Episode 12: Love Is In The Air- Nighttime/Breakfast

"Last time on Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa..." Chris began, doing his best to sound like an announcer, "In the aftermath of Zeyad's elimination, new alliances began to form. Ellie tried to rally most of the girls into an alliance, while Devin proposed a final five alliance to Daniel with Aaron, Ellie, and Amalia."

*Shows shots of Ellie talking to Veronica, Amalia, & Kiana, and Devin talking to Daniel*

"On Boney Island, Aaron found himself face-to-face with Total Drama alumnus Harold, who granted him an advantage. After a game of chance, Aaron won the right to block two people from voting, but lost the right to vote at the next elimination ceremony."

*Shows shots of Aaron talking to Harold, Aaron receiving his advantage, choosing a scroll, and Harold revealing that Aaron lost his vote*

"At the immunity challenge, many of the campers had trouble staying on their feet. In the end, Aaron won ten grand, Amalia won a special power, and Tory won individual immunity."

*Shows shots of Katelyn, Daniel, & Devin slipping, Aaron cheering, Amalia walking away with an envelope, and Tory collapsing on the ground with his ball*

"After the challenge, Aaron tried to rally his final five alliance to vote for Katelyn, while Veronica played both sides. She managed to convince her majority alliance to split their votes between Katelyn & Ellie, while getting the all-girl alliance to vote for Aaron. In between it all, Aaron talked to Ellie about a final two deal, leaving her with a tough decision."

*Shows shots of Aaron talking to Daniel, Amalia, Ellie, & Devin, Veronica talking to the Chaotic Cougars alliance, Veronica talking with Katelyn, Ellie, Kiana, & Amalia, Ellie & Aaron talking, and of Ellie being unsure*

"When the day was done, Ellie voted against her closest ally, giving Aaron the short end of the stick and a ride on the Submarine of Losers."

*Shows shots of Ellie voting for Aaron, Aaron walking down the Dock of Shame, and Aaron riding away from the island* 

"Ten campers are left, who will be voted out next? Find out right here, on Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!"


After the title sequence finished playing, the cameras panned in on the kitchen of the mini-mansion, where Tory and Matthew were talking. They were left in the minority of the votes, and they both knew that they needed to stay calm and figure out how to proceed. Although, that was easier said than done.

"How the f**k did this happen?!" Tory exclaimed as he paced around the kitchen, "What happened?!!"

"The girls must've flipped," Matthew rationalized, "That's what I think."

"Man, this is really bad. Aaron was a close ally of mine, and now he's gone. Now I'm worried that I'm next on the chopping block. I just hope that Tory doesn't take this too hard."- Matthew

"Honestly, this is the calm Tory. I know that blowing up isn't going to help my game. With Aaron gone, I'm down one ally. I'll need to figure a way out of this one."- Tory

"What can we do, man?" Tory asked, "What can we possibly do?"

"There are four guys and six girls," Matthew noted, "Our only way out might be with an invincibility statue."

"Or...if Daniel can find a way to convince Amalia to let him vote with the girls, he can get them to split the votes, then he flips back to us and we can vote out whoever we want," Tory suggested.

"Not a bad idea," Matthew agreed, "But it would be much easier if Daniel could just find an invincibility statue."

"True that," Tory admitted, "Man...I really hope Daniel finds something to help us."


Daniel knew that he had people relying on him to pull some weight for them. Even though he knew that the vote was going to go opposite to how he wanted, he couldn't do anything about it. All he could do was search heavily on Boney Island and pray that fortune came his way.

"C'mon Daniel, you've done it twice before; surely you can do it a third time," Daniel reminded himself as he dragged himself through the pouring rain.

"I had no control at the last elimination ceremony, and it's not a good feeling. I need to find a way to regain control of this game, and what better way to do it than to go and find another invincibility statue?"- Daniel

"Where is that fork?" Daniel asked rhetorically, "I remember there being a fork!"

Daniel wasn't talking about cutlery; he was talking about a 'fork in the road' located somewhere in the forest. The clue that he got was the same one that Aaron got, and Daniel assumed that the 'divided path' meant a fork in the road. Daniel searched for a reasonable amount of time before coming across it; it was roughly thirty paces from the well where Daniel found his 2nd invincibility statue.

"And those are the flames," Daniel remarked as he knelt down and began searching in a red-leafed bush resting in between the two paths, "C'mon...don't fail me now..."

Calling on most of his strength, Daniel searched furiously, hoping to find what he wanted. After unsuccessfully checking the branches, he began searching near the roots. He was about to give up until he felt a small object wrapped in parchment resting near the back of the bush. Using all his might, he ripped the object from its hiding place and unwrapped it, revealing what he had been looking for.

"YES!" Daniel exclaimed as he fell to the ground in relief, "This is what I'm talkin' about!"

"With this discovery, I hold the Total Drama record for the most amount of invincibility statues found in one season. More importantly, this statue is what's going to save my game. Hopefully I can make good use of it."- Daniel

"Hmm...maybe I should take some time to think about my game," Daniel proposed as he took a seat under some trees.

"I feel like I'm playing a pretty good game. I'm hoping that no one truly notices it. Right now, I think that Tory, Matthew, & Devin will align with me, and I don't think that Amalia will go against me. I know that Katelyn and Ellie will want to get me out eventually, and by default, Kiana will probably come after me too. Although, I'm probably most scared of Veronica; she has power and I wouldn't put it past her to get rid of me so she can have Amalia's full loyalty. Rhythm is the wildcard: I don't know what she's doing, but I've got to figure it out, which is why I voted for her."- Daniel


Little did Daniel know that his vote for Rhythm did more than he anticipated. Back at the losers' cabin, Rhythm was venting to her allies about how upset she was with being voted for. She didn't expect to have anyone vote for her, and she wanted nothing more than to find out who voted for her.

"Like, I don't get it!" Rhythm exclaimed, frustrated, "Who the hell voted for me?!"

"I am pissed. I don't know who the hell voted for me, but I'm telling you right now that I'm not gonna stop until they are gone!"- Rhythm

"Who the hell voted for me?!" Rhythm shouted.

"Maybe Aaron," Veronica suggested, "He's crazy."

"Yeah," Amalia agreed, "He probably just did it to stir up trouble."

"I have no clue who voted for Rhythm; there was literally no reason for anyone to vote for her. She's my closest ally, so I'm gonna have to figure out who did this and make sure that they get voted out."- Veronica

"Right now, Rhythm is so concerned with the fact that someone voted for her that she's totally ignoring the fact that she was left out of the vote to get rid of Aaron. So...I'll let her continue to do that."- Amalia

"Man, that guy is such a douche," Rhythm remarked, visibly upset, "I'm glad he's gone."

"I think we all are," Veronica noted.

"Quick question: why didn't you guys tell me that Aaron was the one being voted out?" Rhythm asked, confused, "I would've voted for him if you asked me to."

"Spoke too soon I guess..."- Amalia

"I'm not stupid; I know that Veronica and Amalia were the ones who flipped. I'm actually shocked that Veronica & Amalia didn't tell me ahead of time. I thought that they were my closest allies."- Rhythm

"I mean, we made a deal with Katelyn, and you know that you & Katelyn haven't had the best relationship," Veronica explained, "We didn't think that you'd be up for it."

"Honestly, I trust you two more than anyone else here," Rhythm insisted, "I wouldn't mind if this is the final three right here."

"That sounds pretty good to me," Veronica admitted, "Amalia?"

"Yeah, I'm down for that," Amalia agreed.

"Honestly, my ideal final three is with Veronica and Daniel, because I know that both of them would take me to the final two. As of now, I'd like to take Daniel to the final two, and I'm hoping that it doesn't change."- Amalia

"The thing is, I need assurance that I'm going to be included in whatever plans we do from now on," Rhythm demanded.

"Deal," Veronica agreed, "We wouldn't have it any other way."

"Now, we need to figure out where we go from here," Rhythm declared, "Honestly, it's now or never: we gotta stick with our original alliance."

"I don't want Katelyn to have any momentum. If we continue to align with her, she'll make it to the end by riding on our coattails."- Rhythm

"Do you really think that the guys will want to align with us again?" Veronica asked.

"We don't have to convince them," Rhythm insisted, "We just need Amalia to tell Daniel to convince them."

"Do you think you can do that?" Veronica asked, intrigued.

"I could try," Amalia agreed, "I don't know if he'd do it."

"Right now, it seems like Daniel & I are safe because we're the link between the boys and girls of our alliance. Honestly, Katelyn is probably the biggest threat left in the game, so it might not be a bad idea to flip back and join the boys to vote for her."- Amalia

"Well, you've got to get him to do it," Rhythm insisted, "And while you're at it, do you mind seducing him a bit so you can find out if he found an invincibility statue?"

"Now that's a fun mission!" Amalia admitted, laughing soon after.

"Don't go overboard with it," Veronica commented, "Now, for the group of guys, is Devin included in that group?"

"I mean, I don't think he deviated from the plan," Rhythm admitted, "I'll trust him."


Out of everyone in the game, no one was in a more confusing position than Devin. He attempted to make a big move by jumping ship and forming a big alliance of his own, only to have his closest ally voted out. He just lost his main connection to the majority alliance, and completely cut ties with the minority alliance, leaving him vulnerable.

"Y'know, I've got no clue with what to do. I need to find a new ally and hopefully dig myself out of this hole, because I don't want to go home in tenth. I came here to win."- Devin

Devin was about to leave the Confession Can when the door swung open and Chef Hatchet tossed him a package. Before Devin could say anything, the door was shut and Chef Hatchet disappeared. Confused, Devin picked up the package and looked at it, leaving him even more confused.

"Hmm...'To Devin, from Aaron'," Devin read as he opened the package and found an envelope and a letter, "What?"

*reading letter* "Dear Devin, when I got my vote blocker advantage, I was told that if I was voted out with it in my possession, I had to 'will' it to someone else still in the game. I've decided to give it to you. Listen to me: do not let the girls trick you. Do not tell anyone about this advantage, because I know that Ellie told the girls about it. Your best shot of making it to the end is to ride with Daniel. I think he's the most trustworthy guy left in the game. But be careful because he might be more loyal to Amalia than you. Good luck. Sincerely, Aaron." *looks to the camera* "Y'know Aaron, I'm not gonna let you down bro. I will win this for you."- Devin


Within a few hours, it was morning, and the losers of the last challenge quickly got themselves to the mess hall for breakfast. At that point, it was clear to everyone that there were two different sides. There was the alliance of Kiana, Katelyn, & Ellie, and the alliance of Tory, Matthew, and Devin, which left Veronica, Amalia, and Rhythm in the middle.

"Now what?" Rhythm asked, unsure of what to do, "Who do we sit with?"

"Why don't you two talk to the Devin and try to rebuild the majority alliance while I keep Katelyn's alliance at bay?" Veronica suggested.

"Fine," Amalia agreed, causing the girls to split up.

"If there's any hope of bring the original alliance back together, damage control need to be done now. Hopefully I can keep Katelyn and her alliance distracted while Amalia gets the guys to work with us again."- Veronica

"Hey guys," Amalia greeted as her and Rhythm took their seats across from Devin.

"What's up?" Devin asked unenthusiastically.

"Well, we want to talk about last night," Amalia answered, "Now, we get that you three were left out of the loop on the vote, but we want to let you know that we're still willing to go with the alliance."

"Why did you guys vote for Aaron?" Devin asked, "I mean, we had the numbers."

"We still have the numbers," Rhythm assured, "Veronica just didn't trust Aaron."

"How do we know that you guys aren't just trying to trick us again?" Devin asked.

"I'm being cautious; Aaron told me to not trust the girls, but the sad part is that I don't have many options. I kinda need Veronica, Amalia, & Rhythm to get me through the next few days."- Devin

"Let's say we are tricking you guys: that means that we would have to pick off the guys one by one," Rhythm noted, "Eventually, Daniel would have to be voted out, and Amalia would never let that happen."

"Exactly," Amalia agreed, "We know that Katelyn is a big threat, so working with you guys to get her out has to be the way to go."

"We have no more obstacles, and it's time to get back to where we need to be," Rhythm declared.

"We need to start fresh and finish the game like how we started it: together," Devin reminded.

"I'm not gonna trust them 100% yet. This is my game, and I'm gonna do what I want."- Devin

"Attention campers!" Chris shouted through the loudspeakers, "It's time for the next challenge! Please meet me in the main camp area, now!"

"Well, let's get to the challenge," Rhythm ordered as she stood up from her seat, "Hopefully someone in our alliance wins immunity."


When the nine present campers reached the main camp area, they were caught off guard by the presence of five large spinning wheels, each oriented at an angle of about 70 degrees to the ground. On each heart-patterned wheel were two handles , a belt strap, and a lower platform, presumably where someone was supposed to stand. It was an odd sight, and no one knew for sure with how to take it.

"You guys know how this works; let's bring Daniel back from Boney Island!" Chris declared as Daniel came running in from the beach.

"Hey guys!" Daniel greeted as Amalia ran up to him and hugged him, subsequently allowing them to kiss each other.

"Man, they really like each other," Devin noted.

"I might even say love," Rhythm admitted, noting the duration of the couple's kiss.

"How was Boney Island?" Amalia asked as she pulled away.

"Lonely," Daniel admitted, "Wish you were there."

"Aww..." Amalia muttered as she pulled Daniel in for another kiss.

"Normally, I'd be grossed out, but that's actualy a perfect segué into today's challenge!" Chris revealed as Amalia & Daniel walked back to the other campers, "We all know the stories of true love being found at summer camps. That's why today's challenge is called: 'A Walk Down Lover's Lane'!"

"I've got a bad feeling about this one..."- Veronica

"Y'know, I've been lacking in my love life, so this might not be a bad challenge."- Matthew

"Literally, there couldn't be a better challenge right now. Hopefully there's a kissing portion of this challenge."- Amalia

"For this challenge, you will be paired up in couples and will be asked to complete four different tasks around the island," Chris explained, "The first couple to complete all four tasks will win immunity!"

"Both people will win immunity?" Rhythm asked, wanting confirmation.

"That's right!" Chris confirmed as Chef Hatchet rolled in a cart with ten ring boxes on it, "Now we have to decide the couples. In each ring box is a ring with a diamond on it; there are five different styles in which the diamonds are cut. You will each come up and pick a ring box: you will be partnered with the person who has the same ring as you do. Understood?"

"Wait!" Rhythm exclaimed, wanting to point something out, "There's four guys and six girls."

"That means that there will be one girl-girl couple," Chris explained, "Hey, it's 2018. Times have changed, and different things are allowed. Understood?"

"Yes," the campers replied in unison.

"Alright, you guys may come and get your rings," Chris allowed as each camper came up to grab a box, "On the count of three, you will open your box and place the ring on your left ring finger. One, two, three, open!"

With that, every camper opened their boxes to find their rings. They were left happy with the sight of the diamond, even though they knew that it wasn't real; Chris wouldn't want to spend more money to buy real rings. Then, they all took a look at the shape of their diamond, and quickly went around trying to find their 'other half'. Some were pleased, and some were not pleased.

"YESSSS!" Amalia screamed as she hugged Daniel and gave him another kiss.

"I guess 'Amaniel' is staying together," Chris concluded.

(Daniel & Amalia are in the Confession Can together)

"I've always liked a marquise cut, ya' know."- Amalia [] "Never liked it more than I do now."- Daniel [] "I hope I can get a real one of these someday."- Amalia [] "Consider it a promise ring."- Daniel [] "What's the promise?"- Amalia [] "That I'll get you a real one after the show is done filming."- Daniel [] *kiss occurs*

"Hey..." Kiana muttered as she walked up to Devin, "I guess we're together..."

*shows ring to camera* "I do like the ring; princess cuts are cool. But things between Devin & I haven't been that good. I hope it doesn't affect our performance in the challenge."- Kiana

"This is gonna suck..."- Devin

"Looks like you and I are together, baby," Tory remarked as he placed his arm around Ellie.

"Don't get any ideas," Ellie reminded as she took Tory's arm off of herself.

(Tory & Ellie are in the Confession Can together)

"Don't think that this is gonna blossom into anything, alright?"- Ellie [] "Don't worry, I wouldn't do that to Aaron. It's illegal in 'man-law' to hook up with a friend's ex."- Tory [] "But I'm not Aaron's ex..."- Ellie [] "Doesn't matter; that's the only time that I can say that. Do you like the ring at least?"- Tory [] "Yeah, I guess. Emerald cut isn't bad."- Ellie

"Hey," Matthew called out as he approached Veronica with his pear-shaped diamond ring, "Looks like we're a couple."

(Veronica & Matthew are in the Confession Can together)  

"You could do worse, eh?"- Matthew [] "Hey! You're not bad! You're cool!" *hugs Matthew*- Veronica [] "Thanks..."- Matthew [] "Let's win this!"- Veronica [] "Let's do it." *high-fives Veronica*- Matthew

"No..." Katelyn muttered as she looked at Rhythm's ring.

"No..." Rhythm replied, upset.

"I never thought that my first relationship with a girl would be with my worst enemy. Ugh..."- Rhythm

"Why must fate s**t on me all the time?! And this ring looks dumb too; like, who gets a 'round cut' anymore?"- Katelyn

"Alright! Now that you've gotten in your respective couples, it's time to welcome some special guests who will explain the first part of the challenge, "Chris declared, "Please welcome the athletic duo from Pahkitew Island: Shawn & Jasmine!"

With that, the group looked to see Shawn & Jasmine walking hand-in-hand towards the group. Everyone knew who they were, and showed their appreciation by giving them a round of applause as they got closer. Clad in their usual outfits, they were prepared to explain the first part of the challenge.

"G'day guys!' Jasmine greeted, "Good to see you all!"

"You amigos ready to play?!" Shawn asked, to which he received a rouse of cheers from the campers, "For the first part of your challenge, one of you must be strapped onto the wheel whilst holding a button on one of the handles. While one person does this, the other half of the couple must spin the wheel until it completes 300 full spins. If the person holding the button lets go for whatever reason, the person spinning the wheel must spin it an extra 100 times. Once the required number of spins have been completed, the couple must run down to the beach for the next part. Understood?"

"I don't think that the dynamic changes with this being a partner immunity challenge. If anything, it motivates me to try and win so I can save myself & Amalia."- Daniel

"I really hope I win immunity. I'm not really sure where I stand with Aaron leaving, so it's better to be safe than sorry."- Ellie

"This is bound to be an interesting challenge," Chris assured as began talking to the main camera,"Tune in after the break to see how this whole challenge plays out, right here, on Total...Drama...Island...Return to Wawanakwa!"

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