The Big Sleep
The camera shows a bird's eye view of Camp Wawanakwa with Chris standing on the dock, facing the camera.
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island.....(several clips from the previous episodes are shown as Chris began the intro) Thirty campers arrived to find they's be spending the next twelve weeks at a crusty old summer camp. The campers were faced with their first challenge, jumping off a cliff into shark infested water. And while most campers took the plunge, a few were forced to where the dreaded chicken hat. At the campfire ceremony, it all came down to two campers. Courtney has experience as a C.I.T. in summer camp, but refused to jump. And Ezekiel managed to tick off every female contestants at the camp with his sexist comments about women. In the end, the first camper voted off Total Drama Island was Ezekiel; proving that homeschooling and reality TV don't really mix. (The camera cuts back to Chris at the Dock of Shame) Who will be voted off this week in the most dramatic bonfire ceremony yet? Find out tonight, on.....(the camera zooms out with each word) Total...Drama.....Island!
(Theme Song)
The scene fades in to the campgrounds, as Chris walks towards the cabins with a red megaphone in hand. He then held up an air horn to the megaphone and blew the air horn with a devious grin. The camera pans to the inside of the Gopher Girls' cabin and to Leshawna, who bangs her head on the top bunk as she woke up in alarm.
Leshawna: (cringes in pain and puts a hand on her head) OW! It's seven in the morning! (runs to the window and yells out to Chris) Do I look like a farmer to you?!
Sharon: (yawns and rubs her eyes as she sits up from her bed) Actually, farmers get up much earlier. Waking up at this time would be considered "sleeping in" for them.
The scene transitions to outside as all the campers are now dressed and waiting for the challenge to begin. Jo and Brick then arrive on to the scene; they were both awake way before everyone else.
David: (to Jo and Brick) Where were you two?
Jo: (proudly) Just did my morning 5k run.
Brick: (proudly) And I just did an 8k run!
Jo: (scowls) I mean I did an 8k warm up, then 5k at a full sprint!
Brick: (gets closer to Jo) My entire run was uphill!
Jo: (smirks) Yeah, uphill with my eyes shut!
Brick: I ran backwards with earplugs!
David and Jo: (together) Why earplugs?
Brick: I dunno!
David looks at Brick strangely, while Jo just raises an eyebrow.
David: I'm getting a vibe from those two that tells me that they're going to become a couple in the future. Unless on the off chance that Brick gets together with Courtney. In which case, the next obvious pairing would be Jo and Lightning.....if Lightning ever figures out that Jo's a girl.
Chris: (suspiciously cheerful) Morning, hope you slept well.
Most of the campers looked tired from waking up early, though that didn't stop one particular queen bee from sucking up.
Heather: (waves) Hi Chris, you look really buff in those shorts.
Chris: (winks) I know!
Emma: (fake coughs) Ass Kisser (fake coughs again)
Heather glares daggers at Emma, but Luke snickers at Emma's comment.
Chris: Okay! I hope you're all ready, because your next challenge begins in exactly (points to his wristwatch) one minute!
Lightning: (surprised) What?! But Lightning hasn't had his D-P-A!
Everyone looked at Lightning with confused expressions on their faces since they had no clue what he was talking about.
Noah: (confused) Uh, what?
Lightning: Daily Protein Allotment, duh!
Owen: Oh and uh, I don't think that's enough time to eat breakfast.
Anthony: (mumbles) Not that he really needs breakfast.....
Jenny: (fake sympathy) Aww, what's the matter? Somebody misses their mommy?
Anthony scowls at Jenny.
Anthony: (scowls) That was the first time in my life that I have been provoked to hit a girl!
Chris: Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen! (Owen perked up and looked ready to eat as he patted his stomach) Right after you complete your twenty kilometer run around the lake! (Chris points to the left and Owen looked less excited).
Jo: (scoffs) That's it? Thought this was suppose to be a challenge! (Nudges Lightning and Brick) We can win this challenge, easy!
Brick: (salutes) Affirmative!
Lightning: (slaps Jo hard on the back) Yeah, we got this one in the SHA-BAG, dude!
Jo scowls at Lightning for the slap on the back and for calling her a "dude" again.
Jo: (points to herself) I will win this challenge, easy! Just being nice so that aptly named clump of cadet meat and meathead jock will be loyal. But when the time comes......(pulls out a tree branch and snaps it in two) OW! Splinter! Why you little.........(throws the broken pieces at the confessional wall). My point is that those two are going down the moment they become useless to me, especially Jockstrap! He must be SHA-BLIND or something! Do I look like a dude to you?!
Brick: As the only soldier here with any military training, I've definitely got a winning edge! My biggest competition is probably Jo and/or Lightning, yeah good thing we're on the same team! Like my drill sergeant always says, "keep your enemies close, and your rivals closer!" (Pauses for a moment) Wait, I did that wrong! "Keep your family close and your enemies at arms length!" (Looks uncertain) N-No, no, no, hold on............
The scene transitions to the contestants all lined up and ready to run.
Chris: Okay, runners! On your marks, (the camera pans to the right to show Owen, Trent, Justin, and Alex, who were waiting for the word to start running) get set.............GO!
Right on cue, Owen, Trent, Justin, and Alex take off running ahead, with Tyler lagged behind.
Somewhere in the forest, a large group of campers that consisted of Luke, Lindsay, Trent, Courtney, Brick, and Lightning were seen running together, while other campers such as Harold, Gwen, Sharon, and Cameron were seen bringing up the rear.
Harold: (to Gwen) Do you know how much longer?
Justin and Jenny ran past Gwen and Harold as they talked.
Gwen: (coldly) Don't walk beside me.
Cameron: (to Sharon) It's too bad this challenge isn't a little more academic. I'm not the best at physical challenges.
Sharon: (pushes up her glasses) I concur, Cameron. I myself am not athletically gifted as well, but I find contentment with such adversity through by belief of the mind having more power than the muscle.
Cameron: Exactly! Just because our greatest strengths are mental doesn't mean we can't win!
Heather scoffs at the two as she walks past them.
Heather: Puh-lease! You two have as much a chance at winning this game as you would in a game of dodgeball!
Cameron groaned while Sharon glared daggers at Heather. Not much later, Emma runs past Heather and "accidentally" bumps into her as she runs past her.
Heather: (irritated) Do you mind?!
Emma: (dryly calls out) Sorry, Heather......(snickers once Heather was out of earshot)
Heather: I dont run. And I definetly don't run in high heel wedges.
Emma: (arms crossed) Serves her right! With the way she was dissing Sharon and Cameron, she's lucky I didn't knock her down!
Heather is seen walking again, but suddenly stops when she sees Owen, drinking from a large puddle.
Owen: (licks the puddle) Can't.......(licks the puddle)........catch.........(licks the puddle).........breath........must........(licks the puddle)...........have.........condition!
Owen collapses into the puddle and Heather rolls her eyes at him while Leshawna walks past them and stops at a tree to catch her breath.
Heather: (scowls) Yeah, it's called overeating! Look into it!
Leshawna: (out of breath) And what's your excuse? You skinny......annoying.......whew, too tired for insults.
Just then, Chris drove past them and several other contestants ahead on his moped, while speaking into a megaphone.
Chris: (loudly) Pick it up people! If you're not back by dinner time, you don't eat!
Heather: (groans in anger) I hate him so much!
Sharon: (as she and Cameron walks past Heather) That is quite surprising to hear from you, considering how you complimented him on his physique this morning.
Heather growls at Sharon, and rudely steps on Owen several times to walk across the puddle, while also producing a bone cracking sound with each step.
Main Lodge
The scene cuts to the seemingly empty Main Lodge, where suddenly the doors burst open, and Jo, Brick, and Lighting, walk inside at the exact same time. Jo looks around the area and notices that no one else is there yet.
Jo: (cheers) Whoo hoo! That's what I'm talking about! First one here! (turns to Lightning and Brick) Sorry you two had to lose to a girl.
Lightning: (looks around confused) What girl? Lightning didn't lose, bro! Lightning never loses!
Brick: And technically, we're all on the same team so everyone would win.
Jo: But I was still the first one here!
Lightning: Nah-uh! Lightning was here first! Lightning's always first!
Jo: (smirks) So that means you're always the first loser, too!
Lightning: (snaps) Loser?! Lightning never loses!
Brick: (nervously) Uh c-comrades.......permission to interject, if I may?
Jo and Lightning quickly shot Brick with very intimidating glares.
Both: (snaps) WHAT?!
Brick cowered back a bit, but then regained his composure.
Brick: (points to the left) I-....I hate to inform you that none of you were the first to arrive.......
Both Lightning and Jo turned their heads to the left and were in deep shock when they saw Dawn, sitting in lotus position on a stump chair as she meditated, tuning out the argument between Lightning and Jo completely.
Jo: (shocked) How did're not even sweating!
Dawn: (stops meditating and looks at the three) Hm? Oh, I move a lot faster in nature, especially with Mother Earth as my guide.
Both Lightning and Jo just stared at her with bewilderment.
The scene transitions back to the forest where a close up of Cameron is shown, moving at a fast pace and looking very exhausted.
Cameron: (panting) Although a slower pace was preferable, we would have never made it by dinner time at that rate. (The camera zooms out to show Cameron being carried by Sharon, as she runs ahead) Thanks again for coming back for me, Sharon!
Sharon: No need for thanks. Intellectuals such as us must always stick together. Besides, I could not in good conscience leave you behind, especially since you were throwing up several times from fatigue.
Cameron: (looks uneasy) Oh the way.....sorry that I puked on your shoulder earlier.....
Sharon: (takes a breath in and out) It's fine....let's just never speak of it again.....
Cameron: Also, I do feel bad about having you carry me. I hope I'm not slowing you down.
Sharon: (tries to hide her snicker) Please do not take this too much to heart, but I might as well be carrying a doll.
Cameron: (sits on one end of a balance scale with a doll in his hand) I weigh more than a doll! (Cameron tosses the doll onto the opposite end of the scale, which slightly lowers, indicating that Cameron actually weighs less than the doll. Cameron then groans in disappointment).
Main Lodge
Most of the contestants are now sitting at the tables in the main lodge as they await the arrival of their remaining teammates. On the left side of the main lodge, the Screaming Gophers were seated at a table with Trent, Gwen, Emma, Lindsay, Alex, Justin, Zoey, Mike, and Eleyna, present and waiting for their six remaining teammates to arrive. On the right side of the main lodge, the Killer Bass were seated at a table with Duncan, Jenny, Anthony, Jo, Lightning, Brick, Dawn, Courtney, Luke, David, D.J., and Tyler, present and waiting for their two remaining teammates to arrive. As the camera slowly pans around the main lodge and to the contestants, most of them appeared to be exhausted from their twenty kilometer run, but the more athletic contestants such as Jo, Lightning, and Brick, appeared to be unfazed. Suddenly, the door burst open with Owen carrying a seemingly unconscious Noah over his shoulder.
Owen: (panicking) CLEAR A TABLE! STAT!
Owen runs off screen with Noah as Leshawna and Heather entered the main lodge, both looking very exhausted. Heather walks past Leshawna, slumping in exhaustion, while Leshawna drops to her knees.
Leshawna: (pants) Ugh, we made it!
Leshawna slowly crawls towards her team's table, while the camera pans to Owen giving Noah CPR while Heather, Trent, Sharon, and Cameron watched with anticipation. Not much later, Harold and Mary-Margret walk into the main lodge. Harold looked exhausted and was clenching onto his chest, and Mary-Margret didn't look as exhausted as Harold. Courtney walked over towards the two, looking very irritated at both of them.
Courtney: (places hands on her hips as she glares at Harold and Mary-Margret) What took you two so long?! We just lost the challenge!
Harold: (gasped and appeared to be having chest pains) I think I'm having heart palpitations!
Courtney: (raises an eyebrow) Uh-huh. (Turns her attention to Mary-Margret) What's your excuse?!
Mary-Margret: (scoffs) You seriously expect me to run 20 kilometers?! Especially in these shoes?! (starts walking away from Courtney) thank you!
Courtney: (growls) Ugh! You're just so-........UGH!
Mary-Margret: (sarcastically) Wow, great comeback there, Court. Come find me when you think of a better one.
Courtney angrily glares daggers at Mary-Margret that could've burned a hole through the back of her head.
Gwen: Hey, wait a minute. If they lost, that means we won the challenge!
The camera pans to Owen, Trent, Cameron, Sharon, Heather, and Noah, who had suddenly regained consciousness. All of them cheered in triumph at their seeming victory along with the rest of their team, whose cheers can be heard off-screen.
Emma: (curiously mumbles to herself) This seems a little too easy.....
Jo: (furiously) How did they win?! The Bass got here before any of the Gophers even arrived!
Emma: (smirks) But not your whole team. Nobody said that just one person from either team had to arrive first to win.
Jo: (scowls) And nobody said the whole team had to arrive first either!
Both girls glared at each other furiously at each. Then they turned their attention to someone else.
Both: (yells) Chris! Who won the challenge?! It was my team, right?!
Chris: (backs away a bit from fear) Whoa there, hold your horses girls! That wasn't the challenge.
Campers: (all together in shock) WHAT?!
Jo and Emma looked back at each other, and gave each other a threatening glare.
Jo: (growls) This isn't over.....
Emma: (smirks) Right back at ya, (*beep*)!
David: (to Chris) So what you're saying is that we just ran 20km and it wasn't even the challenge?! We did all that for nothing?!
Sharon: (pushes up her glasses) David makes a valid point. Why bother making us run 20km if it wasn't even the challenge?
Chris: You'll find out.....(walks over to a purple curtain) But in the meantime, who's hungry?
Chris pulled the curtain back to reveal a buffet of mouthwatering foods such as turkey, mashed potatoes, baked beans and maple syrup, stuffing, salad, rolls, a chocolate fountain, sweet potatoes, pudding, gelatin, cakes, pies, and so much more delicious foods. The contestants stared in awe, especially Owen, at the amazing buffet table, mouths already starting to water at the sight of the food.
Gwen: After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet.
Owen: (overjoyed) And then I saw it! The buffet table! (Starts to tear up) I-It.....was.....b-beautiful......(starts sobbing)........C-Can I have a minute?
Emma: (her hair is messed up, she had several food stains on her clothes, and she looks frazzled) O-Okay.....that whole situation turned terrible very quickly! As soon as Chris told us to dig in, a lot of us started running towards the buffet and fighting each other like animals to get there food first. Some of stayed back to watch the madness clear itself out, but I was seriously starving for some real food and went in! I'm just glad that everyone calmed down once they took a few bites of the food and that I have David with me to taste test the desserts to make sure their weren't any nuts in them. (Rolls her eyes) Apparently everybody loves peanut butter, especially when they put them in brownies and then bring them to school without telling the teacher despite the elementary school's policy on notifying the teacher and the class first about bringing in desserts with peanuts in them, and then a certain eight year old girl eats a brownie and has to be rushed to the ER after having a severe allergic reaction to the peanut butter filling in the brownies! (Points to the camera) Mrs. Kettlewell, if you're watching this, my moms are still peeved at you about that day! Of course, I don't hold a grudge, but considering that you almost killed their daughter, you can't really blame them, right?
The scene transitions to the buffet table, which had its food completely devoured by the campers with the exception of a few crumbs and the bones of the turkey. All of the campers were groaning with stuffed stomachs, with several of them shown to be bulged. Chris then jumped onto the table with his megaphone in hand.
Chris: (through the megaphone) Okay, campers! Time for part two of your challenge!
Owen: (through a mouthful of turkey) I thought eating was the second part.
Gwen: (in disbelief) What more do you want from us?!
Heather: Ugh, Weird Goth Girl is right. (Gwen glares at her) Haven't we been through enough?
Chris: (through the megaphone) Um, let me think about that.......No!
Jenny: (holding her bulged stomach, moans) Ugh....forget him! I'm going back to bed! (Starts walking towards the door).
Chris: (through the megaphone) I wouldn't do that if I were you, Jenny!
Jenny: (opens the door and looks back at Chris) And why is that? What are you gonna do, kick me off the island?
Chris: (through the megaphone) No, but your team might if they lose the challenge. (Jenny closes the door, curious) It's time for....... the Awake-athon!
Mike: (confused) The What-athon?
Chris: (through the megaphone) Don't worry! (jumps down from the buffet table) This is an easy one! The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility.
Sharon: (snaps her fingers) It all makes sense now! The 20km run and binge eating the turkey buffet were all part of your evil scheme to tire us out, therefore making it more difficult for us to stay awake!
Chris: (through the megaphone) That's right, Sharon!
Gwen: (crosses her arms and scowls) Man, he's good.
Sharon: (pushes up her glasses) A twenty kilometer run around the lake was tiring enough, but the amount of food that we consumed will make staying awake for an extended period of time nearly impossible. And no, it is not because of the turkey we stuffed ourselves with. Contrary to popular belief, turkey does not in fact make people sleepy. The often repeated turkey myth stems from the fact that turkey contains the amino acid tryptophan, which forms the basis of brain chemicals that make people tired. However the reality of the matter is that turkey isn't any more sleep inducing than other foods. Just thought I'd add in that fun fact of the day in case you think the turkey is the reason why everyone falls asleep faster than expected.
Jenny: So what you're saying is that if I go back to my cabin right now and go to sleep, I'm out?
Chris: (through the megaphone) Yep!
Jenny: (thinks for a moment than shrugs) What the heck? I'll play this game.
Chris: (through the megaphone) That's the spirit! Now......Move! Move! MOVE!!!
Everyone started to walk out of the main lodge, already looking groggy and exhausted.
Trent: (walks up to Gwen) So, how long do you think it'll be before everyone's out cold?
Gwen: 'Bout an hour, give or take. (A groggy Owen and barely awake Cameron walks past them) Maybe less.
The scene transitions to the campfire pit, where both teams were all sitting around, most of them already looking tired and all of them having dark circles around their eyes.
Chris: (voice over) We are now twelve hours in, with all twenty-nine campers still wide awake.
The camera pans slowly across to the right to show the tired Screaming Gophers, though Owen appeared to be more energized than the rest as he was jogging backwards with wide eyes and a smile.
Owen: (cheers) Woo-hoo! Stay awake for twelve hours?! I can do that in my sleep! (Pumps fist in the air) WOO-HOO!
Owen then froze for a few seconds before suddenly falling asleep.
Gwen: The Awake-athon was definetly the most brutal thing I've ever done in my life.
David: One time Emma and I had a three day competition with our friends to see who can stay awake the longest. It was okay then since we at least had stuff to do, but now all we had to do was just sit around and wait for someone to fall asleep. I don't think I have ever been more bored in my life than I was during the entire Awake-athon.
Gophers: 14 Bass: 14
Emma: (to Luke) Told you Owen would be out first.
Luke: (whispers) Yeah, but I bet Cameron's next.
Emma: (smirks) Not unless someone from your team falls first.
Luke: (playfully punches Emma's arm) We'll see about that, ponytail!
Emma: (rolls her eyes playfully) Ooo! How original. Did you come up with that nickname on your own or did someone help you?
Luke: Hey! Ponytail's an original nickname! I don't see any other girl with a ponytail!
Emma: (points her thumb to the left) Leshawna's wearing a ponytail.
The camera pans quickly to a groggy looking Leshawna before quickly panning back to Emma and Luke.
Luke: (facepalms) Damn it! (Emma snickers at him) Tell you what, after I get to know you better, I'll come up with a better nickname for you.
Emma: Well, considering that it's already been twelve hours and one camper just now fell asleep, I can say without a doubt that we're going to be here for a while. I've got all the time in the world.
Luke: (smiles) My schedule's looking pretty light as well.
Both Emma and Luke smile at each other, while unbeknownst to them, Heather scowled at both of them.
Gwen: (yawns) This is the most boring thing I've ever done in my life.
Trent: (yawns) Could be way worse.
Gwen: (raises an eyebrow skeptically) Oh yeah? How?
Trent: (smiles) I could be stuck here without you to talk to.
Gwen smiles at Trent's comment, while Heather scowled again and rolled her eyes at the two.
Zoey: (to Mike) At least this challenge isn't as dangerous as the last one. (yawns)
Mike: (nods and yawns) Y-Yeah....I wonder who's bright idea it was to make us jump in shark infested waters....
Sharon: (to Mike and Zoey) Obviously it was Chris's idea, if not the producers'.
Mike: Probably.
Zoey: (to Mike) By the way, thanks for sticking up for me the other day. (Mike looks confused) Y'know, when Heather was being mean to me and you defended me?
Mike was still very confused about the incident as he could not exactly remember what had happened clearly, but in order to avoid suspicion or questions, Mike simply just went along with it.
Mike: (nervously) O-Oh! Right, it was no problem, Zoey! Really....(chuckles nervously).
Sharon: (to Mike) I thought what you did for Zoey was truly admirable. Though I must say that your little "comedy routine" was suspiciously unexpected yet very humorous to watch.
Mike: (still nervous and confused) C-Comedy routine?
Zoey: Yeah, y'know when you told off Heather through your old man impression. (Mike's eyes grew wide) It was kinda odd for you to do your impression out of the blue like that, but I appreciate what you did for me nevertheless.
Mike: (blushes and chuckles nervously) A-Anytime.....
Mike and Zoey smile at each other while unbeknownst to them, Sharon narrows her eyes at Mike with suspicion. A smirk then appears on her face.
Sharon: So Michael, exactly how long have you been performing your little "comedy routine"?
Mike: (nervously) O-Oh.....I don't really remem-.........wait, did you just call me Michael?
Sharon: Yes, that is your name, is it not or is "Mike" short for a different name?
Mike: (shakes his head) No. No, that's my name, it's just a little weird hearing it from someone my own age since everyone back home just calls me "Mike".
Sharon: My apologies, Mike. Regardless, you still haven't fully answered my question. I believe you were at the part where you said you didn't remember when you started your "comedy routine".
Mike: (becomes nervous again) O-Oh yeah.....I've just been doing it for so long now it's hard to say when I started it exactly. (chuckles nervously) C-Can we talk about something else now? (to Zoey) I think we've talked enough about me, let's talk about you. Like, what's your home life like?
Zoey: Well, I live in a small town with my parents. I'm an only child.
Sharon: I envy your good fortune. I am the middle child of my household that consists of both my parents, my obnoxious older brother, and my drama queen younger sister.
Mike: I have a little sister, too! And an older sister!
Zoey: I'm the one who's jealous of you two! I would love to have a sister!
Sharon: I would gladly let you take my sister home with you if you want a sister so badly. You would not even have to pay me, I'll pay you instead to sweeten the deal.
Mike and Zoey chuckle together at Sharon's "joke", earning them a confused look from Sharon since she was actually serious about auctioning off her sister. Once they saw the confused expression on her face, they stopped chuckling, realizing that she was serious.
Sharon: (deadpan serious) Trust me, once you have spent some time with my younger sister, you'll be anxious to get rid of her. She may seem adorable, but once she starts whining and complaining about everything like the spoiled brat she is, then you won't think she's so cute anymore. Makes me wonder if all younger sisters are as unbearable to live with as she is.
Mike: Mine isn't! She's a total sweetheart!
Sharon: A likely story. How old is your younger sister presently?
Mike: She's eight now.
Sharon: Well, if she hasn't become a royal pain by now, I guarantee you that she will in the future, which will be much worse and I pity you. (Stands up and walks away).
Mike: (slowly darts his eyes to the left) Anyway.......(to Zoey) What kind of stuff are you into?
Zoey: (her attention turns towards Lightning, who was lifting a stack of logs with one hand while exclaiming "Sha-Bam!", "Sha-licious!", and other "Sha" phrases. Zoey looked annoyed before turning her attention back to Mike) Definitely not jocks. Pretty much everyone in my hometown is a jock and their just so frustrating to be near!
Mike: (nods) Yeah, the jocks at my school are pretty obnoxious, too.
Zoey: I guess becoming a jock also raises their annoyance levels.
Mike: (chuckles lightly) And in most cases, their jerk levels, too. So I'm guessing that your not really into any sports?
Zoey: (shrugs) Well, unless you count ultimate kickboxing as a sport, which I am so into! I just really love action, especially action movies like the entire Total Warriors series.
Mike: (pleasantly surprised) You like action movies and ultimate kickboxing? If you get anymore cooler, I may have to marry you.
Zoey smiles and blushes at Mike's comment. Meanwhile, Heather watched the pair and once again gave them a scowl followed by an eye roll.
Heather: (disgusted) Seriously, what's with all the flirting?! It's called Total Drama, not Total Hookup!(shudders in disgust) Anyway, my strategy is to get three other campers to form an alliance with me and take to the final four. Question is, who can I get that's either desperate or dumb enough to do whatever I say?
Lindsay is seen doing a headstand.
Gwen: What are you doing?
Lindsay: Trying to get the blood to rush to my head. (smiles excitedly) I think it's working!
Alex: Ooo! Can I try?
Lindsay: Sure!
Alex eagerly starts doing a headstand with Lindsay. Cameron walks over to them.
Cameron: Uh, you guys do know that giving yourselves a head rush is not good for you and can eventually cause you both to pass out if you stay like this for too long.
Both of them stared blankly at Cameron for a moment. They weren't even listening to him, causing Cameron to facepalm.
Heather: (to herself, deviously) Perfect. Lindsay, Alex, Cameron, can I talk to you for a sec?
Lindsay: (still doing a headstand with Alex) Sure!
The scene transitions to Heather privately talking to Lindsay, Alex, and Cameron, away and out of earshot from the other campers.
Heather: (to the trio) Ok, I have a plan to get me and three other people into the final four, and I chose you guys.
Lindsay: (excited) Really?!
Heather: You should know that this is a very big deal! I'm placing my trust in you, and trust is a two-way street.
The trio nodded in agreement.
Heather: So you'll do everything I say then?
Lindsay: Sure! (Turns to Alex and Cameron, and squeals with joy) Eee! We're going to the final four!
Alex's and Lindsay's squeals of joy can be heard off-screen as the camera shifts to Sharon, who, unbeknownst to the group, was listening to the conversation from afar secretly. She narrowed her eyes.
Alex: (squeals excitedly) OMG! Heather is taking me to the final four! (Squeals again) Eee! I'm going to the final four! I'm going to the final four! Eee! I so can't wait to find out what will happen then! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Cameron: I am a 90 lbs weakling.....okay, 89 1/2. Heather may have been a little harsh towards me earlier, but she did make a solid point. If I'm going to last long on this show, I need to stay as invisible as possible, and what better way to stay invisible than to hide behind a wall of allies? Then when it comes time to vote people off, everyone on my team will target the serious competition instead. If Heather is willing to take me to the final four, I'm sure I can put up with her until then. (sighs heavily) Because let's face it, I need all the help I can get.
Sharon: (pushes her glasses up) Heather forming an alliance with Lindsay, Alex, and Cameron? Typical. Self-entitled spoiled mean girls like her always surround themselves with minions. She is preying on Lindsay's and Alex's ignorance, and Cameron's desperation and weakness. I refuse to let Heather gain the upper hand, I plan to ruin that girl just as I have ruined every other mean girl that dared to challenge me! I guarantee that when Heather least expects it, I will get her! (sighs heavily) But for now, I'm going to have to do something that I'm definitely going to end up hating myself for.
Sharon: (walks over to Heather, Lindsay, Alex, and Cameron) Greetings, my fellow teammates. What matter are you currently discussing?
Heather: (scowls) Nothing that concerns you, four eyes! (Turns to her alliance members) Right?
The trio nodded their heads in agreement. Sharon smirks.
Sharon: (pushes her glasses up) I'm going to cut to the chase here, I don't have all day to mince words. I know that the four of you were just talking about forming an alliance to make it to the final four. (Heather, Lindsay, Alex, and Cameron, were wide eyed with shock. Heather was about to say something, but Sharon stopped her) You should really make absolutely certain that no one is within earshot when you discuss private matters. (Heather narrows her eyes at Sharon while Lindsay, Alex, and Cameron looked worried) Regardless, that was such a clever plan of yours Heather to form an alliance with three other contestants with the promise that you'll take them with you to the final four. Such a great plan, but an even better and more ingenious plan would be an alliance of five.
Heather: (raises an eyebrow) What is it that you want from us?
Sharon: (serious) Same deal as those three, but with the promise that you will take me to the final five. In other words, I want in on your alliance.
Heather: (scoffs) And what makes you think that I would let you in our alliance?
Sharon: Same reason for you wanting this alliance in the first place. Five votes are better than four, and if all of us vote as a group, we'll have a much better chance of dominating this game together and making it to the finals. (smiles mischievously) Or I could just simply tell the rest of the team about this alliance, therefore giving them incentive to target all of you immediately until there's no one left in your little alliance.
Heather growls at Sharon, while Lindsay, Alex, and Cameron grew more increasingly worried. Heather took a moment to think. After a few minutes passed, she finally spoke.
Heather: If I agree to let you in on our alliance, you will do everything I say, right?
Sharon: If those are the terms and as long as you can guarantee me a spot in the final five, then yes. (extends her hand out) Deal?
Heather: (smiles and shakes Sharon's hand) Deal.
The others sighed with relief. Unbeknownst to them, both girls had their fingers crossed.
Heather: (holds up her crossed fingers) Of course my fingers were crossed! If that girl thinks she can intimidate me with a little blackmail, she's got another thing coming. I'll keep her around until she's no longer useful to me, then I'll throw her away like an old ugly sweater!
Sharon: I am no fool. I know better than to trust a girl like Heather and I doubt that I have her fooled. She is probably plotting how to cut me loose from the alliance as we speak. But mark my words, she will suffer at my hands! By forming an alliance with her, I have kept her from painting a target on my back for the time being. She needs my vote and my silence if she wants to get far in this game. (shudders and gags) I nearly regurgitated when I called her "clever", but playing nice with her will be worth it when my plan to crush her begins.
Lindsay: Speaking of alliances, do you know who I think is really cute?
The camera pans to Tyler, sitting on the ground.
Cameron: (confused) How does alliances relate to Tyler?
Heather: (shakes her head) They don't! (To Lindsay) Because you can't date him!
Lindsay: (confused) Why not?
Heather: Because he's on the other team!
Lindsay: (still confused) Uh-huh......
Heather: (frowns) You can't inter-team date! That's like against the alliance rules!
Lindsay: (unenthusiastically) There are rules?
Heather: (walks up close to Lindsay's face) Remember what I just said about trust, Lindsay? Of course, you could always leave the alliance. (crosses arms) If you do though, I can't protect you from getting kicked off.
Lindsay: No! I wanna be in the alliance!
Heather: (smiles) Good! Then it's settled.
Heather, Alex, Cameron, and Sharon walk away, leaving Lindsay behind with a look of disappointment. Tyler waves at Lindsay, causing her to cheer up and smile back at him.
Lindsay: Heather said I couldn't date him, she never said I couldn't like him.
Luke: (shocked) Wait, wait, wait, hold up! What did you just say?!
Emma: (defensively) It's not the way you think! Let me explain! My brother, younger sisters and I call him Uncle-Daddy because he's our dad by blood and our uncle by marriage. See, he's one of my moms, Cheryl's, brother and my other mother, Phyllis, is technically my biological mother. When my moms got married years ago, my Uncle-Daddy froze a lot of sperm in a sperm bank for them as a wedding present before he got a vasectomy so that when they decided they want to have kids, they could use his sperm with Phyllis's eggs so that we would technically be related to both of our moms. Trust me, I know it's all really unusual but I assure you that what you were thinking about earlier is definitely not true!
Luke: (lets out a sigh of relief) Thank god.
Emma: (snickers) Yeah, I tend to freak people out at first when I call him "Uncle-Daddy". It was his idea though, Phyllis and Cheryl didn't really care what we called him as long as we felt more comfortable about the whole situation.
Luke: (curious) So you call your moms by their first name?
Emma: Only when I'm talking about them or speaking to them individually, otherwise I just say "moms". I know a lot of people believe that calling your parents by their first name is disrespectful, but my moms don't care. They both know that my siblings and I have a lot of respect for them.
Luke: Cool. So tell me about your parents, what do they do?
Emma: Well, Cheryl is a prosecutor and Phyllis is a psychiatrist. As for my Uncle-Daddy, he does work from home so that he can help my moms take care of my younger sisters.
Luke: He lives with you?
Emma: (nods) More specifically, he lives in my basement. Uncle-Daddy is what you would call a "chill party dude". He's not very interested in settling down or raising children, but he is always there for us and can be responsible when needed. He's also a lot of fun and he's into a lot of the same stuff my brother and I are into like anime, comics, and video games. In fact.....(unhooks a plush chibi keychain of anime character, Ryuk from Death Note, from her shorts)....a few years back, he bought me this cool souvenir from our first trip to an anime convention. I keep it on me all the time as a good luck charm.
Luke: Nice, it's Ryuk from Death Note!
Emma: (smiles) I know, I loved that anime! I used to binge watch it with my Uncle-Daddy before we took that trip to the anime convention. Ryuk was my favorite character from the anime! (looks down at the Ryuk plush in her hand with a warm smile) This may not look like much, but I cherish this because it reminds me of that awesome time we had at that convention. Y'know on a daily basis, I usually just see him as my uncle, but that day was the first time I saw him as my dad. You probably think I'm weird, right?
Luke: (shakes his head) No, not at all. You're a really cool girl, and your family's pretty interesting.
Emma: If not unusual....
The pair laughed together.
Luke: So, you said you're into anime, right?
Emma: (nods) Yep, anime and manga. I'm also into drawing anime and manga characters.
Luke: That's pretty cool. Do you have any drawings I can look at?
Emma: (stands up and tucks her Ryuk keychain into her pocket) Sure! Let me just go get my sketchbook from the cabins.
As Emma walks away towards the cabins, her Ryuk keychain falls out of her pocket, unbeknownst to her or Luke. This event did not go unnoticed by Heather, who watched the object fall out of Emma's pocket. Just then, Jo stood up from her seat and started walking towards the same direction as Emma.
Jo: (to her team) I'm going to the bathroom.
Heather watched Jo as she pasted Emma's keychain without taking notice, giving Heather a devious smirk on her face and an idea. Heather walked over to where the keychain was and pretended she was stretching as she picked it up without anyone else noticing. Afterwards, Heather sat back down next to Lindsay, who took almost immediate notice of the keychain in Heather's hand.
Lindsay: Uh, doesn't that keychain belong to Emma?
Heather: (proudly) Yep.
Lindsay: Well isn't she gonna get like really upset when she realizes it's gone?
Heather: Hopefully.
Heather smiles deviously as the screen fades to black.
The camera shows a bird's eye view of Camp Wawanakwa at night before shifting over to the campfire pit. Right now, Mary-Margret, Eleyna, and Noah have fallen asleep with Owen.
Gophers: 12 Bass: 13
Meanwhile, everyone else was trying desperately to stay awake. A few campers on the Bass team had an interesting strategy for trying to stay awake. Courtney and Brick were walking in place together, with Courtney looking more exhausted than Brick, Jo was doing multiple exercises by switching every five minutes, and Lightning was running around the campfire area.
Courtney: I figured that if I kept moving, I could outlast all of them. I just had to keep my eye on the ball.
Brick: Courtney's strategy was very smart thinking and it seems that Jo and Lightning were in agreement with her plan.
Jo: (scoffs) Courtney's plan was just as half baked as she is! Doesn't she know that continuing the same movement will just tire her out faster? The key is to switch up the exercise routine to keep your brain sharp and yourself from nodding off.
Mike: (frantically) Challenge or no challenge, I cannot fall asleep with everyone else around! You see...(looks nervous).....uh.....I.....uh.....(rubs the back of his neck nervously).......have this......uh.....sleepwalking problem....yeah, that's it! (chuckles nervously). I-I tend to do some pretty weird things while I'm sleeping a-and I'd rather not have the entire viewing audience watch me do that stuff on national television....
Meanwhile over by the rock wall, Jenny can be seen spray painting graffiti while Duncan watched with amusement.
Duncan: Nice paint job, Red.
Jenny: (turns to Duncan) I've gotta do something to keep myself awake. I like to spray paint what I feel sometimes as a stress reliever. Check it out!
Jenny inches to the right to reveal her street art masterpiece. It was a morbid image of a pale, long black haired female's head that had a black substance bursting out of her eyes and mouth. While others looked disturbed by this image, Duncan was impressed.
Duncan: Nice tag, Red! You have got some major talent at this sort of thing.
Jenny: (twirls her paint can) Art is my life, specifically graffiti and avant garde. What can I say? I'm into new and unusual forms of art!
Duncan: So that tag is what you feel right now?
Jenny: If you mean having the life sucked right out of me, then yes. (rubs her temples in pain)
Duncan: (curious) You okay, Red?
Jenny: (sighs as she continues to rub her temples) Yeah, I didn't wear my mask so the paint fumes from my paint cans gave me a massive headache. On the bright side, I've just made it more difficult for myself to fall asleep.
Harold: (yawns) Isn't inhaling paint fumes dangerous?
Jenny: (shrugs) Meh, what's the worst that can happen?
Jenny looks over to Luke and Emma, who were sitting near a bush and chatting with each other as Emma showed Luke the drawings in her sketchbook. Suddenly, a brown bear pops up from behind the bush and takes a swipe at the two with its claws. This caused Jenny to very loudly scream out bloody murder, causing the other campers to stare at her and two other campers to wake up. Jenny rubbed her eyes vigorously before taking another look. Luke and Emma were fine, turns out it was just a hallucination from breathing in the paint fumes. Jenny quickly tossed her paint can aside.
Chris: (to the awake contestants) Congratulations campers! You've made it to the twenty-four hour mark. Time to kick things up a notch......(Chef walked up wearing a sheep costume and carrying a miniture harp, while Chris pulled a white sheet off of a pile of books) Fairytales!!!
Gwen: (annoyed) Oh he's not serious!
Chris picked up a book and cleared his throat before he began to read. Chef played a few notes on his harp while the other campers snickered at him, causing Chef to growl at them.
Chris: (slowly and dully) Once upon a time, there was inside this boring kingdom (Alex yawned) a boring village. And inside this boring sleepy village (Luke was shown having trouble keeping his eyes open until Emma poked his sides with her elbow to keep him awake) filled with very boing children who did very boring things...
David fell asleep and began dreaming about sheep jumping over a harp. One sheep....two sheep....Chef sheep.....fart? David suddenly woke up to a fart to his face caused by Owen, who's butt David had been using as a pillow. David coughed in disgust.
Gophers: 12 Bass: 12
Meanwhile, the music from "The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" played as Chef began prancing around the campfire pit in a pink ballerina outfit while throwing around sparkly dust. The dust hit Duncan, Luke, and Jo, causing them all to yawn somehow. The dust then hit Leshawna and Cameron, repeating the same effect on them. To stay awake, DJ quickly tied himself to a tree. Unfortunately once the dust hit him in the face, he fell asleep and the tree fell down with him.
Gophers: 12 Bass: 11
Gwen: (yawns) Timber.
The scene transitions to the 40 hour mark. Those who have fallen asleep before this transition were Dawn, Jenny, Leshawna, and Cameron.
Gophers: 10 Bass: 9
Heather: (to Lindsay) We should talk about our strategy.
Lindsay had both her eyes closed and clearly wasn't fully awake. Heather nudges Lindsay, causing her to open her eyes.
Lindsay: (sleepy) Huh....?
Lindsay falls back and falls asleep.
Gophers: 9 Bass: 9
Heather: (turns to Alex) Alex?
Alex is shown to have already fallen asleep.
Gophers: 8 Bass: 9
Heather: (to Cameron) Cameron? (Sees him asleep on the ground) Oh yeah, I forgot he already fell asleep. (Looks around for Sharon) Sharon?
Sharon is no where to be seen around the campfire pit.
Heather: (to her awake team) Where is Sharon?
Mike: (yawns) I think she dropped out half an hour ago.
Heather: (raises an eyebrow) You think or you know?!
Mike: (rolls his eyes) I just said I think!
Heather growls. Mike looks annoyed. Zoey looked worried that another fight was going to break out or she could've just looked really tired, too. Heather got up from her seat and walks up to Chris.
Heather: I'm dropping out. I am not doing this anymore!
Chris: (shrugs his shoulders) Go ahead, I don't care.
Gophers: 7 Bass: 9
Heather walks away towards the cabins. Emma glares at her, but doesn't say anything and simply shrugs before going back to talking to Luke.
Emma: I could've objected since the Bass were ahead of us and we needed as many awake campers as we can get, but honestly I was way too tired to argue with Heather. I just thought to myself that the rest of us are just going to have to work harder to pick up her slack. Oh and FYI, Sharon did drop out a half hour before Heather did, just to settle that argument. I'm surprised she didn't notice, then again all of us were exhausted. (shrugs)
Gophers: 6 Bass: 9
The scene transitions over to the cabins, where a dark figure was rummaging through the other campers' stuff. Several items were briefly shown in the hands of this dark figure, including an MP3 player, a container of protein powder, a guitar, a small bedazzled makeup kit, a pocket knife, nunchucks, a clear container with contents that were unrecognizable, a gold wolf tooth necklace, a pair of glasses, a hairbrush, a fashion magazine, and a Total Warriors 2 T-shirt. The dark figure used a garbage bag to carry all the items in along with a few others that they had thrown into the bag off-screen and stuffed them under a bunk bed in an unknown cabin.
Meanwhile back at the campfire pit, Gwen and Trent we're chatting it up, trying desperately to stay awake.
Gwen: (with a smile) Okay, favorite song?
Trent: (thinks for a moment) "She Would Be Loved". Favorite color?
Gwen: (thinks for a moment) Umm, midnight blue.
Trent: Ooh, mysterious. I like that.
Gwen smiles at Trent, which is interrupted by a brief yawn.
Trent: (puts a hand on Gwen's shoulder) Ah, don't fall asleep. Okay quick, favorite movie moment?
Gwen: (bashfully smiles) You're gonna think it's cheesy.
Trent: I promise I won't.
Gwen: Ok, the kiss at the end of that road trip movie. You know the one with the guy and three girls.
Trent: I know the one. (Chuckles) You like that movie?
Gwen: Hey! I thought you said you weren't gonna j-.......
Gwen suddenly stopped talking when a naked Owen passed by Gwen and Trent. Both Gwen and Trent grew wide eyed with shock. Their eyes darted slowly to the right to see a pile of Owen's clothes laying on the ground. They then darted their eyes slowly to the left.....
Mike and Zoey were sitting together and laughing. Zoey then started to yawn and looked completely exhausted as if she couldn't keep it up for much longer.
Mike: (places a hand on Zoey's shoulder) You know, no one will blame you if you drop out now. If this is becoming too much for you, I'm sure the rest of us can outlast the Bass.
Zoey: (smiles) You're sweet for worrying about me, but I'll be fine. I tapped out too early during the cliff diving challenge, but this time I'm going to stick it out for as long as it t-........!
Both Mike and Zoey grew wide eyed when Owen passed by them, naked. Just like Gwen and Trent, their eyes darted slowly to the right to see a pile of Owen's clothes laying on the ground. They then darted their eyes slowly to the left to see Owen heading into the forest.
Zoey: (wide eyed) saw that too, right?
Mike: (still wide eyed, nods slowly) U-Uh huh.......
Zoey: (still wide eyed and in shock) I'm definitely wide awake now.......
Mike: (stands up, still in shock) Uh...I'm just gonna go head to the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face or something. (Walks off-screen)
Owen: Did I mention that I ate the entire dish of baked beans and maple syrup? Funny thing about baked beans, they make me sleepwalk.
Gwen: (cringes) I'll never be able to unsee that!
Zoey: I can understand the sleepwalking, but why was Owen naked?! (shudders in disgust).
From outside the communal bathrooms, the sound of running water and splashes can be heard. Inside the bathroom, Mike was splashing cold water onto his face and then turned off the faucet. He then grabbed a towel and started drying off his face. Afterwards, he looked at himself in the mirror and jumped back in fear with a scream. Mike not only noticed the dark circles around his eyes, but his hair got wet and was covering his right eye, which freaked him out for some weird and unknown reason. After he recovered from his near heart attack, Mike quickly fixed his hair back to its normal style.
Mike: (mumbles to himself as he fixes his hair) He's gone. He's gone. He's gone. Don't freak out, he's never coming back. He's gone! (Takes a few deep breaths in and out before looking at himself in the mirror again) He's been gone for years and he still manages to freak me out anyway.
Mike sighs heavily before heading towards the bathroom door, but he ends up bumping heads with someone who was coming in at the same time. It was Duncan.
Mike: (rubs his forehead) Ouch! (groans) Sorry, Duncan.
Duncan cringes in pain as he rubs his forehead. He then takes a closer look at Mike, staring at him curiously.
Mike: (confused) What?
Duncan: (observing) It's just something about your face and voice is...kinda familiar. Have we met before? Y'know before the show I mean.
Mike: (confused and nervous) I don't think so. I've never really seen you before in my life, sorry.
Duncan: (shrugs) Eh, it's probably nothing. (walks into the communal bathrooms) Oh and FYI, your girlfriend fell asleep some time after you left.
Gophers: 5 Bass: 9
Mike: Aw man, really? (blushes) Wait! Zoey's not my girlfriend! We're just friends!
Duncan: (slyly) For now. I've seen the way you two have been looking at each other and talking to each other. You two are so in love.
Mike: (tries to think up a denial, but just became more embarrassed) S-shut up, Duncan! (Runs out of the communal bathrooms)
Duncan: (calls out) If it makes you feel any better, three of my teammates fell asleep, too!
Gophers: 5 Bass: 6
Duncan: I'm telling ya though, I know Mike from somewhere! Damn it! Why can't I put my finger on it?!
Mike is walking back towards the campfire pit while talking to himself.
Mike: Okay, Mike! You may be exhausted but there's only five or six of them left, give or take. (slaps himself) You can do this! (slaps himself again) C'mon!
Suddenly, Mike gasps and his eyes bulged. He now had longer eyelashes and was wearing red lipstick.
Mike?: (spoke both very feminine and in a Russian accent) Vrrrong! Only one perrrson can do eet! Svetlana! Ze Olympeec queen of gymnasteecs!
"Svetlana" prances towards the campfire pit gracefully.
Back at the campfire pit, Zoey, Harold, Tyler, and Luke have fallen asleep. Harold in particular was snoring loudly and annoyingly.
Gwen: (irritated) His snoring is driving me crazy!
Trent: (yawns) Yeah, but at least it's keeping us awake.
Gwen: (yawns) I guess. (looks over to the left and smiles) On the bright side.......
Gwen points at Anthony, who looked just about to pop a blood vessel from hearing Harold's snoring. Trent and Gwen laugh at Anthony's misery. Suddenly, they heard something that instantly caught their attention.
?????: Make vay forrr Svetlana!!!!!
Jo: (stops exercising and looks confused) Who the hell's Svetlana?
Suddenly, "Svetlana" appeared out of nowhere and did several midair flips before landing perfectly in the center of the campfire pit.
"Svetlana": (proudly) Ta-Da!
Everyone who was still awake around the campfire pit stared at "Svetlana" with a mixture of shock, amazement, and confusion. Most of them even clapped.
Brick: (clapping) Impressive entrance, Mike!
"Svetlana": Meeke ees not here! Svetlana ees Svetlana!
Now everyone around the campfire pit were just confused as "Svetlana" handsprings away from the center of the campfire pit.
Emma: (thinks for a moment before snapping her fingers) Oh! I know what's going on!
Everyone turned their attention towards Emma, except "Svetlana" who was busy doing random gymnastic moves.
Emma: Mike's just doing some sort of acting routine to keep things upbeat. I mean, let's face it. We could all use a little entertainment during this boring challenge.
Everyone began nodding and shrugging in agreement.
Brick: Fair enough.
Gwen: Guess that makes sense.
Trent: Gotta love the guy's commitment to staying in character. Just look at him.
"Svetlana" is shown doing amazing aerial flips and perfect landing sticks.
Emma: (yawns) Speaking of commitment, check out Justin. (Points to Justin, who was standing perfectly still with his eyes wide open).
Gwen: I know, right? Just look at him! He's like a statue!
Courtney: (still walking in place) I don't think he's moved in over fifty hours.....(pants from exhaustion).
Gwen and Trent walk over to Justin and tried to get his attention.
Gwen: (to Justin) Hey! Hello? Yo!
Trent: (waves his arms in the air) Yip! Yip yip yip yip!
Nothing happened.
Gwen: (gets closer) Amazing! Look at the concentration.
Emma: (smirks) Guess that means we got this challenge in the bag!
Gwen pokes Justin's face, causing him to shake his head and reveal that his eyes were painted when his real eyes opened. Justin was asleep this whole time. Gwen, Trent, and Emma gasped at this revelation.
Jo: (points at Justin) Hey! His eyelids are painted! I saw it! He's cheating!
Chris: (in disbelief) Shut up, oh I've gotta see this! (Chris sprits over to Justin and takes a closer look at his white eyelids. Justin smiles nervously) That is so freakin' cool, but you're still out dude.
Justin frowns and lowers his head in shame.
Gophers: 4 Bass: 6
Emma walks over to Justin and places a hand on his shoulder.
Emma: (sympathetic) Good try, dude.
Justin gives Emma a small smile before they are both startled by a sudden thud! They looked over to see that Courtney had collapsed from exhaustion.
Gophers: 4 Bass: 5
Jo: (snickers at Courtney's failure) I knew that (*beep*)-in-training would tire herself out like that! Pathetic!
Brick: (stands up) Ma'am, Courtney is a valued member of our team who fought through this challenge with honor! How could you speak so cruelly of such a dedicated soldier?!?!
Jo: (gets in Brick's face) Listen here, Brick-for-brains! This is a competition! Survival of the fittest! If she can't handle it, she's just dead weight!
Emma: (glares) You know, your cutthroat attitude is very irritating!
Jo: (glares) It's called a winning attitude! Get used to it, (*beep*)!
Both girls growled at each other.
On top of the thousand foot cliff, Owen was seen sleepwalking towards the edge. At first he almost steps off the edge, but then he turns back around. Unfortunately, he still ended up falling backwards down the cliff and into the water.
At the campfire pit, Trent and Gwen were laying down flat on their backs as they gazed at the starry night.
Trent: (yawns) You still awake?
Gwen: (yawns) Yeah. It's weird, but I think I'm so tired that I'm not tired anymore. Does that make sense?
Trent: I really have no idea. Where's the Little Dipper again?
Gwen: (points to the sky) See the big dipper? Follow the handle to that bright star, the pole star, and it's right there.
Trent: (smiles) Ah, cool.
Suddenly, Zoey started to wake up.
Zoey: (yawns and rubs her sleepy eyes) Is Mike back yet.....?
Emma: (looks up from her sketchbook) Hate to break it to you Zoey, but Mike's been back for hours. You went to sleep some time after he left.
Zoey: (disappointed) Aw man, seriously? (lowers her head in shame).
Emma: (scoots over to Zoey and puts a hand on her shoulder) Don't feel bad, you lasted longer than most of the others on our team, and we've only had one other person drop out since you have been asleep.
Zoey: (cheers up a little) Thanks, Emma. So who's left on our team?
Emma: Well Justin got disqualified for cheating by painting his eyelids open while he slept.
Zoey: (snaps her fingers in realization) That explains why he was so still and didn't blink.
Emma: (nods her head) Yep. So other than myself, Gwen, Trent, and your boyfriend, Mike, are the only ones left on our team still awake.
Zoey: (instantly blushes) B-Boyfriend? (nervously) M-Mike's not my boyfriend........
Emma: (smiles slyly) Not yet, you mean. (Zoey tries to speak) Oh, don't even try to deny it. I've seen they way you two have been looking at each other. Not to mention how you have been swooning over him whenever he stands up for you. You totally like him!
Zoey: (still red with embarrassment, looks around nervously before whispering) Okay, yes. I do like him.
Emma: (whispers) I know.
Zoey: He's just so sweet and hot!
Emma: Well, I'll give you sweet, but he's more of cute than hot in my opinion.
Zoey: (smiles) You know, the guys back home are gorgeous, but their all hockey thugs and juvie rejects with a collective IQ of 10. But Mike is both hot and smart.
Emma: (looks to the left) You forgot funny, too.
Zoey: (confused) Huh?
Emma points to the left where "Svetlana" is doing backward somersaults.
Zoey: Is that.....?
Emma: (nods) Yep. He's doing another comedy or acting routine. Probably to keep our spirits up while we wait out this challenge.
Zoey: (smiles) That's so nice of him! He's really good at acting, you know. You saw his old man routine the other day, he just really gets into character.
Emma: (looks at Mike with curiosity) Yeah......(starts writing something down in her sketchbook)'s like he's a whole different person.
The camera pans and zooms in on the contents of Emma's sketchbook. In the sketchbook, she had taken notes on "Chester" and "Svetlana" with descriptions of each character. In the bottom half of the sketchbook paper, she wrote:
Theories: Mike?
1. Dedicated Actor?
2. Looking for attention?
3. Trying to get noticed to start acting career?
4. MPD
Zoey: (turns to Emma) What was that?
Emma: (closes her sketchbook) Oh nothing. Forget about it.
Zoey: Um, okay?
Anthony: (looks around the campfire pit) Uh, guys. Not that I really care, but Duncan has been gone a while.
Everyone else looked around.
Jo: Huh, oh yeah. Where is Punk-an?
Trent: I think he went to the bathroom not long after Mike. He should've been back by now. (calls out to "Svetlana") Hey Mike! Did you see Duncan in the bathroom earlier?
"Svetlana" did not respond to Trent. She just continued her gymnastics routine.
Trent: (confused, tries again) Uh, Mike? Didn't you hear me?
"Svetlana": (calls back out) Svetlana hearrrd you, but Svetlana ees not Meeke! Svetlana ees Svetlana!
Trent: (facepalms in annoyance) Okay then, Svetlana!
"Svetlana": (does a flip over to Trent and lands perfectly) You call for me?
Trent: Did you see Duncan in the bathroom earlier?
"Svetlana": Who?
Trent: (louder) DUNCAN!
"Svetlana": Svetlana heard you, no need vith ze shouting! Svetlana does not know ze Duncan!
"Svetlana" then did aerial cartwheels away' leaving the others with a mix of confusion and awkwardness.
Gwen: (shrugs) Gotta hand it to the guy, he commits.
Trent: Must be a method actor or something. I'll just go check on, Duncan.
Brick: I'll come with you.
Both Trent and Brick start heading towards the communal bathrooms.
The closed door of a bathroom stall was shown on screen.
Trent: (knocks on the door) Hey, Duncan! You in there, man?
The door suddenly opens, showing Duncan had fallen asleep while sitting on the toilet, which was absolutely hilarious to see.
Gophers: 4 Bass: 4
A school of salmon were shown jumping up and down a stream of water, with a still sleepwalking Owen following them. The camera then zooms out to reveal that Owen and the salmon were actually swimming up a waterfall. Suddenly, night turned to day, then day turned to night, and then night turned right back to day.
The contestants were now at the eighty-fifth hour mark. So far, none of the remaining campers have fallen asleep since Duncan. "Svetlana" was still performing gymnastics, Lightning was still running around the campfire pit, Brick was doing push-ups, Jo was doing jumping jacks but looked about ready to pass out, the campers who have fallen asleep were either still asleep or just sitting around the campfire pit waiting for the challenge to be over, and Gwen, Trent, Emma, and Anthony sat on the stumps, looking extremely exhausted and miserable. A now awake Duncan snuck up on a sleeping Harold with a cup of warm water. He places Harold's hand into the cup of water, causing him to pee his pants.
Duncan: (laughs) Gross it works! Dude peed his pants!
Harold woke up and saw the dark spot on his crotch. He gasped and tried to hide the evidence. Elsewhere, Noah was shown kissing someone's ear while he was asleep. The camera zoomed out to reveal that it was a sleeping Alex he was kissing, who seemed to be enjoying it. Noah woke up and screamed when he saw what he was doing, causing Alex to wake up, too. Noah continued to scream as he ran away from Alex, who sat up with an offended look on his face.
Alex: (yells out) Yeah, you're no supermodel yourself, y'know! (rubs the ear that Noah was kissing and smiles with satisfaction) That felt nice, though.
Alex: (crosses arms) What's Noah's problem? I'm not that bad!
Noah: (looks nauseous) That. Never. HAPPENED! Got it?! (covers his mouth as if he were about to vomit) The worst part about this is that dude looked completely into it! (barfs into the toilet).
Gwen: (yawns) I'd kill for a coffee right now.
Emma: Kill? Singular? I'd go on a mass murder spree for a coffee. I'm that desperate!
Chris: (walks on-screen with a coffee in hand) What is the matter with you people? (sips coffee) C'mon, fall asleep already!
Gwen: (clings to Chris's leg) Gotta hook me up man! (reaches for the coffee but the coffee is raised up, out of reach) I'll even eat the grinds! Anything!
Chris: Alright, you eight stay with me. The rest of you go and get a shower for heaven's sake. You stink!
Harold bolted towards the bathroom.
Chris: (takes another sip of coffee) I didn't want it to come to this. I said that to Chef Hatchet last night, I said "Chef, I don't want it to come to this. But darn it, these campers are tough". And so, I've come up with the most boring, sleep-inducing activity I could find.
Gwen: Oh come on, what now? Okay, you know what? Bring it on!
Jo: Do your worst, McLame! You'll never break me!
Emma: Can't be worse than seeing Chef dance around in a ballerina costume.
Chris: (pulls out a big red book and speaks in a dull tone of voice) The history of Canada, a pop-up book. (Chris opens the book and a pop-up of a beaver appears) Chapter One: The Beaver, national symbol and a "dam" fine hat.
Most of the remaining contestants groaned, but Brick looked the most excited out of the group.
Brick: (salutes) Yes, sir! Nothing like a history lesson about our great country!
"Svetlana" suddenly gasps and reverts back to Mike. Mike then suddenly fell forward and groaned.
Trent: (to Mike) You okay, "Svetlana"?
Mike: Yeah, I'm f-.......wait! What did you just call me?
Trent: (confused) Uh, Svetlana? That's what you kept calling yourself earlier while doing your Russian gymnast routine.
Mike: (eyes widened, but then shrinks back to normal as he chuckles nervously) Oh! Right! No, I'm done with that now. (stands up slowly) Ugh, my body is killing me!
Gwen: Not much of a shocker considering that you were doing gymnastics for over thirty hours. Must have finally caught up to you.
Mike: (stands up completely, but wobbles a bit) Ugh, guys, I think I'm going to drop out. Sorry.
Trent: No worries, man. We've got this.
Emma: Yeah dude, you should get some sleep. You look like your about to pass out.
Mike: Thanks.
Mike starts walking towards the campgrounds.
Gophers: 3 Bass: 4
Chris: Well, what do you know. I've barely started reading yet and someone's already dropped out. This will probably be easier than I thought. Any who, back to the book!
The rest of the campers, minus Brick, groaned.
The scene transitions to a beaver dam that is being patted down by beaver tails. In the middle of the dam, a mud covered naked Owen slept peacefully, not even taking notice to the beavers around him.
The scene returns to the campfire pit. Lightning and Jo have fallen asleep at this point.
Gophers: 3 Bass: 2
Chris was still reading from the pop-up book.
Chris: (in a dull tone) Which of course was the precursor leading to the events of the War of 1812.
Gwen suddenly noticed that Trent was about to pass out.
Gwen: Trent!
Trent started to fall forward in slow motion as the sound of Gwen saying "Nooooooo!" was heard. Trent had now fallen asleep.
Gophers: 2 Bass: 2
Gwen: (sadly) Don't leave m-..........
Gwen suddenly collapses onto the ground as well, falling asleep.
Gophers: 1 Bass: 2
Emma: (looks worried) Crap! I'm on my own now.......
The campers turned to see that Anthony had fallen asleep.
Gophers: 1 Bass: 1
Emma: (sighs) Just one more left.....
Brick: (salutes with a determined look) May the best soldier win!
Emma: (smiles with confidence) I intend to do so! (salutes back)
Brick: Game on, Miss Emma!
Emma: Definitely!
Brick: My intensive years of military cadet training will ensure victory for my team! I have the advantage of razor sharp senses from years of training! I can take anything this show can throw at me! Besides, I love learning about Canadian history. While Miss Emma might be a formidable opponent, she will fall soon enough!
Emma: It was all up to me! (Rolls eyes) Yeah, no pressure, right? Except that if I end up losing the challenge for my team, they'll end up hating me and use my loss as an excuse to vote me off. (sighs heavily) Brick is going to be one tough nut to crack though, but I'm sure I can outlast him. He may have the advantage of military training and a deep love of Canadian history lectures, but he's still just a guy! He's gotta fall asleep sometime.
Five hours have passed, and both Brick and Emma were still wide awake. Chris has just finished the last chapter of the book.
Chris: (closes the book) Unbelievable! How are you two still awake?! I read this entire history book to you! One of you should be asleep by now!
Emma: (cackles) Ha! You think a history lecture is gonna break me, McLean? You're going have to do way better than that!
Brick: I concur with my opponent. A five hour lecture about our country's great history will never bring me down.
Chris: (tosses the book aside) Fair enough. Which is why, I've come up with another sleep-inducing activity that will guarantee to make one of you fall asleep.
Emma: (with a determined look) I don't care what it is! Give me your worst!
Brick: (equally determined) Affirmative!
Chris: Very well. The two of you will run laps around the island until one of you drops out. Last camper who's still awake or hasn't dropped out wins the challenge and immunity for their team. The first camper to fall asleep or drop out loses the challenge for their team and one of the members of the losing team will be going home tonight.
Brick and Emma looked at each other with a look of confidence and determination. They then waited for the signal to start from Chris.
Chris: (raises his hand) On your marks...get set.....GO!
Chris lowers his hand all the way down as Brick and Emma started running.
Brick: Chris has just secured victory for my team! I've been doing running drills ever since I was enrolled into cadets! There's no way Emma will ever outlast me, especially in her sleep deprived condition.
Emma: (smirks) What Brick doesn't know is that I ran for the track team in middle school and I won my first marathon during my sophomore year of high school.
Three hours have passed since Emma and Brick started running. In the forest, Brick ran pass the screen while Emma followed behind him, still running but was very sweaty and panting. She was even more exhausted than she has ever been in the past couple of days, but she was determined to win this challenge. She picked up the pace and got a little closer to Brick.
Emma: (pants) S-Sorry Brick...but you up. I-I won't b-back....down so.....easily!
Brick did not respond to her.
Emma: (still panting) What's...the.....matter? G-Got....nothing to.....say? Y-You must.....b-be doubting your c-chances.....a-at......beating me!
Once again, Brick did not respond to her. Emma frowned in annoyance at this silent treatment. She pushes herself to get up closer to Brick.
Emma: (frowning) Hey.....I'm trying to....m-make competitive banter.....with you. T-The least you
Emma stops talking when she notices something off about Brick's face. His eyes were closed and he sounded like he was snoring. Brick was asleep. Emma stops herself in her tracks and turns to the cameraman that was following them.
Emma: (to the camera guy) You saw that right? He was definitely asleep!
The camera shakes up and down.
Back at the campfire pit, Emma walks on-screen while an arm hands a sheet of paper to Chris. Chris reads the note and then smiles.
Chris: And we have news! It looks like Brick's sleep running. Which means, (raises the paper in the air) the official winner of the Awake-athon is............Emma!
Gophers: 1 Bass: 0
Emma collapses onto the ground and falls asleep. Chris takes a knee next to her and raises her arm.
Chris: The Screaming Gophers win!!!!!!!!!!
There was udder chaos at the campgrounds. Things were flying out of the Gopher girls' cabin, Sharon was walking around without her glasses and bumping into everything, and several onlookers such as Cameron, Tyler, Courtney, Brick, Dawn, David, Luke, and Jenny watched in horror at the chaos.
Emma: (frantically yells as she tosses stuff out of the cabin) Where is it?! WHERE IS IT?! I couldn't have lost it! WHERE THE (*BEEP*) IS IT?!
Courtney: (whispers David) What is your crazy sister looking for?
David: (whispers back) She lost her lucky charm our Dad gave her from her first anime convention. It's really important to her.
David ducks as a suitcase flies over his head from out of the Gopher cabin window.
Courtney: (sarcastically) Really? I had no idea.
Lindsay: (from inside the cabin) Where's my hairbrush?
Alex: (screams his girly scream) Noooooooo! Someone took my makeup kit!
Duncan: (yells) WHO THE (*BEEP*) STOLE MY KNIFE?!?!?!?!?!?!
Lightning: (screams very loudly) LIGHTNING WAS ROBBED! MY PROTEIN POWDER IS GONE!!!!!!!
Mary-Margret: (yells) Whoever took my MP3 player is gonna die! I NEED MY MUSIC!
Sharon: (to a pile of rocks) Have any of you seen my glasses? I can't see well without them.
Harold: Gosh! Who took my nunchucks?!
Trent: Where's my guitar? I know I left it on my bed!
Anthony: (appears at the Bass cabin window, looking very furious) I AM GONNA KILL WHOEVER'S IDIOTIC ENOUGH TO STEAL FROM ME! (Goes back inside the cabin)
Courtney: (whispers to the others) Whoever took their stuff better fess up now before they destroy the whole camp!
Heather: (walks over towards the terrified campers) Hey guys! (looks around at the mess) Wow! This place is a real mess! What happened?
Courtney: Someone has been stealing from everybody. They took Harold's nunchucks, Mary-Margret's MP3 player, Duncan's knife.
Tyler: Trent's guitar, Lindsay's hairbrush, Sharon's glasses.
David: Lightning's protein powder, Emma's lucky charm, Alex's makeup kit......(Heather showed a surprised expression on her face).....yeah, you heard me.
Cameron: Someone stole from Mike and Zoey, too! Mike is missing a necklace and Zoey is missing her favorite T-shirt.
Heather: Oh no! How awful! Who would do something like that?
Mary-Margret: (yells) What the hell-.....everyone! Get in here!
Bass Girls' Cabin
They all rushed towards the girls' side of the Bass cabin. Once they were all collected at the door, Mary-Margret pulls out a garbage bag from under a bunk bed and dumps the contents onto the floor. Everyone gasped. All of the stolen items were in that bag!
Lindsay: My hairbrush!
Harold: My nunchucks!
Zoey: My Total Warriors 2 T-shirt!
Mike: My necklace!
Alex: My makeup kit! (Everyone looked at him strangely).
Sharon: (squinting) Are my glasses in their? I can't see!
Duncan: My knife!
Trent: My guitar!
Lightning: (pushes his way into the cabin and falls onto his knees) MY PROTEIN! (picks up the container and nuzzles it against his face) I've missed you.......
Mary-Margret: (holds up her MP3 player) And MY MP3 player! (looks at the pile) Hey, who's fashion magazine is this?
Brick: (quickly grabs the fashion magazine quickly) Must belong to Leshawna. I-I'll make sure she gets it back.
Brick bolts out of the cabin, leaving behind expressions of confusion on the other campers' faces. Anthony then shoved his way into the cabin and picked up a clear container that had only wood chips, plants, and a small cave inside. He then becomes nervous, which was odd to see since this was Anthony.
Anthony: (turns to the others) Uh....guys....don't freak out.....bu-.........(suddenly a loud scream was heard from the boys' side of the Bass cabin.
DJ: (screams) SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anthony: Never mind, there she is.
Before anyone can ask, Anthony rushed out of the cabin.
Trent: (breaks the silence) Mary-Margret, who's bed was our stuff under?
Mary-Margret: It's Jo's.
Everyone gasps.
Zoey: (surprised) Jo's a thief?!
Courtney: Not very surprising.
Lightning: I need to find him so I can punch his stealing face!
Jo: (from outside the cabin) Hey! Why's everyone huddled in front of the cabin?
Everyone turned to Jo and glared at her.
Jo: (confused) What? What's going on here?
Emma: (furious) You're about to get a ass beating! That's what's happening, you (*beep*)! (lunges towards Jo but is restrained by her brother).
Courtney: (shakes her head in disapproval at Jo) Stealing from not only members of the other team, but your own team, too? That's just low.
Jo: (surprised) What?! I didn't steal anything!
Mary-Margret: Then explain how a garbage bag full of everything that was stolen from us ended up under your bunk bed!
Jo: (confused) What garbage bag?
Heather: Oh don't play dumb, Jo! You know exactly what garbage bag we're talking about. Mary-Margret found it under your bed!
Jo: (furious) I didn't put a garbage bag under my bed!
Luke: (raises an eyebrow) Then who put it there if it wasn't you?
Jo: (throws her arms in the air in frustration) How the hell should I know?! I didn't take any of your stuff! When would I even have time to do that?! I was one of the last few left in the challenge!
Heather: Maybe it was when you took that bathroom break during the first day of the Awake-athon while the rest of us were sitting around the campfire pit.
Jenny: Yeah, that would make sense! You could have easily swiped our stuff while the rest of us weren't around.
Jo: (stomps her foot in frustration) I. DIDN'T. (*BEEP*)ING. STEAL. ANYTHING!!!!!!! (growls loudly in frustration and storms off)
Courtney: (calls out) Real mature, Jo! And you wanted to be team lea-.......
Courtney ducks as a log flies over her head that was thrown at her by Jo. As everyone went their separate ways with their belongings, one camper in particular narrowed her eyes at another particularly devious female camper.
Emma: (has a pondering expression on her face) Jo may be a total (*beep*), but I'm not completely sure anymore that she was the one who stole our stuff. I went to the cabin not long after Jo left for the bathroom and I saw her coming out of the communal bathroom just as I was heading into my cabin. I think Jo's being framed and I think I know who did it!
Heather: (files her nails) Yeah, I stole all that stuff. I was gonna plant it on Emma if we lost, but then I thought "What better way to get rid of one of the Bass's strongest players?". So I threw Emma's ugly charm in the bag with the rest of the junk and stuffed it under Jo's bunk. Turn a team against their own members, easiest trick in the book.
Brick: (sneakily looks at the fashion magazine) They must never know!
Campfire Pit
Nighttime fell as the camera cuts to the campfire pit. All of the Killer Bass members were sitting on stumps as they waited for elimination ceremony to start. All of them still looked completely exhausted, though most of them were angrily glaring Jo, who just glared back at them. Chris then walks up towards the contestants.
Chris: (holds a plate of thirteen marshmallows) You've all cast your votes and made your decision. (places the plate onto a stump) There are only thirteen marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who doest not recive a marshmallow must immedietly return to the Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers and leave. And you can never come back. Ever! The first marshmallow goes to..........Duncan!
Duncan gets up with a raised eyebrow and takes a marshmallow.
Chris: Dawn!
Dawn smiles as she walks over to the plate to take her marshmallow.
Chris: Courtney!
Courtney stands up and takes a marshmallow with a smile.
Chris: Mary-Margret and Jenny!
Both girls high five each other before they took a marshmallow each.
Chris: (winks) Tyler!
Tyler takes a marshmallow from the plate.
Chris: DJ!
DJ stands up and walks over to the plate.
Chris: David!
David walks over to the plate with a smile on his face. He fist bumps DJ as they both grab a marshmallow each.
Chris: Harold!
Harold fist pumps before he gets up to claim his marshmallow.
Chris: Lightning!
Lightning: (fist pumps) SHA-BAM!!!! (walks over to the plate to get his marshmallow).
Chris: Luke!
Luke stands up and walks over to the plate to get his marshmallow.
Chris: Anthony!
Anthony walks over to the plate and claims his marshmallow. Only Brick and Jo were left. Courtney looked a Jo, and slowly drew her finger across her neck, which made Jo even more nervous than she already was.
Chris: Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening......
The camera pans to the last marshmallow on the plate. Then to a nervous Jo and then to an equally nervous Brick. Next the camera pans to Chris, who has a smirk on his face. Then the camera pans and zooms in on the last marshmallow on the plate. Then pans and zooms in on Jo again, and then back to Brick.
After what seemed like forever....................................
Chris: Brick!
Brick lets out a sigh of relief and goes over to the plate to claim his marshmallow.
Jo: (stands up in frustration) WHAT?! Are you all nuts?!
Chris: (gestures to the right) Jo, the Dock of Shame awaits.
Jo stomps angrily towards Chris and kicks him in the leg before continuing walking towards the Dock of Shame.
Chris: (holds his hurt leg) Ow! Have a good night's sleep tonight. You're all safe.
Courtney: Even if Jo didn't steal that stuff, her attitude was just becoming unbearable to deal with. (Smirks) Besides, now that she's gone, I can finally take my place as official team leader.
Heather: So Jo was one of their strongest players, and now she's gone. I am so running this game!
Dock of Shame
As Jo walked down the Dock of Shame angrily, someone was running after her.
Emma: (calls out) Jo! Wait!
Jo: (turns around and scowls) Great! What do you want?! Come to rub it in?!
Emma: (catches up to Jo and stops) Actually.....(looks to the right and then back at Jo) I wanted to apologize.
Jo looked surprisingly surprised.
Jo: Your joking, right? (looks around) Where's the hidden camera?
Emma: (jokingly) Pretty much everywhere! But back to what I was saying, I am sorry for thinking that you stole my charm. You may be a total (*beep*), but I realized that you're no thief. (Becomes more serious) In fact, I think I know exactly who set you up.
Jo: (puts a hand on Emma's shoulder and smiles) You don't have to tell me now, I'll find out later when I rewatch this episode at home. Just make sure that they go down, hard!
Emma: (smiles mischievously) Oh, she will! I promise that she will get what's coming to her!
Jo and Emma fist bump each other with a smile. Jo steps onto the Boat of Losers. She then turns back to Emma.
Jo: (shoots a threatening look) Oh, and if you ever tell anyone about this nice moment between us, I'll kick your ass into next century! Gotta reputation to protect, y'know.
Emma: (smiles) Oh, don't worry! (waves as the Boat of Losers drives away) I still hate you, (*beep*)!
Jo: (calls out from the distance) I hate you, too, (*beep*)!
Outside the Bass cabin, Anthony, who was holding a clear container that now had an albino bull snake inside, knocked on the girls' side door. Jenny answered the door.
Jenny: What?
Anthony: Is Dawn inside?
Jenny: (shakes her head) No, wh-...(sees the snake and grows wide eyed with excitement) OMG! Is that an albino bull snake?! That is so cool!
Anthony: (surprised) snakes?
Jenny: No, I don't like snakes. I LOVE snakes! What's her name?
Anthony: (still surprised) Uh....her name is Snowflake. (raises an eyebrow in curiosity) Wait, how did you know she's a girl?
Jenny: (shrugs) I'm not sure why, but I can just always tell with reptiles without having to....y' it the "other way". Anyway, she's so beautiful!
Anthony: (awkwardly) Uh....thanks? Look. DJ won't sleep in the cabin as long as Snowflake is in it, so can you just give her to Dawn and ask her if she watch over her at night? I know Dawn loves animals so I know she won't say no.
Jenny: I'll do you one better. I'll look after Snowflake for you!
Anthony: You sure? Do you even know how to take care of a snake?
Jenny: (takes the container) Of course I do! I take care of snakes and other reptiles all the time. I have a whole room in my house that is filled with them!
Anthony: (surprised) Really? So do I! I even have a pet alligator back home!
Jenny: (jaw drops) Shut up! That is so amazing! I would LOVE to have a pet alligator! Aren't they just one of the coolest reptiles ever?
Anthony: Definitely!
They both smile at each other for a brief moment, until Anthony realized what he was doing and resumed his usual composure.
Anthony: So,'ll take good care of her?
Jenny: (nods) Of course.
Anthony: Good. Bye.
Anthony heads back into his side of the cabin.
Jenny: (whispers to Snowflake) I think that's the first time I've ever seen him smile like that. (giggles)
A still naked Owen is shown fast asleep in a cave, surrounded by four very confused Sasquatches, one of which pokes Owen with a stick. Owen then farts, causing the Sasquatches to kick Owen out of the cave. He is still fast asleep and farts one more time before the screen fades to black.......
Votes: Killer Bass
Anthony: Jo Luke: Jo
Brick: Jo Mary-Margret: Jo
Courtney: Jo Tyler: Jo
David: Jo
Dawn: Brick
D.J.: Jo
Duncan: Jo
Harold: Jo
Jenny: Jo
Jo: Brick
Lightning: Jo
Final Tally:
-Brick: 2
-Jo: 12
(In case you're wondering why Dawn didn't vote for Jo, its because she knew that Jo was telling the truth and she didn't steal their stuff. However, she didn't say anything because either way, Jo was pretty much screwed even if Dawn had told them the truth. So she just voted for Brick because she knew he wasn't going to get voted off anyway.)
Author's Note:
Hey guys! First of all, thanks for reading my fanfiction. And secondly, I'm sorry that this chapter took so long to write. I've been very busy with college work and other responsibilities, and I've barely had enough time to relax let alone write. I appreciate everyone's patience and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry to all of you Jo fans out there who wanted to see more of Jo in this fanfiction and possibly some Jo/Brick or Jo/Lightning chemistry, but don't worry, they haven't seen the last of Jo! Originally, I was conflicted towards who would receive the blame for stealing all that stuff. I was thinking either Lightning or Jo would get the boot this episode, but the Lightning thing has been done, so I had Jo take the blame instead. At least she had a nice last moment with Emma (in their own special way). I will try to get the next chapter done as soon as possible, but I can't make any promises on when exactly it will get done. Lastly, if you have any feedback about this chapter that you would like to share with me, please do. Hearing back from my readers would really make my day! Thank you!
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