Episode 4: Here's The Real Tea- Downtime

"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the main cameras focused on him on the Dock of Shame, "Before the break, the Multiple Mole-Rats returned to form and won immunity for the third time this season. Now that the Observant Owls are back in the losers' circle, who will be voted out next? Let's tune in and find out what they have planned."


With the Observant Owls forced to vote someone out once again, everyone was on edge as they weren't certain on who would be the next to go. As for the majority alliance of Veronica, Dallas, Rhythm, Kavan, and Annie, they now had to decide what their plans would be for the vote. They currently rested in the female's side of the losers' cabin, going through their options and formulating a plan.

"And we're back in this dump," Annie commented as she slammed her fist on the wall.

"We have no time to complain; Dallas reminded, "We either b*tch and whine about it, or we can figure out a way for us all to stay."

"Because of my alliance, I have the numbers to get whoever we want out. Yes, Spencer's weak and Damien's a loner, but Tory is the one that needs to go. And I am going to do whatever I need to do to make sure it happens."- Dallas

"Well, we agreed to keep the duos together and take out Spencer & Damien, right?" Annie recalled, "So all we have to do is figure out which one we're targeting."

"And I'm pretty sure that we can split the votes 4-2," Kavan added, "Just in case one of them has an invincibility head."

"I haven't forgotten; Spencer did go to Boney Island, and he might have an invincibility statue. So I just want to get that out before we have any trouble with it."- Kavan

"Personally, I want to vote for Damien," Annie admitted, "I just think that Spencer is more useful."

"Is that the only reason?" Dallas asked.

"Umm.....I've talked more with Spencer, I guess," Annie confessed, unsure of what Dallas was looking for.

"Anything else?" Dallas questioned as Rhythm mouthed to her to stop talking.

"Dallas, we don't need to bring this up right now," Kavan insisted.

"Bring what up?" Annie asked, confused.

"Screw it, let's just give it to her straight," Dallas declared as she stared at Annie, "Annie, do you have a crush on Spencer?"

"Well....there goes our plan for 'keeping it quiet'..."- Kavan

"W-what?" Annie stuttered, laughing a little bit, "Where'd you hear that from?"

"Can we just let this go?" Veronica asked, "We don't need to-"

"No one asked you," Dallas interrupted before turning to face Annie again, "Word going around is that you and Spencer like each other."

"Yeah; we're friends," Annie agreed, "But we're not in love or anything; I'm with Tory."

"We get that, but rumours are rumours," Dallas reminded, "There has to be some truth to it."

"I definitely do not have a crush on Spencer. I think he's a sweet guy and all I wanted to do was get close to him for an alliance. I have no intentions of cheating on Tory; I still love him and I hope he doesn't find out."- Annie

"Does Tory know about this?" Annie asked, a bit scared.

"Oh, he was the one who started the rumours; he's suspicious of you two," Dallas admitted as she started looking for confirmation, "Right, Kavan?"

"Uh......um...."Kavan mumbled, not wanting to say anything.

"Kavan!" Annie shouted, forcing Kavan to look at her, "What did Tory tell you?"

"H-he told me that you two were hugging during the silly string game, and he got jealous," Kavan admitted, "But I tried to talk him down, though!"

"Excuse me a moment," Annie declared as she got up and headed out the door, "I need to find Tory."

"Annie! Wait!" Veronica called out as she chased after her.

"Well...that went well," Dallas remarked as she got up and shut the door to the cabin, "Alright, now it's time to get real."

"Now that Annie and Veronica are distracted, this is my chance to reel in a majority vote to take out Tory. Damien & Spencer would be idiots to not agree with me, I'd like to think that Rhythm would be by my side, so all I need is Kavan's vote."- Dallas

"Tory is the real root of the problem here," Dallas claimed, "He's the one who got jealous; if he didn't get jealous, Annie and Spencer wouldn't have been dragged into this in the first place."

"Are you saying that we need to get rid of Tory?" Kavan asked.

"Absolutely," Dallas confirmed, "I mean, it's not a big loss. Kavan, was Tory any good at throwing corks to you?"

"No," Kavan admitted, wincing at the memory of being hit in the head with corks.

"This is the opportunity that we need to bring this team back to a calm state," Dallas claimed.

"Dallas actually seems to be getting a bit of ground here. I was scared at first, but if she can pull this off, we might be the queens of the team."- Rhythm

"Do we have the votes?" Rhythm asked, wanting assurance.

"Absolutely; all we need is five votes," Dallas reminded, "Damien knows that he's on the chopping block, so he has to vote with us. Once Spencer finds out about the rumours, he'll vote out Tory to protect himself. I'm the third vote, Rhythm's the fourth vote, and Kavan is our fifth."

"I don't know if Roni would want to go through with it," Kavan reminded.

"She doesn't have to know; all we need is for you to vote with us," Dallas noted, "C'mon man, let's do it."

"It's kinda scary knowing that I'm the swing vote. On one hand, I don't want to leave Roni in the dark, because that might strain our relationship. On the other hand, I don't want our team to constantly be fighting. Ugh....this is gonna be a big move."- Kavan


Everyone knew that big moves were going to be made in a competition like Total Drama; after all, when there's a million dollars at stake, people would be willing to do almost anything to get their hands on it. However, timing was crucial in order to make sure that the big move wouldn't leave you in a bad spot. Callie, Alina, and Karlie made a big move when they flipped and blindsided Ariton, and that almost resulted in their alliance with Amaniel breaking apart. Right now, the five alliance members were in the music room of the mini-mansion to confirm their loyalties to each other.

"You see? This is what happens when we work as a team," Daniel commented, referring to the challenge, "We went out, worked efficiently, and won immunity."

"Being the leader has its advantages and disadvantages. I mean, everyone seems to like me and I actually have a bit of influence. But at the same time, people recognize that I have power and that leaves me vulnerable to get blindsided, especially since I don't have an invincibility statue. But until I can go to Boney Island, all I can do is bring my alliance together and raise our spirits."- Daniel

"This is what happens if we communicate and work together, right?" Daniel asked, looking for validation.

"Exactly," Amalia agreed, "We're a good team."

"Just to be clear, we're all good, right?" Callie asked, still a bit worried.

"I hold no hard feelings," Daniel admitted, "It was a move that needed to be made and I respect it. I just want us to be honest with each other."

"Then we'll be honest," Karlie agreed, "Right, girls?"

"Right," Alina confirmed.

"Absolutely," Callie added.

"I'm really glad that Daniel & Amalia forgave us for what happened with the last vote. Because I need them if I'm going to make it far. Not only are they good allies, but they're really nice people. I want them here, and I hope that they feel the same about me."- Callie

"Well...we have a few hours until the next elimination ceremony," Karlie noted as she looked at her watch, "What should we do?"

"Well, I can think of one thing," Amalia admitted as she took a seat at the piano, "What do you think, Daniel?"

"Something that symbolizes team unity," Daniel proposed.

"Got it," Amalia declared as she prepared to to play a song, "I know what you mean."

"What song is it?" Callie asked, curious.

"Just follow my lead," Daniel assured.

With that, Amalia began playing a 'team unity' song. Knowing what the song was, Daniel took a seat at the drumset and began tapping the bass drum with his foot. The song was fast, complicated, and hard-hitting, yet the tune was recognizable enough for everyone to know what the song was. Just in case, Callie, Karlie, and Alina waited for Daniel to begin singing before they took a step.



Rising up, back on the street,
Did my time, took my chances.
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet,
Just a man and his will to survive.

Callie: So many times, it happens too fast; you trade your passion for glory. 
Karlie: Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past, 
Alina: You must fight just to keep them alive! 
Daniel: It's the- 


Eye of the tiger!
It's the thrill of the fight,
Rising up to the challenge of our rival!
And the last known survivor,
Stalks his prey in the night,
And he's watching us all with the eye..... of the tiger!


Now in the heat of the moment, the five alliance members were rejoicing happily. By now, those not playing instruments began dancing. Sure, they weren't too good at it, but it didn't matter. They were all comfortable enough around each other to do what they wanted to do, and they saw nothing wrong with that.


Daniel: Face to face, out in the heat,
Amalia: Hanging tough, staying hungry...
Karlie: They stack the odds, still we take to the street,
Alina: For the kill...
Callie: With the skill...
Alina & Callie: To survive!


It's the, eye of the tiger!
It's the thrill of the fight,
Rising up to the challenge of our rival!
And the last known survivor,
Stalks his prey in the night,
And he's watching us all with-

Callie: The eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeee!

Everyone: Of the tiger!



Having an alliance was almost an absolute necessity if one was to make it far in the game. However, if the alliance couldn't get along, it might be better if there was no alliance at all. Zeyad & Cole were in a bit of a tough spot; they knew that their time in the game was limited by the cohesion of the majority alliance on their team. Thus, they decided to reach out to a member of the other team for help. Right now, they were in the mess hall, where they talked with Tory about a potential alliance.

"I appreciate you two coming to me for this," Tory admitted, "I'm honestly looking for more allies."

"Do I trust them? Not 100%. But they're in need of help, and I could use a few more allies. Last season, I focused a lot on strategizing that I didn't exactly socialize that much. This season, I want to talk with more people in hopes that they can help keep me safe."- Tory

"Hopefully, there'll be a team swap soon, because we could really use an ally like you on our side," Zeyad expressed.

"I'm looking at everyone on the Observant Owls, and Tory might be our best bet for an ally. He's good in challenges, strategic, and I know that he'll be willing to take down big threats. That's someone that I need on my side."- Zeyad

"If we're going to go far, we need a majority alliance; at least five people," Cole noted, "Is Annie down for an alliance?"

"Absolutely," Tory assured, "She's open to anything."

"There you are!" Annie exclaimed as she burst through the door and stomped towards Tory, with Veronica following her, "What's this I hear about you being jealous?"

"Babe, we need to go. Now!" Cole insisted as he grabbed Zeyad by the wrist and pulled him out of the mess hall.

"Well, what's going on between you and Spencer?" Tory replied, wanting an answer.

"Him and I are just friends!" Annie answered, frustrated, "Can't a girl have a friend who's a boy?"

"She does have a point, Tory," Veronica agreed.

"That's not what I'm saying!" Tory insisted, "I'm saying that it looks suspicious when you two hang out together and get a bit 'touchy', especially since it happened when I wasn't next to y'all."

"It was just a couple hugs of excitement! That's it!" Annie assured, "Don't you trust me?!"

"This show is so intense that relationships can happen after only talking for five minutes," Tory claimed, trying to defend himself, "If it can happen to Daniel & Amalia after one day, it can happen to you and Spencer after a few days!"

"Amaniel is a whole other ballgame; neither of them were in a relationship before they met each other, but you two were dating long before this season," Veronica reminded.

"Tory needs to learn that not every guy is dying to hook up with every single girl. It's a natural reflex for him to be this way and I can understand that. As much as I want to yell at him some more, now is not the time for that."- Veronica

"Look, neither of you are completely in the wrong," Veronica remarked, wanting to end the argument, "She's not with Spencer, and he's being a bit overprotective. She still loves you, and you still love her. Can we just drop this?"

Instinctively, Tory would've liked to continue speaking to try and prove that his actions are justified. But his head told him that there was no point in fighting anymore. Annie was willing to forgive him for his actions, and he couldn't ask for more than that. Agreeing to Veronica's terms, he stood up, smiled & nodded, and pulled Annie into a hug, which she reciprocated. At the end of the day, they weren't just campers; they were boyfriend & girlfriend. They didn't want to break up over a game move.

"I love you," Tory remarked before kissing Annie.

"Love ya' too," Annie replied after ending the kiss.

"There ya' go," Veronica commented as she stepped towards the door, "I'll leave you two lovebirds be."

"I've helped a few of my friends with relationship troubles in the past. I'm not an expert, but I get how each person thinks, and that really helps me out. It's a game of empathy, I guess."- Veronica

"There are a lot of people out there who think that guys are dumber than girls. I don't think that either gender is dumber; but I can get on board with saying that guys are more illogical. I'm normally a guy with logic, but sometimes natural instincts take over. I'm not gonna go after Spencer or anything like that; if she wants to hang out with him, so be it."- Tory


At this moment, the last thing that Spencer needed was for people to be mad at him. But oddly enough, he wasn't being targeted because people hated him; he was being targeted because he was alone. But his only solace came when Dallas went to talk to him and Damien by the communal bathrooms. She still needed votes to send Tory packing, and the two of them were the last votes that were needed.

"Are you sure that we have the votes?" Spencer asked.

"I don't think we have a choice," Dallas insisted, "This is our one shot to keep us all safe."

"The vote is coming up soon; I need to rally all the votes that I can. Rhythm is talking to Kavan, and all I need to do is get Spencer and Damien to come along with the plan."- Dallas

"Are you guys down?" Dallas asked.

"I mean, if we're making a big move, we shouldn't be taking out a guy like Tory," Damien noted, "He's not a big threat."

"Something seems a bit fishy about this plan. Dallas wants to make a big move, but this involves voting for Tory? I thought she'd want to take out Veronica or something. It's not adding up; a part of me is thinking that she just wants to keep votes off of her."- Damien

"If we want a threat out, Veronica is the one we need to target," Damien insisted.

"That's a good point," Spencer agreed, "We'll be on board if Veronica is the target."

"Look, Tory might not be a threat, but he's hurting our games," Dallas insisted, "He's been pretty bad in challenges this season; and I don't want to lose again."

"It's just nervewracking to think about making a big move when him and I aren't even that close with anyone," Spencer admitted.

"Attention campers!" Chris called out from the loudspeakers, "It's time for the elimination ceremony! Please make your way to the campfire area now!"

"I'm telling you; this plan will work," Dallas insisted as she began walking towards the campfire area, "And I'm gonna prove it."

"These guys are such pansies! Why can't they just grow a pair and make the move? I've done so much to try and get Tory out and I'm not giving up now. A big move is going to happen; I promise you that."- Dallas


"Now this....is gonna be a good one; I just know it," Chris commented as the cameras switched to a view on him, "How will this vote play out? And what surprises await these campers after all the dust settles? Find out after the break, right here, on Total...Drama...Double Trouble!"

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