Episode 11: Not My Cup of Tea- Downtime/Elimination
"Welcome back to Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris welcomed as the main cameras panned in on him, "Before the break, Amalia scored herself a special power, Aaron won $10,000, and Tory claimed the Golden Marshmallow necklace for himself. Now that they have to vote someone out, let's take a look at what each camper has in mind."
The cameras first turned their attention to the male's side of the losers' cabin, where Ellie & Amalia joined Devin, Aaron, and Daniel to discuss the potential for an alliance. With neither of the prime targets winning immunity, it seemed like the perfect time to solidify an alliance with which to move forward.
"Alright y'all, we've talked to each other separately, and I think it's clear that we need to do something to protect us all," Aaron rationalized, "I think that this is an alliance that we can run with all the way to the end."
"I'm gonna try and take a page out of Veronica's book of leadership: I want to lead the group meetings in a calm and equal fashion. Hopefully everyone will start thinking of me as a good guy and I can make this alliance work."- Aaron
"Are we all down for this?" Daniel asked, "We need to be sure that we're on the same page."
"In any group alliance that I'm a part of, I want to make sure that I'm not the biggest or loudest threat in that alliance. Right now, it looks like the heat will be on Aaron because he is sort of becoming the leader, so I'll let him do that."- Daniel
"I'm fine with it," Amalia agreed, "I think that this is a good move."
"I'm kinda at the bottom, so I'll take what I can get," Ellie admitted, laughing a small bit.
"I'm not saying that I'm worried, but I haven't gotten the best vibes from Aaron. This is the first time he's actually stepped up and tried to lead a group. But as long as Daniel & I are safe, I'll let it slide."- Amalia
"I'm pretty pumped for this new alliance. As close as Katelyn & I have been, she's a big target; I don't want to be guilty by association."- Ellie
"Well, who are we voting out?" Devin asked, "If you ask me, I really want Katelyn to go."
"I couldn't agree more," Amalia agreed.
"Honestly, I was thinking of taking out Veronica," Aaron admitted, "I don't think she's on many people's radars."
"Veronica is definitely running this game. She's pretty much been in control since the first team swap. I think it'll really ruffle some feathers if she's voted out."- Aaron
"My biggest concern is that Katelyn is targeting all of us in one way or another," Daniel noted.
"Daniel's right," Amalia agreed, "She's gonna be after us."
"Just remember: she voted for Ellie, Daniel, & Amalia, she completely rejected me, and I don't think that she's been too nice to Aaron," Devin admitted.
"Being around Katelyn for so long makes me the perfect ally. I pretty much know everything that Katelyn is thinking. She's going down."- Devin
"Yeah, I haven't forgotten about that," Ellie added, "She'll betray anyone to stay in this game."
"At the end of the day, we need to do what's best for all of us," Daniel reminded, "The truth is, Katelyn has crossed each of us in one way or another. She's got to go."
"Y'know what? You guys are right," Aaron agreed, wanting to be fair, "Katelyn's got to go then. That's the plan."
"Not gonna lie, I'm a little worried. I mean, I don't want to go behind Veronica's back, but I've got to do what's best for me. Hopefully she doesn't think that I'm the rat in her alliance."- Amalia
"Anyways, did you find anything good on Boney Island?" Devin asked to Aaron.
"Yes actually," Aaron confirmed as he pulled a card out of his left back pocket, "I can only use it once, but I can block two people from voting at an elimination ceremony."
"Hopefully by telling my alliance, I can show that I trust them, and hopefully they'll trust me."- Aaron
"Sweet!" Devin remarked, "That's awesome!"
"Good for you man," Daniel praised, "That's a good one."
"That was a terrible move. Why would you reveal that you have an advantage?! It's stupid!"- Daniel
"Hey," Veronica greeted as she popped her head into the cabin, "Mind if I talk to Amalia & Daniel for a sec?"
"Uh...sure?" Daniel agreed as him and Amalia left the cabin to join Veronica.
"Wonder why she didn't call you to go with them," Devin noted, "I mean, I thought that you two were in an alliance."
"Eh, whatever," Aaron brushed off, "Anyways, would you mind leaving so Ellie and I can talk alone?"
"Go for it, man," Devin agreed as he got up and left.
"So...why do want to talk to me alone?" Ellie asked, confused.
"Ellie... it's been a while since you and I had a talk," Aaron noted, "Honestly, when you were here, I enjoyed being around you."
"Yeah, and I enjoyed being around you too," Ellie admitted.
"I've got a bad feeling about this..."- Ellie
"With this alliance, I want to set the game up so I can make it far, obviously," Aaron remarked, "Now, going through this game, I haven't really had one solid ally. If you're interested, I want to run with you to the final two."
"I meant all that. I've gone through this game floating by and just going with the flow; it's time for me to make a big move. I genuinely like being around Ellie and I know that she feels the same way. At this point, I would want nothing more than to have her and I being the final two."- Aaron
"Do you trust me?" Aaron asked, hoping for a yes.
"Yeah," Ellie answered, "I trust you."
"Good," Aaron commented, relieved, "Now, all we have to do is make it through the next few weeks, and you & I will run this game."
"Yeah..." Ellie agreed, doing her best to hide her hesitation.
"I might be wrong, but I think that Aaron has a crush on me. I enjoy being around him and all, but I just don't feel the same way. I'll agree to it, but I'm not 100% sure if it's the right move."- Ellie
While Aaron and Ellie continued their conversation, Tory, Rhythm, and Matthew were in the living room of the mini-mansion watching Back to the Future. With all the chaos of the game, they all wanted to relax and enjoy luxury while they had it. But that relaxation wasn't going to last much longer.
"Now this is the life, eh?" Matthew noted.
"This is why I like winning," Tory remarked.
"Now that we compete in individual competitions, I'm ready to win it all. Maybe I can start a winning streak of my own."- Tory
"Hey guys!" Veronica called out as she ran in, followed by Daniel & Amalia, "We need to talk."
"Right now?" Tory asked, "We're about to get to the part when he almost deafens his dad!"
"We need to talk, because we need to figure out how we're all supposed to vote," Veronica revealed.
"Fine, what's the plan?" Rhythm asked, wanting to get to the point.
"Now we need to split the votes," Veronica declared, "I'm banking on the fact that Devin will be loyal to us."
"I don't really care if Devin is loyal; I'm just trying to trick the other side of the alliance to split the votes so I can do what I wanna do. What I want is for Amalia & I to flip and join the minority alliance to blindside Aaron."- Veronica
"How do you want to split it?" Tory asked.
"I was thinking that we could have Rhythm, Amalia, Daniel, and I voting for Ellie, while the two of you, Aaron, and Devin vote for Katelyn," Veronica proposed, "Then we vote for Katelyn on the re-vote."
"Sounds good to me," Matthew admitted, "All in favour?"
"Aye," Tory replied.
"This isn't a town council meeting," Rhythm reminded, "But yeah, that's fine."
"Honestly, if Katelyn manages to survive elimination tonight, I will be so close to giving up. Like, there's no way that she has an invincibility head, so there's no way that she can be safe!"- Rhythm
"Where's Aaron & Devin?" Tory asked, "We 'ought to let them know."
"Aaron is talking with Ellie, and Devin is somewhere that we don't know," Veronica answered, "Whoever sees them first should tell them."
"Alright then," Matthew commented, "Then all is well."
"I'm feeling pretty good about this upcoming elimination ceremony. I think it's pretty straightforward; chopping off the head of the other alliance."- Matthew
"Well, I'm gonna head down to the beach," Veronica declared, "Wanna come with me, Amalia?"
"Sure," Amalia agreed.
"Now that the plan is set, Amalia and I have got to go and talk to the other girls to set the other plan in motion."- Veronica
"I'll stay here," Daniel declared, "I wanna see this movie."
"Alright, see ya'!" Veronica exclaimed as her and Amalia left the mini-mansion.
"Hey guys," Aaron called out as him and Devin came in, "Mind if we talk?"
"Join the fun, guys," Tory allowed, waving the two guys in to join them.
"I'm gonna go for a walk," Rhythm declared as she put on her headphones, "I could use a bit of alone time."
"Hope you enjoy it!" Aaron remarked as he watched Rhythm leave the room, "Alright, I need some insight. Are we still voting for Katelyn?
"Yeah," Tory confirmed, "You, Devin, Matthew, and I are voting for Katelyn, while Daniel, Amalia, Veronica, and Rhythm are voting for Ellie. Katelyn is gone on the revote."
"Are you sure?" Aaron asked again, wanting assurance.
"I don't see why it would be any different," Matthew admitted, "Calm down, man."
"Sorry," Aaron apologized, "Just a little nervous."
"Devin, do you have any clue as to who Katelyn's alliance is voting for?" Daniel asked, curious.
"No clue," Devin revealed, "Absolutely nothing."
"I've cut all ties with Katelyn & her alliance since the last elimination ceremony. The last thing I need is Katelyn breathing down my neck trying to bring me back. It's not gonna happen."- Devin
"I think it might be me," Daniel admitted.
"This is the first time that I'm actually scared of being voted out. It's been a while since I've been in this game without an invincibility statue. For all I know, I could be the one going out today. I hope that's not the case."- Daniel
"Well, hopefully this vote goes smoothly and we can just do whatever we need to do," Aaron remarked, "Daniel, what did Veronica talk to you and Amalia about?"
"We just came straight here," Daniel revealed truthfully, "We talked about splitting the votes."
"Alright, just wondering," Aaron assured as he leaned in to whisper to Daniel, "You've got to vote for Katelyn, okay? I can't vote, and I don't want Ellie to go."
"Deal," Daniel assured.
"I'm pretty worried. Why would Veronica call Amalia & Daniel to talk with her, and not me? All four of us are in an alliance together! It sucks even more that I can't vote. For all I know, Veronica could be leading a charge to vote me out. Hmm...I do have my advantage though; if I blocked Katelyn & Kiana from voting, we're down to eight votes. If Ellie is actually loyal to me, which I think she is, we should have enough votes to vote out Katelyn for sure. Hmm..."- Aaron
No one wanted to be blindsided; not only would you be voted out, but you couldn't help but feel a bit dumb for not being able to realize your impending doom. Right now, the newly formed all-girls alliance met in the communal bathrooms to discuss the blindside of one of the boys. With the elimination ceremony looming, it was now or never.
"How're you guys feeling?" Veronica asked, standing by one of the sinks.
"This tea is oddly soothing," Katelyn admitted as she showered.
"I'd rather get clean," Kiana admitted as she showered in a different stall, "Can I say one thing: these stall doors are a bit too low for my comfort."
"Don't worry, Kiana; we can't see anything," Amalia assured.
"Okay, done with the shower talk, time for some strategy talk," Katelyn declared, "Are we down for the deal or not?"
"They want Aaron to be targeted instead of Tory," Ellie revealed, "I told them that it was a bad idea-"
"That's fine with me," Katelyn agreed quickly, "I don't care which one of them goes as long as one of them does go."
"When I hear that Amalia and Veronica are actually willing to side with us, I'm elated. Makes me kinda glad that Daniel saved her. Anyways, Aaron and I never had any serious talks, so I'm fine with him going. Certainly doesn't hurt my game."- Katelyn
"Especially now that Tory won immunity, Aaron is definitely the next best choice to go," Kiana admitted.
"What about Devin?" Ellie suggested, wanting to take the target off of Aaron, "He betrayed us. He should pay for what he's done."
"Devin is useless, but that's why we should keep him around," Katelyn noted, "He's not gonna win anything. Aaron is strong, fast, and a bit annoying. He's got to go."
"Fine with me," Kiana agreed.
"I'm down," Veronica added.
"I've been waiting to get rid of Aaron for a while, and this might be my only chance. I can't take the chance of him leading a revolt against me. He's got to go."- Veronica.
"I didn't want to say this, but Aaron has a vote blocking advantage," Ellie revealed, "He can prevent people from voting at an elimination ceremony."
"Even more reason to vote him out," Katelyn insisted, "He'll knock us out before we know it."
"He's loyal to me!" Ellie claimed, hoping to change their minds, "He can be an asset for us!"
"The point is that he's never gonna align with you," Katelyn insisted, "Has he tried to get close to you?"
"Well...he did say that he enjoyed being around me..." Ellie admitted.
"He's crushing on you, 100%," Katelyn concluded, "Ellie, he's just gonna use you. You've got to vote him out."
"Ugh...alright," Ellie conceded reluctantly, "Let's do it."
"Finally!" Katelyn exclaimed, glad that she got her way.
"Are you sure that five votes is enough?" Kiana asked.
"Yeah, we have the numbers," Veronica assured, "We don't need Daniel or anyone else."
"Ellie, come with me," Amalia demanded as she pulled Ellie out of the communal bathrooms, "Look, I know that you might like Aaron, but this is what's best for us."
"I don't trust Aaron. First impressions are a big thing for me; the first thing he did when I stepped on the island was flirt with me. That's not the type of person that I like to be around. As much as I'd like to send Katelyn out of here, I might not have another chance to do this."- Amalia
"What about our alliance with Aaron & Daniel?" Ellie reminded, "What would they think?"
"That's why I'm gonna go tell Daniel about it," Amalia revealed, "I don't want to lie to him."
"What am I supposed to do?" Ellie asked, frustrated, "I promised Aaron that I'd vote with him!"
"Promises need to be broken," Amalia noted, "It's just how the game works."
"I am so torn. On one hand, Aaron is my buddy: it would go against all of my morals to vote him out. At the same time, if I don't vote for him, the girls will know that I'm against them and I'm the next target. Ughh...and knowing that he might have a crush on me doesn't make my decision any easier."- Ellie
"Hey!" Aaron called out as he ran to Ellie, "Just wanted to check in and make sure that the vote will go as planned."
"Uh...Katelyn is going, right?" Ellie asked, acting as if nothing was wrong.
"Perfect," Aaron confirmed, elated, "You would tell me if people are voting for me, right?"
"Of course!" Ellie agreed, "You're not going home."
"Thanks!" Aaron thanked as he went in for a hug, "I'm really glad that you're here."
"Damn....he's really making this decision difficult."- Ellie
"Attention campers!" Chris called out from the loudspeakers, "The elimination ceremony is in five minutes!"
"Let's go," Aaron ushered as he grabbed Ellie's wrist, "This is where the whole game changes."
Within the next five minutes, all eleven campers were present and ready to vote. With all of the shenanigans that went on over the past few hours, it was tough to figure out with absolute certainty who would be voted out. There were many different plans in place, and it was a silent battle to see who would come out on top.
"Welcome back to the elimination ceremony!" Chris greeted, "Tory has immunity, so he's safe, but the rest of you aren't. As per usual, you will enter the Confession Can and X-out the picture of the person that you are voting for. I will check the votes, tally them, and hand out marshmallows to those who are safe. Whoever doesn't receive a marshmallow will be forced to walk down the Dock of Shame and ride the Submarine of Losers away from the island. Now vote!"
"There's only room for one ruler, and I'm the queen. So you're out."- Veronica
"I never really liked you. You're just another stepping stone towards the million dollars."- Katelyn
"You dodged a cannonball last time, and you've got no protection left. See ya'."- Tory
"Umm....what do I say? I'm not even voting!"- Aaron
"This is another calculated risk, but I'm willing to give it a shot."- Daniel
"Sorry girl, but I've got to vote for you just in case."- Rhythm
"This'll teach you to treat your allies better."- Devin
"I don't know if you and I have ever talked to each other while we've been here. I've just got to hope that you're going home."- Kiana
"Maybe this'll teach you a lesson to treat women better."- Amalia
"You're really annoying us. You've got to go."- Matthew
"I just want to say that through thick and thin, I've enjoyed my time here with you. You're a friend and an ally, but this is what I have to do. I'm sorry."- Ellie
"Alright campers! I've tallied the votes and it's time to reveal who's safe," Chris declared as he picked up some marshmallows, "Tory, Kiana, Matthew, Amalia, Daniel, Devin, and Veronica are safe. Rhythm, Ellie, Aaron, & Katelyn, you've each received at least one vote tonight."
The four aforementioned campers differed in emotions. Katelyn wasn't that concerned; she knew that she'd receive votes, but she couldn't help but think that her alliance was lying to her. Aaron was confident, as Ellie told him minutes before that he was safe. Ellie wasn't surprised; she was still known for being Katelyn's right-hand girl, so she knew that she'd be targeted because of that. Rhythm was shocked; she didn't think that anyone had a reason to vote for her, and that made her scared and angered all at once.
"The next two people who are safe are....Ellie & Rhythm," Chris revealed, subsequently tossing marshmallows to the two females, "And the last marshmallow of the night goes to..."
By now, Katelyn was full-out scared. She darted her eyes around to look at her fellow campers, wondering if she actually had enough enemies that could gang up and vote her out. Aaron did the same, except he looked around to recount all of his allies. There was no doubt in his mind that he was safe, and he felt no worries.
"....Katelyn," Chris revealed, resulting in a rouse of shock from some of the campers, "Sorry Aaron, but you're out."
"W-w-w-what...?" Aaron muttered, shocked, "W-w-what did I do?"
"C'mon!" Tory exclaimed as he stood up from his seat, "There's no way!"
"Recount the votes!" Matthew demanded, upset.
"It's a shocker, but you've got to go man," Chris insisted, forcing a teary-eyed Aaron to walk away from the campfire area.
"Wait!" Daniel shouted as he caught up to Aaron on the Dock of Shame and whispered to him, "I didn't vote for you, but I'm sure that Ellie flipped. It's the only way that they could've had a majority."
"Man...and I thought that she was my friend. Alright...thanks..." Aaron muttered as he continued walking down the Dock of Shame, allowing Daniel to run back to the group.
"I'll miss you, Aaron!" Ellie called out.
Aaron didn't respond; he just jumped into the Submarine of Losers without making a single sound, allowing it to drive away. It was clear that Aaron was hurt by the blindside. What this proved to everyone is that the game is becoming cutthroat, and that feelings are gonna have to be hurt in order to win.
"Alright, before you go off to bed, I need Tory to pick one person to join him in the mini-mansion and one person to go to Boney Island," Chris declared, "Who will you pick?"
"I'll pick..." Tory began as he looked at his fellow campers, only to see Daniel secretly pointing at himself and Matthew, "...Daniel to go to Boney Island, and Matthew to join me in the mini-mansion."
"This game just got real. Now that Aaron's gone, I need to ensure that my other alliances are intact. Hopefully Daniel can find something on Boney Island to help us."- Tory
"Daniel, a boat is down the beach to pick you up," Chris revealed, "As for the rest of you, it's time for you to head to sleep."
"See ya guys," Daniel remarked before kissing Amalia, "Sleep well, alright?"
"I will," Amalia responded in a gleeful manner.
With that, Daniel took off for Boney Island while the others left for their bedrooms. For once, no one felt safe; with the vote not going as planned for many of them, it was time to dig deep and figure out how to continue. They all knew that this wasn't going to be the last blindside; and that's what scared them all.
"Well, I guess we can consider that to be our first real blindside of the season," Chris remarked, "What alliances will fracture? What alliances will form? And who will be voted out next? Come back next time to find out, right here, on Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!"
Veronica: Aaron
Katelyn: Aaron
Tory: Katelyn
Aaron: NONE
Daniel: Rhythm
Rhythm: Ellie
Devin: Katelyn
Kiana: Aaron
Amalia: Aaron
Matthew: Katelyn
Ellie: Aaron
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