The Road To Victory

Raichu: Last time on the Regional Tour of the Total Drama Pokémon kind, we re-revisited good old TDP island! Koffing and I deserved a break so we ditched the contestants in the woods. They had to go find their way back to camp and had their survival skills tested. Everyone was suffering all through the day and night! Pachirisu and Togedemaru encountered a bear, Squirtle and Treecko fell from a tree and I had to suffer the ultimate horror... MY LEMONADE HAD NO ICE!!! I know, it's so horrible. It's like I'm a peasant. Anyway, Squritle and Treecko beat the other two to the campgrounds and won invincibility. A tiebreaker was forced between Togedemaru and Pachirisu, and Pachirisu won it. Surprisingly, Togedemaru left not even the slightest bit angry at Pachirisu, in fact, he sempt closer to her than ever. (Takes a deep breath) Now that was a mouthful. Today, we are at the semi-finals of the season. Who will advance to the finale? Find out now on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!

(Theme song; In first class)

Squirtle: (sipping on a milkshake). Gah! BRAIN FREEZE!!! (Shakes his head frantically for a few seconds) Okay. Phew. It's all better now.

Treecko: You might wanna slow down Squirtle. You've already had two.

Squirtle: Yeah but they are just so good! (Continues drinking when his stomach rumbles) Uh oh... Coming through! (Rushes into the bathroom)

(In confessional)
Treecko: Squirtle is a good ally but he comes with another benefit. He isn't the- How do I put this nicely? -most athletic. So once Pachirisu is eliminated that million dollars will be as good as mine! Awesome!

Squirtle: (comes outta the bathroom) Woo-weee. You don't wanna go in there.

Treecko: And... you're oversharing.

Squirtle: Sorry. (Pauses) You know, I feel kinda bad for Pachirisu. I was sorta rude to her friend and now she is all alone in economy class.

Treecko: So?

Squirtle: So let's pay her a visit. I'll bring her some cookies and such. (Grabs a plate of snacks) Let's go.

(In economy)

Pachirisu: Uggghhh! I hate it here! It's so gross and lonely now.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: (sighs) I feel bad about Togedemaru, but he didn't seem upset at me for what I did. I just wish I had someone to talk to now. Don't get me wrong, I'm super hyped to be in the final three! I am all set to win the money. I just wish these plane rides were shorter!

Squirtle: (walks in) Hey Pachirisu!

Pachirisu: What? Come to rub your goodies in my face? (Fierce) Here's a heads up, I am not holding back anymore! I will win and you can't stop me.

Squirtle: Umm... I just thought you were hungry and could use some company.

Pachirisu: (back to normal) Oh, um, sure why not.

Treecko: And FYI, you don't scare me.

Pachirisu: (rolls eyes) Whatever. It's just winning is all I wanted from the beginning.

Squirtle: So... what do you think today's challenge is gonna be?

Treecko: Something dangerous, that's for sure. I just hope it doesn't involve breaking our bones.

Squirtle: Yeah. I defiantly agree. But whatever it is, I'm gonna try my hardest! (Pumps his fist in the air)

(In confessional)
Squirtle: So yesterday I got a teensy bit over the top risky, but today I will be more controlled. Trust me, I'm not usually one to say no to a dare, I mean, I won that challenge in season one! I plan to win this next challenge and make the finals!

Pachirisu: Now let's just wait for Raichu to-

Raichu: (over the intercom) Good morning Pachirisu, Treecko and Squirtle! Aka, the final three of season two! We will be heading to where every trainer goes at the end of his or her journey today.

Treecko: Wonder what that means?

Raichu: (over the intercom) Oh, and we are gonna be ending in Kanto. The region that started it all. Prepare for landing because its gonna be a rough one!!! (The plane starts descending and everyone screams as they got rocked around) Hahaha. I'll miss hearing those blood curtailing screams.

(They plane lands outside a tunnel and the final three gather around Raichu just in front of the plane)

Raichu: What's up guys? Ready for a race to the finals.

Pachirisu: (smirks) Yeah! Let's do this!

Squirtle: Bring it Raichu! We are ready!

Raichu: So, we are just outside Victory Road! The road that leads to the extremely well known Pokémon League, which is where the finale is going to take place! Exciting, huh!?

Treecko: Gotta admit, that is pretty cool. The Pokémon League is a super cool place! It's where the Elite Four and Champion are.

Raichu: Uh huh. Yes Treecko, I am pretty sure we are all aware of that. But focus on today first okay? For this challenge you must navigate through Victory Road and if you are the last to reach the end, sorry but no finals for you. (Everyone gasps) Yep. A sudden death elimination. You'll head along Victory Road, overcoming any obstacles you come across. (Pauses) Now what was I going to say... oh yeah! GO!!!! (Everyone runs off) Read the sign once you get inside!!

(In the first part of the tunnel; All three competitors comes to a stop)

Pachirisu: (reading the sign aloud) Whack a Diglet? What the heck?

Squirtle: I get it. We gotta bop the Digletts as they pop up from under the ground

Treecko: Phft. What? There's no way that's it. I'm not wasting my time. (Goes to leave the room we a bomb blasts him) AHHHH!!!

Raichu: (over a monitor) You whoo! Over here! Nice try Treecko but you gotta complete the challenge first. Try something like that again and you will wish you hadn't.

Treecko: Ughhhh...

(In confessional)
Treecko: (mentally confused from the bomb) Weeee! I miss the pretty dancing flower. And on I hate the mouse with lightning coming out of his butt. (Faints but quickly regains consciousness) Huh? W-what was I talking about?

Squirtle: (spots a Diglett) Ah ha! (Tries to jump on it but it burrows under) Grr. This is so much harder than I thought it would be. They are too quick!

Pachirisu: Maybe for you but for me... (tries to hit a Diglett but it goes underground) ...they are still kinda fast...

Squirtle: Ooh! This ones mine!

Pachirisu: No way! I saw it first! (They run into each other and fall down as the Diglett escapes)

Treecko: (to himself) Hmmm. They seem to have the advantage of going under so if I go under... That's it! (Starts digging hole)

Squirtle: Treecko! Are you even trying!? I thought we were gonna be going to the finals together!?

Treecko: Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

Squirtle: Um... okay.

Pachirisu: (continues running but she suddenly stops) EEEKKK! My foot! It's st-stuck! Stuck in this stupid Diglett hole.

Treecko: (in his hole) Perfect now I just wait and... (suddenly a Diglett comes through but falls since his underground passageway has been cut off) YES! (Bops the Diglett on its head)
Sorry, little guy.

Diglett: (in a super deep voice) Oh you're sorry? Well you better back the F off bub or I'll murder you. (Treecko just stands there for a second before leaving at lightning speeds)

(In confessional)
Treecko: (eyes widened) Yeah... that's probably scariest Diglett I've ever seen. Yikes.

Pachirisu: (frees herself from the pit) Yes I'm free but now Treecko has the lead. Oh well, at least I'm not in last.

Squirtle: (uses Water Gun down a hole and the water sends a Diglet flying up another hole. Squirtle runs over and taps it) Wooo whooo! I did it. And I'm not too far behind Treecko! (Leaves)

Pachirisu: (to herself) That's it Pachirisu. Time to bring your one hundred percent A game. (Narrows her eyes fiercely)

(In room 2)

Treecko: Yes! The second checkpoint. Let's see what the challenge is. (Looks at a huge contraption in front of him) Oh course. Any challenge wouldn't be complete in Raichu's book without an obstacle course to pass. (Sighs) He's gonna have to stop recycling idea or he'll get fired-

Raichu: (over a nearby monitor) I HEARD THAT TREECKO!!! (Clear throat) I'll have you know obstacle courses are dangerous and entertaining to the viewers at the same time. And if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Good luck mate. (Monitor fades)

Squirtle: (arrives) Okay. What is next on the agenda. (Sees the obstacle course) Oh boy.

Treecko: Better start. Up the rock wall we go.

(Back in Room 1)

Pachirisu: I won't lose! I can do this!

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: When the pressure turns on, so do I! When I know my chances of winning are on the line I can't help but get pumped up with a never ending desire to win!

Pachirisu: (closes her eyes and hears a Diglett rise) Ah ha! (Does a backflip and bops it on the head) Yes, yes, yes! I am still in the running! (Runs off)

(Back at Room 2)

Squirtle: (slipping on the rock wall) Woah-o-o! Phew. I'm alright. Man, I'm only halfway up and I feel like I've been climbing for hours.

Treecko: (reaches the top) Yes! I'm done with the wall. I really gotta work on my upper body strength some more.

Squirtle: Uh oh! Here comes Pachirisu!

Pachirisu: (arrives) An obstacle course? Yes! Let's do this. (Hops from one part of the wall to another and makes it to the top in seconds. Treecko and Squirtle's jaws drop) Suprised boys?

Treecko: Um, yeah. That was super impressive.

Pachirisu: Thanks. See you at the Pokémon League! (Continues to the next obstacle)

Treecko: Hey! (Follows her)

Squirtle: (to himself) Ughhh. I'm gonna have to keep going. No way am I losing due to a stupid rock climbing wall. (Continues climbing)

(At the second obstacle)

Pachirisu: Rolling pins? Piece of cake! (Slowly walks onto the log as it turns)

Treecko: Sorry but slow and steady isn't gonna win this race! (Hops on the log and picks up speed) Woah! WOAH! (Messes up his footing and the log turns him over and he falls into the mud below) Crud.

Pachirisu: Maybe you outta be more careful next time!? (Lightly laughs)

Squirtle: WOOO WHOOO!!! I have concerned the wall. (Heads to the rolling pins as Treecko climbs up) You okay?

Treecko: Do I look okay? I fell and am covered in mud, what do you think?

Pachirisu: (one the other side) Yes! And I made it! Only one more obstacle to go. (Cheers)

Squritle: Hurry!! (He and Treecko begin the rolling pins)

Pachirisu: (arrives at the third obstacle) What's this? Monkey bars? Too easy Raichu! (Swings across with ease) First place is gonna be all mine! (Leaves as Squirtle and Treecko arrive)

Squirtle: Uh oh! We have to do this. And quickly. (Starts swinging across) You good Treecko?

Treecko: Yeah. I'm good. At least this obstacle isn't dangerous. (Suddenly a Carvanha jumps out of the water beneath them) What?

Carvanha: MEAT!!! (Bites Treecko)

Treecko: YOWW!! (Falls into the water as Squirtle winces)

Squirtle: Ooh. That can't be good. Um, I'll just go up a head okay? Okay cool. (Finishes the monkey bars and heads off)

(In confessional)
Squirtle: I feel bad but hey, I wanna win too! Sometimes you just have to do what is right, even though it makes you feel good. Wait, that wasn't it! Now what was that saying again...

(At Room 3)

Pachirisu: Yes! First one here. (Looks at the sign) Eeew! I have to eat a gross meal?

Koffing: (comes out from the shadows laughing) Yes sir-ree! You gotta eat a whole tub of the nastiest stuff around! It's my homemade mystery meat stew with Pidgey droppings and Weedle stingers. (Pachirisu's checks puff up like she is about to barf) Don't choke on it.

Pachirisu: (gulps) This is nothing. I can totally handle this.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: Being this athletic isn't easy. I've been a healthy eater my whole life so I'm worried my stomach might not be used to this- (her stomach growls) -fatty junk. Paste is one thing but grotesque stew is another.

Squirtle: (arrives) An eating challenge? I'm hungry, but if Koffing made it, I really don't wanna eat it.

Koffing: HEY!

Pachirisu: Come on down. Join me in the procrastination party:

Koffing: My life sucks. All this work cooking and no one appreciates one freaking thing! I might just. (Looks angry) Maybe then they'll appriacte me.

Pachirisu: O...kay... Here it goes. (Takes a spoon full and her stomach growls) Uh oh. N-not good. (starts puking heavily)

Squirtle: Gahhh! Look away everyone! LOOK AWAY!

Treecko: (arrives) Okay phew. They are both still here. (Runs up next to them) Um...

Squritle: Yep. We gotta eat this disgusting garbage.

Treecko: (moans loudly) You suck Koffing.

Pachirisu: Okay. That was the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten. But I'm so close to winning!

Treecko: Um. We all are!

Pachirisu: (gabs her spoon and takes a deep breath) RAHHHH!! (Starts shoving the food down her mouth)

Squirtle: No way! How is she doing that? (Treecko shrugs) Well we aren't going down with out a fight!

(Treecko and Squritle start eating rapidly. Each competitor keeps eating and barfing as Koffing just floats there happily watching them suffer. Suddenly, all three tubs are empty)

Squirtle: Wow. A three way- (pukes) -tie.

Pachirsu: I know. (Stomach growls) I didn't think you guys- (pukes) Gross... -could keep up with me

Treecko: Only one way to win. A race to the Pokémon League. I'll see you guys there, you know, after I make it.

Pachirisu: Oh really? Challenge accepted! But first... (everyone pukes one last time and heads down a path) Uh oh.

Squirtle: Um... (looks around him) Which way are we supposed to go?

Koffing: (cackles) Looks like Raichu failed to tell you that catacombs are your exit. Good luck finding your way suckas! (Continues laughing)

Pachirisu: (starts running off) Later!

Treecko: I can still do this! (He and Squritle run off in different directions)

(In confessional)
Squirtle: This close (makes a pinching shake with his hand) to making the final two! My stomach may hurt but I've probably got a stronger one than Pachirisu and Treecko so I should make it out without any, you know, (makes quotation marks in the air) barf breaks.

(In confessional)
Treecko: Bellossom I'm coming! I'll show just how awesome a guy I am once I make the finals and then win that million dollar prize. I'm smart and fast so fingers crossed that beating Squirtle and Pachirisu outta here will be successful.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: Well my stomach hurts an awful lot... but as an athlete I know how to keep going. If you want something bad enough, you can push through all the pain and prevail. And I definitely   want this bad enough.

(The screen shows each player making their way about the catacombs in a sorta montage like fashion)

(At the Pokémon League)

Raichu: (watching a monitor of the competitors) OOH! It's gonna be close. All three have entered the catacombs and are making the rounds! This is making awesome T.V.

Pichu: Uncle Raichu let us see!

Pichuette: Yeah! I can't see past your big head!

Raichu: Calm down you two. (Picks them up) Happy know? (They nod) Good. (Pauses) So, how is everyone else doing? (The camera zooms out to see all the losers from the season sitting in bleachers)

Cyndaquil: This is so exciting! I can't wait to see who makes it!

Mudkip: I know! It's so much different watching the semi-finals than being in it.

Chespin: (leans down to them) You sure got that right.

Bellossom: (crosses her fingers) Please, please, Treecko! I know you can do it!

Bulbasaur: (nervously sweating) Oh I really hope Squirtle makes it!

Togedemaru: Um hello? Pachirisu is the one who needs to make it.

Psyduck: Yeah! You tell em Togede-blablue.

Togedemaru: Eeh. Close enough.

Absol: Everyone. I can sense someone coming.

Charmander: Ooh. Who's it gonna be!?

Raichu: Hey! I was gonna say that! (A voice can be heard from the exit of Victory Road. Suddenly, Pachirisu emerges from the exit) ITS PACHIRISU!!!

Pachirisu: ALRIGHT!!! (Stops in front of Raichu) So did I just...

Raichu: Earn a spot in the finale? Yes, yes you did!

Pachirisu: (cheers) Yes!

Togedemaru: (comes up to her with a few others) I knew you'd make it Pachirisu! You're the strongest, most determined girl I know. And I think I'm in-

Psyduck: Twenty seven point five cheers for Pachirisu everyone!!

Cyndaquil: Um, I think you mean three cheers Psyduck.

Raichu: (to the camera) Looks like Pachirisu is in the finals but who will be her opponent? I think we are about to find out... (a voice can be heard again. Squirtle comes through the exit) Look who we have here everyone!

Bulbasaur: SQUIRTLE!!!

Squirtle: (out of breath) Did. I. Make. It?

Mudkip: You did! I'm so happy for you!

Bulbasaur: Same here.

Squirtle: Thanks guys. Just excuse me for a second. (Walks off) OMG I DID IT! YESSSS!!! IM IN THE FINALE! THIS IS AMAZING! WOO WHOOO!!!

Bellossom: (sadly) Oh no... Treecko...

Raichu: Sorry Bellossom, that does indeed mean Treecko is out. (Suddenly, Treecko runs up)

Bellossom: Treecko! (Runs over to him and hugs him) Treecko I missed you so much.

Treecko: (looks to see Pachirisu and Squritle) So uh, did I lose? (Bellossom nods as Treecko sighs) Stupid game. I was so freaking close and I lost it all. I hate my life.

Bellossom: Really? Because I think you have a great life. You took third outta twenty five! That's impressive. And if I recall you met someone really special here too.

Treecko: (smiles) Yeah, I know. I'm glad to have made a friend in Squirtle. (Bellossom looks angry as Treecko laughs a little) I'm just kidding. I'm glad I met you. And I tried my hardest.

Cyndaquil: (comes over) Good try Treecko. You did an awesome job.

Squritle: Aww. So I guess that means we won't be having our finale together? (Looks sad) I'm sorry.

Treecko: What are you sorry for? You made it to the finals fair and square and most importantly, without Bulbasaur. (Pauses) Not saying there's anything wrong with Bulbasaur though.

Squritle: Thanks Treecko. You've helped me become... well, more of myself. Thanks to you I realize what I'm capable of on my own.

Treecko: And I'm proud of you for that. Now, I'll be rooting for you to win so don't let me down.

Raichu: Squirtle! Get over here! (Squirtle comes over and stands next to Pachirisu)

Pachirisu: Well, looks like you'll be going down Squirtle. You're the only thing that stands between me and the million. And as you know I won't be so easy to beat, but still, good luck.

Squirtle: Thanks and (edgy) bring it on!

Raichu: Well, I am certainly excited for this one! Tune in next time for an epic finale! Who will win? Will it be strong hearted and possibly risk taker Squirtle? Or will it be athletic, confident and slightly fierce Pachirisu? There is only one way to find out which Pokémon win the million dollar prize and that is to tune in next time on the season finale of Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!

**Thanks so much for reading everybody! I'd love it if you could comment and tell me what you thought.

Also, special shout outs to Sean1153 __Glaceon__ TorchicTrooper Catanzy FrancineChua2 slothzilla124 TotalEpicness123 xxTheGamingWolfxx for always commenting and reading! It really means a lot to me. So go read there stories if they have them! Trust me, they're good.

  Also shoutouts to LBWriter123 ItzChandelure Captain_Komodo BlueNJGreenF_r_e_a_k Darumaka25 ZadokodaZ012  Super_Mario_Sister
and everyone else who always reads (or sometimes reads)

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