Hearts Racing
Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation, we had a variety of challenges! They included good old fashioned battling, an explosive snowball fight, and being trapped in a poisonous gas filled room. During the day, Riolu punched Igglybuff hard, quickly turning him into public enemy number one for bullying the "precious little sweetheart". However, he ended up saving himself by earning invincibility alongside Scizor and Fidough. We also got to see Quaxly finally confess his feelings for Sprigatito, but unfortunately for him it didn't go exactly as he hoped... yikes. While he had it rough, Scorbunny had it worse, as he ended up being the one eliminated. We are now down to the final eight, and we've got another staple challenge for these newbs today. Find out what it is, right now, on Total Drama Pokemon!
(Theme song; in the girls cabin)
Igglybuff: Sprigatito? Are you alright?
Sprigatito: Hmm? Oh yeah I'm okay.
Igglybuff: Um... you kinda just tore up your pillow...
Sprigatito: Huh? (Looks to see she had clawed up her pillow) Oh oops, yeah I guess I'm just a little stressed. You know the whole thing with Quaxly yesterday is all. I don't understand what's going on with him!
Igglybuff: I know, I have no idea why he's acting so weird and assuming you are into Grookey? Who coulda given him that idea?
(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Tehe. Me! That's who!
Sprigatito: (changing the subject) So Alcremie, you doing okay?
Alcremie: Huh? Oh you're talking to me? Oh, u-um yeah I'm alright I guess...
(In confessional)
Alcremie: Yeah I'm not a big fan of love triangle drama. I really don't want myself roped into all that drama that's going on. It's just so anxiety inducing.
Sprigatito: Hey let's go get the morning slop early so we can avoid the boys.
Alcremie: Yeah um about that. Grookey has been standing outside with a pie for the past ten minutes so... exit the cabin at your own risk.
Sprigatito: Ugh, I'll deal with him. (Exits the cabin and runs into Grookey) DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT-
Grookey: Hey! This pie is for you! Enjoy!
Sprigatito: AGH NO- (winces but then opens her eyes to see Grookey just holding out the pie) Huh? Wh-what are you doing?
Grookey: Um, handing you a pie? (Laughs) Oh wait did you think I was gonna pie you in the face? (Starts laughing) I mean that'd be funny but you really hate my pranks so I wouldn't do that anymore. Anywho, I was hoping this pie would help to end any animosity between us?
Sprigatito: Animosity? Grookey trust me, it's all okay. Don't let Quaxly speak for me on this, he's angry with you for no reason. Know that I don't feel the same way he does. He's way out of line with getting mad at you, pushing you into those lasers, so I'm sorry too.
Grookey: Alright then, awesome! (Happily starts drumming a tune with his stick)
Sprigatito: (laughs) Aww wait I know that tune! (Starts to sing along)
(In confessional)
Sprigatito: I really like this musician side of Grookey, he's really naturally talented.
(In confessional)
Grookey: Okay nobody cancel me for this... but Sprigatito's singing voice is so much better than Jigglypuff's.
(In the spa hotel)
Fidough: Oh yay! Breakfast pastries, my favorite! (Starts filling up a plate)
Riolu: (walks in) Looks good Fidough.
Fidough: Doesn't it!? (Awkwardly) Oh, um, morning Riolu...
Riolu: Look I can tell you feel weird about me after yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt Igglybuff honest. It was a fighting challenge, so I fought, that's how the game works you know?
Fidough: Yeah don't worry about it Riolu. I'm not holding any grudges against you from yesterday, it's all good. Anywho, I'm gonna try and grab some pastries for Alcremie. (Takes more food and leaves as Scizor enters)
Scizor: Pastries? That's not proper breakfast, enjoy feeling lethargic I guess. (Sits down to eat)
(In confessional)
Riolu: Igglybuff has quite literally EVERYONE fooled with her fake nice act, and I know she's gonna be gunning to take me out. I'm in desperate need of an ally, and she took out my closest companion, Scorbunny, yesterday. (Takes a deep breath) If anyone would be able to believe me on Igglybuff, it'd be him.
Riolu: Hey Scizor...
Scizor: No Riolu, I'm not interested in forming an alliance.
Riolu: Wh-what? I didn't even ask anything-
Scizor: You didn't have to. Anyways, I said before I don't do alliances. I only rely myself. It's not that I don't like you, honestly I like your competitive spirit, but yeah no.
Riolu: Ugh, fine. (Gets up and goes to leave) Just watch out for Igglybuff.
Scizor: Noted.
(In the boys cabins; Quaxly is sleeping and Igglybuff enters sneakily)
Igglybuff: Tehe, time to keep the drama rolling. (Pulls out a can of silly string and sprays it all over Quaxly and then leaves just before he wakes up)
Quaxly: H-hm? Wha- ACK! WHAT THE? (Starts trying to get rid of the silly string but it sticks to him) Ugh I hate that stupid stupid monkey!
Raichu: (over the speakers) Good morning campers! You all know the drill by now, meet outside for today's competish.
(At the campgrounds)
Raichu: Alright everybody, how're you all doing today? (There is silence) Great! Glad to see everyone is doing swimmingly. Now then, what was I about to do now?
Alcremie: (raises hand) Um Raichu, we're kinda missing Quaxly I think.
Raichu: Huh? (Counting) Two, four, six- oh you're right. Has anyone seen Quaxly?
Quaxly: I'm coming! (Runs up) Sorry I had to clean up in the bathroom.
Grookey: Eww, way to overshare about your poop dude...
Quaxly: THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT! (Points at Grookey) You covered me with sticky silly string and it got stuck all over me!
Riolu: (picks off a string from the back of Quaxly's head) Yeah, that checks out alright.
Grookey: Woah woah, I didn't do it. I promise.
Quaxly: Please, who else woulda done it? I'm not an idiot.
Igglybuff: (pretending) Aww guys please don't fight!
Raichu: No please do fight! This makes some great TV!
Scizor: Can we just move onto the day's challenge? I'd like to get my invincibility already.
Raichu: Alright fine! Sheesh, calm down. Anywho, for today's challenge we've got a special guest! It's time for our staple Rhydonculous Race challenge, so please welcome the best host in the business, excluding me of course, Rhydon!
Rhydon: Hello everyone! Good job on surviving Raichu's bullying so far!
Raichu: Hey! If I wanna give away a million dollars, I get to make my rules!
Rhydon: (laughs) Fair enough.
Raichu: Alright then, today's challenge is a Rhydonculous Race challenge, which means the following things.
Rhydon: The day will consist of you all racing through smaller challenges. You will take the first travel tip from over there and begin, complete the challenge to get your next tip, and keep going until you reach the golden carpet called the chill zone.
Raichu: The first camper there wins! They will receive a night at the spa hotel with the butler, and whoever places second will also get to stay at the hotel.
Rhydon: Unfortunately, in Rhydonculous Race fashion, the last person to cross the finish line will be eliminated from the competition. (Everyone gasps)
Raichu: That's right! No voting today!
Alcremie: That's not good...
Scizor: (smiles) Now this should be interesting.
Rhydon: Oh and while the show is usually done in teams, this is an individual one, but there MAY be a team challenge where you'll need to pair up, so be prepared for that.
Rhydon: Now then, the first Rhydon box is right in front of the mess hall. Now then, ready? Let the race begin! GOO!! (Raichu fires an airhorn and everyone runs to the mess hall and grabs tips)
Fidough: (reading the tip) A Koffing Kerfuffle. Huh?
Raichu: (to the camera) For their first challenge, teams will have to snag one of Koffing's precious bottle caps that he likes to collect, and bring it here to me to exchange for their next tip. The thing is, you all know Koffing, he is INTENSE! And I once heard the last guy who stole a bottle cap from him ended up in the hospital for week so... this should be good! (Laughs)
(In front of the mess hall, everyone peeks in)
Alcremie: So um, who wants to go first?
Grookey: I mean we could all just go at once.
Scizor: Out of the way, this should be a snap. (Walks into the mess hall) Koffing? Give me a bottle cap and I won't hurt you! (There is silence) Ha! He isn't even in here. Truly pathetic. (A rope raps around his leg and flings him out of the mess hall) AGH!!!
Igglybuff: Woah! That's crazy! For sure leaving a mark...
Sprigatito: Better him than us! Come on! (Everyone rushes in and gathers in the kitchen area) Wow Scizor was right, no Koffing anywhere.
Riolu: Yeah but no bottle caps anywhere either.
Quaxly: Well they're gonna be hidden obviously. Duh! (Everyone fans out and starts looking for bottle caps)
Fidough: None over here
Grookey: Or over here.
Igglybuff: Let's see, maybe in the fridge? (Opens the fridge to see the bottle caps and Koffing sitting in there starting angrily with a knife. Then she just shuts the door and walks away looking mortified)
Sprigatito: Um Igglybuff? You good?
Igglybuff: Yeah um... does someone else want to open the fridge?
Fidough: Sure why not. (Opens the fridge and this time Koffing comes out attacking) AGHHHH!!!
Alcremie: Agh! Fidough!
Igglybuff: Perfect. (Sneaks in and grabs a bottle cap) Yes! (Koffing turns and throws knifes at her) Uh oh. (Dodges but gets pinned to the wall) Dammit.
Grookey: Let's go go go! (Rushes in along with Quaxly and Sprigatito, avoiding Koffing's attacks, and each grab a bottle cap) Yes! Now let's get out of here.
Quaxly: Later! (Runs towards the door and gets blown up) WAHHH! Owww!
Grookey: Well duh of course Koffing booby trapped the place, we already knew that.
Sprigatito: So how are you suggesting we get out then? (Grookey gets a goofy grin) Oh no, what are you thinking?
Grookey: AHHHH!! (Charges forward and swings himself into the window, shattering it) Woo hoo! Let's go!
Koffing: (yelling) Damn you that was a perfectly good window that Raichu is gonna make ME pay for now! (Igglybuff, Riolu and Quaxly all escape with a bottle cap as Scizor enters) Grrrr.
Alcremie: (hiding) Aww man we are so eliminated. Koffing is gonna kill us!
Fidough: Come on we can't give up. We can think of something.
Koffing: (to Scizor) Not even gonna run are you?
Scizor: Please I'm not scared of some sad reject camp cook. (Koffing gets angry and tries to attack but Scizor sends him flying) Too easy. (Takes a bottle cap)
Alcremie: Hey... no more Koffing. Sweet! That worked out perfectly.
(Outside by Raichu who is on the beach)
Grookey: Alright! BAM! One bottle cap.
Sprigatito: I've got one too!
Raichu: Excellent. Now here you go, here's you next tip.
Sprigatito: It says we must partner up and go jet skiing. One person rides the jet ski while the other skis behind. Head out till you reach the flagged area, the skier must grab a flag, and then return to the beach and hit the Rhydon Box.
Grookey: Sweet! What say you and I work together? I mean- if that's okay with you and all.
Sprigatito: (laughs) Well we are the only two here so... (Grookey looks confused) That's a yes. Come on let's go! I'll drive. (Hops on the jet ski and takes off)
Raichu: Ooh here come some more campers!
Riolu: Alright, what's next?
Igglybuff: A team water skiing challenge. Oh interesting.
Igglybuff: (fake concerned) Quaxly, Quaxly, it's okay. They were the only two there. She didn't pick Grookey over you, don't feel bad.
Quaxly: (angry) Yeah right! She knew I was close behind her. She could've waited!
Igglybuff: Well it sounds like to me that you need to catch up with her! You two belong together, and I'm gonna help you get to her! (Quaxly smiles)
(In confessional)
Igglybuff: JK. I don't really give two hoots about how Quaxly's romantic life turns out. All I know is the more drama I can get him to stir up, the better.
Riolu: Huh? So wait what am I supposed to do now?
Rhydon: Just give it a minute, I'm sure the others will arrive soon enough. (Riolu moans in frustration).
(Out in the water)
Grookey: Woo hoo! This is so much fun! How about we try and do some tricks?
Sprigatito: (laughs) Maybe some other time, right now we should focus. (Igglybuff pulls up next to her) Oh hey Igglybuff!
Igglybuff: Hi Sprigatito! Looks like we're both in the lead that's awesome!
Quaxly: (bumps into Grookey) Grrr! You!
Grookey: Hey! Back off unless you want a pie in the face!
Quaxly: Hmm... I guess I'll take the pie then! (Bumps into him hard and knocks him down) Take that! YEAH! THATS FOR THE SILLY STRING!!
Igglybuff: Uh oh! Looks like your partner is down! Better go back and get your skis.
Spriagtito: What!? Oh no! Grookey! (Stops and goes back) You okay.
Grookey: (spits out water) Yuck! So salty. I'm good, let's keep going!
(In confessional)
Grookey: Quaxly has GOT to go! I know he's friends with Sprigatito but this has gone way farther than a prank war, he is legit out to get me at every turn! And I didn't silly string him, what on earth is he talking about? But I guess it's my own fault, nobody will believe I'm innocent because I am Mr. Prankster pants after all
(At the shore)
Alcremie: Okay let's go! We can do this!
Fidough: I'll ski, you drive. (They take off)
Scizor: Hmph. So I suppose I'm with you then Riolu.
Riolu: (nods) Yup. We got hurry though. Mind if I do the skiing.
Scizor: Fine by me. Now don't let go because I'm gonna go as fast as possible.
Riolu: Ha! Trust me, I'm no stranger to speed. Let's go! (They take off)
Raichu: And all teams are in the water! Now the next question is, who will get their flag first?
(At the flag area)
Igglybuff: Alright! We just have to grab a flag, you can do it Quaxly!
Quaxly: Alright you just need to drive me by one.
Igglybuff: Alright on it!
Quaxly: Dangit! Stop! Your going to fast! (Keeps missing flags) Come on, I can't get it ugh.
Igglybuff: It's okay, we've got time. (All three other pairs arrive) Okay maybe not...
Alcremie: (bumps into Scizor) Oops. Sorry.
Scizor: Relax, it's a game. No need to apologize.
Alcremie: That was shockingly nice- (Scizor moves away and rams into her in a wrong direction and she crashes with Fidough) OW! HEY!
Scizor: Maybe be more aware of your surroundings next time.
Riolu: Scizor! Come on, focus. Bring me near a flag I can do this.
Scizor: (nods) Alright. (Drives towards a flag and Riolu bends down and grabs it)
Riolu: Yes! Easy!
(In confessional)
Riolu: This team part of the challenge really is a cinch. What, no sharks? No bombs? Raichu must be losing his touch
Grookey: ACK! SHARKS!!! (Falls)
Riolu: Huh? Well that's to be expected. (Fends off sharks as they come for him) Keep driving Scizor! We got this! (They head off)
Quaxly: Igglybuff go fast again. If we go too slow a shark will bite my tail feathers off!
Igglybuff: (nods) Okay! (Drives by several flags but Quaxly keeps missing) Oh come on!
Fidough: Okay I can do it this time. (Alcremie drives by a flag and Fidough grabs it) YES! Look I got it!
Alcremie: Woo hoo! Awesome job!
Alcremie: Huh? (Drives into a mine that's in the ocean and gets blown up) AGHHHH!!!
(In confessional)
Fidough: Yup. I'm officially over baked and burnt... (frowns)
Igglybuff: Come on Quaxly...
Quaxly: Almost... (grabs a flag) YES! SUCK IT EVERYONE ELSE! Erm, sorry that was rude. (Igglybuff drives off)
Sprigatito: There goes another pair. Grookey are you okay?
Grookey: (nods) Yeah totally! Forget the sharks, drive for the one in between them!
Sprigatito: What? Are you sure? That might kinda...
Grookey: We are falling behind and we gotta go! FLOOR IT! (She does so and Grookey gets mauled and screams but is able to retrieve a flag) Yay...
Sprigatito: YOU DID IT! Ohh, hang on Grookey I'm taking us back to shore! (Drives off)
(On the beach)
Scizor: Yes! First place! (Hits the Rhydon box) Hmm, interesting.
Riolu: Aren't you gonna read aloud what it said?
Scizor: This is a race. Get your own tip. (Runs off)
Riolu: HEY! (Grabs a tip and runs off)
Rhydon: (to the camera) Well since they clearly aren't giving us any help, I'll announce the challenge myself. This final part of the challenge will have the campers rush through this area of the woods to reach the chill zone. But what's the catch?
Raichu: The catch is this area is FILLED with carnivorous plants and other mutated flora. I believe some campers stumbled upon this place earlier in the season, but they only saw a glimpse of the crazy plants the island has to offer.
Rhydon: You did safety test everything didn't you? Right? (Raichu gives a fake smile) Right? (Igglybuff and Quaxly arrive)
Quaxly: Yes! We made it!
Igglybuff: Carnivorous plants? What?
Quaxly: Come on let's go. We don't wanna be last and get eliminated. (They run off)
Raichu: Um does anybody hear screaming?
Sprigatito: (screaming) AGHHH!! THIS THING IS BROKEN I CANT BREAK, LOOK OUT!!! (Crashes into the dock and she and Grookey are sent flying forward onto the island where Sprigatito lands on top of Grookey)
Raichu: Ooh! Wicked wipeout! I'm sure that made Scorbunny proud.
Sprigatito: Oww... Oh my gosh, are you okay?
Grookey: H-huh? (Blushes) Oh I've never been better. I mean I got mauled and now you crashed landed on top of me, but hey I'm good.
Sprigatito: Oh no I'm sorry. (Tries to get up but falls back and blushes) Oops... that was kinda... yeah sorry.
Grookey: Don't be. I said I'm okay.
Sprigatito: Wow so I guess you really do have a heart underneath that prankster exterior.
Grookey: Heh, um... thanks. (Blushes and scratches his head) Um so I guess we should- (Sprigatito leans in and kisses Grookey)
(In confessional)
Sprigatito: WHAT!? DID I JUST DO THAT!? (Panicked) Oh my gosh I'm a horrible person, why did I do that? I mean yeah he's really sweet with his music and is a lovable goofball. It just felt right I guess... but agh why!? (Pauses) I can't believe it. I actually LIKE Grookey.... And I do THAT!? Yup, I'm a moron.
(In confessional)
Grookey: WE KISSED!? I'll be honest I thought our first kiss would go a lot differently- erm not that I've been thinking about kissing her before. The thought never even crossed my mind. I swear. (Sweats nervously and then laughs a little) Well that was a... fun moment?
Grookey: (blushing) W-wow... I didn't see that coming-
Sprigatito: (embarrassed) NEXT CHALLENGE ON WE GO! (Runs off ahead of Grookey)
(Out in the ocean; Alcremie drives around and Fidough is able to snag a flag while narrowly avoiding a shark)
Fidough: Yesss! Finally I got one. Now step on it Alcremie! I think these sharks must have enormous sweet tooths!
Alcremie: I'm on it! (Speeds back to the beach) Aleoght we made it!
Rhydon: Yup but you're in last. Better kick it up a notch.
Alcremie: Oh no he's right! We better hurry!
Fidough: I'll feel so horrible if I end up causing you to come in last. It was my awful skiing that caused us to take so long.
Alcremie: No it wasn't. I was a terrible driver and hurt you, if anyone should go home between the two of us its me.
Raichu: YAWN! Quit it with the nice selfless friendship and tear each other apart to stay in the race! Or if you can't do that, at the very least get moving.
(In the woods with carnivorous plants)
Riolu: Yes! First place all the way! What's wrong Scizor can't catch up? (Keeps running along but then suddenly stops)
Scizor: (running) Ha! Way to just stop and let me pass!
Riolu: Grrr. (Starts running again) Well it's just something isn't right here.
Scizor: This is Total Drama Pokemon! Of course it's not safe! (Suddenly fire is shot his way) AGH- (dodges) The hell? Haven't all the fire types been booted?
Riolu: Those things! It's those red bell shaped plants over there! What kind of mutations occurred here?
Scizor: Huh really? (Punches one away to avoid its flame and then picks it up) Hmm, now let's just see if I can... (squeezes it facing Riolu and it spits out fire on him)
Riolu: AGHHH!!! AGHH IT BURNS!!! (Starts running around in circles) WATER! A LAKE! SOMETHING!
Scizor: See you at the chill zone! (Runs off as Quaxly and Igglybuff run up)
Quaxly: What the- oh jeez he's on fire!
Igglybuff: It's Riolu, he can handle it I'm sure. Let's keep going-
Quaxly: I mean I am a water type though... ugh, hang on!
Igglybuff: I'm so not wasting my time with this. (Starts to run off but then a walking carnivorous plant walks up to her) Ugh can I help you? (The plant tries to bite her and she runs off backwards, screaming)
Quaxly: Water Gun! (Uses it on Riolu)
Riolu: Ahh thank you! The fire is gone. That was so much worse than an ordinary burn.
Quaxly: No problem, guess you owe me big time! I'll happily accept the I-O-U whenever I am in need of some help. (Riolu rolls his eyes and nods)
(Elsewhere in the forest)
Sprigatito: (to herself) You're a grass type, you shouldn't be afraid of plants. This should be a piece of pie. (Suddenly a giant bug peeks up from behind some flowers and starts coming towards her) EWW! What the heck is that thing? AGH!! (Runs off)
Grookey: (runs up) Hello!? Anybody? Huh weird... (walks up to a plant) Hey cool this one looks just like a Carnivine! Though I guess you can tell it's mutated since it's kinda ugly...
Carnivine: (opens his eyes) EXCUSE ME!? HOW DARE YOU!
Grookey: (sheepishly laughs) Oh, um, sorry... AGHHH!! (Tries to run but Carnivine grabs him and pulls him back with his vines)
Carnivine: Oh I am for sure making you lose now, just sit tight brat. (Sprigatito and Igglybuff, both being chased and screaming, run into Carnivine and everyone gets hurt) Oww..
Sprigatito: Ugh, what the heck even happened...
Igglybuff: Hurry let's just... limp away before those things come back.
(Elsewhere in the forest)
Alcremie: Ugh, we are so coming in last aren't we?
Fidough: Hey come on, show some optimism. We can do this!
Alcremie: (nods) Okay let's get a move on then- (a fire breathing plant shoots at her) ACK- Okay yeah let's not. Yeah let's just sit here for a couple minutes-
Fidough: No way! We are getting through this!
Alcremie: But how?
Fidough: Alcremie stand behind me. I'll block the fire. Just trust me. (Picks up a big rock and holds it in front of her)
(In confessional)
Fidough: Being an expert baker means that I was once a novice baker. And during those times... yeah I've had more than my fair share of burning incidents. The bottom line is I can handle heat like a pro, even the hottest surface won't burn me!
Fidough: (blocking the flames) Yes! It's working, keep moving!
(Elsewhere in the forest)
Scizor: Tsk, this challenge is too long. Where's the finish line, or carpet, or whatever the heck they were calling it.
Raichu: (yelling) YOO HOO! SCIZOR OVER HERE!!! (Waves to him from a distance away)
Scizor: Huh? You showing me where the finish is? Oh I am not buying this at all, where's the catch? Do these plants skin us alive or something?
Rhydon: They do not, but they sure do something.
Scizor: Hmph. (Starts running toward the carpet when the plants start up like vacuums trying to pull Scizor in) WHAT? (Resists and is able to stumble back to where he started) Damn that was close.
Raichu: Aww, nice try Scizor. These final plants really do SUCK don't they! (Starts laughing hysterically)
Scizor: (sarcastically) Wow. So hilarious.
(Elsewhere in the forest)
Quaxly: See Riolu, this challenge is a cake walk. You just need to be more careful, that's all.
Riolu: Yeah, I usually am...
Quaxly: Well you can follow my lead, I'll help you out, you're welcome- (suddenly steps on a hidden springed platform and gets launched backwards) AGHHH WHAT THE HECKKKK!!?
Riolu: (smirks) That's okay I think I'll follow myself.
(Elsewhere in the forest)
Igglybuff: Glad to see you both are still doing okay. So how did the partner challenge go for you two? (Sprigatito and Grookey both stammer and look flustered) Oh um... I'm not quite sure how to interpret that...
Sprigatito: Well we kinda... you know...
Grookey: SPRIGATITO KISSED ME!!! (Immediately covers his mouth) Oops. Sorry. I kinda just wanted to say it.
Sprigatito: (embarrassed) Y-yeah it was an accident and was weird but... we'll work through it. You know for our alliance's sake. (Grookey nods)
Igglybuff: (smirks) Oh wow seriously? Well thanks for trusting me enough to tell me.
Grookey: (hears screaming) Um, anybody hear that? Sounds like it's coming from above but that doesn't make any sen- (Quaxly crashes into the group) Owww.
Quaxly: Huh? Oww what the hey! Stupid challenge.
Igglybuff: (pretending) Oww. Y-yeah don't worry I won't tell Quaxly.
Sprigatito: AGH. (Whispering) Igglybuff, he's right here now! (Igglybuff fake looks shocked and ashamed)
Quaxly: Huh? Oh hey guys- wait what don't you want to tell me?
Sprigatito: (nervous) Oh it was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Igglybuff was just mistaken-
Grookey: Yeah dude the kiss was totally on accident so it's not like it meant anything. (There is a long pause of silence). Oops...
Quaxly: (angry) You... YOU WHATTTT!?!?
(In confessional)
Quaxly: (angry) AFTER EVERYTHING IVE DONE FOR HER!? GROOKEY IS JERK! WHY WOULD SHE KISS HIM!? I've been nothing but nice to her since day one and we were getting along so great but Grookey HAD to step in and break us apart. THATS IT! HE IS SO DEAD!!!
Quaxly: GRRR!! (Tackles Grookey and they start fighting)
Sprigatito: Quaxly wait! I can explain! (Igglybuff pulls her along)
Igglybuff: This is gonna get ugly, come on we should just get out of here. Let's go. (They run off)
(Elsewhere in the forest)
Riolu: Yes! There's the chill zone!
Scizor: Ha! Good luck getting past these things, they are quite impossible to avoid- (Riolu runs with super speed and avoids the plants and makes it to the chill zone as Scizor's jaw drops)
Riolu: Yes!
Rhydon: Riolu gets first place! Congratulations!
Scizor: Well at the very least thanks for showing me the path to the end. (Makes it to the chill zone) And I'm still safe!
Raichu: Yes, yes you are. For now...
(Elsewhere in the forest)
Fidough: Alcremie! Alcremie help, I think I'm stuck in these vines! They won't let me go!
Alcremie: Hang on I'm coming! (Rushes over) Um... um... what do I do?
Fidough: Just... pull me out! (The vines tighten) ACK- can't- breathe...
Alcremie: Oh no! (Pulls Fidough and eventually frees her) Phew! Gotcha. You okay?
Fidough: Yeah, thanks. Wow this is such a disaster ugh- Hey look, there's the chill zone! Let's go! (They run and the plants suck them in and then spit them back out backwards) AGHH!!
(Elsewhere in the forest)
Sprigatito: I feel so guilty about all this. How things ended with Quaxly. What's going on with Grookey...
Igglybuff: Sprigatito we can't focus on that right now, we need to focus on staying in the game. Ooh yes! I think I see the finish up ahead- WOAH! (The ground gives out beneath them and they fall in a pit) Oh come on!
Sprigatito: Ugh! Stupid Raichu! How are we supposed to get out now?
Igglybuff: Um, hmm, there are some vines over there. We can climb up, come on!
Spriagtito: Right! It might be difficult, but let's hurry!
(Elsewhere in the forest)
Grookey: (fighting with Quaxly) OW! KNOCK IT OFF! (Shoves him off him)
Grookey: STEALING HER!? Dude I wasn't trying to steal her from you. Besides, you can't steal someone, she doesn't belong to you!
Quaxly: Yeah I know you are right but... I KNOW SHE LIKED ME! AND I HAD FEELINGS FOR HER LONG BEFORE YOU! (Grookey hits him with a Razor Leaf) OWW!
Grookey: Well you are only hurting yourself by acting like a jackass over all this. You are being a total nice guy.
Quaxly: You are right, I AM NICE! AND YOU AREN'T!!! (Jumps on Grookey and they start tussling again)
Grookey: Ow! Hey! Watch it!
Quaxly: Ugh! Stupid! Hey! (Suddenly they roll over a landmine and get blown up) AGHHHH!!!
(At the chill zone)
Raichu: (looking through binoculars) Huh, what do you know? A land mine.
Rhydon: You mean you didn't put it there?
Raichu: We'll I must have... but it must've been years ago. (Laughs) Oh crap get out of the way! MOVE! (Moves to the side as Quaxly and Grookey crash onto the carpet) WOW! Talk about extreme luck. Quaxly and Grookey you tie for third and are both safe.
Grookey: (hurt) Woo... yay...
Quaxly: (hurt) Great...
(Elsewhere in the forest)
Igglybuff: Almost... there... (climbs out of the pit) Yes!
Sprigatito: Ack- a little help. (Starts to slip but Igglybuff pulls her up) Phew, thanks!
Igglybuff: Hurry now let's just run over to the- (sees in the distance that Grookey and Quaxly finished and sees Fidough and Alcremie make it)
Raichu: Fidough in fifth! Alcremie in sixth!
Fidough: Woo hoo! We made it!
Alcremie: Yeah!
Sprigatito: (to Igglybuff) Everything okay? (Igglybuff gives an awkward smile)
(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Whelp, so long Sprigatito. You've served your uses anyways I guess. I'll be relieved to have to stop pretending to be friends with someone who is a fan of my stupid sister, ugh!
Igglybuff: Look out! A monstrous plant!
Sprigatito: Huh what? I don't see any- (Igglybuff tackles her and starts singing)
Igglybuff: Ig-ally-buff! Igallyyyy-buff! (Puts Sprigatito asleep and then drags her out of the bush and to the chill zone) Guys! Sprigatito is hurt real bad! I don't know what to do, someone help! (Steps on the chill zone and then uses wake up slap to wake her up)
Rhydon: Wow, this was not the finish we were hoping for. Igglybuff you are safe. Hope Sprigatito is okay...
Sprigatito: (regains consciousness) H-huh? What happened? Where am I? (Quaxly and Grookey run over to her)
Quaxly & Grookey: Sprigatito! Are you okay!?
Sprigatito: Um, I think so... I honestly can't remember anything that happened after I fell into that pit... I must've hit my head bad.
Fidough: Igglybuff it was nice of you to help her to the finish, even if it was too late in the end.
Raichu: Ah yes that's right, Sprigatito you did indeed finish last so that means YOU have a date with the catapult tonight! Sorry, not sorry.
Quaxly: NO! Can't we just eliminate Grookey instead!? Seriously why is this dumb chimp still here-
Sprigatito: ENOUGH! Quaxly that is it! You have changed for the worse on this island. Grookey is actually a really nice guy once you get to know him, and you should give him a chance.
Grookey: (blushes) Heh, thanks for saying that.
Quaxly: I just... Sprigatito-
Sprigatito: Quaxly I liked you too. Honest. I know you have a good heart and mean well too. But I think it's best if we just stay friends for now. Grookey you too.
Grookey: Yeahhh that makes sense. This whole situation has been getting out of hand we should all cool off.
Quaxly: (sighs) O-okay I understand. I'm sorry I got way overly upset these past few days. I just really care about you.
Sprigatito: Heh I know, and I care about you too Quaxly. Good luck with the rest of the competition okay?
(The screen wipes to Sprigatito in the catapult)
Igglybuff: Aww bye Sprigatito! I'll miss you! Feel better!
Sprigatito: Bye everyone! (Quaxly sulks and Grookey frowns) Oh one last thing, Grookey I left a present for you. It's over there.
Quaxly: (jealous) What!? You got him something-
Grookey: Oh sweet what is it- (opens the package and a pie flies up onto his face) ACK!
Sprigatito: Hehehe! Gotcha! (Everyone laughs including Grookey)
Scizor: Can we stop dragging this out? I'm getting tired. I want to go to sleep.
Sprigatito: Sleep... (looks confused) Sleep... WAIT A MINUTE! I REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED NOW! GUYS DONT TRUST- (gets launched) HERRRRR!!! AGHHHH!!
(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Phew. That was a close one. So long and good riddance.
(In confessional)
Grookey: Mmm banana pie my favorite. Anyways, Sprigatito left a note in that gift saying she's rooting for me too, she just didn't want to push Quaxly over the edge I guess! She's so sweet! But what was she trying to say at the end... Sprigatito I'll do my best to avenge you! I promise!
(In confessional)
Quaxly: I can't believe she's gone... and things did NOT end the way I hoped. (Sighs) I just act like a fool when I get angry and jealous. No matter. I know exactly how to impress her and that's by winning that million dollars! Nothing will stop me now!
Raichu: And there you have it folks! Sprigatito has been cut from the competition, leaving only seven left! Will Igglybuff continue to keep up her facade? Will Quaxly be able to put his feud with Grookey on hold, or has Sprigatito's departure actually lit that rivalry more than ever? Tune in next time to find out on Total Drama Pokemon!
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