Sinnoh's Got Talent

Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour, our competitors got the full athlete experience after competing in an actual pokeathelon! They had their physique tested in many events. Some highlights were, Togedemaru kicking butt with a dueling stick, Mudkip and Lycanroc acing the laser challenge and Psyduck getting the best of Primeape. In the end, The Destructive Dialgas were victorious, earning the first class seating. On the other hand The Perilous Palkias had to send someone packing and it was none other than Primeape, who was causing more harm than good to everyone with his anger issues. So, with two down and too many more to go, find out who gets to skydive today, now on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!

(Theme song; In Economy Class B)

Raichu: (Over speaker system) Wakey, Wakey boys and girls! We will be landing at our next destination in just ten minutes!

Vulpix: Oh, I can't take it! I need more sleep.

Fennekin: No kidding. I think we all do (yawns)

Cyndaquil: Well, no sense in fighting it. (Stands up) Gah, my back hurts after sleeping up against a wall.

Bulbasaur: Stupid economy class.

Sawk: Here Cyndaquil, let me karate chop your back into position.

Cyndaquil: Won't that hurt? I think I'm good. (Sawk strikes his back) Ow...Wow, that did the trick! Thanks.

Sawk: Not a problem.

(In confessional)
Sawk: Unfortunately this show isn't all about skill. It's also about strategy and alliances so I'll need guys on my good side to win.

Squirtle: I wonder how the others are doing.

(In Economy Class A)

Chespin: Eew, I think I just saw a rat go by!

Mudkip: That's not nice! Ratatta's are Pokémon too you know.

Chespin: No I mean like a rat, rat. An animal rat that cannot talk.

Mudkip: Oh. (Pauses) Yeah, eww.

Snivy: Okay we better win this next challenge because I for one refuse to sleep sitting up.

Lycanroc: Agreed. It's especially uncomfortable and weird for us four legged guys too.

Mudkip: Yeah...

Litten: (graffiting the wall) There. Perfect!

Popplio: What's that? Some weird blob?

Litten: No, it's an abstract piece of art!

(In confessional)
Litten: What kind of critic does that Popplio guy think he is!? He better watch his back!

(In confessional)
Popplio: I was just trying to ease my way into a conversation to make a new friend. Oh well I guess.

(In first class)

Charmander: We've got only a few more minutes of relaxation.

Chimchar: Yeah but let's make the most of it. (Reclines back in his chair)

Psyduck: Hey guys, I found a pokey weapon thingy.

Togedemaru: Yeah, that's a fork Psyduck.

Psyduck: Oh, my bad.

Togedemaru: (to himself) I'm surprised they let that guy on the show.

Turtwig: How is your breakfast Piplup?

Piplup: Adequate, I guess. Steak is a little fatty! Hey Glaceon get me a new one.

Turtwig: You do realize we are about to land right? (Sees Absol) Oh hey Absol, you okay?

Absol: Yes, I'm fine. Just keeping watch.

Turtwig: Watch? For what?

Absol: Any danger. I just want to protect my team and everyone here for that matter. (The plane begins to descend and it's a bumpy ride)

Pachirisu: Ugh! Not again! I think I'm gonna puke. (The plane lands)

Raichu: (over the intercom) Attention everyone, we have landed in our next destination! It's Hearthome City in the Sinnoh region!

Chimchar: Oh yeah! Home sweet Sinnoh here we come!

Turtwig: Alright awesome!

Chimchar: Hey that's right, all us Sinnoh starters on a team together. (Laughs a little) We so got this then. Sinnoh power!

(Everyone exits the plane and gathers around Raichu and Koffing in the town square)

Raichu: Alrighty guys, today we are be heading to...

Treecko: Pal park?

Charmander: The gym?

Chikorita: That house where you can make poffins?

Psyduck: The bathroom? (Everyone stares at him) What? I forget to go sometimes.

Charmander: Seriously dude, please don't ever overshare like that again.

Raichu: Potty talk aside, we are headed to the Pokémon Contest Hall!

Piplup: Not that I'm complaining, but didn't we do a contest thing last season?

Raichu: Yes, but for this challenge we are just borrowing the stage. Koffing reserved it.

Koffing: Uh, what now? Oh! Reserved it! I- Um- Give me a second.

(Inside the contest hall)

Raichu: So did you clear things up with the owners.

Koffing: Um, yeah, sorta.

Raichu: Sorta?

Koffing: I tied them up and threw em in the back closet. (There's a moment of silence) Just get to your stinkin' challenge.

Raichu: Okay... So anyways, this is gonna be a big talent contest! (Everyone cheers) Lucky you, the producers said I had to fit in a few less dangerous challenges so I figured I'd get them out of the way first.

Fennekin: Well that's good.

Litten: Yeah, except that means things are only gonna get worse. (They both smile at each other)

(In confessional)
Litten: Just because we're on different teams doesn't mean I can't talk to her! She's my girl!
Er- um, yeah I like her but I'm still a tough cat. Bad to the bone.

Raichu: So you've got two hours to pick your three best talents that will compete.

Mudkip: How will the scoring work?

Raichu; Each performance will be judged by mwah. Koffing, and today's special guest...

Pachirisu: Ooh, who's it gonna be!

Raichu: TORCHIC!

Torchic: (walks in) Hi everyone!

Cyndaquil: Hey! How's it going?

Torchic: Fantastic, thanks for asking.

(In confessional)
Torchic: This is way better than before. Competing was way too hard but now I can be on T.V, and just be me!

Raichu: We will all give a score one to ten, and then add them up for your score. Combine all scores for the team for the total. Highest wins, lowest loses. Clear! (Everyone nods) Now go!

Torchic: So, is there a makeup trailer I can go to or an intern to feed me grapes?

Raichu: You're not the queen Torchic. You're just here for today. (Torchic growls a little in anger)

(At The Gargantuan Giratinas)

Litten: So guys, I don't have much talent so I'll just go see what the other team is doing.

Chespin: (lightbulb goes off in head) Oh yeah! Me too. Be right back.

Snivy: Hold up you two! You just wanna see Fennekin and Chikorita. (Smirks)

Chespin: So?

Snivy: So? You can't do that.

Lycanroc: I'm with Snivy. We're a team and we gotta stick together like one. Don't betray us.

Litten: Sheesh. Fine.

Treecko: Good, now who's got a talent to share.

(At The Destructive Dialgas)

Chimchar: Okay listen up guys I've got an orderly way to do this.

Charmander: You're not the boss Chimchar.

Chimchar: I know but I'm just taking charge since nobody else is stepping up.

Charmander: Oh yeah? Well I'm stepping up so we're gonna do things my way today.

Piplup: Would you two please shut up! We are losing time.

Psyduck: Oh no we're losing!

Charmander: Fine. Someone just get up and show us what you got.

Pachirisu: I'm a pretty skilled acrobat and gymnast so...

Togedemaru: Okay, show us what you've got!

Pachirisu: I intend to do just that. (Gets up and does tumbles and flips) And if we can find some bars I can swing around on those.

Absol: Excellent.

Charmander: Meh. Was a little boring.

Pachirisu: Excuse me? Well I'd like to see you do better!!

Turtwig: Woah calm down. (Pulls Pachirisu away from Charmander) Charmander just doesn't keep his mouth shut at times.

Togedemaru: (mumbling) Kinda like a grass turtle I know.

Absol: Well it seems that majority of us liked Pachirisu so sign her up.

(At The Perilous Palkias)

Sawk: Okay, now that Primeape's gone we can actually calmly focus today.

Squirtle: You said it. So who's got an act?

Vulpix: I could show off my sewing skills.

Bulbasaur: No offense but that's not really a talent that's amusing to watch.

(In confessional)
Vulpix: Okay, he's right but that doesn't mean I'm talentless. I'm a nice looking and likable fox. Right?

Fennekin: Well, I have a talent, but it's kinda weird.

Cyndaquil: Okay cool. What is it?

Fennekin: Okay but don't say I didn't warn you. (Starts singing in a super high pitched voice)

(In confessional)
Fennekin: Doctors can't explain it but I have an unusually high pitched singing voice.

Bulbasaur: That hurt my ears a bit but otherwise that was amazing!

Chikorita: Yeah! Awesome Fennekin! Super impressive!

(In confessional)
Fennekin: I'm actually pretty happy with my team. Even though I barely got to know her, Chikorita was nice to me last season. And Cyndaquil's a totally trustworthy guy too!

Fennekin: Thanks guys!

Squirtle: Okay, what else does anybody have to offer?

Sawk: I could put on a karate routine but I feel like that's been done before.

Squirtle: Guess your right, it isn't the most original idea.

Sawk: We can use it as a last resort.

Vulpix: Yeah.

(At The Gargantuan Giratinas)

Bellossom: (finishes hula dancing and strikes a pose) And that's all!

Treecko: That was very good!

Snivy: Yeah, but good enough for Raichu? (Everyone looks at him) What!?

Lycanroc: Okay, so I think is safe to say Bellossom's in.

Bellossom: Alright! Sweet.

Chespin: I've got a talent, I can stuff twenty walnuts in my mouth at once. Watch.

Snivy: No offense, but I don't think anyone wants to see that.

Chespin: Fine. (Sits back down) Then who else has an act?

Mudkip: What about Popplio? He performs at the circus with his family.

Treecko: Yeah, that's true. Popplio, show us what you got.

Popplio: Really? (Smiles) Alright! So I can do jokes and-

Snivy: Hold it there. Your jokes are kinda, how do I put this delicately? Totally cringey. What else.

Popplio: I can balance stuff on my nose really well, and other stuff like that.

Snivy: I think that will do. You're in.

Mudkip: And Litten what about you?

Litten: Nah. I've got talent but I can't get up and do it in front of everyone.

Lycanroc: We've got half of our time left. Let's hurry and pick one more!

(At The Perilous Palkias)

Chikorita: Um... I can't think of anything! I think we're hosed.

Cyndaquil: We can't give up yet! Squirtle, Bulbasaur, is they're anything you can do together?

Bulbasaur: (chuckles) Remember when we tried to make a band?

Squirtle: (laughs) Yes. That was a train wreck.

Cyndaquil: That's an awesome idea! Let's try and make a band! Sawk I think we're gonna use your karate act.

Sawk: Gathered that.

Bulbasaur: You're not serious are you?

Cyndaquil: Yeah I am. It's kinda bad but it's our only hope! Plus, trying to get a few points is better than no points at all. (Bulbasaur nods) Bulbasaur, Squirtle and anyone else who wants to help come with me. We got a band to create. (Cyndaquil, Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Chikorita leave)

(In confessional)
Chikorita: It's not really like Cyndaquil to be the one in control but he's got really good ideas. I'm proud of him for speaking up. He should lead more often.

(At The Destructive Dialgas)

Piplup: So it's settled. It's me, Pachirisu and Chimchar.

Turtwig: Sounds good to me.

Charmander: Well I object! My rapping is way better than your stupid performance!

Piplup: Excuse me? No it was not!

Charmander: Fine, but than it was at least better than Chimchar's.

Chimchar: We all voted! Quit being so salty!

Charmander: Hey, potion flipping isn't a talent.

Pachirisu: Well it's a trend and might be popular with the judges.

Chimchar: Come on Charmander, you just have to accept this.

(In confessional)
Charmander: I'm trying my hardest to hold back on beating the crap outta Chimchar! I hate him so much but I can't look bad in front of the team or they'll start not liking me.

Togedemaru: We're about done here. I'm gonna go take a nap.

Absol: I'll be outside. Good luck to all you competing.

Pachirisu: (looks at clock) We got half an hour to rehearse. I sure hope that's enough.

Piplup: Don't worry, it will be.

Pachirisu: Okay everyone let's prepare so we can win this thing! (They all begin practicing)

(At The Gargantuan Giratinas)

Snivy: So just a brief recap. It's Bellossom and her dance, Popplio and his act and me and my clarinet.

Chespin: How is that better than my nut thing?

Bellossom: You're joking right?

Popplio: Okay let's HOP-pip right to it! (Laughs)

Treecko: Hey Bellossom, wait up. Want me help you out?

Bellossom: Yeah, thanks. That'd be great!

(In confessional)
Treecko: So Snivy has this whole dictatorship going on and honestly, I feel like it's wrong. So why not make another alliance? Snivy won't know. Don't get me wrong, he is still my ally but, I should have another alliance to fall back because let's face it, he's probably gonna be the first one booted off the team.

(Backstage in band room)

Cyndaquil: Here's the equipment. Let's get to work guys.

Squirtle: Sweet! I'll get a guitar.

Bulbasaur: And I'll do the drums.

Cyndaqui: A one, a two, a skiddly-diddly-do-

(At the judges table)

Raichu: Whelp, they've got a flat minute left. Any thoughts?

Koffing: This better not make my ears bleed.

Torchic: There better be some adequate performances.

Raichu: Okay, you guys sure seem tough to please. (Rings a bell) Okay! Times up! If you aren't peforming please come take a seat in the bleachers!

(Everyone takes their spots)

Raichu: Okay first up, for the Destructive Dialgas, we have Pachirisu! (She comes on stage)

Pachirisu: Hello! So I'll be performing a gymnastics routine for you all. (Begins with tumbles and flips and moves onto uneven bars. She does the routine perfectly) TA-DA!

Raichu: Excellent! I give it a nine!

Koffing: Eight!

Torchic: Nine. Those flips were very cool. Truly amazing! You have got to teach me how to do that!

Pachirisu: This took years of work and practice but I'd be glad to show you one day.

Raichu: Alrighty, that's 25 points! A very strong start! Well done. Next up, let's hear it for Fennekin!

Litten: (stands up in the audience) Wooo! Yeah! Go Fennekin!

Vulpix: You so got this!

Fennekin: (clears her throat and begins to sing very loudly. Glass shatters in the distance as she finishes) So how'd I do?

Torchic: Terrible.

Raichu: Remember, if your biased Torchic, you owe us a dishonest fee. Anywho, I'll give it six.

Koffing: Six. Impressive but a bit painful and hurt my ears.

Torchic: (narrows eyes) Five.

Fennekin: Seriously?

Raichu: Okay get off the stage. (Fennekin sadly leaves) Last up in round one, we have Snivy!

Snivy: So I will be enlightening you with my clarinet playing. (He begins and soon finishes with only a few mistakes)

Raichu: You were a little flat at one point. Seven.

Koffing: Seven.

Torchic: I'd say... eight!

Raichu: That does it for round one. Take five, then we'll head to round two.

Vulpix: Oh no! We're losing! What do we do? (Turns and sees she's the only one from her team there) Oh yeah...

Raichu: Looks like our short break is over.

Togedemaru: I'm pretty sure that wasn't five minutes Raichu.

Raichu: (ignoring Togedemaru) So next up, let's give it up for Piplup!

Turtwig: (in the audience, clapping) Hooray!

Piplup: Thank you! I'll be doing a Pokémon performance. (She begins with Bubble Beam. Then follows with a whirlpool that sprays mist. Then poses)

Raichu: Very nice! Seven.

Koffing: Six

Torchic: It was okay, minus getting wet so... three.

Piplup: WHAT!? Three? Are you insane? You're just jealous you performer wannabe!

Turtwig: Piplup, it's okay. (Piplup storms off)

Raichu: So the Dialgas are at 41. Next we have got a band featuring quite a few members. So what's the band name.

Chikorita: Um... Bulbasaur tell them.

Bulbasaur: Its... Teddybear Sunshine. (Everyone laughs)

(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: Why did I say that! (Slaps himself)

(The band plays pretty poorly but it still sounds okay)

Raichu: Okay enough!

Cyndaquil: Did we do good?

Raichu: No. Four.

Koffing: I actually liked it an awful lot. Eight.

Torchic: Six.

Raichu: That puts them at 35. Second for the Giratina's, it's Bellossom.

Bellossom: I'll be dancing a traditional hula! (Dances perfectly rhythmically and everyone claps.) That's all to it!

Raichu: Splendid. I say nine.

Koffing: Seven.

Torchic: Eight.

Raichu: That puts you guys at 46 points! Alrighty, with only one round to go! Give it up for Chimchar!

Charmander: Don't screw this up!

Chimchar: Shut up. (Walks onstage) I'll be doing potion flipping. (Begins and lands the first one. But messes up the next two) Oops...

Togedemaru: Well we should have listened to Charmander.

(In confessional)
Chimchar: Of course the one time it matters is the only time I mess up. I hate my life. I'm usually totally awesome at potion flipping but Charmander's yelling totally messed up my game!

Raichu: Three (all the other judges agree) That brings your total to.... a solid 50. Now, last for the Palkias it's Sawk and his karate. (Sawk bows and then begins his routine and then finishes without saying a word) Very nice. Seven.

Koffing: Kinda plain and boring. Four.

Torchic: Eh, much better than the last disaster plus act, so six.

Raichu: And that brings your team to... 52! You guys are safe today!

Sawk: Yes! Karate you never seem to fail me.

Cyndaquil: Alright we did it! Nice work team!

Raichu: And for the last performance, its Popplio.

Piplup: (in the audience) NOOOOO!!!! (Runs away)

Popplio: Um... I'm gonna be doing some circus tricks! (Begins by juggling pies and then lets them land on his face. Everyone laughs, and Koffing cracks a smile. He then rolls on a ball and bounces it on his nose)

Raichu: Bravo! (Stands up) Bravo indeed! I gotta give that a ten!

Koffing: Eight

Torchic: It's a ten from me too!

Raichu: That seals the deal! Giratinas win with an overwhelming 74 points and Dialgas are our big losers! Time to board the plane.

Torchic: Well bye everyone. I know I'll be missed. (Nobody says anything) Jerks.

(On the plane after it took off)

Treecko: I still can't believe we won. Nice one Popplio.

Popplio: Thanks! Just doing what I do best!

Snivy: Ahhh yes. Now I can finally relax.

Chespin: (mutters) Don't get too comfy cuz you'll be going soon.

Litten: What was that?

Chespin: (sheepishly) Nothing! Nothing. I said I need spoons.

Litten: Well there are some over there weirdo.

(In the elimination room)

Charmander: Chimchar you blew it big time. You are toast.

Chimchar: We'll see about that you bossy little- (Raichu blows an air horn)

Raichu: ENOUGH YOU TWO! Doesn't this get old? (Pauses for a moment) The votes are in. If you don't receive a pokepuff you must immediately take the drop of shame, and that means you're out. Got it? The first pokepuffs go to Turtwig, Absol and Psyduck!

Psyduck: Yippee! (Catches his pokepuff and swallows it whole) H-h-help! (Starts choking and Absol squeezes it outta him) Thanks.

Absol: Always there to help when there is danger. No problem.

Psyduck: (sighs) I always forget to chew.

Raichu: Also safe are... Pachirisu and.... Togedemaru! That leaves Piplup, Charmander, and Chimchar.

Piplup: What?

Raichu: Don't act so surprised Piplup. You are pretty rude sassy and didn't do so hot today. (She cross her arms) Charmander you can be pretty mean and you seemed more bossy than usual today.

Charmander: Excuse me?

Raichu: And Chimchar, your epic potion flips were an epic fail. (Pauses) And the loser is....

(Piplup, Chimchar and Charmander all look very nervous)

Raichu: ...Charmander! (Throws Piplup and Chimchar pokepuffs)

Chimchar: YES!!!

Charmander: WHAT!?

Raichu: You've got thirty seconds to put on that parachute.

Charmander: (puts it on) Well, I'd just like to say you all are making a huge mistake! I'm one of the best players this show's ever seen so prepare for ratings to go down Raichu.

Raichu: Yawn.

Charmander: Secondly, boot Chimchar he's a total- (Chimchar shoves him outta the plane) AHHHHH!!!!

(In confessional)
Absol: Yes Chimchar failed but nothing is worse than a bully. Charmander had to go, he was constantly bringing down the team morale.

Raichu: And there goes the first classic competitor. Where will we be headed to next time? Will Chimchar take control? And lastly, will my ratings go up since that brat is gone? Find out on the next episode of Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!!

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