Chapter 2: The Rise of heroes and Villains part 2

Everyone looked very shocked as, the figure turned around and glared at everyone, as they can feel her power most of them except for Crimson, Ennui and Scary Girl shivered at her power. She, glared down at them with her eyes glowed white and her tails swished around in anger. Zoey looked up at the cloaked figured in thought.

Zoey: (in her mind) who is this figure in the white cloak? How does Justin know this mysterious person? Whoever it is, I can feel its power and compared to us.. its scary and took down Scott easily and I didn't even see this person move.  It looks older than us but much younger than Chris, Chef, Blaineley and Don.

Scott struggled to get up and coughed up blood as he looked up as, the figure looked down at him and the figure raised its foot and stomped the ground creating an enormous crater that Scott fell in, and the figure closed the ground just showing Scott's head (like Kakashi did to Sasuke during the bell test) and the heroes laughed.

Scott: It's not funny

Lightning: I don't know who this Houdini or magician whatever, but he can't defeat the Lightning!

Lightning moves in for an electrifying clothesline but one of her tails, being an element of water, knocked him away into the ground while short circuiting the athlete's lightning power, drowning into unconsciousness. 

Alejandro: Get that fool! 

 Jay and Mickey summoned multiple clones and dog piled on the figure.  

The figure sent them all flying, then spins around repeatedly her tails stretched, each element radiating from them as the Jay and Mickey clones were taken out by each elemental tail with the originals now unconscious.

Geoff: Whoa whoever is that masked dude I'm so glad he's on our side. 

 Duncan: That's great and all (struggling against the mind-controlled Ryan) hey masked hero whoever you are! Your strong a little help here! 

The Masked Figure turned to Ryan holding Duncan, vanishing like a blur to appear behind Ryan, delivering a solid chop to the back of his neck, breaking his hold on Duncan as the big man fell unconscious.

Duncan: Whoa, thanks for the save I... I... I... 

 He saw her perfectly shaped legs and tried not to have a nosebleed.

 Duncan: You're a girl?! 

Justin: (cold stare) Hey, no ogling my sister.

 Duncan: Sister?! 

 Geoff: Dude, you have a sister?! 

Justin: Yes, I don't appreciate it. 

People oogles at my sister. 

 Duncan: Is she single? 

 Justin glared coldly at him 

 Duncan: I'm kidding. I'm kidding 

 Her ears twitched as, she sensed Heather 's energy and teleported through darkness to aid Heather.

 Duncan: Seriously? Is she single? 

 Heather coughed up blood as, she struggles to get up but, Hillary put her foot on her chest with an evil grin.

Hillary: You're always saying how the rest of us brothers & sisters in our family couldn't hold a candle to you as you were successful while you called us lazy slackers, thinking you're all that special.... How many times have you failed in total drama? From the first season, you expected everyone to do everything for you to the rest where you actually pulled your own weight, actually won the million only to lose it to a freak in a volcano. 

 She pressed her foot further down on Heather's chest, making her groan. 

 Hillary: I managed to accomplish a lot more than you think while you were gone, but people saw me as Heather number 2 or Just Heather's sister. Hmph, I didn't like that. That is until Alejandro came to me, seeing my own potential and beauty far surpassing yours, giving me an offer I couldn't refuse. To be the Goddess who cuts the Queen Bee's head off. 

Hillary then summoned a crystal sword 

 Hillary: Don't worry, I'll make sure I'll mention you when I take over the world.

 As she was about to finish her off, her sword stabbed the ground instead of Heather and noticed that she's gone.

 Hillary: Hey! Where did she go?! 

 She turned around to see the masked figure floating in the air holding the unconscious Heather in her arms bridal style.

 Hillary: Hey, who are you?!

The Figure said nothing and vanished.

 Hillary: You won't get away from me! 

 Alejandro: Let them be for now, beloved. We have bigger fish to fry. 

 Meanwhile, Sammy was avoiding a controlled Leonard who was shooting magic blasts at her.

Sammy: Come on Leonard snap out of it! 

 At the same time Amy was fighting against a controlled Tammy. 

 Amy: Mental note never trusts that slimy eel!

The Twins were pushed back-to-back in dealing with the empowered wizard and viking cosplayers.

Amy: Hey Sammy, let's show these geeks what twin powers are really made for!

Sammy: You got it, Amy. 

 Their eyes glowed white as the twins unleashed their power against the controlled Leonard and Tammy. Then the door busted down to reveal Chris, Chef, Blaineley and Don let just say everyone stopped fighting as soon they saw Chef's angry stare.


Duncan: Why don't you talk to Alejandro he's working for Chris. He even murdered those Stepbrothers, the tennis rivals and even Chatterbox.

Chris: Now hold the phone! I am shocked and appalled that I would go so low to do such a thing. 

 Owen: Sweet Betsy Biscuits, It's the truth, Al's gone crazy! 

 Priya: He and Chris are working together on taking the world! 

 Mike: Not to mention he brought my dark personality back! (Glares at Mal) 

 Chris turns to Mal.

 Chris: (casual smile) Mal, glad you could make it!

 Mal: Heh wouldn't miss the show. 

 Jo: Are you serious?! 

 Brick: He's controlling most of the contestants to make them attack our group! You have to believe us! 

Ryan's voice: It's true...

Stephanie ran over to help her boyfriend up. 

Stephanie: Are you okay baby?

Ryan: I'm fine, but they're right. Alejandro, Chris and That Mal guy is in cahoots, he wounded up controlling most of everyone here, including me. 

 Don turns to Chris, glaring at the total drama host. 

 Don: Chris... Did you really do this?

Chris: No way he's lying.

 ???: That's where you're wrong, Chris.

 Everyone turned towards the Drama Brothers. 

Trent: You know Dawn came towards us first as she predicted something wrong is going to happen after the Staci murder so with the help of Cody and his technology, Harold aiding him, of course, with the aid of a very helpful ally

 Blaineley: Who?

???: That would be me...

Everyone turned again revealed to be Scarlett, and most of them were shocked 

Max: Sidekick, explain yourself!

Scarlett: Hold that thought...

Scarlett smacks Max so hard across the face that he went through the table.

Max: Owie! my face!

Scarlett: I noticed a familiar chain in these attacks, using a micro insect drone that was analyzing and scanning the aspects of the murders, following the trails and patterns until the drone found the culprit and you... never noticed it was recording your ever move for the broadcast of your actions posted worldwide. Right. About. Now. 

 Chris: What?! 

 The TV was on, showing the news and the events of what happened broadcasting worldwide. It was loud and clear of what Chris and Alejandro's plans were from the murders to Mal's resurrection to the plan for world takeover while Chris gets all the ratings and cash for all of it. However, it was clear that the host and his allies will mostly be wanted & heading to prison for this!Chef, Blaineley and Don look at Chris, different expressions showed because of his actions, mostly anger. 

 Chef: Have you lost your mind?!

 Don: World takeover and for ratings?! Like you haven't put enough people in danger, you went and did THIS?!

 Blaineley: Geez, and I thought you were crazy before, but this is insane.

Chris: Look it's obvious fake news I mean now a days it's fake.

Courtney: Doesn't look fake to me it's the real deal are you stupid?!

Trent: And before you could say anything else, we had someone spying for us.

Chris: Wait a minute who?!

Then in teleported through white flames was the figure as, they could see her cape wrapped around her entire body and has the mask on covering her entire face except for her eyes and had the hood over her head as, she has Heather in her arms and her tails swishing around.

Blaineley: Whoa very ripped and muscular...

Damien: (hides behind Ryan and Stephanie) W-who is that?

Justin: That would be my sister, Justine. She's quite the master of stealth despite her size and with what she put up, you ain't lying your way out of this one, McLean. 

 Anne Maria: Ohho ho ho, Busted! 

Justin: She's been tracking you down ever since the first season... 

 She glared down at Chris and everyone else who was allies with the ex-host. 

 Dakota: Not to sound rude, but does she talk? 

 Justin: Sometimes only people who she trusts right now she just meant you guys, so it will take a while. 

 Chris: Wait a minute, she's been here this whole time? We didn't even know how?! Okay, Amazon freak listen how about you forget your brother huh? And join the right side with me of course. So, go ahead and kill your brother hmm? 

 What the ex-host didn't know is that she's very protective of her younger brother. Justine points at Chris, giving a thumbs up which brought a smile to the ex-host's face, but it went away quickly when the thumbs up slowly went to thumbs up and does a throat slash across her own with said thumb, meaning that Chris was a dead man & so are his followers. 

 Chris: Really?! You want to throw away an opportunity of a lifetime?! 

She grabbed his head with her eyes covered by shadows and slammed his head on the ground created a massive quake with her super strength and he coughed blood. 

 Chris: My beautiful face!

Scarlett: Tell it to the Authorities and special ops that handles super powered beings because you and your followers are going away for life. 

 The doors were kicked open and windows were shattered as armored men and women in S.W.A.T. like gear surrounded everyone. One of them got Chris and the others were getting his followers, some of them tried to fight back or escape but they were tackled and put in anti-powered collars and cuffs. The only person who didn't get arrested was Hillary who was hiding in the shadows witnessed it as she growled. 

 Hillary: Don't worry my love, I'll get you out I promise. 

Alejandro heard her in the shadows and knew she will but not now or she'll be caught too. He didn't resist and neither did Mal for some reason as they both were taken away along with the struggling followers and Chris.

Julia: Wait a minute you're taking MK too? She didn't do anything.

 Leader: She'll be safe with us, don't worry we'll find a way to break free of that scum (Alejandro) mind control like the rest. (The leader saluted Chef...)

Leader: General Hatchet.

Chef: (saluted right back) Thank you for your services.

As the team left, Chef looked over that's who left which is.. Gwen, Courtney, Heather, Duncan, Geoff, Bridgette, Justin, Trent, Harold, Cody, DJ, Tyler, Lindsay, Beth, Sierra, Eva, Izzy, Noah, Owen, Mike, Zoey, Jo, Dawn, Dakota, Anne Maria, Brick, Cameron, B, Sam, Amy, Sammy, Sky, Ella, Scarlett, Shawn, Jasmine, Axel, Priya, Millie, Scary Girl, Julia, Wayne, Damien, Zee, Caleb, Devin, Carrie, Emma (RR), Kitty, Brody, Crimson, Ennui, Junior, Stephanie, Ryan , Macarthur, Sanders, Rock and Spud.

Chef: (In his head) out of everyone only 59 remains not to follow Chris and not to be in control by that snake.  (yelled at them)   All right soldiers listen up! You're the remaining left for not following Chris! This means we're going to train you in controlling your powers better! Not only are you gonna be training in my squadron, but also... You're gonna be heroes! The new generation of heroes that the world needs now.

Everyone looked at each other..

Duncan: Hey General Nutso are you sure some are qualified to be heroes? (Glaced over at Scary Girl).

Chef:  Most of you aren't saints or born or cut from the same cloth of good will but with the proper discipline and training, you can be more than what you are right now to do right with your powers rather than ending up like Chris and his followers! 

Cameron: Chef, how do you know about being a hero?

Chef: I once belonged to a group of good heroes when I was your age, but... (wiped a tear from his eye) they were true heroes willing to sacrifice themselves to protect this world, and I was the only survivor. 

 Brick: (sniffed) That was beautiful, sir! 

 Jo: You seen what Ale- bastard has on his team especially how many he has on his team more than us.

 Chef: Numbers isn't what matters.

 Damien: it doesn't?

Chef: No!

 Damien: R-Right, sorry!

Chef: For the next 3 years, me, Don and Blaineley will be training you except for you pretty boy. 

 Justin: Me? Why not me?

 Chef: I got special orders from your sister that she wants to take you alone.

 Duncan: Aw you get to training by your hot sister? 

 Rock: Lucky.

Justin coldly glares at the two, who put their hands up nervously, getting the message.

Chef: It's getting late. Soon, I want you to go back to your cabins it's almost night fall... DISMISS! 

 Everyone left to go into their cabins. Meanwhile, in the infirmary, Heather slowly woke up and noticed Justine was right beside her as Heather couldn't tell who it was behind the mask. 

 Heather: Who are you? Where am I? Wait a minute, where's that sister of mine! I'll kill her!She tried to get up but, held her bandage chest in pain.

Heather: Ouch! Damn it! I got to admit she is pretty strong.

Justine gently pushed her right back lying down and shook her head. 

 Heather: Who are you? 

Justine: Rest..

Another tail grew with that represents the element of psychic, and Justine 's eyes glowed white, and Heather 's eyes became blank and went back to sleep. With the flick of her cape, there was a purple rose right beside the Queen Bee. As she walked out, she felt a sad emotion close and, she looked over to see Sky was trying to jump off the cliff. 

 Sky: Dave is right, I'm nothing but scum and a Villian I betrayed his feelings and Keith's I'm sorry I don't deserve to be a hero. 

 With tears running down her face and was about to jump off, but a few tails wrapped around her waist and pulled her away. 

Sky looked up with tears running down her face as she looked up at Justine. Sky: What are you doing?! I Don't deserve to live like Dave said! I'm no hero! I'm a Villian!

Justine: If you were a villain, you wouldn't have try so hard to make up for what you've done & you wouldn't feel guilty about it. 

 Sky: B-But I- 

 Justine: Taking your life is not the answer. You did a bad thing but you didn't try to purposely hurt the ones you loved, including Dave & Keith. While Dave was wrong to do what he did too, he wasn't necessarily a villain, Chris exploited and manipulated him into thinking you turned against him, the video shown especially, causing Dave to be angry & descend further into madness in vengeance and bitterness towards you. 

Sky: He tried to kill me, I-I-I-I don't know if I should forgive him or not. 

 Justine: You need to let go of the past, He has chosen to join Chris while you didn't. You have friends who don't want you to take your life. You have chosen the path of good , as I have watched your performance. 

 Sky: (blushed) you watched my performance? 

Justine: Of course, you have quite the attributes of an athlete.

Sky: (blushed) No one praised me before. 

Justine: You deserve it as there's one I hate is to see beautiful girls like you cry (wiped the tears from her face with her tail).

Sky: Thank you. I really appreciate it, I'm sorry if I am a bother to you. 

Justine: Don't be, you're never a bother you'll become a fine hero. 

Sky: Like you? If you're a hero, how come you we never heard of you? 

Justine: I like to keep hidden from everyone, like my abilities, as no one knows my full abilities.

Sky: But aren't you...

She looked around to find Justine was gone only to find a violet rose, and she picked it up and held it close to her.

Sky: Thank you.

Meanwhile, the first-generation boys were talking to each other in the cabin.

Duncan: Wait a minute, pretty boy you mean to tell me that sister of yours has been stalking each and one of us to observe our strength and weaknesses?

Justin: That is correct.

 Noah: (sarcastic) Well that isn't creepy at all. 

 Owen: Man, I hope she wasn't watching EVERYTHING we do, like showering and going to the bathroom and changing clothes- 

 Justin: She wasn't doing THAT kind of spying. 

 Geoff: Then why was she looking out for our strengths and weaknesses, dude? 

Justin: In case one of us ever decided to become a Villian, she can take us down without hesitation, including me.

Tyler: Come to think about it, I never seen anyone move that fast before. 

Cody: Don't forget how she took down MK like it was nothing. Her strength was scary. 

DJ: Not to mention how she knew each move they made. She must be really smart. 

Justin: Yeah, she's my older sister and quite the prodigy, though.

Noah: (Sarcastic) Well, at least one of you actually has a brain and knows how to use it Anti Me.

Justin: Seriously the whole Anti me gets really old. 

Noah: I'm surprised she still loves you or you just using her as a shield to protect your precious body.

Justin: I wouldn't do such a thing to her. Things have changed since my oh so obsession over beauty, I learned that in time, looks aren't untouchable, they'll either fade away with age or it receives scars.

Noah: (Rolled his eyes) Right, you said that now, but come later, you'll stab everyone in the back just like the eel.

Justin glared down at him with his eyes in flames... ultraviolet flames. 

Justin: Don't you EVER compare me to him ever again! IM NOTHING LIKE HIM! I'm not a murderer or control people. 

Geoff: Whoa, dudes, just like chill, we're exhausted after what happened. Let's just sleep. we got a big day tomorrow. Just think we're going to be heroes...

The boys looked at each other and agreed as everyone turned off the lights... unknowingly that a figure in a cloak was watching them with a smirk as she traveled through the shadows and headed towards the infirmary first to finish off Heather.

 Hillary 's voice: Give Hell my regards.

Before she could finish her off, she noticed everything stopped as time had stopped. 

Hillary: Hey, what's going on?!

Justine 's voice: I figured you'll show up.

Hillary turned around as, Hillary 's shadow rises and formed into Justine. 

Hillary: You! How did you know I was here?!

Justine: I'm quite aware of my and everyone's surroundings. Sight alone isn't the only thing I use to find someone lurking in the shadows.

Hillary: I don't know who you are and where you came from, but one thing for sure is you need to mind your business! 

 She slammed her hands on the ground, and crystals rose from the ground and covered Justine 's entire body in crystals and froze her. 

 Hillary: Well, now that was easier than I thought. Now, who should I kill first? 

Justine: (inside the crystals) I don't think so.

 Hillary turns around as the crystals started to crack and later shatter, Justine freeing herself with ease. 

Hillary: I don't know what you are but you're not going to stop me.

Justine: But I know who you are? You were always jealous of Heather, since your powers are better than hers, you think your better than her.

Hillary: You don't think so?! She treated us like garbage! Now I'm stronger, faster and more powerful than her! Why don't you mind your own business!

Justine: I can't do that. Heather wasn't the nicest person in the world. 

 Hillary: I know that, Captain Obvious! Why protect her? She doesn't owe you anything, just let me kill her! 

 Justine: While she didn't start out as nice, she has changed along the way. While you went to go through such lengths to strike her down and more, that'll make you worse than her.

 Hillary: Don't play the psychology work with me! I will kill Heather even if I have to go through you to do it, ya multi tailed freak! 

 Justine glares coldly at Hillary. 

 Justine: So be it, if you won't listen to reason and walk away, then there's no choice. 

 The two then charged at each other in a vicious clash. To be continued...

There you go, now the real fun begins... Heather's sister has escaped trying to kill Heather and get revenge on everyone. But The hooded figure revealed to be Justin's sister Justine who is protected everyone until they get their powers in control and takes on Hillary! Who will win is it the mysterious Wolf or the Demon ? Find out on the Next Total... Drama... Heroic force! 

I Forgot to mention that the campers are 16 years old except for Junior who's 13. Hillary and Justine is 18 years old for now. and there will be blood and violence as well.

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