Episode 15: How Bad Do You Want It?- Elimination
After the completion of the final commercial break of the episode, the footage cut to the remaining six campers sitting on stumps in the campfire area. The general ambiance of the area was tense; everyone walked into the area with a plan, and they all hoped that everything would go the way that they thought it would. But for most of them, the plans were about to change very quickly.
"Alright campers, tonight is gonna be a pretty big night," Chris reminded, "Callie is safe because she has immunity, but the rest of you can still get votes. One by one, you'll each enter the Confession Can, x-out the photo of the camper that you want to vote for, I'll check & tally the votes, and then I'll hand out marshmallows to those who are safe. Whoever doesn't receive a marshmallow will be forced to walk down the Dock of Shame and leave the island on the Jet-Ski of Losers. Alright, now-"
"Chris!" Callie exclaimed as she raised her hand, "I'm sorry for interrupting, but I really need to say something."
"Y'know, I'd normally be upset by being interrupted," Chris admitted, "But because you apologized, I guess I can allow it."
"Thanks, Chris!" Callie thanked as she stood up and faced the other campers, "Girls....and Zeyad, you all know who I am. I don't want to have to betray anyone if I don't have to."
"Too late for that," Dallas muttered under her breath.
"I heard that!" Callie claimed before returning to her speech, "There's been a lot of backstabbing going on lately, and that's not something that I want to do. I know that you four want to target Alina, and I'm not going to let her leave when I can do something about it."
With that, Callie removed the Golden Marshmallow necklace from around her neck and placed it around Alina's neck, leaving the other four campers surprised. Even though it wasn't the first time that someone had done that; Daniel made the same move the season before, the others were surprised that Callie made the move, and they weren't sure what her plan was.
"Sure, your friend is safe now," Dallas agreed, "But now you're vulnerable. You'd really rather have yourself get voted out?"
"Dallas, that's the point: I've played this game being loyal; the four of you might be working together, but my friendship with Alina is stronger than whatever bond that you have," Callie claimed as she reached into her pocket and pulled out her invincibility statue, "Now it's time to see how tight the four of you really are."
"Woah! Looks like Callie has an invincibility statue!" Chris narrated.
"Idiot..." Dallas muttered to herself before facing Callie, "Guys, she's bluffing."
"I knew you'd say that, Dallas. So let's say I am bluffing: call it," Callie encouraged, "Thanks to this statue, I'm safe; it'll be one of you four going home. And I'm saying this because I care: don't vote for me, because voting for me means there's one less vote that counts."
That speech shocked the other campers; they didn't expect Callie to tell them such a loud and blunt message. They didn't know if they should be surprised or scared, but regardless, they all began talking to each other, scrambling to figure out a new plan. Callie & Alina couldn't hear what they were talking about, but they didn't have to; they managed to make everyone else panic, scrambling to keep themselves out of a potential tie.
"Wow...." Chris muttered, shocked, "This....is gonna be amazing for the episode! Thank you, Callie!"
"You're welcome, Chris," Callie replied, smiling.
Callie & Alina simply stood back and watched the other four campers talk to each other. Even though they all felt that they were going to receive a vote, it quickly became clear to them that Dallas was the most frantic; she ran back and forth between each camper, seemingly trying to convince them to vote her way. They couldn't blame her for feeling worried; she should be.
"This has to be the plan," Dallas insisted, whispering to Veronica, "Trust me."
"Y'know what, we're good," Karlie declared, "Let's vote."
"No-no-no; we're not done," Dallas claimed.
"Don't worry, Dallas," Veronica assured, whispering to her, "I've got your back."
"Alright, fine," Dallas agreed, "Let's vote!"
"Don't let me stop you," Chris insisted, "Go ahead!"
"You know why I'm voting for you. If only you tried to be genuine and actually cared about what others thought of you; maybe things would've turned out differently."- Callie
"You're a big threat in this game; I don't want to go into the final four knowing that you have the power to easily win immunity. Sorry."- Alina
"You're a really great person and I really hate to do this to you. But facts are facts: you can't benefit me as much as the other two can."- Dallas
"I just don't see how you can help me anymore, both as an ally and a shield. You have to go."- Zeyad
"I'm honestly so scared right now....I just hope that the others will vote with me and that you don't have an invincibility statue."- Karlie
"The more that I talk to you, the more that I realize that I can't trust you. You've been a good ally in the past, but I can't risk you screwing up my game anymore."- Veronica
"Alright, I've tallied the votes," Chris declared, "But before I announce who's safe, if there's anyone who wants to go and play an invincibility statue, please do it now."
As if they were programmed to do it, everyone turned to face Callie, waiting for her to stand up and play her invincibility statue as she said she would. But to their surprise, Callie did nothing but sit still and smile, as if she had nothing to do. And after nearly fifteen seconds of waiting, Callie finally moved, but only to hand off the invincibility statue to Alina, who didn't play it.
"By the way, if I do happen to get voted off tonight, I just want to say that I wish you all the best of luck, and I don't hate any of you for it," Callie insisted before turning to face Chris, "Go ahead, Chris."
"Okay....the following campers are safe:" Chris declared as he held up three marshmallows, "Karlie, Callie, & Alina: you are safe. The ones on the chopping block tonight are Veronica, Dallas, and Zeyad."
The three campers in jeopardy were more surprised with Callie not playing her invincibility statue than the fact that they were in danger of being voted out. Veronica was aware that she was an all-around threat to win, and was scared that it could be her time. Dallas knew that she wasn't well-liked among the other campers, and felt that she might've opened her mouth a bit too much this time. Zeyad simply remembered the times that he was bratty and unliked, making him worried over the results. Overall, the three campers were all equally concerned, shaking as Chris revealed the final results.
"The final marshmallows go to....Zeyad, and.......Veronica!" Chris revealed as he tossed marshmallows to the aforementioned campers, "Dallas, it's your time to go....again."
"Damn it..." Dallas muttered as she stood up from her seat, "I guess it was too much."
"Dallas, you can hate me all you want," Callie allowed, "I just want you to know-"
"Don't worry, Callie; I don't hate you," Dallas assured, "Guys, I know that I've been a bit b*tchy lately; I'm not that oblivious. It's a game, and I hope that you guys don't hate me that much."
"Are you finessing us?" Karlie asked, "And that's a genuine question."
"Believe what you want, but I know that there's no point in lying right now," Dallas claimed as she went to shake everyone's hands, "Congratulations; good luck to you all."
"Hope you have fun at Playa de Losers," Alina expressed.
"Say hi to Rhythm for me," Veronica requested.
"No problem," Dallas agreed, smiling.
Dallas' journey on Total Drama was definitely a tumultuous one. After weeks of being targeted, arguing with other campers, and not being able to trust anyone other than her girlfriend, it was all over, and she was oddly happy about it. She believed that she had absolutely zero chance of returning to the game, so she was ready to make amends, kick back, and enjoy her remaining time in paradise. But unbeknownst to her, she was about to be made aware of a twist that could give her a third life.
"By the way, you might run into a boat along the way," Chris warned, "Just get on when you hit it."
"What?" Dallas asked as Chef Hatchet handcuffed her to the Jet-Ski of Losers, "What are you talking-"
Before Dallas could continue, Chris launched her out onto the horizon, where she would soon find out what Chris was referring to. This left Chris and Chef Hatchet to walk back to the beach, where the remaining five campers were waiting for further instructions, and the two adults were certainly excited to reveal some big news to them.
"Anywho.....this is usually the moment when the immunity holder chooses who to send to Boney Island, who will join them in the mini-mansion, and I'd send you on your way," Chris noted, "But this time, we're doing something a little different."
"Chris....we've been through a lot today," Veronica noted, "Can we just do this tomorrow?"
"We have to do it now," Chris insisted, "As you know, Amalia was evacuated weeks ago, forcing us to start the merge a bit earlier than expected. In order to keep the season at the scheduled amount of episodes, we've decided to bring someone back."
That declaration shocked the remaining campers. With all the chaos and hijinks that went down since the merge, they figured that everyone was on their last life. To find out that someone would be returning to the show was both surprising and a bit concerning, knowing that their odds of winning were about to get worse, at least mathematically.
"The thing is, you five get to choose who you bring back," Chris revealed, "Earlier today, Katelyn, Annie, Damien, Rhythm, Daniel, & Kavan competed in a challenge. One of them won the chance to re-enter the game."
"Who was it?" Callie asked, curious.
"Right now, their identity will remain anonymous," Chris declared, "You will vote to either bring the 'mystery camper' back into the game, or to bring Dallas: the last eliminated camper, back into the game. One by one, you each will enter the Confession Can to vote. There will be two photos: one of Dallas, and one of a black silhouette, representing the mystery camper: you will circle the photo of the camper that you want to return to the game. I'll check & tally the votes, and I'll announce the decision. Go vote!"
"It's pretty obvious with what I need to do. I need someone back who will be on my side."- Callie
"I didn't expect to get this chance, but I know what I need to do to give Callie & I the best odds of making it to the finale."- Alina
"At this point, I feel like I need someone who won't come after me. Will you? I have no clue, but I can hope, right?"- Zeyad
"Whoever you are, I hope that you're gonna be able to help me going forward."- Karlie
"I feel like you're gonna be helpful to me if you come back. At least, I think you will."- Veronica
"Well, it's clear that you all have a similar agenda," Chris remarked as he looked through the circled photos in his hand, "Because the five of you made a unanimous decision to bring the 'mystery camper' back into the game."
It was no surprise that everyone wanted the mystery camper back in the game. Even though they weren't certain as to who it was, they all felt that whoever came back would be more trustworthy and more predictable than Dallas. The only thing left to find out was the identity of the mystery camper, and they all were eager to see who it was.
"Here they come!" Chris announced as the Submarine of Losers pulled up to the Dock of Shame, "Come on out, mystery camper!"
Everyone watched silently as the hatch of the Submarine of Losers opened, shortly followed by the mystery camper pulling themselves out, revealing their identity to the remaining five campers. All of the campers were immediately excited by the reveal; not only did the camper have the potential to help their games, they also were well-liked amongst the majority of the cast, leaving them extremely happy to see them.
"DANIEL!!!!!" Callie exclaimed as she ran down the Dock of Shame and leapt to hug Daniel, "You're back!"
"You bet I am!" Daniel agreed, reciprocating the hug as the remaining four campers ran up to them, "I missed you guys!"
"We missed you too," Karlie assured as the six of them engaged in a group hug.
"Man...it feels so good to be back," Daniel admitted happily.
"That's right, Canada; I'm back, and I'm ready to win this season. Chances like this one don't come by every day, and I don't intend on wasting this one. I'm going to get my happy ending, and I'm gonna make my friends, family, and fans proud." *gives thumbs-up*- Daniel
"I hate to ruin the moment, but we have an episode to finish," Chris interrupted, ceasing the group hug, "Alina, because you are in possession of immunity, you get to pick who goes to Boney Island and who stays with you in the mini-mansion."
"Alina, pick Daniel to stay with you and I'll go to Boney Island," Callie instructed, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."
"Nah, I've lived in luxury for the past week," Daniel claimed, "Let someone else have a turn in the mansion."
"Umm..." Alina muttered, slightly unsure, "I guess I'll send Callie to Boney Island and I'll let......Karlie stay with me in the mini-mansion.
"As much as I want to talk to Daniel and ensure our final two deal, I need to talk to Alina and make her think that I don't want her or Callie out. I don't want there to be any suspicion in anyone's mind over my true loyalties."- Karlie
"I've only been to Boney Island once before, and it was pretty bad. But I feel like I need to find some sort of advantage. After all, if I can live with a shaved head, I'm sure that I can handle a night on Boney Island."- Callie
With that, Callie left for the boat to Boney Island, and the remaining campers returned to their rooms for the night, leaving Chris to think about the chaos involved with the episode. Even though a drama-inducing camper was voted off the show, Chris wasn't worried at all about the rest of the season. If this episode made anything clear, it was that everyone remaining was here to play, and that another round of betrayal and backstabbing was soon to follow.
"Well, we started the episode with six campers, and six campers remain. How will Daniel's return change the course of the game? How will Callie fare on Boney Island? And who will be voted out next? Find out next time, right here, on Total...Drama...Double Trouble!"
Final Words:
"This show was no cakewalk; aside from coming out, this show was the hardest thing that I've ever had to go through. When I was voted out, I was left wondering 'what if' and all that crap. And when I came back, it was even worse: I constantly had a target on my back, and I just couldn't stop arguing with people. But that's just who I am; if I'm here to compete for a million dollar prize, you better believe that I'm gonna do whatever I need to do to win. And now that it's over, I guess I finally have time to cool off and not be so rude, I guess. And if you ask me, I think Callie has the best chance of winning: she took me out of the game, not an easy feat." *winks*- Dallas
Votes To Eliminate:
Callie: Dallas
Alina: Veronica
Dallas: Zeyad
Zeyad: Dallas
Karlie: Veronica
Veronica: Dallas
Votes To Return:
Callie: Mystery Camper
Alina: Mystery Camper
Zeyad: Mystery Camper
Karlie: Mystery Camper
Veronica: Mystery Camper
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