Episode 4: Music Madness- Downtime/Elimination

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris welcomed, "Before the break, the Merciless Moose lost the immunity challenge by a small margin, forcing them to vote someone out tonight. Let's see how all the campers are adjusting to their new objectives and new teammates."


Much like the previous episodes, the cameras started panning on the losers' cabin, specifically the male's side, where Katelyn and Kiana joined Devin for a strategy talk. The three of them were in an alliance prior to the team swap, so it was logical for them to make a plan together, now that they were still on the same team.

"Look, this three here is good," Katelyn assured, pointing to each of them, "This is the perfect opportunity to solidify something definitive. If you guys want, I'm willing to take this alliance all the way to the final three."

"Now that we lost, I have to take full control. I need to ensure that Devin and Kiana know that I am willing to stay loyal to our alliance all the way 'till the end. And honestly, I wouldn't mind heading to the final three with them. I mean, they haven't really proven themselves as physical competitors, so I like my odds against them if we make it that far."- Katelyn

"I like this," Kiana agreed, "As long as we stay loyal to each other, we'll make it to the end."

"There's no one in this game that I trust more than Katelyn. However, with Chris' accusation, I can't help but think that there might be a darker side to Katelyn."- Kiana

"I'm happy with this," Devin agreed, "Whatever keeps me out of the line of fire."

"I'm the only one who got negative points during the challenge. I'm definitely on the chopping block. I don't know for sure if this is an alliance that I'll take to the final three, but this'll definitely keep me safe for now."- Devin

"Good. Now, we need to decide who we'll vote off," Katelyn declared, "Any thoughts?"

"I mean...it might take a while for Ellie to recover from her injury," Kiana rationalized.

"Yeah, and Callie did perform well today," Devin noted, "I guess Ellie has to go."

"Honestly, I was thinking of voting out Callie," Katelyn admitted, "She's suspicious."

"But she got us to the tiebreaker round!" Kiana pointed out, "Why would we get rid of a good player?"

"She obviously lied to us. She tried to act like she was a weak player so we wouldn't target her," Katelyn rationalized, "She's stronger than she lets on. This shows that we can't trust her. We can't keep people who lie."

"Well, I guess that makes sense," Devin agreed, "Kiana? What do you think?"

"In Callie's defense, she could've easily been scared," Kiana suggested, "I know I was."

"We can't afford to take chances," Katelyn insisted, "Even if she was scared, we can't keep people who are going to be scared. Kiana, you've really shown a lot of growth while you've been here. People like you, and we're not gonna vote you out. Callie has to go tonight."

"I agree," Devin interjected, "Kiana?"

"I don't feel like I have much of a voice here. I get that Katelyn just wants what's best for the alliance, but I sort of feel...left out."- Kiana

"Yeah...yeah, we'll do that," Kiana replied halfheartedly.

"Alright, it's official," Katelyn declared, "This alliance of the three is heading to the finals. And we'll kick it off by voting Callie out of this game."

"Yes we will..." Kiana muttered, "We will..."


While Kiana began to feel left out on her team, Aaron began to feel accepted on his new team. Having been separated from Alejandro and Devin (his two closest allies), he needed to socialize with those on his team. Luckily for him, he found solace in Matthew and Tory, who joined him in playing billiards.

"Look guys, I'm looking for an alliance here," Aaron declared, wanting to get straight to the point, "I think what we have here are genuine guy friendships. I'm willing to join up with you guys."

"I need as much help as I can. I don't have anyone; I don't trust Zeyad, I've barely talked to Rhythm, and I'm pretty sure Veronica wants to beat me up. My only option is Tory and Matthew."- Aaron

"Of course, man!" Tory agreed immediately, "We're not gonna leave another man behind."

"Aaron is the kind version of a jock. He's athletic, but he's not arrogant and 'in your face'. I think that he can make a great ally. I mean, when the merge comes around, I'll need as many allies as I can get, and I think he's trustworthy."- Tory

"Aaron is a pretty cool guy. I don't know if he's gonna be a good ally, but he definitely seems like a good friend."- Matthew

"Thanks," Aaron thanked, elated, "This all-guys alliance will be sweet!"

"If we're making an all-guys alliance, we should probably tell Zeyad too," Matthew rationalized.

"No!" Aaron interjected, wanting to change the course of the conversation, "I mean....that's not a good idea."

"Why not?" Tory asked, curious, "Is he like, a bad omen or something?"

"He's more trouble than he's worth," Aaron answered, "He's so annoyingly bossy."

"Yeah, we don't need more of those guys," Tory agreed.

By now, everyone had an opinion on Zeyad; some viewed him as a bossy leader, some viewed him as an aggressive strategist. If there was one thing in common with all the opinions, it was that the qualities associated with him were not ones that were associated with a good ally. The trio would've continued talking bad about Zeyad if he didn't come running up to him.

"Hey guys!" Zeyad exclaimed as he ran up to the table.

"Hey Zeyad..." Aaron muttered, only to be polite.

"Alright, now that this is a new team, we need to establish something fast," Zeyad declared, "I've already talk to Aaron about this; we need to have an all-guys alliance."

"Now that I'm on a new team, it's time to start fresh. I've got Rhythm, so if I can get an all-guys alliance together, I'm in a good spot."- Zeyad

"You guys down?" Zeyad asked, to which the remaining guys nodded in agreement, "Awesome, I'll talk to you guys later."

With that, Zeyad ran upstairs, allowing the other guys to breathe a sigh of relief. If there were any doubt of Zeyad's personality before, it was all washed away with that one conversation.

"See what I mean?" Aaron asked, wanting confirmation that he was right.

"Yeah, he's bad news," Tory agreed, "Let's get back to pool, please."


To say that Zeyad was bad news was a pretty accurate statement. With the members of the former Merciless Moose knowing what Zeyad was capable of doing, they set out to warn the other campers. While Aaron warned Tory and Matthew, Rhythm decided to warn Veronica, using their time alone to strategize in Veronica's room.

"Is he really that bad?" Veronica asked, a bit surprised.

"Yeah," Rhythm assured, "He's a detriment to our team."

"I've got to make the first move on Zeyad before he makes the first move on me. I want to find a new alliance that will eventually take down Katelyn's alliance, but I don't need Zeyad to do it."- Rhythm

"Look, what I said back at the cabin was entirely true; I want to side with you," Rhythm insisted, hoping that Veronica would agree, "You're the ringmaster; people listen to you. This is our chance to build something tight and ride it 'till the end."

"I never really thought of myself as the 'ringmaster'. But hey, if they want to think that, I'll let them think that. Makes my job a little bit easier."- Veronica

"Well, I'll need the intel of everything that went on with the Merciless Moose," Veronica declared, wanting to gain valuable information.

Before Rhythm could say anything in response, she was interrupted by someone barging into the bedroom, eager to talk. It surprised neither of them with regards to who that someone was, but they certainly weren't too happy about it.

"Hey!" Zeyad exclaimed, running over to the female duo, "We need to talk."

"What a shocker..." Rhythm muttered under her breath, "What's up?"

"Well, I've already talked to you about this," Zeyad began, pointing to Rhythm, "But for Veronica, I'd like to say that I'm willing to join forces. I can help you get rid of Aaron."

"At this point, I've got to get on everyone's good side. Even if that means throwing people under the bus, I don't care. The only person's game who I care about is mine."- Zeyad

"Well, what did you have in mind?" Veronica asked, intrigued.

"Well, if we were going to vote, I'd tell the guys to split the votes against you two, while us three would vote against Aaron, and he goes home by a vote of 3-2-1."

"How do I know that you aren't just tricking us?" Veronica asked, to which Rhythm secretly gave her a thumbs up.

"That's the risk you take," Zeyad answered bluntly, "But hey, we're here to take risks. I'm telling you, us three can do wonders."

"Alright, a deal's a deal," Veronica agreed, shaking Zeyad's hand.

"Awesome!" Zeyad exclaimed happily before heading out of the room, "If you don't mind, I've got some drinks to make!"

"Told ya' he's terrible," Rhythm reminded, "I get it if you want to get rid of Aaron, but Zeyad is worse for us in the long run. Honestly, all of the Merciless Moose would be happy with him gone."

"All of them?" Veronica asked, wanting assurance.

"All of them," Rhythm confirmed.


Rhythm wasn't entirely wrong; no one who was a part of the Merciless Moose could deny that Zeyad had an assertive personality to him. While Zeyad may have good intentions, the way that he presented his intentions left little to be liked by the other members. It was no surprise that his former teammates threw him under the bus, even by his fellow male comrades. At this moment, Alejandro was resting in the music room with Daniel, spilling the beans on Zeyad's game.

"I'm telling you, he doesn't care for anyone else's wishes," Alejandro expressed, venting to Daniel.

"If he's exactly as you say he is, then he probably just can't understand simple human interaction," Daniel rationalized whilst examining a flute, "Chances are that he thinks that everything will go his way."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Alejandro agreed, "He's gonna get hurt soon enough."

"Speaking of getting hurt, are you alright?" Daniel asked out of kindness, "No serious injury?"

"Nah. Just temporary pain, but I'm fine now," Alejandro answered.

"That's good," Daniel remarked, "By the way, are you and Laila close?"

"Uh...yeah, I guess..." Alejandro admitted, "Why do you ask?"

"I mean, she went with you to the medical office," Daniel noted, "I just assumed that she really cares about you."

"Maybe," Alejandro pondered, "Hopefully with a smaller team, I can get to talk to her more."

"I've never been the guy to socialize crazily, but I need to do something to keep me safe. Now that Laila and I are outnumbered, I need to make more allies. Daniel seems like the 'leader' kind of guy, so hopefully by becoming friends, he might consider me to be a 'loyal ally' and will be willing to switch sides."- Alejandro

"That's probably a good idea," Daniel agreed, taking a seat by a piano, "Considering that she has a crush on you."

"Yeah, that's probably- WHAT?!" Alejandro exclaimed, taken aback, "She has a crush on me?!"

"Shhhh!" Daniel replied, "She's in the gym next door! You don't want her to hear you! At least not yet..."

"Right...sorry," Alejandro agreed, lowering his voice, "Did she tell you?"

"I heard it through the grapevine," Daniel responded, wanting to give away the smallest amount of information as possible, "She really likes you. Do you like her?"

"Well....um...." Alejandro stuttered, unsure if he should reveal it to Daniel.

"Your face says it all," Daniel interrupted, "You have a crush on her."

"Well...yeah..." Alejandro admitted, blushing, "What do I do?"

"I think you should just admit it," Daniel suggested.

"I don't know..." Alejandro muttered, "I'm not very good with talking to girls."

"How about this: I go to her and drop a couple hints for you," Daniel proposed, "That way, she will go to you."

"Y-you'd do that, dude?" Alejandro asked, to which Daniel nodded happily, "Dude, you're the man, man."

"No problem at all," Daniel replied, giving Alejandro a fist-bump before leaving, "Just stay here, and try not to hyperventilate."

"Yes, I'm more than willing to be Alejandro's wingman, but I also benefit from this. I've always had a gut feeling that Alexander is more sly than he lets on. If I can manage to bring Alejandro and Laila together, they'll thank me for helping them out, and that opens the door to gain two new allies. Win-win."- Daniel

This was also a decently-sized risk for Daniel. If his assumption about Laila having a crush on Alejandro was wrong, it would ruin his friendship with Alejandro and potentially make himself a much bigger target. However, he felt confident enough in his ability to read people to take this risk. As a result, he walked into the home gym with little fear, ready to talk to Laila.

"Oh, hey Daniel," Laila welcomed, as she continued to do pull-ups, "What's up?"

"Eh, not much," Daniel replied, trying to remain casual, "Mind if I run something by you?"

"Sure," Laila allowed, keeping her mind focused on exercising.

"Well, word around the camp is that you have a crush on one of the male campers," Daniel revealed, causing Laila to stop exercising.

"Uh...okay..." Laila stuttered as she continued to hang from the pull-up bar, "What did you hear?"

"From what I've heard, you think that he's sweet, kind, understanding, very athletic, and has really nice hair," Daniel listed.

*gasps* "How did he know?"- Laila

"Look, I don't know who told you that, but I do not have a crush on Alejandro!" Laila exclaimed, hoping to dissuade him from believing the rumour.

"Interesting...I didn't say his name, so why would you automatically assume that I was talking about Alejandro?" Daniel questioned.

It was at that moment when Laila realized that she screwed up. Without even thinking, she managed to reveal that she had a crush on Alejandro. She tried to be so careful to not let anyone know, going as far as to specifying in the confessionals that she only wanted to be friends with him. Knowing that she let that secret slip terrified her.

"Oh no..." Laila muttered whilst dropping herself from the pull-up bar.

"Look, don't worry about it," Daniel assured, "I've already talked with Alejandro, and he has a crush on you."

"H-h-he does?" Laila asked, wanting to make sure that she wasn't hearing things.

"I wouldn't have come here to screw with your mind," Daniel rationalized, "I'm not lying. I just talked with him in the next room and he wanted me to come here and drop a few hints."

"He actually likes me back?" Laila asked, still processing the information in her head.

"Yeah. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to," Daniel assured, "Your secret is safe with me."

"S-should I go and talk to him now?" Laila questioned.

"You can if you want to; I'm sure he won't mind," Daniel allowed, pointing to the door.

"Thanks!" Laila thanked, sprinting out of the gym.

"Y'know, it feels kind of good to help bring a couple together. Hopefully they remember this."- Daniel


Whether or not they wanted to admit it, everyone had a different plan with regards to their strategy. For Daniel, he elected to focus on the social aspect of the game. For Zeyad, he decided to be aggressive with the strategic part of the game. And for Katelyn, she wanted a balance; she wanted people to like her, but with the goal of using them to her strategic benefit. To accomplish this, she decided to talk to Ellie and Callie, even though she was plotting against them.

"So you're sure that Devin is going home?" Callie asked.

"As long as us three vote for him, we should be fine," Katelyn assured, "I mean, he was the worst player for us today, so it's an easy call."

"Who does Devin think is being voted out?" Ellie asked.

"He thinks we're voting for you because of your injury," Katelyn replied, pointing to Ellie, "Kiana thinks that as well, but neither of them need to know what's really going on."

"I have to make sure that Callie feels 100% safe, so by telling them that Ellie is being targeted, if one of them has Chris McLean Head of Invincibility, they'll play it for Ellie and not Callie, ensuring that Callie goes home."- Katelyn

"If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get something to eat before the elimination ceremony," Katelyn declared as she exited the cabin.

"Well, at least we're not going home," Callie remarked.

"I still don't want them voting for me!" Ellie noted as she stood up, "If they have an immunity head, I'm dead!"

"Where are you going?" Callie asked as she watched her friend go towards the door.

"I've got to talk to Kiana and convince her to not vote for me!" Ellie replied.

"Wait!" Callie shouted just as Ellie ran out of sight, shortly followed by loud thud and two exclamations of pain.

"Sorry, Kiana!" Ellie apologized as she got off her teammate and helped her to her feet.

"It's fine," Kiana replied whilst rubbing her left elbow, "Are you in a hurry?"

"Yes!" Ellie exclaimed as she grabbed Kiana by the shoulders, "Please Kiana! Please do not vote for me!"

"Uh...what?" Kiana asked, confused.

"I know that I injured myself during the challenge, but I'm a quick healer!" Ellie insisted, "Please don't vote for me!"

"I'm not voting for you," Kiana admitted honestly, "I'm voting for Callie."

"Thank you so-" Ellie began before realizing what Kiana just said, "Wait...you're voting for Callie?"

"Yeah, isn't that the plan?" Kiana asked.

"Who told you that?" Ellie returned.

"Katelyn pulled me a aside and-" Kiana began before realizing what she had just done, "Oh no..."

"I just told Ellie the plan! Oh no! Katelyn is gonna be sooooo mad at me!" *cries*- Kiana

"Please don't tell Callie about this!" Kiana exclaimed, wanting to correct her mistake.

"Don't tell me what?" Callie asked, having walked out of the cabin.

"Darn it!" Kiana exclaimed, slamming her fist against the wall in frustration.

"Apparently, Katelyn told Kiana to vote for you instead of me," Ellie revealed, turning to Callie.

"What?" Callie asked, completely shocked, "Why?"

"Kiana, why is she after Callie?" Ellie asked, wanting more information.

"Ugh.....I am so dead by saying this...but she thinks that you faked being scared, and that it shows how much of a liar you are," Kiana admitted, not wanting to lie.

"What?!!" Callie shouted, shocked, "I can't believe this!"

"Katelyn totally threw me under the bus! After all that I've gone through to try and save this team, she turns around and stabs me in the back! How could she?"- Callie

"Katelyn lied to all of us!" Ellie noted, having processed all of the information, "She told us to vote for Devin, and that you and Devin were voting for me!"

"I'm not a liar!" Callie insisted, "If anything, Katelyn is the liar!"

"Y'know what, I'm glad you talked," Ellie revealed, turning to Kiana, "This shows that Katelyn cannot be trusted."

"I honestly thought that Katelyn was on my side! But now it's clear: she cannot be trusted, and I'm sure that Callie and Kiana will agree."- Ellie

"Look, we have three votes right here," Ellie noted, pointing at each of them, "Why don't we just make it simple, and blindside Katelyn right now?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea!" Callie agreed, eager to not be targeted, "You in, Kiana?"

"Uh, yeah, this is what has to happen," Kiana agreed, nodding in assurance.

"Campers! It's time for the elimination ceremony!" Chris called out from the loudspeakers, "Please head the the campfire!"

"C'mon girls, it's time to rat out the rat," Ellie declared as she ran towards the campfire, followed by Callie.

"This is the most stressful situation that I've ever been in! I don't what to do! I get that Katelyn lied and all, but she doesn't seem to want to get rid of me! Just because she lied to Ellie and Callie doesn't mean that she'll lie to me...right?  Ughhhhhh! Am I really gonna betray my closest ally?"- Kiana


Before long, the sun set below the horizon, indicating that it was time to vote off another camper. While the Chaotic Cougars and the Wild Wolverines took their seats on the sidelines, the Merciless Moose sat on their respective stumps, waiting to receive further instructions from Chris. With each camper coming in with a different agenda, it left many wondering if their plan would actually work.

"Alright campers, it's time for another vote off," Chris declared, "But before that happens, I need one volunteer from each winning team to head to Boney Island!"

"Dibs!" Tory shouted, raising his hand.

"I'd like to!" Daniel interjected, standing up from his seat.

"But you've already been to Boney Island!" Alexander complained, "Let me do it!"

"Sorry Alexander, it's first come, first serve," Chris declared, "Tory and Daniel, please head down the path."

"Daniel..." Amalia whispered, not wanting to be separated.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Daniel assured, "Stick by Laila while I'm gone."

"With the team swap, there's a chance that another invincibility head could be hidden on Boney Island. If there's another one, I need to get my hands on it. If not, at least I get to reinforce my alliance with Tory."- Daniel

"Let's do this, dude," Tory declared, giving Daniel a fist bump before walking with him down the path.

"Merciless Moose, you know how it works," Chris remarked, "Go in, x-out the picture of the person that you want gone, and after checking them, I'll give out the marshmallows to those who are safe. If you don't receive a marshmallow, you must walk down the Dock of Shame and leave the island in the Submarine of Losers. Now you may vote."


"I'm sorry if this is mean, but you must be nuts to target the person who got a perfect score. Hopefully this teaches you a lesson."- Callie

"There's only room for one liar on this team, and that's me. So you've got to go."- Katelyn

"You're just lucky that I'm injured, or else your butt would've been kicked halfway to Ottawa by now."- Ellie

"I'm sorry for doing this, but this is what Katelyn wants, and I have to obey her."- Devin

"I...I just want to say that this has been the most difficult decision that I've had to make. I feel really bad for doing this, and I really wish that you didn't have to go, but this is something that I have to do to save my own game. I'm sorry..."- Kiana


"Alright, I've tallied the votes, and the following people are safe!" Chris declared as he held up three marshmallows, "Ellie, Kiana, and Devin, the three of you are safe! Katelyn and Callie are on the chopping block."

Chris threw the three marshmallows to the safe campers as Katelyn and Callie instantly became worried. Even though Callie knew that she would receive votes, she was petrified with the thought that she would be eliminated after giving an incredible performance. Katelyn was genuinely scared. She expected Devin to receive votes instead of herself, so the thought of being blindsided instantly popped into her head, and that terrified her.

"The last marshmallow of the night goes to..." Chris began before pausing for dramatic effect, ".....Katelyn."

"What?!" Callie exclaimed as Katelyn caught her marshmallow, "But...I got our team to the tiebreaker!"

"I know...it's a shocker even to me..." Chris admitted, "I guess it just wasn't enough."

"I can't believe this..." Callie muttered as she began sobbing into her hands.

"Sorry Callie..." Katelyn apologized, patting her teammate on the back.

"Get your hands off me!" Callie exclaimed as she shoved Katelyn away from her and ran to hug Ellie, "I'm sorry..."

"What for?" Ellie asked, "You did nothing wrong..."

"I'm sorry that I'm leaving you here alone..." Callie apologized in between sniffles.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault..." Ellie muttered as she gazed at Kiana and Katelyn with an angry look, "It definitely wasn't your fault..."

"I'm sorry Callie, but it's time for you to go..." Chris declared as he grabbed Callie's hand, "Come; I'll walk you down the Dock of Shame."

"Of course I feel bad that Callie had to go; she's genuinely a nice girl. However, I can't risk her breaking out of her shell and trying to take me down. It was 100% strategic."- Katelyn

"I didn't want to vote out Callie, but I've put a lot of trust in Katelyn during the past week, and I have to put my faith in her and trust that she'll keep me safe."- Kiana


By now, it was night, and the light of the moon illuminated the saddened expression on Callie's face as she walked down the Dock of Shame. She tugged her light blue suitcase behind her as Chris escorted her to the Submarine of Losers. As she reached the end, she turned around and shouted her final words.

"Matthew, you are such a nice guy and I'm glad to have met you! Ellie, I really hope that you make it far! Amalia, you made my time here incredibly memorable!" Callie listed before taking a more serious approach, "Devin, you dodged a bullet tonight! Kiana, be careful of what you wish for! And Katelyn, you better watch out, because there's so many people here that will take you out!"

Katelyn rolled her eyes in frustration as Callie willingly stepped into the Submarine of Losers and shut the hatch, allowing Chef Hatchet to drive her away. This was the point when everyone realized that this game was about to take an evil turn. This elimination showed that it didn't  matter how nice, innocent, or useful you are; no one was safe from being voted off.

"She was so nice..." Amalia remarked, "F**kin' sucks..."

"Daniel wouldn't want you to say that ya' know," Alexander noted, causing Amalia to turn around and kick him in the crotch.

With that, Chris allowed the campers to return to their rooms while he was left to ponder the future of the season. While he never admitted it to anyone, Callie was his favourite contestant of the season. She reminded him of Lindsay; not because of her level of hotness, but because he knew that she'd be a fan favourite, and was very likable. To see her go definitely put a damper on the season for him.

"Well...one of the nicest campers to ever play this game is gone, leaving behind a crop of paranoid campers who'll certainly play a lot more ruthless," Chris rationalized, "Who will be voted out next? What will Ellie do now that she has no allies? And will Tory and Daniel have success on Boney Island? Find out next time on Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!"



Callie: Katelyn

Katelyn: Callie

Ellie: Katelyn

Devin: Callie

Kiana: Callie

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