Episode 13: Serving Big Plays- Nighttime/Breakfast
"Last time on Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris welcomed as the de facto narrator, "Aaron's blindside left many of the campers feeling uneasy. Tory & Matthew were stressed out, Rhythm freaked out over receiving a vote, but calmed down enough to make a final three deal with Veronica and Amalia."
*Shows shots of Tory & Matthew talking, Rhythm venting, and Rhythm, Veronica, & Amalia making a final three deal*
"However, fortune struck that night as Daniel found his third invincibility statue on Boney Island and Devin received the vote blocker advantage from Aaron."
*Shows shots of Daniel finding an invincibility head, and Devin receiving the vote blocker in a package*
"With the immunity challenge, the campers paired up for a love race around the island. During so, Tory bared his chest to spin Ellie, Amalia revealed a bit too much about her desires, Katelyn inadvertently sent Rhythm into a state of sadness, and Daniel & Amalia got very...close with one another."
*Shows shots of Tory going shirtless, Amalia hiding behind her whiteboard, Rhythm running out of her outhouse, and Daniel & Amalia making out in their outhouse*
"In the end, Daniel & Amalia soared to new heights and won the first duo immunity challenge of the season."
*Shows shots of Daniel completing the puzzle and receiving the immunity necklaces*
"Afterwards, the refounded majority alliance agreed to split their votes between Katelyn & Ellie, with the intention of targeting Katelyn. All while the all-girls alliance put their primary focus on having Katelyn apologizing to Rhythm, which ended unsuccessfully."
*Shows shots of the majority alliance talking, Katelyn going to apologize to Rhythm, and Rhythm yelling at Katelyn*
"But perhaps the highlight moment of the episode came from Daniel's admission to Rhythm of his sexuality, allowing them to have a small bonding moment."
*Shows shots of Daniel talking with Rhythm, and Daniel & Rhythm sharing a hug*
"When the chips were down, Daniel secretly switched his vote, getting revenge for Aaron and sending Ellie down the Dock of Shame."
*Shows shots of Daniel voting for Ellie, and Ellie walking down the Dock of Shame*
"Nine campers are left, who will be voted out next? Find out right here, on Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!"
To start, the camera panned on the female's side of the losers' cabin, where Kiana and Katelyn took stock of their situation. Both of them knew that Katelyn dodged a bullet that night, and was very likely on her last life. Without Ellie, they lost the fire that kept their minds positive. Now, all that they had was each other, and that scared them quite a bit.
"Whew! That was a close one," Katelyn admitted.
"Agreed," Kiana remarked.
"Maybe fate isn't s**tting on me all the time; I must be the luckiest person alive to have survived this long. At this point, I might just slide all the way to the final two! But if I am going to make it there, I'll need some new allies."- Katelyn
"What do you think we should do?" Katelyn asked.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Kiana noted jokingly, "You usually come up with all the plans."
"Oddly enough, I'm not that scared. At this point, I don't have much to lose. Right now, my best move is to try and be nice to everyone. Hopefully someone will like me enough to want to align with me after Katelyn gets voted off. As much as she's my friend, I know that I won't be able to save her. I'll stay by her side for now, but once she goes, I've got to start playing my own game."- Kiana
"We've got to get immunity," Katelyn rationalized, "Once we have that, we have a bit of leverage."
"Right," Kiana agreed.
"The thing is, it's best if I get immunity," Katelyn insisted, "No one wants to get rid of you, but almost everyone wants to get rid of me."
"That's...true..." Kiana agreed, just trying to play the role of a 'yes-woman'.
"Maybe we can talk some of the guys into voting for Rhythm or something," Katelyn proposed, "It would make sense for them. She's gonna be a fan-favourite."
"Yep," Kiana agreed, "There's no denying that."
"Yes, it's tiring agreeing with Katelyn, but I've been around her long enough to know that it's just easier to say yes."- Kiana
The cameras then turned their attention to the male's side of the losers' cabin, where Devin, Matthew, and Tory rested in their bunks. Their feelings were mixed; they did weaken the numbers for the minority alliance, but they also didn't get rid of their intended target.
"Alright, any clue as to what happened?" Tory asked.
"Nope," Matthew answered.
"Nada," Devin agreed.
"This game is getting more and more complicated the longer it goes. At this point, anyone can go; no one is safe."- Tory
"Well, the bright side is that the minority alliance is down one member," Devin noted, "We accomplished something."
"The question is: where do we go from here?" Tory asked, "Who is the next target?"
"Well, the obvious choice is to continue our rampage against Katelyn," Devin noted, "However, this might be the right time to take a shot at a bigger threat. Perhaps...Veronica."
"Aaron warned me that the girls cannot be trusted very much. I've got to look at the bigger picture: Veronica is the one that's been in control of this game. She's got Amalia & Rhythm wrapped around her finger, and there might be no better opportunity to take her out than right now."- Devin
"Not gonna lie, I've thought of doing that too," Tory admitted, "My concern is that we don't have the numbers."
"Well, if we were to try and get Katelyn out, we would do a 4-3 split against Katelyn & Kiana," Devin noted, "If us three and Daniel flip our votes, we can still have a 4-3 split, but it'll be Veronica going instead of Katelyn."
"But Rhythm will still want to vote for Katelyn," Matthew reminded.
"Then the vote will end up being 4-2-2-1," Devin corrected, "Four for Veronica, two for Kiana, one for Katelyn, and two for whoever Katelyn & Kiana vote for. We still win."
"To tell you the truth, I've been thinking about how I'm going to make it to the end. I know that the majority alliance is gonna have to turn on each other eventually. Even though Veronica would probably target Tory, Devin, and Daniel before me, I would feel much more comfortable if she was voted out."- Matthew
"Do you think that Daniel would be down for it?" Matthew asked, "I mean, him and Amalia are pretty close."
"I honestly think that Daniel is loyal to the guys," Tory assured, "As long as Amalia isn't the one being targeted, he'll be fine with it."
"I have no doubt in my mind that Daniel will side with the guys. At the end of the day, Daniel has to know that he has a better shot of winning if he runs with the guys than if he runs with Amalia. At least, I hope he does."- Tory
Out of everyone in the game, one could argue that Daniel had the most amount of loyalties in the game. In general, people usually turned to him for help, whether it was for figuring out who to vote out or for help cooking a tasty dish. As of now, Daniel was doing the latter. With him and Amalia being in the mini-mansion together, he wanted to cook a meal for the both of them.
"Is this like, your first date?" Rhythm asked.
"That's one way to look at it," Amalia admitted, "Although I never envisioned my first date with Daniel to be third-wheeled."
"I'm not a 'third-wheel'; I'm your chaperone," Rhythm corrected jokingly, "A fourteen year-old, girlfriend-less, chaperone."
"I don't mean to be the third-wheel or anything, but when someone offers to cook a meal for me, I'm not gonna say no." *laughs*- Rhythm
"Before tonight, I thought that I'd have to wait until after the competition for Daniel and I to go on a date. But it looks like Daniel has something special planned."- Amalia
"What do you think he's cooking?" Rhythm asked as she looked at the stuff on the dining table, "A bowl of warm water, rice paper, noodles, cucumber, lettuce, and green onions. What does that make?"
"Who knows?" Amalia commented as she grabbed a slice of cucumber and ate it, "I just hope it tastes good."
"And here's the last of the food," Daniel declared as he placed a tray on the table, holding plates of beef, shrimp, and onions.
"What exactly is this?" Amalia asked, curious.
"It's a Vietnamese rice roll dish that I do not know the name of," Daniel answered, "To make it, you soak the rice paper in warm water for a few seconds, then you put it on your plate. Then you pretty much treat it like you're making a burrito. There's noodles, beef, shrimp, lettuce, cucumber, and green onions. Enjoy!"
"Thank you," Amalia thanked as she began making her roll.
"Thanks," Rhythm agreed as she began to do the same.
"This is certainly an interesting date night dish..." Amalia remarked as she gently layered her roll with beef.
"My mom always told me that girls like guys who can cook," Daniel admitted as he took a bite of his roll.
"This is the first date that I've ever been on, and I'm hoping that I can make a good enough impression as a boyfriend who is more than just a kissing doll."- Daniel
"Wow, this is really good, Daniel," Amalia praised after taking a bite of her roll.
"Thanks," Daniel replied, "Took a while to marinate."
"I can tell," Rhythm admitted as she took a look at the shrimp, "What'd you use?"
"Some pepper, garlic salt, fried onions, and a bit of MSG," Daniel answered, "My mom's recipe."
"All that matters is that it tastes good," Amalia remarked before taking another bite of her roll.
"Well, now that we're settled in, how about we actually talk about what happened tonight?" Rhythm proposed.
"It's not really a suitable 'date night topic', but sure," Daniel agreed, "What happened?"
"I've got no idea," Amalia admitted, "Someone must've switched their vote."
"Well, let's figure out how the votes were supposed to go," Daniel suggested, "We split our votes: Rhythm, Devin, Tory, and Matthew voted for Katelyn, while Veronica, Amalia & I voted for Ellie, right?"
"No..." Amalia replied, "Devin was voting for Ellie and you were supposed to vote for Katelyn."
"What?" Daniel asked, confused, "I thought I was voting for Ellie!"
"And...now we found where we went wrong," Rhythm concluded, "You voted for the wrong person."
"Of course I switched my vote. But I decided to pretend that I did it on accident. Looking at my situation, the only person left who would be actively targeting me was Ellie, for what I did to Cassie. With Katelyn still in the game, people will still be targeting her, and hopefully I can just slide under the radar for a bit longer."- Daniel
"I just thought that it made sense for Devin to vote for Katelyn because he still hasn't forgiven her for breaking his heart, which meant that I would vote for Ellie," Daniel rationalized, "Although, I would've preferred it if we could've went through our plan right before the elimination ceremony. That way there would be no mix-up."
"Well, we'll do that next time," Amalia declared, "So...the plan is staying the same?"
"It better stay the same," Rhythm remarked as she took a bite of her roll, "Katelyn has got to go."
"Katelyn got really lucky tonight. But with all of the precautions and plans set in place, I see no reason why we can't try it again."- Rhythm
"On the plus side, there's no way that either of them have an invincibility head," Rhythm noted, "They haven't been to Boney Island in a while."
"True," Amalia agreed, "I hope Veronica has a bit of luck on Boney Island."
Luck was a concept that the entity known as 'Boney Island' did not agree with. It didn't matter who you were; Boney Island did not lighten up on anyone. Even with Daniel's string of luck with finding invincibility heads, Boney Island compensated with bad weather. Veronica did not have it any better; in torrential rain with strong winds, it was difficult for her to search.
"Man, how I'd love a hair tie right now," Veronica remarked as she moved the hair away from her eyes.
"This is my first time at Boney Island, and it's clear to me that it's not my thing. I've been rock climbing, surfing, hiking; nothing compares to this. I've got to hope that this'll all be worth it."- Veronica
Sadly, it would all end up being for nothing; the clue that Veronica received was the same clue that Daniel got, meaning that she was searching for nothing. She continued searching for hours before giving up and retreating to a little shack, where she pondered the next moves of her game.
"Let's see...I need Katelyn to go in order for Rhythm to have full trust in me," Veronica concluded, "But after that, I'm gonna be a big target."
"Right now, my best hope at making the final three is to hope that Rhythm & Amalia will stay loyal to me. But I would need to ensure that after Katelyn is voted out, that Amalia will be 100% loyal to me. But I can't do that without separating her from Daniel. The only way that I see that I can do it is to convince Kiana and the boys that Daniel & Amalia need to be split up, and send Daniel packing. Sure, I risk Amalia turning against me, but it might be a risk worth taking..."- Veronica
In a cutthroat game like Total Drama, taking risks is an action that needed to be done. If you didn't take risks, you'd be out of the game very quickly. Whether it was betraying an ally or voting differently, risks needed to be taken. In the early hours of the morning, Tory called Daniel for a meeting outside the mess hall to propose taking a risk that could benefit their games.
"What's up?" Daniel asked as he held a plate with an omelette in his right hand.
"I'm looking to you to help me flip this game," Tory declared.
"I'm gonna need more information," Daniel insisted as he took a bite of his omelette.
"Devin, Matthew & I came to a mutual agreement that Veronica needs to go now," Tory revealed.
"Veronica has the whole package: she's strategic, athletic, and everyone seems to like her. If she makes it to the end, her resumé will be way too good to beat. She's got to go!"- Tory
"Do we have the votes?" Daniel asked as he continued eating his omelette.
"If we split the votes, yes," Tory assured, "We just have to make sure that Veronica doesn't win immunity."
"Very possible," Daniel agreed as he took a large bite of his omelette, "Man! This is good!"
"Focus!" Tory ordered as he took the plate and chucked it into the forest, "Are you down or not?"
"I spent a lot of time making that omelette!" Daniel claimed, "It was perfect!"
"You can make another one after we're done here!" Tory reminded, "Yes or no?!"
"With all due respect, I'd like to wait until either Kiana or Katelyn leaves," Daniel admitted, "Just to ensure that a counter alliance can't be formed against us."
"I want Veronica gone as much as the next guy, but I don't want to make a move that'll put me in a worse position than I am right now. Best case scenario: Veronica goes, I secure Amalia & Rhythm's complete loyalty, and we flip back and forth to make it to the final three. Worst case scenario: Veronica goes, I'm viewed as the strategic mastermind behind the move, and I'm voted out in 8th. Eh..."- Daniel
"Look, I know that you and Amalia are getting further in your relationship and that this might strain it, but you've got to remember that this is an individual game," Tory reminded, "You're gonna have to vote her out eventually."
"I beg to differ," Daniel insisted, "I'll think about it."
"For a guy, Daniel doesn't seem to have the balls to make a big move. Remember man: bros before hoes!"- Tory
"And...this is the part when people start asking me to turn against Amalia. I knew that this would happen, and I've been dreading it. Honestly, I have no intention of betraying Amalia anytime soon, and I don't think I'll ever want to do it."- Daniel
"Attention campers!" Chris called out, "It's time for the immunity challenge! Please make your way to the beach right now!"
"Well, let's see if it's a challenge that we can win," Tory declared as him and Daniel ran towards the beach.
When the campers got to the beach, they were met with a mildly pleasing sight. In front of them was a 10ft x 10ft box separated into twenty-five equal sections. In each section was a number from 1 to 25. Resting a few inches above the box was a small net with the number '50' hanging from it. A few feet away from the box was a long table, on which were ten trophies labelled 1st-9th place, with one of them being labelled 3.5th place. But what surprised them the most was Chris dressed in a white polo shirt, white shorts, white sneakers, and a fitness headband, all while holding a badminton racket. It was an odd sight, and a laughable one if that.
"Now, before we begin, let's welcome Veronica back from Boney Island," Chris declared as a boat pulled up onto shore, allowing Veronica to jump onto the beach and rejoin the others, "Welcome back, Veronica. How was Boney Island?"
"Hell," Veronica answered, visibly tired, "Can we just start?"
"Eh, whatever," Chris allowed as he turned to face the main camera, "Today's challenge is brought to you by this episode's sponsor: CMFP, also known as Chris McLean Film Productions, who created my very spectacular badminton movie."
"Wasn't that like, eleven years ago?" Matthew whispered to Tory.
"Today's challenge will be in rounds. Each round, a machine will shoot a birdie at you, and you must hit it into the box with a badminton racket, in hopes of scoring a high number of points. Each round, whoever scores the least amount of points will be eliminated," Chris began, "The loser of each round must then claim their trophy, each with a prize or punishment inside, one of which is the Golden Marshmallow necklace. But don't get too attached to it, because the campers who are eliminated after you will have the option of keeping their prize or trading it for yours. In the end, whoever ends up with the Golden Marshmallow necklace will win individual immunity. Understood?"
"This might actually be a good challenge for me; back home, badminton was a sport that I became interested in after my accident. I'm decent, I suppose."- Matthew
"This challenge is critical: if we don't stop Veronica from winning this one, our plan is dead in the water, and we'll have to wait until next time."- Tory
"This 'oughta be interesting," Chris remarked as he turned to the main camera, "Who will be a 'smash hit' at this challenge? And who will be the 'lob slob' today? Find out when we return, on Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!"
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