Murder On The S.S. Anne

Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour, our contestants got to take place in a classic Pokémon battle! Sometimes you just gotta keep it simple. After that, it was survival of the fittest as everyone had to avoid a brutal blow from Koffing's brand new bazooka. During the challenge, Popplio and Togedemaru formed a plan to make up with Pachirisu. Also, since we're on the subject, Pachirisu and Piplup put out their usual antics toward one another. Lastly, due to his good heart, Cyndaquil broke a rule of the challenge to save someone in need and it unfortunately resulted in elimination for him. But today is another new today! Will Popplio manage to put his plan into action? Find out now, on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!

(Theme song; near Raichu's corridors)

Popplio: Ssshh.We gotta be really quiet.

Togedemaru: Yeah. I know. Whatever.

(In confessional)
Popplio: So my goal is to help Togedemaru and Pachirisu make up so then they can help me bring back the old Lycanroc. I just really hope I am right about the staring at the sun thing that I mentioned last time. It's truthfully my only real lead on the matter.

Togedemaru: Hey look! (Stops walking) I think it's some sort of control room. Let's go! (Enters along with Popplio) Woah. There sure are a lot of tv screens.

Popplio: Yeah. There's a bun-CHERUBI. (Is about to laugh when Togedemaru cuffs his mouth)

Togedemaru: Be quiet. We don't wanna get caught.

Popplio: My bad. Sorry.

Togedemaru: I'll check these discs on the right side, you take the left.

(In first class)

Lycanroc: (still in Midnight form) Yeah. I'll take a freshly baked cookie Glaceon. (She gives one to him and he just crushes it with his hand and she leaves) Ahh. Soothing.

Piplup: Hey, thanks again for letting me join you in first class.

Lycanroc: No problem. I figured it's probably gonna be your last time anyway.

Piplup; (angry) What's that supposed to mean?

Lycanroc: Nothing. It's just that if it wasn't for Cyndaquil, you would have gone home.

Piplup: (eyes widen) Even so, I am not one to give up. I can still win this.

(In confessional)
Lycanroc: Piplup is now at that stage where having her around is useless to me. I wouldn't be too upset if she lost next but I'd rather it be Popplio.

(In confessional)
Piplup: After yesterday, I'm not really sure if I can trust Lycanroc. I'm gonna have to keep both of my eyes on him today.

(In common area)

Squirtle: Ugh. Lousy gruel. But I'm so starving. (Takes a bite, swallows and pretends to smile) Delicious.

Treecko: You're not fooling anybody. (They both smile) So, there's only seven of us left.

Squirtle: Yeah. We are totally getting close to the finale.

Treecko: Yep. I just really hope I can make it.

Squirtle: Me too.

Pachirisu: Well I'm not gonna stop trying till I get there.

Squirtle: (genuinely) Wow. You sure are confident.

Treecko: Yes, but not in the arrogant Piplup way.

Pachirisu: Yeah. Being an athlete of sorts, you have to realize that physical ability is only half the battle. If you wanna win you gotta have the right mind frame too.

Squirtle: What do you mean by that?

Pachirisu: You gotta believe, be confident, and be hardworking and determined. (Treecko nods)

Squirtle: Oh okay. Anyways thanks for the chat Pachirisu.

Pachirisu: Just being me. I'm happy to help.

(Back in the security room)

Togedemaru: Ugh. Koffing is probably gonna start landing the plane soon! We have to hurry!

Popplio: Wait a second... I think this is it! (Cheers)

Togedemaru: Seriously? Wow, something is actually going my way. Who'd a thought?

Koffing: (from outside) Yeah Raichu. I'm gonna go check the room.

Popplio: (whispering) Ah! It's Koffing! What do we do?

Togedemaru: (whispering) Hide! (They run in a closet as Koffing enters and stares at the screens) Come on. Let's sneak out. (Creeks the door open and they escape silently and quickly) Phew. Now that was close.

Raichu: (over the intercom) Top of the mornin' final seven! Just a heads up that we will be landing in Kanto in a brief moment. Oh, and we are gonna be making a kinda steep dive...

Lycanroc: Exactly how steep? (The plane drops and tilts and everyone screams) Yep. That's definitely steep!!

Raichu: (over intercom) So yeah. Just hang on to something heavy and we'll be safe on the ground soon enough. Raichu out!

(The plane lands safely and everyone exits the plane moaning and then they all gather around were Raichu is standing)

Raichu: Hello everyone! Today we will be taking a journey out at sea!

Pachirisu: A boat ride?

Popplio: Ooh! The S.S. Anne! The most famous boat in all the regions.

Piplup: Guess that means we're in Vermillion City right now.

Raichu: Yes it does. Want a prize for knowing that fact?

Piplup: (surprised) Um, sure. Yeah!

Raichu: Well too bad! You don't get one! (A horn sounds in the distance and the S.S. Anne arrives at the dock) And it's right on schedule kids. Everyone follow me onto the boat.

Piplup: Stupid Raichu. How dare you toy with my emotions.

Popplio: It's okay. He does that to ALL-Taria of us! (Starts laughing as Piplup screams)

(Inside the boat; on the first floor)

Piplup: I remember Turtwig telling me the S.S. Anne has two floors, a basement floor, a deck and a captains room.

Lycanroc: Whatever. So Raichu, just tell us the challenge already.

Raichu: Sorry. First I gotta go have a chat with the captain. But before I do that, it's time to meet our final special guest of the season, Oshawott!!! (Oshawott comes in)

Oshawott: Um... Hello.

Squirtle: (happily) Oshawott!! (Rushes over to him) You're finally all healed huh?

Oshawott: Yeah. I just got out of the hospital like four days ago and I'm starting to feel a whole lot better.

Popplio: You look fit as a Fiddle-ibird! (Laughs) Get it? Like Delibird. (Oshawott laughs a little)

Squirtle: So yeah, I'm just glad you're okay. Since it was my fault you got injured in the first place...

Oshawott: No it wasn't. It was my decision.

Raichu: Okay then. Hang tight and I'll be back in a couple of minutes.

Treecko: Okay. (Sits down as another fog horn sounds) What was that?

Pachirisu: A signal. We must be sailing off already.

Togedemaru: (approaches Popplio) Hey. You still have the disc I gave you before we left? (He nods) Good. Let's find a security room on this boat and I can make things good with Pachirisu again.

Pachirisu: Excuse me? Togedmaru what did you say!? I know I heard you say my name!

Togedemaru: Nothing, okay? Look, I know you don't trust me but I'll turn your mind around soon okay.

Pachirisu: Seriously doubt it.

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: UGHH! What is wrong with me? Why do I care so much about some girl!? This is way outta character for me... (scratches his head)

Lycanroc: So... What's taking Raichu so long?

Squirtle: Beats me.

(Suddenly, the lights shut off and the room becomes pitch black. All of a sudden, a boom is heard followed by some beating noises)

Squirtle: AHHH!!! What's happening?

Piplup: I CAN'T SEE!

Popplio: What was that noise!?


(Loud bashing noises can be heard when the lights come back on and a dead Raichu lays on the floor. Everyone but Lycanroc screams)

Oshawott: R-R-Raichu!?

Squirtle: Oh no! Is he okay!?

Pachirisu: (kneels down and puts her ear against him) Guys... He's not breathing... He's... Dead...


Treecko: Stop! We can't panic! I can't believe I'm saying this, but if this is real, than someone here has to be the culprit. (Everyone looks at each other)

Piplup: Woah woah woah. You're suggesting someone MURDERED Raichu? That's ridiculous.

Oshawott: I-I'm scared. What if someone really did-

(The lights turn off again and when they come back on, Oshawott is gone)

Squirtle: Oshawott? Oh snap! Where'd he go!

Popplio: They got Oshawott!!! Oh no!

Togedemaru: This may be a challenge, but Treecko's right. We are gonna have to act as detectives.

Lycanroc: Yeah. Now everybody calm down. We can't be hasty. The first step to solve this mystery is to make sure you can think things trough. (There is a long moment of silence) Okay, good.

Squirtle: Poor Oshawott... Poor Raichu...

(In confessional)
Lycanroc: No idea why these numskulls can't see that it is clearly a challenge. This is just gonna play to my advantage I guess.

Treecko: Let's fan out and look for clues. But stay alert.

Piplup: Come on Lycanroc. (They leave as Squirtle leaves with Treecko)

Popplio: Come on Togedemaru, let's get going.

Togedemaru: Wait. Pachirisu, just come with us. It wouldn't be safe to go it alone.

Pachirisu: (sighs) Fine. No arguing with that. (They leave)

(Out on the deck)

Treecko: (sighs) Well. Looks like this is the real deal.

Squirtle: What makes you say that?

Treecko: (points) You see the water rippling!? We aren't just on some fake boat, we're stranded out at sea!

Squirtle: Don't worry. I'll save the day! (Jumps off the boat) I'll just swim to shore and find some help!

Treecko; Awesome idea- HOLY SHIPWRECK ITS A SHARK!!!

Squirtle: WHAT!? (Turns around to see a shark try to bite him. Squritle dodges but then gets hit and is sent flying back into the ship) Oww. Guess I'm lucky I landed back on the ship.

Treecko: (sighs) This is hopeless. And to think I won't even get to see Bellossom again.

Squirtle: I feel the same way about Bulbasaur. (Puts his hand on Treecko's shoulder) But at least they'll be safe. No matter what happens, we have some comfort in knowing that.

(In the basement level)

Piplup: So tell me again why we went down in the basement!?

Lycanroc: Because the sun is so bright and I don't wanna be blinded.

Piplup: That's odd. Never heard of someone afraid of the light.

Lycanroc: Just shut up.

Piplup: One more question then. Why are we looking for clues down here? There isn't even anything!

Lycanroc: Fine. We can go elsewhere. Just not the highest floor.

(On the second floor)

Popplio: Um... See anything?

Togedemaru: No.

Pachirisu: Hey what's this!

Popplio: (screams) O-M-G you really startled me there Pachirisu.

(In confessional)
Popplio: I'm usually the guy to clown around and lighten the mood but nuh uh! Not today! This is the scariest thing I have EVER experienced.

Pachirisu: (holds up an envelope) Let's look at what it says inside.

Togedemaru: (comes across a big door) Wait, Pachirisu! Come in here with me real quick. I need you too Popplio. (He leads them into a control room) Bingo! It's a control room. Hey Popplio, put in the disc. (Popplio does so and Lycanroc's confessional plays)
You see?

Pachirsu: (jaw drops) I- I- I- (hugs Togedemaru) I am sooo sorry. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I feel awful.

Togedemaru: You shouldn't. I would have felt the same way at first if our positions were reversed.

Popplio: Uh, guys. Not trying to ruin the moment but I hear something coming from downstairs! (They quickly exit)

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: (has a sigh of relief) I knew Togedemaru wouldn't have done all that mean stuff. But more importantly... LYCANROC WILL PAY FOR TRYING TO RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP!

(Back on the main floor)

Pachirisu: (arrives with Popplio and Togedemaru) What's going on!?

Piplup: We found something!

Lycanroc: Raichu's body, it's soaked! How did we not notice it before?

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Oh yes water. That makes perfect sense. (Seriously) Could you explain please!?

Lycanroc: Someone had to have used water to propel a sharp object into and out of his body at lightning speeds meaning...

Pachirisu: A water type had to of done it! (Everyone stares at Piplup and Popplio)

Piplup: What? Are you insane?

Popplio: It wasn't me! Why would I even do something like that? Lycanroc's the most likely to- (covers his mouth) Oops.

Lycanroc: (growls) That's it! Cuff both of them!

Pachirisu: Cuff them? With what? (Togedemaru motions to a bag with handcuffs in it) Okay what are the odds they have these!? Just saying. (They cuff the two water types as Treecko and Squirtle come in)

Squirtle: So, is everyone still alive and all?

Togedemaru: That's enough talking Squirtle! (Hand cuffs him to a pole like the others)

Squirtle: What!? Hey! What are you doing! Let me free!

Treecko: (to Lycanroc) Catch me up to speed.

Lycanroc: Raichu's body is wet. Meaning it must be a water time who killed him.

Piplup: That is still a huge rationalization!

(In confessional)
Treecko: Frankly, I cannot believe one of them did it! Let's be honest, Squirtle and Popplio don't have a mean bone in their body and even though I do hate her, Piplup would never go this far. (Sighs) I guess it's trust no one.

Squirtle: Hang on! Raichu was hit by a water type move right? That means that not only a water type could have done it, but anyone with a water type move!

Togedemaru: Well none of us learn wa-

Piplup: Pachirisu learns Rain Dance!

Pachirisu: What? I don't have that move! (Everyone stares at her and Lycanroc quickly hand cuffs her) Seriously? SERIOUSLY!?

Lycanroc: Sorry but we can't trust anyone.

Treecko: Hey, should we examine Raichu's body again?

Lycanroc: Yeah. (Looks over) Oh my god. It's... Gone...

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Great. I'm gonna die on a boat. Why is life so hard?

Pachirisu: Um hello? Guys? Unlock me. Remember I still have that letter to read!

Lycanroc: Fine. (Unlocks her)

Piplup: Can't you unlock the rest of us!?

(In confessional)
Piplup: This is totally ridiculous! Why are these people being so cruel to me? What did I ever do to them?

Pachirisu: (opens letter and reads it) To my loved one... The way you left was so unfair so now everyone must beware. Down with them all, then I'll claim the prize. You can see it on Tv with your very eyes.

Squirtle: (shivers) Oooh. Spooky.

Treecko: Um, what? That just makes me even more confused! That's it, I'm gonna look for more clues so I can win this challenge. (Heads off)

Lycanroc: I'm leaving too. (Leaves)

Togedemaru: Let's do the same.

Pachirisu: Yeah. Let's try this way. (They leave)

Popplio: (sighs) And we are all alone. I didn't think it would end this way.

Squirtle: There, there Popplio. It's okay. This is probably one big misunderstanding.

Piplup: (sadly) How can you stay so positive? Everyone actually thinks we could possibly be a murderer. I just can't believe anyone would think I would do such a thing! (Starts to cry)

(In confessional)
Squirtle: Woah. I never knew Piplup could be so... emotional!

Squirtle: They just wanna be certain they are safe, that's all.

Piplup: No it's not. I'm now just realizing that I can get awfully competitive in this show and be a little too arrogant. No wonder everyone hates me.

Popplio: Then do something about it. For the record, I have never hated you Piplup.

Squirtle: Yeah me neither. There's nothing wrong with being competitive.

Piplup: (wipes away her tears) Good. Because I'm still gonna be confident, competitive and win this thing, but maybe just turn down my boasting. (Sheepishly grins) Thanks for the talk Squirtle, and thanks for not telling any jokes Popplio.

Popplio: As a Wailmer for say, you're WHALE-come. (Laughs as Piplup bangs her head against the wall)

(Somewhere else)

Togedemaru: (walks in a room) Weird. How did we not come in here before?

Pachirisu: Not sure. Let's look around. Maybe we'll find something important.

Togedemaru: (opens a closet) Uh Pachirisu... You might wanna have a look at this.

(Somewhere else)

Lycanroc: (passes Treecko) Hey. Find anything Treecko?

Treecko: No. But just a question, how come no one saw Raichu was wet at the beginning?

Lycanroc: (shrugs) I dunno.

Treecko: How am I supposed know you didn't do it and were trying to cover your butt!

Lycanroc: (in a slightly deeper voice) Um excuse me!? You do not wanna mess with me pal or it'll be the last thing you do!

Treecko: Fine okay. You're right. I'll follow what ever you say. (Lycanroc heads off) For now... (leaves)

(Back on the main deck)

Squirtle: Ahh! My shell is itchy and I can't scratch it!

Piplup: Just try harder. I'm still not gonna help.

Popplio: Hey, Treecko and Lycanroc are coming back.

Piplup: And so are Togedemaru and Pachirisu. (The rest of them enter) So anyone feel like letting us free!?

Pachirisu: I'll let some of you free... (goes to unlock them)

Lycanroc: WAIT! What are you doing?

Togedemaru: Trust me. She knows what she is doing.

Pachirisu: Yep. Thanks to Togedemaru's final clue, I finally know who did it! (Grins)

Squirtle: What!? You do!? Well then who is it!?

Pachirisu: Let me tell you the story first. (Pauses) First off, Lycanroc figuring out the body was wet meaning it was a water type helped me narrow down the suspects.

Togedemaru: So, we could- she could focus on them more and not waste time on others.

Pachirisu: Yeah. Now, I'll continue my story. The poem on the note said something about them wanting revenge for a loved one. Anyone finally cluing into it now?

Lycanroc: (eyes widen) Revenge for a loved one. And since their target was Raichu, that means HE did something to their loved one.

Pachirisu: Precisely. And what could Raichu do to a loved one? Let them be eliminated. (Unlocks Popplio) That cleared you.

Popplio: Phew. (Wipes forehead) All this tension was about to cause me a heart attack. (Stands by Togedemaru)

Togedemaru: (to Popplio) I knew it wouldn't have been you dude.

Piplup: Um, hello? Detective Pikachu wanna-be!? Why does that make me a suspect still!?

Pachirisu: You see Piplup, you obviously weren't happy about Turtwig's elimination! (Everyone gasps) And Squirtle, how upset were you when Bulbasaur got eliminated?

Squirtle: Okay, you got me there but I would never do something like this.

Piplup: And I wouldn't either!

Pachirisu: The final piece of the puzzle comes when Togedemaru stumbled upon a photo in a closet. (Shoves it in Piplup's face) ONE OF RAICHU WITH PECK ATTACKS CUTTING THROUGH IT!!! (Everyone gasps) YOU DID IT PIPLUP! (Piplup sits there speechless)

Treecko: (looks at the picture) Ha. Nice drawing Piplup. The x's on Raichu's eyes you drew look totally fake.

Pachirisu: (unlocks Squirtle) All the evidence points toward you Piplup. You had the motive, plus today you weren't happy about Raichu not giving you a prize and all that. (Takes a deep breath) Still, I would never have expected you to go this far.

Piplup: (shakes her head no) I swear! I didn't do it! I had to have been framed!!!

Raichu: (walks in) Congradulations!!! Pachirisu, you win invincibility!

Everyone: (loudly gasps) RAICHU!?!?

Raichu: That's right! This was just a challenge. Surprise!

Treecko: I knew it.

Lycanroc: Is that why you acted so scared? (Treecko looks embarrassed)

Oshawott: (enters) I'm okay too guys! It was all an act.

Raichu: So yeah, Piplup really did no harm. Also, the boat is pulling up at the dock, and we can go board the plane.

(In confessional)
Squirtle: I'm still trying to recover from all this shock, fear, and drama. Props to Raichu because it was so convincing. I totally believed it was all real! But now... Who to vote for?

(In the elimination room after everyone boards the plane and it takes off)

Togedemaru: That was a total shocker today. I'm just glad you won invincibility.

Pachirisu: Yep! Even when I'm not trying, I always win. (Smirks) I'm just glad to know you are gonna be there for me as a friend. Sorry for not believing you.

Togedemaru: How many times to I have to tell you? Don't sweat it.

Pachirisu: Alright, but just because we're friends doesn't mean I'll go easy on you if we have to verse each other. But to make it up, I'll take you to first class.

Togedemaru: Cool. So who are we booting? Lycanroc or Piplup?

Pachirisu: Tough call.

Popplio: (walks by, hearing what they said) Guys wait! Just trust me on this one. (He whispers to them and they nod as everyone else comes in)

Raichu: You know the dealeo. Vote for who you want to be eliminated but you can't vote Pachirisu. Now, Wobba-GET right to it!

Popplio: (laughs) Hahaha. Good one!

(Everyone votes)

Raichu: The votes have been counted, and the following players are safe... The winner of invincibility, Pachirisu. (Throws her a pokepuff) Togedemaru, Popplio, Squirtle and Treecko. You are all safe too!

Squirtle: Sweet!

Piplup: What? I better not be going home because I was the "murderer." That'd be outrageous.

Raichu: Well that's probably not the reason but... YOU ARE IN FACT GETTING ELIMINATED!!! Lycanroc, you're safe.

Lycanroc: Hmph. Good.

Piplup: Grrr. (Takes a deep breath) You are okay Piplup. It's not the end of the world. (Takes another deep breath) Okay, I'm upset about losing but I just wanna wish the rest of you the best of luck. Except Popplio and Pachirisu for obvious reasons. (Pachirisu rolls her eyes)

Raichu: Piplup, you've got a date with skydiving. Better get going.

Piplup: Fine. But Raichu, you'll definitely be hearing from my lawyers this time! (Jumps out of the plane) AHHHH!!!

(In confessional)
Popplio: Piplup had to go. If Lycanroc was eliminated he might be evil forever. It's up to me to help him and I've got a plan for next time. It'll be great-chomp!

(In confessional)
Lycanroc: Piplup was useless at this point anyway. Next on the agenda, eliminate Popplio and maybe everyone else while I'm at it. Heh. I think the time for my reckoning may finally be at hand.

Raichu: (to camera) We are down to the final six! Will Lycanroc eliminate Popplio before he gets the chance to bring the good in Lycanroc back or whatever the heck is going on? Also, who will take the dreaded drop next? Find out on the next episode of Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!

***Thanks for all the support once again __Glaceon__ ArtistHeart6 Darumaka25 Gurrtastic Sean1153 Captain_Komodo TorchicTrooper slothzilla124 LBWriter123 BlueNJGreenF_r_e_a_k FrancineChua2 TotalEpicness12

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