Episode 16: Remembering The Past- Nighttime/Morning

"Last time on Total...Drama...Double Trouble..." Chris narrated, "Having just pulled off the blindside of a physical threat, Callie, Alina, & Zeyad celebrated their accomplishment, and plotted to continue their efforts against Veronica & Dallas."

*Shows shot of Callie, Alina, and Zeyad celebrating in the losers' cabin*

"But unbeknownst to them, Karlie was ready to flip back to Veronica's side, hoping to band together with Dallas & Zeyad to split up Callie & Alina: the final duo left in the game."

*Shows shots of Karlie & Veronica talking in Veronica's bedroom, and Callie & Alina talking to each other*

"And on Boney Island, Dallas successfully followed her clue all the way to a brick wall. But her goal to knock down the wall prevented her from finding the invincibility statue underneath it. Man, that's embarrassing."

*Shows shots of Dallas feeling around a brick wall, running into the wall several times, and breathing heavily on the floor of the cave*

"During the immunity challenge, we brought former campers back so they could put the current campers through rounds of punishments. Sugar's fondness for Juggy Chunks caused Zeyad & Karlie to drop out early, but Justin's clothes-burning challenge, Beth's Vomit Comet challenge, and Chef's Beetroot Tea challenge failed to do the same. But when faced with the decision to not compete in the next immunity challenge, the field was cut in half, leaving Dallas & Callie remaining."

*Shows shots of Sugar showing off Juggy Chunks, Zeyad vomiting, Karlie giving up, Justin ripping off his shirt, Beth showing off the Vomit Comet, Chef Hatchet revealing a tub of Beetroot Tea, Courtney talking, Veronica & Alina holding up red balls, and Dallas & Callie holding up green cubes*

"And when Heather returned to shave someone's head, Callie stepped up and completed the punishment, winning her her second individual immunity challenge of the season."

*Shows shots of Heather shaving Callie's head and Callie being given the Golden Marshmallow necklace from Chris*

"With tensions running high, Veronica & Dallas and Callie & Alina played tug-of-war over Karlie & Zeyad: the swing votes for the upcoming vote. And with different opinions, tempers flared between the two outsiders, leaving them undecided and in a difficult spot."

*Shows shots of Karlie & Zeyad talking with Veronica & Dallas, Karlie & Zeyad talking to Callie & Alina, Karlie slapping Zeyad, and Karlie & Zeyad arguing*

"But when the elimination ceremony came, Callie threw a wrench in everyone's plans by giving Alina the Golden Marshmallow necklace and revealing her invincibility statue, forcing the others to abandon their plan to vote out Alina and start plotting against each other."

*Shows shots of Callie giving Alina her Golden Marshmallow necklace, Callie revealing her invincibility statue, and of Veronica, Dallas, Karlie, & Zeyad talking with one another*

"In the end, Callie didn't play her invincibility statue, but she didn't need it as Dallas was sent away from the island with three votes against her. And after a surprise twist, Daniel was voted back into the game, leaving the campers happy with the day."

*Shows shots of Callie giving her invincibility statue to Alina, Dallas looking sad, Dallas riding away on the Jet-Ski of Losers, Chris holding up a picture of Dallas & a picture of a black silhouette, Daniel jumping out of the Submarine of Losers, and the six remaining campers hugging*

"Six campers are left: who will be voted out next? Find out right here, on Total...Drama...Double Trouble!"


The cameras first turned their attention to the mini-mansion, where Alina & Karlie were resting in Alina's bedroom. This was a prime opportunity for the two friends to talk about where they each stood with regards to each other. Alina knew that Karlie was willing to vote her out, and Karlie knew that she was ready to vote out Alina, leaving a tense atmosphere between the two of them.

"Alright; I want to just lay it all out on the table," Karlie declared as she sat on Alina's bed, "The reason why I dragged Zeyad away from the cabin was because he was accusing me of not wanting to go along with the plan."

"Alina and I started the game as good friends; we even made a final four agreement. Right now, I need to make sure that she believes that I was on her side the entire time."- Karlie

"I get that people know me as 'the flipper'," Karlie assured, making air quotes to emphasize her point, "But I just want you to know that I still want us to go to the end together; especially now that Daniel is-"

"Karlie....just stop," Alina interrupted, "I know that you were trying to vote me out this past elimination ceremony."

"It took me a while to realize it, but Karlie hasn't always been on my side. She may have tried to keep me safe in the past, but she's not anymore. What sucks is that I can't vote her out because I don't know if I have the numbers. The next best thing that I can do is push the target on someone else."- Alina

"Ever since Kavan's elimination, you were wanting to split up Callie and I. And when Callie won invincibility, you put the target on my back," Alina claimed, wanting Karlie to know that she knew what was going on, "I know it, Karlie. What do you have to say?"

Karlie took a few seconds to think about what she wanted to say next. This was the first time in recent memory that someone confronted her on her betrayal, and she wasn't sure with what to do next. While she knew that Alina was right, Karlie wasn't ready to back down yet. Thus, she put on her best 'confident' face and attempted to stand her ground.

"I don't know where you heard that, but it's wrong," Karlie insisted, "Don't believe everything you hear."

"Then why should I believe you?" Alina noted, "For all I know, you could be lying to me right now."

"Alina, we made a deal to go to the final four," Karlie reminded, "It would be bad for me to vote you out."

"It would be bad if you didn't have a side deal with anyone," Alina noted, "I know that you have a deal with Zeyad, and he told me all your plans."

"That jacka**! He totally went behind my back! Ugh....y'know what? Shame on me for trusting him! I should've known that he would've returned to being an a**. If anything else gets out, I'm dead meat. I need him gone."- Karlie

"Fine, you're right," Karlie conceded, wanting to backtrack, "Thanks for telling me this."

"Karlie, I want to be able to trust you," Alina insisted, "I want to bring back the final four alliance: you, me, Callie, & Daniel. Is that alright?"

"I'm down," Karlie agreed, shaking Alina's right hand, "The four of us against Zeyad & Veronica."

"We just need to make sure that Callie & Daniel are on board," Alina added, "But it shouldn't be that much of a problem."

"Looking back, I haven't made any big moves yet. If I can bring back the majority alliance and successfully get rid of Veronica & Zeyad: two people who've been hard to vote out, those will be my big moves that I can claim as my own and put me on an even level with people like Callie, Karlie, & Daniel."- Alina


At this point in the competition, everyone was going over what they had done in the game so far. Even though it was likely that the final challenge would end up being physical, the possibility of the winner being decided by a jury vote was present in everyone's mind. For someone like Daniel, since he was previously voted out, he knew how all the eliminated campers felt about the remaining campers. And now, he was ready to put that knowledge to use as he talked to Zeyad & Veronica in the female's side of the losers' cabin.

"Really?" Veronica asked, wanting clarification, "They're rooting for me?"

"Yep," Daniel claimed, "Kavan convinced a lot of people to support you. They think you're 'The Queen', and all that jazz."

"What about me?" Zeyad asked, eager to hear news about him.

"Well, Cole is obviously your biggest fan, but people like Tory & Spencer are also rooting for you," Daniel insisted, "You're kinda the underdog in everyone's eyes but people still want to root for you."

"Wow!" Zeyad exclaimed, content with the news, "That's awesome!"

"I'm really surprised that the eliminated campers want me to win; when I left to return to the game, they didn't seem that happy for me. But I guess things change in a couple weeks."- Zeyad

"Yeah, I'm stretching the truth, but it's not a bad idea. If I can raise their egos and make them think that they're making all the right moves, they'll be less likely to notice their mistakes, on which I can capitalize. Alternatively, the pressure of having a lot of people rooting for them might make them crack and make it easier for me to win immunity. Either way works for me."- Daniel

"I guess being at Playa de Losers makes everyone happier," Daniel proposed, "But I'm really glad to be back at camp."

"Hey, what was the challenge that you had to compete in to get back here?" Veronica asked, curious.

"Kavan, Katelyn, Rhythm, Annie, Damien, and I got to watch the last immunity challenge live, and we each bet on one of the remaining six campers to win," Daniel explained, "I bet on Callie, and because she won, I was given the chance to come back, and now I'm here. Thanks by the way."

"No problem; we didn't want Dallas here anyways," Zeyad admitted.

"But enough about Playa de Losers; we're in the game," Daniel noted, wanting to get back into the flow of the game, "If you don't mind me asking, what's going on around here?"

"Before the elimination ceremony, it was Callie & Alina vs the rest of us," Veronica explained, "But after Callie revealed an invincibility statue, everything went awry and Dallas was voted out instead."

"So Callie has an invincibility statue..." Daniel repeated, rationalizing that Callie still had the statue that he willed to her, "Good to know."

"Obviously, Callie & Alina are both still here," Veronica noted, "But now that you're here, we were hoping that you could help us out."

"I didn't want to vote for Dallas, but I was scared; if we kept our votes the same, and if Callie wasn't bluffing, I would've been the one voted out, so I had to vote for Dallas to throw in another option. But now that Daniel is here, we have the chance to redo the plan. We prevent Callie & Alina from winning immunity, and use our four votes to split them up. Hopefully Daniel is more concerned with the threat of the intact duo rather than me."- Veronica

"Daniel, you're not a dumb dude," Zeyad claimed, "You should know by now that people are more dangerous in numbers."

"Don't have to tell me twice," Daniel assured, "I hate to do it to Callie, though; she's so nice!"

"C'mon Daniel; you know better than to let personal feelings get in the way of-" Veronica began before stopping abruptly, "Y'know....nevermind. That wasn't a good point."

"Don't worry about it; I'm in," Daniel admitted, "We need to get this done."

"Awesome," Veronica remarked, smiling.

"The past few elimination ceremonies haven't gone right for me. With plans changing every hour, this might be my only chance to regain control of the game. As long as I can keep Zeyad, Karlie, & Daniel under my control, I'll be fine."- Veronica

"I'm not entirely sure if siding with Veronica is the best thing for me; but she doesn't have to know that. The longer that I can keep the others happy, the longer that I can go without being targeted. But I know that eventually, I'll have to choose between Callie & Veronica; but I'm not gonna pick until I talk with Callie first."- Daniel


Early on in the game, Callie wasn't one of the big threats. Even after orchestrating a blindside, campers such as Veronica, Amalia, and Daniel were still bigger threats than her. But after willingly getting her head shaved, winning immunity, and eliminating Dallas from the game, no one could deny that Callie was a threat. She knew it too, and now that she was on Boney Island, she was ready to find something to help her last longer in the competition.

"One step....one step..." Callie muttered as she began walking uphill, "Just one step at a time, Callie."

"Boney Island is a scary place: it's really dark, damp, windy, cold, and it's kinda hard to see where I'm going. But I wanted to come here, and I'd really like to find something else while I have the chance; Chris told me that I would be the last person to go to Boney Island this season, so I want to make it count."- Callie

Luckily for Callie, she still had a chance to find something special; she was given the same clue that Karlie, Alina, & Dallas received on their previous trips to the island, and because none of them found anything, the invincibility statue corresponding with the clue was still up for grabs. Much like the girls before her, Callie made her way up the mountain and into a dimly-lit cave, where she spotted a fresh brick wall.

"Brain is more than a brick..." Callie muttered, recalling the clue, "Well, the wall is made of a lot of bricks, so this might be it..."

Feeling confident, Callie walked up to the wall and began pushing at each brick, hoping that one of them would give in and reveal something helpful. Due to her short stature, she wasn't able to reach the bricks higher up on the wall, so she settled for testing the bricks lower on the wall. Eventually, she was lying on the cold, stone floor, hoping to find anything of use. And to her surprise, her efforts lead her to a small hole at the bottom of the wall, in which she extended her arm and swiftly pulled out an object wrapped in parchment.

"Yes....yes...." Callie whispered as she scrambled to unwrap the object, revealing it to be a Chris McLean Head of Invincibility, "Yes! Woohoo!"

Having found what she was looking for, Callie rolled onto her back, pocketed the invincibility statue, and fell asleep. It may not have been the comfiest of situations, but she was clear of the rain, clear of the wind, clear of the cold, and she found what she was looking for. After spending the last couple of days stressed about how she could keep her and her best friend safe, she now had a statue to save herself and a statue to save Alina, leaving her relaxed.

"Yes..." Callie muttered as she closed her eyes in an attempt to fall asleep, "Yes..."

"So much has happened over the past few days. After losing a close ally, I helped pull off a blindside, won immunity, eliminated Dallas: one of my biggest foes, and got that close ally back in the game. I guess it shows that after the dark & scary thunderstorm comes the bright and happy sunshine." *smiles*- Callie


To succeed in the game of Total Drama, you had to have some sort of resilience; if you gave up at the first roadblock, you weren't going to go far. At this stage of the game, everyone faced some sort of roadblock, and you could argue that the biggest roadblock was being voted out. Both Zeyad & Daniel experienced it firsthand. While Zeyad was brought back after the merge, Daniel was brought back at the final six: a time when everyone has a plan for how they'll make it to the final two. And now that it was morning, Daniel was ready to find out where he stood with some of the other campers, starting with his closest ally: Karlie.

"I need intel," Daniel declared as him and Karlie stood by the front door of the mini-mansion, "I want news on alliances, deals, and invincibility statues."

"From what I could tell from watching the episodes from Playa de Losers, Karlie is really trying to flip back and forth between everyone in the game. She's been doing it ever since I left the game. Now that I'm back, I'm hoping that she's still willing to work with me and we can make a run to the final two."- Daniel

"Callie has an invincibility statue; I don't know how she got it, but she has one," Karlie revealed, "As for alliances, I was trying to split up Callie & Alina last night, but I think we might need to turn our attention to someone else."

"Ah, I see," Daniel agreed, "You want to vote for Veronica?"

"I actually want to vote for Zeyad," Karlie admitted, "He's a snake."

"Is Alina on board with this?" Daniel asked.

"She doesn't have a problem with it," Karlie admitted honestly, "We just need you and Callie to agree with it."

"What happened?" Daniel asked, curious, "From what I could tell by watching the episodes, you two worked well together."

"He threw me under the bus to Alina & Callie, and now Alina doesn't trust me fully," Karlie confessed, "I need him out so he can't ruin my game."

"Well, I guess it's good that I'm back and you're still here," Daniel claimed, "At least we can trust each other."

"Daniel hasn't given me a reason to doubt him, and I can't think of a reason why he'd want to get me out, so I'm perfectly fine with trusting him with my plans. But I don't know if it's a good idea to go with him to the final two; he's strong, smart, and popular. I might not be able to beat that."- Karlie

"One thing that I've noticed from watching the episodes is that Karlie won't hesitate to betray anyone; if she has a reason to vote you out, she'll do it. Amalia wants me to side with her, but when push comes to shove, she won't take me to the final two. Looking ahead, I could probably take her to the final four, but I can't expect her to take me to the final two over someone like Callie or Alina."- Daniel

"When I talked to Zeyad, he wanted us two to align with Veronica to split up Callie & Alina," Daniel revealed, "Does he know that you don't trust him?"

"Not that I know of," Karlie answered, "I still don't like him."

"Look, I'm going to take a page out of your book: we need to keep our options open," Daniel noted, "If we can keep both sides happy, we don't have to pick one until we actually have to vote."

"Now you're speaking my language," Karlie remarked, smirking, "But honestly, if I had to choose between splitting up the final duo and getting rid of Zeyad, I'd rather get rid of Zeyad."

"But you also mentioned that Callie still has an invincibility statue," Daniel reminded, "Wouldn't it make more sense to at least flush the statue out of the game?"

"Flush?" Karlie repeated, confused, "Is that a new term?"

"'Flushing a statue' means that we convince a statue holder to play their invincibility statue while we target someone else," Daniel explained.

"So...we would have to convince Callie to play her invincibility statue, and actually target Zeyad..." Karlie commented, "That's......brilliant!"

"This is the kind of strategizing that I missed while Daniel was gone. Now, I'm not the only one thinking of plans for the future. If I can find a way to get rid of Zeyad and also flush out Callie's invincibility statue, it'll be one of the best moves to go down in the show's history."- Karlie

"Looking back at my time in the game, I can't say that I've been more dominant this season compared to last season; I haven't always been in control. But if I can control the next four eliminations, I might have a good enough resumé to have a legit shot of winning. Maybe I could win the next immunity challenge too."- Daniel


"Man...it's really good to see the campers playing hard," Chris commented as the cameras panned on him in the producer's room, "Will their strategies work out for them? And who will win immunity? We'll be back after the break, right here, on Total...Drama...Double Trouble!"

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