Over Troubled Water
Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour, our contestants found themselves in a weird situation. A Pokémon making a pokeball? That only happens here folks! After that, the contestants split into two teams for an awesome capture the flag activity. Friendships were tested, alliances were toyed with and old rivalries were put aside for the good of the team. That meaning, Piplup and Pachirisu had a temporary truce which helped lead them to victory when Cyndaquil captured the other team's rag. On the other side of the spectrum, Squirtle was separated from his BFF. That stands for best falling friend because Bulbasaur had to take the drop of shame. Treecko was relieved to be safe but with Piplup gunning for him, how long will he be safe for? Now it's on to today with an all new, exciting, drama filled, nail biting episode of Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!
(Theme song; In first class, Piplup sits in a reclining chair looking miserable)
Cyndaquil: Come on Piplup! Why do you look so upset? We're in first class!
Piplup: It's just that stupid Treecko was supposed to go home! Not Bulbasaur!
Cyndaquil: Well-
Piplup: Don't try to comfort me. Only Turtwig can succeed at that.
Cyndaquil: Um, okay... Bye then I guess? (Walks over to the others) Well she's in a funk.
Togedemaru: Who cares? She'll be strapping on that parachute any day now.
Pachirisu: Um no she won't! There are other threats to deal with. If we all hate her, we can get her voted off whenever we want.
Lycanroc: (still in Midnight form) Yeah. I'd be nervous Pachirisu. Such athletic ability makes you a threat. (Her eyes widen) Same goes for you Cyndaquil.
Cyndaquil: Well we are nice. And nice people deserve to stay.
Lycanroc: (gets up) Nice people don't win the game in this case.
(In confessional)
Lycanroc: Some seeds of doubt have been planted. Now to chose who to eliminate. Both are good options.
(In confessional)
Togedemaru: This show can be pretty lame but it was better when I had friends to talk too. With Psyduck working and Pachirisu too focused on the game... I can't believe I'm saying this but... I HATE THIS!!! But whatever.
(Leaves as Lycanroc peers from hiding behind a wall holding a tape recorder)
Lycanroc: Finally, someone I can expose.
(In economy class)
Squirtle: (crying) I HATE MY LIFE!!! JUST KILL ME NOW!!! ITS SO UNFAIR!!!
Bellossom: Squirtle, you do realize Bulbasaur isn't dead...
Squirtle: JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!! (Continues to cry)
Bellossom; Eesh. Seeing him so depressed makes me feel depressed.
Treecko: Don't worry, I can handle this. (Goes up to Squirtle) Hey Squirtle, remember what Bulbasaur said, he wants you to win for him!
Squirtle: (starts pulling himself together) Y-you-your right. I can do this. (Pauses) BUT I JUST NEED SOME MORE TIME FIRST!!! (Runs off)
Popplio: Wow Treecko that was so nice of you to help Squirtle cheer up! It seemed like he was about to quit but you helped him through. You should be Pr-OUDDRED! (Starts laughing as Treecko's eyes widen)
(In confessional)
Treecko: UGH!! Where is my brain going? Squirtle was almost ready to quit and I helped him? I would have been one step closer to the million if he quit! (Sighs)
Bellossom: (puts her hand on Treecko's lap) I know what you are thinking, he wasn't gonna quit. But thanks to you, he's gonna start to feel a whole lot better. (They smile at each other and lean in closely when the plane makes a sharp turn and they both fall out of their seats) Owww!
Popplio: Okay. That was totally ONIX-spected (softly laughs but then reaches for his head) Ow.
Raichu: (over the intercom) Sorry about that guys. Guess Koffing needs to not try and make coffee and fly a plane at the same time.
Koffing: (over intercom) I WAS NOT!! Shut up you ass!
Raichu: (over intercom) Language.
Koffing: (over intercom) Oh I can say a lot worse things.
Raichu: (over intercom) Okay my bad. We don't need more than a PG rating. Anyways, just letting you guys know that we'll be landing in Unova any minute so take in the view of the Unova skies while you can.
(The plane lands and everyone soon gathers out in an open field)
Psyduck: Okay Raichu I finished emptying your cooler and restocking your trash can!
Raichu: WHAT? It was the otherway around you imbecile! What am I even paying you for?
Psyduck: Actually, you're not paying me anything.
Rsichu: Oh yeah. Well in that case, carry on! (Psyduck goes to leave as the contestants come by)
Psyduck: Hi Togedemaru!
Togedemaru: Hey Psyduck.
Lycanroc: (to Raichu) Care to explain why we are in some field!?
Popplio: Yeah I was-
Lycanroc: Shut up Popplio. (Hits him but oddly no one notices)
(In confessional)
Popplio: I think I'm gonna need an ice pack... Anyways, I'm still really confused. Lycanroc used to be so nice, but then he started to be a real hole! When did this happen to him? (Lightbulb goes off in his brain) O-M-G. When he changed forms!!! That has to have been what done it! I've got to get to the bottom of this.
Raichu: We are right by the Drifveil Drawbidge that leads to Driftveil City! So for part numero uno of the competish, you will be racing to the other side.
Piplup: Yes! I am so gonna win an advantage. Like taking candy from a slow baby.
Raichu: Yeah Piplup, let that sentence sink it and you'll realize how big a jerk you looked while saying it?
Piplup: What!? No, no! I didn't mean it that way.
Raichu: And also, there is no advantage for coming in first. Anyone who makes it across the long, long bridge and crosses the finish line at the end before a half hour passes by gets to compete in part two.
Togedemaru: But this bridge is humongous! There's no way we can run the entire thing that quickly.
Raichu: Yes, I am aware of the issue. That's why there are some handy dandy items at the start to help you out. First come first serve.
Popplio: So where's the bridge? I don't see it anywhere. Have I gone Blind-ZLED? (Laughs) Get it? Like Blitzle the Pokémon?
Raichu: (looks at Popplio, very pissed off) It's over that way. (Blows airhorn) NOW GO!!! (Everyone rushes off)
Pachirisu: Outta my way!
Togedemaru: Hey Pachirisu wait up!
Pachirisu: Sorry but you're gonna slow me down. I'll see you at the end. (Togedemaru sighs)
(In confessional)
Pachirisu: Togedemaru is okay but he is gonna slow me down if I do the challenges with him. And for the record, I may have liked him a little after he saved my life and all but don't worry. I'm focused now. No boy will stop me from winning! Besides I know he probably just is wanting an alliance so he can win. That's how EVERYONE thinks... Right?
Bellossom: Yes! Treecko we're gonna get their first!
Lycanroc: (lying) Oopsies. (Cuts down a tree with Slash and it lands on them both) Oh no! Are you okay? (Runs by laughing evilly)
Treecko: Owww. (Yelling) If you really cared you would have helped us!
(At the start of the Driftveil Drawbridge)
Lycanroc: (arrives) Yes! First one means first dibs. (Looks behind him to see Cyndaquil and Pachirisu close behind him) Uh oh.
Cyndaquil: Almost there! (The two arrive and see an assortment of items on the ground) I guess these are the helpful items?
Lyacanroc: What's this? A pogo stick? Some stilts? How the hell are they supposed to help us?
Pachirisu: (spots something) Oh yeah baby! (Picks up a skateboard) See you at the finish! (Starts to go down the bridge)
Cyndaquil: Lucky. (Piplup and Popplio arrive) Guess we gotta rummage through some stuff. (They all begin to look)
Piplup: Eeeww. What's this? Some chewed bubble gum?
Lycanroc: Score! A bike! (Rides off) Later!
Cyndaquil: Awesome! I found a bike too. (Pulls it out) Aww man. It's busted. (Tosses it away)
Popplio: (grabs it) I'll take this! (Rides on it as a unicycle while juggling) See you Turton-LATER!
Piplup: Ugh! This is stupid! At least we're still ahead of some others. (Turns to see everyone else arriving) Of course.
(On the bridge)
Pachirisu: Wow. Raichu calls this a challenge? Skateboarding is so much fun! (Does a trick) Woo whooo! (Suddenly a Mandibuzz swoops down at her) AHHH!! (Ducks) What the heck.
Raichu: (to the camera) Just in case you didn't know it, Mandibuzz can be highly territorial when it comes to protecting their young. And there just so happens to be a nest right by here. That's a win for me! (Smiles)
Pachirisu: Phew. Glad that's over with. (Gets back on her skateboard)
Lycanroc: Move it or lose it!!! (Rides past Pachirisu with Popplio behind him)
Popplio: Hi and bye Pachirisu!
(In confessional)
Pachirisu: HOW CAN SOMEONE RIDE A UNICYCLE THAT FAST!!! (Takes a few deep breaths) You know what? I'm just impressed, that's all.
(At the front of the bridge)
Squirtle: A tandem? (Sighs) Bulbasaur and I would have rode this together.
Cyndaquil: Need a partner? Honestly, I can't find anything.
Squirtle: Okay. You hop on the back of it. (Squirtle and Cyndaquil race off)
Piplup: You know what? This is ridiculous! If I run super fast, I can make it! (Takes off)
Treecko: Idiot.
Bellossom: (finds something) Yes! I got something big.
Treecko: What is it?
Bellossom: A go kart!
Treecko: That's awesome. We are so gonna make it! (Goes to start it) Uh oh. Looks like it's dead. (Frowns)
Bellossom: Figures. (Looks to the side) Wait a second, over there! Some scooters! Let's go! (They head off)
Togedemaru: (walks up to the Go Kart) Awesome. I'll show everyone who can win now! Just need some time.
(Back on the bridge)
Lycanroc: You eating my dust Popplio? A loser like you won't pass me!
Popplio: Hey Lycanroc. Can I ask you something? Did your personalities somehow change when you changed forms?
Lycanroc: (eyes widen) How does a moron like you know!?!?
Popplio: So I am right! Your not the kind, nice Lycanroc who we all liked.
Lycanroc: No. No I'm not. How stupid are you that it took you that long to figure out? And if you dare tell someone I will kill- (rides over a thumbtack and falls) AHHH! (Lands on the ground) UG!
Pachirisu: (passes Lycanroc) Look who's passed you now!
Lycanroc: Ugh! The tires deflated, I'm gonna have to run the rest of the way. So be it.
(Somewhere else on the bridge)
Cyndaquil: (peddling super fast) What's happening? We should be going faster! (Sees Squirtle hardly peddling)
Squirtle: Sorry. I'm still kinda upset and tired.
Cyndaquil: That's okay but. (Suddenly a Mandibuzz swoops down and knocks them off the bridge)
Squirtle & Cyndaquil: AHHHHHH!!!!
Treecko: (stops his scooter) Did you hear something? (Bellossom shakes her head no) Guesss I'm just hearing things. (They continue to ride as Piplup runs by panting)
Piplup: Gotta. Keep. (Takes several deep breaths) Going.
(At the start)
Togedemaru: There. Done. (Finished hooking up the go kart to some wires) Here goes nothing! (Uses Thunderbolt to charge up the go kart's battery) Okay. Phew. Anymore electricity and I'll pass out. (Jumps in the kart and turns it on and it takes off at lightning speed) AHHH!!!
(At the finish line)
Psyduck: So do I get my nachos now?
Raichu: Ask again and you'll never eat a nacho the rest of your life.
Psyduck: Sorry.
Raichu: (looks ahead) Ooh. I think I see someone coming!
Popplio: Wow! I'm actually gonna make it!
Pachirisu: Sorry. Even though there's no advantage, first place will still be mine! (Pulls ahead of Popplio when suddenly a car blazes by them and crashes at the end of the bridge) What the? (Finishes along with Popplio)
Raichu: Um. Dude are you okay?
Togedemaru: (arises from the car; sarcastically) Yeah I'm totally in tip top condition. (Wobbles a bit but then gets his balance back)
Pachirisu: What? Togedemaru, that was you?
Togedemaru: Yeah. Impressed?
Pachirisu: A little, yeah. Sorry for not going with you.
Lycanroc: (finishes) Maybe wanna hold off on that apology for a little. I've got something to show you. (Pulls the tape of Togedmaru's confessional but it is altered to make him say "I totally hate Pachirisu") You hear that? Sorry but this guy's been playing you.
Togedemaru: WHAT? No!!! That's not what I said? Lycanroc you jerk, how did you alter that?
Pachirisu: Quit blaming others. You can't just alter recordings that easy. This is exactly why I like to go at things alone. You may have finished before me but you will never beat me in a challenge again, here me? (Storms off as Lycanroc grins)
(In confessional)
Lycanroc: It's so simple to toy with one's words. Pachirisu has no idea how fake that recording was. What a gullible loser.
Raichu: Well, We've got about a few seconds left for the rest to arrive. Five, four, three, two... (Treecko and Bellossom cross) One!
Bellossom: We made it!
Raichu: Good. Now everyone meet me at the far end of the city. Koffing, go fetch the losers.
(After a short while, everyone reaches the end of the city we're Raichu is waiting)
(In confessional)
Togedemaru: How could something this awful happen? The one person I can tolerate on this show now hates me because of a fake recording. Life why do you hate me so?
Raichu: Piplup, Cyndaquil and Squirtle, you guys won't be participating in this next challenge.
Piplup: Hmph. (Turns her head) Whatever.
Squirtle: I'm just glad we landed in the water.
Cyndaquil: Yeah. I was scared. We could have died.
Raichu: Zip it peanut gallery! (To the others) So, your invincibility challenge will be to search the forest for some berries, bring them back here and try to knock off all three cans with your face on it. (Motions to a line of cans in a row with each of the six pokemon's faces on them)
Treecko: Okay, that is just plain creepy.
Piplup: JUST BE QUIET TREECKO!!! Mark my words you're so done after today!
(In confessional)
Piplup: Okay, maybe I deal with stress in the wrong way...
Raichu: And you do it like so guys (throws a berry and knocks over a can a good distance away) So what are you waiting for? Get a move on! (Everyone heads off)
Squirtle: So are we just supposed to sit here and wait?
Cyndaquil: Yeah, are we?
Raichu: Precisesly.
Cyndaquil: Uggghhh. Alright then
(In the nearby woods)
Bellossom: Like seriously? Why are there no berry trees around!?
Treecko: I've got no idea.
Bellossom: Let's go check over this way.
Treecko: Wait! Bellossom! (She stops) There's just something I wanted to say. (Takes a deep breath) I think- (Suddenly a swarm of Beedrill attack him) OH YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! (He and Bellossom run off screaming)
(Somewhere else)
Pachirisu: Yes! A bush with a few berries. (Starts to pick them)
Popplio: Pachirisu! Hey, I have to tell you something.
Pachirisu: Please stop. You're distracting me! (Heads off)
Popplio: Wait! You forgot a few ber- Nevermind. (Takes a few berries as Togedemaru comes by) Hey Togedemaru. SHOCKED to see you here! (Starts to laugh)
Togedemaru: (rolls eyes) Ha. Ha. Because I'm an electric type.
Popplio: Duh! (Changing the topic) So I wanted to let you know what I heard. Lycanroc morphed your recording to turn you and Pachirisu against each other.
Togedemaru: Wait what? I've barely even spoken to you! Why would you be defending me?
Popplio: Because you're innocent! And now that Lyacanroc isn't we have gotta bust him.
Togedemaru: Okay fine. I'd ask you what you have against Lycanroc but I don't have time to hear it. (They pick some more berries and leave)
(Somewhere else)
Lycanroc: Yes! A whole heap of berries! And not too far from the start. (Sprints over to the cans) I'm the first one to take a crack at it?
Pachirisu: No! That'd be me! (Comes up and throws a few berries and knocks over one of her cans) Yes! Two more to go!
Lycanroc: Grrrr. This immunity will be mine. (Throws all his berries and manages to knock over one) Yes!
Pachirisu: (throws more of her berries) What? How did I miss?
Cyndaquil: Those Wiki berries probably didn't have the best aerodynamics. (Pachirisu sighs as Togedemaru and Popplio arrive)
Togedemaru: Pachirisu, please let me talk.
Pachirisu: (looks angry) You played me this whole time! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! (Kicks him in his "area" and he falls down)
Raichu: Yikes! Looks like Togedemaru is down for the count. You can sit the rest of the challenge out if you can't take the pain. (Togedemaru crawls over to Piplup, Squirtle and Cyndaquil)
Popplio: (knocks down a can) WOO WHOO!! One for me!
Pachirisu: And a second for me! (Turns to see Togedemaru in pain) Huh. (Softly) He deserved that. He's not who you thought he was. He's not who you hope he is. (Runs off followed by Popplio and Lycanroc)
Raichu: (takes a sip of his lemonade) Ahh. Now this is what a challenge is supposed to feel like. Me watching at others in pain.
(Inside the woods)
Treecko: (out of breath) I think we. Lost. The Beedrill. Now what?
Bellossom: (happily gasps) Treecko look! A whole bunch of berries!
Treecko: Yeah right. Like there's actually gonna be a- (looks at the berries) nest full of berries...
Bellossom: That's grab them and go! We'll run in sync. I'll follow your rhythm.
Treecko: Another dancing thing? (Bellossom nods) Thought so.
(Somewhere else in the woods)
Lycanroc: Find berries. Sabotage the others. Hmm. (Sees Popplio nearby)
Popplio: (uses Water Gun and brakes a tree branch) That's two more berries. I must be a Charizard because I'm on fire! (Laughs)
Lycanroc: Ugh. Pathetic. Not even worth messing with that clown. (Walks off)
(Somewhere else)
Pachirisu: Yes! Berries! Now if I can just hurry back to the start I know I can win this!
(Over by Raichu)
Raichu: Bellossom and Treecko it's about time you showed up.
Treecko: (ignoring Raichu) We've got twenty berries so ten each. Good luck.
Bellossom: Same to you Treecko. (They both begin to throw and Bellossom knocks one over) Yes!
Treecko: Nice one! (Throws the rest of his berries and knocks two down) Dangit. Still one left.
Bellossom: (knocks another one down) Yes! (Looks nervous) I've got one more berry left.
Treecko: You got this Bellossom. I know you can do it.
Piplup: BOOOO!!! MISS YOU TWO!!!
Treecko: Go on Bellossom. (Bellossom looks very hesitant) What are you doing? (Looks to see Pachirisu coming) Hurry! Pachirisu's gonna get here!!! (Bellossom continues to look back and forth) Bellossom are you okay? What's going on? Bellossom!?
(In confessional)
Bellossom: Yes. I'm nervous about Treecko. He's gonna be on the chopping block thanks to Piplup so I know what I have to do.
Bellossom: HE-YA!!! (Throws her Berry at Treecko's last can and it gets knocked down)
Raichu: Huh? Treecko's the winner? Yep, Treecko is our winner! (Piplup crosses her arms)
Pachirisu: No!
Treecko: B-Bellossom? Why?
Bellossom: I don't want you to go home. With Piplup gunning for you, I didn't want any chances so I wanted you to have invincibility.
Squirtle: That's so nice of you. (Starts to sniffle) Like a thing Bulbasaur would do for me. (Everyone else arrives)
Lycanroc: Ugh. We're too late!
Raichu: Okay, everyone onto the plane. Togedemaru do you need help?
Togedemaru: No. I'm fine now. (Slowly walks to the plane as Pachirisu frowns)
(In the common area)
Bellossom: So, are we voting for Piplup?
Treecko: I've got another idea. No one else is gonna vote for her so we've be better off voting for someone who people are. (Whispers to Bellossom and she nods)
(In the elimination room)
Raichu: Alright. Today was rather interesting. (Takes a deep breath) Treecko you have immunity so you get the first pokepuff. (Throws it to him) Now for the rest of you...
Lycanroc, Cyndaquil, Squirlte, Popplio, Pachirisu and surprisingly Piplup. All of you are safe. (Throws them all their pokepuffs)
Piplup: What do you mean surprisingly?
Raichu: (ignoring Piplup) That leaves us with Togedemaru and Bellossom. Bellossom, you could have had immunity but hit Treecko's can instead. Was your niceness and alliance a threat? Togedemaru, apparently you dissed Pachirisu and lied to her this whole time. (Togedemaru sighs) Then you suffered the most pain ever on this show when you took a blow to the crotch. So... The last pokepuff goes too...
(Togedemaru and Bellossom nervously look at each other)
Raichu: ...Togedemaru!
Pachirisu: (softly) Phew.
Treecko: No! Bellossom! Are you joking right now? This is ridiculous!
Bellosssom: (sighs) Well, I'm glad you're still in.
Treecko: This can't be! You gave your invincibility to me but you needed it. Why? WHY?
Bellossom: Why? Because I care about you. And finding a good hearted person like you is worth more than any amount of money.
Raichu: We're on a tight schedule so... hurry up! (Throws her a parachute)
Bellossom: Win for me. (Jumps out of the plane) AHHHHH!!!
(In confessional)
Piplup: With Treecko immune, the best way to smack him is right in the heart. Revenge is oh so sweet.
Squirtle: And to think they never kissed...
Raichu: Will Treecko ever get that kiss from Bellossom? Not as long as he's here he won't! So maybe he'll be the one out next time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!
**I've decided to make a new story on Pokémon trivia! Be sure to check it out! Click on my account and find the story!
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