Episode 3: Remembering The Basics- Immunity Challenge

"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the cameras panned back on him, "Before the break, the campers learned that they'd have to use their brains for this challenge. Luckily, they actually have them. Let's get this challenge started!"


With that, the cameras turned their focus to the two teams, each standing near their respective tables. Both teams had something to prove: the Observant Owls wanted to bounce back from their loss last episode, while the Multiple Mole-Rats wanted to further show their dominance as a team. With the teams finally equal in numbers, this challenge was crucial in deciding who would have the extra member going forward.

"Alright, let's start round one!" Chris declared as the first representatives from each team walked towards the levers, "We have Spencer from the Observant Owls going against Callie from the Multiple Mole-Rats."

"I volunteered to go first so I can show my team that I'm a valuable camper. Hopefully I don't completely botch it."- Spencer

"I'm not a fan of memory games. I volunteered so when I mess up, my team has time to recover."- Callie

"For this round, there will be six items to memorize," Chris declared, "Ready, set, go!"

As the countdown was completed, Chef Hatchet raised the curtains, revealing six items in a row. They were a brown coconut, a white marshmallow, a golden Chris statue, another white marshmallow, a black marshmallow, and an orange Chris head. As much as the two competitors wanted to comment on the nostalgic items, they had no time to do so. After roughly five seconds of staring at the items, Spencer pulled the lever, which dropped the curtain and signaled him and Callie to run back to their tables.

"Spencer pulls the lever and they're both off to their tables," Chris narrated as Spencer and Callie took off to their tables.

Immediately upon reaching their tables, both campers began assembling items in a row. Spencer felt confident that he knew the order of the items, and hoped that he could replicate the order quickly. Callie was less confident about her chances, having only fully processed three of the six items. After about fifteen seconds of placing, Spencer stepped back from his table and thrust his hands in the air, signaling Chris to walk over and inspect his order.

"Let's see..." Chris muttered as he walked over to the table and examined the items, "Spencer is correct! First point to the Owls!"

"Yeah!" Spencer cheered as he ran full force into the arms of his teammates.

"Nice job, Spencer!" Annie congratulated.

"Thanks," Spencer thanked with a big smile on his face.

"This is exactly what I was hoping for! Thank you, gods for giving me the power to memorize weird objects!"- Spencer

"Okay, he did well. Maybe he could actually be an asset to us."- Dallas

"Alright, let's start round two!" Chris announced as the second representatives from each team walked towards the levers, "We have Annie from the Observant Owls going against Alina from the Multiple Mole-Rats."

"Being a singer, I have to memorize pages and pages of lyrics and sheet music, so I don't think it'll be too difficult."- Annie

"Sure, we may be down a point, but it's early on in the game. If I win the round, good for us. If I lose the round, oh well." *shrugs*- Alina

"Once again, there will be six items to memorize," Chris declared, "Ready, set, go!"

As the countdown was completed, Chef Hatchet raised the curtains, revealing a new row of six items. They were a brown coconut, another brown coconut, a white chef hat, a black marshmallow, an orange coconut, and another black marshmallow. These items were no less surprising than the last set, allowing the two campers to focus solely on memorizing the order. After almost seven seconds of staring, Alina pulled the lever, allowing both her and Annie to run back to their tables.

"A little longer than expected, but whatever," Chris narrated as Annie and Alina began arranging items.

Annie hadn't memorized the order as much as she would've liked to, so she scrambled to put whatever items she knew on the table. Alina was pretty confident that she knew the order, but this sense of comfort inadvertently caused her to move slower than Annie. Before long, Alina jumped back from her table and turned to Chris for his verdict, not having realized that he was busy checking Annie's table, who had jumped back seconds before.

"Annie is......not right!" Chris declared before walking over to Alina's table to check her table, "But Alina is! Round two goes to the Mole-Rats!"

"Yeah!" Alina exclaimed as Callie ran over and gave her a hug.

"You did it, bestie!" Callie remarked happily.

"Of course I did," Alina replied jokingly, "Mind letting go before you break my ribs?"

"Oh, sorry," Callie apologized, disengaging from the hug.

"I didn't expect to win, but I'm glad I did. Hopefully my team remembers this when we have to vote someone off."- Alina

"I'm really glad that Alina and I came here together. If we both can show the team that we can help out, we stand a chance at making it to the merge."- Callie

"Alright, let's start round three!" Chris announced as the third campers from each team walked towards the levers, "We have Rhythm from the Observant Owls going against Karlie from the Multiple Mole-Rats."

"Weirdly enough, I actually have a pretty good memory. I'm liking my odds."- Rhythm

"I've built up a pretty good memory from all the years of rote memorizing for quizzes and tests. Hopefully it pays off today." -Karlie

"As usual, there are six items to memorize," Chris reminded, "Ready, set, go!"

Without hesitation, Chef Hatchet raised the curtain, revealing a brown chef hat, a white chef hat, an orange coconut, an orange Chris head, a white marshmallow, and a green barf bag. Both participating campers were eager to win the round and get their team into the lead. After only three seconds of memorizing, Karlie pulled the lever and ran back to her table, with Rhythm not too far behind her.

"That was pretty quick," Chris remarked, "Let's see if it was worth it."

Karlie managed to memorize the order fairly quickly, and began placing items on her table without pausing once. Conversely, Rhythm hadn't memorized the order completely, and began panicking over whether or not the white marshmallow was 3rd or 4th in the sequence. But it didn't matter, as Karlie managed to complete her order in less than nine seconds.

"Karlie is..." Chris paused as he checked Karlie's table, "....correct! Karlie wins round three!"

"Yay!" Karlie cheered as she hopped back to her team.

"Now that's how you win a round," Amalia commented as she brought Karlie to an embrace.

"I'm really happy that I won my round. After almost costing my team the win during the last challenge, I needed to prove myself."- Karlie

"I'm happy that we're one step closer to winning, but that makes Zeyad and I look so weak. If I totally botch the challenge and we lose, I'm gone for sure!"- Cole

"Let's start round four!" Chris declared as the next two campers approached the levers, "We have Tory from the Owls and Amalia from the Mole-Rats."

"Chris!" Tory called out, "Quick question: what happens if we're both wrong?"

"We'll redo the round," Chris answered, "Unless you both are dumb and can't get it after ten tries."

"Got it," Tory remarked.

"I've got a special technique for memorizing. Let's hope it works."- Tory

"I'm not worried for this challenge, but I'm not super confident. At least I'm up against Tory, so I have a chance." - Amalia

"Once again, there are six items to memorize," Chris reminded, "Ready, set, go!"

Once Chef Hatchet raised the curtains, the objects (a black marshmallow, a white barf bag, a green barf bag, a white chef hat, a golden Chris statue, and another black marshmallow) came into view. Amalia was focused on quickly memorizing the order of the items, but was caught off guard by the curtain suddenly dropping. As she turned around, she saw Tory running back to his table, prompting her to do the same.

"I'm pretty sure that Tory looked at that for half a second," Chris commented as Tory and Amalia began assembling their items.

Tory was moving fairly fast; one could only assume that he memorized the order quickly. On the other hand, Amalia barely had enough time to remember the first two items, and struggled to put together an order that she was confident in. Before long, both Tory and Amalia stepped back from their tables, allowing Chris to check their tables.

"Tory is....wrong!" Chris announced before walking over to Amalia's table, "And Amalia.....is wrong as well! Back to the levers!"

With both campers having incorrectly guessed the order, Chef re-raised the curtains, revealing the same six items as before. After not having enough time to memorize the order on the last run, Amalia was ready to take her time. But much like before, Tory pulled the lever very quickly, forcing both of them to run back to their tables once again.

"I guess Tory just wants to get this over with," Chris remarked.

"That guy..." Dallas muttered to herself, "He's no good..."

"This dude is really pissing me off. It's like he thinks this is a vacation or something. If we lose this challenge, it's on him."- Dallas

"Chris!" Tory called out, signalling Chris to check his table.

"Em........Tory is right!" Chris declared as Tory shouted in elation, "Tory evens out the score to 2-2!"

"Nice job, man!" Damien praised.

"Told y'all I could do it!" Tory remarked as he ran back to his team.

"Y'see, I screwed up the first one on purpose. I memorized the first half of the order on the first run, then the second half on the second run. It's easier to remember. See? I can be smart."- Tory

"Eh, lucky shot."- Dallas

"Sorry guys," Amalia apologized, "I really tried."

"No one's blaming you," Daniel assured as he brought her in for a hug.

"I'm not saying that I'm worried....but yeah, I'm worried. The smart members of our team went in the first half. At this point, I'm just hoping that we can get to the tiebreaker."- Daniel

"Let's start round 5!" Chris declared as two more campers walked to the levers, "We have Dallas from the Owls and Ariton from the Mole-Rats."

"I don't expect to win. But after what Tory just did, I need to win this round."- Dallas

"I get what Tory did; he pulled the lever quickly so Amalia couldn't memorize the items fast enough. Two can play at that game." *laughs*- Ariton

"For this round, we're gonna make it a bit harder," Chris warned, worrying the two competing campers, "This time, there'll be eight items. Ready, set, go!"

With an increase in the number of items that needed to be memorized, everyone expected Ariton and Dallas to take their time before pulling the lever. But to everyone's surprise, immediately after Chef Hatchet raised the curtains, Ariton pulled the lever and sprinted back to his table. Everyone was confused, even Chris.

"What.....?" Chris muttered, shocked.

"Did you even look at the objects, dude?" Daniel shouted to Ariton.

"Doesn't matter," Ariton claimed as he randomly placed items on his table.

"C'mon....think!" Dallas commented to herself as she continued to place items on her table.

"Done!" Ariton shouted as he stepped back.

"Dude, that's not even close," Chris claimed.

"Chris!" Dallas shouted as she placed the final item in place.

"Dallas..." Chris muttered as he examined the items on her table, "Is correct! The Owls are up 3-2!"

"F**K!" Ariton screamed as he took an orange coconut and chucked it towards the sea.

"Why did you do that?" Amalia asked, confused.

"I wanted to throw her off a little bit," Ariton claimed, visibly annoyed, "How was I supposed to know that she has the memory of an elephant?!"

"How did you do that?!" Rhythm asked, curious.

"Hey, I've got skills that a lot of people don't know about," Dallas claimed before giving her girlfriend a kiss, "It was a piece of cake."

"Fine, it was luck. But as long as my team thinks I'm useful, I don't care."- Dallas

"Time for round 6!" Chris announced as two more campers stepped up towards the levers, "We've got Kavan from the Owls and Zeyad from the Mole-Rats."

"I'm not that much smarter than Ariton, if at all. I'm not too confident about this one..."- Kavan

"I almost cost my team immunity last time. I need to show them that I'm useful and that I'm more valuable than some of the others on our team."- Zeyad

"Once again, there will be eight items," Chris revealed, "Ready, set, go!"

Exactly on cue, Chef Hatchet raised the curtain, revealing two black marshmallows, an orange Chris statue, an orange coconut, two green barf bags, a third black marshmallow, and a white marshmallow. Both campers tried their hardest to memorize the items quickly, wanting to prove that they could compete well in mental competitions. After about ten seconds, Kavan pulled his lever, allowing both him and Zeyad to return to their tables.

"Both men going slowly," Chris remarked, "Let's see if it pays off."

If anything, putting these two men against each other was a fair match. Neither truly had an advantage over the other. Both hesitated in placing their items on their table, and both of them took their time to recall the order of the items. After almost thirty seconds, Zeyad stepped back from his table, signalling Chris to check his work.

"I have no clue if I'm right. I think those things were on that stage thingy, but I don't know if they were in the order that I put them in."- Zeyad

"That...that...that..." Chris muttered as he looked at the items on Zeyad's table, "Zeyad is correct! The Mole-Rats tie it back up at 3-3!"

"Yay!" Zeyad cheered as he hopped and clapped in place.

"Nice one, babe," Cole praised as he brought Zeyad in for a hug.

"Thanks," Zeyad thanked happily.

"I totally rocked it! Yassssssss!"- Zeyad

"Zeyad actually did well. Hmm...maybe he could actually help us out a bit..."- Alina

"Let's start round seven!" Chris declared as another two campers stepped up to the levers, "We have Damien from the Owls against Cole from the Mole-Rats."

"I actually have a pretty good memory. Robotics is more than just building robots; it's also about remembering specific codes and programs to use when creating instructions for robots. I like my odds."- Damien

"I'm feeling pretty good about this. I mean, if Zeyad managed to win, it can't be that hard."*laughs*- Cole

"And again..." Chris began before pausing, "Y'know what? Just lift it, Chef."

Although a bit confused by Chris' lack of enthusiasm, Chef Hatchet did as told and lifted the curtain, revealing a white marshmallow, a brown coconut, a white chef hat, another brown coconut, a black marshmallow, a brown coconut, a green barf bag, and an orange coconut. With the challenge nearly at an end, both Damien and Cole had their mind focused on winning the round and giving their team the lead. After only six seconds, Damien pulled the levers, resulting in him racing Cole back to their respective tables.

"Both men are off at a fast pace," Chris remarked, "It's gonna be close."

Damien had no doubt in his mind that he knew the order, and was dead set on getting the correct items on his table. Cole on the other hand, wasn't sure if he knew the order or not; he was still processing the 6th item when Damien lowered the curtain. As a result, Cole panicked, allowing Damien to finish his order and step back without any competition.

"And..." Chris muttered as he looked over Damien's items, "Damien scores the 4th point for the Owls!"

"Yes!" Damien exclaimed before jogging back to his team.

"That's what we needed, bro," Tory insisted.

"Exactly," Damien replied, "All we need is one more."

"I just got our team into a winning position. All we need is one more win and we get to avoid voting someone out for once!"- Damien

"I literally was hopeless out there," Cole admitted, "I couldn't do that if my life depended on it."

"Don't worry about it," Zeyad consoled, "We still have a chance."

"Now I'm worried again. I may be safe, but Cole just put his small butt on the chopping block. I just gotta hope we win this round and the tiebreaker, or else he might be voted out."- Zeyad

"It's time for the eighth round!" Chris declared as the last campers from each team took their places next to the levers, "It's Veronica from the Owls against Daniel from the Mole-Rats."

"This is it. I've been waiting for this since my elimination last season. This is more than just a round; it's my chance to show everyone that I am a real competitor, and that Daniel just got lucky last time."- Veronica

"This is my chance to show my team that I'm willing to do whatever I need to do to get us a win. If I lose, we'll have to vote someone out, and I don't even want to chance it."- Daniel

"Remember: if Veronica wins, the Owls win immunity, and if Daniel wins, we'll go to a sudden death round," Chris reminded, "Ready, set, go!"

As soon as Chef Hatchet raised the curtain, Veronica and Daniel set their minds straight to memorizing the items. Aside from the two of them, no one had time to process which items were on the stage; before anyone could blink, Veronica and Daniel pulled their levers at the same time, thereby dropping the curtain. The two ran back almost in complete synchronicity as they both began to assemble their items.

"This is gonna be a close one, folks," Chris commented, "It's gonna be close..."

Chris wasn't wrong; Veronica and Daniel assembled their items much faster than the campers before them, as if they were robots that Damien programmed specifically for this challenge. Both teams watched intently as the two campers continued to assemble their items in order. After nearly ten seconds, both campers stepped back and shouted for Chris to check their items, with Daniel shouting a split-second before Veronica.

"Let's check this out..." Chris remarked as he walked over to Daniel's table, "Daniel....scores the fourth point for the Mole-Rats!"

While both teams wanted to either cheer or groan from the result of the round, they had no time to do so. With Daniel's victory, that tied the challenge at 4-4, meaning that they would have to go to a sudden death round to determine the winner of the challenge. That also meant that they'd have to choose someone from their team to compete.

"Time for the final round: winner takes all," Chris clarified, "I need a camper from each team as a representative."

"Alright guys," Daniel began, ready to make a speech, "We've got to make a wise choice-"

"We pick Daniel!" the remainder of the Multiple Mole-Rats shouted as they shoved Daniel forward.

"I figured," Chris admitted, "And from the Owls?"

"Alright guys, as much as I want to go, I think our best odds are to pick someone who won a round," Veronica admitted.

"So that leaves Spencer, Tory, Dallas, and Damien," Rhythm listed.

"I can't beat Daniel," Tory insisted, "He could probably memorize the whole list in the time that it takes me to memorize half of it."

"Spencer and Damien were the fastest," Dallas noted, "It should be one of them."

"I nominate Spencer," Annie interjected.

"I'll second that," Rhythm added.

"I'll third the motion," Veronica agreed.

"Y'know guys, I really, really, REALLY think that Damien should do this one," Spencer insisted, trying to deflect the focus off of him.

"I don't want to go out there! I just know that I'll lose!"- Spencer

"I'll do it, but to be completely honest, Cole wasn't much of a threat in my round," Damien admitted.

"True that," Kavan agreed, "Spencer is our best bet."

"B-b-b-but..." Spencer muttered, now trembling with fear.

"Calm down, Spencer," Dallas insisted, trying to be nice, "This is your chance to be the hero that this team needs. We saw you out there; you won your round like it was nothing! You can do this!"

"He can't do this. To be honest, even if Spencer wins, I don't think Daniel's gonna get voted out; no one on his team hates him enough to take him out. Eventually him and I are gonna make the merge and I'm gonna lead the charge to take him out. But for now, Spencer's gonna go out there, fail miserably, and we'll vote him out. Simple."- Dallas

"We have faith in you, man," Tory assured as he tapped Spencer on his right shoulder, "Go out there and win."

Spencer was caught in between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, he really didn't want to compete; if he lost (which to him, was likely), the team would blame him for the loss and vote him out. At the same time, if he refused to compete, the team would think that he's not a team player and would vote him out. It was a lose-lose situation, and that stressed him out. After a few seconds of thinking, he prayed silently and spoke.

"Fine...I'll do it," Spencer agreed as he stepped forward.

"Alright!" Chris exclaimed as the two competing campers approached the levers, "It'll be Spencer from the Owls against Daniel from the Mole-Rats!"

"Even if I lose, I can at least say that I tried. Maybe the team will appreciate that I'm trying and cut me some slack." *gulps*- Spencer

"To be honest, I didn't expect Spencer to get picked. But that makes this round a bit harder. Not because he's a strong competitor, but because I know that if I win, he'll probably be voted out."- Daniel

"And for this final round, we're making it a bit harder: you'll have to memorize ten items this time," Chris revealed, startling the competing campers a little bit, "Winner take all; ready, set, go!"

With that, Chef Hatchet raised the curtains for the final time, revealing ten of the items that the campers had seen in previous rounds. Although both campers were confident in their ability to memorize, both were a bit rattled knowing that they would be responsible for winning or losing the challenge for their teams. The mood was tense as everyone waited for someone to make a move. After almost fifteen seconds, Spencer pulled his lever, causing both him and Daniel to sprint back to their tables.

"They took a long time with this one," Chris commented, "Let's see if it pays off."

"C'mon..." Annie muttered.

"This is Spencer's chance to prove himself. If he can go out and beat....probably the other team's best player, he'll earn a lot of respect from our teammates."- Annie

"You can do it, baby!" Amalia called out, wanting to be encouraging.

"Shhh!" Karlie insisted before covering Amalia's mouth with her left hand, "He needs to focus!"

"I'm not scared that Daniel won't win, but if he doesn't, it might not be good for us. We're the leaders on this team, and we need to show that the team can count on us."- Amalia

Both competing campers were moving fast, desperately hoping to finish their order before the other person. They tuned out all of the noise from around them, electing to direct their focus solely towards winning the challenge. The campers watched in awe as both campers placed the same items on their tables in equal time; they were completely in sync. After almost fifteen seconds of arranging, both campers stepped back from their tables; one an instant before the other, leaving Chris to make his personal judgement.

"Spencer stepped back first; let's check his order," Chris declared as he walked over to Spencer's table.

"I think I have the order right. But at this point, who knows?"- Spencer

"This is it. If he wins, we win; if he loses, he's out of here."- Dallas

"Spencer is...." Chris began as he checked the last three items of Spencer's order, "....is correct! The Observant Owls have won their first immunity challenge of the season!"

With that, the Observant Owls began celebrating in happiness. No one could blame them; after losing the last two challenges, finally winning a challenge felt so good to them. But among the team's members, no one was happier than Spencer. After having to watch his twin brother get voted out, he was looking for a source of hope; something to convince him that he could make it far in the competition. And winning the challenge for his team was all that he could've ever wanted.

"I did it!" Spencer exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yes you did," Veronica agreed, "Yes you did."

"Woo-hoo! I did it! I won the challenge for my team, and now I don't have to worry about voting someone out tonight! This is my chance to rebuild some relationships with my teammates. Hopefully I can do it."- Spencer

"Y'know, even though Spencer can be a bit emotional, he can really compete. I didn't expect him to win at all. But hopefully he continues to do well in challenges, because I don't wanna vote out anyone else on my team."- Kavan

"I'm sorry guys," Daniel apologized, "I blew it."

"It's alright," Amalia assured as she gave her boyfriend a hug, "You tried your best."

"If it makes you feel any better, your order is right too," Chris admitted.

"Thanks, Chris," Daniel thanked.

"I'm not happy that we lost, but I can't change that. All I can do is focus on getting who I want out this day. Hopefully my alliance can agree on a target."- Daniel

"Multiple Mole-Rats, you'll have to vote someone out tonight. You have a few hours to think about it, so choose wisely," Chris recommended before turning to face the main camera, "Now that was definitely a challenge to remember. Who will be the next one to bite the dust? Find out after the break, right here, on Total...Drama...Double Trouble!"

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