Bake It Up

Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation, the Pichu Twins got colds, and refused to take their medicine. Thankfully Fidough stepped in and bribed them with tasty cupcakes. Yay, thanks for that. Anywho, after that it was on to the main event! A paintball hunting game where Grookey, Toxtricity, Makuhita and Fuecoco had to hunt down the other campers. During the challenge new friendships blossomed, especially between Cubchoo and Sobble, and Quaxly and Sprigatito. We also saw Fuecoco accidentally shoot his own teammate Scizor, which yikes, I'm sure he'll remember that for a while. In the end, the Zany Zacians won thanks in part to Grookey and his clever traps and schemes that helped him shoot the other team. On the other hand, Makuhita couldn't land a single shot and ended up being the fourth contestant eliminated. Who will become the fifth? Find out right now on Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song; outside the cabins)

Scizor: (practicing moves against a tree) Ha! Tch! GRAH! (Knocks the tree down) Excellent. Now time to get some Bullet Punch practice in... (Yamper scurries by and up to the cabin doors)

Sprigatito: (opens the cabin door yawning) Ah, good morning world. (Trips over Yamper) Agh! Hey!

Yamper: Watch where your going next time okay!?

Sprigitito: Sheesh? Must we fight like cliche cats and dogs? (Laughs to herself) What are you doing out here?

Yamper: Waiting for Fidough to wake up so I can say good morning.

Sprigitito: Aw, that's sweet... (softly) and kinda creepy. (The door opens again)

Yamper: AH! GOOD MORNING FI- (Alcremie walks out the door) Dangit.

Alcremie: (frowns) Thanks for the boost of confidence Yamper...

Sprigitito: Hey Alcremie how're you feeling today? (Alcremie starts to open her mouth but gets cut off) Oh right you said you don't speak all that much, that's okay, here let's just head to the mess hall for breakfast alright? (Starts walking off and Alcremie slowly follows and passes by Scizor who is training outside).

Alcremie: (to herself) Ugh why can't anyone ever let me speak?

Scizor: I don't know, why can't you ever let
yourself speak?

Alcremie: (startled) EEK! Oh, Scizor. (Pauses) What did you just say?

Scizor: I said you don't let yourself speak.

Alcremie: What does that even mean? I try to speak all time. I'm making an effort, people just speak over me.

Scizor: Well maybe that's because you speak at such a quiet tone that only Zubat could possibly hear you. Try all you want, but you can't expect anyone to listen when you talk at a volume where you yourself don't even expect to be heard. (Resumes his training)

Alcremie: That's not- ...I'm not-  ...Ugh! (Walks off)

(In confessional)
Alcremie: What is Scizor talking about? What does he possibly know about socializing? He clearly doesn't care about making friends here! (Pauses and sighs) But I guess what he was saying can't be so far from the truth because it's successfully giving me a stomach ache...

(In the spa hotel; in the dining room)

Grookey: More Furfrou! More! Keep them coming!

Spheal: I'm scared to ask, but keep what coming?

Grookey: Oh Furfrou is making me a bunch of banana cream pies! They are the absolute best! You wanna try one? (Spheal's eyes widen)

(In confessional)
Spheal: Knowing Grookey, "trying" a pie probably means getting one smashed into your face.

Spheal: Um, thanks but no thanks for me. I'll catch you later (walks down the hall and hears someone blowing their nose repeatedly) Huh? (Opens the door and sees Cubchoo blowing his nose) Oh, it's just you Cubchoo. Everything alright?

Cubchoo: (blowing his nose) Huh? Oh yeah I'm okay. Just my super normal routine of waking up to a runny nose is all. ACHOO! Oh and sneezing.

Spheal: Dang, it really doesn't sound good. You go through this everyday? I'm so sorry about that, it must suck.

Cubchoo: You get used to it... Oh no! I'm out of tissues!

Spheal: Hang on I'll go get you some. Be back in a flash. (Heads off)

(In the spa hotel at the massage area)

Scorbunny: Ahhhhh! Feeeels Gooood.

Riolu: Tell me about it, this is the best massage ever.

Jigglypuff: Eh, I've had better. When I traveled on my tour I had the BEST personal masseuse travel around with me and she gave the most heavenly massages.

Riolu: (rolls his eyes) Wow that's great.

Jigglypuff: Come on, tell them about it Igglybuff!

Igglybuff: Um, how would I know? I never got to get a massage from her.

Jigglypuff: Oh really? That sucks. (Goes back to enjoying her massage and Igglybuff gets up and leaves and goes into the dining hall)

Grookey: Hey Igglybuff. (Sobble walks in too) Hey Sobble. Did you guys want some pie? (They both wince) No it's not a prank I swear!

Igglybuff: Actually I think I'm gonna grab some food and bring it back to the others (does so and leaves).

Sobble: Hey is that a diary? (Points to a book on the table)

Grookey: Oh no, that's my prank book! I list all my pranks I pulled, how successful they were, and ideas for future. You can take a look if you want.

Sobble: Oh, alright. (Opens up the book) Huh... I don't think I understand. What do all these lines and squiggles all over mean?

Grookey: Huh? (Snatches the book) WHAT THE BANANAS!? Somebody drew all over my pages! Ugh come on. (Slams his face into one of his pies)

Sobble: Looks like Jigglypuff was at it again with her rage scribbling... Sorry Grookey...

Raichu: (over the speakers) Good morning everyone! Can I have all the Zany Zacians come join us in the mess hall for today's challenge? Don't worry, you don't have to eat anything gross.

(In the mess hall)

Fuecoco: It nice we just sit and wait for rivals.

Quaxly: (rolls eyes) Wow that really makes today all the less suckier.

Raichu: Everyone here? Good? Good! Okay for today's challenge we will be having a fun cooking challenge! Who here has heard of Groudon Ramsay?

Jigglypuff: (gasps) Oh my gosh! The world famous chef?

Alcremie: I've binged all his shows before. MasterChef, Hell's Kitchen-

Fuecoco: Fuecoco think he awesome!

Raichu: Great! Because I gave him a call about making an appearance on this show. Sadly he declined. (Everyone frowns) But we got the next best thing, he's an island famous no star chef. You all know and love him. Koffing!

Koffing: Okay Raichu the kitchen is all prepped. (Looks to the campers) Ugh why are these maggots here?

Raichu: Because they will be operating a dinner  service out of your kitchen! Sounds like fun right?

Koffing: WHAT!? HELL NO! I dont want those idiots trashing my beautiful kitchen (the camera pans to a shot of the kitchen looking like a dump)

Raichu: You're joking right? That place is already a health hazard. Anywho, back to the challenge. This is the preheat challenge for today and will involve everyone working to serve a table at our restaurant. Each table needs to get appetizers and entrees for their team to win.

Fidough: Okay but who are we cooking for?

Raichu: Zany Zacians get to cook for table one, Cyndaquil, Mudkip and Snivy. Miraidons get table two, Psyduck, Pachirisu and Togedemaru. Now get in the kitchen where you all DONT belong you non-chefs! (Blows an airhorn)

(In the Miraidons kitchen)

Yamper: So what's the plan Fidough?

Fidough: I bake, not cook! How should I know?

Alcremie: Guys I've seen every Hell's Kitchen dinner service like three times, we need to split off into sections and coordinate.

Fidough: Sounds like a plan. Alcremie you be our head chef!

Alcremie: Huh? Me? O-oh okay sure. (To herself) Please don't mess anything up. (To the group) So we need two people on apps, two on entrees, and two on garnish.

Quaxly: What do you mean by apps?

Alcremie: Apps? Like appetizers? You've never heard that before?

Scizor: I'll handle the entree with Sprigatito, Quaxly you and Fuecoco do the apps, and Yamper and Fidough do the garnish? Good? Good.

(In the Zacians kitchen)

Socrbunny: Okay first order of business, does anybody know a thing or two about cooking? (Everyone is silent) Wonderful...

Spheal: Scorbunny you are an awesome leader for our team, you should be our head chef.

Scorbunny: Oh alright. I'll give it my all!

Cubchoo: So... now what?

Scorbunny: I guess we look at the order? (Opens the order) Two risottos and an order of scallops.

Jigglypuff: Ooh I love risotto! Come on sis we can do that part!

Spheal: Me too! I'll help.

Cubchoo: Um I'll come too then.

Toxtricity: Alright the rest of us will do the scallops then. Let's pull up the instructions guys.

Igglybuff: Okay I got the rice cooking in the pan, so far so good!

Jigglypuff: Come on sis, you gotta do the thing!

Igglybuff: The thing?

Jigglypuff: Yeah you know how chefs toss the food up while it's in the pan?

Igglybuff: Oh that. Okay. Here goes! (Lightly does it successfully) Yay I actually did it! (Jigglypuff claps) I bet I can do it higher though... (flips it up higher and the blob of rice goes off course and lands on Cubchoo)

Cubchoo: AGHHH! OH IT BURNS!!! (Starts running around)

Igglybuff: Oh my gosh! Cubchoo I'm so sorry. (Turns around and accidentally hits him with the frying pan and he faints)

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: I am soooo never cooking again after this.

Raichu: Now that's what I call a hot and cold combo.

Koffing: Um, what?

Raichu: He got burnt by hot rice and then got knocked out cold! Duh!

(In the Miraidons kitchen)

Alcremie: Okay how are the scallops looking apps?

Quaxly: Erm, I think it's almost done

Alcremie: Okay good, now how are the entrees looking?

Scizor: The oven is on and they are ready to go in when the apps go out.

Sprigatito: Awesome! Things are going so well.

Yamper: Here Fidough let me cut those up for you. I can do it really fast. (Fidough tries to warn him but she can't) OWWWW! OW I CUT MY PAW!!! (Starts running around the kitchen frantically)

Fidough: Oh no! Yamper! Stop running around, get to a medic!

Alcremie: It's okay, we'll just have to start over with fresh vegetables and-

Quaxly: What the heck Yamper, pay attention to your job!

Fuecoco: Ooh! Hot! Hot!

Quaxly: Yes Fuecoco, the stove is hot- (turns to see the scallops on fire) OH MY GOD! FIREEE!

Alcremie: Okay just put it out with-

Fuecoco: Fireman Fuecoco got it! (Gets a fire extinguisher and sprays it all over the apps section and Alcremie facepalms) Fire all gone!

Alcremie: The risottos are all screwed now too. Ugh, this is such a disaster.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: This is what I get from trying to be vocal? Really? What kind of lesson is that? I guess I'm just not ready, but I know who is.

Alcremie: (to Scizor) Hey, I think you need to be our head chef. (Scizor raises an eyebrow) Look I know the team will listen when you speak, just please take over.

Scizor: Hmph. Fine. (The kitchen gets cleaned up) Okay everybody I'm taking control so listen up. Quaxly, get another round of apps going and don't you dare take your eyes off them!

Fidough: I'll get the vegetables all cut!

Scizor: (nods) Alcremie and Sprigatito, put those steaks in in six minutes.

Sprigitito: Six minutes? But what if we hiccup with-

Scizor: (sternly) Six minutes!

(In the Zacians kitchen)

Scorbunny: How're the scallops coming along? 

Toxtricity: Epically, I think they are all done. Here we made some extra to try.

Scorbunny: Alright let's see... (cuts into it) Hmm, is it supposed to look like that.

Sobble: Oh no! That's certainly still raw! We're sorry Scorbunny! (Runs off crying)

Riolu: Let's get them back on the pan for a minute. Hurry.

Jigglypuff: Heyyy Scorbunny! The risottos are all done!

Spheal: Yup, we got one and two right here.

Riolu: Okay, scallops should be good to go also! I'll bring them out.

(At table one)

Riolu: Here you go, risotto, risotto, and scallops.

Cyndaquil: Wow! This looks really good!

Snivy: But is it? (They all take a bite) Good, but obviously I've had better.

Mudkip: I think you guys did a great job!

Raichu: And the Zacians have successfully served their appetizers! The Miraidons yet again need to pick up the pace.

(In the Miraidons kitchen)

Scizor: What the hell is this? This risotto has gone all soupy!

Quaxly: Sheesh what's the big deal?

Scizor: The big deal? You are putting up crap I wouldn't even feed to pigs! SHIT! (Throws the risotto and pan) DONKEY! You are off that duty, Alcremie quickly finish the other risotto from their bases. (She rushes over and Quaxly sulks)

Sprigatito: Should I turn down the heat for the steaks? I'm scared they are gonna burn...

Scizor: Don't. Keep it as is. The apps are going out... (takes the risotto from Alcremie) Now!

(At table two)

Scizor: Here's the appetizers, the entrees will be out shortly (drops the food and walks off)

Pachirisu: Um hello? Don't you need wait to see if you've passed?

Scizor: (laughs) If they passed my standards they most definitely will pass yours.

Pachirisu: Ugh! The nerve of that, well let's just give it a try- (takes a bite) Oh my gosh, this is cooked perfectly.

Psyduck: Hey I said I wanted nachos!

Raichu: Miraidons pass the apps, it's entree time for both teams!

Koffing: Who will finish first? And I hope we don't have another explosion- (an explosion is heard) Dangit spoke to soon.

(In the Zacians kitchen)

Riolu: What the heck was that?

Spheal: Whoopsie, I think we had left something in the oven. (Pulls something out) I have absolutely no idea what this is...

Cubchoo: Why are we even using the oven- ACHOO!

Scorbunny: Okay okay, Cubchoo stay away from the food. How are the steaks coming along?

Grookey: They're coming, just not fast enough.

Jigglypuff: Ugh can't we just serve them now?

Riolu: No, they'll be raw!

Igglybuff: Yeah sis, you know how upset you'd get if the cook was even slightly off.

(In the Miraidons kitchen)

Sprigatito: Okay and... here are the filets!

Fidough: Garnish coming through! (Plates the dish) Perfect! (The whole team heads out of the kitchen)

Scizor: Here are the entrees, three orders of filet mignon. Enjoy.

Raichu: Time for the ultimate test! Are they properly cooked? (They cut into them)

Pachirisu: Medium! Perfect!

Psyduck: Medium!

Togedemaru: (makes a disgusted face) Ugh what the heck. (Pauses) Nah I'm just kidding, it looks perfect!


Fuecoco: Yay we did it! Good job Scizor.

Scizor: (ignores Fuecoco) You are welcome everyone.

Spheal: Aww man we lost!

Scorbunny: I guess we coulda timed things better... sorry everyone.

Raichu: Alright now that Koffing's kitchen is officially trashed- (the steaks the Zacians were cooking go up in flames) QUICKLY EVERYBODY OUT! (Everyone leaves and Koffing swears)


Raichu: Time for the main heat. You are now being upgraded to these deluxe outdoor kitchens. Equipped with the biggest ovens known to Pokémon kind.

Quaxly: What could we possibly need those for?

Raichu: For this! (Unveils two giant cake stands) That's right you will be baking a huge cake that must be fifteen feet tall! Isn't that great!? (Fidough squeals) Huh?


Yamper: YESSS! Wait why are we so happy?

(In confessional)
Fidough: This is amazing! I'm a professional baker! Well I'm sure you knew that already, but still! This is so awesome! We so got this in the bag!

Toxtricity: What hell rodent man! Are you kidding me? They have a literal baker on their team!

Spheal: Yeah this is so unfair!

Raichu: You think that's unfair? They still get their advantage.

Cubchoo: Aww man.

Raichu: As a reward, Miraidons you get a special set of extra ingredients and appliances that the other team doesn't get access to. Be sure to check that out. Now then, you will have just SIX HOURS to bake the cakes.

Spheal: (sarcastically) Just six hours?

Raichu: Best cake, as judged by me, wins! Now, who's ready to bake it till they make it? GOOO!!!

(At the Miraidons station)

Alcremie: This is still so surreal. A baking challenge!

Fidough: I know right, we are so gonna kick serious butt on this challenge. Let's go look at our bonus stuff.

Alcremie: Ooh we get a giant stand mixer! Awesome! Some stuff for decorating.

Fidough: Oh my gosh! A high tech model refrigerator that cools incredibly quickly! No way, I've got an idea!

Sprigatito: Let's hear it!

Fidough: Okay this may be ambitious but I know we can pull it off. We are going to make a part cheesecake part cake cake.

Yamper: OMG that sounds soooo good!

Sprigatito: Cheesecake? Isn't that difficult to make?

Fidough: It's a gamble for sure but I know I'll be able to pull it off. Now then I can handle that myself so the rest of you get to work on the cake!

Alcremie: Okay everyone we can just combine the ingredients in our giant mixer.

Sprigatito: Awesome. Sounds super helpful. Imagine not having this mixer heh.

(At the Zacians station)

Igglybuff: Are you serious!? We don't even have a mixer! It'll be impossible to mix something of that size by hand.

Riolu: I guess we need to delegate several mixers... I can volunteer.

Toxtricity: Me too dude! I'm the largest one here so I should probs help. Now then, let's get this party started!

Cubchoo: I'll just... (inches away) ACHOO!

Sobble: Hi, um, hi Cubchoo.

Cubchoo: (stuffy) Ugh. Oh hi Sobble, I haven't seen you in a while-

Sobble: Oh no are you sick? I mean, sicker than usual?

Cubchoo: (blows his nose) No I'm okay. (Sniffles)

Sobble: No you're not! You aren't usually this sick.

Cubchoo: Okay fine yes I'm sicker than normal. I think I caught what the Pichu's had. And if I'm sick I shouldn't get anywhere near the food... I just hope the team doesn't blame me for this.

Sobble: Maybe we can find something else to do to help. C-come on.

Raichu: Better get those cakes baking campers! And then get to stacking them. I guess you could say, your going to have to bake things up? (Laughs) Huh, Huuuuh?

Riolu: Nobody is laughing at your lame puns Raichu.

Raichu: Ugh, you guys are the worst, maybe I'll just eliminate everyone here and now.

(At the Miraidons station)

Alcremie: We've got vanilla cake batter mixing as well as chocolate cake batter mixing. This is actually pretty fun.

Sprigatito: I know! Ooh how about we put something in the cake!

Fidough: LOVE that idea! I trust you guys to handle that, I need to get back to my cheesecake, the crust is all set. Okay now, where's Yamper with the cream cheese...

Alcremie: So, um... what do you wanna put?

Sprigatito: Ooh I known (runs off and grabs a bucket of something) SPRINKLES!!!! (Dumps sprinkles into the batter with super cheery eyes)

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: Sprinkles make every dessert better. It's just a scientific fact.

Raichu: Now as teams finish up the batters, things start going in the ovens! Now then, with such a lengthy challenge ahead I think it's time we speed things up with a montage!

(Music plays and a montage of baking ensues. Repeated shots of cake batter pouring, mixing, and taking cakes in and out of the oven are shown)

Raichu: We are at the halfway mark! Better get decorating! I don't see any of that happening and it's worrying me deeply!

Koffing: Calm down Raichu, it's just a challenge. (Raichu rolls his eyes)

(At the Zacians station)

Grookey: Okay I'm getting reallll bored of this.

Toxtricity: Ditto.

Jigglypuff: That sounds like my cue!

(In confessional)
Jigglypuff: As a singer I excel in raising moral and lifting spirits! It's just what I do. Everyone loves a song and it fills them with energy. Well... every song except THAT ONE which does the opposite and puts people to sleep.

Jigglypuff: Okay sing along if you know it.

Igglybuff: Oh no is she really gonna-

Jigglypuff: (singing) It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake! If the way is hazy, you gotta do the cooking by the book. You know you can't be lazy!
(The team starts to bop along)

Toxtricity: (shouting) WHAT?

Jigglypuff: (singing) Never use a messy recipe! The cake will end up crazy!

Toxtricity: (shouting) OKAY!

Jigglypuff: (singing) If you do the cooking by the book, then you'll have a cake-

Grookey: (rapping) B-break it down [BLEEP], let me see you back it up-

Scorbunny: GROOKEY NO! (Grookey stops as others stare flabbergasted)

Grookey: Oops... sorry... (embarrassed) Kinda forgot this is on tv.

Spheal: (laughing) That was definitely a morale booster, you guys are all awesome. Long live that meme. Let's get back to work.

(In confessional)
Jigglypuff: (throws her arms up triumphantly) Success!

(At the Miraidons station)

Quaxly: Alright we got another cake out of the oven. Phew. Baking really is hard work. I really gotta give more respect to my mom when she makes me desserts.

Sprigatito: Aww that's so wholesome your mom still bakes for you.

Quaxly: Wha- um, well only like once or twice a year y-yeah.

Yamper: Oooh what's this? (Approaches Alcremie) Mmm is that frosting? Can I have a taste? (Grabs a piping bag)

Alcremie: Hang on Yamper that's for frosting don't- (Yamper starts sucking the icing from the frosting bag) Ugh. Good thing I have more of those.

Yamper: Mmm sooo good! Now I want to try some cake-

Scizor: Absolutely not. We need the cakes to build and serve, they are not for snacking.

Yamper: Yeah I know, but I figured I'd ask because if Fuecoco is eating them then why can't I?

Scizor: Well the difference there is- WHAT!?

Fuecoco: MMM! YUMMY CAKE!!! AHAHA! (Eating cakes as they come out of the oven)

Fidough: AGHHHH! NOOOOOO!!! (Runs over to Fuecoco and pushes away all remaining cakes)
It's okay my sweet treats, you should be okay now.

Quaxly: Ugh Fuecoco! Why would you do that?

Fuecoco: Cake batter make my belly sick. So I switch to eating cooked cake!

Fidough: WHAT!? (Runs over to the bowls) Yup we are gonna need more batter ASAP.

Yamper: I'm on it Fidough! (Rushes over and starts baking)

Scizor: (angry) Fuecoco go sit in the corner and do nothing. You better hope we don't lose today.

Fuecoco: Uh oh...

(In confessional)
Fuecoco: Yeah... I did a bad again... my stomach just have mind of its own.

(In confessional)
Fidough: (stressed out) This is a DISASTER!!! Fuecoco has put us so far behind! My cheesecakes are already gonna cut it close, but now I'm gonna have to help with the cake too! Must I really have to do everything myself?

(At the Zacians station)

Toxtricity: Come on damn oven! Cook faster! (Starts punching it) WORK DAMMIT!

Riolu: Woah, everything alright there?

Toxtricity: No! The damn oven won't work. These cakes aren't cooking fast enough. Here I'm gonna just dial it up to eleven.

Riolu: Wait you definitely don't want to do- (the oven short circuits) that...

Toxtricity: Ugh stupid oven.

Igglybuff: Oh no! Now our cakes will never cook! What are we gonna do?

Spheal: It's time to Spheal with it because the fix is in! (Everyone stares at him blankly) I can try to fix it.

Toxtricity: No way dude I can do it myself

(In confessional)
Toxtricity: Why don't I like Spheal? Well other than the fact that it's seals like him that obnoxiously clap during concerts like (making fun of seals) BOARK BOARK BOARK... I dunno not to be rude but he just seems a little... uncool. Just a vibe I get from him. 

Riolu: Guys settle down, we don't need to brawl. Just let's all work together to fix it.

Spheal: Hmm I bet I can get a small generator going to power the oven, but it will need electricity to run.

Toxtricity: So what, I gotta sit here the next few hours just pumping out electricity? No way!

Spheal: Come on it's our only chance, we gotta get these cakes finished!

Toxtricity: Ugh, fine.

Spheal: Okay great.

Riolu: Okay so Igglybuff and Jigglypuff have the frosting coming along, and Grookey and Scorbunny are assembling... where the heck are Sobble and Cubchoo?

(In the far rear of the kitchen area)

Cubchoo: ACHOOO! (Sniffles) Ugh, please Sobble just go help the team before I get you sick.

Sobble: I feel bad to leave you by yourself all sick and alone.

Cubchoo: Thanks but... (pauses) Hey what's wrong with being alone? Don't you prefer being alone?

Sobble: W-what!? What's that supposed to mean?

Cubchoo: I just thought you disliked being around others. Like that time in spa hotel where you just locked yourself into your room.

Sobble: (snaps) THATS NON OF YOUR BUSINESS!! (Covers her mouth and starts to cry) I'm so sorry pl-please d-don't hate meee-

Cubchoo: (blows his nose loudly) Sobble I'd never hate you please.

Sobble: (sighs) Yeah I know, you are very nice. What do we do about this challenge though. Hey is that Quaxly over there?

Quaxly: Hmm let's see what other stuff we got in our advantage basket. Ooh what's this? (Takes out fondant and eats a piece) YUCK! This tastes like nothing! How is this an advantage?

Sobble: Quick, ask him for that. (Shoves Cubchoo forward)

Cubchoo: Wha- oh, um, hi Quaxly. Could we maybe use some of that stuff you're holding?

Quaxly: Huh? Yeah, knock yourself out if your sure. The stuff is pretty much useless it tastes terrible. 

Cubchoo: (brings it back to Sobble) So what is this for?

Sobble: We can make decorations for the cake with this. And fondant usually isn't eaten so just be careful but I think you should be good to help.

(At the Miraidons station)


Scizor: Alright let's keep the cakes coming, I'll keep stacking.

Quaxly: Hey guys I'm not sure what the other team is planning but they wanted this gross fondant stuff so I just gave it to them. It tastes terrible.

Fidough: YOU DID WHAT!?

Quaxly: Erm- (sheepishly) something not bad right?

Fidough: Ugh Quaxly, fondant is the absolute best thing to make cool cake decorations with! Now they are totally gonna whoop us in the presentation!

Alcremie: Time to start with some pretty piping. (Starts piping near perfect roses around the side of the cake) Hmm is that right?

Sprigatito: Wow Alcremie those look sooo amazing!

Alcremie: Hehe thanks so much. Hey Fidough come take a look at the roses. (Fidough rushes over)

Fidough: Oh wow nice work Alcremie! These look really good, just I think the symmetry is slightly off, here let me. (She wipes off Alcremie's rose and makes one of her own) There see!

Alcremie: (frowns) Oh, um, yeah.

Sprigatito: You're joking right? That looks just like the one from before.

Fidough: No, it's different. This one isn't sloppy. (Looks to her side) Okay now Yamper, I need you to check on the cheesecakes for me and rotate them approximately thirty degrees every ninety seconds.

Yamper: You got it Fidough! I won't be a single degree off! (Runs over)

Fidough: (to herself) Okay I gotta frost, I gotta make the roses, I need to make the decorations, I need to-

Alcremie: (softly) Fidough are you okay? You seem really stressed...

Fidough: Huh? I'm not stressed, baking is what I live for! It's just frustrating when nobody on the team will follow my exact directions you know? I've basically got to do everything myself. I mean no offensive but I thought you'd be more precise with your baking and we could-

Alcremie: (starts looking slightly angry and sad) Okay that's it, I'm done here. If you want someone to just blindly follow your orders you can go stick with Yamper. (Rushes off upset)

Fidough: What, no! Alcremie wait I didn't mean it like that- (sighs and Alcremie is gone) I... I just... The fondant... and then the the Alcremie... (starts screaming and collapses)

Scizor: What the actual hell is going on here?

Yamper: Oh no she's having a mental breakdown! (Rushes over to her) You'll be okay, it's okay, don't cry.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: (holding back tears) I thought she really cared about me as a friend but I guess I'm just not good enough. Ugh and now I maybe just emotionally overreacted but... (sighs) same old story. No friend I make is ever a true one that sticks around, why would I think she'd be any different?

Raichu: (to the camera) Thirty minutes left everybody! Better get your cake together before it's too late! Oh and I forgot to mention one more thing... I want that cakes displayed on the opposite side of the area.

Scorbunny: I'm sorry, what?

Raichu: That's right! Be prepared to carry your giant cake! It must be on your team logos platform when the time runs out or you will be disqualified.

(At the Zacians station)

Spheal: Alright! The last cake it finally done! You can take a break now Toxtricity. (Toxtricity passes out)

Scorbunny: So um... what exactly is our plan here? No offense but our cake kinda... yeah it's not the neatest. (Motions to their cake which is almost at the needed height and is very basic looking with just two tones of pink icing)

Jigglypuff: Ooh I knew we should've done a more even job coloring the icing!

Igglybuff: Yeah... I didn't expect it to be this noticeable...

Grookey: C'mon on its cake. Who cares what it looks like it just has to taste good.

Igglybuff: Well fair but also presentation does matter. (Sobble runs up with Cubchoo) Oh hi Sobble. Wait, where have you guys been?

Cubchoo: Well I wanted to stay away from the food since I'm kinda sick.

Sobble: But we decided to make edible decorations out of fondant. Take a look. (Holds up a little chibi Raichu made of fondant)

Igglybuff: Wow! That's incredible Sobble! So cute!

Sobble: (embarrassed a little) Th-thanks.

Cubchoo: We also made the Pichu's, Koffing and the rest of the crew. Figured they would like it since its them-em-emmm-ACHOO! Ugh.

Scorbunny: Alright I've got the ladder, let's climb up and gets these decorations on!

(At the Miraidons station)

Fidough: (breathing into a paper bag) We have to move it now- (shakes her head) Yamper get the cheesecakes out please. (He runs over) Thank you.

Sprigatito; That's right, take it easy. Calm down. Deep breaths.

Fidough: I'm sorry I just... I'm overloaded here. Everything is going disastrously!

Sprigatito: What are you talking about? Look the cakes are frosted and staked along with your cheesecakes. The whole cake looks gorgeous with your fancy piping and decorations. Why are you so upset?

Fidough: Because it's not perfect enough! If I make it it just HAS to be perfect!

Quaxly: Ooh, that's what's going on here. Fidough your definition of what's considered good is out of wack.

Yamper: Yeah Fidough, what you did is perfect!

Sprigatito: Erm, actually what I think is important for her to see is that you don't have to hold yourself to such impossible standards.

Fidough: Yeah but I'm a baker, if I can't make a complete showstopper then I'm a disgrace! I just-


Scizor: Alright we get it. Fidough is a perfectionist. Now let's move on and move the cake.

Fuecoco: But we didn't reach fifteen feet.

Alcremie: (climbing down from a ladder) You're right we actually finished at sixteen feet.

Fidough: Alcremie you stayed! Thank you! And I'm sor-


(The two teams are shown lifting up their giant cakes and walking over to the presentation stands)

Raichu: Just five minutes remain! Better pick up the pace! (The Pichu Twins run out) Hello you two, hungry for cake?

Riolu: Okay we are almost there keep it up guys.

Spheal: Cubchoo... you alright?

Cubchoo: I think I feel a sneeze coming on... oh no... Aaa-aaaa-ACHOOO! (Tries to duck before sneezing but ends up losing his grip, Sobble lets go to cover Cubchoo's nose, and the cake tilts and slides into his and Spheal's faces)

Grookey: (laughing) I don't mean to laugh but I kinda do. (They push the cake back into place and put it on the podium)

Sobble: Oh no! The cake is ruined! (Starts crying)

Toxtricity: Hmm how about we just. (Turns the cake around) There we go.

Raichu: Challenge ends in five, four, three-

Scizor: Okay everyone let go. (They place their cake)

Raichu: One! Time's up and bravo! I cannot wait to try these cakes. Why don't you have someone explain to me your cakes, Zacians you're first.

Jigglypuff: We have a SUPER yummy vanilla cake with chocolate chips inside. We also have the CUTEST decorations, fondant creations of you guys.

Raichu: Okay I L-U-V love the chibi creations let me have a look. (Gets the Raichu from the top) Aww look at this little guy, huh what's this green stuff on his back?

Cubchoo: Uh oh, yeah maybe don't eat that-

Raichu: (eats it) Hmm, not bad. Not much going on but good enough. (Jigglypuff and Igglybuff puke) Now can you turn your cake around please? (They all just stand there) Hello!? (Scorbunny sighs and turns it) YEESH- what happened there?

Spheal: A slight fall...

Pichuette: Eww it fell on the floor? I can't eat that!

Pichu: I can! GIVE ME THE FLOOR CAKE! (Starts eating) Mmm yummy!

Raichu: Whelp you better hope the Miraidons  choked even harder, let's take a look at- oh my god! (Looks up at their giant exquisite cake) That may be the prettiest cake I've ever seen, and I just saw one with my own face on it, that's saying something.

Fidough: (blushes) So we made for you a vanilla funfetti cake, chocolate cake, and oreo cheesecake cake. Then we decorated with classic buttercream frosting, piped on some roses and other designs and... yeah. I hope you enjoy!

Raichu: Three different cakes in one? Holy crap that's impressive!

Pichuette: Language!

Raichu: Let's hope it all comes together, time for the taste. (They take a bite) Oh my god. I'm shocked... this is... THE BEST THING IVE EVER EATEN

Pichu: It's sooooo good! I want to eat the whole thing!

Pichuette: It's fifteen feet, you'll die.

Pichu: I don't care. It'd be worth it.

Raichu: That settles it! Miraculous Miraidons you are today's big winners! (They all cheer)

Yamper: We did it! Great job Fidough!

Fidough: Thanks, but the credit really should go to all of you. You really were amazing help and put up with my perfectionism heh.

Riolu: (sighs) Whelp can't say I'm surprised we lost.

Jigglypuff: Yeah and now we gotta vote someone off, bummer.

(At the campfire ceremony)

Raichu: Okay, the votes have been made. It's been a LONG day, so I'll keep this short. Scorbunny, Grookey, Toxtricity, Riolu, Jigglypuff, small Jigglypuff and Spheal. (Throws them all pokepuffs) You are all safe!

Sobble: NOOO! (Starts crying) WHY ME!? WHY US!?

Raichu: You're kidding right? You two were M.I.A. for a lot of the challenge and were disconnected from everyone. (They both look sad) Now then, the final pokepuff goes to-

Cubchoo: ACHOOO!

Raichu: Ahem, the final pokepuff goes to- (Cubchoo loudly blows his nose) Ugh, the final-

Cubchoo: AAACHOOO!! S-sorry

Raichu: Okay that's it! Sobble take your damn pokepuff! Cubchoo, ruiner of cakes and tension build ups apparently, you are out.

Cubchoo: Aww man, but I can't say I don't understand.

Scorbunny: Sorry dude, but your allergies really did keep causing handicaps for the team.

Spheal: We'll miss you!

Cubchoo: (gets in the catapult) Well goodbye everyone. Sobble I hope you- (Sobble starts crying uncontrollably, hugs him, then runs off) Guess it's time Aaa-aaa- (Raichu catapults him) CHOOOOO!!!

Raichu: Meh, I'd give that Pikachu impression a two. Anywho, I'm beat. Time for you favorite host to take a sugar crash. Sweet dreams and see you next time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation!

*Oh my godddd sorry this chapter got SOOO long, I hope you enjoy the read though. I'll defo try to keep 'em shorter from here on out. As always thanks for reading! ❤️

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