! No times infinity I'm out! (Sits on the loser bench)
Raichu: (pick up the paper and laughs) Wow. I'll just read it so the viewers back home will now what it was! It was to listen to the Top Ten Funniest jokes without making a face.
Squirtle: Hey I've seen that before!
Cyndaquil: Yeah isn't that Popplio's video?
Raichu: Yep. (Looks over at a Piplup who appears to be traumatized) Litten pick again.
Litten: Chikorita.
Chikorita: I'll do this dare and beat Snivy for you Chespin! (Slaps herself)
(In confessional)
Chikorita: Gah! Did I just say that out loud!
Litten: Let's hope karma hits her real hard.
Cyndaquil: Litten! You know Fennekin's watching and she doesn't like mean guys so...
Litten: Oh crap your right! (Looks at the camera) Sorry Fennekin, I just don't feel the same without you.
Chikorita: (reading the card) Say your least favorite thing about everyone here. That's crazy cuz everyone here is so nice, except for Snivy.
Snivy: (sarcastically) Thanks.
Chikorita: I'm not doing it. That'd be a one way ticket to being voted out, that's for sure. I'm out of the challenge. (Sits next to Chespin and Squirtle regains consciousness)
Mudkip: Okay good you're awake.
Bulbasaur: You did it Squirtle, now go take your seat and beat Froakie!
Squirtle: You can count on me guys! (Takes his seat)
Raichu: Let me just take a brief recap, so left we have Froakie, Squirtle, Snivy, Litten and Cyndaquil. Litten you get to choose yet again.
Litten: Froakie.
Froakie: Sriously? What did I ever do to you? (Picks a dare) Let Lickitung lick your face.(A Lickitung walks by and Froakie shakes nervously but he lets him lick him) That was the most disgusting thing I've ever done. I pick Cyndaquil.
Cyndaquil: (picks a dare) Ride the biggest roller coaster ever.
Chespin: Oh come on! How is that a dare? That actually seems fun.
Cyndaquil: No, not again. I know I did that in the fear challenge but I will not do it EVER again. I'm out!
Raichu: Suit yourself! Froakie you get to pick again.
Froakie: Litten.
Litten: (gets up and picks a dare) This one says it's a double dare.
Raichu: Oooh! That's means this one requires two of you. Before you read it, Litten pick your partner.
Litten: Um I dunno, Snivy?
Snivy: Alright Litten, let's do this.
Litten: (reads the note) WHAT THE HELL? No way! That is disgusting.
Snivy: It can't be that bad. (Reads the note) Yep its that bad. We're out.
Raichu: That brings us to the final two! Squirtle versus Froakie! It's time for the sudden death challenge!
Squirtle: You are gonna go down Froakie.
Froakie: We'll see about that. I'm far more athletic than you Squirtle. Raichu, what's the challenge?
Raichu: Remember Chespin's challenge? Because it's the same thing but with Stufful's evolution, Bewear! (Loud gasping is heard)
Mudkip: Guys, Bewear's hugs are known to kill people and Pokémon!
Bulbasaur: Kill!? Raichu you're going to far!
Raichu: Relax they only have to go until one quits. (Two Bewear come out and give Squirtle and Froakie big hugs. Froakie and Squirtle both cry out in pain)
Squirtle: I don't think I can do this much longer. (Gets an idea) Wait a second. (Withdrawals into his shell to protect against Bewears strength)
Froakie: (continues to cry in pain) That's gotta be cheating. (A faint snap is heard) AHHHHHHHH! THATS ENOUGH! MAKE IT STOP! (The Bewears stop)
Raichu: That's game! Squirtle wins the challenge!
Squirtle: Wooo whooo! Yeah!
Raichu: Alright everyone meet me at the campfire in ten!
Snivy: (pulls Froakie aside) So since Squirtle's immune I was thinking we boot Bulbasaur. He doesn't like either of us.
Froakie: Good point. I'm down with that.
(By the cabins; Chespin and Chikorita walk up to Mudkip, Squirtle and Bulbasaur)
Chespin: So Bulbasaur are you gonna help us vote off Snivy finally?
Bulbasaur: Yeah! Of course.
Chikorita: Okay cool. See you at the elimination ceremony. (Chespin and Chikorita leave)
Mudkip: You were kidding right?
Squirtle: Aren't we voting off Froakie? He's the biggest jerk ever.
Bulbasaur: Yeah, totally!
(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: Who do I vote for? Snivy or Froakie? They are both tremendous pains!
(At the elimination ceremony)
Raichu: Alright guys Squirtle has immunity so there better not be any votes for him! So get voting!
(Everyone votes)
Raichu: Okay, you've all cast your votes. There are only ten pokepuffs on this plate. If you don't get one you will out of the game for good! Now the first pokepuff goes to the winner of invincibility, Squirtle.
Squirtle: (eats the pokepuff) Mmm. So good.
Raichu: Also safe are Piplup, Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Charmander!
(They all claim their pokepuffs)
Raichu: Litten, Chespin, Mudkip come up and claim your pokepuffs you guys are safe too! And that leaves us with Bulbasaur, Snivy and Froakie. Bulbasaur you are popular and well liked which kinda makes you a threat. Snivy, you can be untrustworthy sometimes and Froakie you seem to have a real rivalry Squirtle and aren't the friendliest.
Froakie: So?
Snivy: Oh come on! Just get on with it!
Raichu: The next one who is safe is... Bulbasaur.
Bulbasaur: Yes!
Raichu: And the final pokepuff goes to...
(Snivy and Froakie look at each other slightly nervously)
Raichu: Snivy. (Snivy lets out a sigh of relief) Froakie you are done.
Froakie: What are you kidding me? (Takes a deep breath) Well to be honest I kinda expected this.
Squirtle: See you later Froakie! That's what karma gave to you!
Froakie: (gets in the catapult) One thing before I go, you need to realize the real threats, Bulbasaur and Squirtle! Their friendship gives them an unfair advantage and if you don't take them out soon-
Piplup: Okay we get it. No need to make a big scene.
Froakie: Just fire it! (Raichu catapults Froakie away) AHHHH!
(In confessional)
Snivy: Froakie was useless to me anyway except he makes a good point. Squirtle and Bulbasaur's friendship links two alliances together which is a huge problem. Maybe I'll just have to break their friendship and take them both out! (Evilly laughs)
Raichu: Oh and Squirtle, you get to pick two friends to go to the spa hotel with you.
Squirtle: Awesome! I pick Bulbasaur and Mudkip! (They cheer)
Raichu: Well that does it for this episode! With the teams merged what other surprises will it bring? Who will be the next to ride the catapult home? Only one way to find out, tune in for the next episode here on Total Drama Pokémon!
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