Chapter 1: Rise of heroes and villains part 1

Camp Wawanakwa, where the campers included the RR casts as well, but the only ones who weren't there were Dwayne Sr, Kelly, who was at home. Pete and Gerry were murdered but who? It was unknown. Same thing for Staci, but nobody cared about her. But the biggest shocked was Chet and Lorenzo's murder... Chef, Don, and even Blaineley wanted the ex-campers to be safe, but Chris didn't care as he just cared about ratings. Right now, the ex-campers were having a meeting in the mess hall.

Alejandro: Amigos, please calm down. Let me speak...

The Ex-campers toned down their voices, some was wondering what Alejandro has to say..

Alejandro: Look, we all know what happened to Chet and Lorenzo. They were murdered by someone here because Chet had the power over weather, and Lorenzo had the power over earth, so one of us has to be the culprit.

MacArthur: It was the Ice dancers! They looked to be the type.

Jacques: You accused us?! How dare you?!

Mike: It's gotta be Scott. He's more sneaky than ever if you think about it!

Scott: Oh please, like I have a hand in killing those step idiots. It's gotta be Freak-zekiel. Maybe he mauled them to death to be eaten or something.

A mini scene showed Freak-zekiel eating the remains before growling at the camera. It cuts back to the group.

Heather: That's ridiculous. The bodies would've shown signs of mauling & bite marks if it was the homeschool mutant.

Bridgette: I doubt any of us would end up killing the stepbrothers, just like the tennis rivals and Staci.

Damien: Ummm... Uh, yeah! What motive would we have?!

Duncan: You sound nervous, Damien. Ya got something to hide? Like the murder weapon?

Damien: W-What No! I mean, if I had to guess well.. Scary Girl could've done it! She doesn't need a reason to hurt or possibly kill since she loves people in pain or to s-scream.

Everyone turned to Scary Girl, who smiled creepily with an eye twitch, scaring everyone except Crimson & Ennui.

Damien: I-I'm not saying you d-did it, but if so, please don't kill me.

He hides behind DJ & Caleb.

Scary Girl: Oooh, hehehehehe ~ I would never have done it unless it's for fun and torture.

Amy: Hello, you forgot the vilest person here! Scarlett!

Scarlett: I see no reason or motivation to execute the stepbrothers. They have nothing I want or do anything to me to earn my wrath, Amy. You could be a suspect in this given your history of sibling mistreatment.

Amy: Well, at least I'm trying to become a good sister for once.

Jo: What about Miss Faker and her girlfriend? (Points to Juila and MK) they been up to no good there for prime suspects!

Juila: What about you, Jo? With your powers, you could murder them, especially the rage you have.

Zoey: Jo may have anger issues, but she's still my sister.

MK: Yeah, adopted what you pick her off the streets?

Jo growls.

Jo: Keep up that same energy, Maggot-K. I didn't kill step 1 & step 2, but I'm about to start a murder with you if you don't get out of my face.

MK: (eyes glowing lime green) What did you call me, Street Jock?!

Julia attempts to calm MK down, whispering something in her ear as her eyes return to normal. Julia glares at Jo, ready to go to blows, but Brick broke up the pair.

Brick: Enough! Enough! There will be no fighting here. This will not solve anything or get us anywhere close to apprehending who's responsible for the murders!

Jo, MK & Julia reluctantly agreed.

Brick: And I got an idea. A lie detector.

Noah: (sarcastic) Ah yeah, a lie detector would be a useful tool to find out who did it. Or did you forget some of us have powers of nano machines and such to overdrive it?

Cameron: That is true. Not that I would do that!

Crimson: Perhaps you can find out spiritually...

Ennui: Like feeling out someone's wicked aura.

Josee: (rolls her eyes) Oh sure. Not everyone here is a good guy. Even if you feel out the aura, it still won't tell us who did the deed!

Courtney: (glares) Then how do you suppose we find out, Ms. Ice tantrum?

Josee: (glares back at Courtney) Don't give me attitude, Ms. C.I.T. trash, you're obviously the main subject, given your history of doing ANYTHING to win the prize, even dwarfing Heather, Alejandro, myself & Jacques on being unlikeable in the series, being the most vile greedy, obsessive control freak that you are!

Gwen: (Defending Courtney) Pretty big talker for someone who would go so far and almost murder a child. (Points at Junior) You're the psycho here more than Scarlett! No offense, Scarlett.

Scarlett: None taken.

Justin: Wait a minute, everyone. we didn't suspect the one person here who is clever and capable of doing this... isn't that right, Alejandro?

Everyone gasped...

Alejandro: Me, amigo? I think you're mistaken. I would never murder anyone here. Don't believe this fool. He's only jealous of my good looks and my brains.

Justin glares at him.

Alejandro: Besides, why would I murder the stepbrothers? Of course, my deeds on the series are what earned me the arch villain label, yes. I'm a lot of things, but a killer isn't one of them. While we've barely met or know each other, the stepbrothers did nothing to earn my attention of such a deed. Maybe Duncan is responsible, being the only one who served prison time.

Duncan: Now hold on a minute, I only went to prison for vandalizing Chris's mansion to prove I haven't gone soft to restore my rep. Since then, I haven't killed anyone, or I'd be in jail & I ain't never going back! And I think maybe the real culprit is Chris McLean himself. He's come close to killing all of us numerous times on these crazy challenges for ratings!

Dawn was scanning around the area, and her eyes widened..

Dawn: Friends! Do not believe his evil lies, Justin is right! Alejandro is the culprit after hiding his true motivation, and Chris McLean agreed to this but for sick and twisted games!

Alejandro: Don't believe this freak of nature! She's a creep and thinking she can sense people's auras.

Anne Maria: Pixie girl, never been wrong in reading these auras or whatever.

Dawn: Alejandro 's aura has been nothing but lies. His true motive has been different. He wanted to take over humanity.

Alejandro: Smart girl, but you know too much information. Yes, my intention was to gather all of us as you can see we were born with gifts we're like gods and the humans they aren't worth our time to save. Think about it? Are they worth it? Especially you know they have been calling us freaks and monsters. We can show them our true intentions.

Half of the people agreed to Alejandro...

Justin: What about the innocent lives? Are they not worth helping out? You wanted to create a new world? You're more pathetic than I thought.

Alejandro: Says the one who is afraid of getting his hands dirty?

Justin: You really are an arch villain to your core. I guess the old me would've agreed with you, given how I was only focused on my looks rather than working my way up to the prize. Most people here have changed, I've changed, and you have to, for the worst.

Duncan: Ya knows Al, as smart as you are, why the hell would you agree with McLean of all people to take out the Stepbrothers?

Alejandro: Simple as I explained it before. The Stepbrothers, however, for a delusional pair in the act, thinking that the two alone will lead us gifted to "awesomeness" age as they call it, even tried to challenge me and well... (Smirks) That didn't work out. As for Chris, he'd give me the materials required for this summit. He gets whatever he wants.

Gwen: And what about the Tennis Rivals and Staci?

Alejandro: (smirked) Staci was very useless she barely had a power, so killing her was very easy, and as for the Tennis Rivals, well... Hehe, he I didn't even have to use, not even .5 percent of my power on them

Trent: You monster.

Alejandro: This world is full of monsters, Trent, who look down on people like us. I'm simply wishing for us to take what we're all owned, can't you see it?

Trent: No, I don't. you're the scum of this surface. We're can help people not hurt them.

Zoey: Alejandro, think about this. You can reconsider this

Then, a blade was close to her neck and looked over to see Scott wrapped around her neck with his arm with his blade close to her face. Mike and Jo stood up with a glare.

Scott: Not another step. Otherwise, Red here will have a nice cut on her face.

Mike: Scott, stop this!

Scott: (smirks) Why not? He does have a point. We ain't normal people around here & with these powers, we can have whatever we want...

Courtney: Do you know what you're saying, Scott?

Scott: Oh, don't be surprised. Heck, why are you even trying to act all goodie goodie? You hurt... a lot of people, including me.

Courtney: I...

Scott: You cared nothing about me, turned me away, even your friends including the goth who once had a slight affair with your old flame, Duncan, even wanting to eliminate her after you both briefly made up after Duncan was using her to get with you, all for attention & the prize. Gotta say, the love bit was a spiral, I was stupid to get roped with you. If anything, you should take up Alejandro's offer, it's good to be bad & hehehe, do you think any of your friends still see you as a friend at all...?

Courtney backs away, shaking not before being blasted by a golden beam courtesy of Bowie.

Courtney: AHHH!!

She fell unconscious.

Bowie: Oops. (Smirks) My hand slipped. But enough of this love/friend drama, it's time the king gets his crown.

Then, in a burst of speed, Bowie was sent back against the wall and coughed up blood by Telekinesis.

Pryia: I hope you enjoy that! You bastard!

EmmaRR: I'll go check on Courtney!

As she was going to heal up the CIT, her legs were frozen by the ice dancers

Kitty: Emma!

But Kitty was punched in the face by a gold fire by Taylor, who smirked.

Taylor: I don't think so.

Josee: You're not going anywhere.

Jacques: Though we tried to be good for our fans after a humiliating defeat in... (Disgusted look) Silver and bronze, we shall take our rightful place among the pedestal of gold!

The three were going to fry/freeze the two, but Priya and Kitty were shielded by a dark barrier of Ennui and Crimson.

Ennui: You've chosen your path...

Crimson: ... Now you will face judgment...

Scary Girl was giggling as she side stepped a rock punch by Ripper.

Ripper: Hold still, you scary freak-ahh!

Scary Girl lifts Ripper by the arm with ease and repeatedly slams him into the ground like she did with the bear that growled at her.

Scary Girl: (sings) If you're going to a break a body, slam 'em hard (slams ripper). If you're going to break a body, slam 'em hard~! (slam ripper again)

Priya: Scary Girl, I don't understand why you are helping us?

Scary Girl: Because I like you ~

Priya: Wow, I don't know if I should be relieved or scared.

Axel and Shawn stood back to back, looking at Sugar and Topher.

Shawn: Ripper, was your ex right, sis?

Axel: Yeah, I never cared for him. Honestly, I take fatty, and you take the wannabe?

Shawn: Sounds good. This is like a zombie apocalypse, ha!

Sugar growls, forming giant mud fists.

Sugar: Y'all gonna regret insultin' me!

Topher: Even though I can be a better host than Chris, I can replicate your power and be better than you, Zombie obsessed nutcases.

Axel: No talk more fight!

Shawn: Bring it on!

Axel fought Sugar while Shawn took on Topher. Lightning was firing electricity at Cameron, who forms a nanite shield.

Lightning: Sorry, slim nerd, but lightning's looking for number one, and it ain't room at the top for two-Lightning was hit by an energy shield constructed by Brick.

Brick: You okay, cadet?Cameron: I'm okay, t-thanks.

Julia and MK were making a run for it through this chaotic brawl.

But as they were escaping, Millie blocked them.

Millie: Where do you think you're going? Don't you see what's going on?

Julia: Yeah, it doesn't concern us, especially with MK's abilities she doesn't need this right now.

Millie: What about the rest of the world? Don't you care what happens to it?!

Alejandro saw this and opened his hands to create a small dark fireball and send it to the mind of MK. She screamed as she was under Alejandro 's control.

Julia: MK, what's wrong?

MK looked over, and her eyes turned lime green.

Alejandro: Destroy, my dear.

MK was breathing heavily as she knocked away Julia and Millie.

Millie: Gah!

Julia: Agh!

They grunt in pain, both staring at MK who was clutching herself as she transformed into a very tall, highly muscular hulking monsters as her screams became roars.

Julia: MK...

MK, in her monster form, roared and charged at them.

Trent and Cody grabbed them as they pulled them away before they were crushed.

Julia: What the hell?! How could this happen? She was just perfectly fine until now.

Julia looked over at Alejandro, who had a calm yet Sinister smirk on his face.

Julia: YOU!!!

Julia was charging right after the arch Villian until... her body was losing control of herself as if someone was controlling her body. teleported through blood tornado was a slightly tall Asian girl with long black hair as, she possessed a curvaceous figure with K-sized breasts, wide hips, perfectly shaped legs, and a huge rear end as she was wearing a crimson red slitted dress , fish net fingerless gloves, black sash, a red cape, black heels, red lipstick, collar around her neck and red nail polish. Heather knew who exactly it was.

Heather: You!

Alejandro: Oh, forgive me, Heather, didn't I tell you I'm dating your sister Hillary?

Hillary: Hello sis, thought you were quite the queen bee well good for you because I'm a goddess compared, having power, the looks and your boyfriend, oh, I meant my boyfriend (smirks evilly)

Heather growls, looking at Alejandro who betrayed her for her own sister.

Heather: You are really Shallow, aren't you, no your worse than me.

Hillary: (Smirked) can't handle the truth, sis...

Dawn looked around in shock and unsettling.

Dawn: Madness, what have you done, Alejandro?

Right behind her was the controlled Katie and Sadie ready to attack her.

Sam: Dawn behind you!

Before Dawn can turn around, Katie and Sadie were hit by a solar blast courtesy of Anne Maria.

Dawn: Phew, thank you.

Anne Maria: Eh, no problem.

Meanwhile, Scott was still holding Zoey at Blade Point, where Mike & Jo were unable to make a move or its curtains for her.

Scott: Hehehehe, I bet you wish you had your personality disorder back, you could've had a... slight chance.

Mike: (glares) Let Zoey go, now or I'll-

Scott: (daring smile) You'll what? You both know if you try to move or use your powers, Red's face is as good as carved.

???: Sorry Scott, but if anyone's going to be the instrument of Mike & Zoey's destruction, it's me...

Scott, Zoey, Jo & especially Mike went pale as someone appeared out of the shadows with a dark grin.

Scott: Huh?

Zoey: Y-You?!

Jo: ...!

Mike: Mal?!

Mal: In the flesh. In the literal flesh, hahahaha...

Mike: But that's impossible, you were wiped out from my mind!

Mal: Well true.... but before that, I went Chris with a little... Proposal for his little ratings boost. An experiment in case things didn't go as planned, I gave Chris a sample of your DNA as scientists he paid to scan our brains, to scan my mind, they used your DNA in genetic cloning technology, creating a new body to put my essence inside of it.

Mike: Oh no...

Mal: (grins) Oh Yes... Mal is back & on the rebound baby, hahahaha...! And I actually agree with Alejandro, we are like gods with our gifts and those who get in our way, they will all fall down...

Mike: You won't get away with this!

Mal: Oh, I planned to. This time, I'm not stuck in your head. I'm right in front of you. But don't worry, I don't plan to kill you or anyone you hold dear... Yet... You haven't suffered enough & you will...

Scott: (Smirked) well now looks like we more allies than we thought, you should really reconsider.

Cody, Trent and Harold were cutting down the mind control of Jay and Mickey's clones.

Harold: Gosh! Justin, we could really use HER help right about now!

Justineyes glowed ultraviolet.

Justin: Telepathically) It's time

Then everyone heard a blood chilling howl as, a giant white wolf aura with pure white eyes with 10 tails and morphed into a tall tanned skin teen about 12ft tall with long black hair down to her ankles, she possessed an beautiful Amazonian , muscular body with R-sized breasts, strong hips, perfectly yet strong legs, a huge rear end. She wore a white armored bra top, a wolf tattoo on her breasts, Egyptian like collar around her neck, golden bicep band, Golden armbands, a white with red trimmed ankle length split skirt with multi colored gems around her skirt, ankle bands, very sharp fangs, claws, wolf ears, she had a long white cape with hood, she was barefoot and she had ten tails represents different element for now: Fire, Water, Earth, wind, Light, Darkness, Electric, Energy, Life. She glared down with her glowing pure white eyes.

Scott: Hey, who are you?! Wait a minute, that's cheating! She isn't one of us.

Mike: (smirked and mocking the dirt farmer) Well, it looks like we have more allies for us than I thought

Mal didn't care as he just focused on Mike right now.

Scott: Hey bitch! You hear me? What are you doing here.

Justin: Sister, shut this nucience.

Scott: Hey, you hear me?

The figure vanished appeared beside Scott. Before he knew it, Scott was on the receiving end of a right cross to the mouth, knocking him away through the walls as Zoey was free.

Zoey: Thank you. who are you anyway? Where did you come from?

The hooded figure vanished and appeared right in front of Justin and noticed that he was injured, and she was not happy at all as she glared at everyone and let out a low snarl. As they could feel her power.

Trent: (smirked) Well Alejandro, you're not the only one who can gain more allies!

What a surprised twist huh? Alejandro and Chris worked together, and he was the one for the murder of Staci, The Tennis Rivals and the Stepbrothers. Now Mal is also back to seek vengeance against Mike and Zoey now joined Alejandro. Not to mention surprised shocking of Heather's older sister joining the villains and destroy Heather. But who's the hooded figure that is joined the heroes? All these questions will be answered on the next episode of Total... Drama.. Heroic Force!

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