Plundering And Blundering

Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation, our campers faced their first official challenge! It was a smorgasbord of different pair up challenges! Grookey got pranky against a fierce bear, Yamper ran through painful obstacles head on, and Liepard cleverly snatched up a round win early on! In the end though it came down to a final challenge which pop star sensation Jigglypuff and the smaller version of her managed to clinch a win for their team. On the other hand, a major feud between Makuhita and Taillow lead their team to loser town and in the end it was Taillow who became the first voted off. Who will be the second? Find out right now on Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song; in the spa hotel)

Igglybuff: (yawns) Ahh good morning. That was a really good sleep. (Looks around) Huh I guess Jigglypuff is up already.

Liepard: Ahh yes, that was definitely a good sleep. One I definitely deserved. Now time to see what else this place has to offer. (Heads off)

Igglybuff: Guess that just leaves me and Sobble.

Sobble: (wakes up) Hmm? Oh good morning.

Igglybuff: Morning Sob- (gasps) Oh my gosh! Sobble your face!

Sobble: Huh? (Looks in a mirror to see face is graffitied with pen) AHHH! WHY ME!?!? (Starts crying and it slowly washes the ink away)

Igglybuff: No please don't cry Sobble! (Tries to comfort her) I guess my sis must've been a little upset and embarrassed at yesterday... I'm sorry. She's prone to rash behavior like that since she's a bit of a diva.

Sobble: B-but whyyyy!? Why must it be me? She's probably sent you here now to finish me off right!?

Igglybuff: No way I'd never- (Sobble disappears) Sobble? Sobble? (Sighs)

(In the dining room)

Spheal: Alright we get the good pancakes yet again! (Starts eating some) Mmm so good!

Riolu: I'm happy to see we have a lot of nice options. Steak for breakfast is a great source of nutrients for sure.

Toxtricity: Hell yeah this place rocks!

Scorbunny: Mornin' fellas! (Walks in followed by Furfrou) Hmm, do you think you could see if they have any organic orange juice?

Furfrou: Of course master Scorbunny. (Heads off)

Scorbunny: (happily laughs) Man having a personal butler is awesome! Thanks again guys.

Spheal: Hey no thanks necessary, you earned it. (Liepard and Cubchoo walk in) Hey you guys, care to sit?

Liepard: No thanks I'm grabbing a quick breakfast to go. Taking a walk. No hard feelings.

Cubchoo: I'd love to sit. (Sits next to Riolu and starts sneezing repeatedly) Ah- N-never mind I guess... ACHOO!

Riolu: Um, you alright?

Cubchoo: Sorry, is there a bit of onion powder on your steak? (Riolu nods) Yeah, I'm severely allergic to that- ACHOO! In addition to that I'm also allergic to- (starts to ramble on listing things and gets cut off)

(In the cabins)

Makuhita: (his alarm goes off) Rise and shine boys! Time to get ready for today's challenge! (All the boys are woken up except for Scizor who is gone)

Quaxly: WHA- (falls out of bed) Ow. (Yamper starts barking at the alarm seemingly in a contest with it)

Trevenant: Gah, do you mind Yamper? And Makuhita? Turn it off! (He does so) Thank you.

Makuhita: Well I just wanted to make sure we were all up and ready for today. We NEED to win a challenge!

Fuecoco: Me go get food now.

Yamper: Oh could you go see if the girls are up yet?

Fuecoco: Huh? (Stops walking away) Wait I need to see if the food is awake and the girls are cooked-

Makuhita: (whispering to Trevenant) Heh, technically he's not wrong for two thirds of that last part.

Quaxly: Just go get your food Fuecoco.

Fuecoco: Akay! (Runs off)

Quaxly: Yeah just for future reference everyone, Fuecoco is not so good at multitasking. He kinda gets easily confused so just focus on one direction to point him in.

Trevenant: Huh, interesting. Just out of curiosity, how do you know this Quaxly?

Quaxly: Well you see, Sprigatito, Fuecoco and I all kinda know each other a little bit from school. We are in the same grade at our school in Paldea, but, but we hardly crossed paths till now.

Trevenant: Ah makes sense. Well then, I'm going to head out for a little walk and fresh air before our challenge.

(In the forest)

Trevenant: Liepard? Liepard where are you?

Liepard: Over here you big dumb log! (Trevenant rolls his eye) So, what info do we have to share today?

Trevenant: I'll go first. Fuecoco, not very smart and easily tricked. If you give him more than one thing to do he gets very confused.

Liepard: Alright so that's one person to mess with, anyone else?

Trevenant: Yamper seems to be hopelessly in love with Fidough.

Liepard: Ah excellent. People do stupid stuff when they are in love, luckily not us though.

Trevenant: What weaknesses does your team have?

Liepard: Well Cubchoo is allergic to many things including onions, grab some powder from the kitchen to mess him up. Grookey is unable to resist pulling a classic prank and will sidetrack his team with his mischief. Also Jigglypuff is a classic over dramatic celebrity, with her shallow self and music success she won't be able to let any insult go. And then there's- (suddenly an alarm sounds)


(At the docks where everyone arrives)

Raichu: Welcome one and all to today's challenge! Today you will be on a hunt for buried treasure! ARGGH!

Alcremie: (to herself) Eesh, cringe impression.

Raichu: For today's challenge you will be taking these lovely pirate ships (motions to two ships behind him) and headed to the nearby Cuboney Island, an island far more dangerous than this one. There your team will have to find a buried treasure chest filled with gold, and then bring it back to me here on TDP island. The team that does so first will win invincibility. So, any questions?

Sprigatito: Do we have a map to tell us where to look?

Grookey: How do you even operate a pirate ship?

Cubchoo: Eeep, are those cannons? Wait, are they loaded!?

Raichu: You can find a map once you get to Cuboney Island, like I'm gonna tell you that, and honestly I have no idea but I sure hope so. Great, now GOOO!!!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Cuboney Island? (Shivers) Sounds scary. Like a place out of a horror movie. And let me make one thing clear, I HATE horror movies. I'm very easily scared- (hears a thud) ACK- WHAT WAS THAT? Not funny production people!

(On the Zany Zacians pirate ship)

Spheal: Okay so here's my advice, let's be cautious of sharks in the water. They are a TDP classic.

Igglybuff: Well thankfully this is a giant ship so I think we will be alright.

Spheal: Oh. (Frowns) Right.

(In confessional)
Spheal: I'll be honest I was hoping my knowledge of this show would come in handy more. (Frowns) Hopefully sometime in the future it will prove it's worth.

Scorbunny: Alright I'll man the steering wheel, can someone raise the sails and keep lookout?

Riolu: I'm on it! (Jumps and flips himself into the crows nest). Sails all raised!

Scorbunny: Woah awesome job Riolu! (Starts sailing) And we are ready to sail away here we go!

Jigglypuff: Oooh! You know what would be really good right now? Some singing! And I know the perfect song. Have you guys heard the Jonas Brother's new album?

Sobble: (sequels) Ohmygosh! Yes! I love them!

Jigglypuff: Well duh who doesn't.

Cubchoo: Um actually I don't think I've ever heard of them.

Jigglypuff: WHA-WHAAAAT?!?!

Igglybuff: They are a really awesome family band. There's Joe-nyta Jonas, the ponyta who sings lead vocals, Kevin-ipede Jonas, the venipede who plays guitar, and Nick-it Jonas, obviously a Nickit, who does a little bit of everything. They broke up before but got back together. It's just so awesome that they get to perform and make music all together!

Jigglypuff: Yes and not to brag but they are all personal friends of mine.

Sobble: KEVINIPEDE IS THE BEST AHHHH!!! (There is awkward silence)

Liepard: Okay so, what again is the point of this conversation?

Jigglypuff: Oh yeah, they have a new song called Sail Away that's just so good- (Toxtricity starts playing the song in his electric guitar) Ah! Yes! Amazing Toxtricity! You know it?

Toxtricity: Yeah of course!

(In confessional)
Toxtricity: Was a big fan since I was little actually. They are one of the many inspirations of me first getting into music, well outside my family of course.

Jigglypuff: (singing) Pink sunset, summertime!
Jump in my arms, come sail away! Come sail away! Come sail awaaaayyyy! (Toxtricity, Sobble and Igglybuff join in)

Singers: Come sail away! Come sail away! Come sail away! (Grookey starts to happily tap his stick to the rhythm).

Jigglypuff: COME SAIL AWAY!!!

Toxtricity: Alright that was awesomeness! Heck yeah!

Scorbunny: Yeah you really are talented Jigglypuff.

Riolu: Um... Scorbunny... have you been paying attention to where we are going

Scorbunny: AH CRAP! (Frantically turns the boat)

(On the Miraculous Miraidons ship)

Sprigatito: Aww man I totally heard singing from the other teams ship! No fair, I want to get to sing with Jigglypuff too!

Quaxly: (laughs) Well they just got mega distracted so advantage us! Cheer up Sprigatito.

Scizor: (steering the ship) Yeah this part of the challenge isn't even that hard. What imbeciles.

Fidough: Hey look Scizor! Dead ahead! I think it's Cuboney Island! (The ship reaches the shore and everyone gets off) Alright first one's here... now what?

Makuhita: Search for the treasure duh.

Trevenant: Hey look over there, I think that's Psyduck is it not?


Yamper: Yes please!

Psyduck: (to himself) Oh shoot, what was I supposed to say again? Oh right! (Starts reading his arm) Tortilla chips, cheddar cheese, jalapeños- oh wait this is my nacho list.

Fuecoco: Nachos sound good! Yum!

Psyduck: Other arm, (reads from his other arm) You must climb to the top of this here flag pole and grab the map from the tippy top! Best of luck!

Scizor: Ha this should be simple. (Begins to climb but quickly falls down) What? Impossible!

Psyduck: Oh yeah the pole has been heavily greased up.

Scizor: Grr- fine then we'll just cut the pole down-

Raichu: (over an intercom) Easy Scizor! You must make to the TOP of the pole, no bringing the map or pole down to you by any other means.

(In confessional)
Scizor: Ugh why must there be so many stupid rules to the challenges? Such a pain.

Fidough: Hmm, flour gets rid of grease, but I don't have any on me... Alcremie?

Alcremie: What? I mean, I don't either. I don't think anybody could casually carry around flour with them.

Trevenant: Ugh we are totally blowing our lead...

Quaxly: How about we try and make a tower to reach the top?

Trevenant: You mean like in cartoon?

Fuecoco: Tower! Tower!

Yamper: (joining in) Tower! Tower!

Trevenant: Ugh okay we'll try making a tower. Let's go!

(The other team arrives and Psyduck runs over to them)

Cubchoo: Phew we finally made it. I was beginning to get a little sea sick...

Psyduck: Weclom Zacians! To get your map you must grab it from the top of the flag pole which has been greased.

Scorbunny: Don't worry guys I'll make up for my mistakes here. Here I go! (Starts running and jumps super high but barely misses the top and falls) Owww!

Toxtricity: (winces) Ooh, that had to hurt.

Riolu: You were really close Scorbunny, here I've got a plan. (Whispers his plan)

Jigglypuff: Alright go Scorbunny and Riolu! You can do it! (Scorbunny readies himself and Riolu climbs onto his shoulders)

Scorbunny: Ready Riolu? Cuz here we go! (Scorbunny makes his same jump with Riolu on his shoulders. At the peak of the jump Riolu jumps off and lands on the top of the flagpole with one foot and snags the map) Oww, the fall hurts just the same.

Riolu: Success!

Sobble: Awesome! Riolu did it!

Quaxly: What? No way! Hurry we can't let them get ahead.

Fidough: We are almost there, Sprigatito you gotta climb up on top of me and grab the map!

Sprigatito: (Nods and climbs) Alright, almost there.

Fuecoco: Go! Go get map!

Liepard: (walks over) Ha, I don't think so. (Yelling up) Hey Fuecoco, Psyduck over here has some nachos to share with you, come down and eat some!

Fuecoco: Ooh food- wait but I supposed to be tower now. Um... (looks panicked)

Quaxly: Fuecoco no! Don't listen to her!

Fuecoco: I... I... AHHH WHAT DO I DO!? (Starts freaking out and everyone starts to wobble and they all fall down)

Liepard: Aw what a shame, have fun starting over! (Runs back to her team)

Igglybuff: Okay let's follow the map. It says we need to go this way.

Jigglypuff: Great let's go!

Riolu: Hey that was a smart move Liepard.

Liepard: Ha, yes I know. You are welcome.

Riolu: How'd you know something like that would work? It's like you knew his specific weakness!

Liepard: Huh? Oh let's just call it intuition. I'm very perceptive. (Runs ahead of Riolu)

(In confessional)
Riolu: Funny she should mention being perceptive, because so am I. Liepard is definitely very suspicious. She knew such a specific thing to do to make Fuecoco crumble. She's also been heading off alone at times like this morning at breakfast... hmm what could she be up to?

Sprigatito: Aww man. (Stands up) Is everyone okay? I'm sorry I didn't reach the top in time.

Makuhita: Fuecoco what happened there? You made us all fall! Now we gotta start over!

Fuecoco: I sorry... I no mean harm to friends... (frowns)

Fidough: We have to hurry or we'll fall super far behind- hey wait a second. Is that Alcremie? Alcremie you're still on the flagpole!

Alcremie: (hanging on the flagpole) Uh, yeah I kinda am. Just hanging on for dear life here...

Fidough: Can you shimmy up the rest? You can do it! Grab that map!

Alcremie: I might slip if I move and fall... but I guess you all fell and are fine so worth a shot. (Starts shimming up the pole and eventually reaches the top) I did it? I did it I got the map! Now how do I get down?

Trevenant: I'll catch you, just jump!

Alcremie: O-okay. (She jumps off and Trevenant catches her) Wow what a rush, thanks Trevenant!

Yamper: Ruff ruff! Awesome let's go! WATCH OUT ZACIANS HERE WE COME!!!

(Back at camp; Raichu watches the game play out with Koffing)

Raichu: Ooh it looks like the Miraidons are still in this thing! But the question remains, who will reach their buried treasure first?

Koffing: Hey Raichu, did you mention the angry Great Tusks that patrol the island?

Raichu: Nope! (The two start laughing)

(At the Zany Zacians)

Igglybuff: Okay so we just follow the map this way- Ack! (Drops the map) Oh no!

Grookey: (catches it) Don't worry I got it! What happened?

Igglybuff: Oh no! It's quicksand! Eek help I'm sinking!

Spheal: Me too.

Sobble: Ah me three! NOOO!!! (Starts sobbing)

Cubchoo: Oh no, how do we get them all out of there?

Riolu: Everybody just try something! (Summons a Bone Rush) Igglybuff grab on! (He pulls her out)

Igglybuff: (hugs him) Ah Riolu thank you so much!

Grookey: (picks up a giant stick) Here Sobble grab this! (He pulls her out with the help of Liepard)

Spheal: Guys, WHAT ABOUT ME!?!? I'm almost all the way under!

Cubchoo: Oh no, what do we do? What do we do-o-o-ACHOOO! (Sneezes a Powder Snow and freezes the quicksand and Spheal stops sinking)

Spheal: Cubchoo you did it! Now hurry and pull me out of here! (They all pull him out) Thanks. Wait do you hear something? (Suddenly the other team rushes by) Oh no hurry, after them! (The two teams race alongside each other)

Scorbunny: Oh no you're not gonna pass us!

Fidough: Oh yes we are! Hurry everyone, faster!

Sprigatito: Ah! Everyone stop! (Everyone comes to halt) Are those... Great Tusks over there?

Yamper: Yeah I think so! Wow we are lucky they are sleeping.

Quaxly: What are they even doing outside the Great Crater?

Riolu: Come on guys, we can sneak around this way.

Makuhita: If we go the other way I bet we can beat them. (The teams start to head off in different directions)

Trevenant: Wow Great Tusk sure are a rare species to come across being that they are paradox creatures. Imagine how hilarious it'd be to pull a prank on one of them, why someone would go down as a prank legend! (Grookey stops and gets a cheeky grin on his face)

(In confessional)
Grookey: Oh man this is gonna be sooo epic! But what kind of prank to pull, keep it simple or make it complex? Regardless, kids, do not try this at home!

Toxtricity: Come on let's pick up the pace-

Liepard: Shhh! Your gonna give us away if you get any louder!

Spheal: Don't worry they are still sleeping- Oh no. Wait a minute is that Grookey? And what the heck, where did he get those cymbals from!?

Grookey: Hehehe this is gonna be good! (Winds up his cymbals back and smacks them, waking up the Great Tusk who start running around freaked out) Hehehe! Amazing! (Some of the Great Tusk notice Grookey) Uh oh... (they begin chasing him) AHHH RUNNN!!! (Runs by his team and they all start running off with him)

(In confessional)

(At the Miraculous Miraidons)

Fidough: Yikes, would really hate to be the other team right now. I feel bad for them.

Yamper: Aw don't feel bad Fidough, after all we're winning!

Alcremie: Guys the X on the map is just up ahead! It's right about... here!

Trevenant: Huh, it seems we are on the other end of the beach. The treasure should be around here somewhere.

Fidough: Well, can't get more classic than buried in the sands below, let's get digging!

Raichu: (over an intercom) Well done Miraculous Miraidons, best of luck finding your treasure. Hope you don't run into any surprises! (Laughs)

Trevenant: I thought this beach looked a little unnatural...

Quaxly: Surprises? What the heck is he talking about? (Digs and sets off a Sleep trap and falls asleep)

Fuecoco: SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Pokes at Quaxly) Quaxly? Quaaaxxxllly?

Sprigatito: Oh no! He got put to sleep! (Drags Quaxly and leans him up against a tree) There hopefully he'll be okay there. Come on Fuecoco, come dig with me over here.

Fuecoco: Akay!

Alcremie: (digging by herself) Well so far so good, nothing all that spooky has happened today- (suddenly hears a strange noise) Ah. Oh no. What was that? (Suddenly gets tapped on her shoulder and screams) AHHH!  (Falls into a hole she was digging)

Makuhita: AHHH! Hey chill it's just me. Ughhh, ow I think I set off a poison trap before can you help? Alcremie? Where'd you go.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Okay so it wasn't a real ghost but my heart skipping some beats sure was real.

Fidough: Woo hoo! I think I found something!

Yamper: (runs over) Ooh it's a chest! Here let me help! (They pull it out together) Awesome job Fidough!

Fidough: Thanks! I suppose we should check it first, just in case.

Yamper: In case of what? It's obviously treas- (opens the chest and bomb explodes sending him and Fidough into the water)

Scizor: And there go two more team members out of commission... ugh.

Makuhita: C'mon we gotta power through.

(At the Zany Zacian, running away from the Great Tusk)

Spheal: AHH! Everyone keep running! Or rolling if your me.

Scorbunny: What are we gonna do? These things are crazy powerful. We'll never beat them in a fight.

Riolu: I guess we'll never know if we never try. (Turns around and fires an Aura Sphere)

Liepard: Take this! (Uses Night Slash) Ugh! It's not doing much- woah! (Barely dodges being tackled)

Igglybuff: Everybody maybe we can combine attacks to scare them off?

Jigglypuff: Yeah everyone on the count of three use your strongest move! One, two, three!! (Everyone attacks and it manages to successfully scare away the Great Tusks) Yes!

Scorbunny: Awesome! Great plan Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff: You're welcome.

Igglybuff: Um actually it was me who-

Liepard: Come on give me that map, let's get a move on. Grookey you better hope we don't lose after this.

Grookey: Aww come on, we didn't fall THAT far behind because of it. Besides it was iconic! What was I gonna do, not deliver on what Trevenant brought up?

Liepard: Okay the map says the treasure should be just about... (pushes aside some bushes) on this beach, and yes, the other team is still here!

Scizor: Ha, I wouldn't get happy just yet. (Lifts up a chest filled with treasure from the sand)

Sprigatito: Woo hoo! Way to go Scizor! Back to our ship we go.

Makuhita: Man that chest looks heavy, I'll help you out Scizor. (They both lift it up and start running. The team heads off running with Fuecoco dragging along Quaxly who starts to wake up)

Quaxly: Huh? What's going on- (his face smacks against the ground) ow! Ow! Ow!

Toxtricity: Come on dudes, let's get digging already!

Riolu: Hmm... (tries to sense using his aura) Everyone I think we'd be best targeting this section over here.

Toxtricity: Really? Why's that?

Riolu: Call it a gut feeling. (The team scrambles to dig in that section)

Cubchoo: Ahhh! Crabs! Ow it got my nose! Ahh-CHOO!!! (Sneezes the crab off but into Scorbunny's face) Uh oh, oops.

Scorbunny: OW! GET IT OFF!

Cubchoo: Hang on I'm coming.

Sobble: Eep- guys over here! I think I found it! (The team rushes over and pulls up a treasure chest)

Igglybuff: Yay Sobble you did it!

(In confessional)
Sobble: I'm actually really proud of myself. I did a good job for the team. Oh no, what if they think I'm overconfident now? They might start to hate me. Ahh what have I done noooo please don't eliminate meeee! (Runs out crying)

Grookey: How are we gonna carry this back though?

Spheal: Leave it to me everyone! I've got a plan! (Starts gathering some debris from booby traps) Let's see if I take this and some of this...

Toxtricity: What the? Come on let's just go Spheal's wasting our time being stupid!

Spheal: Hey! Rude! Well lucky for you I'm just about... done! (Stands back to reveal he created four wheels and attached them to the chest)

Toxtricity: Wheels? You made wheels? How does that help!?

Spheal: We can push the chest now! So much easier than carrying it.

Igglybuff: Awesome idea Spheal, we can totally catch up to them now! Let's hurry! (The team rushes off)

(In confessional)
Spheal: See I think Toxtricity and I might be total opposites. He's all punk rock and I'm all about rolling with it, literally. (Laughs) Huh I guess my roll isnt quite the the rock'n'roll kind though.

(Back on the island)

Raichu: Ooh things are really heating up! Or as the Jonas Brothers would say, burnin' up. (Laughs to himself as Koffing just shakes his head in disgust) The Miraculous Miraidons are ahead but the Zany Zacians are fast approaching!

Koffing: Ooh would you look at that! The Miraidons have made it back to their boat! (They are shown boarding their boat and sailing off)

Raichu: Oooh but here come the Zacians right behind them! (They too board their boat and sail off) Time to head to the docks and wait for my loot!

(On the Zacian's ship)

Jigglypuff: Gosh darn it we are so close! (Puffs up in anger) It doesn't look like we can pass them.

Grookey: Ugh we need their ship to sink- hey wait, the cannons!

Riolu: They might be dangerous but it's our only shot.

Cubchoo: The cannonballs are down here in the basement corridor guys.

Liepard: Excellent, now let's hit them with all we got! (Loads a cannon) FIRE!!! (Shoots and it makes a hole in the Miraidons boat) Yes!

(At the Miraidons ship)

Alcremie: WAH! What was that!?

Yamper: We've been hit! Captain we've been hit!

Scizor: We need to patch up that hole. (Runs off) Yamper you take the wheel.

Yamper: (Barks) On it!

Sprigatito: Guys look! It's the Zacians! They're shooting at us!

Trevenant: Well two can play at this game. Come on! (The two teams begin a match of firing cannonballs at each other)

Raichu: (announcing) Oooh! Both ships have taken a few hits but are still going strong! What's gonna happen next?

Trevenant: (to himself) Hmm let's see here. (Takes out some onion powder and throws it into the cannon and fires) Let's see how you like that Cubchoo.

Cubchoo: Woah! Phew that missed me... uh oh... is that onion? ACHOO! ACHOO! ACHOOOO!! (Sneezes his way into a cannon and knocks it off the boat)

Sobble: Ahh! We lost a cannon!

Cubchoo: I'm so sorry! I swear there's onion in the air.

Riolu: Well we still have one cannon.

Liepard: I have an idea. Aim for Fidough, trust me.

Riolu: How will that slow them down?

Liepard: Just watch and see. (Riolu fires a shot at Fidough)

Fidough: AGHH!

Yamper: NOOOO FIDOUGH!!! (Leaves the wheel and runs to her and jumps in front of her and gets hit)

Fidough: AGH YAMPER NO!!! (Yamper lays on the floor in pain) Yamper are you okay? Th-thank you for saving me but you shouldn't have done that...

(In confessional)
Yamper: (in pain) Worth... It...

Scizor: Dammit somebody grab the wheel! We're steering off course! (Quaxly grabs the wheel)

Quaxly: Darn it they've caught up to us! We need to sink them. We need more cannonballs!

Fuecoco: I go get some!

(On the other boat)

Liepard: Yes we are caught up! See I told you that would work.

Riolu: Yeah it did...

Spheal: But we still need to pass them! Keep firing? (Everyone nods)

Jigglypuff: FIREEE!!! (Fires a cannon)

(On the Miraidons boat)

Fuecoco: I got the good stuff!

Quaxly: Great Fuecoco now- (looks to see Fuecoco brought up some barrels) NOOO!!! FUECOCO DONT TELL ME YOU BROUGHT UP GUNPOWDER!?

Fuecoco: Wha? Oh... Oopsie... My bad. (a cannonball hits the gunpowder and the Miraidons ship explodes and sends them flying) AGHHHHH!!!

Cubchoo: Holy snot, how did that happen?

Jigglypuff: Yes! We are gonna win- I mean, I hope they are okay.

(The Miraculous Miraidons all crash land in front of Raichu on TDP island)

Raichu: Ooooh wow that had to hurt.

Makuhita: Ouch, I can taste my spine.

Raichu: So... treasure chest?

Fidough: Darn it, we lost our treasure chest in the ships explosion! (Fuecoco begins choking) Yeah i know it sucks we lost.

Fuecoco: Me. Choking. (Continues choking)

Makuhita: Hang on I got ya! (Punches him and Fuecoco coughs up a treasure chest as the Zany Zacian arrive on their boat)

Everyone: WHAT!?!?

Raichu: Eeeewwww. (Looks at the treasure) A little wet and slobbery but, it's still treasure! THE MIRACULOUS MIRAIDONS WIN!!!

Alcremie: Oh my gosh we won!

Sprigatito: (cheers) WOO HOO YEAH!

Scorbunny: Ugh you gotta be kidding me, we lost!

Spheal: Nooo! And we were so close!

Raichu: Sucks to suck Miraidons, looks like you will be headed to your first elimination ceremony!

Liepard: Well we certainly are spoiled for choice with who to eliminate. Major goofs on our team today.

Raichu: Time to head to the elimination ceremony-

Riolu: Hang on a second Raichu, before we vote I want to discuss something with the team.

Raichu: Um, alright? Sure go ahead.

Riolu: I'm gonna be blunt, Liepard why are you giving away our weaknesses to the other team? (Everyone gasps)

Liepard: Excuse me? That's an awfully bold claim to make with no evidence!

Riolu: You've always been a shady individual, and I sensed something was off but I couldn't quite put my finger on it till now. On two occasions you knew EXACTLY what specific things could take down both Yamper and Fuecoco.

Liepard: What exactly does that have to do with me sabotaging our team? Sounds like I'm just smart.

Igglybuff: Yeah Liepard was making some smart plays. It was just the other teams weaknesses that were exploited, not ours, right?

Cubchoo: Wait a second... my sneeze! I coulda sworn I smelled onion!

Riolu: I bet you did smell onion! Because someone on our team must've shared that after breakfast this morning when you told us about that allergy.

Cubchoo: I knew I wasn't crazy! But who did it?

Riolu: Well luckily for us we know thanks to our other victim, Grookey. I'll be honest this was a more easily known one but Grookey is our resident prankster. He mentioned a certain someone gave him the idea to scare the Great Tusks.

Grookey: Huh? Oh yeah! It was Trevenant!

Trevenant: What? Preposterous! I was just playing the game and messing with Grookey. That's not exactly a gotcha moment.

Makuhita: Hang on a sec, Trevenant, where'd you disappear to this morning?

Trevenant: What? Oh I just went for a walk.

Cubchoo: That's what Liepard did this morning too! Ooooh busted!

Riolu: I understand trying to strategize but please, breaking the trust of your own team is messed up.

Liepard: (starts laughing a little) I'm sorry but Riolu you've clearly gone crazy. Making up conspiracy theories please. I've done far more good to the team than harm. Now can we just get voting already?

(In confessional)
Liepard: Grrr that stupid Riolu! How the heck did he figure it out so easily? No matter, Grookey is definitely going home tonight. Colluding with the other team or not, what he did was pure stupidity.

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: Riolu is super smart for figuring all that out! After this I'm certainly voting Liepard. After all, you mess with my nose... um... bye bye you goes? (Cringes at himself) Okay please forget you heard that.

(In confessional)
Toxtricity: Dang my head is spinning faster than it does after a rock concert. I don't know who to believe right now!

(At the campfire ceremony)

Raichu: Okay you've all made your decision. The following Pokémon are safe. (Holds up a tray of pokefulls) We have treats for Jigglypuff, Igglybuff, Scorbunny, Sobble, Toxtricity and Spheal! (Throws them all pokepuffs)

Spheal: Yay! I've always wanted to try one of these!

Raichu: Also safe is Riolu! (He stands up and gets a pokepuff) That leaves us with just two pokepuffs left. Let's see now, Grookey your pranking shenanigans made your team fall behind and also coulda got someone killed.

Grookey: Oh come on, you were the one that put Great Tusks there! You wanted this kind of thing to happen, you can't blame me for danger on a dangerous show!

Raichu: Moving on, Cubchoo your allergies are annoying and you almost lost your team both your cannons. Lastly there's Liepard, who came in clutch a few times today but that was only because she and Trevenant were exchanging secrets. Or were they? (Pauses) The next one safe is Cubchoo!

Cubchoo: Phew!

Raichu: And the final pokepuff goes to...

(The camera zooms in in Liepard who is looking angry and serious and Grookey who is looking nervous)

Raichu: Grookey!

Grookey: Really? Yes! Thank you!


Riolu: What else do you expect when you go around conspiring against your own team?

Scorbunny: Yeah you got what was coming.

Liepard: You are a team of morons, I have been an asset to our team and you'll regret getting rid of me this early!

Trevenant: (runs in) Liepard! Liepard no! Ugh how did this happen?

Liepard: Blame that stupid Riolu, he's very perceptive.

Igglybuff: So he was right about it all then!? Wow!

Trevenant: I'll miss you Liepard (gives her a kiss and everyone stares blankly) What? We're dating.

Spheal: Okay didn't see that coming... but that sorta checks out.

Liepard: Whatever. This show was stupid anyways I don't care. (Gets in the catapult)

Grookey: Well guess we just put the cat in catapult here hehe. (Jigglypuff bops him on the head) Ow!

Liepard: Fire it already. (Gets launched) AHHHH!

Raichu: And off goes the dark type sailing into the night. Thats a wrap for episode two now. Will Grookey learn to keep his antics in check now that he's got a second chance on his team? Will Trevenant be in hot water with his own team now that he's been exposed as working with Liepard? Find out next time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation!

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