Episode 17: Stairway to Hell- Downtime/Elimination

"And we're back with the 17th episode of Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris narrated, "Before the break, Daniel proved his genius status on his way to winning his first individual immunity challenge of the season. With one of the biggest targets in the game immune from tonight's elimination ceremony, let's take a look at what all of the campers have planned."


With Chris' opening completed, the cameras panned in on the living room of the mini-mansion, where Daniel was resting after expending most of his energy during the challenge. He was elated to know that he was safe, but the battle for the day wasn't over; he needed to make sure that Amalia wasn't going to be voted out, and was ready to diplomatically convince people to keep her.

"It's a tough sell, but it's definitely a sell," Daniel remarked to himself.

"Hey! I've got Rhythm here!" Amalia called out as she ran into the mini-mansion with Rhythm in tow.

"So, I think it's pretty obvious that you two are voting together," Rhythm noted, "And I'm guessing that you want me to vote with you."

"It would be the worst move in the history of this show if I were to vote with them. Now that Amalia doesn't have immunity, this might be my only opportunity to take her out. Yes, I admire her as a person and I think that she played a really good game up to now. But this is a game for one million dollars, and she's the biggest threat left in the game. I've got to take her out. Of course, Amalia & Daniel don't have to know that."- Rhythm

"Yeah, obviously," Amalia confirmed.

"Who do you want to vote for?" Rhythm asked, trying to be casual.

"Well, who would you rather vote for?" Daniel returned, "I mean, if you're joining us, you should make the decision. It doesn't matter to us as long as one of them gets voted out."

"In reality, I'd like it if Katelyn went home, because I feel like Devin and I have a good friendship, and he might take me to the final two if he wins the final 3 immunity challenge."- Daniel

"Honestly, Katelyn is probably the right person to vote for," Rhythm expressed, "I mean, I trust her less."

"You think so?" Amalia asked, "I mean, I think that Devin is the better physical competitor."

"Katelyn stayed wayyyyyy longer than she should've," Rhythm reminded, trying to shift some blame onto Katelyn, "If she made it this far, who knows what could happen if we leave her here any longer?"

"At this point, I don't want to have to throw either Katelyn or Devin under the bus. But, in the extremely unlikely case that Daniel or Amalia have an invincibility statue, I'd rather have Katelyn go before Devin. Devin is easier to beat, and I feel like with Katelyn gone, Devin will be forced to cling onto the first person willing to align with him. Which will be me."- Rhythm

"Daniel, remember when Amalia was taken away and you, me, and Kiana made a deal to vote for Katelyn?" Rhythm reminded.

"Yeah, absolutely," Daniel confirmed, nodding his head in response.

"Well, I'd still like that to go down," Rhythm claimed, hoping that Amaniel would believe her.

"I'd like that to go down too," Amalia agreed.

"For me, it's not just about the vote; it's about the future," Daniel revealed, "I mean, I want something solid. At the end of the day, facts are facts: the three of us were alliance members for quite a while. I wouldn't mind rebuilding our final three alliance."

"Would I like a final three alliance? Yes. Do I think she'll agree? Yes. Do I think she'll actually go through with it? Not a chance. But this is kinda my attempt at playing morals. I don't really care if she's in the final three with Amalia & I; I just want her to agree with it. That way, when she has to make the decision on whether or not to go with us to the final three, she might feel morally bad for betraying us again. Yes, it's a bit far-fetched, but it's worth a shot. I mean, I've got to do whatever I've got to do to ensure that Amalia & I are in the final two. If this is what I've got to do, then so be it."- Daniel

"Honestly, I've been waiting for something like this to happen," Rhythm claimed, "At the end of the day, I really like you guys, and if any of us three win, I'll be happy."

"I feel the same way," Daniel agreed, "Hopefully we can make it a reality."

"It's a deal then," Amalia concluded, "We're gonna be the final three."

"Hands in?" Rhythm asked as she stuck her hand out, shortly followed by Amalia and Daniel, "Alliance."

"Alliance," Amalia agreed.

"Alliance," Daniel completed.

"Now that we have that done, do y'all want me to leave so you two can 'have some fun'?" Rhythm asked, making air quotes with her hands as she spoke.

"We'd appreciate it," Daniel answered as he placed his arm around Amalia.

"Done deal," Rhythm declared as she got up and began walking towards the door, "See ya'."

"Bye!" Amalia replied as Rhythm left the mini-mansion, shutting the door behind her, "So, what'll we do in the meantime?"

"I wouldn't mind watching a movie or two," Daniel admitted.

"Sure!" Amalia agreed as Daniel got up to look at the movie discs, "Can we watch Selena?"

"Absolutely," Daniel answered, "No better way to relax after a challenge than with music."

"Speaking of the challenge, good job today!" Amalia praised, "You really breezed through those clues."

"Thanks," Daniel thanked as he placed the DVD into the player, "Sorry for not telling you ahead of time; I know that the plan was to have you win, but when you got stuck, I couldn't risk Katelyn winning immunity."

"Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong," Amalia insisted, "You did what you had to do, and that's fine."

"It's really sweet that Daniel is apologizing for not going through with the plan; he really wants me to be happy. It's nice, but I've got to admit: I wanted to win immunity. I know that there's a very good chance of me being voted out, and I've just got to hope that Rhythm isn't lying to me."- Amalia


Sadly, Rhythm was indeed lying to her. Unsurprisingly, with Daniel immune from the vote, a plan was in place to try and vote out Amalia. For people like Devin & Katelyn, they weren't super strong competitors in challenges, so they felt the need to eliminate physical threats in order to make their road to the end much smoother. Much like Daniel & Amalia, the two of them agreed to stick by each other. This confirmation of loyalty took place in the female's side of the losers' cabin.

"Man...I was sooooo close," Katelyn muttered as she sat down on a bunk.

"Don't feel bad; you gave the challenge all that you had," Devin insisted, "Hey, at least ya' beat me."

"Haha, very funny," Katelyn commented, chuckling a little bit.

"I was inches away from winning immunity, and I dropped the ball. But hey, at least Daniel won immunity instead of Amalia. Now, Devin, Rhythm, and I can band together and finally split the two of them up once and for all. Those two have gone farther in this game than they should've, and it's about time that one of them leaves."- Katelyn

"It sucks that I can't win a challenge without it being random luck. But at the end of the day, as long as I'm not the one walking down the Dock of Shame at the end of the night, I'm fine with whatever happens. Hopefully this'll all end well."- Devin

"So, do you think that Rhythm is still with us?" Devin asked.

"I mean, she'd be stupid to not vote with us," Katelyn noted, "She's not gonna be able to take Daniel & Amalia out on her own."

"Very true," Devin agreed, "Hopefully she does vote with us and we'll have a smoother path to the final two."

"That's the plan," Katelyn remarked as she wiped the lenses of her eyeglasses with her shirt, "Man...it feels so good to be back in normal clothes again."

"I can imagine," Devin admitted.

"No more boards, no more being stared at; just being a normal sixteen year-old," Katelyn declared as she stood up and showed off her clothes to the camera.

"Being in that swimsuit for a week was a tough pill to swallow. But now that I'm free of the humiliation, I can go back to being the good ol' Katelyn Percheron Lewis that I came here as. It's like...a phoenix being reborn from the ashes; I'm back stronger than ever and I'm rising to the top."- Katelyn

"Hey guys," Rhythm greeted as she walked into the cabin, "We need to talk."

"Of course!" Katelyn agreed as she patted the spot on the bunk next to her, "Take a seat."

"Thanks," Rhythm thanked as she took her seat, "Alright, before we go into anything else, I want assurance that Amalia is the one being voted out tonight."

"Of course, Katelyn agreed; there's no other option," Katelyn rationalized.

"We've got to get her out," Devin agreed, "We can't let this opportunity pass us by."

"That's what I like to hear," Rhythm remarked, smiling, "Secondly, y'know that by agreeing to vote with you two, I'm putting my faith in you both to keep me safe."

"Of course," Katelyn agreed, "You're tight with us."

"I want assurance that if Daniel doesn't win immunity tomorrow, we still pull the trigger and vote him out," Rhythm explained.

"And us three make the final three," Devin rationalized, "That's what we planned last night, and that's still the plan now."

"I agree," Katelyn added, "It's us three in the final three."

"That's perfect," Rhythm claimed.

"For once, I'm going into the elimination ceremony not too concerned for my safety. Sure, I know that Daniel & Amalia are probably gonna vote for me, but I can't help that. I trust Devin & Rhythm enough to keep me in the game, and when we get to the final three, I'm pretty sure that both of them would take me to the final two."- Katelyn

"It's obvious to everyone that I'm the tie-breaking vote. At the end of the day, siding with Katelyn & Devin is what I have to do if I want to increase my odds of winning this game. If I get rid of the challenge threat, aka Amalia, that increases my odds of winning immunity. And if I make the final three, Devin and I have our final two deal, and I'm confident that I can convince Katelyn to take me over Devin."- Rhythm

"Not gonna lie; this is a pretty good spot for me to be in. Amalia gets voted out, which leaves Daniel all alone. I can then swoop in and gain his loyalty, allowing me to take out Katelyn, and then I'm pretty much guaranteed a spot in the final two. Unless....Daniel gets upset with me for voting out Amalia. Then I'll be his number one target...and then Rhythm & Katelyn will band together and vote me out with him! AHHHHHH! What am I gonna do?!!"- Devin

"Oh...I've uh....got to go to the bathroom," Devin announced as he ran out of the room.

"Wha..." Rhythm muttered, confused.

"That was weird..." Katelyn noted, "But probably nothing bad."

"I would normally be concerned, but Devin's a weird guy. He probably just felt the need to announce it. It's none of my business."- Katelyn


What Katelyn didn't know was that what Devin was about to do actually was her business. Devin, not wanting to lose Daniel's trust, decided to look for him and confide in him. The last thing he needed was Daniel to be upset with him because he voted out his girlfriend.

"Hey Daniel," Devin called out from the doorway to the mini-mansion, "Mind if I talk to you out here for a second?"

"Sure," Daniel agreed as he got up from the couch and headed for the door, "What's up?"

"Shut the door," Devin ordered.

"Okay..." Daniel agreed, slowly shutting the door, "Now what's up?"

"Dude, I'm gonna tell you something, and I'm doing this because I respect you, and I don't want you to feel like I'm betraying you," Devin prefixed.

"Okay..." Daniel muttered, a bit scared.

"Rhythm, Katelyn, and I made an agreement to vote out Amalia if she didn't win immunity," Devin revealed, "Now that you have immunity, the plan is gonna go through tonight."

"Yes, it's a risky move; it could easily blow up in my face. But hopefully by telling Daniel of the plan to vote for Amalia, he'll consider me to be an 'honest joe' instead of a 'ruthless liar'."- Devin

"I was afraid that this was gonna happen...now Amalia is on the chopping block and I've got to make a move, and fast!"- Daniel

"Dude, I respect the fact that you told me about this," Daniel revealed honestly, "But I want you to consider what you're doing."

"Bro, you have to admit it: Amalia is the biggest threat left in the game," Devin reminded, "For my game, it'd be a terrible decision for me to keep Amalia."

"Devin, you're a great guy; I need you to realize the gravity of your situation," Daniel insisted, grasping at straws, "You're the tie-breaking vote; you need to keep the people in this game that will save you."

"I trust Katelyn more than Amalia, point blank," Devin admitted.

"Look, I know that I won't be able to protect Amalia forever," Daniel conceded, "But this is the chance for you to eliminate someone in this game who will deceive you. Katelyn has got to go."

"Attention campers!" Chris called out over the loudspeakers, "It's time for the elimination ceremony! Please make your way to the campfire area now!"

"Sorry dude, but it's the game," Devin apologized before starting his trek towards the campfire area.

"Crap..." Daniel muttered to himself.

"This is the worst possible scenario for me; Amalia is on the verge of being voted out, and I have no time at all to convince people to not vote for her. Ugh...if I'm gonna save her, I'm gonna have to make a big speech...and a big move..."- Daniel


The five remaining campers filed into the campfire area quickly, ready to get on with the vote. Everyone knew that the final challenge would be coming up soon, and they all were ready to cast their votes in hopes of furthering their agenda. However, much like in life, plans change, and for most of them, their plans were about to be rocked.

"Alright campers: you know the drill, and quite frankly, I don't really feel like I need to say it again," Chris admitted, "It's time to-"

"Wait!" Daniel interjected, raising his right hand to silence everyone, "I'd like to say something."

"Sure, whatever," Chris allowed, causing Daniel to stand up and face his fellow campers.

"I'll cut to the chase; I know that the three of you are voting for Amalia," Daniel revealed, pointing at Katelyn, Rhythm, & Devin, "I just want to make it clear to Devin & Rhythm that you're making a mistake by keeping Katelyn in this game any longer."

"How so?" Katelyn asked, intrigued.

"Katelyn has been downplaying her game this whole time," Daniel claimed, "Remember back at the final 11 when people kept her safe because we could 'get rid of her whenever we wanted'? That was her plan all along! She managed to float her way here and she's finally starting to plant her feet in this game!"

"Dude, just stop," Katelyn asked, nearly laughing, "You're embarrassing yourself."

"I am going to ask Devin & Rhythm one more time: please take into consideration for who will be upfront and honest with you, and who will stab you in the back," Daniel pleaded, staring at Katelyn for the latter part of his sentence, "But if you don't want to listen to my words, then fine. Have it your way."

With that final statement, Daniel shocked everyone by removing the Golden Marshmallow necklace from around his neck and placing it around Amalia. It was a first; no one in the history of Total Drama had willingly given up individual immunity to another camper, so to see Daniel do it, let alone do it so late in the game shocked everyone.

"Daniel..." Amalia muttered, "No..."

"It's fine," Daniel assured before turning to face the other three, "Now you have to choose: you either get rid of the girl who is untrustworthy, or get rid of the guy who is your last hope of beating Amalia in the final challenge. The choice is yours. Chris, let's get to the vote."

"Alrighty then," Chris agreed, excited by the added drama, "Now Amalia is safe, and you may now vote!"


"At least if I get voted out, I'm being voted off because of a move that I made."- Daniel

"That...was a surprise. Mad respect, but I've got to get you out now before you ruin my game any further."- Katelyn

"Please God, let this plan work!" *cries*- Amalia

"Dumb move, dude."- Rhythm

"I don't know what just happened. But I just want to let you know that I respect you as a person, and that this wasn't an easy decision. To all the people I hurt by doing this, I'm terribly sorry."- Devin


"Alright campers, it's time to reveal who is safe," Chris declared as he picked up three marshmallows, "Amalia, Rhythm, and Devin, you're safe. Unsurprisingly, Daniel & Katelyn are on the chopping block."

"May the more deserving camper stay," Daniel muttered to Katelyn.

"I intend to," Katelyn replied, not making eye-contact.

"Let's read the votes, just for suspense," Chris declared as he looked through the Xd out photos, "One vote for......Daniel. One vote....for Katelyn. Another vote for Katelyn! Another vote for Daniel! And, by a vote of 3-2, the person being voted out is..."

Daniel & Katelyn waited in fear for Chris to reveal the results. For both campers, this was the defining moment for both of their games. This moment would literally be the moment that sent them on a one-way trip to the final two, or on a one-way trip to the Submarine of Losers. For a moment, the area was silent as Chris opened his mouth to reveal the results.

".......Katelyn," Chris revealed before tossing Daniel the final marshmallow.

"Yes!" Amalia exclaimed as she ran to hug Daniel from behind.

"Wow...just wow..." Katelyn muttered as she stood up, "Good move, Daniel. Good move."

"You played an amazing game, Katelyn," Daniel insisted, "Don't feel like you failed, because you didn't."

"Yeah; there are so many people in Ottawa who are so proud of you for how far you've come," Devin insisted.

"Thanks guys...group hug?" Katelyn proposed, allowing the five campers to engage in a hug.

"Katelyn, in all my years of hosting this show, I've never seen someone starve off elimination as long as you have," Chris admitted, "You will be in the Total Drama history books for sure. But sadly, it's time for you to go."


Katelyn walked down the Dock of Shame with her head held high. In her mind, she was less disappointed in herself than she thought she'd be. Of course, she would've loved to win, but she couldn't deny that the experience that she had in this game was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and she was glad that she took it.

"Good luck to you all, fight hard, play hard, and may the best camper win," Katelyn remarked before stepping into the Submarine of Losers, thereby allowing it to drive her away.

"Alright...now, with Amalia having immunity, she can take Daniel with her back to the mini-mansion and we can just end the episode, capiche?" Chris asked.

"Actually, I'd like to suggest something else," Daniel declared, "Amalia, would you mind taking Devin with you? There's something that I want to talk to Rhythm about."

"Okay..." Amalia agreed reluctantly, "I'll take Devin I guess..."

"Alright, can you all just head to bed already?" Chris pleaded, forcing the four campers to return to their rooms.

"So....I voted for Daniel to stay, and I get to stay in the mini-mansion? Yes!"- Devin

"It's pretty clear to me that Rhythm still cast her vote against me. Now that I'm still here, I'd like to talk to her and figure out what exactly she's thinking."- Daniel

"Man, that was one amazing elimination ceremony!" Chris remarked, talking to the main camera, "We're down to the final four; what crazy moves does Daniel have left up his sleeves? Will Rhythm be able to save herself from Daniel? And who will be voted out next? Find out next time, right here, on Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!"



Daniel: Katelyn

Katelyn: Daniel

Amalia: Katelyn

Rhythm: Daniel

Devin: Katelyn

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