Mo Froakie Mo Problems

Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon World Tour, our contestants came across a few bumps in the road (chuckles)

Koffing: You got that from Popplio.

Raichu: Hush Koffing!! Anyways, the three teams went on a rock climbing adventure! During which, Piplup left Turtwig behind and Snivy was up to his old tricks, throwing rocks at Squirtle and Bulbasuar, but that's not all he did. After Treecko refused to end his friendship with Bellossom, Snivy dramatically ended their alliance. In the end, Pachirisu arrived first but it was actually a team challenge so she didn't win yet! However, her whole team still crossed first and the Dialgas won the day. But the losers were the Perilous Palkias, due to their lack of cooperation after Fennekin found out Chikorita was the one who got her eliminated last season, but what she didn't realize was Snivy tricked her. But by the time they made up, Chikorita was sent flying away! But now we are almost at our destination, in a region we haven't gone to yet. What is it? Find out now on Total Drama- (gets cut off)

(Theme song)

Raichu: Okay intern! If you cut me off again like that you are gonna get fired!

(In Economy Class A)

Popplio: (stomach growls) Aw man, I'm starving.

Lycanroc: (walks in) Just checked. Koffing didn't make breakfast today.

Popplio: Well that sure stinks.

Lycanroc: (Looks to see Bellossom sleeping, Treecko and Snivy back to back with their arms crossed, Chespin looking depressed and Litten drawing) What's wrong with our team today Popplio?

Popplio: (shrugs) I don't know. Just a whole lot of awkward silence if you ask me.

Lycanroc: I guess we can take advantage of this peace and quiet.

(In confessional)
Lycanroc: You know what, I'm proud of myself for making it this far without having issues. (Eyes widen) Like I mean the problems my therapist warned me out. AH! Why'd I say that? Look, forget I said anything okay?

(In first class)

Psyduck: Yay! Poffins! Thanks so much Glaceon! (She leaves as Psyduck starts eating)

Togedemaru: I could get used to this.

Pachirisu: Yeah, let's just keep on winning and we can eat like royals all season!

Togedemaru: Hey Pachirisu (sits up) Can I ask you something?

Pachirisu: Sure.

Togedemaru: How about you, me and Psyduck form an alliance, that way we can make it to the merge!

Pachirisu: Wow! Great idea. I'm in. (Stands up and walks over to Piplup) Hey Piplup!

Piplup: Hey! So I was just thinking on who to eliminate next if we lose today. Planning is always important.

Turtwig: Yeah, Its scientifically proven that-

Piplup: So who would you pick? Our Sinnoh alliance is still on right?

Pachirisu: Of course! But I'm not really sure. You can just pick. (Walks off)

Turtwig: That's Pachirisu, always antsy to move around.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: Awesome! I'm totally gonna make it the merge now! What I'm doing isn't dirty, it's resourceful and smart. All my teammates have kinda grown on me like a gymnastics team. But hey, if you wanna win, you gotta play the long game right?

(In Economy Class B)

Vulpix: I feel so, so, so terrible about voting off Chikorita now.

Fennekin: Hey, it's okay. You were looking out for me.

(In confessional)
Fennekin: Looking back on this season so far, I've overreacted and was mean to Chikorita and Vulpix. I feel terrible but I'm just glad they're still friends with me. (Sighs) I guess I've just been so wonky because all I can think about is how much I miss Litten.

Squirtle: So there's five left on our team, five on the Dialgas-

Bulbasaur: And seven on the Giratinas.

Cyndaquil: Wow they still have seven? That's impressive.

Squirtle: And yet the only one they voted off was Mudkip. Everyone must be wack on that team.

Bulbasaur: For real! How can you vote him off over Snivy?

Squirtle: I know. Poor Mudkip...

Cyndaquil: Yeah, I miss him too.

Bulbasaur: Guys we gotta focus! Or we'll have to vote off one of our friends again like we did to Chikorita!

Squirtle: All we can do is keep trying. Maybe not focus on winning, but focus on not losing. I think it'd be worth a shot.

Raichu: (over the intercom) GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!!

Bellossom: (wakes up) AH! What's happening?

Litten: Relax. It's only Raichu.

Raichu: We have finally gotten to Unova! Prepare for landing!

(After the plane lands everyone exits and gathers around a big building)

Raichu: Alright everyone, we are just north of Virbank City which means, POKÉSTAR STUDIOS!!

Treecko: Wow! Really!?

Bellossom: That's so cool!

Treecko & Bellossom: My favorite movie is The Turtanic. Really? Me too!

Snivy: Ugh. I'm gonna puke. That was a lame movie any way.

Chespin: (starts crying) That's the movie where the Turtuga finds love but then the ship sinks and-

Piplup: (rolls eyes) He and his girlfriend don't have much time together?

Chespin: (sniffles) Yes. Makes me think of Chikorita.

Turtwig: Chespin, it's gonna be alright.

Piplup: Or if you can't handle yourself just quit and be with Chikorita.

Turtwig: Piplup!

Piplup: What? Was just making a suggestion.

Raichu: (loudly coughs) I'd like to get to the challenge someday soon! Not much time booked here you know!

(Everyone enters the studios and have seats in chairs according to teams)

Raichu: Everyone all snug in their chairs? (Everyone nods) Good! (Presses a button and they all get strapped in)

Lycanroc: Hey! What gives!

Psyduck: What's going on!? I can't move.

Raichu; Duh. That's the purpose Psyduck. It's time for a little quiz. Get the answer wrong and- (presses another button and everyone gets electrocuted)

Turtwig: Hey Togedemaru, why did it zap you too?

Togedemaru: I have the Iron Barbs ability, not Lightning Rod.

Raichu: I know, I checked with your mother.

Togedemaru: Can we just end this conversation before it gets weird?

Raichu: Fair enough. Let's dive right into this! First question, how many players competed in this season?

Popplio: (buzzes in) Twenty-five!

Raichu: Correct!

Popplio: Alright! I just used my Mind-ior! Get it? Like Minior?

Piplup: Ugh! Kill me now (Raichu zaps her) Hey!

Raichu: Who got amnesia in season one?

Cyndaquil: (buzzes in) Mudkip!

Raichu: What's the cube root of twenty-seven?

Litten: What the heck? Nobody would know that!

Turtwig: (buzzes in) Its three! Duh.

Raichu: Correct. Each team's got one point now. What type is there no gym for?

Lycanroc: (buzzes in) Fairy, it's too new to have a gym. (Gets zapped)

Turtwig: (buzzes in) Actually, its dark but good try Lycanroc.

Raichu: How can you tell the differnece between a male and female Venusuar?

Psyduck: (buzzes in and everyone stares at him) What? What did I do?

Pachirisu: Give your answer Psyduck.

Psyduck: Oh... I just wanted to push the button.

Raichu: Times up buddy. (Zaps him) Any other guesses?

Bulbasaur: (buzzes in) Females have an egg on the top of their flower.

Raichu: That's the answer we were looking for. What replaced gyms in Alola?

Snivy: (buzzes in) Trials!

Raichu: Now it's two all with only a few more questions to go!

Squirtle: Wait seriously?

Vulpix: Ugh! This is probably just a pre-challenge!

Raichu: Exactly. Just for my amusement. (Zaps everyone) One final question then, What occurs once in a moment, twice in a lifetime but never in one thousand years?

Treecko: Wait wasn't that the riddle we got way back in season one?

Chespin: Yeah, the rescue challenge.

Snivy: I don't remember it. Who solved it for us then?

Turtwig: (buzzes in) The letter E!

Raichu: Ding-Ding-Ding! Correct!

Piplup: Turtwig you did amazing for us.

Psyduck: Yeah you got like a zillion questions right! High five! (Awkwardly high fives him)

Raichu: So Destructive Dialgas earn an advantage. Naturally, since we are in pokestar studios, your main challenge will be making a fifteen minute short film!

Fennekin: Cool!

Raichu: Oh Fennekin, you're not outta the woods yet.

Litten: Oh no, here it comes.

Raichu: I'm not giving you an easy challenge like the talent show. Beware of booby traps set up all around here. But as winners, you can pick your genre first.

Togedemaru: That's a pretty solid advantage.

Raichu: Your options are Sci-Fi, Superhero, and Romance.

Psyduck: You pick Turtwig! (Everyone nods)

Turtwig: Let's do Sci-Fi!

Raichu: And pick for your opponents as well.

Turtwig: Um. Give Superhero to the Palkias and Romance to the Giratinas!

Raichu: Done deal! Head to the studios with your legendaries mascot on it.

Squirtle: How much time do we have? (Suddenly, a familiar face emerges from the shadows)

Froakie: As long as Raichu tells you ya dingus.

Squirtle: WHAT!?

Raichu: Did I forget to mention that Froakie is our special guest judge today! Isn't that great Squirtle!

Squirtle: Ah! No! Why would you bring back that jerk!?

Froakie: Because it was in my contract. Don't flatter yourself, I didn't really wanna see you either. (Smirks)

Squirtle: That's it! LET ME AT HIM! (Bulbasaur and Cyndaquil hold him back)

Bulbasaur: Calm down Squirtle, this is exactly what he wants you to do.

Froakie: You guys better impress me.

Popplio: Well then prepare to be dazzled Froakie!

Raichu: You've got a whopping four hours! NOW GO! (Everyone scurries off) And Froakie, just so you don't lie to make Squirtle lose, we'll be hooking you up to a lie detector.

Froakie: Wait what? (Sighs) Fine, I guess.

(In the Dialga's room)

Togedemaru: So Turtwig, what's your big plan?

Turtwig: I dunno. I thought maybe someone else would have one.

Pachirisu: WHAT! But you chose the topic.

Turtwig: Yeah but I just thought...

Psyduck: How about there are these nacho monsters invading and their all like (in a deep voice) Prepare to be cheesed. (Back to regular voice) And then all the Pokémon are like ah, I'm allergic and I hate meat. (Everyone stares at him)

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: Well, no one can say that guy doesn't have a brain because he's got a heck of an imagination. Not to mention a nacho obsession.

(In confessional)
Psyduck: Me likey nachos.

(In the Gargantuan Giratinas room)

Snivy: Stupid Turtwig had to give us Romance. We are so screwed!

Chespin: (sobs) Romance makes me think of Chikorita.

Snivy: Put a sock in it Chespin.

Chespin: You don't know what it's like to be away from someone you love so shut up! (Runs off)

Litten: He wasn't like this last season when Chikorita left.

Bellossom: Guess because now it's not just a few challenges left it's more then half of the season!

Lycanroc: Whatever, I've got an idea that might work!

Treecko: What's that?

Lycanroc: Like a medieval theme. A knight and a princess stuck in a tower.

Litten: That's gotta be the stup-

Popplio: Greatest idea ever! Let's do it!

(Inside the prop room)

Fennekin: So what are we even looking for?

Cyndaquil: Anything that screams super hero.. Like a city backdrop, costumes, a monster.

Vulpix: Guys look up there! (Points to a top shelf) Do you see it?

Bulbasaur: Um, the toilet seat?

Vulpix: Eeew, gross. No, I'm pointing at the makeup kit!

Fennekin: It is important when it comes to movie making. (Jumps on Bulbasaur's back and grabs it but it sets off a booby trap) RUN!!!

Squirtle: What is it? (A robot with lasers appears and scans the room) Great, now we gotta be stealthy. (Gets shot into the air) AHHHH!!!!

Bulbasaur: SQUIRTLE!! (Suddenly the door opens and Squirtle flies into Psyduck)

Psyduck: Owww, what the heck Squirtle.

Piplup: Yeah! Back off! (Pecks him and he runs)

Cyndaquil: Guys, be careful, there's some sort of robot.

Turtwig: HOORAY! Over here robot!

Togedemaru: What are you doing?

Turtwig: Use Spiky Shield when he shoots! And hurry!

Togedemaru: Um, okay? (Reflects the laser at the robot and he shuts down) Oh sweet! We can use him in our movie!

Turtwig: Exactly!

Squirtle: What? No way.

Bulbasaur: Guys, a city backdrop and some fabric too!

Fennekin: I can sew. Let's do it. (Everyone leaves as the Gargantuan Giratinas enter)

Lycanroc: So search for armor and blocks to build a tower. Everyone, break!

(At the Perilous Palkias room)

Cyndaquil: Yeah, that was too close of a call.

Fennekin: So I'll make the clothes. Vulpix will do the makeup and lighting.

Squirtle: Bulbasaur and I can play the roles if you want to?

Bulbasaur: Okay. That sounds like fun. The two of us in our own movie.

Squirtle: Want to be the hero? (Bulbasuar nods) Yeah, that's what I thought. Like when we were kids and would play pretend.

Cyndaquil: Okay, Squirtle and Bulbasaur come with me and we can get to work on the script.

Vulpix: Good luck guys! 

(In confessional)
Vulpix: I would usually be all over designing clothes but I would be mortified making a superhero outfit. I'd be the laughing stock of the fashion industry if I produced something like that! That's something I never want to see on my website. It's not fashionable.

(At The Gargantuan Giratinas room)

Popplio: So what did we get again?

Litten: Knight armor, a princess outfit and a whole tub of building bricks.

Treecko: Are you joking? Those are too small to build something with!

Popplio: Not if we work together.

Lycanroc: It'll just take some time, but we've got that, so let's get busy.

Snivy: Fine Popplio and Litten, you are on building duty.

Litten: Why me?

Snivy: Why not?

Chespin: I guess I could work the camera.

Snivy: You done balling your eyes out?

Chespin: Shut up Snivy!

Snivy: I can write the script. And Lycanroc, Bellossom, Treecko, get costumes and props ready. (Walks off)

Bellossom: Why are we taking orders from him again?

Treecko: Snivy always gets what he wants. At least for now he will.

Lycanroc: Hey guys? A little help over here?

Bellossom: Oh yeah, we're coming.

(In Raichu and Koffing's corridors)

Koffing: Darn it! That's the fourth batch of popcorn I burnt!

Raichu: Come on Koffing get it together!

Froakie: Whatever. Can I go do something?

Raichu: Nope, you can stay right here Froakie.

Froakie: Why me? I should never have come on this show.

(Everyone does their designated job and before they know it an hour is left)


(At The Destructive Dialga's room)

Piplup: Hurry up guys, we need to get shooting!

Psyduck: NO! Don't shoot me okay? (Kneels on the ground) Pretty please. I'm not ready to die.

Piplup: Not that kind of shooting you moron. I'm talking about starting to film the movie.

Psyduck: Oh. Okie-dokie then! I've got the robot dressed up as a nacho.

Turtwig: Alright, Pachirisu and Togedemaru are you in costumes?

Togedemaru: (walks out in a space suit like outfit) Oh come on, these look rediculous!

Piplup: Hey I took a good half hour on those!

Togedemaru: And they look perfect. (Mutters) Not.

Pachirisu: Psyduck get over here so we can start filming.

Turtwig: Okay, three, two, one, we're rolling!

(In the Perilous Palkias room, Bulbasaur is dressed as a super hero and Squirtle has his Squirtle Squad glasses on and is dressed like a villain)

Bulbasaur: Prepare to get destroyed evil villain.

Squirtle: Come at me Bulbasaur-Boy.

Bulbasaur: That's it! ITS BULBASAUR-MAN! (Charges at Squirtle but stops just in front of him) Wow. That was really fun.

Fennekin: Bravo you two! That was great!

Vulpix: Can I come down from the catwalk? I've developed a new fear of heights.

Cyndaquil: Yeah, were all done recording! (Everyone gathers around) Okay we just need to get the special effects and edits done.

Bulbasaur: Onwards to post production!

Vulpix: You don't have to keep talking like that.

Bulbasaur: Yeah, but it's actually pretty fun (laughs a little)

(In Gargantuan Giratinas room)

Treecko: (grabs a script) What's this? I have to be the leading role? I'm the knight?

Snivy: Well you had to do something.

Bellossom: Well I'm the princess.

Treecko: (smiles) This won't be so bad.

Chespin: Hey! Litten and Popplio are done building.

Litten: Yeah, now up to the lights Popplio. (Popplio nods and they leave)

Snivy: Now Lycanroc, this is where it gets weird, and when I say weird I mean weird for you. (Gives him a horse head prop)

Lycanroc: What? I have to be the stallion?

Treecko: New plan. Let's just tank the challenge and vote Snivy off.

Lycanroc: What? No way! (Bends down) Hop on Treecko.

Chespin: And action!

Treecko: (reading cue cards) Dearest princess, I am coming to rescue you.

Bellossom: Oh! My knight in shining armor has finally arrived.

Lycanroc: (emotionlessly) Neigh.

Treecko: Now I must defeat the dragon! Onwards Lycanhorse! Ya!

(In confessional)
Lycanroc: I'm gonna be totally honest, I actually kinda enjoyed being the horse in retrospect. Now I kinda wanna be a Mudsdale for Halloween. (Awkwardly grins)

(At the Destructive Dialgas room)

Pachirisu: (acting while lying on the ground) AHHH! The hot cheese burns! You must go on without me.

Togedemaru: No. (helps her up) We won't leave you behind.

Psyduck: Come on. Let's go kill that thingy thing!

Piplup: CUT! Psyduck, we went over this eight times already! It's kill those evil robots.

Turtwig: Okay, now let's try it one more time. (Starts filming)

Psyduck: Let's go kill those evil robots!

Pachirisu: But how?

Psyduck: We'll eat them! Good thing I didn't have dinner.

Piplup: Finally a good take. Onto the final scene and we're done.

Turtwig: It'll be cutting it close but I think I'll be able to quickly edit the film.

(In the Gargantuan Giratinas room, Treecko enters the castle and approaches princess Bellossom)

Treecko: Oh Bellossom, I am so very glad you are safe.

Bellossom: Thank you Sir Treecko, I'll be eternally grateful.

Chespin: (crying and muttering) Oh Chikorita I miss you.

Snivy: (softly talking to Litten) Tell Popplio to angle the light better.

Litten: (rolls eyes) Whatever your royal highness.

Popplio: (Angling the lightning) I think it's better now. (Back on stage, Treecko and Bellossom lean in to kiss)

(In confessional)
Treecko: YES! YES! (Pauses) But what I don't get is that Snivy wrote this and he purposely set me and Bellossom up. Something isn't right.

Snivy: A little more light Popplio.

Popplio: Okay then. (Adjusts it but it then falls on Treecko) OH CRAP! Treecko! (Rushes down) I'm so sorry.

Treecko: (dazed) You stupid klutz.

Bellossom: It's gonna be okay Treecko.

Snivy: Okay good. I was meaning to tell you, the monster ends up killing you both in the end so I'm glad Popplio stopped the kiss.

(In confessional)
Treecko: GAH! SNIVY! He must have planned that from the beginning, but lucky him, Popplio screwed up. Why does my life suck?

(In confessional)
Litten: Well, we had ten minutes left and a whole dragon to animate!! (Sarcastically) Like that's happening! I'm just hoping the other teams tanked.

(Ten minutes later)


(In the main hall)

Raichu: Alright everyone hand in their films.

Pachirisu: Here's ours.

Fennekin: And ours.

Snivy: And last but not least, ours.

Raichu: Thank you. Koffing and Froakie and I will be judging these so just hang tight.

Froakie: Hey, Koffing finally nailed the popcorn.

Popplio: Could we have some Froakie?

Froakie: Um, no way! (Eats some) Mmm, delicious.

Koffing: Alright let's get watching.

(Koffing, Froakie and Raichu watch the movies)

Bulbasaur: We've been waiting so long.

Turtwig: Okay, they have to be done deciding by now. (They come back in) Oh good.

Froakie: I have bad news.

Psyduck: What!?

Froakie: Unanimously, The Perilous Palkia's film was the best. (The Palkias cheer)

Squirtle: Wow! I cannot believe we won!

Froakie: I hate you Squirtle, but not the character you played in the film.

Raichu: I just love a good superhero film.

Koffing: Don't get us wrong, it still wasn't all that good.

Cyndaquil: Hey, a win is a win guys!

Raichu: Anyway, second place was The Dialgas film! Very weird and unusual but it worked! Very entertaining.

Froakie: And that left The Gargantuan Giratinas in last. Let me rant about my complaints for a second. Acting was bad, you could hear Chespin sobbing in some parts, the director wrote a horrible ending, lights were messed up and much much more that I could go on and on about.

Lycanroc: Ugh! I can't believe we did all that work for nothing.

Popplio: (frowns) We really should've managed our time better I guess.

Litten: I'm sorry but nobody could've predicted all the BS that happened to us this challenge.

Raichu: Whelp, that does it for this part. Let's all say goodbye to Froakie and hop on the plane!

(In the elimination room after the plane takes off)

Snivy: Ugh! I just can't believe we lost.

Litten: Blame Chespin!

Chespin: What!? But Snivy was the one bossing us around the whole time.

Treecko: Not to mention Popplio tried to kill me.

Raichu: (walks in) Simmer down. The votes are in and as you know the one without a pokepuff is out! The first treat goes to... Litten!

Litten: Score!

Raichu: Also safe are the following, Bellossom... Treecko... Lycanroc... surprisingly Snivy. (Throws them the pokepuffs) And the final one goes too...

(Chespin looks scared and sad while Popplio shakes due to nerves)

Raichu: ...Popplio!

Popplio: Yes! Sorry, Chespin.

Chespin: (sighs) I knew I couldn't do it, I miss Chikorita too much. So now I can go be with her at least.

Bellossom: How sweet.

Chespin: (grabs parachute) Sorry my head was out of the game today guys.

Snivy: (smiles) Don't be sorry because you made me very happy.

Chespin: (rolls eyes) Whatever. (Jumps out of the plane) AHHHHH!!!!

Raichu: (to the camera) And there goes one of season ones finalists! Will the other one soon follow? Will Treecko and Bellossom hook up already? And most importantly, will Vulpix let me be a model for her fashion website? You may find out your answers next time on Total Drama Pokemon Regional Tour!!!

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