Episode 13: No Piece of Cake- Immunity Challenge

Once the commercial break came to an end, the focus of the episode switched to the seven present campers in the main camp area. They all gazed at the dozens of small birthday cakes resting on stumps,  seven long, differently-coloured cake stands lined up in a curve, and a baseball bat lying next to each oven. At face value, the challenge didn't seem dangerous, which raised the spirits of the campers, although they knew the challenge couldn't be easy.

"Greetings campers; it's time for your next challenge: Total Drama Birthday Bash," Chris declared as he stood next to Chef Hatchet, "Today's challenge is brought to you by this episode's sponsor: Chef Hatchet's Crafty Cakes."

"Chef, how many businesses do you have?" Veronica asked, curious.

"Kid, you can't just specialize in one area," Chef Hatchet noted, "You gotta be good at many different things; gotta bring in customers of many kinds."

"Anywho....let me explain the challenge," Chris requested, "In each cake is a laminated card with a letter on it. You must use these letters to spell out a word on your cake stands. The more cakes that you search through, the more letters that you'll have to spell a word. You'll have ten minutes to spell and lock in your word. The camper who correctly spells the longest word will win immunity. If more than one camper correctly spells the longest word, immunity will go to the camper who locked in their word first."

"At this point, I don't think that I need immunity because my alliance is going after Callie & Alina. But I need to try and win just so that duo doesn't."- Dallas

"I need to win immunity. If I don't win, there's a fair chance that I could be voted out, and I'm not ready to go yet."- Callie

"I'd like to win this challenge; even though we have a deal with Karlie, Zeyad, & Dallas to split up Callie & Alina, they could easily turn it around and split up Roni and I. I'd rather not take that chance."- Kavan

"I'll give you a few minutes to think about your strategy, and then we'll get started," Chris declared, allowing the campers to disperse.


With a jump cut, five minutes of footage were skipped, cutting to the campers standing by their respective cake stands. They all were getting themselves prepared for the challenge: Veronica was stretching, Kavan was jumping up and down to get his heart pumping faster, while Karlie was in a deep state of thought, wondering what she was going to try and spell. Unsurprisingly, everyone was going to try hard, and they all were ready to fight in order to win it.

"Alright campers! Get ready to shake, bake, and spell!" Chris declared, confusing the campers a little bit, "Ready, set, go!"

With that, all seven campers sprinted out into the main camp area, racing to grab a cake and find a letter inside. As much as they were tempted to eat the cakes as they were searching, they realized without hesitation that immunity was more important to them than the cakes. Before long, cake and icing flew everywhere as the campers ferociously dug through the cakes.

"Gah!" Alina exclaimed as Callie accidentally threw cake into her face, "Could you please stop that?"

"Sorry!" Callie apologized as she grabbed a card and ran back to her table.

"At this point, even though I want to be nice, this is one case where I kinda have to be reckless and just try to get as many letters as I can."- Callie

"Let's do this..." Kavan declared as he prepared to tear apart a chocolate cake, "Well.....maybe just one bite..."

"Kavan!" Veronica called out, "Less eating, more searching!"

"Oh, right!" Kavan agreed as he snapped out of his hungered trance.

"I really wanted to eat that cake; as Daniel would say: there's no rule stating that we can't eat in the middle of the challenge. But I knew that Roni was counting on me to win, so I had to focus on getting the letters and spelling a long word."- Kavan

"Ew....ew.....ew...." Dallas muttered as she pulled a letter out of a cake and attempted to shake off all of the icing.

"I get that it's only icing, but it's still pretty gross. It's gooey, it's sticky, and because we're in the hot sun, it's melting and dripping all over our hands. Luckily, we had a bucket of water next to our stands that we could use to clean the letters and our hands."- Dallas

"Ah!" Alina exclaimed as she wiped icing away from her face, "I think it's in my eyes!"

"I've never had to tear open a bunch of cakes before. However, there was this one time that my friends took me to a 'Rage Room'. Basically, you pay for an hour in a big room where you get to destroy stuff. We got to use sledgehammers, axes, and a bunch of other tools to destroy walls, vases and furniture. It was really relaxing; maybe I should've taken Callie there before we came here." *laughs*- Alina

"And....that's a G!" Veronica exclaimed as she ran back to her stand, "Now to find an N."

"The last thing that I wanted to do was have one word stuck in my head, because I might've ended up wasting my time trying to find specific letters. What I wanted to do was spell a word that I could extend. Y'know, like adding an '-ing' to the end or an '-ly' to the end."- Veronica

"Let's keep this going..." Zeyad commented as he tore apart a cake, "Let's go this..."

"I wanted to think smarter and not harder. Instead of just pulling a bunch of random letters that might not make anything, I wanted to find certain letters that would help me spell a long word. And bam: moisturizing. That's a long word that I can spell."- Zeyad

"An H....yeah, that works," Karlie conceded as she ran back towards her stand and placed the card on it.

"I'm not too interested in winning; I've spent the last day trying to take the focus off of me, and winning immunity will only hurt that. But I also don't want people to think that I'm throwing the challenge. So I have to pick some sort of word that's good, but not good enough to win."- Karlie

"Three minutes left, campers!" Chris announced.

At that point, all the campers were situated at their cake stands, feverishly looking through their assorted letters. For those that had a word in mind, they made frequent trips back to the cakes to find any missing letters. But for those who didn't have a word in mind, they spent more time looking at their letters and trying to form a word from them. For some, that was easy, but it was difficult for others.

"What can I spell...?" Callie muttered as she looked through all her letters.

"So I take a look through all my letters to try and see what word I can spell. And I'm thinking: 'Well....I can spell the F-word.' Y'know, the one with the -ing at the end? But then I'm like: 'Maybe I shouldn't put that.'" *laughs*- Callie

"C'mon...." Kavan muttered as he looked through a cheesecake before tossing it to the side, "No..."

"I literally had all the letters to spell 'collaborate', except for the T. It was frustrating; time was running out and I knew that I needed to submit a word that was acceptable."- Kavan

"Is scallus a word...?" Dallas asked herself as she assembled the word on her stand.

"The last time that I had to spell a word for a prize was in 7th grade: my teacher somehow convinced me to compete in the school spelling bee, and I didn't spell a single word correctly. And I was knocked out on the word 'pleasant'. Go figure."- Dallas

"Oooooh.....that could work!" Alina exclaimed as she began placing letters into a specific order.

"When I was getting letters, I ended up getting a lot of Ts; and somehow, the word 'attract', just popped into my head. It's a good word, but I knew that it wasn't long enough, so I left to find more letters."- Alina

"Is there an 'I' in that?" Veronica asked to herself as she stared at her word.

"I was pretty sure that my word could win me this challenge. But what scared me was that I might've misspelled it somehow. After all, longer words are more likely to be misspelled."- Veronica

"One minute left!" Chris called out.

"Done!" Callie announced as she covered her word with a sheet and hit the 'lock in' button on her stand.

"Eh, I'm not getting better than that," Dallas conceded as she hit her 'lock in' button.

"I guess I got it," Karlie commented as she walked to her stand and hit her 'lock in' button.

"I thought that I had a decent word. Wasn't too long, wasn't too short, and it looked like a word that someone under the clock would spell. I just hoped that someone would spell a word longer than that."- Karlie

"Thirty seconds left!" Chris announced, "Gotta lock them in soon!"

That announcement caused the four remaining campers to speed up in their efforts to find their remaining letters. At this point, the campers were wondering if they should keep looking for their desired letters or give up and make a new word. And while some gave up their search, some didn't.

"I guess I'm done," Kavan conceded as he ran back to his stand and hit his button.

"I'm good," Alina remarked as she hit her button.

"And......yeah, I can't do more," Zeyad claimed as he covered his word and hit his button.

"Fifteen seconds left!" Chris counted down.

"C'mon, Roni!" Kavan insisted, "Hit it before it's too late!"

"Just one more cake!" Veronica insisted as she began tearing into one more cake.

"Ten seconds left!" Chris continued, "Hurry up, Veronica!"

"C'mon..." Veronica insisted as she wiped off the icing on the card in the cake, "Yes!"

"Five seconds left!" Chris announced in a louder tone.

"This is it!" Veronica declared as she sprinted back to her stand, inserted the letter into her word, and hit her 'lock in' button.

"Time's up!" Chris declared, causing all the campers to turn and face him, "Alright campers, let's take a look at what you each spelled."

All seven campers looked around at each other, trying to pick up any sort of cue from any of them. Deep down, some campers were confident in their word, while some were ready to just go to the communal washrooms and wash off all the cake and icing on them. All of their work over the past ten minutes was about to be revealed right then.

"Callie, you locked in first, so you'll reveal your word first," Chris declared, "Callie, what word did you spell?"

"I spelled 'Curing'," Callie revealed as she removed the cloth covering her word.

"I had to choose between 'Curing' or the F-word. So, I decided to go with 'Curing'. And....I'm okay with that." *smiles*- Callie

"That's a correctly spelled six-letter word!" Chris confirmed, resulting in a round of applause from the other campers, "Dallas, what word did you spell?"

"I spelled 'Scum'," Dallas revealed as she showed off her word, resulting in laughter from the other campers.

"I wanted to spell 'scandalous', but I couldn't find the right letters. Oh well."- Dallas

"That's a correctly spelled four-letter word, but Callie is still in the lead," Chris noted, "Karlie, what word did you spell?"

"I spelled 'Cheaters'," Karlie replied, causing her fellow campers to clap.

"An eight letter word is good, but I definitely could've spelled a longer word if I wanted to. I actually had the letters to spell 'characters'. I just hoped that someone would spell a longer word."- Karlie

"That's a correctly spelled eight-letter word, so you're in the lead!" Chris announced, "Kavan, what's your word?"

"I spelled 'Baller'," Kavan revealed, not proud of his answer.

"I still couldn't find a T, so I had to think of something else. 'Baller' was the best that I could do."- Kavan

"That's a correctly spelled six-letter word, but that's not good enough to beat Karlie," Chris declared, "Alina, what word did you spell?"

"I spelled 'Attractant'," Alina revealed, resulting in 'oohs' from her fellow campers.

"At first, I didn't think that my word was that good. But by the time I revealed my word, I was in the lead. Definitely felt good."- Alina

"That's a correctly spelled ten-letter word, meaning that you take the lead!" Chris declared, resulting in a round of applause for her, "Zeyad, what word did you spell?"

"Time to shock you guys," Zeyad prefaced as he revealed his word, "I spelled 'Mouisturizing!"

"Thirteen letters!" Dallas counted, "Impressive!"

"I thought moisturizing was twelve letters long," Veronica admitted.

"And I thought that moisturizing only had one 'u'," Karlie added.

"Well...." Zeyad began, trying to think of a response, "Yeah....you're right...."

"As a man who uses it three times daily, I can safely say that you misspelled it," Chris declared, "That leaves Veronica. If you correctly spelled a word longer than ten letters, then you will win immunity. Otherwise, Alina will win immunity."

"I was kinda worried for Roni; I mean, ten letters isn't that much, but with how everyone else did in the challenge, to get ten letters was an accomplishment."- Kavan

"I was just standing there, praying and hoping for Alina to win the challenge. With how the last day went, it's best if one of us had security."- Callie

"I was pretty sure that I spelled my word correctly. But for all I knew, my brain might've played tricks on me the whole time. Stranger things have happened in Total Drama."- Veronica

"Veronica, what word did you spell?" Chris asked.

"I spelled..." Veronica began as she slowly revealed her word, "Parliamentary."

The group of campers waited impatiently as Chris went to check if Veronica spelled her word correctly. It was clear to everyone that Veronica's word was longer than Alina's, but whether or not it was spelled correctly was still up in the air. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, Chris returned to deliver the verdict of the challenge.

"Veronica...."Chris began, wanting to raise the tension, "You've correctly spelled your thirteen-letter word! Congratulations, you've won immunity!"

With that announcement, Veronica openly screamed in happiness as Kavan ran up to her and lifted her into the air as they hugged. Veronica had every right to be happy; this was the first individual immunity challenge that she's won in any season of Total Drama in which she's competed, so this was an accomplishment for her. And others were happy too; Dallas, Zeyad & Karlie stood aside and clapped, content with the results.

"Yeah!!!!!!" Veronica exclaimed, still being lifted into the air by Kavan.

"Told ya' you could do it!" Kavan insisted as the two of them shared an eskimo kiss.

"Veronica, catch!" Chris warned as he tossed her the Golden Marshmallow necklace.

"Thanks!" Veronica thanked as she caught the necklace and placed it around her neck.

*shows off necklace* "I've been waiting for this for a while. When it mattered most, I stepped up and proved that I could get the job done. Let's hope it's all worth it."- Veronica

While most of the campers were happy, some weren't. As the majority alliance rejoiced in happiness, Callie & Alina were in a disappointed embrace, saddened that they weren't able to win immunity. To them, it felt like everything around them was falling apart, and losing immunity was the cherry on top of a melting sundae.

"I don't know what to do anymore..." Alina muttered as she rested her head on Callie's shoulder.

"Well...I do," Callie claimed, "We're gonna talk to the others and see if we can save ourselves."

"You see, the old Callie would've hidden and let others save me. But this is the new Callie; I'm gonna go out and try to strategize my way to safety. Let's just hope that I can do it."- Callie

"Looks like Veronica got to have her cake and eat it too," Chris joked as he talked to the main camera, "How will Veronica's victory change the strategies for the next elimination ceremony? And who will be voted out next? Find out after the break right here, on Total...Drama...Double Trouble!"

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