TDAS Re-write episode 12: 10th Aftermath Special
Me - No puctures cause first Aftermatch already has one.
Total Drama All-Stars Re-Write
Episode 12: Total Drama All-Stars Aftermath 2: 10th Aftermath Extravaganza
Written and Edited by Joey Turner and Tanya Furness
(As the music plays, we see a wall filled with clips of the past 4 seasons. After a few seconds, the logo "Total Drama All-Stars Aftermath" explodes on the screen, after another explosion, the following short clip recaps play)
(Recap: Brick; clip from Moon Madness)
(Confessional: Brick)
Brick: I'm large and in charge! One way or another, I WILL conquer the dark! (Suddenly the lights in the confessional go out and Brick screams. A whizzing sound is heard) OH COME ON!!!!
(Recap: Sierra; clip from No One Eggspects the Spanish Opposition)
Sierra: (Speaks quickly and defensively) That doesn't matter! Why would that matter? No, it even doesn't! (Grabs onto Cameron's hoodie and pulls him up to her, panting like a dog. Gwen grabs Cameron and pulls him away. Sierra falls to her knees) CAMOOOODY!
(Recap: Heather; clip from Moon Madness)
Heather: (Looks up from the map, with her eyes sparkling heavily and her voice oddly sweet) Wow, Alejandro! You're so smart!
Alejandro: (Looks concerned) Excuse me!?
Heather: (Hugs the gator tightly) Who's a little boojiboojiboo, you are, yes you are!
(The villains all look terrified; Alejandro shivers)
(Recap: Duncan; clip from You Regatta Be Kidding Me)
Duncan: (Now looks nervous as the cop grabs him by the wrist) Wait, it was an accident! (The cops start dragging him off) Come on guys, have a heart! I-I didn't know you weren't supposed to put a toaster in the microwave! Agh, snugglemuffins!
(Recap: Cameron; clip from Zeek and Ye Shall Find)
Mal: (Whispering in his normal voice so only Cameron can hear) Oh, Mike's gone, I'm Mal. And I let you fall! (Cameron's eyes widen) So long, sucker!
(Mal chuckles and walks away; Cameron starts screaming in terror. He is still screaming while he is placed in the Flush of Shame. Chef pops his bubble and Chris presses the button, flushing him away)
(Opening credits)
(The logo animation plays again, then fade into the aftermath studio, darkened, suddenly a spotlight shines on the sofa and music starts playing)
Geoff: (Slowly pops up from behind the sofa wearing a tuxedo; singing) Aaaaaftermaaaaaaaaaath-
Bridgette: (Slowly pops up from behind the sofa wearing a blue dress; singing) Aaaaaftermaaaaaaaaaath-
Both: Aaaaafteeeermaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-
Jo: (Off-screen, growls) Get on with it, Kisser-sons!!
(The music stops and the lights come back on, revealing the peanut gallery in the same spots they were last aftermath, Lindsay and Anne Maria (Out of her body cast) sitting on the left, Jo and Lightning (Now in a body cast of his own in a wheelchair) on the right)
Geoff: (Annoyed) I'm telling ya, no respect for the hosts. (Out loud) but I'm not gonna let Jo's harsh mellow get me down today, dudes!
Bridgette: that's right, Geoff! Nothing's gonna get us down because today's...
Geoff/Bridgette: THE 10TH TOTAL DRAMA AFTERMATH!!!! (The Audience cheers and the peanut gallery applauses, Katie and Sadie squealing)
Geoff: OH YEEEAAA-AAAH!!!! It's been 10 episodes since Bridge and me scored this wicked gig, and so we're celebrating with an AWESOME 10th Aftermath Extravaganza!!!! (Audience cheers. Neon letters that say "10th Aftermath Extravaganza" light up on the wall behind them, followed by balloons and confetti dropping from the ceiling)
Bridgette: We wanted to have a super big celebration party, but the Producers cut our party budget so Chris could have his 100th episode challenge... that he didn't even get because ZEKE got to him so... we lost our party for nothing!
Geoff: (Saddened) which sucks because it was gonna be the WICKEDEST party ever! There was gonna be a piñata shaped like Chris' head filled with chocolate gilded Chris awards!
LeShawna: dang! It would've been REAL therapeutic getting to smack Chris until the candy comes out!
Bridgette: I KNOW! But the producers said Geoff's party idea was stupid. Yeah, the same producers who gave Chris parole... JUST SAYING!
Geoff: (Sighs sadly) but, as long as I get to chill with my peeps, and my surfer babe (Bridgette blushes), then its aaaaall good!
Bridgette: (Chuckles) well either way, we've still got a great show for you all today! And as you can see, Anne Maria's out of her cast-
(Anne Maria blows a kiss to the audience, and then resumes spraying her hair; causing Beth, Tyler, and Lindsay to cough and choke)
Geoff: while Lightning's got his own cast fitted for him.
(Lightning growls underneath his bandages and tries to yell, but nothing is heard)
Geoff: probably shouldn't have peeved off Eva, dude.
Jo: (Sighs happily) the sweet sound of a shut-up Lightning. (Lightning just glares at her)
Bridgette: anyways, before we start the awesomeness, I thought it'd be nice to take a look-back over the last 9 Aftermaths!
(The monitor above them flickers on, showing Geoff and Bridgette's elimination from season 2)
Geoff: ah, the memories. I remember how bummed we were when we got the boot for kissing, WHICH STILL MAKES AWESOME TV BY THE WAY!!!
Bridgette: (The monitor switches to them hosting the season 2 aftermath) but our bummness didn't last, when the producers gave Geoff and me our own show! It wouldn't be easy, but it was worth it just to be with our old friends-
Katie/Sadie/Beth/Lindsay: aaaawwwww!
Bridgette: and our NEW friends!
Dakota/Staci/Anne Maria/Sam: aaaawwww! (Sam chuckles afterwards)
Geoff: course there were some mellow-harshing moments like... (Clips of Kelsey and Steve the Yeti's webcam) a few abnormal guests, (Clips of the set's destruction from the telethon) some mega-harsh accidents on set, (Clips of BLAINELEY) a wash out gossip show host trying to get the goods, (Clips of Geoff acting like a jerk). ...And me acting like a bonehead. (Looks ashamed)
Bridgette: aww, you weren't a bonehead, Geoff; you just... got a little caught up in the limelight. (Clips of Geoff being zapped in the electric chair) but thankfully we got you back to your super hot and nice self again.
Geoff: all I'm saying is next time I go all Captain Hollywood again, strap me into the chair again!
Bridgette: you got it, babe. (A clip of Geoff and Bridgette kissing, Bridgette tears up) that part gets me, every time!
Geoff: I hear that, Baby! (They lean in about to kiss, when the screen on the table beeps. Geoff groans) AAW MAN!!! Crappy timing, dude!! Well whatever, we got a webcam request from....
Geoff/Bridgette: BLAINELEY!?!?
Bridgette: holy crap, she's alive!! Well, where is she?!
Geoff: says here she's calling from... Paris, France!?
(The monitor shows Blaineley standing on a swan boat, Bruno the bear right next to her)
Blaineley: (Smugly) Greetings, Total Drama Keeners! (Fakes surprise) Oh, are you in the middle of the show? I didn't notice!
Bridgette: uh... yeah, well we're... (Geoff pouts and clears his throat) well... I'M just glad you're alright. We haven't seen you since Hawaii.
Blaineley: yeah I knew you'd all be worried about me. But rest assured, Blaineley fans of the world, your dirt-dishing queen is still alive!!!
(The audience and peanut gallery are silent, crickets chirp)
Sam: uh, who was she again?
Blaineley: (Inhales like she's about to say something, then just scoffs) whatevers. Well (Addresses Bruno) my new assistant and I just wanted to come on and wish my old co-hosts-in-training a happy 10th aftermath! I'd be there in person, but I just hooked myself up with a new gig hosting French independent film festivals.
Geoff: (Relieved) ooh, well we wouldn't wanna keep you from living the hosting dreams, bra!
Bridgette: wait; Bruno's your assistant?
Blaineley: well my bodyguard... and my fashion expert, ooh and my dietician.
(The screen briefly cuts to Blaineley about to eat a giant cheesecake, but Bruno is quick to slap it away)
Blaineley: (Pats Bruno affectionately on the head) he's so efficient. (Turns back to Geoff and Bridgette) oh, and congrats, congrats on you two. It's about time! (Geoff and Bridgette look nervous)
Trent: (Cocks an eyebrow) about time, about time for what?
Blaineley: (Chuckles) didn't they tell you. While you kiddies were on shore leave for the season, Geoff and Bridgette-
(Suddenly the screen fades out... Geoff secretly pushing the button on the panel)
Geoff: (Nervously) whoops, my finger slipped. Oh darn, guess we'll never know what Blaineley was gonna say. Oh well. Who's up for a little "That's Gonna Leave a Mark?" (The audience cheers loudly) and to celebrate 10 aftermaths, we're showing 15 of the most hilarious wipeouts from season 1 to now!! (The audience cheers even louder)
(The following wipeouts play: Trent falling from the plane and hitting the ground; Duncan getting hit by snapping turtles in the No Pain, No Game challenge; Geoff, DJ, and Heather's wipeout from the bike race; Harold landing on the horse, then Duncan using him as a saddle; Beth getting electrocuted by an eel; Justin crossing the telephone wires, getting hit by a bowling ball, and then getting electrocuted; Owen getting an alien to the face, then getting zapped; Noah getting nailed in the kiwis by the Chris-in-the-box; Heather nailing Alejandro in the kiwis on the volcano; Brick getting hit in the face with a bowling ball; Lightning attacked by the squid at sea; Lightning hitting the top of his head with a frying pan; Jo falling into the crab pit; Brick failing at his summersault; and Scott getting attacked by the gang of bunnies; at the end, just the title "Here's to another 10 aftermaths of injuries" appears on the monitor)
Geoff: (Cracking up) oh man, I never get tired of that!
Bridgette: (Sighs) the humiliation never ends. Now that we got the nostalgia out of the way, we don't wanna keep our guests backstage waiting! We're being joined by Brick, Sierra, Cameron, and, thanks to a note from his parole officer allowing him to be here today, Duncan!!
Heather: (Marches on stage) um, hello! What about me?! I've lasted way longer than any of those scrubs backstage! Even jailbird-Duncan!
Geoff: (Awkwardly) well, yeah; but see you've already been interviewed so you don't have to dish the dirt. (Heather growls)
Bridgette: BUT, we do want to congratulate you on something, Heather.
Heather: you wanna... (Confused) congratulate me, on what?
Bridgette: well we were on one of Sierra's fan blogs, and apparently the fans love how you burnt Alejandro.... Twice! So we're congratulating you on being more likable than that handsome, Spanish, jerk-face.
Heather: (Touched) wait... you mean, I'M more likable than Alejandro? Wow I... I have literally no idea what to say. I thought everyone hated me.
DJ: uh, I never said I hated you.
Jo: I hate everyone, nothing personal.
Eva: same here.
LeShawna: girl, you may be a skinny, bossy little string bean of a witch; but you took down the squid that messed with all our heads.
Harold: as they say, the enemy of my enemy is not too terrible.
Heather: (Touched) wow, that's... the nicest thing you losers have said to me since we met. And now that I think about it, now that he's gotten rid of me, there's no way he can mess with me or flirt with me!!! (Stares mockingly into the camera) so, HA!! Good luck staying in the game without me around, Sucker!!!
Lindsay: aww, you guys make the cutest couple!!
Heather: (Indignantly sits at the edge of the peanut gallery) we do NOT!! And I do NOT miss him!
(The water balloon catapult from the last aftermath (With three fresh balloons) jerks forward a bit)
Bridgette: whoa! Watch the lying, Heather! The producers didn't tell us what was in THIS WEEK'S balloons; so I'd be careful with what I say if I were you!
Heather: (Growls) fine, then I just won't say anything! And as far as HE goes, I could care less!
Harold: wouldn't that be you COULDN'T care less? If you could care less that usually means that you could care just a little (One of Heather's shoes hits Harold in the face, silencing him)
Bridgette: whoa! Before things get too heavy out here, let's take a look at our first guest's history!
(The monitor shows a montage of Brick moments from season 4)
Geoff: Brick started out as a rough and tough disciplined soldier... with a bit of a scaredy side.
Bridgette: his fear of the dark and Jo's taunting dealt a massive blow to his ego, but it didn't diminish his fighting spirit! Nor did it stop him from saving Zoey, Cameron, and Mike... who WEREN'T even on his team!
Geoff: dude's got heart; I give him that! So much heart that even after his dramatic exit with Anne Maria in tow, (The monitor switches to clips of Brick from this season) Brick was brought back as a powerhouse for the heroes!
Bridgette: While having a little power struggle with my-way-of-the-highway Courtney, Brick formed an unlikely friendship with Owen, and carried him home during a brutal moon challenge –which was sweet- but ended up costing his team the win.
Geoff: having conquered his fear of the dark.... Hopefully for real this time, Brick gave himself an honorable discharge... in a giant toilet. (Clears throat) our first guess can dislocate his hip AND his arm, attended fashion school, makes a killer detonating duffle bag, and took down a killer gopher with only his stinky boots... please welcome BRICK!!!!!! (The audience cheers, but Brick doesn't come out)
(Cut to backstage: Cameron is out of his cast, but he is still on a wheelchair inside a bubble, in the fetal position; Sierra is clinging to his bubble; Duncan is lounging on the couch with his hands in handcuffs; and Brick is doing push-ups on the floor)
Brick: 57, 58, 59, (Notices the monitor) huh, wait, I'm on?
Bridgette: yeah, you're up first, Brick.
Jo: (Blows on her whistle) get your butt out here, maggot!! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!!!
Brick: (Gets up and salutes) Sir! Yes, Sir!!! (Jogs all the way out to the stage, trips on the table. Everyone gasps until he stands erect like he never even tripped) Private Brick McArthur, reporting for Aftermath duty!!!
Sam: (Giggles) duty.
Geoff: at ease, Private Dude! (Brick sits in the Seat of Dishing) wicked to have you here, man!
Bridgette: definitely- (Looks to Jo) any comments, Jo?
Jo: (Smirks) I knew he'd end up here! Being chivalrous doesn't get you a million dollars, Soggy McGee! (Brick scowls)
Anne Maria: yeah, because being a bossy cow made you a millionaire, Blondie!
Jo: hey, it WOULD'VE been mine if Apology-Brat didn't get so.... suddenly good at leechball. Or if Old Heather hadn't got in the way!
Heather: no, the only reason you're here is because you didn't do what I say!!
(LeShawna grabs Jo's whistle and blows into it hard)
LeShawna: yo, we ALL lost out on a million big ones. It ain't always about you two skinny little tapeworms! So sit down, shut up, and let army boy talk!!! (Heather and Jo look nervously at each other and then sit down)
Harold: (Sighs) she can clear a room with her goddess-like thyroarytenoid muscle.
(Suddenly the clamps from the chair clamp down on Brick's wrists and ankles. He looks surprised)
Geoff: don't worry, dude. It's just a little rule for when we play "Truth or Water Balloons!" (The animation from last time plays) so just chillax, and answer honestly, and you ain't got nothing to worry about.
Brick: (Sighs) alright, but I spent 3 years in military training, and no one's ever been able to break me! Hit me with your best shot! (Closes his eyes as though expecting pain)
Bridgette: uh... ok... so Brick, were you disappointed that you got the boot again?
Brick: (Opens his eyes, then relaxes) honestly? Not really. I mean believe me, there is a lot I could've done with the million; but a soldier needs to have his priorities. Like making sure his teammate makes it back in one piece. (Jo fake gags. Brick glares at her, but continues) but at least one thing came out of all this; I finally conquered my fear of the dark!
(Jo cringes, but surprisingly.... The catapult doesn't move an inch)
Jo: WHAT?! Seriously?! You really expect me to believe that?! You spent all of last season screaming and wetting your commando pants about the dark; and just because you had to lug Wide-Load all the way home, you're suddenly over it?!
Brick: hey, Owen was the only one who took my fears seriously! I couldn't just leave him there! So it was either let my team down by leaving Owen to be skewered by those freaky moon-bathed animals, or man up and make it home alive... dark or no dark! (The audience applauses)
Geoff: (In tears) that was so beautiful, dude! (Blows his nose. Jo just rolls her eyes again) actually I wanted to know, where did the whole fear of the dark thing come from?
Brick: that actually goes back to when I was 6 years old. My grandpa, Drill Sergeant Peepaw, took me camping up in the woods, miles and miles from our house. Everything was going great until Peepaw stepped out to "take a whiz." It was getting darker, and darker, and I was just sitting there alone... in the tent. Suddenly there was a whole bunch of growling and spooky noises! I thought there was something out there so I hid under my blanket... and (Looks down, ashamed) wet my pants. Turns out, it was just Peepaw trying to scare me! ...and it worked. (Audience aaws)
Jo: (Genuinely surprised) whoa... that's... actually kind of sad. Sounds like you had a pretty messed up gramps there, Brick.
Brick: (Nods) never met a soldier as crazy as Drill Sergeant Peepaw... not even Izzy!
Bridgette: (Looks down at the screen) huh? Oh hey, we've got a webcam question for Brick from Jasmine ...of Alice Springs, Australia?
(The monitor flickers for a bit, and then switches to a very tall dark-skinned girl with brunette hair, wearing a white top and tan vest, a tan fedora, and tan shorts, standing in a green room with outback wallpaper, and a picture of Ayers' Rock hanging on the wall)
Jasmine: uh, hello, anyone there? Sorry it's a new webcam and I haven't tested it out yet. (Smiles when she sees the Total Drama people) ooh, there you are! G'day, Total Drama Aftermath!
Lindsay: (Screams) GIANT!!!! (Clings to Tyler)
Cody: (Eyeing Jasmine) a totally HOT giant!!
(Jasmine just groans at this)
Bridgette: welcome to the show, Jasmine. What's your-
Geoff: ooh wait! Jasmine, there's always one thing I always wanted to know about you dudes in the outback... do the toilets flush backwards? (Bridgette face palms)
Jasmine: (Awkwardly) uh... no, mate. They just flush like... regular toilets?
Harold: HA! I told you so!
Geoff: CRAP!!!! (Pouts)
Brick: (Confused) uh... so Jasmine, what's your question?
Jasmine: oh right, well I've been watching Total Drama since season 1; we get new episodes every weekday when a new season starts. And one survivalist to another, Brick, I wanted to know what's it like on the show? Is it thrilling? Dangerous?
Brick: well Jasmine, as a man who's been through military cadet training and 2 season of Total Drama, I can safely say this show is like DOING THE TANGO WITH DEATH!!! The death-defying challenges, the humiliation, the disappointment, and the slightest chance that you may or may not walk away a millionaire!!!
Jasmine: (Smiling widely) oh-ho-ho, this sounds promising, mate!
Bridgette: wait, Jasmine, are you thinking about auditioning for Total Drama?
Jasmine: ...kinda? I mean I know I can't replace any of you guys; you guys are like wily koalas! Soft on the outside, but you've got claws if you get agitated!
Katie: aaaaw, I'd bet we'd look cute as koalas!
Sadie: oh you'd totally be the cuter koala!
Katie: no YOU would be the cuter one!
Jasmine: ...uh, yeah. Anyways, I wouldn't mind giving it a go, just for the thrill of it! Who knows, if there's a mountain-climbing challenge, I could be the next Douglas Mawson!! (Everyone [except Harold] looks confused) ...Douglas Mawson? He was an expedition leader? (Everyone still looks confused) ...he's on the $100 dollar note? (Everyone still looks confused. Jasmine just looks defeated) ...I'm hanging up now.
(The screen dissolves away)
Bridgette: aww, I liked Jasmine. I was gonna ask her what the current was like in Australia; I heard the beaches are great for surfing!
Geoff: maybe once the season's over, you and I can retire to Australia, baby.
Bridgette: (Swoons) oooh, Geoff. (The lean in about to kiss again, when Trent and DJ clear their throats. They back away awkwardly) uh... soo, uh, hey Brick, could you go get our next guest?
Brick: (Stands out of the seat and salutes) ma'am! Yes, ma'am! (Jogs backstage)
Geoff: and while he does that, lets just take a look at what brought him here. (A montage plays of Cameron's "weak moments" from season 4) To say that Cameron was a powerhouse last season... Probably would be a bit of a lie. Dude was about as scrappy as melted butter.
(Clips of Cameron outsmarting Jo and Lightning play)
Bridgette: but what Cameron lacked in brawns, he made up in spades with brains... especially when it came to outsmarting things that're bigger than him... which means a lot of things, but mostly Jo and Lightning; (Jo and Lightning glare and look away) helping him all the way to the finale, and even landing a spot on the Heroes team next season.
Geoff: course life is never easy for the little dude. (Clips of Sierra obsessing over Cameron) Whether getting stuck in the clutches of a phone-withdrawn Sierra, (The clip of Cameron and Scott sharing a bedroom) being forced on the villains' team screwing with the little dude's trust, (Mal tampering with the votes) and "someone" tampering with the votes and taking Cam on a joyride. But after getting injured in the 100th episode challenge, Cameron was forced to take the plunge without a plunger.
Bridgette: our next guest has spent half his life in a bubble, is allergic to mutant pollen, and outsmarted TWO powerhouse jocks: Cameron!!
(Brick struggles tugging on one side of Cameron's bubble, while Sierra tugs forcefully on the other end)
Cameron: (Terrified) HELP ME!!!!
Brick: Sierra! Geoff and Bridgette need Cameron for the show!
Sierra: NO! Camody needs me to heal his broken body!!
Cameron: (Hyperventilating) heeelp meee!
Jo: (Picks up Cody by his collar) hey, Stalkerlicious; why take the pencil neck phony, when you can have the original?
Cody: wait, what are you doing?! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!!
Sierra: (Gasps loudly, and lets go of the bubble causing Brick and Cameron to bounce away) CODYYYY!!!! (Runs straight towards Cody. But then stops in place, looking dizzy) look at the pretty Cody colors. (Falls over, a tranquilizer dart sticking out of her butt. B closes his jacket, showing that he shot the dart)
Sam: (Chuckles) wicked work, B!
DJ: think I could get some of those? Mama's been a little angsty about all the lawsuits from her cooking show.
(Brick and Cameron stop bouncing; Cameron looks terrified while Brick looks dizzy)
Brick: (Dizzily salutes) mission accomplished. (Slides slowly off the bubble)
Bridgette: (Sighs with relief) and NOW here's out next guest; how are you feeling, Cam?
Cameron: (His breathing slowly returns to normal) well, now that I'm free from Sierra's vice-like grip, I'm a little better.
Geoff: I mean how do you feel after your brutal elimination, little dude?
Cameron: I'm getting there. My bones have mostly healed, just need to stay in the bubble for a few more weeks. But that doesn't help the paranoia I've felt since the end of the last episode! I've started sleeping with one eye open and now I can't blink it! (Tries to blink his eyes, but only one closes) see?!
Harold: lucky! I've been trying to learn to do that for years but I can't get my eye to stick open. (Blinks, but both eyes close) Gah! Idiot!!
Geoff: (Clears throat) well anyways, no worries dude. We're all bros and bras here! (Everyone except Heather, Jo, and Lightning smiles at Cameron) well bros, bras, and these three.
Bridgette: so Cameron, you made it all the way to last season's finale; did getting voted off THIS season disappoint you?
Cameron: honestly, not really. I was fortunate enough to make it to last season's finale, now THAT was no picnic. But logically there would have been no way I could make it to the finale two seasons in a row. On the other hand it would've been nice to be able to pay off the medical bills I didn't think I'd need. But any chance to get off that cursed island is good enough for me.
Geoff: that's the spirit, compadré! Still, any regrets; anyone you're gonna miss until you hopefully see them in the finale?
Cameron: well... I definitely can say I'll miss Zoey and Gwen on the show. They were, and they still are, like the older sisters I never had.
Bridgette: aaaww. Actually, I think we got two never-before-seen-clips about that; let's see!
(The monitor shows Cameron lying on the ground, in pain)
Zoey: (Runs up) oh my gosh, Cam! Are you okay?
Cameron: not entirely, Zoey. My legs fell asleep because of that mutant turkey butter-lini. Apparently now it only causes leg paralysis. Can you ask Chef to carry me to the infirmary to wake them up?
Zoey: I'll do you one better, Cam! (She picks up Cam and places him on her back) I'll carry you there myself.
Cameron: wow, thanks Zoe- (Wails a tiny bit as Zoey lightly jogs to the infirmary)
(Cut to the spa hotel bedroom at night. Gwen walks in carrying a sleeping Cameron by the hoodie. She gently lowers Cameron under the blanket of one of the beds, and then covers him up. She pats him on the head and then exits as the monitor fades out. The peanut gallery and audience go "daaaaaaw")
Cameron: (Smiling proudly) like I said. And Mike, (Sighs) I wish I could've stayed longer to help get his MPD under control... again. What happened?
Geoff: I believe the answer to that can be found in this week's edition of "What's Going On With Mike?" (The animation plays. The monitor shows some of Mal's deeds since the moon challenge) as of a few episodes ago, terror has a new name! And its name is Mal!
Bridgette: a few days ago we finally got a full introduction of Mike's evil new personality... and it is terrifying; (A series of clips plays as Bridgette commentates on them) he beat up Owen... twice! He tried to get Zoey killed; he put the smack down on Izzy.... Who's still missing in action by the way; he tampered with the votes; AND he almost let Cameron die in the de-toxin-ed mine!! (Clip shows Mike in the confessional tripping on the floor, and Mal taking over for good) and the worst part, now poor Mike is stuck in his own brain while this evil new guy runs the others into the ground!
Geoff: hey, how are we getting footage inside Mike's head again?
Bridgette: I have no idea, ask the editing staff.
(The montage ends, and Cameron is frozen in fear)
Geoff: Cam.... Dude? ...little dude? You okay? (Waves his hand in front of Cam's bubble.... Cameron just falls out of his wheelchair onto the base of his bubble)
Bridgette: I... think we should've waited until the end to tell him.
DJ: (Walks up to Cameron, pats his bubble) hey relax, man. Geoff and Bridgette are professionals... sorta. They'd never let anything bad happen.
(Right at that moment, a crash is heard and everyone gasps as Ezekiel is seen snarling on the stage. He lets out an inhuman roar and starts racing around the stage, causing all the others to run around in panic. Geoff and Bridgette stay in place looking awkward)
Geoff: uh... MAAAAYBE we'll take a short break. But we'll return with more of the Total Drama Aftermath 10th episo- (Ezekiel jumps on him and he starts screaming and running around again. The camera then cuts to a picture of Chef with a camera on a frying pan with the words "Stand by, Technical Difficulties" written over it)
(Commercial Break)
(After the commercial, we cut back to Ezekiel strapped in the electric chair from season 2. Everyone is huddled together on the highest part of the bleachers; Geoff clings to Bridgette on the couch)
Bridgette: (Clears throat) uh, welcome back to the 10th Aftermath episode! Things got a LITTLE crazy...
Geoff: (Shivering) duuude. He almost ate my head like jerky!!!
Bridgette: (Pats Geoff on the head) but don't worry, we've got everything under control, see? (Points to the restrained Ezekiel)
Sam: (In Dakota's arms) it wasn't easy, but we got him in the chair! Thanks to my mutated goddess, Dakota.
Dakota: aww, Dakota love beating creepy guy for Sam! (Nuzzles Sam's face with her face)
Trent: (Stuck between Katie and Sadie) uh, no offense guys, but why'd you bring Zeke back here?
Harold: (In LeShawna's arms) I don't know. Geoff and Bridgette just asked us to catch him and bring him back here.
Anne Maria: are you two deranged?! You brought that freak-Zeke back here! That THING tried to kiss me! And my looks were NOT MADE for zombie kissin', a'ight?
Geoff: (Stops shivering) hey, that "thing" is one of our dudes! (The veterans all look awkwardly away) well.... we knew him. And as for why, well we've got plans for Zeke on THIS episode! But before we get to that, we got two more peeps to get the dirt from... (Looks to the floor to see Sierra gurgling) since Sierra's still recovering from the tranquilizer B gave her, let's take a look at what my man Duncan's been up to!
(The monitor shows Duncan during season 5)
Bridgette: now Duncan's a delinquent who needs no introduction on this show. But from the start of this season he was ready to conquer the game as a villain, along with his villainous girl, Gwen.
Geoff: but Duncan didn't expect that after taking a leech for his lady-
Bridgette: which is sweet... for him, by the way-
Geoff: Chris would put him and Noah on the Heroes team. Where so much exposure to his new team's niceness caused him to question his own bad boy-hood.
Bridgette: and Chris didn't exactly help either, what else is new? So to prove he's still got his bad boy swagger, Duncan blew up Chris' private MANSION!!
Geoff: which was WICKED, by the way! Gotta love pyrotechnics!!
Bridgette: unfortunately for Duncan, Chris is still a big baby who gets what he wants; and what he wanted this time: Duncan behind bars!
Geoff: so after getting one last smooch with his gothly babe, Duncan was hauled off to learn the jailhouse rock! (The montage ends) but, the show ain't stopping till WE say it's stopping; so thanks to our new lawyers, Duncan's parole officer is letting him appear in today's special episode; where we've prepared a special surprise for the dude!
Bridgette: our next guest has broken out of Juvie 37 times, had his pet tarantula squished by Harold, went AWOL for season 3, and has had his kiwis bruised more than anyone else on this show... Duncan!!!!
(Only a few people in the audience clap as Duncan walks out, happily)
Duncan: (Inhales) man it feels good to be hated again. (Suddenly slips out of his handcuffs)
Geoff: Duncan, my man! (High-fives Duncan) awesome seeing you, man!
Bridgette: (Sniffs bitterly) Duncan.
Duncan: (Sits in the seat of dishing) aw come on, Bridge. Don't tell me you're still mad about that one ti... two times I got you booted.
Bridgette: well, not everyone likes getting ripped out of 100 G or a million bucks, TWICE, Bad Boy.
Duncan: you really wanna go through more Chris-related torture? If anything I did you a favor.
Bridgette: (Smirks) I guess you're right; guess you really are a good guy. (Duncan doesn't react) ...really? You were really obsessed with being called a good guy, and now you don't even blink? Wow, jail must've really done something to you.
Cameron: (His bubble set up in the seat next to DJ) you made it out of Jail in one piece? How'd you do it?
Duncan: (Snickers) actually, jail isn't that bad. Got a cool cell with a view of the courtyard, saw one guy trying to escape; he got beaten until his bones looked like applesauce. (Sighs) good times. And I made some new pals; like my new cellmate, Gwen's old pal, Reaper! I told him I got in here because of Chris, and he had a massive freak attack and started banging on the bars like a maniac! ...I like him; he's good people. And the best part, nobody's ever gonna call me "Mr. Nice-Pants" ever again!
Jo: so you went from the Prince of Juvie to the cotton candy king to the duke of the big house. (Smirks) not bad, short-pants.
Harold: even on the inside you still show your wicked skills, I tip my hat to you, Duncan.
LeShawna: I give you respect for making it in the big house, but you're still a skinny little jerkface.
Duncan: (sighs) music to my ears.
Geoff: (Whispering to Bridgette) think we should ask him?
Bridgette: (Whispering to Geoff) he's gotta know eventually.
Duncan: (Raises eyebrow) uh, know about what?
Bridgette: (Sighs) well, I don't know if you noticed, but a lot of fans have been getting into blog wars about you.
Duncan: huh, so that's why my dad keeps sending me fan letters full of death threats.
Geoff: (Cringes) but seriously, dude. People have been at each other's throats debating on who you should be dating, Courtney or Gwen?
Cody: (Stands up) Courtney! Because then Courtney will be happy, I'll be happy, and then I can take another shot at Gwe- (A tranquilizer dart is tossed at Cody's head, knocking him out. B just shakes his head annoyed)
Duncan: (Growls) again!? Look, what Courtney and I had was okay and all, but it's over! I'm with Gwen now and that's the way it's gonna be!
(Everyone cringes, preparing for the catapults. The balloons don't launch and the audience gasps)
Bridgette: (Amazed) you really mean that?
Duncan: what? Is it so wrong to not want high-heeled wedges to the kiwis every 5 minutes! I'm just surprised they haven't turned purple by now.
Harold: I feel your pain.
Bridgette: (Smiles mischievously) well Duncan, since you feel that way, Geoff and I thought it'd be fun to give you a little surprise. (The clamps from the chair clamp onto Duncan)
Geoff: yep, dude; it's time for the most awkward part of any dude's relationship... (Dramatically) meeting the dudette's parents!
(The audience roars loudly)
Duncan: meeting the dudette-saywhat?!
(The monitor turns on, showing an orange living room; sitting on a green sofa is an older woman with curly brown hair, a pink jacket over a pink dress, and a very familiar looking face)
???: hello? Am I on? I'm not sure how to work this thing.
Duncan: (His jaw drops, he then turns angrily towards Geoff and Bridgette) you called Gwen's mom?!
Geoff: yeah we did, dude. Turns out Gwen's mom has a system, she has to meet all of the dudes that Gwen dates.
Trent: it's true, man. I've had to meet her, now it's your turn.
Geoff: (Whispers to Duncan) just chillaxe, look her in the eye, and keep your cool. And more importantly... don't do what I did when I met Bridgette's folks!
Bridgette: oh mom really liked you, and dad was just kidding!
Geoff: I'm just saying, for a retired surfer, that dude had a tough right hook!
Gwen's mom: (Raises her eyebrow towards Duncan) so... YOU'RE the new guy who's been dating my daughter.
(Duncan sweats nervously)
Duncan: so.... uh.... h-how long have you been Gwen's mom?
(Gwen's mom just sits there awkwardly, while everyone else just face palms)
Gwen's mom: uh.... since she was born?
Duncan: (Mentally face palming himself) r-right, right!
Geoff: (Whispering) dude! Ask her about Gwen!
Duncan: well I don't know how to talk to normal-ish parents! Courtney's parents were complete psychos!! ...(Smirking) probably like the daughter they spawned.
Gwen's mom: uh, are you ok? Look I'm not here to judge, I just want to get to know the boy my little girl's told me so much about.
Duncan: yeah well I... (Less nervous) wait, she talks about me?
Gwen's mom: yeah, she told so much about you and... she was right: you are NOT bad looking.
Heather: (Smiling devilishly) ooh, did she tell you about how she's dating a jailbird? (Duncan's eyes widen) oh yeah, your little girl's dating a first class criminal with a tattoo of his ex-girlfriend on him!
Duncan: (Growls) that was a temporary tattoo! Courtney was too wimpy to get a real one, said that her arm was a temple.
Gwen's mom: (To Heather) you're that Heather girl, right?
Heather: (Faking sweetness) yes, ma'am.
Gwen's mom: ...put a shirt on, you look like a hussy. (The audience and the peanut gallery [except Heather] laugh loudly)
Duncan: (Clears throat) ok uh, so what was Gwen like as a kid?
Gwen's mom: (Smiles a bit) oh, well she wouldn't like me telling this story; but when she was younger, she was so passionate about being an artist. Even since kindergarten, (Pulls out a roll of paper) in fact I still have the finger painting she painted for me. (Unfurls the paper revealing a finger painting of a skull with a smiley face) She was so excited to give this to me when she got home.
Duncan: whoa, she painted that when she was in kindergarten?
Gwen's mom: yeah, I was so proud of her! The teacher tried to get her to throw it away because apparently a skull is "offensive and gory for a kindergartener." But I said to them, "well you're just jealous because my kid's more artistic than your kid!" (Blows a raspberry)
Duncan: (Chuckles) no way, you actually said that?
Gwen's mom: (Blushes) I uh... I wasn't allowed at a PTA meeting again after that.
Duncan: no way, that is AWESOME!!! (Chuckles. Gwen's mom chuckles as well) dude, Gwen sounded awesome as a kid!
Gwen's mom: yeah, she wouldn't like me showing the painting. (Looks saddened) but I keep it to remind her not to ever change who she is. (Looks as though she's gonna tear up)
Bridgette: hey are you ok, Miss?
Gwen's mom: (Wipes her eyes) oh, I'm fine... I just remembered how torn up Gwen was when (Sniffs) he passed.
Duncan: uh... he who?
Trent: (Whispering to Duncan) Gwen's dad died in a mining accident.
Duncan: (Completely shocked) seriously?! Gwen never told me that!
Gwen's mom: I don't blame her; it's still a very sensitive subject. I mean ok, my husband wasn't exactly thrilled about Gwen deciding to be a Goth, but he still loved her. Then, one day, he was working in the mines outside of town; I just got home from picking the kids up from school, when I get a phone call... (Inhales, voice cracking) there was a cave-in. Hundreds of workers buried alive; and they couldn't get them all out. (The entire auditorium gasps)
Bridgette: (Eyes widen) w-wait... buried alive? So... is that why-
Gwen's mom: (Nodding sadly) mmm-phmm. The first night after the accident was the worst. She kept having nightmares that SHE was in the cave WITH him. She had to sleep in my bed for weeks! It broke my heart to see her like that! (Tears roll down her eyes; the peanut gallery (even Heather, Lightning, and Jo) looks saddened)
Heather: wow... I uh... I take back almost every bad thing I said about Gwen... well almost every (LeShawna and Bridgette glare daggers at her.
(A sniffling is heard... and everyone is shocked to see that DUNCAN is silently crying)
Duncan: (Sniffles) ...Gwen.
Audience/Peanut Gallery: aaaawwwwwww.
Duncan: (Stops crying) what? WHAT?!
Geoff: (Wipes his eyes) looks like you've got the tears of a hero, dude.
Duncan: (Wipes his eyes; defensively) wha, I wasn't crying!! I just... got some crap in my eye! This place hasn't been dusted in two years!
Gwen's mom: (Wipes her eyes and giggles lightly) Don't try and hide it from me, Bad Boy, I know what you were doing. Well at least now I know I can trust you with my Gwen.
Duncan: w-wait, you can?
Gwen's mom: yeah, anyone who would cry on international TV just like that... he's got to care! I hope you two are happy together!
Duncan: (Smiling widely) whoa, seriously?! Uh... Thanks, that means a lot!
Gwen's mom: (Turns serious) BUT... if you hurt my little girl in anyway.... I will drop a bomb on your life, and it will NOT be clean! (Turns cheerful again) ok, bye! Tell Gwen I say hi! (Fades off the monitor)
Duncan: ok, I like her. (Looks over at the cops, waiting for him) aww, man!
Geoff: aww, dude! We were just reconnecting!
Duncan: (Shrugs) well, looks like duty calls again. And just when I was starting to miss my little family of freaks.
LeShawna: aaw well we missed you too, Uncle Criminal Freakazoid!
(The cops grab Duncan by the wrists)
Cop: how'd you get out of those cuffs?
Duncan: (Awkwardly) ....a little trick I learned in Juvie. (The cops start dragging him off) I'm outta here! Later, losers! See you at the finale! Hey if you're watching this, I'm rooting for you, babe!!! (Pokes his head back out) oh, and I'm telling you, WATCH YOUR BACK AROUND MAL!! (One of the cops grabs onto Duncan's head and pulls it back)
Bridgette: take care of yourself, Duncan!, that was actually fun seeing him again... do you think he knows not to drop the soap?
Heather: knowing Duncan, those prisoners would be lucky if he even USES soap.
Geoff: (Snickers) well anyways, dudes! We got ONE LAST guest before we have to unleash our little Ezekiel surprise-
(Sierra [now recovered] jumps up and down excitedly)
Sierra: ooh! Me! Me! MEEE!!! Ooh, I've always wanted to be interviewed on the aftermath!!!
Bridgette: well then we won't waste your time: she's a super fan, she likes Cody, IT'S SIERRA!!! (Audience applauses as Sierra sits in the seat of dishing) we won't waste anytime; it's really great to see you after you blew up the plane... thank you for that, by the way.
Sierra: (Laughs awkwardly) yeah, who knew trying to celebrate my man's birthday would be so... explodey? I always did say one day he would make me see fireworks. (Heather, LeShawna, and Bridgette face palm, Cody and Cameron hide)
Geoff: speaking of which, I wanted to know... why Cody again? I mean in season 3 you two were.... Like this, but near the end you were all right with just being friends! What's the deal?
Sierra: (Awkwardly) ...actually, I was never really ok with JUST being friends. (The audience gasps loudly) I sorta... kinda... lied. I just didn't want Cody-Wody to feel all resisty...
Cody: wait, so you just USED ME?!?! (Sierra looks away awkwardly) ...I'm ...kinda impressed.
Sierra: (Smiling, but confused) what?
Bridgette: I'm with her on this one... what?
Cody: well you've been my number 1 fan for so long, I didn't think you'd try anything more deceitful than a freaky love-me tea spell. But no, you just up'd the notch on the deceitful flirting meter.
Sierra: (Giggles sheepishly) I learned it from watching you, because I knew that you did the same thing while Trent and Gwen were dating. (Everyone gasps)
Trent: (Glares at Cody) you did what? So basically dude, you lied to me and used Gwen?
Cody: uh, w-wait! I didn't mean it like that! That was only because she started dating Duncan... I was TOTALLY cool with you and Gwen dating!
(The catapult springs forward and launches three balloons.... But they go over Sierra's head, bounce off of Cameron's bubble, and head straight for Cody)
Sierra: (Gasps) CODY!!!!
(The balloons land right on his lap in tact. Cody sighs in relief that they didn't pop.... Until they pop, launching three Chris-in-the-Boxes straight into his face)
Cody: (In pain) I may have deserved that.
Trent: (Still glaring) yeah, no kidding, BRO! You're just lucky I don't call Duncan back here! (Cody's eyes widen in fear, he runs towards the seat of dishing and clings to Sierra)
Sierra: (Smiling widely) Smiley-Face!!! THANK YOU, KARMA!!! (Giggles wildly. Then gasps when she notices Bridgette's ring) O! M! C!! Bridgette, is that a ring on your finger?!
Bridgette: (Covers her finger) what, this? uh... I can explain.
Geoff: uh yeah, she can explain!
Beth: yeah, you never told us what that ring was for-
Sierra: pssh, doye! It's so obvious! It's been all over the Gidgette blogs since the last aftermath!
Geoff: has?
Sierra: uh, DUURRR! Fans have been talking non-stop about that ring and what it's for! (Smiles mischievously) and I think we both know what it's really for...
Lindsay: (Gasps) you two are the new WONDER TWINS?! ...that's kinda weird since you're not twins.
(Everyone in the whole studio gasps in shock. Geoff and Bridgette look embarrassed)
Geoff: GAH! Ok yeah! You broke me down, dudes! I'm getting married to my surfing queen babe!!!
Bridgette: aww, and I'm marrying my party animal king! So go ahead, make fun of us! Just go, (Mocking voice) "Ooooh, the make-out couple is finally tying the knot, now it's gonna be a 24-hour make-out session!" we don't care.
(After an awkward pause, the entire studio breaks out in applause. Geoff and Bridgette are shocked as DJ and LeShawna pull both of them into tight hugs)
DJ: (Sounds like he's about to cry) I'm so proud of you!
LeShawna: (Squeals) Girl! I knew it! It's about dang time!!
Bridgette: wait so... you're not gonna make fun of us?
Beth: why would we do that? You guys are so cute together!
Bridgette: yeah, but everyone made fun of us for always making out, and-
Geoff: see, babe? I told you the others would be cool about it!
Bridgette: (Smiles a bit) still, you should've seen how Geoff proposed, it was so cute!!! I took him surfing and right there on the surfboard he kneeled down and gave me the ring! We wiped out and Geoff spent 50 minutes looking for it and when he found it, he started over and I said yes! So, yeah, WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!
Geoff: and we want all our Total Drama buds to be at the wedding! (The peanut gallery cheers)
Bridgette: ooh, LeShawna; I want you and Gwen to be my maids of honor! (LeShawna smiles, looking touched)
Geoff: DJ, I want you to be my Best Bro!
DJ: ...uh, you mean best MAN?
Geoff: whatever makes you happy, bro!
Katie: (Eagerly waves her arms) ooh, can I be the flower girl?
Sadie: no way, I should be the flower girl!
Staci: NAAH! I totally should! My great, great, great second aunt's sister was the very first flower girl! (the three of them growl and start slap-fighting each other)
Brick: if you want, soldiers, I could make you guys some top-notch outfits! Colonel Maggie didn't train no sucker.
Jo: no but she did train a beanbag chair. (Brick glares at her again)
Trent: hey, if you guys want, I could play your reception.
Sam: and I just finished that new design-a-wedding video game, so I'd like to act as ring bearer. (Chuckles)
Cameron: so when is this wedding?
Bridgette: ...we have no idea! All we know is we wanna have it after this season is finally once-and-for-all over!
Geoff: but for now, before we end this super radical aftermath extravaganza, we've got one last surprise for you dudes at home. And it involves Home School! (Ezekiel gives a confused grunt; the monitor shows a montage of Ezekiel in the last episode) For those who caught the last episode, Zeke crashed Chris' 100th episode and took him into the mines, where Chris came THIS CLOSE to being really greasy toxic soup!
Bridgette: can't say I blame Zeke after everything Chris-the-Creep did to him! But after Gwen got everyone out, Zeke tried to go in for the kill at the elimination ceremony, but our Zeke-catcher specialists, LeShawna and Harold, caught him and brought him back here! (LeShawna and Harold high-five)
Geoff: and now that he's here, in honor of the 10th Aftermath Extravaganza, we're gonna do what Chris hasn't bothered to even try and do... we're gonna FIX EZEKIEL!!!! (The audience, peanut gallery, and even Ezekiel all gasp)
Anne Maria: you're gonna fix that freak-zekiel? Pfft, you'd have a better chance of putting bling on a donkey! That fake-diamond-giving THING ain't worth the rescuing! (Ezekiel growls loudly) see, even it don't wanna be saved!
Bridgette: IT is still a person, and IT got the worst than any of us ever got on this show! ...well ok Scott's and Alejandro's were really bad, but at least they didn't turn into THIS! (Grabs the mirror Justin is holding, holds it near Ezekiel) Zeke please let us turn you back to normal! (Ezekiel pouts and shakes his head) you can't honestly say you're happy looking like THIS!!!
(She holds the mirror to Ezekiel's face, where he gets a good look at himself. He looks between the mirror and Anne Maria. Anne Maria raises her eyebrow towards Zeke. Ezekiel's lower lip quivers a little and he turns his head in shame; Anne Maria gasps in worry)
Bridgette: it'll be ok, Zeke. Please just let us help you (Ezekiel looks for a minute, and then nods sadly; Bridgette smiles). that-a boy... zombie... thing. Sooo... how do we fixe him?
Harold: I got it, memory stimulation!
Lindsay: memory stapleation? But we don't have a stapler.
Beth: STIMU-lation. He means maybe we could jumpstart Zeke's memory of his old self to make him normal.
Cameron: of course! It all makes sense! It's like teaching a dog how to do pet show tricks, it works better if they observe the tricks before performing! If we show Ezekiel enough of his former self, he'll absorb it in his brain and maybe learn to be his old self again!
Sierra: ooh, I've got some clips of his old self on my Ezekiel blog! I call it, the Home School memorial.
Geoff: it's a long shot, but let's go for it dudes!!!
(The monitor shows Ezekiel's first appearance in Season 1)
Chris: Ezekiel; what's up, man?
Ezekiel: (Looks up) I think I see a bird.
(Ezekiel perks up a bit at seeing his old self)
Anne Maria: wait, THAT'S the old Zeke? ...huh, he ain't too ugly.
Geoff: there you go, dude. Remember when you first got on the island, and how you kicked butt in the challenge?
(The clip of Ezekiel's cliff dive is shown. Zeke smiles with pride, but loses it when the clip of him in the dining hall plays)
Ezekiel: well, guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are.
Geoff: ok guys; let's give him a break. I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls.
Ezekiel: but, they are.
(Ezekiel looks a little bit embarrassed at this clip)
Bridgette: that's right; remember how you learned not to be so sexist after getting the boot?
Anne Maria: (Raises her eyebrow again) he had a bit of an attitude? (Smirks) not bad for a zombie.
(The monitor cuts to Ezekiel stepping off the bus in Season 3)
Ezekiel: Yo, yo, yo! This year's winner is in the house, eh, bus, I mean.... runwayyyy!
Bridgette: ooh, remember how determined you were to win Season 3? You may not have lasted long, but you had the heart and passion of a winner, and you didn't give up! (Ezekiel smiles at his determination on the monitor)
Sierra: (Getting nervous) ok uh, maybe that's a good place to stop?
(Before they can stop, the following clips play: Chris tossing Ezekiel out of the plane the first time; tossing him out over Egypt; Noah and Owen exposing him in London, then getting tossed out again; Feral Zeke in the cage in Africa; him falling in the volcano in Hawaii; Lightning and Cameron beating him in season 4; and the robot shooting him away in the first episode of season 5. After each clip, Ezekiel only gets angrier and angrier. After the last clip, Ezekiel roars in anger and starts writhing even harder in the chair)
Anne Maria: whoa! Uh, take it easy there, Zeke! You'll look a lot less... ugly if you get a little lotion, and a wig... (Ezekiel keeps roaring)
Geoff: (Clings to Bridgette, looks to Sierra) did you HAVE to put THOSE clips in!?
Sierra: (Clings to a frightened Cody even harder) I HAD to! It's a memorial video; fans would have my head if I didn't show what Ezekiel became!
Cameron: (Sticking to the side of his bubble like an octopus, DJ clings to his bubble) yes, but in a few seconds Zeke is going to have OUR heads like chewable vitamins!
Jo: ...well looks like its every jock for themselves! (Kicks Lightning's wheelchair away, it rolls off the front of the stage)
(Ezekiel starts tugging on the strap around his chest. Everyone clings to one another in fear, preparing for his wrath. Suddenly the monitor comes back on, and Jasmine is there again)
Jasmine: sorry, mates. I forgot I wanted to say... (Notices Ezekiel freaking out) whoa, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?
Bridgette: (Frightened) oh, hey, Jasmine. Uh, we've kind of got a bit of a situation here!
Harold: (Clinging to LeShawna) a rabid, enraged, feral problem that wants to tear our faces off!!!
Jasmine: (Looks at Ezekiel again as he writhes even harder) whoa, calm down, little... green, thing! Take it easy! Nice and easy, (Her voice becomes low and echoed as the sound of a didgeridoo is heard) eeeaaaaasyyyyyy. (Ezekiel suddenly calms down as her words echo through his head. Everyone sighs in relief)
Bridgette: ...Jasmine, that was AMAZING!!! How'd you do that?
Jasmine: oh, just a little trick my aunt taught me. It's how she gets my cat, Whiskers, to calm down on bath night. (Giggles and snorts) anyway, I just came back 'cus I wanted to say Happy 10th episode, Aftermath! (Waves) hope I get to meet you soon!
Bridgette: aww, hope we get to meet you soon too. (Waves at Jasmine)
(The monitor dissolves away)
Geoff: ok, so we got him to stop freaking out. But how do we-
(Lightning suddenly crawls back on the stage, the top half of his cast is gone and his torso up is completely healed)
Lightning: aaaw yeah! Even at half-mast, nothing can stop White Lightning! SHA-BAM!!!
(Lightning accidentally fist bumps into the button on the side of the chair. The chair sputters for a few seconds, and then starts zapping Ezekiel harshly. Ezekiel hollers in pain as he is zapped)
Jo: aaaaand, ladies and gentlemen, once again that's what BRIGHTNING brings to the party.
Anne Maria: (Wincing at Ezekiel's pain) will ya shut that thing off?! You're gonna fry his little freak brain!!!
Bridgette: Geoff, kill the power switch!!
Geoff: you got it, babe!!
(Geoff rushes over to a wall with a circuit breaker and a large rusty switch. Geoff tries pulling the switch, but it creaks with rust)
Geoff: come on!! It won't... (Grunts) BUDGE!!! A little help here!?
DJ: (Runs towards Geoff along with Brick, Jo, and B) we got your back, bro!!!
(Geoff, DJ, Brick, and Jo tug harder on the switch. They pull so hard that finally the switch breaks right off the wall, and Ezekiel is STILL getting zapped)
Geoff: OH COME ON!!!! Why does this kind of thing ALWAYS happen!?
Jo: ...well maybe for the 20th aftermath you can serve Freak-Zekiel calamari. (Chuckles awkwardly as Geoff, DJ, and Brick glare at her. They notices B (Wearing rubber gloves) knocking on the floor) hey, Beverly! How about, instead of looking for stage goblins, you help us shut that chair off?
(B ignores Jo and keeps knocking. Suddenly he hits a soft spot, grabs a hold of the board, and rips it off. He then pulls out a cable from underneath)
Brick: an electric cable? (Gasps) wait, the cable to the chair?! (B nods)
Jo: well hurry up, cut the wire before he gets overcooked!!!
(B opens his jacket full of various tools, and pulls out the hatchet. He raises the hatchet and brings it down at high speed on the cable, cutting it in half. The chair suddenly stops sputtering and zapping. Ezekiel gasps and passes out. Everyone gasps)
Anne Maria: (Worried) is... is he?
(After a few seconds, Ezekiel grunts and moans. Everyone releases the breath they were holding. Ezekiel opens his eyes, seemingly acting normal)
Ezekiel: (Regaining his voice) ...w ...w ...where am I? Why am I in the Aftermath Studio, eh? (Everyone gasps in shock as Ezekiel was speaking English for the first time in two years) What happened to the Jumbo Jet?! And where's Chris? I wanna tell him that the Zeke is back and in it to win it, yo!!
Bridgette: Z-Zeke, don't you remember? Season 3 was two years ago and you lost... again.
Ezekiel: oh I remember that, and then I climbed back on to win it agai... TWO YEARS?!!?
Geoff: yeah dude, you crawled back on the plane, but then you turned into this freaky zombie feral dude!
Katie: we thought you were a ghost. (Sadie screams again)
Heather: and then you stole the million, which should have been MINE! And then you fell in a volcano and lived... somehow.
Anne Maria: and then your freaky gopher things trapped us all down a toxic mine, and YOU jipped me out of a million dollars with a fake diamond!
Cameron: and then you kidnapped Chris and nearly killed us all in the mine!
Ezekiel: (Looks confused for a minute) ...oh yeah, now it's coming back to me, eh! (Looks nervously at Anne Maria) uh, I actually gave you that cubic thingy cus I thought it looked pretty, and I thought you looked pretty, eh.
Anne Maria: (Looks freaked out, and then sighs) well, at least he ain't snarlin' no more.
Geoff: either way, we're stoked you're back to normal-ish, Home School! Now we just need to get you some make-up... some hair, maybe something to eat...
Anne Maria: (Picks up Ezekiel and carries him off stage) I'll take care of that, Doll! Ok, I could make my grandma look like my ma! So I can fix even you, Fre... err, Ezekiel.
Ezekiel: awesome, eh! Hey can we get a bite first? Feels like I haven't eaten anything good in two years.
Bridgette: and with that, we're out of time. But we want to thank all of you for tuning in to the 10th Aftermath Extravaganza!
Geoff: I predicted this show was gonna be awesome, and I was RIGHT AGAIN! Wooo!!! But there's one thing I can't predict: what messed up challenges can Chris possibly put our buds through next episode? And what will happen to Mike and Mal?
Bridgette: to find out these answers and more, you'll just have to keep tuning in next time for some more Total Drama All-Stars!!!! (Audience applauses as the 10th aftermath logo animation explodes)
(End Credits)
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