Episode 15: How Bad Do You Want It?- Immunity Challenge

After the commercial break, the cameras panned in on the main camp area, where the six campers were ready to begin the immunity challenge. With only six of them left, winning immunity limited the choices for elimination much more than in the past. They seemed focused, prepared, and willing to do what they needed to do to win the challenge, and that was about to be tested right then and there.

"Alright, time for round one!" Chris declared, "To host this first round, we have a special guest. You might know her as the pageant queen from Pahkitew Island: it's Sugar!"

"When I heard Chris say her name, I was ready to run off the Dock of Shame and swim back to Playa de Losers. I didn't even want to see to her. I just remember her as a total diva."- Zeyad

"Sugar looks a bit different compared to her look in season 6: it looks like she's a bit.....thinner, I guess. And her hair is less 'poofy' than before. She's still as annoying as before, though."- Karlie

"'Ay there, young'ins!" Sugar greeted as she walked out in a pink cold-shoulder top, blue jeans, and pink wedges, "I'm here to host the first round: Chuggin' Juggy Chunks. All you have to do is drink a glass of some mighty fine Juggy Chunks."

"And don't worry, these are only a week old since the much older stuff was bought from me years ago," Chris revealed, "Thanks again for buying it, Sugar."

"Ya' better be: I had to cough up a pretty penny for all that," Sugar reminded before turning back to face the campers, "Alright, do ya' wanna stay or leave?"

Eating Juggy Chunks wasn't on any of the campers' bucket lists. Even though Kavan & Callie appeared to not have any ill effects from it back in episode ten, they all couldn't help but be a little scared that they'd suffer the same fate as the final seven campers from Pahkitew Island. Despite this thought, it was only the first round, and they all knew that they had to at least show some effort, so they each reached into their podiums and simultaneously held up their green cubes.

"Looks like y'all agreed to do it!" Sugar declared.

With that, Chef Hatchet stepped forward and placed a glass of Juggy Chunks on each camper's podium; it was about nine inches tall and three inches in diameter. It was still a murky green colour, likely from the mayonnaise, and the thought of merely having to drink it made the campers nauseous. But they all accepted the challenge, and had to swallow their pride as they all picked up their glasses.

"Alright y'all, it's time to clean them cups!" Sugar declared, "Go!"

There were different strategies among the campers with regards to this task. Veronica, Callie, & Dallas simply wanted to get the task over with as soon as possible, and resorted to chugging the mixture. Alina also chugged the drink, but in short bursts, hoping to not push herself to the point of vomiting. Zeyad plugged his nose while slowly drinking the mixture, not wanting to taste it. Karlie simply took sips, gagging in between each sip.

"Ugh..." Karlie muttered before gagging, "Is it too late to pull out the red ball?"

"C'mon y'all!" Sugar encouraged, "I can drink syrup faster than that!"

"Shut up!" Veronica exclaimed before swallowing the last of her drink, "Done!"

"It was repulsive, but I had to swallow it; I've got to do whatever I can to keep Callie & Alina from winning immunity. It's four against two; the odds are in our favour."- Veronica

"I can't do it," Karlie declared as she reached into her podium and pulled out her red ball, "I'm done."

"Alright then," Chris remarked, disappointed, "Karlie, please take a seat on the losers' bench."

"Done!" Dallas declared as she tossed the cup away from her.

"I'm surprised that I finished the task and Karlie couldn't. She's such a wimp."- Dallas

"I didn't need to win; the longer that I can ride the middle and seem not-so-threatening, the better chance that I have at being taken to the finals."- Karlie

"And....done!" Callie announced, happy that she completed a task.

"I think I'm done too...." Zeyad muttered before vomiting on the ground, grossing out everyone present.

"Dude, are you okay?" Chris asked, half-concerned.

"Peachy," Zeyad responded as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, "Because I don't have to compete anymore."

"Alright then; Zeyad's out too!" Chris declared as Zeyad tossed his glass to the side.

"That slop wasn't gonna go down my throat; you couldn't force me to drink that. No way, no how."- Zeyad

"C'mon Alina!" Callie encouraged, as he friend struggled to finish off her drink.

"Put up or shut up, Alina..." Alina remarked before downing the last of her drink, "Done!"

"That does it! Alina, Callie, Veronica, and Dallas will advance to the next round," Chris declared, "Thank you for hosting, Sugar; you can head back to the production area now."

"See ya' y'all! Hope y'enjoyed them drinks!" Sugar declared before walking off.

"When Chris wanted me back, I was mighty excited, even though I wasn't allowed to rap this time. Though, I still made a lot of money that I can put into my talent agency; see ma?! I made it to the big time!"- Sugar

"Time for round 2!" Chris announced, "And to host this round, we have the second hottest person to ever appear on Total Drama. Back from Total Drama Island and Action: Justin!"

"All I remember from Justin is that he's supposed to be impossibly gorgeous. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't waste my time ogling at him; I wouldn't do it even if I was straight."- Dallas

"I once saw Justin in an advertisement in an Aldo shoe store; he still has his looks, but it's kinda underwhelming if you ask me. And it's not more impressive in person."- Alina

"Hello there, ladies. As you know, I'm known for doing this," Justin greeted as he ripped off his shirt while Chef Hatchet uncovered a portable fire pit and set it ablaze, "For this challenge, you just have to take off your shirt & pants and toss them into the fire."

With that, Justin tossed his shirt into the fire pit, where it slowly melted away. While he expected to receive a round of complements, the four campers still in the challenge were ready to declare their decision, leaving the shirtless man disappointed.

"Really?" Justin asked, shocked that no one praised him, "Nothing?"

"You're trying to impress a girl with a boyfriend, a girl with a girlfriend, and two other girls who are underage," Veronica noted, "What'd you expect?"

"She's got you there," Karlie agreed.

"Even I'm not impressed," Zeyad admitted.

"Aw man..." Justin muttered, "Well, make your decision, I guess."

This decision was actually a bit easier for the campers than the last task. Even though they would be standing in their bras and underwear in front of the cameras for millions of viewers to see, the embarrassment wasn't as painful to them as the potential of falling ill from the Juggy Chunks. Thus, with little hesitation, all four remaining campers reached into their podiums and pulled out their green cubes, signifying that they all accepted the challenge.

"Okay, you've all agreed to do it," Justin declared, "Ladies, the fire pit is yours."

"If I hear any wolf whistling, you're all getting arrested," Dallas warned as she removed her shirt.

"Goodbye, blue cold-shoulder shirt," Callie remarked as she tossed her shirt into the fire.

"This is gonna be a bit embarrassing," Alina commented as she stepped out of her jeggings, "Y'know, standing here so...exposed."

"It's not that bad," Veronica claimed, "It's the same as wearing a bikini."

"I don't know about them, but I'm comfortable in my own skin. There've been times when my friends and I changed in the same room and it wasn't awkward at all. I don't know; maybe it's just me."- Veronica

There were evident feelings of awkwardness and determination in the air. While it was weird to see four girls strip down to their bras and underwear, people understood that they were willing to do what they had to do to win immunity, and clearly, the four of them were willing to burn their clothes to stay in the challenge. Before long, the four girls returned to their podiums, standing exposed in their undergarments.

"Since when did you own that?" Alina asked, laughing at Callie's bra and underwear with the words 'Fun Times' on them.

"Just stop..." Callie requested, smiling through her embarrassment.

"Well, you're all still in the game, and we're done with round 2," Chris declared, "Your time is over, Justin."

"Ugh...back to the tough world of modelling..." Justin remarked as he walked away.

"Total Drama was my television debut. I thought that coming back here would help restart my modelling career; but I leave without anyone impressed by my physique. Man...now I'll only be able to get gigs for adult diapers or knee-high socks or something like that."- Justin

"Now it's round 3!" Chris declared, "And for the host of this round; you might remember her as the wannabe who was also a finalist in Total Drama Action. It's...Beth!"

"I don't think Beth deserved to make it to the finale of TDA; it should've been Lindsay. But if I have to make a comment about her right now....I guess she doesn't look that different at all. She's still short, nerdy, and gentle as she's always been."- Dallas

"The only thing that seems different about Beth is her pants; switched out the pink pants for blue jeans. Now if only someone could tell her that a side ponytail is and never was good-looking."- Zeyad

"Hey guys! You might remember back in TDA when I won the 'Vomit Comet' challenge," Beth reminded as Chef uncovered a metal suit on a metal arm, "For the third challenge, you'll have to last thirty seconds in the Vomit Comet without vomiting."

"Makes sense that Chris would give us a challenge that would make us throw up right after giving us a drink that would make us throw up. I guess we should've expected it."- Dallas

"Alright guys, what's your choice?" Beth asked, doing her best to sound like a host.

They all saw the season two episode involving the Vomit Comet; Duncan wasn't able to hold down his lunch after a spin in the machine. Adding to the fact that the campers just swallowed a bunch of expired food, the odds were kinda stacked against them with regards to successfully completing the challenge. Despite this, they all felt the need to take the chance, resulting in all them all holding up their green cubes.

"Wow, you guys are really brave," Beth noted, "Looks like you all will do it. Veronica, you're up first."

"I'm surprised that all the girls wanted to do it. I remember back in my season when everyone wasn't looking forward to it; Courtney even refused to do it. Even though it's probably less dangerous than the one that we had in my season, I still wouldn't do it."- Beth

Beth was right in saying that it was less dangerous; it wasn't nearly as fast as the one back in Total Drama Action, but it still went fast, putting pressure on each of the four remaining campers as they went in. Veronica simply kept her mind on something tranquil (in this case, it was Kavan giving her a massage) and she managed to survive without gagging once. Callie also managed to make it through without gagging, despite being scared of the machine at first. Alina ended up having to hold back the urge to vomit several times, but managed to squeak through without any accidents. Dallas had the toughest ride; despite screaming the whole time and nearly vomiting three times, she managed to make it through without vomiting, although she certainly had a mouthful to say.

"That's a f*cking crime, Chris!" Dallas exclaimed as she crawled out of the suit.

"No it isn't," Chris insisted, smiling, "At least, the lawyers aren't complaining about it."

"Rhythm, if you're watching this, next time we go to Fly Valley Amusement Park, the 'Space Spinner' is off limits." *gags*- Dallas

"Looks like you all made it out alive," Chris remarked, "That ends round three. That's your cue to go, Beth."

"Alright, thanks for having me back, Chris," Beth thanked as she began walking away, "Good luck to you all!"

"I guess it was nice being back on the show, even if it was only for a few minutes. But it's fine; the life of a live television star isn't for me. I've got a career as a voice actress waiting for me back home. Bye, Canada!"- Beth

"And now we're moving on to round four," Chris declared, "And for this round, the role of host will be filled by our very own Chef Hatchet!"

"I'm not saying that I'm scared of Chef, but it's kinda hard to not be scared of what he has up his sleeves. I saw all the challenges that he made in earlier seasons; we might be in trouble."- Veronica

"As you know, I have my own line of teas," Chef Hatchet noted, "And no, I'm not sponsoring this episode."

"That's a first," Dallas whispered to Veronica, allowing them both to laugh.

"This round, I'd like to call it 'Human Beets'," Chef Hatchet declared as he uncovered a tub with a red liquid in it, "This tub is filled with a highly concentrated version of my Beetroot Juice. To move onto the next round, you must soak yourself from head to toe with it."

"But remember: beet juice can stain your skin," Chris warned, "Let's see your decisions."

Before that piece of news from Chris, all four campers were ready to raise their green cubes. But knowing that the beet juice could stain their skin gave them a bit of pause. While the thoughts of forever looking like a walking beet passed through their minds, they mitigated their fears with the belief that they would be able to wash the stains out of their skin, resulting in all of them holding up their green cubes once again.

"Wow, you girls really want to win this one," Chef Hatchet remarked, shocked.

"As much as I don't want to do it, I have to do it to win immunity. At this point, there's not much that I wouldn't do."- Alina

"Like, why couldn't we get these tasks?" Karlie pointed out to Zeyad, "What's the big deal?"

"It stains skin!" Zeyad noted, repeating what Chris told them.

"So what? It's not like you can 'fail' this task!" Karlie pointed out, "You just have to jump in and soak your head!"

Karlie did have a valid point; none of the remaining four campers had difficulty in completing the challenge. One by one, they each ran up to the tub, entered it, and fully submerged themselves before grabbing a towel to dry themselves off. Before long, their entire bodies were stained red, as if they were involved in a brutal murder. But as usual, they found a way to laugh it off.

"We look soooooo ridiculous!" Alina commented as the four remaining campers laughed at themselves.

"We looked like a bunch of knockoff Elmo toys; Callie was 'Petite Elmo', Dallas was 'Crazy Elmo', Veronica was 'Martial Artist Elmo', and I was ''Fashion Designer Elmo'. So I guess we were a little family of Elmos."- Alina

"This stuff better come out easily," Veronica remarked as she looked at her red skin.

"I was just standing there thinking: I might as well change my name to Katelyn. Because my hair was such a dark shade of red!"- Veronica

"Well, I guess it's time to move onto round five," Chris declared, "And to host this round, we have the former C.I.T. herself: Courtney!"

"Hey guys!" Courtney greeted, resulting in a large amount of cheers from the six remaining campers.

"Well, looks like you've still got your charm," Chris commented, "Enjoying it?"

"Almost as much as milking you for all the money that you have," Courtney admitted, "By the way, you didn't respond to the my email about the CBSC lawsuit."

"It's a lot of fun working for the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, especially since Chris violated a lot of television standards over the last fifteen years. Ever since I was hired four years ago, I've been racking in more and more money from Chris and the network. That'll teach him for torturing me with deadly challenges for three years." *laughs*- Courtney

"Just get to the task..." Chris requested, visibly annoyed.

"Alright. Campers, by making it this far, you're clearly desperate to win immunity," Courtney noted, "But now it's time to see how badly you want to win this immunity challenge."

"At first, I didn't get it. I mean, they obviously want to win this challenge; they wouldn't still be in there if they didn't. But once Courtney revealed the actual task, it was all clear."- Karlie

"Your next task is: No Immunity For You," Courtney declared, "In order to stay in the challenge, you must agree to not compete in next episode's immunity challenge."

"That task hit us all hard. Because by agreeing to do it, you literally can't compete in the next immunity challenge. So if I were to agree, win this immunity challenge, and eliminate Callie this episode, I'm probably gonna be the target for elimination next episode, and I wouldn't be able to win immunity to save myself. And for not even a guaranteed immunity win, it just wasn't worth it."- Veronica

"Is today more important to you than next time?" Courtney asked, "Let's see your decisions."

Even though this task involved the least amount of physical pain, it was the hardest one to accept. They all knew how much immunity meant to them, so to willingly give up immunity in the next episode wasn't something that any of them were eager to do. After thinking for almost thirty seconds, they all made their decision and held up their corresponding objects, with two campers deciding to drop out.

"I'm done, sorry guys," Veronica apologized as she held up her red ball.

"I had no choice; even though I want Callie gone, I'm not willing to give up my chance at immunity next episode to ensure it."- Veronica

"Same for me," Alina declared as she raised her red ball above her head.

"Even though I know that I'm not safe, I don't think I'm going to be the target tonight. And if I happen to still be here for the next episode, I'd feel much better if I still had a chance to win immunity, so I dropped out."- Alina

"Veronica & Alina have dropped out of the challenge," Courtney narrated as the two aforementioned girls walked over to the losers' bench, "But Callie & Dallas held up their green cubes; that means you two can't compete in next episode's immunity challenge, but at least you're still in this one."

"Not everything went according to plan. I honestly thought that Callie was going to drop out when we had to burn our clothes. I didn't want to bench myself for the next immunity challenge, but I knew that if I wanted something done right, I had to do it myself."- Dallas

"And that puts an end to round five," Chris declared, "Courtney, that means you're done here."

"Remember Chris: lawsuit coming your way," Courtney warned as she began walking away, "And to the rest of you: good luck, because you're gonna need it."

"These campers should be thanking me: I'm part of the reason why they're not swimming with sharks or skydiving with broken parachutes. Ugh....if only I could've gotten this done thirteen years ago."- Courtney

"You know what it's time for: round six!" Chris announced, "And to host this round, it's one of the most dominant campers to have ever competed on Total Drama. The Queen Bee herself: Heather!"

At that moment, everyone went silent as Heather strutted into the camp area. Everyone was scared to say anything in fear of offending her, as if she were an actual queen. This allowed her to confidently walk into the area without any fear of anyone judging her or being hit by an unexpected falling object. She was royalty in Camp Wawanakwa, and that's exactly how she wanted it.

"Welcome back, Heather," Chris welcomed kindly.

"Thank you, Chris," Heather thanked, "Now, let me show you how a real host acts."

"I was hard to find time to be here; after years of working my way through the world of the media, I finally got a gig hosting the reboot of 'Around The World For Free'. If you don't know what that is, it's basically about a celebrity going around the world with one cameraman and no money, and they have to figure out how to survive by finding guides and locals for assistance. Check it out on CBS; Fridays at 8:00pm."- Heather

"As some of you may know, I placed third on the first season of this show," Heather reminded, "Why was I eliminated in third? It was because I 'refused' to allow Chef to shave my head, even though I ended up with one anyways."

It was at that moment that the six campers realized what the next task would be. Heather didn't even have to say it; she said enough to cause the two remaining campers to shiver in fear and the four eliminated campers to gasp in shock. While Callie & Dallas tried to remain optimistic with what the next task would be, Heather immediately crushed their hopes.

"Now it's your turn to do what I was forced to do," Heather declared as Chef Hatchet uncovered a barber's chair, "To stay in the challenge, you must allow me to shave your head."

That declaration caused Callie & Dallas to panic; the mere thought of having to shave their head seemed to terrify them. The four eliminated campers were also scared, but mostly because they were worried that the two remaining campers would push themselves too far. With the tasks becoming more and more demanding, it made them concerned as to what would happen next.

"That's crazy..." Zeyad muttered as he grabbed onto his hair, "I wouldn't do it."

"Same," Karlie agreed, "Do you think that any of them will do it?"

"This is easily the most dire thing that we've been asked to do. I don't know if either of them will go through with it; Dallas has really nice, pink hair, and I just don't know if Callie's brave enough."- Karlie

"I don't know..." Veronica admitted, not taking her eyes off of the two remaining campers, "What do you think, Alina? Will Callie do it?"

"I really don't know," Alina answered, "She doesn't look like she'll do it."

"No....no....no....no!" Callie repeated, not wanting to believe what she was told.

"Do I....." Dallas asked to herself before looking up at her pink hair.

"Heather!" Callie exclaimed, having a question, "What if we both hold up the red ball?"

"Um....I guess we just move onto the next task," Heather answered, slightly unsure.

"Okay. Dallas, let's talk," Callie requested.

"Go ahead," Dallas agreed, still panicking.

"Look, I really don't want to do this, and it's clear that you don't want to do it either," Callie noted, "We shouldn't have to do this if we don't want to. Here's the deal: cut me some slack, hold up the red ball with me, and I'll remember it later on in the game."

"Uh...." Dallas mumbled, unsure of what to say, "Um...."

"It was one of the toughest choices that I ever had to make. I knew that Callie was gonna hold up the red ball no matter what, so it was all in my hands. I could easily hold up the red ball, avoid shaving my head, and just move on. But I could just as easily take advantage of Callie's fear, hold up the green cube, and win immunity, ensuring that Callie could be voted out tonight. But is it worth shaving my head? Is it?"- Dallas

"I don't know..." Dallas admitted to herself, mentally panicking, "I don't know..."

"Alright, time to make your choice!" Heather declared, "Three, two, one, hold it up!"

Both campers knew that this decision would determine if one of them would win, or if the challenge would continue on without having to have one of them get their head shaved. After a brief hesitation, both campers reached into their respective podium, grabbed their desired object, and thrust it up into the air. As soon as they did, everyone except for the two remaining campers gasped; the objects were different, meaning that one of them was about to get their head shaved.

"Oh my God..." Veronica muttered, shocked.

"I can't believe it..." Karlie admitted, her jaw having dropped open.

"That's too much..." Zeyad insisted, "That's too much..."

"Wow..." Alina commented, "That's dedication."

"What's the problem?" Dallas asked, confused, "I held up the red ball!"

Dallas wasn't lying; she did in fact hold up the red ball, signifying that she wasn't willing to have her head shaved. She saw no reason for everyone to be shocked, but after a few seconds of mentally connecting the dots, she realized what everyone was shocked at. Slightly scared, she slowly turned to her right, where she saw Callie holding a green cube above her head. Dallas didn't know what was more surprising: the fact that Callie was willing to have her head shaved, or the fact that Callie managed to trick her.

"What?!" Dallas asked as she wiped her eyes, unwilling to accept what she was seeing, "B-but you..."

"What can I say, Dallas? You just got finessed," Callie noted, laughing as she tossed her cube to the side and began walking towards the barber's chair, "Let's do this."

"I was shocked beyond belief. I didn't think Callie had it in her to willingly have her head shaved! She surprises us every single day, and I don't know if that's good or bad."- Karlie

"Callie told me that she was willing to do whatever she had to do to win immunity, but I didn't think that she'd go this far. I was scared for how she would take it."- Alina

"Are you sure that you want to do this, Callie?" Chris asked, genuinely concerned, "You don't have to-"

"I need to do this, Chris. I need it," Callie claimed as she took off her glasses, "Ms. Heather, go ahead."

With that, Heather hesitantly turned on the electric clippers and began shaving away Callie's hair. Even though she knew that Callie was making a big strategic move, she couldn't help but feel bad for her. After all, Heather had such a hard time coping with herself after having her head shaved; she didn't even want to think about another girl having to go through what she did, even if Callie was fine with it.

"I can't believe she's actually doing it..." Alina admitted.

"She's really brave," Veronica commented.

"You go, girl!" Zeyad cheered.

"Shut up!" Karlie ordered, wanting to watch in silence.

"And....that's it," Heather declared as she wiped loose hair away from Callie's head and neck, "And behold! Callie's head is shaved!"

"Yep," Callie agreed as she got up from the chair and walked up to Chris, "And...?"

"No need to debate," Chris declared, "Congratulations, Callie! You've won immunity!"

Chris placed the Golden Marshmallow necklace around Callie's neck as everyone gave her a round of applause. Callie pledged that she was ready to do whatever she needed to do to win immunity, and she meant it. If there was any doubt of Callie's dedication to the game, she just eliminated all of it, and she earned the respect of her fellow campers while doing it.

"I can't believe you actually did that," Dallas admitted to Callie, "I tip my hat to you."

"I could use a hat right now," Callie joked, causing everyone to laugh.

"I'll admit it; she got the best of me. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to give up: Callie may be safe, but her right-hand-woman is still vulnerable. Time to move onto plan B."- Dallas

*scratches head* "Yeah....it was a little extreme, but I know that it was worth it. There are a lot of people counting on me to win, and I'm not gonna let them or myself down. I may not have any hair, but I do have immunity. And right now, that's what I need to keep myself safe."- Callie

"And that puts an end to round six," Chris declared, "Heather, it's your time to go."

"Alright, but not before I do this:" Heather agreed as she turned to face the main camera, "Looks like Callie really wanted to win immunity. How will Callie's win change the strategies for the vote? Who will be voted out next? And how will Callie cope with having no hair? Find out after the break, right here, on Total...Drama...Double Trouble!"

*camera angle changes to a wide-view of the island*

"Hey! That's my job!" Chris pointed out angrily.

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