Episode 11: Not My Cup of Tea- Nighttime/Breakfast

"Last time on Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa..." Chris recalled, "Alexander's disqualification sent shockwaves through the campsite, leaving Daniel a bit panicked and Katelyn & Amalia concerned for their safety. However, the mood was brought back up again when Daniel made his relationship with Amalia official, ending with a heartfelt kiss."

*Shows shots of Daniel talking to Rhythm & Tory, Katelyn & Amalia talking, Daniel & Amalia talking by the dock, and Daniel & Amalia kissing*

"The next morning, the teams were merged, but the celebration was cut short when Zeyad and Ellie were reinstated back into the game, and when I revealed that the campers would have to compete for the right to win immunity."

*Shows shots of the remaining campers eating breakfast, Zeyad arriving on a jeep, Ellie waving & eating a bagel, and Chris showing the campers the next challenge*

"In a battle for money and immunity, Veronica led a failing team, Daniel gave up ten grand to Amalia, and Devin earned himself individual immunity."

*Shows shots of Veronica facepalming, Daniel hugging Amalia after she won $10,000, and of Devin cheering whilst holding the Golden Marshmallow necklace*

"While the majority alliance agreed to target Katelyn, the minority alliance imploded as Katelyn tried to curve Devin's affections onto Kiana, who blew up as she revealed her crush on Devin."

*Shows shots of Veronica talking to her alliance, Katelyn yelling at Devin, and Kiana admitting her feelings for Devin*

"But the biggest argument came after Zeyad spilled the beans on Amalia voting for Daniel at the last elimination ceremony. But to many people's shock, Daniel gathered everyone and called Katelyn out for her deceit, further increasing the target on her back."

*Shows shots of Zeyad revealing Amalia voting for Daniel, Daniel calling a group meeting, and Daniel calling out Katelyn*

"But in the end, Katelyn saved herself with an invincibility statue, while Daniel countered it by playing his invincibility statue for Amalia, thereby negating most of the votes and sending Zeyad packing once again."

*Shows shots of Katelyn & Daniel playing invincibility heads, and Zeyad being carried down the Dock of Shame*

"Eleven are left, who will be voted out this time? Find out right here, on Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!"


After the completion of the title sequence, the cameras panned in on the male's side of the losers' cabin, where Rhythm, Veronica, and Amalia joined Matthew & Tory to discuss the most recent elimination. It was clear to everyone that the plan did not work, and that they would need to find a solution soon.

"Well...obviously tonight was a failure," Veronica remarked.

"I can't believe that I'm saying this, but Zeyad shouldn't have been the one to go. Now we have to deal with Katelyn for a little while longer. I'm not looking forward to it."- Veronica

"Understatement of the year," Rhythm remarked, visibly upset.

"Katelyn keeps on managing to squeak on by, day after day. But as far as I'm concerned, she's on her last life. If she doesn't win the next immunity challenge, she's gone."- Rhythm

"Honestly, the surprise for me wasn't that Zeyad was eliminated," Tory admitted, "It was that Daniel played another invincibility statue for Amalia."

"Yeah, he's good," Matthew agreed, "How'd he know how to do it?"

"Beats me," Amalia admitted, not knowing for sure, "All that matters is that he did play it for me."

"Daniel continues to surprise me day after day. I didn't even expect him to play it for me. But at the end of the day, this proves his loyalty."- Amalia

"Well, the good thing is that our alliance of seven is still intact," Rhythm pointed out, "We can still go through with our plan next time."

"Honestly, it might be an alliance of eight," Tory revealed, "Devin could still side with us."

"After Devin's fight with Katelyn, he came to my alliance and offered to switch sides. Honestly, I believe him."- Tory

"Do you trust him?" Veronica asked, "I mean, how do we know that he isn't a mole?"

"Honestly, with the way that he voted, he probably voted for Zeyad," Tory reminded, "Don't you think that he would've voted for Amalia if he was still with Katelyn?"

"Good point," Amalia agreed.

"Who did you think voted for Zeyad anyways?" Veronica asked, "Because that wasn't part of the plan."

"Probably Aaron, but it was a good choice," Tory assured, "Honestly, Zeyad was still a bit unpredictable, so it's fine."

"I would've preferred it if he told us first," Veronica admitted.

"Y'know, out of all the things to criticize about Aaron, I didn't think that I'd have to talk about his inability to follow plans. Call me paranoid, but I'm kinda scared that he might try and overthrow me. If he has Devin under lock and key, who knows what he can do?"- Veronica


No one knew what to expect with people like Aaron & Devin. In the grand scheme of the game, they were labeled as 'floaters': people who fly under the radar and are used by the big-name strategists to make big moves. Alone, they were useless, but together, they were powerful. Knowing full well of this concept, Devin wanted to use his advantages to try and form a dominant alliance. To get it started, he started talking to Daniel in the mini-mansion.

"Y'know, after all these weeks of listening to people like Katelyn, I think it's time to start anew and actually create an alliance myself," Devin admitted, "And I think that we can actually do something together."

"Clearly, my alliance with Kiana and Katelyn is done; it's dead. Now that it's gone, I have to pick up the remnants of the alliance and begin anew."- Devin

"I've already talked it through with Aaron, and I think that we've come up with a solid solution to get us to the final five," Devin assured.

"I'm listening..." Daniel responded, curious.

"Honestly, in the alliance that I'm in, I know that it's only a matter of time before they decide to split Amalia and I apart. This might be the right time to jump ship and create a counter-alliance."- Daniel

"Aaron says that he's close with Ellie, and you're obviously close with Amalia," Devin noted, "If the five of us come together, we could really establish a foundation of loyalty, based on the desire to take out the big threats."

"Five people isn't a majority though," Daniel reminded, "How can we have power without a majority?"

"I saw this on a season of Survivor; we use a strategy called 'voting blocs'," Devin explained, "We flip from side to side to whittle down the others, and then we use our numbers to get everyone else out."

"Alright, what would be the pecking order?" Daniel asked.

"I'd say Veronica, Katelyn, Rhythm, Kiana, and then we go from there," Devin replied.

"Okay, now let me raise this concern: what makes you think that Amalia & Ellie would be okay with voting out all the girls first?" Daniel noted, "Seems a bit unrealistic."

"Well, we can vote out Tory or Matthew before then," Devin corrected.

"Now, my biggest concern is that Ellie will want to get rid of me," Daniel expressed, "I doubt that she's forgiven me for getting rid of Cassie."

"I'm not asking you to trust Ellie; I'm asking you to trust Aaron," Devin explained, "I know that he can get Ellie."

"That doesn't really instill me with a lot of confidence," Daniel admitted.

"I genuinely trust Aaron. Quite frankly, I think he's a really good ally because he's willing to make such a big move to try and get control of the game. Him and I are one and the same."- Devin

"It's not that I don't trust Aaron, but I have a hard time believing that he can actually rope Ellie into a deal. He doesn't seem like the diplomatic type."- Daniel


Daniel wasn't wrong; Aaron was much more of a blue collar man than a white collar man. He was a fan of diving head-first into a situation and bashing out a solution. This really came out on Boney Island; once he reached the island, he set out on a search for an invincibility statue. However, he wasn't able to decipher the clue that he was given.

"I guess if I just keep wandering I'll find it eventually," Aaron rationalized.

"The first time I came here, I didn't find the invincibility statue. Now that two statues have just been used, I think it's safe to assume that another one has been hidden."- Aaron

The clue told him that the secret to immunity was hidden in the burning flames of a divided path. Now, it was no secret that Aaron was more brawn than brain, so it was no surprise that Aaron couldn't figure out what the clue meant. As a result, Aaron decided to climb to higher ground. His logic: he could use his height to look over the entire island for a notable landmark at which to begin searching. What he didn't expect was to find a notable landmark at the top of the mountain that he climbed.

"Woah..." Aaron muttered as he gazed at the structure in front of him, "What's this?"

What Aaron found was a wooden hut, roughly the size of an ambulance. There were torches that illuminated the one room, but what caught Aaron's eye was a 60" flatscreen television hanging from the far wall. Intrigued, Aaron looked around for a remote to turn it on, but was caught off guard by it turning on all on its own, revealing a man with auburn hair, green eyes, a blue shirt, and a pointy nose.

"Greetings comrade," the man greeted.

"Oh my God!" Aaron exclaimed, shocked, "Y-you're Harold from the original Total Drama season!"

"And the two seasons after that too, might I remind you. Gosh," Harold reminded, "Now that you're here, I'd like to present you with a gift. Read the card to your left.

"Hmm..." Aaron muttered as he picked up the card, "Congratulations, you have just won yourself a vote blocker. This allows you to prevent one person from voting at a single elimination ceremony!"

"That's right," Harold confirmed.

"This is the best! This is exactly the kind of advantage that I need to take control of the game."- Aaron

"So, I get to prevent one person from voting?" Aaron asked, wanting clarification.

"Yes. However, you have the opportunity to increase the power of your advantage," Harold revealed, "I know from experience that manipulating votes means taking a risk. If you are willing to gamble..."

"I'm in, baby," Aaron interrupted, "I'm all for gambling. What do I need to do?"

"I have two scrolls in my hands; if you pick the right one, you get to block one extra person from voting," Harold revealed, "You can do this up to five times, and you can stop whenever you want. But once you pick the wrong scroll, you will not be able to increase your power any further."

"What's the catch?" Aaron asked, knowing that it can't be that easy, "What else happens if I pick the wrong scroll?"

"If you pick the wrong scroll, you will be unable to vote at the next elimination ceremony," Harold warned, "Once Chris calls you all to vote, you will enter the Confession Can, do nothing, and walk back without casting a vote."

"Man, that's rough," Aaron admitted, "But, let's say I pick correctly three times, then I stop. That means I get to prevent four people from voting, and I still get to vote at the next elimination ceremony, right?"

"That is correct, good sir," Harold confirmed.

"I'd be lying if I said it was a tough decision. You can't win this game by not taking risks, so I'm going for it."- Aaron

"Let's do it!" Aaron declared.

"Alright young sir, which scroll would you like?" Harold asked as he held up the scrolls, "The red one, or the green one?"

"Gotta go red," Aaron answered as Harold opened the scroll and read it aloud.

"Congratulations, your advantage has just increased in power," Harold revealed as Aaron began cheering, "You now can prevent two people from voting. Awesome. Would you like to keep going?"

"Absolutely man!" Aaron agreed, "I'm on a roll!"

"Alright then," Harold remarked as he picked up two new scrolls, "Red or green?"

"Hmm....well, Chris would probably switch it up to try and catch me picking the same colour..." Aaron commented, trying to think logically, "So I'll pick green this time."

"Wise choice, young man," Harold noted as he opened the green scroll to read aloud, "Congratulations, you have just lost the right to vote at the next elimination ceremony..."

"Aw...that sucks," Aaron remarked.

"Yep, it's bogus, dude," Harold added.

"Well, I guess I'll take this advantage and go," Aaron remarked as he turned around, "See ya."

"Wait!" Harold exclaimed, causing Aaron to face him, "There's one more thing: if you are voted out without having played the advantage, you get to secretly 'will' your advantage to another camper still in the game. That camper will  be given the advantage the following morning."

"Good to know," Aaron remarked.

"Now, farewell young man," Harold replied as the screen faded to black.

"Honestly, I consider this a success. I get a game-changing advantage, and I plan to use it well. Sure, I may not be able to vote at the next elimination ceremony, but hey, it's only one ceremony."- Aaron


At this point in the game, one ceremony could be the difference between getting in power and getting voted out. Everyone needed to keep their eyes and ears open to ensure that they weren't the one walking down the Dock of Shame at the end of the night. This concept was being discussed by Amalia & Veronica in the mess hall whilst eating Chef's breakfast of lime chicken and mushroom soup.

"Do you think that the alliance will hold?" Amalia asked as she took a sip of her soup.

"It better hold," Veronica remarked, "We don't have much of a choice."

"I've been sticking my neck out lately, and I'm kinda getting scared that people will want to take me down. People like Aaron, Tory, and even Matthew are probably gonna take their shot at me."- Veronica

"Girl, we've just got to calm down until we get to the final seven," Amalia insisted, then we make the big moves."

"Think about it: we get down to the final seven, it'll be three girls vs four guys," Veronica noted, "We're gonna get picked off one by one."

"Remember, Daniel is extremely loyal to me," Amalia reminded, "He'll flip to our side and vote with us."

"Daniel isn't dumb," Veronica insisted, "He knows that if he's in the final four with three girls, he's gonna be voted out next."

"The point is, he's loyal to me; he's gonna help us out if he knows that it'll get him and I further in the game," Amalia noted.

"Amalia, I get that he's your bae and all, but at the end of the day, we all came here to win," Veronica reminded, "He might be saving you now, but I'd bet you anything that he wouldn't give up his own place in this game for you."

"Honestly, it's getting kinda annoying that Veronica is hating on Daniel. He's literally done nothing but try to keep me safe. What more does he have to do?"- Amalia

"Hey..." Ellie greeted as her and Kiana walked up to them, "Mind if we sit with you?"

"This isn't highschool..." Amalia joked, causing the four of them to laugh, "Go ahead."

"Thanks," Kiana thanked as she took a seat next to Veronica.

"What's up?" Veronica asked, trying to be nice.

"We...kinda want to talk to you about something..." Ellie replied, "Something that could really benefit you both.

"With Katelyn kind of under fire, my alliance agreed that it's best if she just laid low. Now, it's up to Kiana and I to try and strike a deal with Amalia & Veronica to turn the tides against some of the guys."- Ellie

"What we want is to form an all-girls alliance," Ellie explained, "However, this is something that would require us to keep Rhythm in the dark."

"And to get a majority, we were hoping that Amalia could convince Daniel to vote with us," Kiana added.

"Honestly, it's clear to everyone that Katelyn, Ellie, and I are on the bottom. We need to do whatever we can to survive. Our pitch is to convince Amalia & Veronica that the boys will betray them quickly."- Kiana

"Well...I'd need to know more information," Veronica admitted, not wanting to give away too much information.

"Are you serious?!" Amalia exclaimed to Veronica, "After all that Katelyn did to me, we are NOT gonna align with her again!"

"Hold on, this might be what we need," Veronica insisted before turning back to Ellie, "Who would we vote out first?"

"I was thinking of voting for Tory," Ellie answered, "He's a definite physical competitor."

"Alright..." Veronica muttered, taking some time to think, "Here's what I'll say: we'll join up with you guys if we change the target from Tory to Aaron."

"Umm..." Amalia interrupted, wanting to say something, "Why Aaron?"

"Yeah, why Aaron?" Ellie asked, confused.

"I don't really trust him," Veronica admitted, "And plus, he might get an invincibility statue by coming off of Boney Island. Better to just get rid of him now."

"I don't think that he's the biggest threat to us," Ellie insisted, "Comparing it to the first season: Tory is like Duncan: loud & brash, Daniel is like Trent: romantic & sweet, Matthew is like Owen: open-minded & nice, Aaron is like DJ: big & gentle, and Devin is like Geoff: well-minded but a bit careless. By that comparison, Tory is the most dangerous."

"Our proposal stands: we'll at the very least consider it if we switch the target from Tory to Aaron," Veronica offered, "Deal?"

"I really don't want to get rid of Aaron. To be honest, I'm leaning towards trusting him more than anyone else. After all, Amalia has Daniel, Kiana has Katelyn, Veronica has Rhythm, and Tory has Matthew & Devin. If Aaron is voted out, I might be alone."- Ellie

"Attention campers!" Chris called out from the loudspeakers, "It's time for your next challenge! Please make your way down to the beach right now!"

"Well, think about it," Veronica insisted as her and Amalia got up to leave, "Our doors are always open."


Within a matter of minutes, the campers reached the beach, where they gazed upon eleven lanes, each slathered with some sort of clear liquid. On one end of each lane: a large teapot filled with what appeared to be tea. On the other end of each lane: three empty containers on pedestals; one six gallon container marked 'immunity', and two smaller, two gallon containers marked '$10,000' and 'Special Power', respectively. Each container had a small ball inside of it, and it was sealed, save for a smallish hole on the top.

"Good morning, campers," Chris welcomed, "As per usual, let's welcome Aaron back from Boney Island."

"Hey guys!" Aaron greeted as he jumped off the incoming boat and ran towards the group.

"Welcome back, man!" Tory welcomed as they gave each other a 'handshake-to-hug'.

"Thanks," Aaron thanked before walking over to Devin, "How's 'you-know-what'?"

"Working on it," Devin assured, whispering.

"And...back to the challenge!" Chris declared as he turned to face the main camera, "Today's challenge is brought to you by this episode's sponsor: Chef Hatchet's All Natural Limonesque Tea!"

"Chef has a tea business?" Amalia asked, shocked.

"Yep, and it's doing mighty fine," Chef Hatchet revealed as he stepped beside Chris.

"Hey, we were off the air for eight years! I wasn't gonna let my culinary talents go to waste. Why Tea? Well, you see all these millennials getting all 'healthy' and 'natural', and the way that they do that is by drinking tea. And at the rate that they spend money, I'm rich!"- Chef Hatchet

"For today's challenge, you will use a cup to transport tea from the teapot to one of the the containers on the other side. As you fill your container, the ball inside will begin to rise. The first person to fill their immunity container with enough tea and pull the ball out of it will win immunity," Chris explained, "However, there are two other temptations. If you are the first person to fill your '$10,000' container and grab the ball that's inside it, you will win $10,000. If you are the first person to fill your 'Special Power' container and grab the ball that's inside it, you will be given a special power that only you will know the details of. Note: if you successfully win one of the two lesser prizes, you will be ineligible to win immunity. The challenge will end when someone wins immunity. Understood?"

"Yes," replied all of the remaining campers, eager to begin.

"Alright, you can each decide which lane you'd like to be in, and we will start shortly," Chris declared before turning to face the main camera, "Who will be the lucky winners of today's challenge? Find out after the break, right here, on Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!

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