Episode 13: No Piece of Cake- Downtime/Elimination
"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the cameras panned on him in the cake-ridden camp area, "Before the break, Veronica slammed and spelled her way to her first individual immunity challenge win of the season. With the elimination ceremony coming soon, let's take a look at what each camper has planned for tonight."
The cameras first turned their attention to the campfire area, where Callie & Zeyad were having a talk about the upcoming elimination ceremony. If there was one person in a spot worse than Callie and/or Alina, it was Zeyad; he had no set ally, he wasn't entirely in the position of power, and he wasn't the target for the day. He didn't know where he was, but he did know that if he wanted to get any sort of power, he had to talk to others.
"What exactly are you trying to tell me?" Zeyad asked.
"I'm saying that you and I can still work well together because we've done it before," Callie explained, "We were able to blindside Ariton together."
"Daniel told me that I need to get Karlie on my side to make it to the next episode. But if Alina, Karlie and I end up making it to the next episode, there'll be six people left, so we need one more person for a majority. I know that any alliance with Dallas is impossible, so that leaves Zeyad."- Callie
"I know that there's probably a plan to split up Alina and I, right?" Callie asked.
"Yeah, that's probably the plan," Zeyad admitted.
"One thing that I can count on from Callie is for her to be honest. I know that she's not trying to trick me; she really wants to work with me. I feel like I can trust her to get me to the final five, but to the final two? No way."- Zeyad
"I think the plan was to split the votes between you and Alina," Zeyad specified.
"Well, I don't want that to happen," Callie noted, "What I want is to turn the vote on Dallas."
"Is it because of the argument last night?" Zeyad asked, "Girl, it's just a game-"
"Sure, it's a game, but the way that Dallas treated the situation was so rude that I just don't think she deserves to be in the game anymore," Callie explained, "You have to admit it; she's really annoying."
"Fine, I'll give you that," Zeyad conceded, "But how can we take her out with only three votes?"
"Karlie will vote with us," Callie assured, "That gives us a four-person majority for this vote and the next votes."
"Well, at least you've thought this through," Zeyad pointed out, "That's good..."
"C'mon Zeyad, we need you to help us," Callie insisted as she tapped Zeyad on the shoulder, "You know that I'm on the bottom, and you know how it feels to be on the bottom. Let's help each other climb out."
"Hey!" Karlie called out as she ran towards the duo, "Oh, am I interrupting?"
"Actually, we need to talk to you," Callie insisted, "Take a seat."
"Uh...alright?" Karlie agreed as she took a seat on a stump.
"I'll just say it: I want Dallas out," Callie admitted, "I want us three and Alina to team up and vote for Dallas. Then, we'll also have the votes to split up Veronica & Kavan next episode."
"So I go to try and talk to Zeyad, and suddenly Callie has a new plan to vote for Dallas. I gotta give her props; she's really trying to stay. I'm definitely not against siding with her, but I'm not 100% set on doing that."- Karlie
"Are you okay with this, Zeyad?" Karlie asked.
"I'm fine with it if you're fine with it," Zeyad answered.
"It's just that we know what the four of us are capable of; we took out Ariton with this alliance," Callie repeated, "We have the loyalty and chemistry to make a run to the final four."
"Well, we all know that Veronica, Kavan, & Dallas need to be taken out, for multiple reasons," Karlie noted, "I know that I'm going to need some time to think about this, but when I know what I've decided, I'll let you know."
"If Karlie's not gonna make the move, it doesn't make sense for me to do it either. The last thing that I want is to give people a reason to target me; I've spent enough of this game being the target."- Zeyad
Little did he know, he was already giving people a reason to be suspicious of him. While him, Karlie, and Callie were talking in the campfire area, Veronica, Kavan, and Dallas were watching them from the living room of the mini-mansion. For as long as the conversation continued, the three of them were glued to the windows at the front of the mini-mansion, wondering what was going on.
"What do you think they're talking about?" Kavan asked.
"What do ya' think?" Dallas retorted, "Callie's trying to rope them into a deal."
"Gotta give the girl credit: she's not giving up without a fight. But I'm not gonna give up either; I've gotta get to Karlie & Zeyad and convince them that splitting up Callie and Alina is better for them."- Dallas
"I thought Karlie was supposed to go out there and get Zeyad back," Dallas noted, "Not to go out there and join Zeyad in a blindside."
"Well, they're coming back now," Veronica noted as she moved away from her window, "We've just got to get them back."
"The one advantage that I have over Callie is that I have immunity, so she can't be making a plan to split the votes between Kavan and I. So because that option is out, everyone will be more motivated to split up Callie & Alina. I've just got to remind my alliance of that."- Veronica
"I've got him, guys," Karlie announced as she dragged Zeyad into the mini-mansion with her, "Let's start the meeting."
"What was Callie talking about to you two?" Veronica asked, wanting to get to the point.
"It was nothing!" Zeyad assured, "Don't worry-"
"She was trying to get us on her side," Karlie admitted, "She wanted us to go after Dallas."
"There's no reason for me to lie to Veronica; she obviously saw us. And honestly, it makes me look better in her eyes."- Karlie
"But you know where we stand; we don't want her or Alina in the game," Karlie insisted, "Now that they're trying to strategize, we've got to get them out."
"Or so you claim," Dallas noted, rolling her eyes.
"I still don't fully trust Karlie. She's screwed up a lot of plans this season; screwing up this one would just be adding another notch in her belt."- Dallas
"How do we know that you aren't just playing us, again?" Dallas asked accusingly.
"Look, I know that you'll never be able to fully trust me ever again, but at this point in the game, it's almost impossible to find someone you 100% trust," Karlie noted, "There will always be doubt."
"I hear that," Zeyad agreed.
"All I can give you is my word," Karlie admitted, "And if that's not enough then there's nothing else that I can do."
"Same for me," Zeyad added, "This looks like a really good final five."
"I don't really want to lie, but I know that I have to; this game is too cutthroat and I've gone too far to be scared right now. I don't know if staying loyal is the best thing right now, but I'll know soon."- Zeyad
"Well, if we're all sure of this, then let's get to planning," Kavan declared, wanting to get the conversation going.
"There's only one thing to decide," Dallas pointed out, "Who's voting for who?"
"Also, who are we targeting?" Zeyad asked.
"I think we should target Callie," Veronica admitted, "She could really do some damage."
"Callie's turned over a new leaf over the past day or so. She's starting to become more of a strategist, which is bad news for me; I need to get her out before she gets any leverage around here."- Veronica
"That's fine with me," Kavan agreed.
"Sure, that works," Karlie added.
"You want her out, right Dallas?" Zeyad asked, "Y'know, especially after last night."
"Is the sky blue?" Dallas asked rhetorically, "Yeah, I want her out. And I want to be the one to vote for her."
"Don't worry; we can make that happen," Veronica assured, "How about Dallas, Kavan and I vote for Callie, while Karlie & Zeyad vote for Alina?"
"Alright, sure," Karlie agreed, "You in, Zeyad?"
"Let's do it," Zeyad replied, smiling, "Let's split them up."
"Done deal," Kavan assured, "Callie's going home."
"I'm feeling as good as I could possibly feel right now. It seems like my alliance is set on splitting up Callie & Alina, but for all I know, they could be plotting to blindside Dallas. They could even be trying to get me out! I just hope that Callie & Alina weren't convincing enough."- Kavan
Persuasion was one of the most powerful assets in the game of Total Drama. Although you could argue that athleticism and intelligence could keep you afloat by winning challenges, if you were able to persuade enough people to vote your way, you could control the votes so you wouldn't have to win challenges. For Callie & Alina, now that they lost the last immunity challenge, they were hoping that they could do enough to get Karlie & Zeyad to vote with them.
"Are we really supposed to wait here until they've made a choice?" Alina asked to Callie as they sat in the Mess Hall, "What if they don't come to us?"
"If we keep on trying to convince them, we might annoy them so much that they won't vote with us," Callie noted, "It's best to wait."
"I don't know a lot about strategizing, but one thing that I do know is that it's better to play smarter and not harder. I don't think that it's a good idea to pester Zeyad & Karlie about voting with us, even if it might work against us."- Callie
"Callie, I believe in this plan," Alina assured, "But what if it doesn't work?"
"Then one of us is gonna be voted out," Callie rationalized, "Which is probably gonna be me."
"C'mon Callie, that's not gonna happen," Alina claimed, "Everyone loves you."
"Not enough to keep me here over you," Callie insisted, "They think I'm the bigger threat because I've ruined plans and won an immunity challenge."
"We gotta do something," Alina insisted, "I don't want to have you go."
"We have to prepare for the worst; I gotta do it..." Callie conceded as she reached into her pocket and pulled out an invincibility statue, "Here you go."
"What?!" Alina exclaimed as she grabbed the invincibility statue from her friend, "When did you get this?"
"Daniel gave it to me," Callie explained, "He willed it to me when he was voted out. It was a special statue."
"Then why don't we use it?!" Alina asked, "This could save us!"
"No it won't," Callie corrected, "If Karlie & Zeyad don't switch sides, the five of them are going to split the votes between the two of us: three for me & two for you. Even if I use it to save myself, you're going home on the re-vote. It makes more sense if I give the statue to you so you can use it next time and make it to the final five."
"When Callie tells me that she's willing to get eliminated to save me, that really shows how good of a person Callie is. Even though she has the chance to save herself, she would rather give me another chance to win. She is easily one of, if not the most selfless person I've ever met, and the best, best friend that I could've ever asked for."- Alina
"Are you sure about this?" Alina asked, wanting assurance.
"I've never been more sure in my life," Callie confirmed, smiling.
In an unpredictable game like Total Drama, being sure about any decision was a sign of comfort and peace. Interestingly enough, the people who were in danger were not the most stressed campers in the camp. Karlie & Zeyad briskly paced along the beach, stressed over what they were going to do at the next elimination ceremony, knowing that this decision could make or break both of their games.
"We gotta decide soon," Karlie insisted, "Chris is gonna call us in sometime soon."
"Hey, this is actually a bit of a good thing," Zeyad claimed, "It's good because we get to talk; we haven't really agreed on anything in a while."
"True," Karlie admitted.
"If you want, I think we could align together," Zeyad suggested, "No one would see it coming."
"I need to do everything I can to get back into the flow of the game. With Daniel gone, Karlie needs a new ally, and I'm ready to be that."- Zeyad
"Think about it: we're going to split up a duo tonight," Zeyad reminded, "We might as well feel comfortable knowing that someone here has our backs."
"Y'know, that sounds perfect," Karlie admitted, "And honestly, I wouldn't mind if we could take this all the way to the final two."
"I still don't fully trust Zeyad, but I know that he's in need of an ally just as much as me. I really think that him and I can make it to the final two; and I don't think that he'd be difficult to beat in the finale." *laughs*- Karlie
"Let's do it," Zeyad agreed as him and Karlie shook hands.
"Now back to the point: who are we voting for?" Karlie asked, "Dallas or Alina?"
"Well, I think it's more of Dallas vs Callie, since either one of those two will be voted out," Zeyad noted.
"Oh yeah," Karlie agreed, "Well, Dallas or Callie?"
"How do we decide?" Zeyad questioned, "They're both pretty much the same person."
"Uh....how?" Karlie asked, confused.
"They both are capable of strategizing; Dallas tried to split up Alina & Callie at the final nine, and Callie switched her vote at the final ten," Zeyad reminded, "And even though they don't look threatening, you don't definitely don't want to make them mad."
"That's.....actually true," Karlie admitted, shocked that Zeyad made that conclusion.
"I think it should come down to who we trust less, and who we think is a bigger threat overall," Zeyad insisted.
"It's not an easy decision. From an alliance standpoint, Callie is stronger, because she has Alina, and vice-versa. But Dallas is more likely to vote me out. I have deals with both of them, so I'm betraying someone no matter what. Definitely not easy..."- Karlie
"Attention campers!" Chris called out through the loudspeakers, "It's time for the elimination ceremony. You know the drill!"
"We're out of time!" Zeyad exclaimed, "We gotta choose now! We have two girls who hate each other. What do we do?!"
"Calm down, Zeyad; let me think," Karlie requested as she thought for almost twenty seconds before responding, "I have an idea. It's risky, but it could work."
It wasn't long until all seven campers were present at the campfire area. They all were silent and looking at each other with concerned looks. While they all wanted to act like they were buddies, they all knew that someone was going to get stabbed in the back that night. And many of their thoughts were aimed towards hoping that they wouldn't be leaving the island just yet.
"We're getting close to the end, campers: these ceremonies mean more than ever," Chris reminded, "Veronica has immunity, so she's safe; the rest of you aren't so lucky. One by one, you'll all enter the Confession Can, x-out the photo of the person that you want to vote for, I'll check & tally the votes, and then I'll hand out marshmallows to those who are safe. Whoever doesn't receive a marshmallow will be forced to walk down the Dock of Shame and leave the island on the Jet Ski of Losers. Go vote!"
"I never thought that I'd say this, but I just can't trust you. I don't know if it's paranoia or if it's the game messing with me, but I just can't trust you. Sorry."- Veronica
"I don't know if I'm gonna be voted out or not, but if I do, this is just one thing that I need to do to win. I'm sorry."- Callie
"You're gonna come after Roni and I eventually, and I can't let that happen. Sad to see you go."- Kavan
"Please....please let Callie & I survive another day..."- Alina
"I really hope that you don't play an invincibility head or it'll be my a** on the line."- Dallas
"You may not seem threatening, but I know that you're scarier than you let on. I'm sorry, but I've got to do this."- Zeyad
"You've flown under the radar for a while, but I know that if I'm in the finale against you, I don't have that good of a chance at winning. This has to happen."- Karlie
"Alright campers; I've tallied the votes and the following campers are safe:" Chris began as he held up several marshmallows, "Dallas, Karlie, Veronica, Alina, & Zeyad: you five are safe. Kavan & Callie are in the hot seats tonight."
There was a plethora of emotions from the remaining campers. Callie & Alina were embracing each other, worried that the former would be voted out. Veronica & Dallas were confused, having expected Alina to receive votes as well. Kavan was worried, knowing what was probably going to happen. Karlie & Zeyad just looked at each other and nodded, fully believing that what they did was the right decision.
"The final marshmallow goes to...." Chris began as he waved the marshmallow above him as a taunt, ".....Callie! Say your goodbyes, Kavan!"
That declaration resulted in a multiple different reactions. Callie & Alina hugged harder, elated that the two of them were still in the game. Karlie & Zeyad did their best to stay silent, knowing that they were responsible for the blindside. Veronica & Dallas were shocked; they thought that if a blindside was going to happen, it would've happened to either of them, not Kavan. Kavan just sunk his head forward, disappointed that he got the short end of the stick.
"Oh my God..." Veronica muttered, shocked, "Kavan..."
"I knew it was too good to be true," Kavan muttered.
"At least we know who's responsible for this," Dallas reminded, turning her attention to Karlie & Zeyad.
"I'm not gonna hide," Karlie admitted confidently.
"Yeah, we did it!" Zeyad exclaimed, also confident, "What're you gonna do-"
"Shut the f*ck up!" Dallas ordered, causing Zeyad to back off in fear.
"Well...I guess we all gotta go sometime, right?" Kavan remarked as he stood up, sporting a small smile.
"Let me walk you down," Veronica insisted as she gently lead Kavan out of the campfire area.
Despite the fact that his journey was cut short, Kavan seemed to take the elimination well. On the other hand, Veronica was so caught off guard by the blindside that she couldn't see straight. She worked so hard to ensure that she could keep the target off her back that she didn't realize that Kavan could easily be blindsided. But her state wasn't going to last that long.
"You got this; you're the fastest, strongest, and smartest one left," Kavan insisted as him and Veronica hugged on the Dock of Shame, "Don't give up; you're gonna win immunity, and you're going to split up Callie & Alina, alright?"
"I'll make them pay," Veronica assured as she pulled back before kissing her boyfriend, "I'll make them pay."
"Kavan didn't deserve to go out like that; he didn't do anything wrong. He was just a steady force for me. And now it's just me, alone, left to battle five others to the finale. But that's fine. Do you know what they call a queen without a king? A queen. I still have power, and I'm not going down without a fight."- Veronica
"Let's do this, Chef," Kavan declared as he was rocketed from the island, cheering as he rode away.
"Alright campers, before I let you go, Veronica has to pick who to join her in the mini-mansion and who to send to Boney Island," Chris declared.
"I know it: Dallas goes to Boney Island, and Karlie joins me in the mini-mansion," Veronica declared without hesitation.
"Veronica and I keep getting screwed over. I don't want to deal with Boney Island, but I have to find something or else my a** is gonna be on the chopping block next time."- Dallas
"This is the position that I wanted to be in: even though I just betrayed Veronica, she needs me to help her future plans. I have to use this to my advantage and set myself in the best position for the rest of the game."- Karlie
With that, Chris released the campers to their set destinations, leaving him to think over what went down over the last day or so. To him, he got what he wanted: drama between Callie & Dallas, Kavan's blindside, strength from Veronica, and effective strategizing from Karlie & Zeyad. But most importantly, this episode confirmed to Chris that the remaining campers deserved to be in the game, and he was excited for what was to come.
"I guess this shows that no matter how comfortable you are, you aren't safe until I give you a marshmallow at the elimination ceremony," Chris commented as he talked to the main camera, "Will Veronica avenge Kavan's blindside? Will Dallas find anything on Boney Island? And who will be voted out next? Find out next time, right here, on Total...Drama...Double Trouble!"
Final Words:
"I feel like I should be upset, but I'm not. I played the way that I wanted to: calmly, strategically, and I showed my cards when I needed to. Sure, winning would've been awesome, but I'm not gonna hate myself for losing; it's life. I just think it's kinda funny how I lasted longer than both Ariton and Daniel. Overall, I had a great time, and I definitely don't regret coming here. To Roni: I'm sorry that I'm not gonna be here to support you, but just know that I'll be cheering you on from afar. This is your chance to win, and I know you can do it."- Kavan
Veronica: Callie
Callie: Kavan
Kavan: Callie
Alina: Kavan
Dallas: Callie
Zeyad: Kavan
Karlie: Kavan
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