Wild Wild Area
Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon, our final four had to step into a leadership role as they played a hectic version of broken telephone with the help of classic TDP competitors! Riolu struggled with the most incompetent team ever! Igglybuff was in a tough position with the other three wanting her gone, her only option seemed to be winning immunity. She was close but got stumped on the second clue. Unluckily for her, Alcremie managed to find her voice, take control of her group, and convince Snivy to work with her and her group to figure out the final clue. That gave her the win and invincibility! And that was a wrap on Igglybuff's time here, as her evil self was flung FAR into the sky. With that we are down to the final three, so it's time for the semifinals of Total Drama Pokemon!
(Theme song; In the mess hall)
Alcremie: (comes in carrying a tray of pastries and breakfast foods) Gooood morning final three!!
Grookey: Wow, someone's in a good mood today!
Alcremie: Well of course, we all should be. We got rid of the toxicity.
Grookey: Um, yeah? (Pauses) Hasn't he been gone a while now?
Alcremie: Um... Toxicity, not Toxtricity...
Grookey: Ohhhhh gotcha gotcha. Well thanks for sharing your snacks, much appreciated! (Starts eating)
Riolu: Yeah I'm really happy too, but you do realize we are all each others enemies now right? Only one of us can win.
Alcremie: Yeah I know, but I just wanted to be nice. Especially because I'm gonna be the win with the million... (sheepishly laughs) or well at least I hope.
Riolu: (smiles) I look forward to the competition.
Grookey: (eating the food) Yummm so good! I think I'm gonna be sick... but I don't want anything to go to waste so... (continues eating)
Alcremie: Riolu you having anything?
Riolu: No thanks, not risking feeling lethargic going into the semifinals. You have fun with that though Grookey. (Chuckles and heads out)
(Outside the cabins a little later)
Raichu: Alcremie, Riolu, Grookey, congrats on making it to the semi finals! You should be proud. (Pauses) But not that proud because for one of you, you are gonna get your dreams crushed embarrassingly today on national TV!
Koffing: Alrighty Raichu we're all set for take off!
Raichu: Awesome! Well now campers, time for a fun surprise, we-
Riolu: Are going somewhere different for the semifinals? Yeah we already gathered that.
Raichu: Excuse me, not everyone has aura powers like you-
Riolu: That wasn't aura powers, there's literally a giant plane sitting in front of us. (The camera zooms out to show the plane)
Raichu: Oh, erm... right... (clears his throat) Okay alright then, everybody time to get on board!
(On the plane)
Alcremie: Ugh... does Koffing even have a pilots license? This ride is... rough.
Grookey: No clue, but I wonder where we are going.
Riolu: More importantly why are we in a plane going there? Raichu has used his ways to teleport us places before, why is he using the plane?
Grookey: Because Raichu does what Raichu wants to. No rhyme or reason. (Raichu walks in) Oh hi Raichu, we were just saying how great a host you were-
Raichu: Sureeee you were. Anywho, we are nearly at our destination. Today we will be headed to the one Pokemon region that never got to feature on this show, or spin-off show, yet. (Everyone just stares blindly at him) That's right, we are headed to GALAR!!
(In confessional)
Grookey: Galar? Awesome! It's been soooo long since I've been home! Hmm I wonder if my family set off all the pranks I left behind before I left by now...
(In confessional)
Alcremie: Wow, this is interesting. No idea what Raichu has planned up his sleeves. There are so many different places in Galar, it could be anything!
(In confessional)
Riolu: Some people in my situation may get upset thinking there's an unfair "home field advantage" for the others, but I'm smarter than that. I don't believe in those superstitions. I'm ready to do what I always do, which is give it my all, and hopefully earn a spot in the finals.
Raichu: Now then, time to explain today's challenge! You three will soon be dropped from the plane into the famous "Wild Area" of Galar! (Everyone gasps)
(In confessional)
Alcremie: The wild area is just as the name implies, WILD!! The area is full of super strong Pokemon both wild and looking for fights. This will probably get rough.
Raichu: A key feature of the wild area are its raid dens, which can sometimes be home to giant Dynamax Pokemon looking for a battle. But that's not true for all of them. For this challenge, various challenges will be set up at a den for you to complete. The goal will be to collect three of colored flags from raid dens, and then bring them to finish line in Hammerlocke!
Riolu: That seems straightforward enough, there are plenty of dens.
Grookey: Yeah we should have options, that's cool.
Raichu: Not so fast, there will NOT be opinions. Each of you will have a specific color flag to collect, and there will only be three of each kind of flag in play.
Alcremie: So what, are we just supposed to hope the den has our flag color? That's ridiculous!
Raichu: Don't worry, beams of light of your color will show you where you need to go. Look for the light of your color and that's where you need to go for your flags.
Grookey: So what are the colors?
Raichu: Let's keep it simple. Grookey is green, Riolu is blue, and Alcremie is pink.
Koffing: (over the intercom) Alright Raichu, we are just over the Wild Area now. We're all set!
Raichu: Perfect! Now if you'd all go grab a parachute pack. (Motions to a table with parachute bags on it)
Riolu: (Is about to grab one but senses something) Hang on... Raichu are these actually parachutes?
Raichu: (laughs a little) Well SOME are! Others... not so much.
Riolu: (uses his aura to find a safe bag) Why does that not surprise me?
Alcremie: Are you kidding me? At least give us some time to properly pick one-
Raichu: Sorry, no can do! We've got a show to put on! (Holds onto a metal bar as opens the plane side door, sucking out the campers) Safe landings everyone!!
(As the campers are getting sucked out Grookey and Alcremie manage to grab parachutes, and Alcremie and Riolu bump into each other and end up unknowingly swapping bags. The three continue fall overtop a lake in the Wild Area)
Riolu: I'm sorry but hitting the water is still gonna hurt...
Grookey: Okay screw it, please please be a parachute. (Opens his parachute and it works) YES!! Oh thank goodness.
Alcremie: (opens her parachute and it works) Phew, my heart is still racing...
Riolu: That's nice all three of us ended up with parachutes then, in your face Raichu- (opens his parachute and it's empty) WHAT!? OH COME ON! (Plummets down and eventually lands in the lake with a thud)
Grookey: (winces away) Ooh, yikes that had to hurt...
Raichu: (over a speaker system) Ouch looks like Riolu has made quite the splash. Grookey and Alcremie you've both lucked out, but this is only the beginning of your challenge. Get to finding your flags if you wanna win! (Grookey and Alcremie land)
Alcremie: (looks around) You know I've actually never been in the Wild Area before. Huh.
Grookey: Me neither, yup never once. Totally my first time EVER being here. (Alcremie raises an eyebrow)
(In confessional)
Grookey: Okay so it was like four, maybe five years ago. I tried to sneak in here to pull off an awesome prank, because like HUH who WOULDN'T want to best a bunch of strong Pokémon without having to actually battle them!? Anywho, I didn't make it very far before security got to me... (sheepishly laughs) Now here I am with the perfect opportunity to do something fun and... (eyes light up but then shakes his head out of it) No, no. Resist the urge to prank Grookey. It's not worth a million dollars.
Alcremie: Okay now where are the beams of light... (spots one) Aha! Over there!
Grookey: Hey one of mine is in the same direction! Race you to it! (Runs off followed by Alcremie)
(In the lake)
Riolu: (swims to shore) Ugh... oww, I'm bruised pretty bad from that. What the heck happened? I was sure my aura found me an actual parachute... dammit. (Suddenly a Gyarados emerges from the lake) Huh?
Gyarados: (laughing) BWAHAHA THAT WAS A NASTY FALL!! What the heck is a weakling like you even doing in the Wild Area? Get lost kid!
Riolu: (closes his eyes and gains a feint smirk) You sure you wanna call me weakling?
Gyarados: Well of course. You are a teeny tiny little- (Riolu hits him with an Extreme Speed attack followed by a Power Up Punch, dealing a lot of damage) GRAH! What the heck... how did you?
Riolu: Oh sorry, did this teeny tiny guy hurt you somehow?
Gyarados: THATS IT!! (Starts charging up a Hyper Beam and Riolu starts running to dodge it. He fires the beam but Riolu outruns it)
Riolu: Too slow, sorry pal. (Jumps in the air and connects with a powerful Meteor Mash, knocking Gyarados out and below the water. Riolu lands back on the land) Heh. That'll teach him a lesson. Now then where was I... (looks around and spots a blue beam) Bingo! Challenge time let's do this! (Runs off)
(Elsewhere; a group of strong Pokémon walk by and Alcremie and Grookey poke their heads out of a bush)
Alcremie: Phew, looks like they didn't see us.
Grookey: Awesome! And look, there are our first dens! (Motions to two dens near each other)
Alcremie: Alright coast is clear let's move! (The two each arrive at their den) Um... wait now what are we supposed to- (a hologram of Raichu appears) WHA- Raichu?
Raichu: The one and only! Anywho looks like our randomizer selected the same challenge for you two how funny! For this challenge, you need to head down into the raid den and look for your flag. I have NO idea how far down the pit is so I'd use that rope to shimmy down or you might get seriously hurt. Good luck!
Alcremie: Well that's straightforward enough, but it doesn't sound like it'll be easy.
Grookey: YAHOO!! (Jumps down his den sliding down the rope)
(In confessional)
Grookey: I'm a monkey, and ropes are no different than vines. They couldn't have given me an easier challenge tehehe!
Alcremie: (going down the rope at a normal pace and gulps) Oh I hope my arms don't give out, or this could be bad...
Grookey: (going the rope down fast) WOO OH YEAH- HUH? (Stops himself as he notices a green flag sticking out) Alright! Now I just gotta climb back up no biggie. (Starts climbing up fast)
Alcremie: (eventually finds her flag) Oh my gosh here it is, yes! (Starts to climb the rope upwards but struggles) Ugh oh... I don't know if I can do this...
Grookey: (climbs out of his den) YES! Nothin' too it, a Grookey could do it- wait that didn't make me sound very good...
Alcremie: (yelling) GROOKEY!!! Grookey could you maybe um... maybe help me out here? I don't think I'm gonna make it up and I'm scared I'm gonna fall.
Grookey: Huh? (Peers down the den) I mean I WOULD but like... aren't we in a competition here? Like don't get me wrong under any other circumstances I'd help you out...
Alcremie: (slips down a bit) EEK- No, no I get that. But what if you helped me out and I promise to help you out later today whenever you need it. Trust me, I wouldn't lie, and I'd never break a promise either. (Suddenly the rope starts getting pulled upwards) Agh!
Grookey: (pulling the rope) Well alrighty then, that sounds a lot better than me sitting here letting you get stuck like that anyways. (Keeps pulling the rope and eventually Alcremie is out) Phew! Gotcha.
Alcremie: Wow thanks so much Grookey! I seriously appreciate it. Now come on we both need to head this way. (They head off)
(At a den with a blue light; A Raichu hologram appears)
Raichu: Welcome Riolu! For your first challenge you must jump into this here den filled with rabid piranhas to find your flag, you better be careful or-
Riolu: (Appears holding a flag, wet and with a piranha on his ear that he flings off) Done.
Raichu: WHAT!? How did you- wow that was quick.
Riolu: I mean that's kinda my thing. One down, two to go!
(In confessional)
Riolu: (smirks) The look on Raichu's face was just priceless. I bet he spent a lot of time thinking and implementing that challenge all for me to just clear it in under five seconds. (Laughs a little) Sorry Raichu, but you'll have to try harder than that.
Grookey: Well it looks like we're headed different directions now, see ya later. (Starts to run off)
Alcremie: Wait! There's still someone-
Grookey: (bumps into a Hawlucha) Ugh oh... um hi.
Hawlucha: Aha! A challenge for the mighty champion Hawlucha.
Grookey: Erm no thanks I was actually just passing through- (Hawlucha grabs him) WAH! (Hawlucha uses Submission and slams Grookey into the ground) Owwww! Ugh...
Hawlucha: Tsk, pathetic. I was hoping for a greater challenge. Guess I'll have to finish you off. (Readies a Flying Press but Alcremje rushes out and moves Grookey out of the way in time)
Grookey: Alcremie! Hey thank you! Look at us, our teamsies are really working out!
Alcremie: Y-yeah right, now come on and- AGH LOOK OUT! (The Hawlucha comes at them with an attack but they both dodge) Time for something super effective! (Uses Dazzling Gleam)
Grookey: Nice one! I'll help too! (Uses Slam to knock down the Hawlucha) Not so tough are you now Mr. Wrestler! (The Hawlucha starts to get back up) Erm... thanks Alcremie guess we're even now, NOW RUN!!! (The two quickly run off separately)
(At a haunted area of the Wild area)
Riolu: Hmm lots of ghost types around these parts. Oh well, at least I'm almost at my den.
Raichu: (on a hologram) Boo! Hello again Riolu, your flag is right there in the den over yonder, but good luck getting to it (laughs and disappears)
Riolu: Good luck? Ugh I hate things involving luck. That's why I have my aura to let me know what's what. (Comes to a stop as a bunch of Haunter and a Gengar appear).
Gengar: Tehehehehe! Welcome to MY house of the wild area!
Riolu: Um your house? Yeah there's no house here- (suddenly a haunted house appears behind the Gengar) Um, what the heck? How...
Haunter: This flag looks important to you. Better take it. (Takes the flag and flies into the house along with the others)
Riolu: Gah! GET BACK HERE! (Uses Aura Sphere but it does nothing) Dammit, my fighting moves are useless. Whelp, better get in there.
(In confessional)
Riolu: How bad could this be? It's only a haunted house... made of pure ghostly illusions... and I can't use my best moves on my opponents... great...
(Elsewhere; in a snow covered area)
Grookey: Brrr. S-so c-c-cold.
(In confessional)
Grookey: This place is just crazy! How can the weather change so fast!? And be completely different in two nearby areas!?
Grookey: Alright, I see the green beam just over there, past the frozen river. I got this! (Starts running and sliding across the ice)
Raichu: (appears as a hologram) Watch out for cracks in the ice Grookey! Don't wanna fall in!
Grookey: Huh? Woah- AGH! (The ice cracks beneath him and he jumps. He continues to jump and avoid falling in and makes it to the glowing den) Alright yeah! Done deal! (Grabs his flag) Awesome now I've just got one left to go! (Runs off) Wait wasn't there something I was trying to avoid... (looks down to see ice cracking') Oh yeah... AHHH! (falls into the lake and surfaces as a frozen cube)
(In confessional)
Grookey: No, I do NOT recommend turning yourself into a popsicle. Avoid freezing water at all costs.
(Elsewhere; Alcremie runs up to a den)
Alcremie: Okay I'm here, now what?
Raichu: (as a hologram) Congrats Alcremie. Now to retrieve this flag you must successfully ground berries into medicine to cure your status condition.
Alcremie: Status condition? What are you talking about- (suddenly gets zapped and paralyzed by the den) EEK OW! What the heck!
(In confessional)
Alcremie: Paralysis is bad but hey, at least I wasn't hit with a Toxic or frozen solid!
Alcremie: (fighting through the paralysis) Ok-kay so I just n-need the Cheri berry. (Grabs it and uses a mortal and pestol to ground it into medicine and cures her condition) Yes!
Raichu: Wow nicely done! You can grab your flag and head off now!
Alcremie: Just one more to go now, you can do this!
(Inside a haunted house)
Riolu: Ugh this is ridiculous. (Opens a door and the room starts spinning upside down; sarcastically) Wow I'm so scared. Seriously, can you goons just let me be on my way?
Gengar: (appears) Oh come on! Why can't we scare you?
Riolu: I've been competing on Total Drama Pokemon for practically an entire season, I don't think anything will scare me anymore.
Gengar: RUDE! Be that way. You aren't getting your flag then. (Riolu ignores him) Hey! Are you ignoring me?
Riolu: Sorry, just I know where I need to go now. (Jumps through a window into a room and uses Meteor Mash on a plant that turns out to be a Haunter with his flag)
Haunter: OWW! Hey! How'd you know where I was.
Riolu: (smirks) Aura. (Pauses) So what? You guys aren't gonna fight back?
Haunter: It's just a stupid flag why are we bothering with this?
Riolu: Exactly! Now then... bye! (Escapes and runs off)
Koffing: Wow, this is pretty close Huh?
Raichu: Sure is Koffing! (To the camera) Everyone has two flags each. We're getting closer and closer to finding out who advances to the finale!
(In the wild area at the semi frozen river; A Raboot comes by a frozen Grookey)
Raboot: Wowza, that's a sight to see. Hmm... guy must've come to train too, but gotten his butt whooped. I should help him out. (Uses Flame Charge on the ice block to thaw Grookey out)
Grookey: Ahhh- FREEDOM! Thank you!
Raboot: Eh no problem. How about we have ourselves a little battle then?
Grookey: Ummm... Yeah I'm kinda in a contest here... trying to win a load a cash...
Raboot: Dude if your afraid of me you probably shouldn't even be in here so yeah, just run off. (Grookey runs away)
(In confessional)
Grookey: Thanks again Raboot, but just you wait. Once you see this on T.V. you'll see I wasn't pulling your leg!
Raichu: (to the camera) All three contestants have just one flag remaining! The race is on! Who's going to advance to the finals!? (The screen shows all three running to their next dens) OH! Looks like Riolu is first to his last den!
(At a den; somewhere else)
Riolu: Alright let's see here... oh! (Looks to see a minefield leading up to the den) Wow this should be a snap. Finale here I come!
(In confessional)
Riolu: Thank you aura!
Riolu: Ha! (runs through the minefield, using his aura to reveal the locations of the mines and avoids them. He makes it to the end and grabs the flag) Done deal! Now I just have to run to the finish!
(By a den elsewhere)
Grookey: (panting) Outta. Breath. Okay... what's going on here-
Raichu: (on a monitor) Hello Grookey! Lucky you! To retrieve your final flag from that box, you must successfully diffuse the time bomb strapped to the box.
Grookey: OH COME ON! SERIOUSLY!? How am I supposed to figure this out? (Pauses for a moment) Okay there a like a zillion different wires and cutting one of them should disarm it... but which one?
(By another den)
Raichu: (on a monitor) Alcremie! You are last to your final den, but lucky for you, your final den is closest to the finish line.
Alcremie: Oh, alright. (Pauses) Um, I don't see any obstacle.
Raichu: (on a monitor) That's because you have to go down into the den once again! But don't worry, this one isn't a bottomless pit, but rather a super deadly slide!
Alcremie: (gulps) Super deadly? Pfft, that's fine, we've done worse.
(In confessional)
Alcremie: I have no idea what to expect, but I've got to try! I'm gonna need to stay clam so I can grab the flag on my first try or else I'm done for!
Alcremie: Here goes! (Jumps down and starts sliding when she begins getting crushed with gears) OWW! AGH! STEEL!? REALLY!? (Gets tosses around but eventually goes by the flag and grabs it) YESS! Ow... wait if I went down... how am I getting out? AGHH!! (Continues sliding)
Riolu: Yes! All I have to do is cross this lake and I'm at the stairs to Hammerlocke! (Dives into the water and starts to swim) Nothing is stopping me now! Hang on... why am I have this weird feeling? (A shadow approaches behind Riolu and eventually strikes. It's Gyarados and he eats Riolu's flags) AGHH!!!
Gyarados: AHAHA! REVENGE! Thanks for coming back to my lake!
Riolu: GRRR... Oh come on! You've got to be kidding me!
Gyarados: I know what game your playing and now you can't win! Good luck! (Dives back under)
(In confessional)
Riolu: Oh I am NOT going down this way! If he wants a round two, I'll give him a round two. (Makes a fist to his palm)
(Riolu dives in the water and as he swims after Gyarados, Alcremie shoots out from a pipe in the bottom of the water and surfaces)
Alcremie: Agh! What the? Okay that was soooo messed up! Anyways, time to move! I hope I'm not too late! (Starts swimming off)
(At the entrance to Hammerlocke)
Pichu: Sis where did you put the finish line banner we were making? We need to put it up!
Pichuette: I was adding finishing touches. Ta-da! (Holds up the banner which she dumped an enormous amount of glitter on) Pretty right?
Pichu: Yuck! It looks like a unicorn barfed on it!
Pichuette: Take that back! You know nothing about decorations!
Raichu: Quiet down twins, the banner is fine. Besides, we need to be ready before-
Alcremie: (walks up) Ahem?
Raichu: One second. (Turns back to the twins) As I was saying- (turns back to Alcremie) OH! ALCREMIE! Wow you made it!
Koffing: Raichu you are definitely losing your job as host after this... (Raichu just glares at Koffing)
Alcremie: Awkward... Anyways, one, two, three flags! Right here! Here you go. (Hands them to Raichu and looks around) I don't see anyone else around... so does that mean...
Raichu: (over a super loud megaphone that shakes the ground it's so loud) ALCREMIE ADVANCES TO THE FINALS!!!
Pichu Twins: YAYYYY!!!!
(In confessional)
Alcremie: No way! I did it! Woo hoo! This is truly unbelievable, I must be dreaming! Let me just check. (Pinches herself) OW! Nope, not dreaming.
Raichu: Now the only question that remains is who will Alcremie be facing in the finals? Riolu or Grookey?
Koffing: We'd be lucky if either finish at all at this point. (Motions to their monitors) Grookey hasn't made a move in ages and Riolu's flags are in a Gyarados' stomach.
Raichu: Oh Koffing, after all these years and you STILL underestimate these kids.
(Back in the water)
Gyarados: Ha! I sure showed that chump Riolu. That'll teach that baby for messing with me. (Suddenly gets punched in the face a coughs up the flags) WHAT!? (Riolu grabs the flags and glares, then rises to the surface)
Riolu: Yes!
Gyarados: (comes to the surface) Oh you are not beating me this time! (uses Waterfall but misses)
Riolu: Wow, seriously? Is that all you have? (Gyarados unleashes more attacks and Riolu dodges them by swimming and flipping)
Gyarados: What the heck? You're a little runt and I'm big and strong!
Riolu: Oh come on, just give it up. You do realize that the bigger you are, the harder you fall right? (Uses Meteor Mash and sends Gyarados flying back down into the water) AND STAY DOWN!! (Starts swimming off)
(At Grookey's den)
Grookey: Okay Grookey, let's go over what you know again. There are thirteen different wires... only one will disarm the bomb. You know that the green wire matches your type, so that could be lucky... but it could be go as in go ahead and get blown up if you pick this wire...
(In confessional)
Grookey: Yeah, I've got nothing. This is impossible! (Thinks for a moment) Whelp, when your back is up against the wall, sometimes you gotta just go for it!
Grookey: Ack I'm running out of time! You know what... screw it! It's time for all or nothing! It's time for a VERY bad idea! (Whips put his stick and readies an attack) WOOD HAMMER!!! (Smacks the stick down on the bomb and it explores, sending Grookey flying) AGHHH!!!
(At Hammerlocke)
Raichu: (winces) Ooh! Looks like Grookey has blown himself up! He's done for!
Koffing: You know, it might-
Raichu: (cutting Koffing off) And here comes Riolu!
Riolu: (running to Raichu) Yes! I've got this!
Raichu: Hand me those flags and you advance to the finals! (Riolu nearly reached Raichu and goes to hand his flags over)
Alcremie: Um... does anyone else hear screaming!? (A scream is heard that grows louder)
(Just as Riolu is about to reach Raichu, Grookey comes crashing down, knocking him out of the way)
Grookey: Owwww... okay how can such a tiny explosive produce such a big blast!?
Raichu: NOT COOL! You nearly took down the host there Grookey. Anywho, I'm sorry but you need all three flags to advance and unfortunately you- (Grookey holds out three flags) WHAT!?
Grookey: HUH!? Oh! I guess when the bomb exploded it blew up the box and the flag flew off with me!
Raichu: (takes the flags) GROOKEY ADVANCES TO THE FINALS!!!
Alcremie: (under her breath) Okay, Raichu needs to stop. He really shouldn't have access to the move Earthquake heh.
Riolu: (trudges up) What? Are you... are you kidding me?
Raichu; Sorry Riolu, but it looks like you are last to finish.
Riolu: That's so unfair! I lost to dumb luck! I was here first, but Grookey just magically flew to the finish when he was nowhere close!?
Grookey: Hey um, Riolu I'm sorry man... I feel bad you definitely deserve a spot in the finals more than I do.
Alcremie: Yeah same here...
Riolu: (takes a deep breath) You guys both are... the kindest two people I could lose to. Best of luck to both of you, and I mean it.
Koffing: Woah? What's with the sudden change of heart?
Riolu: Change of heart? Oh come on, I'm not an angry jealous person. If you were in my shoes and were so close OF COURSE you'd be aggravated at first. But you know, winning isn't everything in the end. I've gotten to awaken my aura powers thanks to my time of this show and that's worth more than a million bucks.
Raichu: I highly doubt that...
Koffing: Um Raichu, care to wrap up the show? I mean we don't have the catapult to launch Riolu and the finale will take place here.
Raichu: Oh yeah! (To the camera) Alcremie vs Grookey! Never expected either of them to reach the finale but here we are!
Alcremie & Grookey: Hey!
Raichu: We've got our fabulous finale planned that you won't want to miss! See who walks home with that million dollar prize next time on Total Drama Pokemon!!!
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