Shady Shenanigans
Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour, the twenty two competitors took place in an epic paintball battle! Guns were fired, sacrifices were made and it was an awesome thing to watch! After inviting himself into an alliance, Chimchar jumped outta the plane after being voted due to his bossiness. Maybe now, Pachirisu, Turtwig, and Piplup can actually put their alliance to good use! Where is Koffing flying us today?
Koffing: Um, you already know! You told me where to go!!!
Raichu: Find out right now, on an all new, drama filled episode of Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!
(Theme song; in first class)
Snivy: (Wakes up) Ahhh, now that was a good sleep.
Lycanroc: Yeah, much better than that cave I fell asleep in yesterday.
Snivy: Um, sure. (Looks and sees Chespin, Mudkip and Popplio still sleeping) Grrr. I bet Treecko is talking to Bellossom again.
(On the couch in first class)
Bellossom: Thanks again for saving me yesterday Treecko. It was actually really sweet.
Treecko: Eh. I new you'd be better than me in the challenge, so you needed to stay in.
Bellossom: Hey, you're pretty agile too. (They both laugh)
(In confessional)
Bellossom: Being a dancer, I've danced with many boys and developed a strong bond. But with Treecko, I already feel a friendship. (Pauses) Does that make sense?
Snivy: (walks up to Treecko) Hey Treecko, can I talk to you for a second?
Treecko: Sure. Be right back. (They walk off) So what's up?
Snivy: So are we still pals or did you replace me with Bellossom?
Treecko: Replace you? No! I'm just trying to earn us an alliance.
Snivy: (suprised) Oh! Okay then, that's good.
(In confessional)
Treecko: Okay, so that's not really the reason! I just feel something special with Bellossom, like friend wise, obviously.
(As Popplio sleeps he accidentally sneezes a bubble and it pops on Litten)
Mudkip: (wakes up along with the others) Litten? What's wrong?
Litten: (Looks pissed off) What's wrong is stupid Popplio!
Popplio: Oops, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!
Litten: (sighs) Whatever. It's fine.
Mudkip: Well it's not like Popplio has control of his actions while sleeping.
Chespin: Yeah. Well, I guess I'm not falling asleep again. Gonna grab a bite.
Lycanroc: Me too.
(In Economy Class B)
Piplup: It's smells so bad in here.
Pachirisu: Yeah, we better not lose ever again. (The plane turns and Turtwig falls out of his seat and into Piplup)
Piplup: Hey! Watch it Turtwig!
Turtwig: (wakes up) Wha-? Oh sorry Piplup, I honestly don't even know what happened.
Pachirisu: I'm just glad Chimchar's gone. Now our alliance can be put to good work.
Absol: (over hearing) What was that?
Pachirisu: Oh, um, nothing.
(In confessional)
Absol: I know they have an alliance but I'm not a blackmailer. I'm just here to keep everyone safe. That is my duty as an Absol.
Togedemaru: Hey Psyduck, have any gum? I'm feeling kinda sick.
Psyduck: Oh yeah! Sure thing! (Hands him a wad of gum)
Togedemaru: Thanks (chews it) Its kinda hard.
Psyduck: That's probably because I got it from the bottom of the seat! (Togedemaru spits it out) You're welcome.
Togedemaru: Yuck! (Wipes his mouth) Well, I guess it's the thought that counts.
(In Economy Class A)
Vulpix: (getting dripped on from a leaky pipe) Ohhh, I hate this plane! We need to get up in first class for a change!
Sawk: I don't know why we keep losing? I mean I'm obviously the strongest player.
Vulpix: Don't get too cocky.
Cyndaquil: Maybe the other teams just have better chemistry then we do.
Bulbasaur: That can't be it!
Squirtle: Yeah! Bulbasaur and I are the best duo you'll ever see.
Sawk: Well we gotta step up our game. (Looks in Vulpix's mirror) Gah! I wish there was a gym. Gotta keep myself toned.
Chikorita: (rudely) I thought you were already the strongest here?
Cyndaquil: Just give him a break. I think he's just trying to motivate us.
Chikorita: Trying, and failing.
(In confessional)
Chikorita: Maybe I'm being too sensitive but I'm feeling this sorta sexist vibe from Sawk and I don't like it one bit. Sure he's good at challenges but if he doesn't respect us girls, he is so gone.
Raichu: (over intercom) Attention everyone. You might wanna hang on to something heavy. We are flying into a big storm. Everyone go to the common area.
Fennekin: No point in arguing with a loud speaker...
(In common area)
Chespin: What are we supposed to hang onto? There is nothing here.
Bulbasaur: Yeah, except the tables and that weird poster that says pull me.
Litten: Well, someone's gonna have to do it some time so- (rips off poster exposing a hole in the plane and everyone gets sucked out) AHHHH!!!
Turtwig: We're all gonna die!!!
Popplio: I want my mommy,
Cyndaquil: Please I wanna live, I wanna live! (Everyone falls onto a mat on the ground)
Lycanroc: Now that, was scary!
Raichu: (laughing) All part of the plan! Great idea by mwah.
Koffing: Actually I thought of it!
Raichu: Nuff said. Gather round everyone, it's time for today's challenge. But first, can anyone tell me where we are?
Sawk: Looks like the middle of no-where to me.
Turtwig: (sees a wall with graffiti) Oh no...
Litten: Sweet! (Looks at the graffiti) Oh man, I wish I had all those colors to work with.
Turtwig: WE'RE IN PO TOWN!
Pachirisu: Po Town?
Turtwig: It's were team skull's base is.
Raichu; Correct Turtwig! You sure know your stuff. Anywho, for today's first part, you gotta get past the wall and into the Shady House. Once there, part two will be explained.
Snivy: What are we waiting for? Come on Giratinas let's get going!
Raichu: Hang on... There is something I need to warn you about. (Takes a deep breath) Rumors have had it that there is some strange thing in here, and if you see it, your life is likely almost over... And that's about it. Fun right? (Blows whistle)
Mudkip: There is no way I'm going in there!
Treecko: Oh yes there is! (Grabs Mudkip)
Mudkip: NOOO!!! Treecko I beg you, let go!
Snivy: This way Giratinas, I found our way in!
Bellossom: Alright! Nice work Snivy.
Sawk: Guys, follow me around this way. (His team goes around the side)
Raichu: So... Destructive Dialgas. You wanna get going or just vote off someone now?
Togedemaru (sarcastically) You're hilarious Raichu.
Absol: Guys, we can dig underneath. (Begins digging)
Piplup: Good idea Absol. Come on! Everyone help out!
(At The Gargantuan Giratinas)
Snivy: Okay, look up there. (Points to the top of the wall) There's a pole, so if I use vine whip- (uses vine whip to make a rope) Everyone climb on up prison style.
Popplio: Here goes nothing. (Starts climbing followed by the rest of the team. Treecko uses his own vine whip to bring Snivy up)
Chespin: Wow. That actually worked.
Litten: Hey guys, there's a sign. It says pick your poison, I mean path. Uh oh.
Snivy: Let's go with path one. (They all head down path one)
Raichu: (to the camera) So all three paths lead to the house, but each one holds a different challenge. Grab your popcorn because it's gonna get epic!
(In front of the paths)
Togedemaru: Guys I see it! I see daylight! (They all make it out of the hole)
Pachirisu: (does a flip) Awesome! We did it!
Psyduck: (sees the paths) Ooh, the number three! The same as my IQ! (Walks through the gate
Togedemaru: Psyduck wait up! (To the team) Guess we gotta follow him! (They leave as The Perilous Palkias arrive)
Sawk: Great. That took longer than expected.
Chikorita: What are you looking at me for?
Bulbasaur: Well you slowed us down a bit when-
Chikorita: I DID NOT!!!
(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: Eeesh. I thought I kinda knew Chikorita but maybe not. She kinda scares me a bit now.
Cyndaquil: It says we gotta pick a path.
Sawk: Let's do two.
Squirtle: That's what I was gonna say! Path numero dos it is.
(At path one)
Bellossom: So that's how I got into dancing,
Treecko: Cool.
Snivy: Is story time done you guys? Let's keep going. (Walks in some quicksand) Oh no, I'm stuck. IM STUCK!
Chespin: Yikes! So am I!
Lycanroc: I can't move outta it! Somebody do something! We are sinking and shrinking!
Bellossom: Hang on! (Hurries over to Lycanroc and pulls him out with the help of the others)
Treecko: I gotcha Snivy. (Helps him out) There you go.
Mudkip: Chespin hang on! (pulls him out) Hey that was easier than I thought.
Snivy: Let's see. (Counts) Good, all seven of us are here.
Chespin: Snivy... there are eight on are team.
(In confessional)
Snivy: Treecko seemed way too concerned there. (Lightbulb goes off in his head) Ahhh. So he thinks that will help him win? Fat chance.
(At the Destructive Dialgas)
Togedemaru: This seems really odd. We've just been walking around and nothing.
Piplup: Yeah, Raichu must have made this the easy path.
Absol: (stops) Guys. Be quiet.
Psyduck: WHAT??? (All of a sudden robots come out and start to scan the area)
Absol: Quick! Hide! If they don't scan you, everyone will be safe. (He and Psyduck jump in a trash can)
Pachirisu: Piplup, over here! (They jump in a bush)
Turtwig: Where do I go? Ahhh. (A robot scans him)
Robot: Unwanted guest detected. (It grabs Turtwig and leaves)
Piplup: NO!!! They got Turtwig! I can't go on.
Pachirisu: Wait! You know this is a challenge right? I'm sure he's fine.
Piplup: (breathes) Yeah, you're probably right.
Psyduck: Hey guys look, there's the house, just up ahead!
(At Path 2)
Vulpix: A rope bridge? Are they kidding?
Fennekin: Everyone knows the rope bridge always falls!
Vulpix: Exactly! If I fall my fashion career is over.
Sawk: Hush. Let a strong man show you how it's done. (Calmly walks across the bridge)
Cyndaquil: Wooo who! Nicely done Sawk! (Vulpix, Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Fennekin walk across)
Sawk: (to Vulpix) Wasn't so hard now was it?
Vulpix: (yelling) You leave me alone! And for the record, your so called karate gear is a fashion don't.
Fennekin: Yikes, that might leave a burn.
(On the other side of the bridge)
Squirtle: Hey Bulbasaur, check this out. Looks like a Chingaling.
Bulbasuar: L-O-L! It totally does and this looks like a- (eyes widen. He and Squirtle scream as they are captured)
(Inside the Shady House)
Psyduck: Ooh, a monitor.
Raichu: (from the monitor) Greetings Destructive Dialgas! You are the first ones inside. (They cheer) Now to win, you must find a Buginium Z Crystal and bring it back to me! That is all!
Pachirisu: Okay, let's all split up. Piplup's with me!
Absol: No. Don't. It's safer if we travel together.
Psyduck: Hey, what's behind this curtain. (Goes into a room and then screams)
Absol: Oh no. Psyduck!
Togedemaru: Relax. He probably just ate a worm or something. (Looks behind a curtain) G-guys. He's g-gone.
Piplup: Oh well, come on let's check in the kitchen! (They leave as The Gargantuan Giratinas arrive. They get the info from Raichu)
Litten: Okay, Chespin, Lycanroc, follow me. Let's check upstairs. (They leave)
Popplio: Yikes. This place is scarier than a haunted mansion.
Mudkip: Boy I'll say. Treecko and Snivy, let's check this room. (They enter, but Snivy stops Treecko)
Snivy: Hang on a sec Treecko. You aren't just interested in forming an alliance with Bellossom, are you?
Treecko: Wh-what? What do you mean- (sighs) Fine, your right. I think I might, kinda, sorta, like her.
Snivy: Are you kidding me? That's ridiculous! Your main focus should be winning and helping me win!
Treecko: What? You can't control me like that!
Snivy: I know what's best for you Treecko. After all I did much better than you last season.
Treecko: No you don't know what's best! Maybe I've had a change of heart, and now I realize what a selfish snake you are. (Goes to enter the room when something grabs him)
Snivy: Oh shut up Treecko. Treecko? (Gets captured too as the last team walks in)
Vulpix: Oh my god guys! You'll never believe what I just saw. (Suddenly gets captured by something)
Sawk: (a little annoyed) What? What? (Goes and sees nothing) Um-
Fennekin: How can this be? We heard her!
Cyndaquil: Hey guys! Bulbasaur and Squirtle are gone too!
Chikorita: What are we gonna do?
Sawk: Remain calm. Girls get behind us, Cyndaquil and I can lead the way. Things might get dangerous.
Fennekin: Like we can't handle danger? I've been on this show before bucko!
(In confessional)
Fennekin: Oops. Kinda overreacted there...
(In the kitchen)
Togedemaru: Nothing in the cookie jar. Pachirisu?
Pachirisu: Nothing in the fridge either!
Togedemaru: That's it, maybe we should check somewhere else.
Absol: (senses) Take cover. Someone's coming. (Everyone hides as the door creeps open but then shuts) We're good.
Piplup: Wow Absol, you really have our backs.
Pachirisu: Yeah. Thanks so much.
Absol: Just doing what I do best.
Chespin: There's a lot of creepy art up here.
Litten: (gazing at the pictures) Creepy? Nah, I'd consider it genuine and unique.
Chespin: You really are artsy.
Litten: Hey Lycanroc check this one out. It's a cool drawing of the full moon.
Lycanroc: Um no thanks. I think I hear the others, I'm gonna go downstairs. (Goes down to calm himself but then gets captured)
(Somewhere else in Shady house)
Sawk: Nothing but junk in this chest.
Cyndaquil: Nothing over here.
Fennekin: There's some button over here. And it's red.
Sawk: Don't you dare push it.
Fennekin: Hey! I can do what I want! (Pushes it and a bunch of Alolan Ratatta's and Raticate's come in)
Raticate: What are you punks doing here?
Chikorita: Um, we're on a tv show?
Rattata: Tv? (Looks at camera) Hi mom! Hi dad!
Raticate: Get them guys!!! (They start attacking. Cyndaquil and Sawk escape but they get Chikorita and Fennekin)
Sawk: We gotta check upstairs!
(Inside another room)
Popplio: Hey Mudkip, what do Skitty like to eat?
Mudkip: What?
Popplio: Skitty-les! (Laughs) Get it? Like the candy skittles?
Mudkip: (laughs) HAHA! I do!
(In confessional)
Mudkip: Sure Popplio's jokes take my focus off the challenge but in this case, it's a good thing. Makes me feel safer.
Popplio: I've got another one. What did- (gets hit by a shadow ball, as does Mudkip) OWW! (They are captured)
(Inside Guzma's room)
Chespin: Stupid! Why didn't we check here earlier?
Litten: Look! The Buginium Z! Ooh, and the graffiti spray cans they use.
Chespin: Quick, grab the crystal and run.
Litten: Wait, I gotta snag the cans too!
Mewtwo: (comes from outta the shadows) Not so fast!
Chespin: M-M-Mewtwo? It was you! Capturing everyone? AGAIN?
Mewtwo: Obviously. (Sawk and Cyndaquil walk in)
Cyndaquil: We should check here. (Sees Mewtwo) On a second thought, maybe not.
Sawk: We can do this. (Tries to attack Mewtwo but is hit back)
Mewtwo: Pathetic indeed. (Blows a whistle) Rattata get in here now! (They enter as do the remaining members of The Destructive Dialgas)
Togedemaru: Holy crap! MEWTWO! We are all dead.
Pachirisu: (slaps Togedemaru) Get yourself together.
Togedemaru: Thanks I needed that...
Piplup: Guys I got the Z crystal! (Mewtwo corners her) Uh oh. Absol catch! (Throws it to Absol and he catches it in his mouth)
Absol: (muffled) Yes!
Togedemaru: I'll clear a path out! (Uses Rollout and clears a path through the Ratatta's) Go Absol go!
Mewtwo: Don't let them escape!
Cyndaquil: (grabs the Z crystal and runs) Yes I got one!
Sawk: Hurry Cyndaquil. You have to win it!
Litten: Thanks for covering me Chespin! (Leaves with a crystal and graffiti)
Chespin: (using Spiky Shield) No problem!
(At the finish line with all the captured campers)
Raichu: Think they're still alive?
Turtwig: Duh! As sure as an Alakazam. Fun fact, their psychic powers- (continues blabbing)
Bellossom: Ooh, I hope Chespin and Litten make it!
Psyduck: Yeah, me too! Wait, they're not on my team so... nevermind.
Absol: (running) Yes! There's the finish line! (Crosses it and spits the crystal to Raichu) Alright! Success!
Turtwig: Way to go Absol!
Raichu: And although slimy, the Destructive Dialgas delivered the Z Crystal first so they are today's big winners! And here come the other two teams!
Litten: (running) Yes! So close! (Drops spray can) No! My limited edition spray can!
Treecko: Forget about it Litten! Hurry! (Litten shakes his head no and goes back for it)
Snivy: Ugh! You idiot!
Fennekin: (uses flamethrower on Snivy) That'll teach ya! Pick on someone else's-
Cyndaquil: Yes! I still have a chance. (Runs but slips on Litten's dropped paint can) Oww!
Litten: Oops. Sorry Cyndaquil! (Grabs the paint can and runs. Cyndaquil gets up and runs)
Raichu: OOOHH! This is gonna be a super close one!
(In confessional)
Fennekin: So I'm standing there thinking, if Cyndaquil makes it than Litten might go home. But if Litten makes it than I might go home. Quite the predicament.
(In confessional)
Snivy: If Litten doesn't make it I'll kill him.
(Litten runs as fast as he can but Cyndaquil is gaining. They near the finish line and Litten barely crosses it first)
Litten: Alright! That was certainly a close one! Sorry Cyndaquil.
Lycanroc: Nice one Litten! Guess we're all safe!
Cyndaquil: (outta breath) Sorry. I. Was. So. Close.
Vulpix: (sighs) Guess we'll still be waiting to taste the treats of first class.
(Everyone is gathered onto the plane and it takes off. Then, in the common area)
Chikorita: (to Fennekin and Vulpix) Well we gotta vote someone off. I was thinking Sawk.
Vulpix: Yeah definitely.
Fennekin: I guess I'm in as well.
(In the elimination room)
Sawk: I'm thinking we should boot Fennekin guys. She almost ruined it with the whole button thing.
Bulbasaur: Yeah we saw that. (Sawk and Cyndaquil stare in confusion) Raichu had a monitor that played what went on inside.
Squirtle: I mean, yeah I guess we should boot Fennekin then. We gotta vote to keep our team at its strongest. (Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Sawk go to vote)
Chikorita: Hey Cyndaquil could you help us out with something?
Cyndaquil: Yeah, sure! What is it?
Chikorita: Booting Sawk.
Cyndaquil: Sawk, why? (Sawk peers from around the corner)
Fennekin: He used to be a good leader but now he's getting way too arrogant.
Vulpix: Yeah. Not sure if he realizes it or not, but he is totally talking down to us too. He's so not a nice guy (Sawk leaves)
(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Gah! Who do I vote for? Sawk is a good leader but Fennekin is my friend! (Takes a deep breath) That's it! I'm voting for neither!
(Everyone votes)
Raichu: Alrighty, Perilous Palkias. Soon your seven will become six. First let's have a brief recap. Bulbasaur and Squirtle were first to be captured for their team, good reason to boot them. And Vulpix seems very high maintenance am I right?
Vulpix: Hey! I am certainly not! You try competing and designing new trends at once.
Raichu: Ehh. Have to pass. Chikorita, you've been a bit on edge lately and Fennekin, pressing the red button, which everyone knows not to do, was clearly a dumb decision. (Fennekin sighs) Then there's overly arrogant and self centered Sawk. And lastly, Cyndaquil blew it big at the end. Wow! I'd say you all are on the chopping block.
Squirtle: Please. Just get on with it! I gotta pee!
Raichu: Sheesh! Fine! Don't burst your bladder. Pokepuffs go to Chikorita... Bulbasaur... Vulpix... Cyndaquil and Squirtle! (Throws them their pokepuffs) And the final one goes too...
(Sawk smiles and Fennekin grinds her teeth)
Fennekin: Thank goodness!
Cyndaquil: But how!? I didn't vote for either one of them!
Sawk: (stands up) That's because I voted myself off.
Everyone: WHAT!?!?
Sawk: I overheard the girls talking and they were right. This show has changed me. I was turning into a jerk and that's not who I am. I'm sorry for treating you poorly.
Fennekin: (smiles) I had a feeling. Of course we forgive you.
Sawk: My body is at full strength but a good martial artist has to also be mind ready. So that's what I will be training for. (Grabs a parachute) Best of luck guys! (Jumps outta the plane, silently)
Squirtle: Bye Sawk!
Fennekin: We'll miss you!
Cyndaquil: (to himself) I knew deep down Sawk was good in his heart.
Raichu: (to the camera) And yet another one of our more aggressive competitors is booted! Will there be hardly any drama? Seriously, the last four were all aggressive and competitive Pokémon! Ratings are gonna go down! But none the less, we will have another awesome episode in store, next time of Total Drama Friendship- Gah! I mean Pokémon Regional Tour! (Mutters) Stupid Raichu!
*Thanks for all the support so far guys! Just a quick question, do you enjoy reading my series? Like do you think it's too long. I'm afraid people just skip to the end. Please leave any constructive criticism in the comments! 😄😄😄
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