Episode 16: Swamped With Decisions- Immunity Challenge
"Welcome back to Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris welcomed as he stood on the bow of the motorboat, "Before the break, I told the campers that we'd be heading somewhere different for today's challenge-"
"And we're still heading there," Katelyn noted.
"Don't interrupt..." Chris ordered, "Let's see what we have in store for these unlucky campers."
"How much longer until we get there?" Devin asked.
"We'll get there when we get there!" Chef Hatchet exclaimed, "Man, I signed up to be a chef, not a bus driver."
"Any ideas on where we're going?" Rhythm asked.
"No clue," Katelyn replied.
"Let's just say that you've all been there," Chris revealed, "At least, most of you have been there."
"Highschool?" Devin suggested.
"Man, I hope not," Rhythm muttered, "I didn't want to spend my summer in school."
"What would we go there to do?" Amalia asked, "Like, what kind of challenge would there be?"
"Maybe it's for some sort of philanthropy project," Daniel suggested.
"Not a bad idea, Daniel," Chris admitted, "I'll look into that next season. But of course, I'd hate to rain on your parade."
"That's a start-" Katelyn remarked before being hit on the head with rain drops, "What the...?"
"And it's raining," Rhythm noted, stating the obvious, "Great..."
"Aw man..." Amalia groaned.
"Here," Daniel declared as he removed his cardigan and raised it over him and Amalia, thereby shielding themselves from the rain.
"Thanks," Amalia thanked before kissing Daniel on the cheek.
"See?" Rhythm whispered to Kiana, "They made up."
"This is it, campers!" Chris declared, "Take a good look."
For five of the six remaining campers, this location was nothing new to them. But for Kiana, it was definitely a frightening sight. It was raining hard, with strong winds, many trees, several statues of Chris, and a mountain in the shape of a skull extending high above the ground. This could only be one place.
"Boney Island..." Katelyn muttered, recalling her one and only visit.
"I remember the last time I went to Boney Island; it was painful. If our challenge is here, I'm not gonna be happy."- Katelyn
"Ah yes, the place where I spent three cold nights searching for something that wasn't even there. But hopefully my luck will be better with the immunity challenge."- Devin
"I've been waiting for another chance to go to Boney Island. Maybe I'll have a bit of time to find my 4th invincibility statue."- Daniel
"Now, before any of you get your hopes up, there are no more invincibility statues left in the game," Chris revealed as the boat pulled up on shore."
"Darn..."- Daniel
"But this is where we get off," Chris declared as he jumped off the boat with an umbrella for himself, "Follow me!"
"This isn't gonna be any fun..." Amalia remarked as her and the remaining campers followed Chris into the forest.
Within a few minutes, the group reached an open, circular area. The most notable aspect of the area was a small hill with a sharp incline, with a large bust of an ogre at the peak of it. Right in front of the bust seemed to be five wooden slabs, which seemed out of place with the rustic nature of the area. Covering the remainder of the area was a shallow lake covered with lily-pads, vines, and frogs.
"This is creepy..." Amalia remarked, holding onto Daniel for safety.
"Alright campers, head over to the ogre and kneel onto a slab," Chris ordered as he hopped into a small rowboat.
"Uh...no boat for us?" Kiana noted.
"Nope, you've got to walk, like regular folk," Chris revealed.
"Hmm..." Devin muttered as he stuck his left foot into the lake, "It only goes up to our knees. We're fine."
"If you say so," Rhythm conceded as she began treading through the water.
"Hop on my back," Daniel requested, allowing Amalia to receive a piggyback ride over the water.
"Anyone wanna piggyback?" Devin offered.
"Sure!" Kiana agreed as she picked up Devin and began carrying him towards the hill.
"That's not what I meant...but okay!" Devin agreed.
"And I'm alone; nothing new," Katelyn remarked as she walked through the water.
"I've got to do whatever I can to keep Devin and Katelyn apart. Hopefully none of them notice."- Kiana
"It's nice of Kiana to do this, but it's kind of weird that she jumped at the chance to carry me so quickly. But hey, I'm not gonna complain."- Devin
"Um, there's only five slabs here," Rhythm noted as the other campers knelt onto a slab.
"Please just kneel!" a voice exclaimed from the mouth of the bust, causing Rhythm to fall back down the hill.
"Who's that?" Amalia asked, "That doesn't sound like anyone we know."
"And I don't think that's anyone from the past Total Drama seasons," Katelyn admitted.
"Hold on," Daniel ordered, raising his hand to silence the others, "Mystery voice, it's really nice to meet you."
"It's really nice to meet all of you," the voice replied back.
"Oh my God, it's Beardo!" Kiana exclaimed, excited, "And he talked!"
"Beardo is my favourite camper from Total Drama Pahkitew Island! Him and I are alike in a key way: we're pretty timid when we're around people we don't know. Once we get our footing, we can get along like anyone else in the group. I wish he stayed longer."- Kiana
"I wasn't 100% sure if it was Beardo, because I expected him to beatbox before he began talking. But hey, at least I was right."- Daniel
"That's right, it's Beardo. Coming to you live from inside the ogre," Beardo revealed, "And I'm here to host your next challenge."
"It's been about nine years since I've been on this show, and a lot has happened since then. For all of you wondering, I do talk more often. In university, I became the music director of an acapella group, which forced me to talk more. I can't say I'm the most social guy on Earth, but it certainly helped."- Beardo
"Here's your next challenge: there will be five rounds. Each round, I will rap two clues about two previously eliminated campers. When I say go, you will slide down the hill and search the lake for a CD with the two campers' names combined on it. For example, if the clues match up with Zeyad and Aaron, you'll need to look for a CD with the word 'Zey-aron' on it," Beardo explained, "Once you think you found the correct CD, you must race back up the hill, kneel onto a slab, and present the CD to me. But be careful: if you bring back the wrong CD, or are the last person to bring me the correct CD, you will be eliminated from the challenge. After each round, I will remove a slab from the challenge. The last person standing will win immunity."
"I feel like I know the eliminated campers fairly well, so I'm not too worried. The hardest part will be climbing up and own the hill over and over again."- Rhythm
"If I can spend hours and hours running around here looking for an invincibility head, this challenge should be a piece of cake."- Devin
"I've got a pretty good memory so I feel like I remember a lot about everyone who left."- Daniel
"Let's start round 1!" Beardo declared as rap music began to play.
"He had some hard times, but he never went to beg.
At a team swap, he took the last egg.
But don't leave him alone; he's not a nerd.
Bring with him the girl who was voted out third. Go!"
With that, everyone turned around and slid down the mountain, landing in a heap. Without hesitation, they all got up and began searching the water for the right CD. Some of them knew what they were looking for, but some needed more time to process the clues given to them.
"What....?" Devin muttered to himself as he pulled random CDs out of the water.
"How am I supposed to remember who was voted out third? I can barely remember who got each prize at the final ten! Or was it the final nine? See? I don't know!"- Devin
"I'm pretty sure the only guy to pick an egg last was Matthew. And I'm equally sure that Betty was voted out before Cassie in episode three. Hopefully I remember it."- Daniel
"Here," Daniel whispered as he passed Amalia the right CD.
"Thanks, let's go!" Amalia exclaimed as the two of them ran towards the hill, "But I can find the right CDs myself, okay?"
"Got it," Daniel agreed as the two of them climbed up the hill, "I won't make that mistake again."
"Yeah, they're still together," Katelyn muttered to herself as she ran towards the hill with her CD.
"I'm perfectly fine that the two of them are still together. That makes it clear to everyone else that they need to go. Luckily, that'll keep the target off of my back for at least one more elimination ceremony."- Katelyn
"Yes!" Kiana exclaimed as she ran up the hill with her CD.
"It's down to Devin and Rhythm!" Chris narrated, "Who will make it up the hill first?"
"Me!" Rhythm answered as she sprinted up the hill and knelt on the final slab.
"Hooray..." Devin cheered halfheartedly as he slowly made his way up the hill and stood to the side.
"What CD have you brought me?" Beardo asked.
"Mat-tty," Daniel answered.
"Mat-tty," Amalia revealed.
"Mat-tty," Katelyn answered, elated that she was in the majority with her decision.
"Mat-tty," Kiana declared.
"I've got the same as them," Rhythm expressed as she held up her CD.
"The correct answer is....Mat-tty," Beardo revealed, "Sorry Devin, but you're eliminated."
"Good luck you guys," Devin remarked as he slid down the hill and took a seat on the losers' bench.
"I'm disappointed that I didn't win. However, it's not the worst possible scenario. At the end of the day, as long as Rhythm doesn't win, I can still get her out."- Devin
"Chris, please remove one slab," Beardo ordered as Chris took the slab that Daniel was kneeling on, "Let's start round 2!"
"For this CD, I'm looking for a guy please.
When he had to pour tea, he won ten Gs.
But I need someone with him; it's easy to see.
Bring with him the one who won a trip to Italy. Go!"
In an instant, the remaining five campers headed down the hill to look for the right CD. Subjectively, these clues were much simpler than the last two, mostly because they were more recent. This knowledge forced everyone to try even harder to avoid being eliminated.
"C'mon...c'mon...yes!" Daniel exclaimed as he picked up a CD and ran towards the hill.
"This one wasn't hard: I knew that Aaron won the ten Gs in the tea challenge because I was the only person competing against him for it, and I knew that Veronica won the Italian vacation because she let Matthew win immunity in order to get it. Hopefully the rest of the clues are just as easy."- Daniel
"Do you know which one it is?" Katelyn asked to Kiana.
"I think I...do!" Kiana exclaimed as she picked up a CD and ran back.
"Wait!" Katelyn called out, hoping to get Kiana's attention.
"She left me! I can't believe she left me! She could've at least told me what we were looking for!"- Katelyn
"You can do it, Amalia!" Daniel called out as Kiana reached the top of the hill.
"I know, hold on!" Amalia insisted before picking up a CD and sprinting up the hill.
"It's down to Katelyn & Rhythm!" Chris announced.
"Nope! It'll just be Katelyn!" Rhythm corrected as she ran towards the hill.
"No! It'll be you!" Katelyn remarked as she headed for the hill.
"Who's gonna make it up first?!" Chris asked rhetorically as the last two campers ran up the hill.
"Yes!" Rhythm exclaimed as she slid onto the final slab.
"F**k!" Katelyn cursed as she walked to the side.
"What did you bring me?" Beardo asked.
"Aaron-ica," Daniel responded.
"Aaron-ica," Kiana replied.
"Aaron-ica," Amalia revealed.
"I got the same one as them," Rhythm confirmed.
"The correct answer is...Aaron-ica!" Beardo revealed, "Sorry Katelyn, you're eliminated."
"I was soooo close to beating Rhythm for the final slab. Now I'm hoping that Kiana can go out and steal the challenge for us."- Katelyn
"I am super happy that Katelyn is gone. Now I know that she'll be vulnerable for the next elimination ceremony for sure."- Kiana
"Chris, please remove one more slab," Beardo ordered as Chris took the slab that Daniel was kneeling on once again, "Let's start round 3!"
"He was pretty nice; he never had to shun.
No lie: his beauty was second to none.
But he's not alone; there's no time to grieve.
Bring with him the one who was the fourth to leave. Go!"
As if they were pre-programmed robots, the remaining four campers took off in search for their next CD. For them, they all felt the need to win immunity; some wanted it so they would be guaranteed a spot in the final five, some wanted it to ensure that someone else wouldn't get it. Either way, that made the challenge much more intense.
"4th was Cassie of course," Daniel muttered to himself, "And...I guess Tristan fits the bill for the first clue."
"With Devin & Katelyn out, I'm not super concerned with whoever wins immunity. Ideally, I'd like to win immunity, but if Amalia or Kiana wins immunity, I won't be upset either."- Daniel
"Tri-ssie...yep," Daniel remarked as he ran towards the hill.
"Kiana, can you help me out here?" Rhythm asked.
"It's Tristan and Cassie," Kiana revealed before taking off towards the hill with her CD, "Good luck!"
"It looks like it's down to Amalia vs Rhythm!" Chris reported.
"This might be the only chance I have to knock Amalia out of the challenge. Honestly, she's the best physical competitor left standing; she's won at least three immunity challenges by now. If I can get her out, that'll make my chances of winning much better."- Rhythm
"Let's see...Fed-aila, Alej-ander, Call-thew, Tri-ssie!" Rhythm explained as she ran towards the hill, only to see Amalia sliding her way onto the final shell.
"Sorry girl," Amalia apologized as Rhythm made it to the top.
"Whatever," Rhythm conceded, upset.
"What CD have you each brought me?" Beardo asked, now beginning to sound like a king.
"Tri-ssie," Daniel revealed.
"I got Tri-ssie too," Kiana answered.
"Tri-ssie for me as well," Amalia responded.
"The correct answer is...Tri-ssie!" Beardo announced, "Sorry Rhythm, you've been eliminated."
"I should be upset, but this isn't the end of the world. I know that Kiana wants myself, Daniel, & Amalia to team up with her and eliminate Katelyn. I did my part: I knocked out Katelyn & Devin, so hopefully this'll turn out well."- Rhythm
"You know the drill, Chris," Beardo reminded as Chris took away Daniel's slab, "Let's start round 4!"
"He thought that he was cool, but I say he's lame.
And at the merge, he was brought back into the game.
And coming with him: the guy who couldn't find his key.
He bombed the second challenge, so bring him to me. Go!"
Without pausing for a rest, the final three competitors raced into the lake to find the next CD. You had to admit: they were fighting hard. If you had to pick the three biggest athletic threats left in the game, you could argue that Amalia, Kiana, and Daniel would be picked. After their performance in the last challenge and their efforts in this one, no one could deny their prowess.
"Easiest one so far," Amalia remarked as she grabbed the CD labelled 'Zey-dor' and ran towards the hill.
"It's kinda hard not to remember two of the most outspoken campers this season. But hey, I'm gonna be in the final round, and I just hope that Daniel makes it here with me."- Amalia
"I see Amalia run up the hill, and it hits me that it's me vs Daniel. Daniel's been known to store quite a bit of knowledge in the ol' noggin, so I've got to find my CD right now if I'm going to beat him."- Kiana
"C'mon Kiana..." Katelyn muttered from the sidelines, "C'mon..."
"I need Kiana to win this one. If she doesn't win, our plan to split the vote against Daniel & Amalia will fail AGAIN!"- Katelyn
"Where is it?" Daniel asked himself, starting to get frustrated, "Where is it?!"
"Yes!" Kiana shouted as she ran towards the hill.
"Hurry, Daniel!" Amalia screamed, not wanting him to get eliminated.
"Got it!" Daniel announced as he ran towards the hill.
"Yahhhhhh!" Kiana exclaimed as she climbed up the hill and bellyflopped onto the final slab.
"Damnit!" Daniel commented as he reached the top of the hill a few seconds later, "I'm sorry, Amalia.
"It's not your fault," Amalia insisted.
"Yes..." Katelyn cheered silently.
"What did you being me?" Beardo asked.
"Zey-dor," Amalia answered.
"I brought Zey-ander..." Kiana revealed, shocking the others.
"Who's right?" Devin asked to Rhythm.
"The correct answer is...Zey-dor!" Beardo revealed, answering Devin's question, "Sorry Kiana, that's the wrong CD. Daniel, which CD did you bring?"
"I brought Zey-dor," Daniel answered, smiling.
"Daniel, since you brought the correct CD, you get to stay in the challenge," Beardo revealed, causing Daniel to cheer in happiness, "I'm sorry Kiana, you've been eliminated."
"Aw man..." Kiana muttered as she slid down the hill.
"Good try, Kiana," Devin praised, "You hung in there pretty well."
"Thanks!" Kiana thanked as she took a seat in between Katelyn & Devin.
"I would've liked to have won, but I don't think that I have to. As long as I can get Daniel & Amalia to vote with Rhythm & I, I'll be safe!"- Kiana
"How do you want to play this round?" Daniel asked, whispering to Amalia, "Do you want me to throw it to you or do you want to just fight it out?"
"Let's let the best camper win," Amalia declared, causing both of them to fist-bump each other.
"This is the perfect ending. One of us is going to win immunity and we'll hopefully be safe for another elimination ceremony. Honestly, I don't know which one of us needs immunity more, so I'll listen to her and let the chips fall where they may."- Daniel
"As much as I'd love Daniel to just hand me the win, I want to win this challenge knowing that I won it by my own skills. Hopefully he actually competes."- Amalia
"Let's start the final round!" Beardo announced.
"She was the underdog, but you couldn't help but clap.
When she wowed the crowd with a rock n' roll rap.
And with her: the one who was always carin'.
And she went all the way to Boney Island with Aaron. Go!"
With this being the final round, it wasn't surprising to anyone when Amaniel quickly made their way down the hill and began looking for the correct CD. The benched campers watched carefully, wondering which one of them would win immunity. With them having won the past two challenges, it was beginning to become a common occurrence.
"Who do you think will win?" Kiana asked.
"My bet's on Amalia," Katelyn admitted, "She's on a two-win streak."
"Daniel's got this," Devin answered with confidence, "He has to know the answer by now."
He wasn't wrong: in Daniel's mind, he was looking for one combination: Cal-lie, which would be a combination of Callie and Ellie. Even though he wanted to be a gentleman and give Amalia the win, he knew that he was in danger of being voted out, so he was eager to try and find the right CD quickly.
"It's down to Amalia and I; both of us are looking for the Cal-lie CD. It's coming down to the wire, and it's anyone's game. I know the correct answer, and I'm sure that she does too."- Daniel
"To be honest, I don't know what the right answer is! I mean, I know that Callie was the one to do the rap, but I don't remember who went to Boney Island with Aaron: was it Ellie or Laila? But what I do know is this: as soon as I find one of their names with Callie's, I'm gonna grab it because I've got to beat Daniel up the hill."- Amalia
Everyone watched attentively as the couple continued to search for the correct CD. When it seemed like no one would find it, Amalia slammed her hand down on a CD and sprinted up the hill. Seeing that Amalia would get there before him, Daniel took his time before making his way up to the top with the correct CD. It would all come down to whether or not Amalia's gamble paid off.
"Amalia, which CD have you brought me?" Beardo asked.
"Beardo, I hope I'm right," Amalia prefixed, "I brought Cal-lie."
"Nice win," Daniel congratulated, knowing that he lost.
"The correct answer is...Cal-lie!" Beardo revealed, "Congratulations Amalia! You've won individual immunity!"
"Yay!" Amalia cheered before running over and kissing Daniel.
"You won it," Daniel remarked, "Fair and square."
"Thanks!" Amalia thanked as she brought Daniel into a hug.
"Amalia, please come down here and accept your Golden Marshmallow necklace," Chris ordered, causing Amalia to slide down to the lake, "Here you go!"
"Thanks," Amalia thanked as she slid the necklace around her neck, "Can we get back to the island now?"
"Actually, we've got something special for you," Chris revealed as Chef Hatchet walked up to Amalia and slung her over his shoulder, "Chef, take her away."
"Hey! You are not taking her anywhere!" Daniel exclaimed as he slid down the hill, only to be held back by Chris, "Amalia!"
"Let! Me! GOOO!" Amalia ordered, kicking and screaming as she was taken out of sight.
"Where are you taking her?!!!" Daniel asked as he slipped and fell to the ground.
"That's for me to know, and for the rest of you to find out," Chris declared, "As for the rest of you, I'll be driving you back to the main island."
"Yeah...Amalia's gonna be in for a shock when she finds out where she's going. On that note, where is Amalia going? Will Daniel calm down? And who will be voted out this time? Find out when we return, on Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!"- Chris
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