The Not So Great Outdoors Part 2

The camera shows a full zoomed out view of Camp Wawanakwa with Chris standing on the dock, facing the camera.

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island. (Flashbacks to scenes from the previous episode) 30 campers have signed up to spend twelve weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp, then have to face the judgement of their fellow campers.

Mike: (Puts a hand on Zoey's shoulder) Don't worry!
It's our first challenge, how hard can it be?


The scene transitions to all of the campers in their swimsuits, looking over a cliff. The camera zooms out twice to show that the cliff was a thousand feet tall.

Jenny: Son of a (*BEEP*)!

Gwen and Anthony: I did not sign up for this!

(Theme Song)
The black screen fades in to a full view of the 1,000 foot tall cliff then pans to the contestants, who are looking down the cliff with fear and worry.

Chris: Okay. Today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000-foot-high cliff into the lake.

Zoey: (a little nervous) T-That shouldn't be too hard.

Jo: (scoffs) Piece of cake.

Chris: If you look down, you will see two target areas (the camera pans to the two target areas. One of which was way larger and wider than the other target area in the middle). The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked (the camera pans to the lake where shark fins can be seen circling around the water) with psychotic (chuckles) man-eating sharks (two sharks jumped out of the water and dove right back in). Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area, which, we're pretty sure is shark free.

Leshawna: (raises an eyebrow) Excuse me?

Chris: For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below (the camera pans to the beach where two piles of said crates were stacked on top of one another). Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge... building a hot tub (the camera pans to an image of a perfectly built wooden hot tub). The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot-tub party tonight. (The camera pans to the dock at sunset with two suitcases placed close to the edge of the dock) The losers will be sending someone home (the suitcase on the right suddenly opens and a pair of eyes can be seen from inside the suitcase along with the faint sound of evil laughter). Let's see, Killer Bass, you're up first.

Jenny: (raises an eyebrow) Why do we have to go first?

Chris: (shrugs) Why not?

Jenny: (shrugs) Meh, good point. As if either one of the teams would have volunteered to go first anyway.

Jenny looks over the edge of the cliff and her eyes widen with fear at how high up she was.

Jenny: (fearfully) Oh, crap. So, who wants to go first?

There was silence amongst the Killer Bass, aside from the sound of cricket noises. The camera pans to the Screaming Gophers, who were just as quiet as the Killer Bass team.

Owen: (to his team) Hey, don't sweat it, guys. I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable


The scene transitions to Chris and Chef, in swim trunks, on top of the cliff.

Chris: We need to test the stunts first. You know that.

Chef: (raises an eyebrow) Do I look like an intern?!

Chris: No, but the ones we had are all in the hospital. C'mon, just jump it, you big chicken! (Makes mocking chicken noises).

Chef: (Puts on purple swim googles) I don't get paid enough for this, man. (Jumps off of the cliff and screams as he falls all the way down into the lake. Though instead of landing in the middle, he lands in the outer circle. He then quickly rises up to the surface) Hey, I made it! I made it, man, uh?(Becomes fearful) Something just brushed up by my foot! (A shark fin circled around Chef) Hey, Chris, man, something ain't right down here!

Chef is then suddenly dragged back underwater for a moment before jumping out with a scream.

Chef: (screaming) AHHH!!!! DOWN BOY!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! (Runs towards the shore).

Chris: (pulls out a clipboard and pen, and writes on the clipboard) Well, that seems safe enough. (Walks away).


Mike: (nervously) W-Well, if they've tested the stunts beforehand, then it can't be too dangerous.

Heather: (scowls) Said Mr. "Don't worry!
It's our first challenge, how hard can it be?"

Mike: (chuckles nervously) Sorry......

Jo: So, who's up?

Duncan: (with a smug look) Ladies first.

Jo: (rolls her eyes) Wow. What a gentleman.

Brick: I concur! A real man would never allow a woman take part in something so dangerous before him!

Duncan: (raises his fist threateningly) Watch it, Private Crewcut!

Jenny: (rolls her eyes in annoyance) For God's sake, I'll go first! I have to jump anyway, might as well do it now. (Closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in and out) It's no big deal, just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks.

Dawn: (hollers out) The sharks are not angry, they are just territorial! Do not fear them, Jennifer! Sharks are more afraid of you than you are of them!

Jenny: (shouts back) I seriously doubt that, Dawn!

Jenny looks over the edge of the cliff again and winces.

Jenny: (deep breath in and out) This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy!

Jenny takes one more deep breath in and then she gathers up enough courage to dive off of the cliff. Miraculously, she lands in the center of the safe zone and emerges to the surface, unharmed. Jenny waves her hand as the Boat of Losers suddenly arrives to take her to the shore.

Tyler: (cheers) She did it. Yeah! Yeah! I'm next! (Jumps off the cliff and dives down) Cowabunga! (A loud metal clang was heard off-screen) Oh!

Jenny: (cringes with a snicker as she watches from the boat of losers) Ooh, holy (*beep*)! That's gotta hurt!

The camera pans to reveal that Tyler had crashed landed onto one of the buoys that surrounded the safe zone ring. With a groan of pain, Tyler slips off of the buoy and into the safe zone. Following Tyler's painful yet successful jump, several other contestants jumped off the cliff as well. The first camper to do so was Luke, who cheered as he fell down into the safe zone. The next jumper was Jo.

Jo: (shouts) Look out below!

Following Jo, Brick jumps off of the cliff, yelling a loud battle cry as he plummeted towards the safe zone. Next it was Duncan's turn, who just had his arms crossed and was silent the whole way down. Back up on the cliff, DJ looks down at the edge of the cliff, clearly too terrified to jump.

DJ: (shakes his head with a grimace) Unh-unh. No way, man! I'm not jumping!

Chris: Scared of heights?

DJ: Yeah, ever since I was a kid.

Chris: (walks towards DJ) That's okay, big guy. Unfortunately, that also makes you a chicken. (places a rubber chicken hat on top DJ's head) So you'll have to wear this for the rest of the day.

DJ: (disappointed) Aw, man. For real?

Chris: (mockingly) Bawk bawk bawk! That means the chicken path down is that-a-way!

Chris points to an escalator that surprisingly wasn't there before, or so the other contestants thought.

Emma: Crap! There was an escalator?! Why didn't we just take that instead of walking all the way up here?!

As DJ walked towards the escalator, he felt a hand on his arm. He turned his head to see that it was Dawn who had approached him.

Dawn: (sympathetically) Do not feel sorrow, DJ. No one will think less of you for your lack of courage. Personally, I don't blame you for being afraid to jump in, considering what happened to you when you were eight years old when you jumped off the high dive platform at the pool on a dare.

DJ: (eyes widen with shock) W-Who.....Who told you that?! Only my Mama and my brothers know about that!

Dawn: I see people's auras. And the cliff did bring back some painfully traumatic childhood memories that can be seen clearly all over your aura. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

DJ: (smiles with relief) Thanks, girl!

Chris: (shouts) Next!

Dawn smiles back, then heads towards the edge of the cliff while DJ takes the escalator down. She jumps off the edge of the cliff just as her teammates did before her. Unfortunately, unlike her teammates, she landed in the wider zone instead of the safe zone. Everyone began to panic and yell out to her to swim to shore quickly as two shark fins were gaining behind her. She then took a deep breath and dove underwater, causing the other contestants to gasp with shock and fear. There was silence for a few moments as the campers all stared at the water in anticipation for a sign of Dawn's fate. However, nothing happened for over two minutes.

Chris: (looks nervous for a moment than pulls out the stack of contracts again while facing the camera) Total Drama, Inc. waives all legal responsibility for the sudden death of their cast and crew! Hm, Chef was right, these did come in handy! (Puts away the stack) Next!

David: (worried) Uh, Chris.....shouldn't some-.......

Chris: (interrupts) Next!

David: But Chris-......

Chris: (frowns) Next!

David: Dawn might-.......

Chris: (annoyed) NEXT!

David sighs and shrugs his shoulders as he walks towards the edge of the cliff. He gulps when he sees how high up he was. Afterwards, he walks away to get some running distance. He then stops and starts running towards the edge of the cliff.

Emma: (cheers) You can do it, David!

Heather: (raises an eyebrow) Um, excuse me?! Who's side are you on?!

Emma: (snaps at Heather) Can it, toothpick! He's my brother!

Heather rolls her eyes in anger and annoyance. The camera pans back to David, who had just now jumped off the cliff. Unfortunately for him, he ended up missing the safe zone and ended up in the wider zone instead. Everyone on the cliff and on the shore gasped, with Emma's being the loudest. As for Heather, she just snickers since David's demise would cause Emma misery. Emma glared at Heather, who stops snickering and tries to act sympathetic.

Heather: (fake sympathy) I mean, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Down at the bottom, David rises to the surface as two shark fins start to come closer towards him from behind. David looks around before looking behind and became fearful. However, the sharks arose from the water and did not attack him. In fact, one of them was carrying Dawn on its back. Everyone was both shocked and amazed at how tame the sharks were and how calm Dawn was around them.

Dawn: Greetings, David. Care for a ride back to shore?

David nods his head slowly, still looking like he was trying to process what just happened here. He climbed onto the other shark and both contestants were carried back to shore.

David: (in shock) H-How.....what....y-you.....what the w-what?

Dawn: I sense your confusion. I told you sharks are more afraid of you then you are of them. They're very territorial as well, but all I had to do was remain calm and show them that I meant no harm to keep them calm.

David still looked at her with disbelief.


David: (still in disbelief) Okay.....that girl has to be some kind of wizard or something!


Chris: Well, that's one less accident to explain. Who's up next?

The camera pans to Ezekiel, who was already at the edge of the cliff and jumps off.

Ezekiel: (cheers) Yee-Haw!

Suddenly, Ezekiel hit a curved edge of the cliff wall. However, it did knock him into the safe zone safely. His teammates on the shore cheered at Ezekiel, as he rose up from the water with a thumbs up. Back on the cliff, it was Harold's turn to dive.

Harold: (cheers) Yes!

Harold jumps off of the cliff. He yelled out with excitement the whole way down, until he cried out loudly in pain when his kiwis landed on a buoy. Everyone, including the sharks, cringed at Harold's pain as he slipped off the buoy and sunk underwater, while holding onto his crotch.

Chris: Oh, hate to see that happen.

Lightning: I hear ya, dude! (Runs away off-screen) Time for the Lightning to show y'all how it's done! (Starts running towards the edge of the cliff and dives off) LIGHTNING STRIKES!!!!!!

Lightning lands in the safe zone with a huge splash. His teammates cheered as he rose up from underwater while flexing his muscles.

Lightning: SHA-LIGHTNING!!!!

Suddenly, Anthony landed on Lightning's head as he dove into the lake. Both of them resurfaced, with Lightning having a dazed look from the head injury.

Anthony: (smirks) Thanks for breaking my fall, Muscle-Head!

Lightning: (dazed) Yeah.....Sha-Bam......(sinks underwater)

Back on the cliff, Courtney and Chris were watching what had happened.

Chris: (chuckles) Nice!

Courtney: Excuse me, Chris. I have a medical condition.

Chris: What condition?

Courtney: A condition that prevents me from jumping off cliffs.

Emma: Oh yeah! I've heard of that one! It's called "chickening out"!

A few of her teammates snickered at Emma's joke, while Courtney stares daggers at Emma.

Chris: You can chicken out if you want, but it might end up costing your team the win. And then they'll hate you.

Courtney: It's a calculated risk. I've see the other team, and I don't think thirteen of them will jump.

Emma: You're going to be very disappointed! Right, guys?

Most of the team nodded in agreement while a few others looked reluctant and nervous.

Emma: (whispers) C'mon guys, your making us look like wimps!

Courtney: (smirks) Like I was saying, I'm certain that thirteen of them won't jump.

Chris: All right (places a rubber chicken hat on Courtney's head), here is your chicken hat. So let's tally up the results. Hold on. That's twelve jumpers and two chickens. We're missing one.

Mary-Margret: (walks towards Chris with her hand extended) Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just give the chicken hat, cuz I ain't jumping.

Chris: Too scary for ya? (Mocks Mary-Margret with chicken noises)

Mary-Margret: (rolls her eyes) Heck no, I've seen worse! I'm just not camera ready for a swim. (Takes a chicken hat from Chris and places it on her head) Let's just say that I'm not wearing water proof makeup and my hair doesn't like water. I'm doing everybody a favor here, trust me. If I dive into that lake, I'll look like something that crawled out of a horror movie. I'd rather wear the stupid chicken hat than look like that on camera.

Chris: (shrugs) Alrighty then, suit yourself.

Courtney: (frustrated) That has got to be the worst excuse to get out of a challenge that I have ever heard!

Mary-Margret: (scoffs) Says little Miss "I have a medical condition" over here! If you're going to use that line to chicken out of a challenge, at least put more effort into it so that it actually sounds believable!

Courtney growls in frustration.

Chris: Okay, so that's twelve jumpers and three chickens. Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that we'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on.

The camera pans to a wooden pull cart that was parked on the beach, then back to the contestants.

Trent: Nice. Okay, guys who's up first?

Everyone on the team was dead silent and staring at Trent.

Emma: (tries to sound encouraging) C'mon guys! If the Bass can do this, then so can we! We just need thirteen to win! We can do this!

Heather: (crosses her arms in refusal) I'm sorry, there's no way I'm doing this.

Zoey: Why not?

Heather: Uh, hello, national TV! I'll get my hair wet.

Emma sighs heavily and facepalms.

Gwen: You're kidding, right?

Mike: Um, didn't your hair get wet earlier today?

Heather: (stares daggers) Shut it, stick figure! I said I'm not jumping! Deal with it!

Lindsay: If she's not doing it, I'm not doing it.

Lindsay and Heather both smile at each other. Leshawna then walks up to Heather angrily and glares at her threateningly.

Leshawna: Oh you're doing it!

Heather: (turns to Leshawna and glares back at her) Says, who?

Leshawna: Says me! I'm not losing this challenge 'cause you got your hair day, you spoiled little daddy's girl!

Everyone watched and cringed in fear at the catfight that was about to break out.

Heather: Back off, ghetto-glamour, too-tight-pants-wearing, rap-star wannabe!

Leshawna: Mall-shopping, ponytail-wearing, teen-girl-reading, peeking in high school prom queen!

Emma: (to Noah) Ooh, burn!

Noah nods in agreement and they both snickered together.

Heather: (smiles a devious smile) Well, at least I'm popular.

Everyone was in shock at Heather's savage burn, minus Justin who was admiring himself in a handheld mirror and Noah who smiled in amusement at their argument.

Leshawna: (furiously) You're jumping!

Heather: (furiously) Make me!

Both girls were now glaring at each other with intense fury. If looks could kill, anyone else would've been dead. Everyone around them became increasingly nervous from the rising tension. However at the last second before anything could happen, Emma broke in between the two girls and pushed them both away from each other.

Emma: Enough, girls! We're a team and like it or not, we have to make peace with each other!


Emma: I'll be honest, a part of me wanted to watch Leshawna do something to Heather like throw her off the cliff, but the other part knew that I had to stop them before that happened. Even if I was a bit scared to get in between those girls. (Sighs) But if I want to last long in this game, I have to learn to keep the peace amongst my teammates, even if some of them are difficult to deal with.


Emma: (sighs and turns to Leshawna) Leshawna, Heather's reason for refusing to dive is probably one of the most ridiculous excuses I have ever heard, but we shouldn't push her to jump off the cliff! That's not how teammates work together! (Turns to Heather, who has a smug look on her face from listening to Emma's contradiction) If Heather wants to put her own team at a disadvantage, possibly cost us the game, and increase her risk of being voted off first, well we just have to respect her reasons regardless of how illogical they are. We'll just have to put in some extra effort to make up for her shortcomings.

Emma smirks at Heather, who glares daggers at her. Leshawna was still angry at Heather, but she appeared to have calmed herself down a bit while listening to Emma.

Emma: With that said, (starts walking towards the edge of the cliff) since no one else will volunteer, I'll go first and prove to you guys there's nothing to it! (Stops when she reaches the edge of the cliff and becomes nervous) Wow, that's a long way down.....

Chris: (raises an eyebrow impishly) Having second thoughts? (makes chicken noises).

Emma: (snaps) Shut up, Chris!

Heather: (sneers) Thought you said there was nothing to it!

Emma: There isn't! I just need a little motivation.....(turns her head to Heather and Leshawna), do you think one of you could know.....(makes a pushing motion with her hands).

Leshawna: (surprised) Say what now?! You want one  of us to push you off a thousand foot cliff into possibly shark infested waters?!

Heather: (sighs deeply) If only you were my evil little brother, but okay, I'll do it!

Emma: (faces forward) Thanks, girl! You have no idea how much help this is to me! Don't just walk up to me to push me though! Get a good running start!

Heather: (shouts out) No worries! After all, what are teammates for?

Heather starts running towards Emma, ready to push her off of the cliff into shark infested water. Nobody else could imagine how excited Heather was to finally stick it to the girl who has been getting on her nerves ever since they first arrived onto the island. However, at the very last second, Emma stepped aside to the right, causing Heather to run off of the cliff before she had a chance to stop herself. She fell down the thousand foot cliff and into the water, specifically in the safe zone. Back on top of the cliff, Emma smiled at her trick with pride and mischief.


Emma: (arms crossed defensively) Do not look at me like that! That was not too harsh! She had it coming! All of her kind do! I've known from experience what mean girls like her are capable of! Back home, I've always been the one who stuck it to those selfish, self entitled, spoiled, rich popular girls who think they are above everyone else! And I keep doing it to that (*beep*) Heather! (Takes a deep breath in and out to calm herself after her rant) I wasn't lying earlier when I said I had to learn to keep the peace amongst my teammates, but that doesn't mean I can't stick it to Heather every chance I get.

Leshawna: (smiles with satisfaction) Way to stick it to that Mall-shopping, ponytail-wearing, teen-girl-reading, peeking in high school prom queen, Emma!

Heather: (soaking wet and furious) I. HATE. HER!!!


Heather: (surfaces from the water and coughs up water) Emma, you are so dead!

Emma: (shouts down) Hey! At least you're in the safe zone, right? Now let's just see if I can hit it, too.

Emma walks back to get a running start, and runs off of the cliff. She screams with more of excitement than fear as she falls down into the water, landing safely in the safe zone.

Lindsay: (looks over the cliff nervously) I thought this was going to be a talent contest.

Chris: (chuckles) Yeah. (chuckles) No.

The camera pans to a montage of several campers jumping off of the cliff. The first camper was Lindsay, who screamed as she fell all the way down into the safe zone. Following Lindsay, Alex jumped and screamed like a girl as he fell down into the safe zone. Shortly after, Gwen jumped off the cliff and screamed as well as she fell down into the safe zone. Then Leshawna jumped off, screaming and landed in the safe zone. Following Leshawna, Eleyna jumped off the cliff while laughing ecstatically as she fell into the safe zone. After Eleyna, Noah jumped off the cliff, flailing his limbs and screaming as he fell into the safe zone of the lake. Following Noah, Justin jumped off of the cliff and swan dived into the lake beautifully without making a sound. Unfortunately, the gorgeous teen was not as lucky as the previous jumpers because he landed in the wider zone instead of the safe zone. From the Boat of Losers, Gwen, Leshawna, and Noah were hastily warning Justin to swim away fast. From behind, two sharks were seen slowly swimming up to Justin. As Justin turned around, the sharks bared their teeth at him for a moment but then stopped suddenly once they looked at him. They stared at the incredibly gorgeous teen in awe and they both gave him a ride back to shore, while Justin looked triumphant and full of pride. Back at the top of the cliff, Cameron was staring at the bottom of the cliff, looking the most fearful out of the rest of the remaining contestants. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned his attention towards the owner.

Sharon: Am I correct to assume that you are mortified to participate due to the inability to swim?

Cameron nodded.

Sharon: (pushes up her glasses) Obviously you have never gone swimming before, am I correct?

Cameron: Up until this morning, no.


Cameron: (rubs hand sanitizer on his hands) I am what's known as a "bubble boy". Growing up, my mom was reaaallllllyyyyyyy overprotective! So I've never gone swimming before, up until six hours ago. I've never done anything before, except read and sigh a lot......(sighs heavily, then looks back at the camera with confidence) But that doesn't mean I'm not a force to be reckoned with! (A butterfly flies into the confessional) No way! Danaus plexippus! The monarch butterfly! (Butterfly lands on Cameron's head, causing him to wince in pain as he struggled to support the added weight) Ah! I-It's so heavy!! (Cameron falls backwards)

Sharon: I must admit, I have found a kinship in Cameron. We are both intellectuals of high standing and have a less than desirable amount of physical body strength. Of course, I am physically superior to Cameron, but that is besides the point. Intellects like Cameron and I must stick together, especially in drastic situations like jumping off of a cliff with approximately 80-90% chance of landing into shark infested water.


Sharon: I have a solution to your predicament. Simply hold on tight to a partner that has the ability to swim and jump off the cliff together so you won't drown. Fortunately for you, I have yet to participate in this challenge and I am quite skilled at the aquatic physical activity of swimming.

Cameron: You would really jump with me?

Sharon: (nods) Considering that both of us are on the same team and that our team needs as many jumpers as possible in order to win this challenge, it is the most logical solution at attempting to maintain at least one step ahead of the other team. (spreads her arms out) Now, hold onto my waist as tight as you can and take a deep breath.

Cameron complied and wrapped his arms around Sharon's waist while taking a deep breath in. Sharon then jumped off of the cliff with Cameron, still attached to her waist tightly. Unfortunately, they both landed in the wider zone instead of the safe zone just as Justin had done before them. Their teammates began to hastily yell at the duo to swim away quickly as a shark approached them both. Cameron screamed in fear, as he continued to cling onto Sharon tightly, who appeared to be not the slightest bit afraid of the approaching danger that swam closer and closer towards them. The shark then emerged from the water while baring its sharp teeth at the duo, but then suddenly appeared fearful of the two and swam away quickly from them. The other contestants had mixed expressions of impressment and disbelief at what they had just witnessed, with Cameron being the most in shock.

Cameron: (shocked) Sharon?! How did you do that? That shark looked really afraid of you!

Sharon: Actually, I am not the one who instills fear in sharks. (reaches into her swimsuit from the top and pulls out a magnet) But you can say that sharks are afraid of magnets, facetiously speaking of course.

Cameron: (snaps his fingers in realization) Of course!


Cameron: (the camera is zoomed in on Cameron's face as he holds the magnet in his hand) Technically, sharks aren't "afraid" of magnets, but the charged metals in saltwater create a weak electrical field that disrupts a shark's electroreception sensors.

(Camera pans and zooms out to Sharon, who is sitting next to Cameron in the confessional)

Sharon: Correct. Sharks have sensory pores on the front of their heads that allow them to detect the electrical currents generated by the muscle contractions of their prey.

Cameron: And when this magnet was introduced and interrupted the shark's electroreception sensors with the electrical field it created.....

Both: The shark was repelled by the newfound stress it was under and swam away!

Cameron: That was brilliant thinking!

Sharon: (blushes bashfully) Oh, you would have done the same had you had access to a magnet.

Cameron: (raises an eyebrow in curiosity) That reminds me, where did you even get a magnet?

Sharon: I brought it from home. Considering that I had to sign a waiver before coming to this island, I assumed that they would make us do something that involved sharks. Even if I was wrong, which almost never happens, it was the best solution to be prepared rather than be shark food.


Back on top of the cliff, Zoey is staring down the edge of the cliff, looking very fearful and with Chris right behind her.

Zoey: (nervously) S-sorry.....but I-I can't do it! (Chris pulls out a chicken hat. Zoey shouts down to her teammates) I'm so sorry!

On the Boat of Losers, Leshawna and Noah are mocking her with chicken noises.

Lindsay: That is, like, so lame, right?

Heather: Fully lame.

Sharon: (walks up to Heather) Spoke the girl who had to be thrown off of the cliff in order to participate since she did not want her hair to appear wet of national television, despite the fact that everyone has already seen her with wet hair earlier today.

Heather growls and glares daggers at Sharon. On the cliff, Zoey walks past Mike on her way towards the chicken path, who stops her by placing a hand on her shoulder.

Mike: Don't worry, it's okay that you couldn't do it. Not everyone will think less of you. And you're not going to be alone on this.

Zoey: (raises an eyebrow in confusion) What do you mean?

Mike: (raises a hand) Uh, Chris? Yeah, I'm not jumping either.

Chris: (raises an eyebrow) Any particular reason why?

Mike: Um, I want to live.

Chris: (shrugs shoulders) Fair enough. (tosses a chicken hat to Mike) Heads up, chicken!

Mike catches the hat and places it on his head.

Zoey: Mike, you didn't have to do that.

Mike: I wanted to do it. No one should have to go through wearing a humiliating chicken hat alone. Now we can both be chickens together and feel less guilty.

Zoey: (smiles and blushes) Thanks, Mike. That's so sweet of you.


Zoey: (dreamily) Mike is soooo sweet! The way he took a chicken hat just so I wouldn't be the only one who chickened out was just so cool and nice of him. (Frowns) The guys back home would've jumped off the cliff instead. (Thinks for a moment) I wonder if all of the guys here will be as sweet as Mike.

Mike: I know my team might hate me for chickening out later if we end up losing the challenge, but it was worth it to make sure Zoey wasn't the only one on our team to be humiliated. (Rubs the back of his neck nervously) I've uh....been humiliated quite a lot myself over the years. No one should have to go through humiliation alone. Besides, this also gives me an opportunity to talk to Zoey and get to know her better. I hope that my actions helped me get on her good side. As long as that happened, I'll take the scorns of my teammates.


On the beach shore, Zoey and Mike have joined the rest of their teammates, wearing their chicken hats and chatting with each other until Heather walks up to both of them.

Heather: You two are so pathetic! Chickening out just because you're too scared to jump?! You two do realize that even the scrawny nerd linger did it! If a toothpick like him could've done it, you both should have been able to do it!

Sharon: (walks on screen towards Heather, with Cameron walking behind her) That is quite the use of hypocrisy Heather, considering that you yourself would have worn a rubber chicken hat on your head to avoid having your hair get wet had Emma not tricked you into running off the cliff.

Heather: (scowls) Shut it, geek girl! At least I participated!

Sharon: (pushes up her glasses) True, unwillingly at that, but I suppose its true. I'd advise you however to remain silent. Such hypocritical remarks will not bode well with specific members of our team once it is time to vote.

As Sharon, Zoey, Mike, and Cameron walks away from Heather, Heather is shown glaring furiously at Sharon. Back on top of the cliff, it is now Trent's turn to dive off the cliff.

Trent: (walks towards Owen, who appears to be worried) Let's do this. (High fives Owen and runs towards the edge of the cliff. From off-screen, Trent has jumped off of the cliff) Yeah! (Trent lands safely in the safe zone and emerges to the surface) Whoo!

Chris: (through a megaphone) Okay, campers, there's only one person left. You guys need this jump for the win. No pressure, dude. (The camera zooms in on Owen's face, showing a relaxed expression) Okay, there's pressure. (Instantly, Owen looked worrisome).

On the beach, Owen's teammates are cheering for him.

Emma: You can do it, Owen!

Eleyna: Jump Owen! Jump!

Heather: Jump! Jump! Just do it, Owen. Do it!

Back on the cliff, Owen is putting on water wings as dramatic music played in the background.

Owen: (voiceover) Oh, I was pretty darn nervous.


Owen: See, the thing is, I'm not that strong a swimmer.

Anthony: (deadpan) That tub of lard is gonna jump? As if.

David: I'm looking at this guy and thinking, "there's no way he's gonna make it." Looks like the Gophers are gonna be down a player.

Gwen: I actually thought, "if he jumps this... he's gonna die."

Anthony: (smiling) God, I hope he dies.


Chris: Take a good run at it, buddy. You can do this.

Owen walks away from the cliff edge to get a running start.

Owen: I'm going to die now. (Turns back around) I'm going to freakin die now.

The camera pans to the Gophers team and the Bass team on the beach, who are all waiting in anticipation for Owen to jump.

Leshawna: Come on, big guy.

At that moment, Owen started running towards the cliff at full speed, screaming "YEAH!!!!" with determination and fearlessness as he jumped off of the cliff.

Owen: (screams in fear) OOHHHHH CRRRRAAAAAPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!

After a few seconds of screaming and falling, Owen finally landed in the water, which caused a huge splash of water to douse his teammates and the opposing team, as well as cause the Boat of Losers and two sharks to become buried into the sand. From off-screen, Owen's cheering can be heard and the camera pans to reveal that Owen had survived the fall and fell into the safe zone unharmed.

Owen: (cheers) Yes! Yeah! Oh, yeah! Who's the man?

Alex: (cheers) Woo-hoo-hoo!

Leshawna: (pumps fist into the air) Yes!

Anthony: (scowls and mumbles) Crap, I wanted him to die.

Lightning: Gotta admit, that jump was SHA-MAZING!

Chris: (through a megaphone) The winners, the Screaming Gophers!

The camera pans to Owen, who appears to be looking around the water for something.

Trent: That was awesome, dude. (notices Owen looking around) What's wrong?

Owen: I...uh, think I lost my bathing suit.

Complaints of disgust can be heard off-screen from the campers as the scene zooms out slowly to show a view of the cliff before fading to black for commercials.

Beach: The Screaming Gophers

The scene transitions to the beach, where the Screaming Gophers are happily moving along towards the campgrounds, pulling their crates in their rewarded carts and singing "99 Bottles of Pop".

All: 49 bottles of pop on the wall, 49 bottles of pop. If one of those bottles should happen to fall, 48 bottles of pop on the wall!

Beach: The Killer Bass

The scene then pans to the Killer Bass, who are having a much harder time moving their crates without a pull cart. Duncan and Jenny pushed their crate, DJ flipped his, David pulled on his crate with some rope, and Courtney pushed her crate until she suddenly stopped.

Courtney: Ow! I think I just got a splinter.

Jo: (picks up Courtney's crate without a struggle) Shut up and pick up your crate! (Jo throws the crate down) Chicken!

Courtney: (Puts her hands on her hips) Hey I'm the only one with C.I.T. camping experience here, you need me!

Jo and DJ look at each other, seemingly unimpressed and/or unconvinced at Courtney's rebuttal. They both went back to moving their crates as Brick started walking up to Courtney.

Brick: (salutes) Ma'am, as a military cadet soldier, I believe that your C.I.T. experience will indeed be an asset towards our team! (Picks up Courtney's crate) Also, allow me to carry your crate for you.

Courtney: Um, really? I couldn't ask you to do that for me. That crate is pretty heavy.

Brick: Nonsense, I insist. What sort of man would I be if I just left you to push the crate by yourself and you fall victim to fatigue? You'll need all your energy to be put towards your C.I.T. smarts for when we start building the hot tub.

Courtney: (smiles bashfully) Well, if you insist.....

Jo: (shouts off-screen) Hey, pick up the pace, Chicken in Training and Brick-for-Brains!

Both Courtney and Brick scowled at Jo's insults.

Beach: The Screaming Gophers

The camera pans back to the Screaming Gophers, who are still pulling their carts and singing "99 Bottles of Pop".

All: 32 bottles of pop on the wall, 32 bottles of pop. (Lindsay suddenly stops to pick up a conch shell on the beach and puts it to her ear before realizing she was falling behind the rest of the group, and started running back towards them) If one of those bottles should happen to fall....

Beach: The Killer Bass

The camera pans to Tyler, who stops walking and sets his crate down.

Tyler: Ugh, I've gotta take a wiz.

Tyler walks past Jo, who was carrying her crate and rolled her eyes in impatience.

Jo: You got two minutes, tracksuit! We're already behind!

Mary-Margret: If there's a bathroom out here, than I am so going, too!

Ezekiel: The bathroom's in the forest, eh. Just go anywhere you like.

Mary-Margret: (cringes with disgust, but then shrugs her shoulders) Meh.

Anthony: (stops pushing his crate and speaks sarcastically) Sure, why not? I mean, it's not like we're doing anything important right now! Go ahead and put us more behind!

As Mary-Margret followed Tyler into the forest, she raised her middle finger at Anthony, causing him to just roll his eyes.

Jo: (sets down crate in frustration) Fine! I guess we'll take a break. Anyone else who has to pee better do it now!

Right on cue, Ezekiel, Luke, Jenny, and David all set down their crates and headed towards the forest, causing Jo to facepalm in annoyance and impatience. The camera then pans to Courtney, as a fly starts buzzing around her face and towards her left eye. Courtney kills the fly with her hand, but also ends up hitting herself as a result.

Courtney: Ow! I think something just bit me.

Beach: The Screaming Gophers

Once again, the camera pans back to the Screaming Gophers, still pulling their carts towards the campgrounds and singing.

All: -should happen to fall, 28 bottles of pop on the wall!

Mike: (whispers to Zoey) You'd think after 71 bottles of pop falling off the wall, they would've gotten better shelving by now.

Zoey giggles at Mike's joke, then suddenly stops and points ahead.

Zoey: Hey, look! There's the camp ground!

The camera pans to show the two cabins, then to Owen and Alex.

Owen: That was pretty easy.

Alex: I'm like so surprised how easy this was!

Emma: (cheers) Woo-hoo! The Screaming Gophers rule!

Everybody: (chanting and fist pumping) The Screaming Gophers rule! The Screaming Gophers rule! The Screaming Gophers rule!

Beach: The Killer Bass

Meanwhile, the Killer Bass were still lagging behind, as everyone who had left to use the bathroom in the forest has returned and were either pushing, carrying their crates, and/or in Courtney's case, was walking behind Brick, while covering her left eye, as Brick carried her crate for her.

Courtney: I hope we reach the campground soon. I think my eye is swelling up.

Dawn: (pushing a crate with Jenny) Serves you right for killing an innocent creature of Mother Earth.

Courtney: (rolls her eyes) Oh c'mon, are you going to pout about that stupid fly all day?! It was just a fly!

Dawn: (scowls) Perhaps it's life may have seemed insignificant to you, but all creatures of Mother Earth were born to live out their lives and assume their role in the circle of life! Each and every life form is worth protecting, no matter how small the creature or short it's life may be. Who do you think you are to judge the fate of that fly?

Courtney was about to rebuttal against Dawn's argument, but she honestly could not find the words to retaliate with. In other words, Courtney was left speechless.

Campgrounds: The Screaming Gophers

Back at the campgrounds, the Screaming Gophers were all seen trying to open the crates with their teeth for some odd and unexplained reason. Chris than appears on the scene and walks by the other contestants.

Chris: Remember, you guys can only use your teeth to open the crates. (To the camera) I came up with that one.

The camera pans to Eleyna, who is pulling hard with her teeth on some rope attached to the box, like a dog pulling on a rope toy.

Eleyna: (through her teeth) Hey, I think I got it open! (The crate pops open and three items fall out of the crate. Eleyna stands up straight and sticks out her tongue in pain)  Ow, ow, rope burn on my tongue!

Mike: (to Zoey) Now that's something you don't hear everyday.

Zoey smiles and giggles at Mike's joke.

Beach: The Killer Bass

At the beach, the Killer Bass hadn't made much progress since the last transition. They were all still pushing and/or carrying their crates towards the campgrounds until they paused for a moment when Chris, riding a red ATV, arrived on the scene.

Chris: You guys are way behind the other team. Like, way behind. What's the problem?

Jo: (scowls) Well let's review: We don't have pull carts, half the team are struggling to move their crates, and some took five whole minutes to use the bathroom!

Tyler: (defensive) Hey! It was three minutes at the most!

Jo: Which was a minute longer than I gave you!

Brick: If I may add, our comrade Courtney here has an eye swelling up like a balloon.

Courtney removed her hand over her eye, causing both Brick and Chris to cringe in shock as they saw Courtney's eye throbbing.

Chris: Ahh! Oh, my boxers, that's bad!

Dawn: If there was any aloe nearby, she could use it to soothe the inflammation and reduce the swelling.

Mary-Margret: Aloe? Isn't that some kind of healing plant?

Dawn: (nods) Yes. More specifically, aloe is a herbal remedy that contains a translucent inner pulp and a resinous yellow aloin inside that is often used to treat external skin discomforts. Aloe has leaves that resemble a cactus but with a darker green color.

Jenny: (sprints towards them) Oh! Do you mean this? (Pulls out a collection of a plant with sharp green leaves) I picked these up in the forest and they just feel awesome on your skin.

Mary-Margret: (pulls out a pile from her pocket and rubs the leaves on her face) Heck's yeah, girl! Give them a try, Chickney!

Courtney frowned at her "nickname", but still reached for the leaves.

Dawn: Wait! (Slaps Courtney's hand away) Don't touch those!

Courtney: (rubs her hand) Ow! Why?!

Dawn: (turns to Jenny and Mary-Margret) These leaves that you found, were they low to the ground and all over the place?

Mary-Margret: (shrugs) I don't know. I didn't find them, (points to Jenny) she did.

Jenny: (nods) Yeah, I think that sounds about right. Why?

Dawn: You two have been rubbing poison ivy on yourselves.

Both girls grew wide eyed. Their gripes on the leaves loosened, causing the leaves to fall onto the beach. On their bodies, a rash was now shown on their skin as the slowly started to scratch the inflamed areas, still wide eyed with shock and realization.

Jenny: (stutters) T-That....explains.....the itching.

The girls then suddenly started scratching more fiercely at their poison ivy rash and they have snapped out of their shock enough to display a look of extreme discomfort on their faces as they scratched themselves.

Chris: (Laughs) No way! That's awesome! (Laughs again).

Campgrounds: The Screaming Gophers

At the campgrounds, all of the crates from the Screaming Gophers team had been opened and the contestants were digging through each crate for the contents inside.

Owen: (pulls out wooden planks) Hey! Check it out! I got wood!

Trent: (pulls out a wrench and a hammer) I got some tools here (pulls out a blue mat) and what looks like a pool liner.

Emma: Leshawna and I got some nails, and nuts and bolts over here! (Looks down in the crate) Seems like a waste of a large wooden crate of you ask me.

Leshawna: I'm sure they recycle the wood, girl.

As the two girls reached into the crate to pick up their supplies, Heather and Lindsay walks up to the duo.

Heather: (to Leshawna) I just wanted to say, I didn't mean bad about you being a ghetto, rap-star wannabe, and I love your earrings. They're so pretty.

Leshawna: (smiles) Straight up?

Emma: (raises an eyebrow in suspicion) Seriously?

Heather: (nods) I'm totally serious. Oh, and I love your boots too by the way, Emma! Their really cute!

Emma: (still skeptical) Um, thanks....

Leshawna: Well, I'm sorry I called you a Mall-shopping, ponytail-wearing, teen-girl-reading, peeking in high school prom queen.

Heather: It's okay. You had every right to say that after what I said to you back there.

Emma: (smiles) Well, as long as everyone's apologizing, I'm sorry I tricked you into running off the cliff, Heather. And I totally love your shoes by the way! They're so stylish!

Heather: Thanks and no worries. I needed a push. Truce?

Leshawna: Yeah, yeah, you got it. (Bumps fists with Heather).

Emma: (thinks for a moment) Eh, what the heck? I'll let bygones be bygones, too.

Emma and Heather shake hands, and then both pairs went their separate ways away from each other.

Lindsay: (to Heather as they walk away together) Did you mean all that stuff you said to Lefonda and Elsa back there?

Heather: Leshawna and Emma. And hah, no. They're both going down! (Raises and clenches her fist) And P.S. those are the ugliest earrings and boots I've seen in my life.

Lindsay: Oh. So if you hate them why were you being nice to them?

Heather: (applying lipstick on her lips) You ever seen one of these shows before? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Lindsay: Oohhhh. I'm your friend, right? (Smiles)

Heather: Oh, yeah, for now.

As Heather continued walking away, she bumps into Zoey, causing Heather to fall to the ground.

Zoey: (gasps) Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! (Extends her hand to help her up) I didn't mean t-......

Heather: (cuts Zoey off by smacking her hand away and stands up) Why don't you watch where you're going, you klutz! (Pushes Zoey to the ground).

Mike: (snaps) Hey! Don't push her! She said it was an accident!

Zoey: (stands up and puts a hand on Mike's shoulder) Mike, it's okay. Let's just go get back to work.

Heather: (smirks) Yeah, that's right! (Pushes Mike back) Beat it, dweeb!

Suddenly, Mike gasps and his eyes bulged. He then hunches over with his eyes squinted.

Mike?: (in a sharp withered tone of voice) Why you disrespectful little tramp! Watch who your shoving!

Heather: (gasps in shock) Excuse me?! What did you just call me, Mike?!

Mike?: Mike? Name's Chester, missy! And you better watch your tone! Show some respect for the elders!

Zoey: (confused) Uh, excuse me?

Heather: (rolls her eyes and walks away with Lindsay trailing behind her) Weirdo...

Chester: (shakes his fist in the air) That's right, you keep on walking, you tramp! And put on some danged clothes on for Pete's sake! Back in my day, we threw stones at young ladies who dressed as indecently as you!

Zoey just stared at "Chester" with a mixture of shock and confusion.


Zoey: Mike is so funny and sweet! Y'know I really don't get his old man comedy routine, but I bet it's really funny if you're from like, France or something?

Lindsay: Okay, I was like sooo confused. Why was Mitch acting like a cranky old man and calling himself Sylvester?

Heather: (scowls) Okay, so far I have three people that are so going down! Emma and Leshawna are number one and two, and Mike just became number three on my list! The question is: Who do I get rid of first and how?


The camera pans to Leshawna and Emma, who are both taking out the contents of their crate together.

Emma: So Leshawna, were you really sincere about your apology to Heather?

Leshawna: Of course I was, girl. (Raises an eyebrow in curiosity) Why? Didn't you?

Emma: (shakes her head) Hah, no. That little (*beep*) is so going down! (Clenches her fist)

Leshawna: (confused) Then why did you even bother apologizing if ya didn't mean it?

Emma: Because we're on the same team. To get far in this game, the less enemies you make, the better. In other words, if we want to get anywhere in this game, we have to keep the peace amongst our teammates. Even if one of them is a total stuck up (*beep*)! (Smiles mischievously) However, when the opportunity to take a jab at Heather arises, you can bet I'll be there.

Leshawna: Girl, what is your deal with Heather. Don't get me wrong, that girl has been mean all day until now, but why are you so fixated on jabbing her like you've been doing all day?

Emma: Because I know who she is! She's one of those popular high school queen bees who thinks the world revolves around her and that she is superior to everyone else in every way! She thinks that everyone loves and adores her when really everybody hates her! Back home, I've had to deal with mean girls like her on a regular basis. I've been sticking it to them since middle school and I can easily spot one from a mile away. Do you honestly think she meant that apology to you? Trust me, she's just trying to throw you off so she can play you like a doll. (Looks at Heather and Lindsay) Looks like she's already got blondie wrapped around her finger. Poor girl is probably going to become a victim in that queen bee's reign of terror. (Faces Leshawna) If we want to make it far in this game, we can't trust her for even a second! In fact, the sooner we get rid of her, the better.

Leshawna: (frowns) I thought her apology was too good to believe, too! (sighs) But I was willing to try to at least work together with her peacefully as long as we're stuck on the same team together. (Smiles with confidence) But you don't need to worry about me, girl! If that skinny white girl even thinks about crossing this sista, she is gonna get it hard!

Emma: (smiles) That's just what I wanted to hear! (Leans forward to whisper to Leshawna) Oh and P.S., she has the most tackiest shoes that I've ever seen in my life!

Both girls laughed at Emma's insult towards Heather. Just then, the Killer Bass team arrived at the campground, minus Mary-Margret and Jenny.

Harold: (drops his crate) Finally.

Trent: Hey, what's up, guys?

Ezekiel was about to say something, but Anthony covered his mouth.

Anthony: (threateningly) If you say that something in the sky is what's up, I'm going to bash my crate onto your head until you're in a coma, got it?!

Ezekiel nodded his head fearfully.

Trent: (to Anthony) Hey dude, chill. No need to be so harsh.

Anthony: (raises a middle finger at Trent) Screw you!

Anthony walks away, leaving his team and the opposing team in shock.

Trent: (wide eyed) Um, okay.........?


Anthony: (rubs his temple) After the day I've been having, I am just not in the mood.

Courtney: Okay, that boy, Anthony, has got to get a handle on his attitude. It hasn't even been a full day and he's already cussed out with every swear word in the dictionary, and threatened more people than Jo did. I can understand that he doesn't want to be here, but he doesn't have to take it out on everyone around him!


Leshawna: (scowls) What is that boy's problem?!

Courtney: (walks up to Leshawna) Who even knows?

Leshawna stares at Courtney's swelled up eye and cringes, causing Courtney to cover her eye.

Leshawna: (cringing) Ooh, what happened to your eye, girl?

Courtney: Nothing, just an allergy.

Ezekiel: Think it's getting worse.

Courtney: (whispers to Ezekiel) Shut up! We don't want them to know that!

Leshawna: (takes another look at the opposing team)  Hey, aren't you missing a couple of black and white girls?

The opposing team looked around the area.


The camera pans back to the beach, where Jenny and Mary-Margret were both floating in the water. Jenny was floating on her back and Mary-Margret was floating on her front.

Jenny: (sighs in relaxation) That feels so great on my poison ivy rashes. (Sits up and nudges Mary-Margret) How're you feeling, Mary-Margret?

Mary-Margret gives Jenny a thumbs up and capsize herself up. However, Mary-Margret did not look pleasant. Her long curly hair was ridiculously frizzy, and her makeup was smeared and running to the extent that made her look like she crawled out of a horror movie. She was also not wearing her chicken hat for unknown reasons. Jenny stared at her with a cringed look, which made Mary-Margret confused.

Mary-Margret: (confused) What?

Jenny: (darts her eyes back and forth nervously) Um...n-nothing, it's just....ummm....(takes another look at her and gets an idea) your chicken hat! Your chicken hat is gone!

Mary-Margret: (feels the top of her head) Ah crap! It must've fallen off in the water! (Sighs) Well, guess I gotta look for it.

Mary-Margret takes a deep breath in and dives underwater, while Jenny sighs with relief.


Courtney: They're getting a drink.

Harold: (whispers to Ezekiel) Yeah, if they drink with their whole bodies.

Ezekiel: (laughs) Ha ha, that's funny.

Campgrounds: Killer Bass

The camera cuts to Brick, who stands on top of a bunch of crates with confidence.

Brick: Men and women, we may have arrived late, but it's not too late! We may be down two, but with our combined strengths and skills, we can win this battle! We can do this, soldiers!

While Brick's speech was pretty empowering, most of his teammates did not display the same enthusiasm. The camera pans across to Harold sleeping and drooling, Lightning kissing his biceps, and Courtney looking disgusted as she saw Ezekiel picking his nose.

Courtney: (disgusted) Ew!

Ezekiel: (wipes the booger on his pants) What?

Dawn: (cringes in disgust) That truly is disgusting.

Duncan: Said the girl who picked up a cockroach earlier.

Jo: (blows her whistle) Alright Bass, listen up! We're building a hot tub, so obviously we'll need someone to lead! Therefore, I elect myself as this team's leader!

Courtney: (stands up) Wait! But I'm the only one here with "Counselor in Training" experience! I should lead this project!

Jo: (scowls) Nobody tells me what to do, especially not a girl in a chicken hat!

Brick: But I do agree with Miss Courtney! A C.I.T. is required to learn the skills necessary for instructing and organizing camp projects! With her leadership skills, I think she would make a better candidate as project manager!

Dawn: I agree with Brick! If Courtney can plan and oversee the hot tub's construction in a manner that will ensure our victory, I say we should let her lead.

David: Ditto, it's time to make your actions speak louder than your words, Courtney!

Anthony: (scowls) Pfft, I don't really care who's in charge. Let's just get this done already!

After seeing everyone agreeing to let Courtney lead the construction project, Jo just crossed her arms and huffed in frustration and defeat.

Jo: Fine! We'll let Chicken-in-Training here be in charge.


Courtney: (smiles) That was so sweet of Brick to back me up like that. Now I can really show my team how much they need me as a team leader! I will be leading my team to so many victories that there will be no Screaming Gophers left on the island when they disband the teams!

Brick: I may be the strongest player here, but I'm all about the teamwork! Back in cadets, I took the teamwork medal three years running! Also the bed making medal, the "flag folding" medal, and the letters home to Mom medal. I always win that one. While electing myself the leader of this challenge would have been a great opportunity to show my teammates what an effective leader I could be, it was the right decision to let Courtney take the wheel on this challenge. After all, there will be plenty of opportunities to show my leadership skills in future challenges.

Jo: (scowls) If that (*beep*)-in-training thinks she is going to take control of this team by the end of the day, she's got another thing coming! She may have the others wrapped around her finger for now, but when the time comes, she'll slip up and be knocked down faster than you can say "Wawanakwa"! At that moment, I will rise up and take control!


Duncan: So, where do we begin, Cyclops?

Courtney: (points at Duncan) Open the crates! (points to Dawn) Dawn, go find those itchy girls. We need all the help we can get.

Montage: Building the Hot Tub

The camera cuts to Justin and Sharon, hammering nails onto opposite sides of their hot tub. Then the camera pans to Luke and Harold, who are setting the wooden planks into place. However, the hot tub has an odder and more rectangular shape than the one being built by the Screaming Gophers. Next, the camera cuts to Heather, as she hands a hammer to Trent and Trent proceeds to hammer in a nail into the hot tub. Meanwhile, Tyler and Duncan are fighting over the hammer and start tugging at the hammer until it flies out of their hands and hits Harold in the crotch. Following which, Mary-Margret picks up a plank of wood and unknowingly hits Harold several times before walking away and leaving Harold in pain on the ground. Lastly, the camera cuts to the beach, where Noah scoops up some water in a pail and hands it to "Chester", who hands it to Justin, who then hands it to Gwen, and then Gwen dumps the water into the hot tub. As for the Bass team, the camera pans to Jenny, who is wearing a white mask and goggles as she spray paints something on the Bass's hot tub. The camera then zooms out to show the Bass's completed hot tub. The hot tub was oddly rectangular shaped rather than circular and had been spray painted red with the Bass's team logo spray painted excellently on the front that had been modified to have laser rainbows shooting out of its eyes, fire breathing out of its mouth, Lightning bolts in the background, and for some odd reason, it was riding a tiger with three heads.


As both teams have completed their hot tubs, they wait in anticipation as Chris inspects each hot tub carefully. First, Chris examined the Screaming Gophers hot tub. He looked over the tub carefully for a moment.

Chris: (exclaims) This is an awesome hot tub!

The Gophers cheered triumphantly and suddenly Owen pops out of the hot tub to join in on the cheering.

Owen: Nice!

Next, Chris walks over to the Bass's hot tub and takes a close look at it.

Chris: Why is your hot tub a rectangular?

Jenny: (raises an eyebrow) Is that a problem? You saying that rectangles aren't good enough for you?! We got a shapist over here!

Chris: (raises hands defensively) Whoa Whoa, chill there! Geez, I was just asking!

Courtney: (whispers to her team) See? I told you he would notice!

Jo: (scowls) Shut up, Chicken-in-Training!

Chris: (Takes a closer look at the graffiti work) How did you guys even do this? There wasn't even any paint in the crates!

Jenny: (pulls up her duffle bag and takes out a can of spray paint) Street arts kinda my thing!

Chris: Obviously, this is some pretty sweet artwork over here! I'm impressed!

The Killer Bass cheered triumphantly as it seemed like victory was in the bag. However, Chris poked at the hot tub and it collapsed in a mere second into pieces. Jenny fell to her knees in shock.

Jenny: (cries out) NOOOOO! My awesome masterpiece! WHYYYYY?!?!?!?!

Chris: Well, I think we have a winner here..................................The Screaming Gophers!

Everyone on the Gophers team cheered at their victory, while the Killer Bass groaned in disappointment.

Jo: (stomps her foot) Damn it! I knew we shouldn't have listened to Chicken-in-Training over here!

Courtney scowls at Jo and Jo glares daggers at Courtney. Suddenly from the Gophers team, Chester gasps and reverts back to Mike, who looks around his cheering teammates in confusion.

Mike: (confused) Huh? Did we-......

Mike was suddenly cut off when Zoey hugged him from behind.

Zoey: (cheers) We won our first challenge! Isn't that awesome, Mike?

Mike: (blushes bashfully and awkwardly chuckles) Heh..heh....yeah that's great!

Chris: Gophers, you're safe from elimination and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. (double points to the camera) Bonus!

The Gophers cheered louder with glee at their amazing prize.

Lightning: Crap!

Chris: Killer Bass, what can I say? Sucks to be you right now. But hey, if it makes you feel any better, if your hot tub hadn't fallen apart, you would've won!

Courtney: (scowls) That doesn't make us feel any better. If anything, it makes us feel worse.

Chris: (shrugs) Well then, I don't know what else to say except, I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight.

Lindsay: (exclaims) We won! We all get to stay here for another three days!

All together, Heather, Alex, and Lindsay started cheering and hugging each other. However, their excitement was cut short when they saw Owen cheering and dancing nude, and all three of them fell silent.

Owen: (cheers and dances) Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Ha ha ha. Yes! We get to stay! We get to stay! We are so awesome! We won the contest! (Grabs Lindsay and Heather into a hug, which Lindsay didn't seem to mind but made Heather cringe).


Gwen: (deadpanned) I really wish I hadn't seen that.

Cameron: I bet a lot of people here thought that I wouldn't last a full day on this island. But now that my team has won our first challenge, I don't have to worry about being voted off first! I'm safe (pumps both arms into the air)......for the next three days that is.....

Mike: (rubs the back of his head, pondering and has an ice pack on his crotch) The last thing I remember during the challenge was Heather and Zoey fighting, I think? It's kinda a blur. Next thing I know, my teammates are cheering, (smiles dreamily) Zoey's hugging me, (cringes) and on the way to the Main Lodge, Heather calls me "Chester" and.....(looks down at his ice pack)...well, you can tell what happened next. (Widens eyes in realization and looks very nervous) Uh....not that this kind of stuff happens on a regular basis or anything! (Laughs awkwardly) C-Can.....uh.....can we delete this confessional?

Main Lodge

The camera pans to the Main Lodge, where both teams were present and eating their bowls of some sort of white mush or something. At the Killer Bass table, the team was silent and their was tension looming in the air.

Jenny: (sighs) Ok, I guess I'll say it. What are we gonna do now?

Courtney: We have to figure out who we're gonna vote off.

Luke: So we're just going to do a group vote here instead of doing it discreetly?

Courtney: We just need to discuss our options and opinions. We don't have to come to a group decision right here and now, but we should at least look over the facts while we think about who we're gonna vote off tonight.

Brick: Sounds reasonable enough. Anyone have any thoughts?

Duncan: Well the way I see it, we have three obvious options. I think we should boot out either princess (points at Courtney) or the brick house (points at DJ) or Poison Ivy over here (points at Mary-Margret).

Mary-Margret glares daggers at Duncan while Courtney and DJ looked surprised.

Courtney: What? Why?

Duncan: Because, unless I'm mistaken, you three are the only ones here wearing chicken hats ( DJ, Courtney, and Mary-Margret looked up at their chicken hats) and if we ever have to lift a truck, (points to DJ) I like our odds with the big guy.

Courtney: (defensively) You guys need me. I'm the only one—.....

Dawn: (interrupts) Yes, who used to be a real C.I.T. You have made that point quite clear several times today.

Courtney: (narrows eyes) Well, what about Mary-Margret?! She didn't jump off the cliff either and she rubbed poison ivy on herself like an idiot!

Mary-Margret: (stands up furiously and threateningly) You wanna go there, (*beep*)?! I will give you a beatdown hard enough to mess up your other eye!

Jo: (smirks) Sign me up for that action! (Cracks knuckles) She's the one going around saying how much of an advantage her C.I.T. experience will be and can't even back up her claims!

Lightning: (raises an eyebrow) Sha-yeah, we were following your lead throughout the challenge.

Courtney: (defensively) But we almost won that challenge! If the stupid hot tub hadn't fallen apart, we wouldn't be here discussing who we're gonna vote off tonight!

Luke: (stands up and makes a "calm down" gesture with his hands) Okay! Let's all chill for a minute before this gets way too intense. (Everyone sits back down. Luke turns to Courtney) So Courtney, you haven't told us yet who you'd pick. Who do you think we should vote off tonight?

Courtney: (thinks for a moment and then points ahead) What about him?

The camera pans to Tyler, looking surprised that Courtney picked him. From the background, Lindsay suddenly stood up in distress.

Lindsay: (yells) NO! (The room fell silent as her team stared at her) (slowly sits back down) There's no salt on the table, bummer.

Duncan: Hey, hey, at least he jumped off the cliff, chicken wing!

Courtney: (snaps) Shut up!

Jenny: (chanting) Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Brick gets in between Duncan and Courtney before anything could happen.

Brick: At ease, soldiers! We're starting to get off track here again!

Duncan: I've had enough prison food for one day. (stands up and walks away) I'm gonna go have a nap.

Courtney: You can't do that! We haven't decided who's going yet!

Anthony: (sneers) Thought we were just discussing, not deciding.

Courtney: (glares at Anthony) You shut up, too! It's not like you actually want to be here anyway! Maybe we should vote you off!

Anthony: (rolls eyes) Even if you all did vote me off, I'd probably still be stuck in some kind of losers holding area until the end of the season! You wouldn't be doing me any favors by voting me off!

Jenny: (snickers) We'd be doing ourselves a favor, that's for sure.

Anthony glares daggers at Jenny.

Ezekiel: Well, I just don't get why we lost, eh? They're the ones that have eight girls.

Jenny and Mary-Margret gasp, and Harold, David, and Brick were as equally surprised.

Courtney: (glares angrily at Ezekiel) And just what is that supposed to mean?

Dawn: (worriedly) Ezekiel, please don't......

Jo: (walks up to Jo furiously) No, I want to hear him out! Go ahead, homeschool, (pounds fist on the table angrily) enlighten us!

Ezekiel: Well, guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are.

Mary-Margret and Jenny were shocked beyond words, causing the boys to walk away slowly from them. Dawn facepalms in annoyance and a certain Gopher rushed over to the Bass table angrily.

Emma: (angrily) Oh, he did not just say that crap!

Ezekiel: (oblivious to rising anger amongst the girls around him) My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh? And help them in case they can't keep up.

Mary-Margret: (stands up furiously) Oh, he's sooo getting a beatdown!

Jo: (grabs Ezekiel's neck and hoists him in the air as she tightens her grip) Still think we need your help keeping up?

Ezekiel: (nervously) Uh....not really.....

Luke: (intervenes) Okay, guys, let's give him a break. (Jo lets go of Ezekiel and drops him on the floor) I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls.

Ezekiel: But they ar-.....(a bowl is suddenly thrown at Ezekiel and hits him in the face)...OW!

Ezekiel falls back on to the floor as the camera pans to Sharon, who was whistling and trying to look innocent.

Campfire Pit

Nighttime fell as the camera cuts to the campfire pit. All of the Killer Bass members were sitting on stumps as they waited for elimination ceremony to start. Most of the campers, specifically the girls, were not to thrilled to be there. However, Mary-Margret and Jenny glared at Ezekiel with satisfied and vengeful looks on their face.

Duncan: (to Ezekiel) Dude, you've got a lot to learn about the real world.

Chris: (stands at the podium with a plate of fourteen marshmallows in his hand) Killer bass, at camp marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp marshmallows represent life. You've all cast your votes and made your decision. There are only fourteen marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to (camera pans to the docks) the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. (camera pans back to Chris) That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back... Ever (everyone grew wide eyed and nervous). The first marshmallow goes to............Luke!

The camera pans to Luke, who smiles and rushes over to claim his marshmallow.

Chris: (places the marshmallow through Luke's stick) Tyler!

Tyler: (cheers) Woo-hoo-hoo! Yeah! Place at the table! (Rushes up and sticks a stick through one of the marshmallows).

Chris: Mary-Margret!

The camera pans to Mary-Margret, who smiles as she walks up to claim her marshmallow. The camera then pans to Dawn.

Chris: Dawn!

Dawn walks up and claims her marshmallow.

Chris: D.J.!

D.J. follows Dawn as he walks up to receive his marshmallow.

Chris: Harold!

Harold: (fist pumps) Yes!

Chris: Lightning!

Lightning: (cheers) SHA-BAM!!!

Chris: Jenny!

Jenny: (fist pumps) Nice!

Chris: David! (David walks up to receive his marshmallow) Jo!

Jo: (cheers) Oh yeah!

Chris: Duncan!

With a satisfied smirk, Duncan walks up to claim his marshmallow.

Chris: Brick!

Brick salutes and sprints towards the others to receive his marshmallow.

Chris: And surprisingly....Anthony!

Anthony: (rolls his eyes) Bite me.

Chris: Oh by they way Anthony, (pulls out his cellphone from his pocket) the producers got a phone call from your mother, asking them to deliver you a message. At least that's what they think, they couldn't understand a word she was saying. (Tosses his phone to Anthony, who catches it in one hand) Anyway, she left a message for you in my voicemail.

Anthony looks through the voicemail on Chris's phone and plays the message. Unfortunately for him, the message was very loud so the others around him heard it, too.

Message: Satō ansonī! Anata wa yamenaideshou, watashi wa sore o kinjimasu! Watashi wa anata no chichi no yōna fumeiyona kotoba o sodateru tame ni watashinojinsei no 16-nenkan o sugoshimasendeshita! Anata wa gēmu ni todomari tsudzukete kachimasu, samonakereba watashi wa anata o misutete jinsei no shippai to shite anata o mitomemasu!

(Translation: Anthony Sato! You will not be quitting, I forbid it! I did not spend sixteen years of my life to raise a dishonorable quitter like your father! You will stay in the game and win, or I shall disown you and acknowledge you as failure for life!)

Everyone was silent and slightly annoyed at the very loud message that they heard. Anthony just sighed, handed the phone back to Chris, and took his marshmallow and stuck it through his stick.

Jo: Why did you have to put it on speaker?

Anthony: (sighs) It wasn't on speaker phone. She's that loud.

Dawn: She sounded very angry.

Anthony: (shrugs) That's just how she talks.

Ezekiel: How come she wasn't speaking English, eh?

Anthony: She doesn't speak English, she only speaks Japanese. She sucks at speaking English, yet she can understand it perfectly.

David: Well, don't leave us in the dark, what did she say?

Anthony: (sighs) In short, she basically told me to screw off, I'm on my own.

Luke: That's pretty harsh, dude.

Anthony: Thats my mother.

Chris: Well, with that taken care of, campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening.

The camera zooms in on the last marshmallow, then pans to Courtney and Ezekiel, both waiting in anticipation for one of their names to be called. The camera then begins to pan dramatically towards Chris, then Ezekiel, and then Courtney. Both contestants are nervous and shaking in anticipation as Chris took a very long time to reveal the loser for dramatic effect. The host looked to the two, then dramatically pointed to the sky then to Ezekiel, then to Courtney, then to Ezekiel, then to Courtney, and then he rubbed his chin in thought before calling out the final name.

Chris: (raises a marshmallow) Courtney!

Courtney lets out a huge sigh of relief before running up to claim her marshmallow, which Chris happily put through her stick for her. Ezekiel looked very disappointed with the outcome.

Chris: Can't say I'm shocked. I heard what you said about the girls earlier. Not cool. (Walks up to Ezekiel and gestures to the right) Dock of shame is that way, bro.

Ezekiel stood up and slowly started walking towards the dock of shame.

Chris: The rest of you, enjoy your marshmallows. You're all safe (smiles mischievously)......for tonight.


Gwen: Yep, this camp pretty much still sucks. But now that I'm here I guess I might as well actually try to win.

Anthony: (scowls) This camp and everyone else can suck it! Now that I'm officially stuck here, I have to win! You probably heard the voicemail message from my mother. She basically told me to win or I'm screwed! So no matter what it takes, I will be winning this game!


At the campgrounds, the Screaming Gophers are all gathered around to celebrate their victory with a hot tub party. Currently, the Gophers that were in the hot tub were Mike, Zoey, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, and Trent.

Mike: (with a raised juice box in hand) To the Screaming Gophers!

All: (cheers) The Screaming Gophers! Woo-hoo!

Leshawna: (starts dancing and cheers) Go gophers, go gophers!

Emma, Noah, and Owen join in on the dance and cheering.

Emma, Noah, Owen, and Leshawna: Go gophers, go gophers! Go gophers, go gophers! Go, go, go gophers!

The camera zooms out to show the Killer Bass walking past the Screaming Gophers hot tub party. Suddenly, Courtney stops and faces the camera.

Courtney: Are you recording this? (The camera zooms in on Courtney and more dramatic music plays) Good. They can enjoy their little part all they want, but I am gonna win this competition and no one is gonna stop me!

The scene fades to black..................

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